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The 12 Organ Meridians & Emotions Date: Saturday, May 03 @ 16:14:45 BST Topic: All about meridians...

Organs and emotions - if that sounds like a funny c ombination you might be surprised to learn that according to Traditional Chinese Medicine the two go hand in hand. Eac h main meridian energy channel of the body is related to a specific physiological organ such as the heart, pancreas or spleen, and eac h organ has its key emotional expression. These are the energy channels on which the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) treatment points c an be found. For interested EFT users/prac titioners the references to the relevant EFT points for each channel are also given. Note: Information provided by Ananga Sivyer from her Meridian Therapy Manual The Art & Sc ience of Emotional Freedom this information may be reproduc ed providing the source is quoted in full.


Lung Meridian
Meridian Flow: Toward the thumb from the inside edge of the front of the shoulder. Companion Organ: Large Intestine EFT Point: THUMB Psychological Qualities of Balance: Compassion, good survival instinct, instinct and intuition, free will, individuality, positive outlook, endurance. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Sorrow, resentment, worry, anguish, claustrophobia, inflexibility (both body and mind), pessimism, nostalgia.

Large Intestine Meridian

Meridian Flow: Beginning either side of the nostrils running ac ross the shoulder and down the arm to the index finger. Companion Organ: Lung EFT Point: INDEX FINGER Psychological Qualities of Balance: Compassion, good survival instinct, instinct and intuition, free will, individuality, positive outlook, endurance. As per the lung and metal element. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Sorrow, resentment, worry, c oughing, anguish, c laustrophobia, inflexibility (both body and mind), pessimism, nostalgia. Stubbornness, holding on.

Stomach Meridian
Meridian Flow: From under the eye up and around the side of the face - then down the torso ending in the sec ond toe. Companion Organ: Spleen (and pancreas) EFT Point: UNDER EYE Psychological Qualities of Balance: Stable c entred emotions, confidenc e, good taste, an understanding of appropriate behaviour, a sense of trust, considered thought and action.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Anxiety, worry, skepticism, poor confidence. feelings of suspic ion or mistrust.

Spleen Meridian
Meridian Flow: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, toward the shoulder and down to finish on the side under the arm Companion Organ: Stomac h EFT Point: UNDER ARM Psychological Qualities of Balance: Reasoning abilities, memory, a c lear thought process, honest introspec tion, opinion, loyalty, willpower, sense of satisfaction/achievement, ideas & c reativity, expressing sympathy. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Worry, poor concentration, forgetful-ness, c loudy thought process, vac illation, addic tion, attachment, obsession, gluttony, jealousy, self-pity, strong c onc ern about opinions of others, stubbornness, vanity.

Heart Meridian
Meridian Flow: From under the arm-pit down the arm to the back of the little finger (towards the ring finger) Companion Organ: Small Intestine EFT Point: LITTLE FINGER Psychological Qualities of Balance: Tranquillity, gentleness, emotional balance, spirit, love, integrity, optimism, emotional and spiritual growth, zest for life, control of thoughts and senses, consc ienc e, wisdom. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: The heart is the ruler of all emotions. Hysteria, erratic behaviour, alternating joy and melanc holy, dullness, yearning for love, jealousy, sorrow.

Small Intestine Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the end of the little finger up the outside of the arm, over the shoulder ending in front of the ear. Companion Organ: Heart EFT Point: KC (side of hand)

Psychological Qualities of Balance: Memory, ability in making dec isions, clarity of thought.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Forgetfulness, indecision, unclear thought proc ess. Restlessness and difficulty in expressing emotions.

Bladder Meridian

Meridian Flow: Begins at the c orner of the eye, c ontinues over head, down back and legs, ending on small toe.

Psychological Qualities of Balance: Caution, restraint, determination, will power, ambition.

Companion Organ: Kidney EFT Point: EYEBROW

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Fear, lack of c onfidence, nervous-ness, fear of being submerged or overwhelmed, strained nerves, hypersensitivity (both physical and emotional).

Kidney Meridian
Meridian Flow: Begins in the c entre of the sole of the foot, travels up in-side leg to c ollar bone.

Companion Organ: Bladder EFT Point: COLLARBONE

Psychological Qualities of Balance: Restraint, humility, organisational skills, will power, ability to concentrate, good imagination, ideas, selfpreservation, zest for living, ability to control the mind and avoid unwise action, determination, respect and reverence, courage, confidenc e, sense of security.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Fear, hesitancy, no zest for life, poor willpower, guilt, nervousness, lac k of c onfidence, depression, trembling, would rather run from situations than deal with them.

Pericardium Meridian
Meridian Flow: From the c hest down the arm to the middle finger. Companion Organ: Triple Warmer EFT Point: MIDDLE FINGER Psychological Qualities of Balance: Love, happiness, contentment, warmth and concern in relationships, enthusiasm.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Sadness, sorrow, grief, self absorption, c oldness, lack of c onc ern, poor relations with others, lack of enthusiasm. Poor sleep habits, hysteria, hysteric al or c ackling laughter, abnormal emotional responses, hypersensitivity.

Triple Warmer Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the ring finger up the back of the arm, over the shoulder ending above and to the outside of the eye. Companion Organ: Peric ardium EFT Point: GAMUT Psychological Qualities of Balance: Sociable nature, ability to work well in groups, platonic friendships, personal warmth, sense of humour, liking for others. Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Unsociable nature, standoffish, lac k of humour, prefers isolation to group c o-operation, poor decision making abilities, forgetfulness, rambling thoughts.

Liver Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the inside c orner of the big toe, up the inner side of the leg across to above the waist ending under the c hest.

Companion Organ: Gall Bladder EFT Point: UNDER BREAST

Psychological Qualities of Balance: Drive, planning and starting skills, endurance, good reflexes, perseverance, spiritual enquiry and maintenanc e, quic k and clear intellect, agreeable disposition, organizational abilities, ambition, patience, sense of wellbeing.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Anger, depression, impatienc e, short temper, hatred, jealousy, selfinsistence, insecurity, attachment to strong opinions (even when wrong), power-hungry, over ambitious, con-trolling, c ursing and shouting.

Gall Bladder Meridian

Meridian Flow: From the outside of the eye around the ear up and forward over the head before doubling back to travel down the body ending in the fourth toe.

Psychological Qualities of Balance: Good decision making abilities, impetus, inspiration behind dec isions.

Psychological Qualities of Imbalance: Irritability, rage, bitterness, c onstant sadness. Anger of the sort that leads to irrational or hasty decisions. Allergies.

Companion Organ: Liver EFT Point: SIDE OF EYE

Ananga Sivyer 2002

This article comes from Ananga Sivyer's - Ayurveda, Meditation & Meridian Energy Therapies Site The URL for this story is:

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