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transparencia Mexicana´s series on citizens & Markets


Amplifying Citizens’ Voices:

The Role of Civil Society
in Promoting Accountability
and Transparency in Cameroon’s
Public Contract Regime
DURREL N. HALLESON» LEGAL OFFICER, Transparency International, Cameroon*


Corruption in Cameroon is considered endemic and widespread, and in public procurement in par-
ticular. The government is estimated to have lost about FCFA 70 billion (US$143 million) to pri-
vate pockets through the non-execution of public contracts. Though Cameroon adopted a Public
Contract Code in 2004 to regulate the award, execution and monitoring of public contracts and
established a Public Contracts Regulatory Agency (ARMP) earlier in 2001, corruption continues to
undermine the sector. Cameroon civil society, though not engaged as a stakeholder in the public
procurement process, is increasingly taking interest through the approach of budget and expendi-
ture tracking. This approach is helping CSOs to map out corruption deficits in the execution stages
of public contracts and to advocate for increased transparency and accountability from tendering
agencies as well as contractors.
* The views in this article are that of the author and do not necessarily represent views of Transparency International, Cameroon.
Transparencia mexicana´s Series on

IMF sponsored structural Adjustment Pro-

grams, cameroon in 2001 created the Public
contracts regulatory and in 2004 adopted the
Public contracts code.
the existence of a public contract regulato-
ry and institutional framework has not spared
this sector from corruption. An official at the
Ministry of Economic Planning and regional
Development, during an anti-corruption fo-

rum organized by the National Anti-corruption
Introduction commission (cONAc) in April 2011 estimated
t has been estimated that between Us$30 that FcFA 70 billion (Us $143 million) of the pub-
to Us$43 billion could be available in the lic investment budget is lost to private pockets
procurement marketplace in sub-saharan through the non-execution of contracts.4 the
Africa.1 In 2004, public procurement was official further stated that in 2010, the Minis-
estimated to account for about 25 percent try received 920 petitions relating to wrong-
of cameroon’s state expenditure, an estimated doings in the execution of public contracts.5
four percent of the country’s GDP. In fiscal year such revelations affirm the extent to which
2009 the state’s development expenditure the absence of integrity and a lack of transpar-
budget on major infrastructure, the principal ency, accountability and fairness undermine
source for public procurement, amounted to the public procurement process in cameroon.
418 billion FcFA (Us $880 million) or 18 percent this article looks at the implication of citizens
of all state spending. Additionally, one third and civil society organizations in cameroon in
of the state’s recurrent expenditure budget exposing some of the irregularities that under-
(projected at 1,359 billion FcFA or Us $2.86 bil- mine the public contract system. their actions
lion for fiscal year 2009) goes into purchasing in monitoring public contracts are based on the
goods and services required by myriad govern- budget and expenditure tracking approaches.
ment ministries, departments and agencies.2 the article also maps out some integrity defi-
In cameroon, like elsewhere in the world, cits that favor corruption in the public procure-
this sector is considered a high risk area for ment process.
corruption and non-compliance with the rules
to prevent it. It is estimated that corruption in Facilitating Corruption in the
public procurement is costing Africa annually
about Us $148 billion.3 Many African countries Procurement Process
in the last two decades have undertaken re- the effectiveness and efficiency of public pro-
forms in their public procurement systems to curement and contract award procedures are
meet with international standards. In pursuit of important for the development and growth
reforms in the political and economic spheres, of any country. In cameroon, the capacity
and in compliance with the World bank and and ability of the public contract system to be
1 Edgar Agaba and Nigel shipman, “Public Procurement re-
used in delivering quality goods and services
form in Developing countries: the Ugandan Experience”, in Gus- has been easily undermined due to corrup-
tavo Piga & Khi V. thai (Eds.) Advancing Public Procurement: Expe-
riences, Innovation and Knowledge sharing, boca raton, FL, UsA:
tion. Almost all graft cases investigated under
PrAcademics Press, 2006, Opération Epervier have unearthed breaches
2 cameroon Update N° 006, “special Issue: Public In-
tegrity and Anti-corruption”, 29 september 2009, http:// 4 Government reveals, “contractors swindle FcFA 70 billion 482668/1884631674/name/ Annually”, The Postwebedition, 8 May 2011, http://unikportail.
cameroon+anti+corruption+law.pdf com/component/content/article/268-actualite-standard-du-
3 Awadi sadiki Mawenya, “Preventing corruption in African reveals.html
64 Public Procurement”, sAIIA Occasional Paper N° 9, August 2008, 5 Ibid at 4.
Amplifying Citizens’ Voices: The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Accountability and Transparency
in Cameroon’s Public Contract Regime

