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Hacker Programming Book

Parte X Varie

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book Luso di Java in rete

Vi chiederete come mai a questo punto mettiamo in baloo anche Java. Una delle funzioni fondamentali legate allhacker quella di sapere sempre in qualsiasi circostanza dimenticare con le funzioni di trasmissione sulla rete. Negli appositi capitoli abbiamo parlato di SOCKETS, WINSOCKET e di classi scritte mediante il C/C++ usando queste funzioni. I socket come abbiamo gi visto sono in pratia dei canali che permettono a due punti geograficamente remoti di comunicare tramite riferimenti che vengono settati e poi aperti mediante le varie funzioni socket pesenbti nelle varie librerie di sistema legate al sistema operativo specifico. Esistono dei casi in cui diventa necessario poter gestire i vari protocolli di rete. Queste esigenze spesso capitano sul campo di battaglia ovvero quando non ce la possibilit di mettersi li e compilare un programma. Java negli ultimi anni stato reso disponibile per qualsiasi ambiente e comqunue rimane un linguaggio funzionale indipendentemente dal sistema su cui gira. In altre parole un programma scritto in Java funzioner senza modifiche sotto Unix alo stesso modo di quanto funziona sotto Windows. Lesempio che ho deciso di riportare lho scritto con la finalit di esporre luso delle funzioni socket collegate alla gestione dei vari protocolli come SMTP, FTP ecc. Il grosso successo di Java dipende sicuramente dal fatto che la pubblicit fattagli lo elegge a linguaggio per eccellenza per lo sviluppo di software per Internet. Lo stesso discorso e avvenuto con il protocollo TCP/IP la cui la strabiliante popolarit e derivata anche in questo caso al suo legame con Internet. Spesso il troppo parlare di certe cose fa nascere dei miti che alcune volte portano ad esagerare sulla vera essenza di una cosa oppure spingono a utilizzare delle parole senza di fatto conoscerne il vero significato. Java e TCP/IP costituiscono due esempi di un caso e dell altro. Il primo e stato talmente pubblicizzato legato a Internet che sembra quasi che l unico problema relativo alla scrittura di software per questa ultima sia quella di installare il compilatore. Una volta poi installato il tutto iniziano le varie santificazioni quando ci si accorge che il tutto non era poi cosi semplice in quanto iniziano a sorgere un infinita di questo non e possibile farlo perch il gestore della sicurezza non permette di , non e permessa la scrittura su host perch, il protocollo ha problemi se si usano streams di , ecc. Il secondo caso invece e costituito dal fatto che tutti parlano di TCP/IP ma pochi conoscono bene come questo funziona. Le filosofie orientali legate allo Zen (e all arte di programmare) parlano di medianita ovvero della ricerca del punto di equilibrio. Alcuni concetti a volte sono veramente complessi e la loro conoscenza totale porterebbe ad impiegare eccessive forze in relazione agli obbiettivi che ci si prefiggono. Prendiamo ad esempio il protocollo TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). La conoscenza globale pretenderebbe uno sforzo notevole in quanto l argomentazione e veramente complessa soprattutto se si scende a livello di progettazione. In ogni caso una buona conoscenza di alcuni principi di base permette di sopperire ad alcuni problemi che sorgono utilizzando Java in ambiente Internet. Infatti alcune limitazioni relative agli applets sono veramente pesanti quali ad esempio quelle legate all impossibilita di leggere e scrivere files ecc. Per rinfrescare la memoria riassumiamo qui le principali limitazioni di un applet. 1. Java puo usare solo il proprio codice e non puo supportarsi su librerie esterne o utilizzare codice nativo di altra natura quali ad esempio il linguaggio C. 2. Un applet non puo leggere o scrivere files. Nel caso della lettura alcuni browser la permettono utilizzando la specifica URL al posto del nome file (vedi a seguito la parte dedicata alle URL). La scrittura di file invece puo avvenire mediante tecniche di programmazione client/server tramite l utilizzo dei socket (vedi anche in questo caso il capitolo piu avanti dedicato ai socket). 3. Una applet non pu creare connessioni eccetto che con l host da cui proviene. 4. Non puo eseguire programmi sull host. 5. Non gli e permesso richiedere informazioni su alcune proprieta del sistema.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

6. Una dialog creata da un applet riporta la scritta che avvisa che la finestra e di proprieta dell applet stessa al fine di evitare la simulazione, ad esempio, di maschere in cui vengono richieste password e codici d accesso ad insaputa dell utente. La conoscenza del funzionamento del protocollo e delle classi di rete permette di aggirare gli ostacoli che si creano a seguito delle precedenti limitazioni. Innanzi tutto : che cosa sono i protocolli ? I protocolli di comunicazione nascono dall esigenza di trasmettere dati su delle linee di comunicazione di diversa natura, controllandone la correttezza, in diversi ambienti, con un numero indefinito di partecipanti, con ambienti operativi differenti ecc. Inizialmente la problematica principale nasceva dall esigenza di controllare la correttezza dei dati trasmessi tra due sistemi collegati punto a punto. In pratica semplificando si potrebbe dire : Io ti trasmetto un numero X di dati in sequenza e mano mano che li invio eseguo la loro sommatoria. Finito di trasmetterteli ti invio la somma che ho calcolato. Tu mentre ricevi i dati da me inviati esegui la stessa somma. Se il valore che ti ho comunicato io alla fine e uguale a quello che hai calcolato mentre ricevevi dimmi di proseguire nell invio dei pacchetti se non avvertimi dell errore e fammi ripetere l invio degli stessi dati. Questo era valido nel caso di connessioni fisiche punto a punto. Quando le connessioni iniziarono a riguardare reti con piu partecipanti il problema si estese in quanto il pacchetto che prima conteneva soltanto i dati e la somma per la verifica della correttezza dovette essere estesa includendo all interno di essa anche i dati relativi all indirizzo del mittente q uello del destinatarioi. Questo detto in tono semplicistico per far comprendere il principio di base dei protocolli. Introduzione alla programmazione di rete con Java Fino ad ora abbiamo visto alcuni concetti legati alla strutturazione di una rete sia dal punto di vista logico che da quello fisico. In ritroviamo un insieme di classi utilizzate dal TCP come ad esempio la classe URL, la classe URLConnection, la classe Socket e la classe ServerSocket. Altre classi come ad esempio la classe DatagramPacket, la classe DatagramSocket e quella MulticastSocket sono utilizzate dal protocollo UDP. Java e le sue classi rete In Java esiste un insieme di classi che permettono molte funzionalita legate agli indirizzi di rete ed ad alcuni protocolli utilizzati a certi livelli. La maggior parte di queste classi sono definite dentro al package Altre, come ad esempio quelle che si interessano dei protocolli FTP, SMTP ecc. sono nel package Al fine di poter utilizzare a livello pratico tutti gli argomenti trattati prenderemo in considerazione la

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

progettazione di un software e precisamente un applet che permettera un certo numero di funzionalita comunque legate ai concetti di rete. Quando un utente si collega ad un sito e visualizza le pagine presente su questo potrebbe trovarsi dinanzi ad diverse esigenze che lo costringerebbero a ricercare ed a caricare degli altri software. Il software di cui vedremo la progettazione dovrebbe permettere : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Invio di messaggi all host senza utilizzare mailer esterni Utilizzo di una sessione FTP per prelevare dei file dal l host Connessione ad hosts selezionandoli da una lista proposta Ricerche su motori di ricerca senza uscire dalla pagina Indicizzazioni di strutture di pagine html alla fine della ricerca di vocaboli o frasi.

