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Software 20/20
personaleu posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 16.11.2010 (fi)


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14.10.2012 14:37

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35 comments Striimaan

personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 16.11.2010 (fi)


Jos on kysyttv, niin backchannel by sms...

jal commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

The Role of Software for Finland Key Choices to Make, Risto Siilasmaa, Chairman of the Board, F-Secure Corporation The way the ICT can create a solution to the economical situation -> seeing the current crisis as an opportunity like never before 1) COMPETENCE -> we must learn to rise our ambition within this field! 2) CAPITAL -> business angels -> incubators -> private equity -> actors to field we've never been before 3) COURAGE -> fixing market failures -> incubate, incubate. incubate -> stop public funding as we know it now -> all funding through private equity <- civil cervant who currently make the decisions have a different attitude & experience <= integrate the new approach & practice with R & D Learn to create proposals, initiative and change - Risto tells an example of a recent innovation seminar: The more and louder someone complained, the bigger applause s/he got. <= *this way of behaving & thinking is absolutely, definitely the key threshold for any improvement on any field in Finland
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

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jal commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

Seven Future Demands Leading Your Company to Global Success The Changing Era of Software Industry, Professor Richard Scase author, academic and entrepreneur, UK The globalization has not really happened yet <- 12% of trade is cross-national in 2010 => this rate is estimated to double in next ten years <- key drivers: software industry & containerization of freight The growth is happening & driven in the emerging markets Learning trans-national & cross-cultural ways to behave & think is a key thing => competence and capacity The education revolution has not really started yet - current educational system throughout the Western World disables learning entrepreneurial thinking -> behaviour -> innovative & more human (working) culture
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

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jal commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

Barriers to growth - the box in the bottom says: No growth - we stay how we are Key things for getting out of the current situation: 1) GENERAL CULTURE CHANGE - main tools: - entrepreneurial imagination - really a key competence and capacity to work on - mobile phone - laptop => The era of boundaries is over. Everyone must learn to get out of the box = one's own office & laptop into where people are 2) BRAND AWARENESS AND REPUTATION => key competence: build and manage different sizes of networks than what we've got used to - competence to partner - competence to transform oneself => understand & utilize impact & influence - capacity to transform psychologies & mindsets - global supply chains and business networks <= small companies have huge opportunities in becoming key influencers, gainers and contributors Development cycle: Head quarter & subsidiaries in one country => fixed country organizations in different countries; head quarter controlled => transnational open, transparent networked systems => from product driven to customer network driven 3) CULTURE CHANGE - specific: change the way we think of how our (working) life should be and look like - we are currently too satisfied with collecting our monthly salary -> no interest whatsoever to create innovations -> we stay the way we are 4) CULTURE CHANGE - specific: become entrepreneurial thinkers & actors - currently we have a counter entrepreneurial Europe <- Risto criticized Finland, but a disabling way to think and behave what comes to enabling entrepreneurial practices [meaning not focusing on business owning only] is a big problem and challenge [and an opportunity creator if we are willing to change our thinking & behaviour accordingly] in whole Europe The main thing to learn for how to transform the culture toward more innovative direction: To learn to utilize the potential that already exists in us => our organizations [rebuilt in a different way, if necessary] => perceiving & utilizing both explicit and tacit knowledge in a different way than how we've got used to
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

China: copying is the way to learn innovation.

personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 16.11.2010 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:37

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Software Market Trends Hype, Reality and Opportunity? Dan Sommer, Analyst, Gartner Sweden & Fabrizio Biscotti, Research Director, Gartner Italy Already Richard told about a recent research showing that Finland and Sweden are currently the most enabling area in Europe for innovations & startups => Fabrizio continues: When coming from Italy... you have the most sophisticated, consensus-like, collaborative and mobile culture here => just you become willing to put the effort to learn to utilize it you can become market leaders (in software). "Your society offers great possibilities for testing new concepts before implementation to bigger [global] markets." Picture - Fabrizio crystallizes the shift: Transformation with help of learning social skills <using [until great extent already existing!] social tools for utilizing emerging energy & learning to distribute it further within networks of networks [learning to seek help vice versa]
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