of procurement procedures.6 A study by Trans- of the same service or goods. By fragmenting

parency International - Cameroon (TIC) and the the contracts, the official is no longer subject
Centre for Research in Economic Studies and to abide by the standard procurement rules
Survey (CRETES) in 2007 revealed that despite as outlined in the PCC. The fragmentation of
the existence of a public contracts law, corrup- contracts facilitates the possibility of awarding
tion in this sector is widely spread.7 The follow- contracts on the basis of family ties (nepotism)
ing were identified as the major reasons why or associates (cronyism). Such practices violate
integrity is undermined in the public contract the main tenets of any veritable public pro-
sector: complexity in the procedures (36.6 per- curement process such as value for money, fair
cent); bribery (52.2 percent); and non-transpar- competition and transparency. Article 32(3) of
ent and inequitable procedures (56.8 percent). the Cameroon PCC favors the lowest bid ten-
These statistics are evidence of the extent to dering (LBT) method in the evaluation of bids
which the law itself leaves room for corruption. submitted. This entails that the bid with the
The procedure for the award of public con- lowest price be awarded contracts. However,
tracts in Cameroon is done either through an not all contracts are in reality awarded accord-
open invitation to tender or by mutual agree- ing to the LBT and value for money criteria.
ment. While these may be considered standard
procedures, their conduct in Cameroon has been
subject to serious criticism from both the gen- The effectiveness and efficiency
eral public and the Public Contracts Regulatory
Agency (ARMP).8 To avoid awarding contracts of public procurement and
in respect of these procedures, contracting and
delegated contracting authorities have tend to
contract award procedures are
fragment contracts. This practice is illegal and important for the development
not permissible by the Public Contracts Code
(PCC). Article 4(2) of the PCC states that contracts and growth of any country
with a value below FCFA 5million (US$10,000) are
not subject to the rules of the PCC. Contracting
and delegated contracting authorities have now The Cameroon PCC does not apply to con-
tended to use this provision to award contracts tracts considered as “special contracts.” Ac-
through fragmentation and therefore not com- cording to Article 30 of the Code, these are con-
ing within the guise of the PCC. tracts that do not entirely fulfill the conditions
To illustrate contract fragmentation, take relating to contracts by invitation or awarded
for example a contracting or a delegated by mutual agreement. Such contracts include
contracting authority who decides to take a those relating to national defense, security and
contract of FCFA 12 million (US$24,000) and contracts of strategic interests of the State.
fragment it into three sub contracts of FCFA The failure to include such contracts within
4 million (US$8,000), each for the provision the purview of the PCC may indeed create op-
portunities for corruption. In Cameroon, offi-
6  This is an operation by the government of Cameroon to
fight corruption in the public sector. Since its launch in 2004,
cial military expenditure as a share of GDP has
there has been a series of arrests and prosecutions of govern- been under two percent since the early 1980s.9
ment ministers and directors of state and para-public enterpris-
es for embezzlement and the misappropriation of public funds.
This demonstrates the extent to which military
expenditure is favored over expenditures in
7  Transparency International Cameroon, “Enquête Natio-
nale 2006 auprès des Entreprises sur la Corruption au Camer- other sectors like health or education. There is
oun”. CRETES (Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Economie et a wealth of studies on the extent to which the
Sondage), Yaoundé, February 2007,
prisesFINAL1.pdf 9   Wuyi Omitoogun, “Military Expenditure Date in Africa: A
Survey of Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Ugan-
8   ARMP, “Etude sur les Sanctions dans le Domaine des Marches da” SIPRI Research Report No.17, Oxford 2003, 65
Publics”, Yaoundé, March 2006,
Transparencia mexicana´s Series on