Mediante lo sviluppo di queste funzioni verranno viste alcune classi legate ai protocolli e all utilizzo di alcune risorse. Tra le classi utilizzate ci sono la classe, la Questo primo pezzo di programma e quello che crea il frame principale e, mediante un gestore di layout a schede, permette la navigazione tra le diverse funzionalita del programma. Il gestore di layout a schede e quello in cui lo sfondo rimane sempre invariato e gli oggetti presentati sull interfaccia utente vengono inseriti selezionando la maschera adatta mediante dei tabulatori. L interfaccia compatibile alle versioni 1.0 e 1.1 del JDK messa a confronto con lo stesso gestore di layout di Windows e abbastanza rustica. Prima di vedere il codice vero e proprio diamo un occhiata alla specifica APPLET dentro al file HTML. <applet code="javaCenter.class" align="baseline" width="8" height="19" alt="The appletUtil Applet" name="javaCenter"> <param name="firstpage" value="appletUtil.html"> <param name="mailto" value=""> <param name="mailhost" value=""></applet> Il primo parametro, firstpage, specifica da quale pagina iniziare la ricerca dei vocaboli o delle frasi specificate nella funzione di ricerca dell applet. Gli altri due parametri, mailto e mailhost, specificano rispettivamente l indirizzo a cui inviare le mail e il server da utilizzare per l invio. Vediamo ora la prima parte del programma.
Parte 1 file

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// import delle classi utilizzate // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------import import import import import import import import import import import import java.applet.*; java.applet.Applet; java.awt.*; java.awt.image.*; java.awt.event.*; java.lang.reflect.*;*; java.util.*;*;*;*;*;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Gestisce il FRAME principale // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------class javaCenterFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener, WindowListener

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

{ private String m_mailhost; private String m_mailto; private String m_ftpserver; private String m_firstpage; private Applet applet; private Panel tabs; private Panel cards; private CardLayout layout; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// pulsanti legati alla gestione dello scorrimento delle pagine contenenti // le varie funzioni. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------private Button first; private Button last; private Button previous; private Button next; private Button ftp; private Button smail; private Button search; private Button link; private Button cerca; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Costruttore. I parametri sono quelli che la classe principale reperisce tra // gli argomenti specificati nella pagina HTML // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public javaCenterFrame(Applet applet, String m_mailhost, String m_mailto, String m_ftpserver, String m_firstpage) { super("javaCenter v1.0"); this.applet = applet; this.m_mailhost = m_mailhost; this.m_mailto = m_mailto; this.m_ftpserver= m_ftpserver; this.m_firstpage= m_firstpage; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Crea i pulsanti che permettono la navigazione tra i pannelli in cui sono presenti le varie funzioni // gestite dal programma. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tabs = new Panel(); first = new Button("<<"); tabs.add(first); previous = new Button("<"); tabs.add(previous); smail = new Button("Invia mail"); tabs.add(smail); search = new Button("Esegui ricerche"); tabs.add(search); link = new Button("Links"); tabs.add(link); ftp = new Button("FTP"); tabs.add(ftp); cerca = new Button("Cerca su host"); tabs.add(cerca); next = new Button(">"); tabs.add(next); last = new Button(">>"); tabs.add(last); add("North", tabs); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// registra i vari pulsanti alla funzione che intercetta gli eventi dalla quale avvengono le chiamate // ai vari moduli. Vedi actionPerformed() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ftp.addActionListener(this); link.addActionListener(this); first.addActionListener(this); last.addActionListener(this); previous.addActionListener(this); next.addActionListener(this); smail.addActionListener(this); search.addActionListener(this); cerca.addActionListener(this);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

cards = new Panel(); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Stabilisce che il gestore del layout e a schede // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------layout = new CardLayout(); cards.setLayout(layout); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Stabilisce per ogni pannello le funzioni assegnandogli la classe che dovra // essere creata e richiamata a seconda della selezione fatta. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cards.add("Invia mail", new javaCenterSendMail(applet, m_mailhost, m_mailto)); cards.add("Esegui ricerche", new javaCenterSearch(applet)); cards.add("Links", new javaCenterLinks(applet)); cards.add("FTP", new javaCenterFTP(m_ftpserver)); cards.add("Cerca su host", new javaCenterSHost(m_firstpage, applet)); add("Center", cards); setBackground(Color.lightGray); addWindowListener(this); pack(); setSize(500, 360); setVisible(true); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Intercetta gli eventi che avvengono sugli oggetti precedentemente registrati // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("<<")) { layout.first(cards); return; } if(selected.equals(">>")) { layout.last(cards); return; } if(selected.equals("<")) { layout.previous(cards); return; } if(selected.equals(">")) {; return; } if(selected.equals("Invia mail")) {, "Invia mail"); return; } if(selected.equals("Esegui ricerche")) {, "Esegui ricerche"); return; } if(selected.equals("About")) {, "About"); return; } if(selected.equals("Links")) {, "Links"); return; } if(selected.equals("FTP")) {, "FTP"); return; } if(selected.equals("Cerca su host")) {, "Cerca su host"); return; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Intercetta l evento di chiusura della finestra // L implementazione di windowListener pretende che comunque siano presenti // le diachiarazioni degli altri metodi. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public public public public public public public } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Classe principale del programma (entry point) // Recupera i parametri specificati nel file HTML se no utilizza quelli di default // specificati nella dichiarazione delle variabili // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------public { class javaCenter extends Applet = ""; = ""; = ""; = "index.html"; void void void void void void void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { windowOpened(WindowEvent e) {} windowClosed(WindowEvent e) {} windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) {} windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) {} windowActivated(WindowEvent e) {} windowIconified(WindowEvent e) {} dispose(); }

private String m_mailhost private String m_mailto private String m_ftpserver private String m_firstpage

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

private final String PARAM_mailhost = "mailhost"; private final String PARAM_mailto = "mailto"; private final String PARAM_ftpserver= "ftpserver"; private final String PARAM_firstpage= "firstpage"; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Recupera un argomento specifico // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------String GetParameter(String strName, String args[]) { if (args == null) { return getParameter(strName); } int i; String strArg = strName + "="; String strValue = null; int nLength = strArg.length(); try { for (i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String strParam = args[i].substring(0, nLength); if (strArg.equalsIgnoreCase(strParam)) { strValue = args[i].substring(nLength); if (strValue.startsWith("\"")) { strValue = strValue.substring(1); if (strValue.endsWith("\"")) strValue = strValue.substring(0, strValue.length() - 1); } break; } } } catch (Exception e) {} return strValue; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Recupera i tre argomenti assegnandoli ciascuno alla propria variabile // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------void GetParameters(String args[]) { String param = ""; param = GetParameter(PARAM_mailhost, args); if (param != null) m_mailhost = param; param = GetParameter(PARAM_mailto, args); if (param != null) m_mailto = param; param = GetParameter(PARAM_ftpserver, args); if (param != null) m_ftpserver = param; param = GetParameter(PARAM_firstpage, args); if (param != null) m_firstpage = param; } public void init() { GetParameters(null); new javaCenterFrame(this, m_mailhost, m_mailto, m_ftpserver, m_firstpage); } }

