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ED 321

Unit Plan I nstructor Feedback

Student: Sara Zavadsky
Unit Theme: Energy and You
Grade Level: 7

Unit Plan Criteria

Contextual Factors
x Design decisions are accurate Ior students` grade and age level.
x Personal and social issues targeted in unit design are relevant, engaging and
x Time allowed for teaching the unit is realistic and reasonable in terms of
accomplishing goals.
x Unit design accounts for the acquisition of content knowledge and skills that meet
the learning needs of students.
x The intersection of personal and social concepts in the design are evident and
have the potential to lead to the acquisition of persistent and enduring concepts on
the part of students.
Unit Obj ectives
x Objectives reflect several types or levels of learning and are significant and
x Objectives are practical and reasonable in providing opportunities for student to
attain the intended knowledge, skills, and understandings of the unit.
x Objectives are clearly stated as learning outcomes.
x Objectives are appropriate for the development and needs of middle grade
x Objectives are explicitly aligned with national, state or local standards.
Assessment Plan
x Each of the objectives is assessed through the assessment plan; assessments are
congruent with the objectives.
x Assessment criteria are clear and are explicitly linked to the objectives.
x The assessment plan includes multiple assessment modes and authentically
assesses student performance throughout the instructional sequence.
x The grading plan is valid; scoring procedures are explained and accurately
measure student learning.
x The rubric allows the teacher and the student to accurately and substantively
assess student performance.
Unit Design
x All learning experiences are explicitly linked to objectives.
x All learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with objectives. All
objectives are covered in the design.
x Teacher`s use oI content appears to be accurate. Focus oI the content is congruent
with the big ideas or structure of the discipline.
x All learning experiences within the unit are logically organized and appear to be
useful in moving students toward achieving the objectives. The structure allows
for flexibility in the teaching/ learning process.
x There is significant variety across instruction, activities, assignments, and/or
resources. This variety makes a clear contribution to learning. Literature is
meaningfully incorporated in the lesson design.
x Unit design incorporates a service learning component that directly connects to
unit objectives.
x Technology is used in the unit in ways that enrich and enhance learning.

Sara, you have created a very engaging unit that incorporates science content, literature,
service learning and lots of student choice, which is great! You have carefully considered
how you will assess for individual understanding and what you will do for those students
who do not succeed the fi rst time. You clearly understand that the purpose of assessment
is to determine understanding but you also realize that for some students, it may take
more time and additional effort on the part of you and the student but that the time is well
spent if they are able to move forward with a solid foundation. You do a nice job of
making the unit relevant to students and helping them to realize the importance of
various decisions they and their families make on a daily basis. That connection with
home and school is another great aspect of your pl an. I hope that you get an opportunity
to teach this unit in a future classroom setting. The book you plan to use has excellent
ideas that may stick with the students long after they have left your classroom. Best of
luck as you move forward!

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