defense sector is highly prone to corruption legal gaps may lead to influence peddling,
and therefore investments in this sector need conflicts of interest and insider information.
to follow well drafted procedures as do the
other sectors. A transparency International UK Budget and Expenditure Track-
study states that a lack of competition in public
procurement rules for the defense sector, un- ing Approach
der the pretext of security provisions, can lead A great proportion of public contracts awarded
to greatly heightened risks for corruption.10 It in cameroon for the supply of goods, services
is therefore incumbent that procurement for or infrastructural development is financed
defense purposes be subject to strict controls from the Public Investment budget (PIb). the
that will ensure integrity. PIb is one of the two components of the annual
state budget adopted every year by the Nation-
al Assembly and enacted into law by the Presi-
The Journal of Projects has dent of the republic as the country’s finance
law. the PIb is the part of the budget that is
become a veritable tool for CSOs reserved for long-term development and in-
vestment projects that could exceed the actual
interested in monitoring budgetary period. In cameroon, the propor-
government spending as it tion of the PIb is often less than the recurrent
expenditure budget. For instance, in 2010 the
provides details of each project percentage of the PIb in an estimated budget
of FcFA 2,571 billion (Us$5.2 million) was 26.46
percent against 59.12 percent for recurrent ex-
the overbearing authority of the central penditure and 14.42 percent towards debt set-
Administration in cameroon, through the con- tlement.11 this paper is not aimed at analyzing
tracting or delegated contracting authorities, the budget structure of cameroon but rather
may undermine integrity and accountability in the effective use of what is planned for invest-
the award and execution of public contracts. ment purposes.
the contracting or delegated contracting Upon the adoption of the annual budget by
authority has discretional powers in the ap- the National Assembly, a list of projects to be
pointment of members of the tender boards. financed is published in a document referred
considering the financial benefits that come to as the Journal of Projects. the Journal of
with such appointments, there is a tendency Projects has become a veritable tool for csOs
for those appointed to pay allegiance to the interested in monitoring government spending
appointing authority. they could also be eas- as it provides details of each project. this docu-
ily manipulated to award contracts with less ment is the only instrument that establishes a
consideration for meritocracy and value for direct link between the PIb, the public contract
money. Article 148 of the Pcc provides for the regime and civil society as the attribution of
appointment of an independent observer to contracts must respect the provisions of the
oversee the contract award process and con- Pcc. In 2007, a coalition of csOs known as Dy-
firm compliance with the law. Unfortunately namique citoyenne decided to use the publicly
the law is silent in cases in which the obser- available Journal of Projects to monitor the rate
vations of the independent observer are not of execution of the PIb in the education sector
respected by the contracting authority. such under the 2004 PIb. this study was carried out
in three of cameroon’s ten regions, namely the
10 transparency International – UK, “building Integrity and
reducing corruption risk in Defense Establishments: ten Prac- center, Far-North and Northwest regions.
tical reforms”, TI, London, April 2009, http://www.ti-defence.
org/component/content/article/42-publications/712-building- 11 Dynamique citoyenne, “suivi Physico-Financier Des De-
66 integrity-and-reducing-corruption-risks-in-defence-establish- penses Publiques du secteur Education Exercice 2004”, Rapport
ments-ten-practical-reforms National De l’Enquete, Yaounde, July 2007.
Amplifying Citizens’ Voices: The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Accountability and Transparency
in Cameroon’s Public Contract Regime

The Coalition used the budget tracking ap- The above figures from the study by Dy-
proach constituting a field verification of the namique Citoyenne are similar to that of CAN-
different planned projects and progress made ADEL published in 2007.14 The CANADEL study
in realizing these projects. Certain indicators, revealed that only 78.79 percent of all the ear-
such as the PIB execution rate for the provision marked projects were realized, and that 13.13
of classroom benches and the rate of non-re- percent were finished but incomplete, 2.02
spect for public contracts rules, were used to percent were still in progress or to be soon ex-
determine how well budgets allocated for proj- ecuted at the time of the study and 6.06 percent
ects are managed. The results from the study represented projects not realized or for which
revealed that in the Far North, Center and there was no information.15 The study also fur-
Northwest regions, the execution rate for the ther looked at the quality of the projects that
provision of classroom benches was a dismal were executed and found that only 23.66 per-
six, nine and twenty-two percent, respectively. cent of the 93 projects considered were of good
It was also observed that the award of some of quality, 47.31 percent were of average quality
the contracts for the execution of these proj- and 29.03 percent were of very poor quality.16
ects was not in conformity with the procedures These statistics reflect the weakness of the pub-
as provided for in the PCC. For instance, 96 per- lic procurement regime in Cameroon.
cent of projects to be realized in the education
sector in the Center Region did not respect the Mapping Integrity in Public
contract award procedures.
In the Far North and Northwest Regions, the Procurement and Public
non-respect of award procedures stood at 92 Expenditure
percent. The importance of this study is that
for the first time it brought out the flaws in the The findings from these two studies depict the
management of the PIB and also highlighted extent to which opacity has engulfed the public
the problems in the award and execution of procurement regime in Cameroon. The Camer-
public contracts in Cameroon. To further illus- oon public procurement regime has been cap-
trate the role of CSOs in promoting integrity tured by a network of elites in connivance with
in public contracts through monitoring public the administrative authorities. This network
spending on investment projects, reference has led to the development of a sophisticated
shall be made on another study. This study was system of clientelism and patronage that favors
carried by CANADEL in four council areas look- rent-seeking, collusion in bidding for contracts,
ing at PIB financing in the education, health, and opportunities for kick-backs. In Cameroon,
energy, water, road and agriculture sectors.12 this capture is manifested when one or more of
The study considered 197 projects earmarked the bidding firms for a contract give bribes to
for execution between 2000 and 2005.13 Unlike members of the tender board to enable them
the previous study carried by Dynamique Citoy- to secure government contracts. One major
enne, the CANADEL study, though monitoring consequence of such practices is inefficiency in
the execution of the PIB, indirectly considered the execution of contracts or supplies.
the efficiency and effectiveness of the public In addition, information about public con-
contracts regime. The study also evaluated the tracts to be awarded was for a long time a tight-
implication of the local population in the design ly kept secret by senior officials in the different
and execution of the earmarked projects. spending agencies. It is not surprising that in
Cameroon there are members of parliament,
12  CANADEL (Centre d’Accompagnement de Nouvelles Al- senior government officials and even members
ternatives de Developpement Local) is a Cameroonian based
non-governmental organization working to promote good gov- 14   ibid at 13.
ernance at local levels.
15   ibid at 13. 67
13  CANADEL report, “Gouvernance et Budget d’Investissement
Public a l’heure de la Decentralisation – Document de synthese”. 16   ibid at 13.
Transparencia mexicana´s Series on