Dopo aver visto le classi principale e quella che gestisce il frame interessiamoci di vedere al classe che presenta a video una lista di WEB presenti in un file chiamato links.txt il quale viene identificato come una risorsa, aperto, letto ed inserito dentro una lista da cui potra essere selezionato. Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

Il file conterra i dati relativi ai WEB nella forma : WEB|DESCRIZIONE_WEB|

Ad esempio :|WEB di chi ha scritto questa romanza||Sito SUN dedicato al software Java|

Il file verra identificato come risorsa presente sul WEB mediante la costruzione del suo URL. Dopo averlo aperto mediante la classe stringTokenizer verra analizzato in modo da suddividere la denominazione del sito dalla sua descrizione. Mediante una classe di formattazione i dati verranno inseriti in una lista dalla quale sara possibile selezionare il sito a cui connettersi. La classe javaCenterForm proviene da una classe public domain trovata su internet.
Il suo compito e quello di eseguire formattazioni tipo quelle fatte dalla printf() del C.

La riga di programma che utilizza tale classe per creare la riga da inserire nella lista e la seguente : lista.add(new javaCenterForm("%-40s").form(address) + " " + descrizione); Mediante il metodo showDocument della classe applet verra aperta una nuova pagina del browser con la pagina del sito scelto. applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(u, "_blank");

class {

Parte 2 file

javaCenterForm public javaCenterForm(String s) { width = 0; precision = -1; pre = ""; post = ""; leading_zeroes = false; show_plus = false; alternate = false; show_space = false;

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

left_align = false; fmt = ' '; int length = s.length(); int parse_state = 0; int i = 0; while (parse_state == 0) { if (i >= length) parse_state = 5; else if (s.charAt(i) == '%') { if (i < length - 1) { if (s.charAt(i + 1) == '%') { pre = pre + '%'; i++; } else parse_state = 1; } else throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); } else pre = pre + s.charAt(i); i++; } while (parse_state == 1) { if (i >= length) parse_state = 5; else if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') show_space = true; else if (s.charAt(i) == '-') left_align = true; else if (s.charAt(i) == '+') show_plus = true; else if (s.charAt(i) == '0') leading_zeroes = true; else if (s.charAt(i) == '#') alternate = true; else { parse_state = 2; i--; } i++; } while (parse_state == 2) { if (i >= length) parse_state = 5; else if ('0' <= s.charAt(i) && s.charAt(i) <= '9') { width = width * 10 + s.charAt(i) - '0'; i++; } else if (s.charAt(i) == '.') { parse_state = 3; precision = 0; i++; } else parse_state = 4; } while (parse_state == 3) { if (i >= length) parse_state = 5; else if ('0' <= s.charAt(i) && s.charAt(i) <= '9') { precision = precision * 10 + s.charAt(i) - '0'; i++; } else parse_state = 4; } if (parse_state == 4) { if (i >= length) parse_state = 5; else fmt = s.charAt(i); i++; } if (i < length) post = s.substring(i, length); } public String form(String s) { if (fmt != 's') throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException(); if (precision >= 0) s = s.substring(0, precision); return pad(s); } private static String repeat(char c, int n)

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

{ if (n <= 0) return ""; StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) s.append(c); return s.toString(); } private static String convert(long x, int n, int m, String d) { if (x == 0) return "0"; String r = ""; while (x != 0) { r = d.charAt((int)(x & m)) + r; x = x >>> n; } return r; } private String pad(String r) { String p = repeat(' ', width - r.length()); if (left_align) return pre + r + p + post; else return pre + p + r + post; } private String sign(int s, String r) { String p = ""; if (s < 0) p = "-"; else if (s > 0) { if (show_plus) p = "+"; else if (show_space) p = " "; } else { if (fmt == 'o' && alternate && r.length() > 0 && r.charAt(0) != '0') p = "0"; else if (fmt == 'x' && alternate) p = "0x"; else if (fmt == 'X' && alternate) p = "0X"; } int w = 0; if (leading_zeroes) w = width; else if ((fmt == 'd' || fmt == 'i' || fmt == 'x' || fmt == 'X' || fmt == 'o') && precision > 0) w = precision; return p + repeat('0', w - p.length() - r.length()) + r; } private String fixed_format(double d) { String f = ""; if (d > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) return exp_format(d); long l = (long)(precision == 0 ? d + 0.5 : d); f = f + l; double fr = d - l; // fractional part if (fr >= 1 || fr < 0) return exp_format(d); return f + frac_part(fr); } private String frac_part(double fr) { String z = ""; if (precision > 0) { double factor = 1; String leading_zeroes = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= precision && factor <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; i++) { factor *= 10; leading_zeroes = leading_zeroes + "0"; } long l = (long) (factor * fr + 0.5); z = leading_zeroes + l; z = z.substring(z.length() - precision, z.length()); } if (precision > 0 || alternate) z = "." + z; if ((fmt == 'G' || fmt == 'g') && !alternate) { int t = z.length() - 1;

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

while (t >= 0 && z.charAt(t) == '0') t--; if (t >= 0 && z.charAt(t) == '.') t--; z = z.substring(0, t + 1); } return z; } private String exp_format(double d) { String f = ""; int e = 0; double dd = d; double factor = 1; while (dd > 10) { e++; factor /= 10; dd = dd / 10; } while (dd < 1) { e--; factor *= 10; dd = dd * 10; } if ((fmt == 'g' || fmt == 'G') && e >= -4 && e < precision) return fixed_format(d); d = d * factor; f = f + fixed_format(d); if (fmt == 'e' || fmt == 'g') f = f + "e"; else f = f + "E"; String p = "000"; if (e >= 0) { f = f + "+"; p = p + e; } else { f = f + "-"; p = p + (-e); } return f + p.substring(p.length() - 3, p.length()); } private int width; private int precision; private String pre; private String post; private boolean leading_zeroes; private boolean show_plus; private boolean alternate; private boolean show_space; private boolean left_align; private char fmt; } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Classe che gestisce la lista di WEB consigliati e permette la connessione // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------class { javaCenterLinks extends Panel implements ActionListener private Applet applet; private java.awt.List lista; private String inputLine; private TextField sito; public javaCenterLinks(Applet applet) { super(); this.applet = applet; setBackground(Color.lightGray); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT)); Label strTmp = new Label("Lista siti segnalati. sito = new TextField("", 40); panel.add(strTmp); panel.add(sito); add(panel, "North"); // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Connessione a :");