Sizing-Up the Software Business: New Opportunities, Business Models and Competitive Strategies for Profitable Growth, Ph.D. Deependa Moitra, India The presentation covers very largely the same theme as the previous two did - we are living a shift requiring completely different (business) competencies and capacities than we've got used to think are requirements or prerequisites for success & sustainability. Old boundaries are not supportive (for business development) any more. Questions - cloud: - Is there a universal business case already existing for SaaS? -No. - Do cloud services cost less? -No. In many cases the opposite. - Will cloud fulfill it's promises? -I don't know. => Lack of experience in new business models and lack of sufficient business networks utilizing new business models are reasons why there most probably will not be a fast mainstream effect within cloud. Why do you spend less minutes with your banking software than you do with Facebook? What should your bank do to get you more engaged? Probably the biggest problem within the software industry currently is the unability to answer the following questions in a convincing way: What is your value proposition? How distinctive is your value proposition? => Finding a niche is a necessity
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

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Some Unwritten Practicalities of Doing Software Business in China, Eric Cheng, Head of China ICT Team, Finpro, China China: huge market low margin extreme competition 8.3 million college graduates in 2010 loads of funding - but seldom for startups tempting international expansion government leads the way business is 24/7 be there - locally invest in: intellectual property, unique value proposition offer something special the Chinese cannot develop quickly by themselves learn the Chinese way of building relationships - hire a trustworthy local under table arrangements - a lot of help needed (in the beginning); it's not offered for free do careful research of where your potential customers are - China is geographically HUGE practice some Chinese songs for karaoke :) To continue @personaleu s line: Imitation is a way to local domination (there's a copy for facebook, youtube, ebay... in China)
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (en)

Paneelikeskustelusta poimittua - aamupivn trkeimmt viestit: mit kaikkea eri osaamista tuotteen myyminen asikkaalle vaihe vaiheelta avattuna prosessina tarkalleen sislt => niden taitojen ja kommunikaatiotaitojen - yleisesti ja erityisesti - sisllyttminen yrittjn mielikuvituksen kytn oppimiseen ja sen yhdeksi perustaksi Suomen mobiiliosaaminen - sit ei saa vheksy eik jtt osaamista hydyntmtt kehittyvill, emergenteill markkinoilla on mahtavan kokoinen potentiaali -> kun sit opitaan hydyntmn, niin Suomi pystyy kntmn syntyv lumipalloefekti mys lhialueiden hyvksi innovaatio-osaamista LYTYY - Angry Birds mainittu; innovoi, innovoi, innovoi... sijoittajien kinnostuksen lisminen design -puolta osataan hyvin -> osaamisen kasvattaminen myyntiin, markkinointiin, interaktiivisuuteen... hallitustyskentely -> kun yritys on transformaatiovaiheessa, se tytyy oppia ottamaan huomioon mys muilla kuin pelkill neljnnesvuositavoitemittareilla 2020 mennessa yrittjyyteen painostetaan ja sit korostetaan ja hellitn ja juhlitaan -> kannusteohjelmien lisksi oppilaitokset, kansalaiset... se, mit ptetn tnn ja miten se valitaan toteutettavaksi suoraan tuottaa sen, milt (ohjelmistotoimiala) nytt vuonna 2020
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

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14.10.2012 14:37

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Workshop: Finnish Software Strategy 2020 - Miss suomalaisen ohjelmistoteollisuuden kilpailukyky nyt ja tulevaisuudessa? Mit toimenpiteit tarvitaan? Ryhm 14: Tyvoima Tyvoiman saatavuus ja osaamistaso Kansainvlisten osaajien muutto Suomeen Suomalaisten osaajien pito Suomessa IT -ala ja nuoret Tehtv 1: Tunnista kriittiset menestystekijt (keltaiset laput)
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

Tehtv 2: Ehdota toimenpiteit, joilla menestystekijn tilaa voidaan parantaa (vihret laput, osa 1)
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

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Tehtv 2: Ehdota toimenpiteit, joilla menestystekijn tilaa voidaan parantaa (vihret laput, osa 2)
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

Tehtv 3: Trkein menestystekij edellisist ja paras toimenpide sen toteuttamiseksi

ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

@ConnectIrmeli Kansainvlistymisen mritelmist olen samaa mielt

visualradio commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Sotkamo 16.11.2010 (fi)

Kertaus on opintojen iti: tss kaikki striimaukseni Software 2020:sta: (Risto Siilasmaa)