of the tender board who have bided and been While they may be personally liable for collusive
awarded public contracts. this constitutes a po- or negligent practices (such as accepting shoddy
litically corrupt practice, especially as it involves work, or neglecting to properly inspect goods
officials who misuse public power in the pursuit delivered) under the Pcc’s punitive provisions
of illegitimate private advantage. Apart from (Articles 105 to 107), the procurement system
rent seeking and collusion by both public offi- itself requires a value-for-money assessment.
cials as well as businesses, the public procure- the law however provides that an independent
ment regime in cameroon is not independent. auditor, recruited by the ArMP, shall conduct an
the tender boards that are set up in within the annual audit of 25 percent – selected at random
different tendering agencies are composed of - of all contracts awardedworth between FcFA
administrative personnel from that particular 30 million and 500 million (Us $63,000 UsD to
agency and appointed by the administrative hi- $1 million), and of all contracts awarded worth
erarchy of the tendering authority. over FcFA 500 million.
According to Article 112 of the Pcc, ten- the ineffectiveness of the tender boards
der boards are to examine and give technical noted in some administrative units, especially
opinions on tender files, and ensure integrity at the local levels, poses a serious problem of
in the bidding process. the tender boards are integrity. It is therefore not unusual to refer to
dependent (financially and administrative) on the public contract award process as folkloric,
the contracting or delegated contracting au- as the real power of who controls the process
thority. this means that any contrary view to is rarely in the hands of the tender board, but
that of the appointing authority may cause the instead resides more with the contracting or
tendering authority to withhold funds, render- delegated contracting authority.
ing impossible their effective functioning.
Lastly, the public procurement process is Recommendations
challenged by the effectiveness of its mecha-
nisms for ex-post verification of performance. and Conclusion
there is a provision for contract Oversight cameroon’s reform of its public procurement
commissions, which must be consulted for system, which started with the establishment
contracts that exceed specified amounts, de- of the Public contracts regulatory Authority in
pending on whether the contract is for ser- 2001 and the adoption of the Pcc based on inter-
vices/studies, supplies, buildings, or roads/in- nationally accepted standards, could probably
frastructure. these commissions also have the save the country from the devastating effects
powers to modify, reject or approve proposals of corruption. However, the non-consideration
from the tender boards. of civil society and the refusal to allow for citi-
the public procurement process in camer- zen participation in the procurement process is
oon is also challenged by the effectiveness of the a major weakness. It is therefore imperative for
mechanisms for ex-postor after-the-contract cameroon to continue to pursue this reform
verification of performance. In the case of con- making it transparent and conducive for open
tracts exceeding certain amounts, the commis- competition, as a failure to do so will be at its
sion review intervenes before the award of the own political, economic and institutional peril.
contract by the contracting authority, following the contracting or delegated contracting author-
the proposal of the tender board. the commis- ities wield enormous power over the procure-
sion’s monitoring and verification serve as a pre- ment process, making implementation difficult.
ventive function, considering that it occurs prior In some cases, as revealed by the exam-
to awarding the contract. Unfortunately though, ples of the two csO studies, there is a lack of
there is no monitoring after the performance genuine competition and the rules are usually
of the contract by the successful bidder. Ensur- tilted in favor of a predetermined winner. the
68 ing delivery and value for money, according to examples we saw in the two studies consid-
specifications, is left to the tendering authority. ered in this article also show that projects are
Amplifying Citizens’ Voices: The Role of Civil Society in Promoting Accountability and Transparency
in Cameroon’s Public Contract Regime