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

// Crea la risorsa list in cui verranno inseriti i siti letti dal file links.txt // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------lista = new java.awt.List(20, false); lista.setFont(new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, 10)); lista.setBackground(new Color(0,60,0)); lista.setForeground(new Color(0,255,0)); add(lista, "Center"); Button connetti = new Button("Connetti"); add(connetti, "South"); lista.removeAll(); setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); try { // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Crea un URL che punta alla risorsa file links.txt // Il file contiene il nome dell host e la su descrizione nella forma // NOME|DESCRIZIONE| // ATTENZIONE IL CARATTERE | e ALT+124 (PIPE) // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------URL tmpURL = new URL(applet.getDocumentBase(), "links.txt"); DataInputStream cl = new DataInputStream(tmpURL.openStream()); while ((inputLine = new String(cl.readLine())) != null) { // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Legge linea dopo linea fino alla fine del file e mediante la classe // stringTokenizer isola i due token che rappresentano // l identificativo del WEB e la sua descrizione // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------StringTokenizer database = new StringTokenizer(inputLine, "|"); String address = database.nextToken(); String descrizione = new String(database.nextToken()); // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Li inserisce nella lista dopo aver formattato la linea mediante // la classe javaCenterForm // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------lista.add(new javaCenterForm("%-40s").form(address) + " " + descrizione); } cl.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { System.out.println(exc.toString());} catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println(exc.toString());} setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Registra il pulsante Connetti in modo tale che possa essere intercettata // la pressione di questo. Vedi actionPerformed() // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------connetti.addActionListener(this); }

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Intercetta le azioni avvenute sugli oggetti registrati // mediante la funzione oggetto.addActionListener(this); // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("Connetti")) { setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); String choiceString = new String(lista.getItem(lista.getSelectedIndex())); StringTokenizer database = new StringTokenizer(choiceString, " "); String connessione = database.nextToken(); sito.setText(connessione); try { // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Crea una risorsa URL data dal nome del sito // e si connette aprendo una pagina nuova del brwser // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------URL u = new URL(connessione);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(u, "_blank"); } catch (MalformedURLException exc) { System.out.println(exc.toString()); } setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } } }


Una delle classi fondamentali, che abbiamo visto nel modulo precedente, e la classe URL. La classe URL rappresenta un puntatore ad una risorsa presente su un WEB la quale viene reperita utilizzando l Uniform Resource Locator. Una risorsa potrebbe essere un normalissimo file o directory od un oggetto piu complesso come ad esempio un interrogazione su un database. Un URL normalmente viene suddiviso in due parti HTTP://

La prima parte specifica il protocollo mentre la seconda la risorsa. Esistono diversi costruttori mediante i quali e possibile creare una risorsa URL. Il piu semplice e il seguente : URL sunSoft = new URL(;
Esistono altri costruttori che permettono di specificare le risorse in modo differente, utilizzando anche il numero di porta se necessario.

Ad esempio : URL sunSoft = new URL(http,, /index.html); e equivalente a URL sunSoft = new URL(;
Ogni costruttore URL puo generare un eccezione legata al protocollo errato o alla risorsa sconosciuta. L eccezione puo essere intercettata con il seguente costrutto :

try { URL sunSoft = new URL(; } catch(MalformedURLException e) { handler all eccezione } La classe URL contiene inoltre diversi metodi destinati a ricevere informazioni legate alla URL stessa. Fate attenzione che non e detto che tutte le informazioni debbano essere presenti.
Vediamo i seguenti metodi : getProtocol() getHost() Ritorna il protocollo Ritorna il nome dell host

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

getPort() getFile() Ritorna il numero della porta o 1 se non e stata specificata durante la creazione Ritorna il nome del file

Alcune volte dopo che e stata creata un URL e possibile utilizzare il metodo openConnection() per creare un collegamento tra il programma Java e l URL stesso. Per esempio e possibile creare una connessione con un sito, Altavista ad esempio, mediante il codice : try { URL urlTmp = new URL(""); URLConnection urlCon = urlTmp.openConnection(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {} catch (IOException e) {} Se la connessione ha avuto successo questa potra essere utilizzata per funzioni di lettura e di scrittura. Molte funzioni legate al reperimento di immagini, suoni, files ecc. necessitano dell URL. Ad esempio : public Image getImage(URL url) public Image getImage(URL url, String name) I seguenti metodi mostrano alcuni esempi pratici.

Image image1 = getImage(getCodeBase(), "imageFile.gif"); Image image2 = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "anImageFile.jpeg"); Image image3 = getImage(new URL(""));
Esistono due metodi della classe Applet, utilizzati moltissime volte, che permettono di ricavare, in ordine : 1. 2. L URL della pagina che chiama l applet L URL dell applet

Le funzioni sono in ordine : Applet.getDocumentBase() Applet.getCodeBase() Come abbiamo appena visto i due metodi sono stati utilizzati nel punto in cui era necessario fornire come argomenti lURL dell host da cui era stato caricato l applet. LA CLASSE URLConnection

Questa classe contiene molti metodi utili quando si lavora con URL HTTP. Fate attenzione che si tratta di una classe astratta e quindi non puo essere istanziata direttamente. Invece di utilizzare un costruttore vedremo come puo essere utilizzato il metodo openConnection() della classe URL La seguente funzione mostra come eseguire la lettura sfruttando la classe URLConnection. Esempio :
import*; import*;
public class URLConnReadr { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { URL tmpUrl = new URL(""); URLConnection URLConn = tmpUrl.openConnection(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(URLConn.getInputStream())); String inputLine; while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) System.out.println(inputLine); in.close();

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

} }

Nella classe URLConnection esistono un grosso numero di metodi e variabili. Due di queste variabili e due metodi che settano queste variabili sono degni di nota in quanto permettono di eseguire funzioni di input e di output sulla connessione creata. In pratica le variabili sono : doOutput doInput A seconda del valore che viene settato (true/false) si indica che l applet vuole eseguire, in ordine, dell output e dell input sulla URLConnection. Queste variabili possono essere settate dai metodi : void setDoOutput(boolean) void setDoInput(boolean) Altri due metodi, uno visto nel codice in alto, permettono di ricavare rispettivamente un stream di output ed uno di input dall URLConnection. I due metodi sono : OutputStream getOutputStream() InputStream getInputStream() LA CLASSE InetAddress

Esistono alcune classi che spesso risultano essere utili come ad esempio la InetAddress la quale permette di creare e registrare degli indirizzi utilizzati da altre classi. Quest ultima classe di fatto non possiede costruttori pubblici ma in compenso dispone di diversi metodi statici che possono essere utilizzati per creare delle istanze della classe. Tutti i metodi sono statici e devono essere utilizzati nel seguente modo. InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(; InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); InetAddress addr[] = InetAddress.getAllByName(; Le precedenti funzioni generano un UnknownHostException se il sistema non e collegato a un DNS. Per DNS si intende Domain Name Server. In altre parole il TCP/IP permette di far riferimento agli host di una rete mediante appositi nomi invece di usare l indirizzo IP. In pratica il DNS e il metodo che ci permette di riferirci ad un sistema quello che normalmente costituito dal nomeHost.nomeDominio (i vari, ecc.) Inoltre la classe InetAddress include numerose variabili e funzioni per memorizzare indirizzi host Internet. public String hostName public int address public String localHostName Questa variabile contiene il nome dell host nella forma www.xx.yy L indirizzo numerico dell host (x.y.z.j) Contiene il nome dell host locale ovvero quello del computer su cui viene eseguita l applicazione.

