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Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing East Java


Keys Sanitation Parameter-- East Java

Total Population 2006 (SUSENAS): 37.4 million Urban: 12% (9 cities) Rural: 88% (29 districts) Sanitation coverage 2010 (Riskesdas 2010): Urban: 65. 55% Rural: 34% ..%

Rural population in East Province 25% communities practices for open defecation .% (Riskesdas 2010)

Objective of TSSM Project

To strengthen local government in developing total sanitation and sanitation marketing approach through three main components of demand creation, supply improvement and enabling environment

Integrating Total Sanitation and Sanitation Marketing (TSSM)

Community-Led Total Sanitation

Enabling Environment For Scaling Up

Sanitation Marketing

Community-Led Total Sanitation Focus: Stopping open defecation Igniting demand for sanitation facilities and services.

Sanitation Marketing Focus: Popularizing improved sanitation (JMP-defined) Expanding sanitation supply options for all consumers, particularly the poor.

Enabling Environment Focus: Policies and institutional Practices that facilitate scaling up access to sanitation with cost-effectiveness and sustainability.

Behavior Change Ladder

TSSM strategy to strengthen local government capacity

RapidAssessmentonSanita/onProgram Advocacyforsanita/onpolicyalignment throughprojectlaunch,technicalmee/ng,road show Facilita/ng,mentoring,advoca/ng(Training, triggering,MonitoringandEvalua/on) Involvingoftechnicalcollegetosupport sanita/oneorts Sharingknowledgeandexperiencesthrough peertopeerlearningsuchasfacetofacedialog, seminar,website LearningReviewMee/ngincludingbenchmark districtperformance ScaleupandReplica/on

Stages TSSM Approach

Road-show at district and sub-district through DRA method Training facilitators and sanitation entrepreneurs. District propose candidates to participate the training. Piloting TSSM intervention for 30 communities per district. District selected community based on district intervention strategy Scale up TSSM approach by using district own resources District performance monitoring and evaluation through benchmark Incentive for champions Action Research to strengthen local government strategy and accelerate target achievement.


Team Preparations : Intervention strategy Tasks assignment Prepare tools and materials

Introduction and Crreate Condition Identify Natural Leaders roles, complete copy of sanitation access map & social welfare MONITORING (Use Map and survey checklist) Inter-committee/NL learning & replication

Identify access & analyze sanitation behavior using CLTS tools: Mapping, FGD, transect walk, contamination route

ODF plan, committee role, work plan, rules & sanctions

How is open defecation behavior changed

Further triggering i to accelerate /maintain ODF status

Field preparations Advocacy & key leader involvement Set schedule, location and target Observation of community and school environment

Trigger behavior change through elements of disgust, embarrassment, self-esteem, fear for doing sin, sickness, etc.

Info on sanitation options, trained craftsmen, suppliers

What latrines are used (improved / unimproved)

Sanitation promotion through local media to strengthen communities awarness

Community commitment to change & follow-up plans

Competition for ODF and Total Sanitation Identify behavior in F Diagram (e.g. washing hands with soap) How are handwashing facilities with soap used in the community

Identify Natural Leaders, copy of latrine access map Triggering through school (students & teachers) to reach an ODF status


If necessary, analyze cheap latrine options

How are latrines & handwashing facilities used in schools

Graphs of progresses in TSSM districts

90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 2006 2007 Pacitan Trenggalek Lumajang Bojonegoro




With a strong local government commitment has resulted rapidly progress as shown in graphs.