sometimes neither harmonized nor based on this is not without challenges, considering the
priority criteria. Another major characteristic complexity of the public procurement process
of public contracts in Cameroon are the unex- and the possibility of misunderstandings on
plained long delays between the awarding of a the part of observers.
contract and the actual release of funds. Such
delays have often been attributed to adminis-
trative bottlenecks and corruption and their The findings from these two
consequences are far reaching, leading to un-
derfunding, incomplete projects and abandon-
studies depict the extent to
ment of projects by contractors. which opacity has engulfed the
Considering these gaps, it is recommend-
able for the public procurement system to be public procurement
effectively built on the values of integrity, trans-
parency, accountability and participation. To regime in Cameroon
achieve this, CSOs need to start exploring some
of the gaps of the current system to ascertain
their role as critical stakeholders. This could To ensure integrity, transparency and ac-
be done by carrying out in-depth research in countability in the public procurement pro-
some of the grey areas of the public procure- cess, there is an urgent need for the Govern-
ment law, as well as research on the conduct of ment of Cameroon to adopt a mechanism that
procurement processes and the monitoring of would allow citizens access to information on
the execution of public contracts. Such studies all stages of the process and would contribute
and monitoring would provide these organiza- towards enhancing accountability. The PCDC
tions with the technical competence to under- study concludes that transparency in public
take training and advocacy to instigate reforms procurement constitutes an arena for govern-
in public procurement. ments and citizens to engage and allows for
It is important for the government to en- rights holders and duty bearers to both deliver
courage civil society participation in the pro- on their obligations.18 Accountability in public
curement process by allowing them to monitor procurement is strengthened when this posi-
all stages of the process. CSOs and the public tive relationship exists between a government
can act as watch dogs to monitor the imple- and its citizens. There is a need for the govern-
mentation of projects financed by the state ment to recognize the emergence of CSOs as
budget. For instance, CSOs could be invited to partners with an added value in amplifying citi-
assist during meetings of the different tender zens’ concerns in enhancing government poli-
boards and contract reception commissions as cies that have an impact on their daily lives.
observers. Such actions cansupport advocacy
campaigns to overcome the observed weak- References
nesses, thus enhancing public accountability in
the management of public procurement. •• Awadi Sadiki Mawenya “Preventing
According to a study by the United Nations Corruption in African Public Procurement”,
Development Programme (UNDP) Procure- SAIIA Occasional Paper No 9, August 2008,
ment Capacity Development Centre (PCDC),
introducing civil society has the potential to
strengthen transparency and accountability in •• ARMP; “Etude sur les sanctions dans le
public procurement.17 It however notes that domaine des Marches Publics” Yaoundé,
March 2006,
17  Rasmus Jeppesen, “Accountability in Public Procurement
- transparency and the role of civil society”, September 2010, 69
tution%20-%20accountability.pdf 18   ibid at 17.
Transparencia mexicana´s Series on

• cameroon Development Group,

“special Issue: Public Integrity and Anti-
corruption” Cameroon Update No 006,
29 september 2009,

• Dynamique citoyenne, “suivi Physico-

financier des dépenses publiques du secteur
éducation exercice 2004”, Rapport National de
l’enquête, Yaoundé, July 2007.

• Edgar Agaba and Nigel shipman, “Public

Procurement reform in Developing
countries: the Ugandan Experience”in
Gustavo Piga and Khi V. thai (Eds.) Advancing
Public Procurement: Experiences, Innovation
and Knowledge sharing boca raton, FL. UsA
PrAcademics Press, 2006, http://www.ippa.

• transparency International cameroon,

“Enquête Nationale 2006 auprès des
entreprises sur la corruption au cameroon“,
Yaoundé, February 2007, http://portals.

• transparency International – UK “building

Integrity and reducing corruption risk
in Defence Establishments: ten Practical
reforms”, London, April 2009, http://

• rasmus Jeppesin, “Accountability in Public

Procurement – transparency and the role of
civil society”, UNPCDC, september 2010, http://

• Wuyi Omitoogun, “Military Expenditure

Data in Africa: A survey of cameroon, Ethiopia,
Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Uganda”, SIPPRI
Research Report No 17, Oxford 2003, http://

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