Dopo questa panoramica sulla classe URL utilizzata nella prima parte del programma vediamo una seconda parte ovvero quella che si interessa dell invio di messaggi all host. La classe e suddivisa in due parti. La prima crea la maschera video in cui viene richiesto di inserire l email del mittente e il testo del messaggio. Il server mail utilizzato per l invio viene specificato nei parametri della pagina HTML mediante la voce <param name=mailhost> La seconda parte e quella invece che si interessa della creazione del messaggio e del suo invio.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

Come abbiamo gia detto esiste una porta specifica, la 25 , che permette di comunicare con il demone mail presente sul server.

Questo non significa che, dopo aver aperto un Socket su quella porta, tutto cio che verra scritto verra inviato come mail. I dati scritti su tale socket dovranno essere formattati in un determinato modo per essere considerati un messaggio valido e quindi per essere smistato. Le informazioni dovrebbero avere la seguente formattazione :
HELO host mittente MAIL FROM: mittente RCPT TO: ricevente DATA Messaggio (qualsiasi numero linee) . QUIT

Esiste una classe in che permette la gestione del messaggio. Nel nostro modulo riscriveremo completamente la parte che si interessa della creazione e dell invio del messaggio in modo tale da vedere in funzione alcune classi legate alla gestione della rete. Parte 3 file

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Classe che crea il messaggio e lo invia // In pratica svolge le funzioni della classe // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------class javaCenterSmtp { static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 25; static final String EOL = "\r\n"; protected DataInputStream reply = null; protected PrintStream send = null; protected Socket sock = null; public javaCenterSmtp( String hostid) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { this(hostid, DEFAULT_PORT); } public javaCenterSmtp( String hostid, int port) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Apre un socket sulla porta 25 // La porta 25 e relativa al demone di gestione mail // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------sock = new Socket( hostid, port ); reply = new DataInputStream( sock.getInputStream() ); send = new PrintStream( sock.getOutputStream() ); String rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("220")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); while (rstr.indexOf('-') == 3) { rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("220")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

} } public javaCenterSmtp( InetAddress address ) throws IOException { this(address, DEFAULT_PORT); } public javaCenterSmtp( InetAddress address, int port ) throws IOException { sock = new Socket( address, port ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Apre uno stream di input e uno di output // Mediante quello di output invia le stringhe contenenti le // formattazioni dei messaggi. // Sulle stream di input legge le repliche. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------reply = new DataInputStream( sock.getInputStream() ); send = new PrintStream( sock.getOutputStream() ); String rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("220")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); while (rstr.indexOf('-') == 3) { rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("220")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); } } public void sendmsg( String from_address, String to_address, String subject, String message ) throws IOException, ProtocolException { String rstr; String sstr; InetAddress local; try { local = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } catch (UnknownHostException ioe) { System.err.println("No local IP address found - is your network up?"); throw ioe; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Reperisce il nome del server mail e crea il testo formattato // Per ogni stringa inviata mediante uno stream di output legge la replica // utilizzando uno stream d input // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------String host = local.getHostName(); send.print("HELO " + host); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("250")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); sstr = "MAIL FROM: " + from_address ; send.print(sstr); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("250")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); sstr = "RCPT TO: " + to_address; send.print(sstr); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("250")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); send.print("DATA"); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("354")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); send.print("From: " + from_address); send.print(EOL); send.print("To: " + to_address); send.print(EOL); send.print("Subject: " + subject); send.print(EOL); Date today_date = new Date(); send.print("Date: " + msgDateFormat(today_date)); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); send.print("Comment: Unauthenticated sender"); send.print(EOL);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

send.print("X-Mailer: JNet javaCenterSmtp"); send.print(EOL); send.print(EOL); send.print(message); send.print(EOL); send.print("."); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); rstr = reply.readLine(); if (!rstr.startsWith("250")) throw new ProtocolException(rstr); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Chiude il socket utilizzato // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------public void close() { try { send.print("QUIT"); send.print(EOL); send.flush(); sock.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) {} } protected void finalize() throws Throwable { this.close(); super.finalize() } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Formatta la data del messaggio in modo corretto // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------private String msgDateFormat( Date senddate) { String formatted = "hold"; String Day[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"}; String Month[] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; formatted = Day[senddate.getDay()] + ", "; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getDate()) + " "; formatted = formatted + Month[senddate.getMonth()] + " "; if (senddate.getYear() > 99) formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getYear() + 1900) + " "; else formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getYear()) + " "; if (senddate.getHours() < 10) formatted = formatted + "0"; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getHours()) + ":"; if (senddate.getMinutes() < 10) formatted = formatted + "0"; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getMinutes()) + ":"; if (senddate.getSeconds() < 10) formatted = formatted + "0"; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(senddate.getSeconds()) + " "; if (senddate.getTimezoneOffset() < 0) formatted = formatted + "+"; else formatted = formatted + "-"; if (Math.abs(senddate.getTimezoneOffset())/60 < 10) formatted = formatted + "0"; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(Math.abs(senddate.getTimezoneOffset())/60); if (Math.abs(senddate.getTimezoneOffset())%60 < 10) formatted = formatted + "0"; formatted = formatted + String.valueOf(Math.abs(senddate.getTimezoneOffset())%60); return formatted; } }

Questa e la classe che si interessera fisicamente del messaggio. La classe che segue invece e quella che gestisce la maschera dei dati e che richiama la classe appena vista. In questa parte ritroviamo le funzioni che settano il gestore di layout e che posizionano gli oggetti come i pulsanti e i campi di testo in cui inserire i dati a video. Parte 4 file

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Gestisce la maschera dei dati // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------class javaCenterSendMail extends Panel implements ActionListener

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

{ private javaCenterMSGBox mbox; private Applet applet; private String m_mailhost; private String m_mailto; private TextField mailAddress; private TextArea messageText; private Button invia; public javaCenterSendMail(Applet applet, String m_mailhost, String m_mailto) { super(); this.applet = applet; this.m_mailhost = m_mailhost; this.m_mailto = m_mailto; setBackground(Color.lightGray); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gridbag); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); javaCenterConstrainer constrainer = new javaCenterConstrainer(this, constraints); constrainer.getDefaultConstraints().insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); Label strTmp = new Label("Invio messaggi all' host : "); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 0, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); strTmp.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 14)); strTmp.setForeground(; strTmp = new Label("Vostro Email: "); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 2, 20, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); mailAddress = new TextField("vs@email", 60); constrainer.constrain(mailAddress, 20, 2, 60, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(mailAddress); strTmp = new Label("Testo messaggio: "); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 4, 20, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); messageText = new TextArea("", 10, 60); constrainer.constrain(messageText, 0, 6, 80, 10, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(messageText); messageText.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, 12)); messageText.setBackground(new Color(0,60,0)); messageText.setForeground(new Color(0,255,0)); invia = new Button("Invia messaggio"); constrainer.constrain(invia, 0, 18, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.CENTER); add(invia); invia.addActionListener(this); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("Invia messaggio")) { String Email = mailAddress.getText(); if(Email.length() < 1) { mbox = new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "Attenzione", "Inserire la Vs. email"); mailAddress.requestFocus(); return; } String Testo = messageText.getText(); if(Testo.length() < 1) { mbox= new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "Attenzione", "Inserire il testo"); messageText.requestFocus(); return; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Controlla che i dati siano stati inseriti e chiama il costruttore // della classe che si interessera dell invio della mail,