Affordable Latrine options

Lesson Learned
A blended intervention between demand generation and supply improvement will accelerate improved sanitation access District government is the main actor in developing sanitation program through TSSM approach Integrated innovation into existing mechanism is a key factor to ensure sustained sanitation program Promotion strategy for national policy need to be strengthened to leverage local government on sanitation program Identify and synergize all resources to strengthen local government capacity and accelerate improved sanitation access

Sanitation Supply

Sanitation Marketing (and Communication) Activity Components

Informed Choice Catalogue

Masonry training reading materials

Installation module the video

Local sanitation market emerged

TSSM Marketing Manual Formative Research Report

Product installation module

Monitoring the quality and cost through accreditation

Accreditation logo

Print ad campaign Testimony of the winning district

Sanitation award report

Suddenly stomachache

Communication Tools Menu

Understanding what the  consumer wants to pay for

People understand improved sanitation as a facility with gooseneck water seal, pour-ush type, with a septic tank built inside or outside the house
Ease of cleaning Prevent odor Scratch resistance Modern look 3 5 yr pit capacity

Understanding what the  consumer wants to pay for(2)

Price Recommendations

The cost to acquire new basic facility with all the desired features seemed to work out at IDR 180,000 (USD18) The next upgrade could be available at an additional IDR 100,000 (USD10) (Nielsen)

The resulting  marketing strategy

Proposed Package Offering - Main Product
Upgradeable product concept to reduce barrier (in terms of price) to allow people to adopt permanent facility and upgrade it whenever Option they have excess money Features Price Level
Flush latrine squat pans with simple reinforced pit and gooseneck water seal Squat pans: locally produced concrete or Maximum at 180,000 ceramic, available in various colors 100,000 for upgrade Basic + (280,000 for complete installation)

Grade Basic

Upgrade 1 Basic +

The resulting marketing strategy(2)

Managing Resources for Competitive Prices
One stop service reduces cost for consumers by providing them with two things: 1.Material supplies. By having several or collective orders from customers will increase bargaining power of the one-stop service provider when dealing with producers 2.On- site installation. It replaces the consumers cost of purchasing (distribution cost and margin of supplier) and labor cost for carting pre-made material such as concrete rings for lining pits and pit covers from local producers.

Getting market feedback

Partnership with Sumadi, a sanitation provider, with technical assistance from ITS, we are developing range of product to meet market preferences

started his business in 2001. Between 2001 07, the market did not respond as expected. Sales has been slow at average only 100 latrines installed / year

by TSSM activities and intrigued by some key market research ndings, he saw this as an opportunity the re-energize his business

Getting market feedback

Replicating  One-stop Sanitation Provider

Masonry training and Sanitation Entrepreneurship

1500 masons in 29 districts with the emphasize on basic sanitation and technical aspects of building latrine facility (held in mid year 2009) Sanitation entrepreneurship training to appointed providers representing districts. The training focus on upgradeable latrine product, promotion and selling skills, and simple book keeping. (phase 1 was held in February and March 2010)

TSSM Monitoring

What is improved sanitation?

ForMDGmonitoring An improved sanitation facility is one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact. Shared and public facilities of any type are unimproved sanitation. TSSM translates improved latrine operationally as one that: 1) Does not contaminate water bodies 2) Prevents contact between human beings and human excreta. 3) Prevents access to feces by ies and other insect vectors, wild and domestic animals. 4) Prevents foul odour.

A community is ODF when :

All community households own and use improved latrines for disposal of all human excreta (including at schools). No human feces are visible in the environment. The community uses sanctions , rules or other means to check and prevent Open Defecation by anyone. The Community is using a transparent monitoring mechanism to measure gains in household access to improved sanitation.

1. 2. 3. 4.

District Health Ofce

Monthly Access/ODF Updates

Sub-district/ Puskesmas (Community Health Center)

LB-1 Form/

ODF verication


Community maps/ Registers

Community maps/ Registers

Community maps/ Registers

Annual consolidation at Province level for assessing district sanitation performance

Province Health Ofce

District Sanitation Performance Benchmarking , with independent evaluator (JPIP)

District Health Ofce periodic monitoring report

District Health Ofce periodic monitoring report

District Health Ofce periodic monitoring report

District Health Ofce periodic monitoring report

Flows of Information
Monitoring atcommunity Compila/on&Repor/ng (Puskesmas/Subdistrict toDistrict)

LB-1 form (District) LB-1 form (Puskesmas/ sub-district) Social map Natural leader note



Community social map  provides raw data

District policy to give construction subsidy shown at last graph. Its Tuban district.

ODF achievement certicate awarded to veried communities by District Head (Bupati)

Thanks You

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