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14.10.2012 14:37

Qaiku | #seminaarikannu | Software 20/20

Muutama poiminta toisten ryhmien ideoista: (lis lhiaikoina @ - linkkaan mys thn qaikuun) rahoitusta mys aloitusvaiheisiin (aloitusvaiheen) byrokratian vhentminen -> minimointi bisnesenkeleit lis 1. asiakkaalle takuu: rahat takaisin, jos ei tyytyvinen (ohjelmistojen) kytn kokemuksen helppous ja hauskuus KULTTUURI: uusien myyttien lytretket => vanhojen tarinoiden kautta luodaan uusia => joukkolyn kautta syntyy uusia ruohonjuuritason (innovaatio)polkuja
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

Nkemyksi ja kokemuksia suomalaisten kansainvlistymisest, Kalle Isokallio kansainvlistyminen ei synny tavoittelemalla kansainvlistymist vaan yrityksen kokonaisuutena kehittmisen tuloksena yritys on kansainvlinen, kun 90% toiminnasta on Suomen ulkopuolella (Suomea pienemp markkinaa on vaikea lyt) jos ja kun haluat kansainvlisty, kansainvlist koko toiminta: henkilkunta, tuotekehitys... kansainvlisty voi kymtt kertaakaan Suomen rajojen ulkopuolelle trke ett keskitytn siihen, mit tehdn, eik siihen, mill kustannuksella tehdn jossain pin maailmaa on aina joku, joka on parempi - pit osata kytt olemassa olevia resursseja; keskity siihen, miss olet maailman paras joka puolella halutaan laittaa nollia ja ykksi eri jrjestykseen - noin 5 miljardia tekee sit meit halvemmalla "internetiss" erottuminen on rimmisen vaikeaa - "internetin" apuun ei pid luottaa jos haluat kansainvlisty lentmll ulkomaille, palaa Suomeen ulkoyhtin koneella -> Suomi on aina saari kartan reunassa; meihin suhtaudutaan vaikkapa Ranskassa samoin kuin afganistanilaisiin ...ostaisitko itse serbialaisen kirjanpitojrjestelmn muista tuotteen elinkaari -> kun luot menestystuotteen, ala heti luoda seuraavaa maillmalla kopioidaan aina ja nopeasti jos haluat kuunnella tarinoita ajalta, jolloin is lampun osti, palkkaa hallitusammattilainen ja

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14.10.2012 14:37

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bisnesenkeli - l muuten l tee sit, mit haluat tai mit luulet osaavasi - tee sit mik menee kaupaksi kannattaa kehitt tuotteita, jotka sst asiakkaan aikaa ja rahaa - ei niin suhdanneherkk (vertaa pelit...) seurattavia asioita: langattomat sensorit, LTE (langaton mobiiliteknologia, joka vlitt tietoa 100 MB nopeudella), internetin seuraava osoitejrjestelm (langattomat sensorit tarvii IP -osoitteita -> ne loppuu), tuotanto tulee muuttumaan joka alalla - kaikki voidaan mitata..., palveluiden tuotanto mullistuu cloudin myt (kuka tiet, mist palvelut tulee), esim. lentoyhtit voi jo ostaa Rolls Roycelta moottoreita tuntiveloituksella, palvelut ja infra muuttuu lysovellusten kautta kokonaan, ljy ja puhdas vesi loppuu, kommunikaatiosovellusten tarve muuttuu (kun ljy loppuu, nykyteknologialla ei voi saada lentokonetta ilmaan), valitse kilpailusarja jossa prjt, hanki kansainvlinen rahoitus, l kysy keneltkn suomalaiselta mitn...
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi) (Richard Scase) (Dan Sommer & Fabrizio Biscotti) (Deependa Moitra) ( cont. Deependa Moitra) (Eric Cheng) (cont Eric Cheng) (panel) (panel 2) (Finnish software strategy, hittej ja huteja, Jyrki Ali-Yrkk) (Jyrki Ali-Yrkk, jatk) (peliala, KooPee Hiltunen) (Ismo Rantala) (Workshop summary 1) (Workshop summary 2) Eikhn t riit yhden knnykn pivtyksi?
personaleu commented on posted to #seminaarikannu Niittymaantie 13, Espoo 16.11.2010 (fi)