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------try { javaCenterSmtp connect = new javaCenterSmtp(m_mailhost); connect.sendmsg(Email,m_mailto,"Messaggio", Testo); } catch(SmtpProtocolException x5) { mbox = new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "ERRORE", "Smtp protocol exception - "+ x5.toString()); System.out.println(x5.getMessage()); } catch (UnknownHostException x1) { mbox= new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "ERRORE", "Failed to find host - " + m_mailhost + "- "+ x1.toString()); System.out.println(x1.getMessage()); } catch (ProtocolException x2) { mbox= new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "ERRORE", "Some sort of protocol exception -" + x2.toString()); System.out.println(x2.getMessage()); } catch (IOException x3) { mbox= new javaCenterMSGBox(null, "ERRORE", "Error reading/writing to socket on " + m_mailhost + "- "+ x3.toString()); System.out.println(x3.getMessage()); } } } }

Per la gestione della formattazione dei campi e stata utilizzata una classe che semplifica l utilizzo del gestore di layout GridBagLayout ed una per la visualizzazione dei messaggi temporanei. Il posizionamento dei vari pulsanti, campi di testo ecc. avverra nel seguente modo.

Button cerca = new Button("Cerca"); constrainer.constrain(cerca, 50, 4, 10, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cerca);
Prima di vedere le classi legate all uso della rete utilizzate nei due moduli precedenti riporto queste due classi. Parte 5 file

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Dialog creata per visualizzare messaggi temporanei // quali ad esempio segnalazioni di errore. // Viene creata a partire dalla classe Dialog con il solo // pulsante OK, che permette di uscirne dopo aver letto il testo.

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------class javaCenterMSGBox extends Dialog implements ActionListener, WindowListener { public javaCenterMSGBox(Frame parent, String title, String message) { super(parent, title, true); setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); Label testMsg = new Label(message); add(testMsg); Button ok = new Button("Ok"); add(ok); ok.addActionListener(this); addWindowListener(this); setBackground(Color.lightGray); setSize(400, 100); setVisible(true); }

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("Ok")) dispose(); } public void windowActivated(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowClosed(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowClosing(WindowEvent event) { dispose(); } public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowIconified(WindowEvent event) {} public void windowOpened(WindowEvent event) {} } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Questa classe costituisce una semplificazione per l uso // del gestore di layout GridBagLayout che pur essendo il // piu flessibile e potente e anche il piu complesso. // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------class javaCenterConstrainer extends Object { public GridBagConstraints getDefaultConstraints() { return defaultConstraints; } public Container getDefaultContainer() { return defaultContainer; } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize); } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight); } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill); } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, anchor); } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor, int xPadding, int yPadding) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, anchor, xPadding, yPadding); } public void constrain(Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor, int xPadding, int yPadding, Insets insets) { constrain(defaultContainer, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, anchor, xPadding, yPadding, insets); } public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize) { constrain(container, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, defaultConstraints.weightx, defaultConstraints.weighty); } public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight) { constrain(container, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, defaultConstraints.fill);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

} public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill) { constrain(container, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, defaultConstraints.anchor); } public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor) { constrain(container, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, anchor, defaultConstraints.ipadx, defaultConstraints.ipady); } public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor, int xPadding, int yPadding) { constrain(container, component, xPosition, yPosition, xSize, ySize, xWeight, yWeight, fill, anchor, xPadding, yPadding, defaultConstraints.insets); } public void constrain(Container container, Component component, int xPosition, int yPosition, int xSize, int ySize, double xWeight, double yWeight, int fill, int anchor, int xPadding, int yPadding, Insets insets) { GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); constraints.gridx = xPosition; constraints.gridy = yPosition; constraints.gridwidth = xSize; constraints.gridheight = ySize; constraints.fill = fill; constraints.ipadx = xPadding; constraints.ipady = yPadding; constraints.insets = insets; constraints.anchor = anchor; constraints.weightx = xWeight; constraints.weighty = yWeight; ((GridBagLayout) container.getLayout()).setConstraints(component, constraints); } public javaCenterConstrainer() { this((Container) null, new GridBagConstraints()); } public javaCenterConstrainer(GridBagConstraints constraints) { this((Container) null, constraints); } public javaCenterConstrainer(Container container) { this(container, new GridBagConstraints()); } public javaCenterConstrainer(Container container, GridBagConstraints constraints) { super(); defaultContainer = container; defaultConstraints = constraints; } public void setDefaultConstraints(GridBagConstraints constraints) { defaultConstraints = constraints; } public void setDefaultContainer(Container container) { defaultContainer = container; } private GridBagConstraints defaultConstraints; private Container defaultContainer; }


Nella parte che si interessava dell invio del messaggio cera la seguente parte di codice :

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

sock = new Socket( hostid, port ); reply = new DataInputStream( sock.getInputStream() ); send = new PrintStream( sock.getOutputStream() );
Un socket puo essere considerato come il punto di connessione a due vie esistente tra due programmi che girano in rete. In altre parole un socket e la rappresentazione in Java di una connessione TCP. In pratica quando si vuole eseguire un collegamento ad un sistema in rete si conosce l indirizzo di questo. Mediante il numero di porta e possibile richiedere la connessione ad un software specifico che gira su questa macchina. Nel nostro caso abbiamo utilizzato il socket aperto utilizzando il nome del server mail e la porta 25 (quella del demone mail) per aprire uno stream di output sul quale scrivere i dati relativi al messaggio da inviare. Come e possibile vedere anche dalle due righe di codice appena riportate la fase di scrittura si suddivide in due fasi : 1 2 apertura del socket sul host + numero di porta apertura in scrittura di uno stream

Come avrete visto gli stream aperti sono di fatto due. Uno per scriverci i dati del messaggio e l altro per leggere le repliche del demone mail. E possibile utilizzare la classe socket per la creazione di software client/server. Supponiamo che sul server giri un programma relativo ad un gioco che apre un socket su una fatidica porta 2222. Qualsiasi client potra comunicare con tele software aprendo anchesso un socket utilizzando il nome dell host e il numero di porta 2222. Il software sul sever avra la forma : Socket sock = new Socket(2222);

