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(Part III) (Paper I) Analysis

Unit I
Riemann integral. Integrability of continuous and monotonic functions, The fundamental theorem of Integral calculus, Mean value theorem of integral calculus. Improper integrals and their convergence, Comparison tests , Abels and Dirichlets tests, Frullanis integral, integral as a function of parameter, Continuity, derivability and intregrability of an integral of a function of a parameter.

Unit II
Series of arbitrary terms, Convergence divergence and oscillation, Abels and Dirichlets tests, Multiplication of series, Double series. Partial derivation and differentiability of real valued functions of two variables, Schwarz and Youngs theorem, Implicit function theorem. Fourier series, Fourier expansion of piece wise monotonic functions.

Unit III
Complex numbers as ordered pairs, geometric representation of complex numbers, Stereographic projection. Continuity and Differentiability of complex functions, Analytic functions, Cauchy Riemann equations, Harmonic functions. Elementary functions, mapping by elementary functions, Mobius transformations, Fixed points, Cross ratio, Inverse points and critical mappings, Conformal mappings.

Unit IV
Definition and examples of metric spaces, Neighbourhoods, limit points, interior points. Open and closed sets. Closure and interior. Boundary points, subspace of a metric space, Cauchy sequences, Completeness, Cantors interaction theorem. Contraction principle, construction of real numbers as the completion of the incomplete metric space of rationals, real numbers as a complete ordered field, dense subsets. Baire category theorem. Separable, second countable and first countable spaces. Continuous functions.

B.A/B.Sc. (Part III) (Paper II) Abstract Algebra

Unit I
Group- Automorphism, Inner automorphism. Automorphism groups and their computations. Conjugacy relations. Normaliser. Counting principal and the class equation of a finite group. Center for group of prime order. Abelianizing of a group and its universal property. Sylows theorem. p Sylow subgroup. Structure theorem for finite Abelian groups.

Unit II
Ring theory Ring homomorphism. Ideals and Quotient rings. Field of Quotients of an integral Domain. Euclidean Rings. Polynomial Rings. Polynomial over the Rational Field. The Eisenstein Criterion. Polynomial Rings over Commutative Rings. R unique factorization domain implies so is , ,, .

Unit III
Definition and examples of vector spaces. Subspaces. Sum and direct sum of subspaces. Linear span. Linear dependence, independence and their basic properties. Basis. Finite dimensional vector spaces. Existence theorem for bases. Invariance of the number of elements of a basis set. Dimension, Existence of complementary subspace of a subspace of a finite dimensional vector space, Dimension of sums of subspaces, Quotient space and its dimension, linear transformations and their representation as matrices, The Algebra of linear transformations, The rank nullity theorem, change of basis, Dual space, Bidual space and natural isomorphism, Adjoint of a linear transformation, Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a linear transformation.

Unit IV
Diagonalisation, Annihilator of a subspace, Bilinear, Quadratic and Hermitian forms. Inner product spaces-Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, orthogonal vectors. Orthogonal complements, Orthonormal sets and bases, Bessels inequality for finite dimensional spaces, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process.

B.A/B.Sc. (Part III) (Paper III) Numerical Analysis

Unit I
Solution of equations: bisection, Secant, Regula Falsi, Newtons method, Roots of polynomials. Interpolation, Lagrange and Hermite interpolation, Dividend differences, Difference schemes, Interpolation formula using differences. Numerical differentiation.

Unit II
Numerical Quadrature: Newtons Cotes Formulas, Gauss Quadrature Formulas, Chebyehevs Formulas. Linear equations: Direct method for solving systems of linear equations( Gauss elimination, LU Decomposition, Cholesky Decomposition), Iterative methods(Jacobi, Gauss Seidel, Relaxation methods). The Algebraic Eigenvalue problem: Jacobis method, Givens method Householders method, Power method, QR method, Lanczos method.

Unit III
Ordinary differential equations: Euler method, single step methods, Runge-Kutta method, Multistep methods, Milne-Simpson method, Methods based on Numerical integration, Methods based on numerical differentiation, boundary value problems, Eigenvalue problems. Approximation: Different types of approximation, Least square polynomial approximation, Polynomial approximation using Orthogonal Polynomials. Approximation with Trignometrical functions, Exponential functions, Chebychev Polynomials, Rational Functions.

Unit IV
Finite difference method for linear second order differential equations. Local truncation error, derivative boundary conditions, solution of tridiagonal systems. Finite difference method for nonlinear second order differential equations, Local truncation error, Newton Raphson method for system of algebraic equations. Linearization through Newton Raphson method, Irreducible monotonic matrices, convergence of finite difference scheme using exact inverse and also using bounds for the inverse.

B.A/B.Sc. (Part III)

(Paper IV) Differential Geometry

Unit I
Local theory of curves- Space curves. Examples. Plane curves, tangent and normal and binormal, Osculating plane, normal plane and rectifying plane, Helices, Serret-Frenet apparatus, contact between curve and surfaces, tangent surfaces, involutes and evolutes of curves, Intrinsic equations, fundamental existence theorem for space curves. Local theory of surfaces-Parametric patches on surface curve of a surface, surfaces of revolutions, Helicoids, metric-first fundamental form and arc length.

Unit II
Local theory of surfaces( Cont.). Direction coefficients, families of curves, intrinsic properties, geodesics, canonical geodesic equations, normal properties of geodesics, geodesics curvature, geodesics polars, Gauss-Bonnet theorem, Gaussian curvature, normal curvature, Meusneirs theorem, mean curvature, Gaussian curvature, umbilic points, lines of curvature, Rodrigues formula, Eulers theorem.

Unit III
The fundamental equation of surface theory- The equation of Gauss, the equation of Weingarten, the Mainardi-Codazzi equation. Tensor algebra: Vector spaces, the dual spaces, tensor product of vector spaces, transformation formulae, contraction, special tensor, inner product, associated tensor.

Unit IV
Differential Manifold-examples, tangent vectors, connexions, covariant differentiation. Elements of general Riemannian geometry- Riemannian metric, the fundamental theorem of local Riemannian Geometry, Differential parameters, curvature tensors, Geodesics, geodesics curvature, geometrical interpretation of the curvature tensor and special Riemannian spaces.

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