Huomioita workshopin puheevuoroista: Suomalaisen ohjelmistoteollisuuden hitit, hudit ja hubit, Jyrki Ali-Yrkk, Head of Unit, Etla Suomeen Japanin jlkeen seuraavaksi vestn ikntymisen tuottama haaste - 10 vuoden sisll siit n. 5 v. viiveell sama haaste 400 milj. asukkaan Lnsi-Euroopassa n. 20 v. viiveell sama haaste Kiinassa, jossa n. 25 v. toteutettu yhden lapsen politiikkaa "menk vanhainkoteihin" -> ikkuna palveluiden kehitystarpeiden tunnistamiseen: Suomi -> Eurooppa -> Kiina... => kommentit: ikntyv vest tulee ajatella subjektina eik objektina => kukaan ei viel ksit, mihin tullaan rysyttmn Suomi eli metsst => el jo softasta palkka vs. tulokset -kehitys ei hyv merkittv osa Nokian tuloksesta syntyy softakehityksest ja merkittv osa siit tehdn Suomessa (tuloksen kannalta katsottuna!) Onko paluu huipulle mahdollista? Ohjelmistoliiketoiminnan vahvat osaamisalueemme ja nousevat alat. KooPee Hiltunen, Neogames & Ismo Rantala, Finnish Mobile Association 1) Lhdetty tekemn omaa IP:t ja lydetty epjatkuvuuskohta -> niit kannattaa etsi 2) Suomen hyvinvoinnista suuri osa rakennettu insinriosaamisella => laajennetaan sit myyntiin, markkinointiin, tuotteistamiseen... lopetetaan insinrien morkkaaminen! 3) Luotu vahva harrastuskulttuuri: Pelien harrastaminen => pelien tekemisen harrastaminen

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14.10.2012 14:37

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=> edellisen opettaminen toisille => tyelmn tekemn samaa [lisn thn, ett sama on mahdollista erinisen monella tietotyn alalla - mys aikuisena, aikuisopiskelijana, tyttmn...] 4) Pitkjnteisyys - tll hetkell kansainvlisesti menestyvt yrityksemme perustettu 1995-2003 5) Lopetetaan hokema, ett ei tst mitn tule. Kuva: Tysin eri toimintaymprist kuin viisi vuotta sitten - eri kategorioiden valikoima tuplaantuu vuodessa tai kahdessa
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 16.11.2010 (fi)

With reference to professor Scase yesterday talking about educational system throughout the Western World disabling learning entrepreneurial thinking... "The man who writes your students' papers tells his story" "Best quote: "I live well on the desperation, misery, and incompetence that your educational system has created." via
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 17.11.2010 (en)

Kiitos @kaikki raportista!

Mitro commented on posted to #seminaarikannu bussissa 18.11.2010 (fi)

Muistui mieleen tuo yll rapoiltu Isokallion puheenvuoro ...kun ljy loppuu, nykyteknologialla ei voi saada lentokonetta ilmaan. tiedottaa, ett Lufthansa avaa ensimmisen 50%:sti biopolttoaineella lennettvn matkustajareitin ensi kesaikataulukaudeksi Frankfurt Hampuri -vlille. ...kokonaan eri haaste on, mist sit viljelysalaa biopolttoainetta varten raivataan ja mill ehdoilla, mutta nykyteknologia on poisopeteltava avainsana, kun huomista ja ylihuomista rakennellaan mieless ja kytnnss.
ConnectIrmeli commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 06.12.2010 (fi)

Hieno rapoilu, kiitokset @ConnectIrmeli @jal @personaleu. Aika rankka esimerkki tuo poisoppimisen tarve lentoteollisuuden osalta. Mit poisopittavaa voisimme listata IT:st? Minulla tulee mieleen, ett "sisverkko/ulkoverkko" pitisi pikkuhiljaa poisopetella. Muurit murtuu! Suunnitellaan jrjestelmnt niin, ett kyttjt voivat olla miss vaan, samoin palvelut ("itsell" tai pilvess, ei vli). Palomuurilla ei en eristet yritysverkkoa netist vaan sen rooli on suojata tyasemaa netist tulevalta liikenteelt ja palvelinta muulta kuin palveluun kohdistuvalta liikenteelt. Huomioidaan, ett tm liikenne voi olla mys viholliselta ja rakennetaan systeemit sen mukaan (ssl/vpn, sertifikaatit, sso/multifactor autentikointi/authorisointi, sovellustason tietoturva, ...)
Ile commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 06.12.2010 (fi)