Sul client invece si avra : Socket sock = new Socket(, 2222); Chiaramente questo e il concetto di base in quanto nel caso di una gestione reale multiutente si dovrebbe eseguire un implementazione tramite thread. LA CLASSE ServerSocket

Questa classe rappresenta un connessione TCP in attesa di ricezione. Non appena viene ricevuta una richiesta di connessione la classe ServerSocket restituisce un oggetto Socket. Ad esempio : ServerSocket servSock = new ServerSocket(5555); definisce un server che monitorizza la porta 5555.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

Socket incoming = servSock.accept(); chiede di attendere fino a che un client non si connettera alla porta 5555. A quel punto il metodo accept ritornera restituendo un socket che potra essere utilizzato per la comunicazione con il client. Vediamo ora un altra parte del codice che risultera interessante per il fatto che mostra l utilizzo di risorse URL relative ai maggiori motori di ricerca. Normalmente per fare ricerche e necessario connettersi ad un determinato motore di ricerca. La seguente parte di codice mostra una maschera in cui viene richiesto di inserire i dati da ricercare e il motore su cui eseguire la ricerca. Una delle migliorie apportate nella versione 1.1 del JDK e che la classe ServerSocket e la classeSocket non sono piu definite come final percui possono essere estese. Il seguente esempio mostra una possibilita fornita con la versione 1.1.
class SSLServerSocket extends ServerSocket { ... public Socket accept () throws IOException { SSLSocket s = new SSLSocket (certChain, privateKey); // create an unconnected client SSLSocket, that we'll // return from accept implAccept (s); s.handshake (); return s; } ... } class SSLSocket extends { ... public SSLSocket(CertChain c, PrivateKey k) { super(); ... } ... }

class {

Parte 6 file

javaCenterSearch extends Panel implements ActionListener private Applet applet; private TextField tf; private Choice c; private URL tmpURL; public javaCenterSearch(Applet applet) { super(); this.applet = applet;

GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); javaCenterConstrainer constrainer = new javaCenterConstrainer(this, constraints); constrainer.getDefaultConstraints().insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gridbag); Label strToSearch = new Label("Ricerca su motore :"); constrainer.constrain(strToSearch, 0, 2, 25, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strToSearch); c = new Choice(); constrainer.constrain(c, 25, 2, 25, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(c); c.addItem("1Blink");

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

c.addItem("AlCanSeek"); c.addItem("AliWeb"); c.addItem("AltaVista"); c.addItem("AskJeeves"); c.addItem("Cade Brazil"); c.addItem("Canada"); c.addItem("Cari Malaysia"); c.addItem("Claymont"); c.addItem("Cyber411"); c.addItem("Dewa"); c.addItem("Excite"); c.addItem("Euroseek"); c.addItem("Goo Japan"); c.addItem("Goto"); c.addItem("Highway61"); c.addItem("Hotbot"); c.addItem("Ilse"); c.addItem("Infoseek"); c.addItem("Identify"); c.addItem("KHOJ"); c.addItem("Liszt"); c.addItem("Lycos"); c.addItem("Mamma"); c.addItem("Magellan"); c.addItem("Metacrawler"); c.addItem("NZSearch"); c.addItem("OneKey"); c.addItem("Oomph! Korea"); c.addItem("Senrigan Japan"); c.addItem("Savvy Search"); c.addItem("Scrubtheweb"); c.addItem("Search"); c.addItem("SearchUK"); c.addItem("Snap"); c.addItem("Starting Point"); c.addItem("UkDirectory"); c.addItem("WebCrawler"); c.addItem("WebSitez"); c.addItem("Whatuseek"); c.addItem("Yahoo"); c.addItem("100Hot"); tf = new TextField("", 50); constrainer.constrain(tf, 0, 4, 50, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(tf); Button cerca = new Button("Cerca"); constrainer.constrain(cerca, 50, 4, 10, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cerca); Label cvs = new Label("Inserire gli argomenti da cercare separati da spazi o da '+'. Gli spazi vengono sostituiti "); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 6, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label("automaticamente dai '+' i quali servono di congiunzione come clausole AND per ricerche con"); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 7, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label(" piu' argomenti. Ad esempio se si desidera cercare le pagine che hanno le parole GIOCHI, "); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 8, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label("DOWNLOAD e FREEWARE si potra' scrivere : +GIOCHI+DOWNLOAD+FREEWARE"); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 9, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label("Verranno reperite tutte le pagine in cui compaiono TUTTE TRE le parole."); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 10, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label("Potrete anche inserire gli argomenti nel seguente modo : GIOCHI DOWNLOAD FREEWARE"); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 11, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cvs = new Label("Il numero massimo di argomenti dipende dal limite stabilito dal motore di ricerca selezionato."); constrainer.constrain(cvs, 0, 12, 80, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(cvs); cerca.addActionListener(this); setBackground(Color.lightGray); }

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String choiceString; String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("Cerca")) { String s = ""; String s1 = tf.getText(); String s2 = ""; s2 = s1.replace(' ', '+'); tf.setText(s2); s = c.getSelectedItem(); if(s == "Cade Brazil") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&p2=1&p3=1"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Euroseek") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&domain=world&lang=world"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Cari Malaysia") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Oomph! Korea") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&v_hangul=1&v_expert=Search"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Goo Japan") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&SM=MC&WTS=ntt&DE=2&DC=10&_v=2"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "1Blink") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Savvy Search") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&classic=on&t1=x&t2=x&t3=x&t4=x&t5=x&t6=x&t7=x&t8=x&t9=x&t10=x&Boolean=AND&Hits=10&Mode=MakePlan&df=nor mal&AutoStep=on"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Canada") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " RG=world&SM=must%3Awords&QRY=" + tf.getText() + "&PS=10&DT=1&GO.x=30&GO.y=8"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "KHOJ") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "AliWeb") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&showdescription=on&titlefield=on&descriptionfield=on&keywordfield=on&urlfield=on&hits=20&domain=&searchtype=Wh ole+Word&types=Any"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Liszt") if(tf.getText().length() > 0)

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&junk=s&an=all"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Byte") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "AlCanSeek") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "=01"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Claymont") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " config=htdig&restrict=&exclude=&method=and&format=builtin-long&words=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Cyber411") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " AV=on&DN=on&EX=on&GX=on&G2=on&HB=on&LS=on&LY=on&MG=on&NL=on&PS=on&SC=on&TS=on&WC=on&WU=on& YH=on&query=" + tf.getText() + "&timeout=30&connects=5"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "OneKey") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&logic=or&max_hits=10"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "NZSearch") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "UkDirectory") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " searchbox=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "SearchUK") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&z=0&y=1&w=0&g=0&r=&ru=&n=3"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "100Hot") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Starting Point") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&search=web"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "AltaVista") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " pg=q&what=web&fmt=.&q=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "WebSitez") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&search=1&type=1&submit1=Find";

