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Moraga Ward Relief Society

Visiting Teaching Electronic Reporting

I want to rport on my visiting tacbing How do I do it if I bavnt rcivd tb mail
reminder, or deleted it?
Visiting Teachers will receive an email reminder on the 15
and 28
of the month. They can report
results by, a) clicking on the link in the semi-monthly email logging in is not required, or b) going
to (bookmark it!), logging in, and reporting visits. Click on Retiieve my
Passcoue to get youi login infoimation Youll neeu to entei the youi email auuiess that we have
in our system.

I received the reminder email and clicked on the link, but when I got to the reporting page, I
didnt know wbat to do Hlp
To the far right of the Visiting Teaching window, click on the STATUS underlined link to record
youi visit oi attempt If you click N0T C0NTACTEB a menu will pop up that allows you to
indicate that you attempted a visit, or visited your assigned sistei If you click visiteu youll get a
submenu that allows you to inuicate if you shaieu a Neaningful visit Pioviueu Seivice oi youi
sistei Bas Special Neeus You can use the comment box to inuicate the type of seivice oi special
needs. Only the Relief Society President will view those comments.

When I record my visit I can leave comments in the comment box. Exactly who sees those

I did not receive an email reminder about my visiting teaching status for this month. What
should I do?
Eithei we uo not have youi coiiect email auuiess oi youi SPAN FILTER has captuieu youi
reminder email Check in youi Spam Foluei anu if you finu it there, mark it as NOT spam. Email
your preferred email address to for our visiting teaching system.
Click here first
Click here second
Click here third
Include Special Needs or Service offered here goes to R.S. President.
Click here to get passcode

Are my visiting teaching companion and I both receiving an email reminder to report our
visits? Which one of us is supposed to report our results? What happens if we both do?
The system will accept input from either or both companions, so redundancy is okay!
One of the people I teach did not appear in my list. What should I do?
Contact Nancy Clark,, visiting teaching coordinator, and cc, so we can correct the problem in our system. This may take some time!
Can I report my visiting teaching anytime during the month?
Absolutely. You can go to, and log in to report your results. If the special
needs of a sister are immediate or of great concern, please contact Sue Severson, R.S. President
directly by phone, (925) 254-1679, or email,
I am new to technology, so all of this is a bit scary. Can I just call my visiting teaching
supervisor like I have always done?
Yes! It is more important that we are ministering to our sisters, and meeting their needs. Return
and Report is a high-tech reporting system intended to make your job easier, not harder! We do
have experts who are happy to sit down with you and guide you through the process, if you are
inclined to employ this new and powerful tool. Contact Nancy Clark, 925- 283-8837,, to schedule a help appointment.

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