@Ile: n kommentti vanhaan ketjuun toi mieleen koko sivun jutun tmnaamuisesta Hesarista.
jal commented on posted to #seminaarikannu helsinki 06.12.2010 (fi)

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Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

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14.10.2012 14:37

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the scenery. When we did the sightseeing,cheap boots: , we can look at others. Jordan heels of the women in her late 20 seconds and 40 seconds of the closet to continue the significant features,red bridal shoes: , until she was during this period, many women are building a successful career. These results suggest that a womans life, according to the height of the wear and tear. The sudden appearance of youth and early adulthood, they began to settle down,brown boots: , then throw back to the old people a comfortable and elegant. Give you confidence, wearing high heels,bridal sandals: , wisdom and ability, do not hurt your grace,black boots: , because you youHealth fitness articles, there is only one. link Sharon is the owner of: you need to high quality account:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

gold leaf: Jeff's is just too sweet:

Adalgiso commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

Geraldine1203 delighted to tell our readers that Essex girl Denise Van Outen has got engaged to her Were boyfriend Lee Mead.,mens earrings:

13 / 17

Every day,kays jewelry: , our community grows in unexpected and delightful ways. For our series,tea length mother of the bride dresses: , sellers who have been on dress for a mere handful of months or are awaiting their first sale introduce themselves. I stumbled upon s shop using ; here's a warm welcome to all our newbies! My name is Anthony Roberto. Currently I am a student attending the in Portland,motorcycle gloves: , Oregon. I'll be graduating with my BFA in printmaking in May of this year. Come summertime,wedding accessories: , I can be found off the coast of Kodiak Alaska aboard a 48 ft. salmon boat, the mighty Shawnee, fishing to support life as a city-dwelling artist. Lately I've been doing a lot of copper plate printmaking, focusing on the techniques of engraving and aquatint. I'm also interested in bookmaking, letterpress,mother of the bride dresses dillards: , and sculpture of various sorts (plexiglass fascinates me). Whatever the medium,tiara headpieces: , my art making practice is very much based on drawing and tactility. My more conceptual work deals with time,the one shoulder dresses: , history and the paradoxes/surreality inherent to the human condition and how these abstractions distort/change lives. Yeah, it's all a bit heavy and convoluted,wedding headpieces: /Headpieces.h... , but what are you gonna do,naughty nurse costumes: , it's what interests me. Other times I'm just focused on mark making and materiality,lady gaga clothes: , along with more formal considerations like beauty in composition and clean technique. I've been told that I am a very "traditional" artist,strapless cocktail dresses: , which I assume means that I like crafting an image that represents something. It's true that I need to feel my hand in the work. This physicality gives me great satisfaction. For me there is nothing more gratifying than engraving,paraffin wax: , putting hand and tool to metal and gouging out an image from a polished plane of copper. The process has the ability to convey a fantastic amount of energy and vigor while simultaneously being stately and controlled. It's such an old technique now but still so vital and compelling. I've been told I am archaic. People also tell me the images I like to craft are bizarre. My girlfriend,titanium necklaces: , ,evening dresses cocktail dresses: , told me about dress some time ago. Then and others began to talk of this mysterious website somewhere on the information super-highway. Eventually I just wanted to be part of it. It's fairly amazing for us unknown artists, that there is this forum for all of us to interact with each other and get our work out to people who might want to see it. It's a pretty sweet deal. Looking for more newbies? Try these links: If you're a fellow Oregonian,geisha wigs: , check out our ! Link

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Denise originally from Basildon,prom dresses cheap: , who is both an actress and TV presenter said yes when the Any Dream Will Do winner got down on one knee last week. According to the report,running accessories for men: , a close friend said Denise had no idea but was absolutely thrilled The loved-up pair apparently havent set a date for their nuptials but a representative of Essex born Denise who was said to be in tears when Lee proposed said it will probably be later this year. Denise,wedding dress accessories: , if youre searching for Essex based wedding services to help you with the planning of your wedding,mens leather bracelets: , then youre certainly in the right place here ,personalized necklaces: ! The 34 year old and her stage star toyboy Lee,cheap designer handbags: , 27,discount lingerie: , celebra: ted their engagement by jetting off to St Lucia for a romantic break in the sun,dior handbags: , may we ask what was wrong with February in Southend ? The couple recently splashed out on a new home together in Kent,wedding dresses: , which is where Lee,engagement ring settings: , winner of BBCs Joseph And The Technicolour Dreamcoat in 2007,wedding feather headpieces: , is said to have popped the question. Neither of them had been married before,mens accessories: , and from everyone at Services we wish you the very best of luck and of course,pretty quinceanera dresses: , if youre reading this Denise,sexy clubwear: , please leave us a comment below. link t eaten for 12 hours: t care. Make sure you have someone to supervise:
Geraldine1203 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)


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Having petite feet is often perceived as feminine but finding petite sized shoes for an adult can become difficult as small sized women's shoes are often hard to find. Petite size shoes are made - shoe manufacturers produce shoes in a wide range of different widths and sizes. ,cheap automatic watches: : /christian-lou... The reason that smaller than average sizes shoes are often difficult to find is because high street stores do not order them on a regular basis like normal sizes because there is not a perceived demand for shoes in smaller than average sizes for women with small feet.Women with small sized feet are not as fortunate as their average foot sized friends believe they are. Women who wear a shoe size 1 may find the correct size shoe and may find it in an adult style shoe that they like but a common problem often encountered is that the shoe is often too wide may still be too much of a wide fitting shoe for narrow and dainty feet. : I have often heard it said that it is easier for ladies that require a large sized ladies shoe to find shoes than it is for those unfortunate to be a below average sized shoe to find stylish and chic shoes in an adult size and not have to resort to shopping in the children's range.There are a few shops I am aware of that can be classed as speciality shops and do feature clothing specifically above and below what are considered normal and average sizes however such shops are very niche targeted and do not often have a wide range of clothing and shoes available in stock or on display.Shopping for women's petite size shoes can be ardous sometimes but do not immediately dismiss high street chain,cartier tank francaise watch: , sometimes the size you require can be ordered specially if it is available. If you are really lucky they might even have one in stock. If you order a specific product that is not in stock but can be obtained from suppliers you might have to pay a small deposit or even the full amount.An option that I would definitely recommend is to shop online for anything that may seem hard to obtain from high street stores. Online shopping and the use of search engines to find things that used to be difficult to obtain really has been a lifeline for many people with individual requirements,franck muller watches prices: , whether you have large size feet or extra small feet there is a wealth of information and e-commerce sites that are returned each time a search query is entered. The major drawback of shopping online for footwear,ben 10 omnitrix watch: , in any size,swiss watch: , is that you are unable to actually try on the shoes and decide if they fit correctly and often it can be the case that those gorgeous shoes you viewed online are not as good as they looked. Try to ensure that if you do order anything online such as footwear or clothing that the company has an adequate returns policy and does not affect your statutory rights.A few advantages of shopping online,swiss army watches victorinox: , especially for specialist and niche products,breitling replica: , is that it is very convenient and can often save you a lot of time that could have been spent seeking what you want to

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purchase. : Google is now actually a word in the Dictionary so feel free to Google away and find what you want and need. Online is often a very competitive marketplace for merchants too so you may be able to pick up a bargain and may even be able to enjoy free delivery so whether you have large or small feet,ferrari watch: , wide feet or thin feet there will usually be an online merchant that is attempting to fill a niche in the market.This article was written by Keith Bates on behalf of small shoes for women and large size ladies shoes online retailers and

If you would like to choose the best shoes for you: Handwraps and Gauze:
xiaoyude commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

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Because we planned from the beginning to have a late evening wedding, there was really no other option than to see each other and take photos before the ceremony. Our photographers set it up so that I was standing at the end of a long, tree-lined path and Ed walked up from behind. I was nervous and giddy until the moment I felt him kiss me on the shoulder and put his hand on my arm. Looking back wholesale wedding dresses: wholesale wedding dresses, I cant imagine not having this time alone with Ed to relax and smooch a little before the real craziness of the day began. WE know YOU know that we love to splash big beautiful color images across the pages of Style Me Pretty. But we also know that sometimes ~ black and white rules! And from the moment we saw these images from ~ well, youll see ... Im serious it just gets better and better If youre anxious to see more ~ David & Nancy have posted the entire day in all its glory in a slideshow on their blog . . Afterward, we spent some time taking photos along Lake Michigan. Our hotel was also along the lakeshore and at one point we looked up at the top of the hotel and saw our moms and the bridesmaids looking down at us and waving. I couldnt have planned the moment more perfectly if I had tried! Our ceremony location was any easy decision. Once we decided that wed get married in a church mother of the bride dresses: mother of the bride dresses, I knew it would be Holy Name Cathedral. Not only is it a stunning cathedral in the heart of the city, but its also in the neighborhood where Ed and I live, so its the church we attend together. Well have the rest of the story and more spectacular images from in just a bit After the ceremony, we were standing in the back of the church as our guests filed out. I hadnt seen my grandpa yet and suddenly he appeared and wrapped me in the biggest hug. Through tears, he couldnt stop telling me how happy he was for Ed and me. Dave and Nancy discreetly captured this moment and I am so grateful to have these photos. Awesome in every way, shape and form of the word! It will totally blow you away! We often ask our brides if they are glad that they had a first look session. Heres what Terese had to say Related Article: bridal gown- fabric leaves:
jiajia commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)


Hannes and I met in our final year at university. We literally knew each other for a week before we decided to make our relationship official. You just can't stop love, or put it in the slow lane. We were engaged for just over a year, which gave me ample time to plan the wedding. Maybe a little too much time. I was coming up with new ideas every day, until Hannes eventually told me to stop. I think that if he can give any advice to grooms-to-be, it would be NOT to give your bride too much planning time. But, I enjoyed the planning stage. I wish we could do it all over again, exactly the same!

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After university we moved to Cape Town, where we moved in together, and started adulthood. Two and a half years into our relationship, Hannes popped the big question. It was an amazing day. We were about to move into our own little place which we just bought and had just finished cleaning it. Just there and then, in the empty house, Hannes went down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. If we could have asked for more, we would have asked for more time. The day went by so fast. Even staying up until half past three the next morning,special occasion dresses: , did not make the day long enough. This South African bride has only one thing she wishes she could have changed about her stunning, stunning wedding, captured by . She wishes she would have had more time, dancing with her sweet husband, celebrating in style with her loved ones. We can empathize we wish we could have a little more time in the afternoon to spend with this beautiful soiree. Luckily for all of us, there is no expiration on the Our actual wedding day was clich warning the best day of our lives so far. We really couldn't have asked for better. Everything was just as we wanted it. It was a relaxed occasion, with lots of laughter, love and happiness. We succeeded in putting together a day that showcased us and our love, as well as having a wedding that was relaxed to the point of it feeling like a massive party with friends and loved ones. The one snitch in the whole too-much-planning-time-thing came in with my wedding dress. I found a dress in the early stages of our engagement. Then nearer to our big day, I started getting this feeling that the dress wasn't right anymore. Then, four days before the wedding, when I tried on my dress, to see if everything (shoes, jewelry etc.) works together, all went wrong. My accessories broke, the jewelry that my mom made didn't match (color wise),sexy dresses: , and when I took the first step in my dress, it tore. I was in tears. I believed karma didn't want me to wear the dress. My mom said that we could go to Bride & Co and if I could find a suitable dress in half an hour, I could have it. I got mine in 10 minutes. The perfect dress. Four days before my big day I found MY wedding dress and I couldn't be happier. Our main focus with our wedding was to make it a relaxed enjoyable event. No stuffiness and tightness, not too many ceremonial things happening. We wanted everyone to enjoy the wedding to its fullest. We also wanted people to recognize that they were at our wedding and not somebody else's. We wanted them to be able to look at the venue, dcor, food etc. and say: "This is Hannes and Marionne". With enough time to plan the wedding and get exactly what we wanted, we also had time to make everything ourselves. We did a lot of DIY for our wedding. Everything we could do ourselves, we did. It added to the actual enjoyment and awesomeness of the big day. Walking around, seeing everything you've done and knowing that everything at the wedding represented you guys. Related Article: blouse-Are you allowed to decorate:
dresses2013 commented on posted to #seminaarikannu 4 days ago (zh)

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