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Dewa") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&b=o"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "AskJeeves") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&qSource=0&site_name=Jeeves&metasearch=yes"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Goto") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "; $sessionid$H4EWPLIAAAYTFQFIEENQPUQ?Keywords=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Scrubtheweb") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " action=Search&cat=All&searchtype=all&keyword=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Identify") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&st=p"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Metacrawler") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&method=0&target=&region=0&rpp=20&timeout=5&hpe=10"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Magellan") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&c=web&look=magellan"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Whatuseek") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " db=db&defcmd=find&disp=all&grsz=0&proximity=rank&suffixproc=off&thesaurus=0&arg=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Highway61") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText() + "&bool=and&new_wins=on&speed=reasonable&hits=lots&yahoo_cats=on&armadillo=5&s=wwwyx&dom=2&c=73701"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Mamma") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " lang=1&timeout=6&qtype=0&query=" + tf.getText() + "&summaries=on"; else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Ilse") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " COMMAND=search_for&LANGUAGE=NL&ANDOR=OR&EXTRACT=short&SEARCH_FOR=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Yahoo") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = "";

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

if(s == "Infoseek") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Hotbot") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Lycos") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " adv=0&cat=lycos&npl=matchmode%253Dand%2526adv%253D1&query=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "WebCrawler") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = "" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Snap") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = ",61,home0,00.html?category=0-0-WW&keyword=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Excite") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = " trace=1&look=excite_netscape_us&sorig=netscape&search=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; if(s == "Search") if(tf.getText().length() > 0) s1 = ",135,0,0200.html?QUERY=" + tf.getText(); else if(tf.getText().length() < 1) s1 = ""; try { tmpURL = new URL(s1); } catch(MalformedURLException ex) { System.out.println("Bad URL: " + tmpURL); } applet.getAppletContext().showDocument(tmpURL, "lower"); } } }

Questa parte assume un notevole interesse in quanto dalla fusione di tre moduli presenti in questo programma potrebbero nascere delle idee interessanti. Ad esempio un altra funzione che vedremo e una che permette di analizzare delle strutture di pagine HTML indicando quelle che contengono parole o frasi specificate. Programmando questo modulo in modo tale che l analisi la faccia su pagine ritornate dai motori di ricerca su indicati si potrebbe creare un programma che invia automaticamente una

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

mail a tutti gli indirizzi email trovati sulle pagine restituite dai motori di ricerca contenenti argomenti da noi richiesti. Ad esempio potrei richiedere ad Altavista un elenco delle pagine legate alle gioiellerie. Analizzando queste potrei trovare le mailto: specificate e utilizzare queste per inviare dei messaggi standard (ad esempio pubblicitari non bastavano i bombardamenti di depliant pubblicitari nella buca delle lettere !). Vediamo ora un'altra parte del programma che utilizza una classe legata al protocollo FTP. Tale classe e presente nel package che in esistono anche le classi per la gestione di protocolli come ad esempio nntp che si interessa della gestione dei news groups. Se non si trova documentazione il modo piu semplice e quello di far installare al sistema di sviluppo i sorgenti delle classi e buon divertimento ! Il modulo crea una maschera sulla quale viene richiesto l indirizzo FTP da utilizzare per la connessione. Altri campi si interesseranno di accettare il nome della directory in cui andare e il nome del programma da prelevare. Parte 7 file

class javaCenterFTP extends Panel implements ActionListener { private TextField server = null; private TextField directory = null; private TextField fFile = null; private TextArea lsMessage = null; private Button bServer; private Button download; private Button chDir; private FtpClient fcAluFtp=new FtpClient(); private TelnetInputStream tisList=null; private TelnetInputStream tisGet=null; private TelnetOutputStream tosPut=null; public { javaCenterFTP(String ftpServer) super(); GridBagConstraints constraints = new GridBagConstraints(); javaCenterConstrainer constrainer = new javaCenterConstrainer(this, constraints); constrainer.getDefaultConstraints().insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); GridBagLayout gridbag = new GridBagLayout(); setLayout(gridbag); Label strTmp = new Label("Server :"); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 5, 11, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); server = new TextField(ftpServer, 40); constrainer.constrain(server, 11, 5, 40, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(server); bServer = new Button("Connetti"); constrainer.constrain(bServer, 51, 5, 10, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(bServer); strTmp = new Label("Directory:"); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 6, 11, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); directory = new TextField("/pub", 40); constrainer.constrain(directory, 11, 6, 40, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(directory); chDir = new Button("CHDIR"); constrainer.constrain(chDir, 51, 6, 10, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(chDir); strTmp = new Label("File :"); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 7, 11, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); fFile = new TextField("", 40); constrainer.constrain(fFile, 11, 7, 40, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(fFile); download = new Button("Preleva"); constrainer.constrain(download, 51, 7, 10, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

add(download); strTmp = new Label("Output"); constrainer.constrain(strTmp, 0, 9, 8, 1, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(strTmp); lsMessage = new TextArea(10, 80); constrainer.constrain(lsMessage, 0, 10, 80, 10, 1, 0, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, GridBagConstraints.WEST); add(lsMessage); lsMessage.appendText("Attesa per connessione ..."); bServer.addActionListener(this); chDir.addActionListener(this); download.addActionListener(this); } private void openFtpServer(String ftpServer){ try{ if(fcAluFtp.serverIsOpen()) fcAluFtp.closeServer(); fcAluFtp.openServer(ftpServer); lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); fcAluFtp.login("anonymous",""); lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); fcAluFtp.binary(); lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); } catch ( e){ lsMessage.appendText("Error: "+e.getMessage()); } lsMessage.appendText("\r\n"); } private void chDir(String cdDirectory) { try{ if (!fcAluFtp.serverIsOpen()){ lsMessage.appendText("Errore: Il serve non e' aperto"); return; }; lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); } catch ( e){ lsMessage.appendText("Error: "+e.getMessage()); } lsMessage.appendText("\r\n"); } private void ls() { int i; byte inBytes[]=new byte[1024]; try{ if (!fcAluFtp.serverIsOpen()){ lsMessage.appendText("Errore: Il serve non e' aperto"); return; } tisList=fcAluFtp.list(); lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); while((!=-1) lsMessage.appendText(new String(inBytes,0)); } catch ( e){ lsMessage.appendText("Error: "+e.getMessage()); } lsMessage.appendText("\r\n"); } private void getFile(String getRemoteFile){ FileOutputStream fos; int i; byte inBytes[]=new byte[1024]; try{ if (!fcAluFtp.serverIsOpen()){ lsMessage.appendText("Errore: Il serve non e' aperto"); return; } if (getRemoteFile == ""){ lsMessage.appendText("Errore: Omesso il nome del file"); return; } tisGet=fcAluFtp.get(getRemoteFile); lsMessage.appendText(fcAluFtp.getResponseString()); fos=new FileOutputStream(new File(getRemoteFile)); while((!=-1) fos.write(inBytes);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

fos.close(); lsMessage.appendText("--- OK ---"); } catch ( e){ lsMessage.appendText("Error: "+e.getMessage()); } lsMessage.appendText("\r\n"); } private void closeFtpServer(){ try{ if (!fcAluFtp.serverIsOpen()) return; fcAluFtp.closeServer(); } catch ( e){ lsMessage.appendText("Errore: "+e.getMessage()); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String selected = e.getActionCommand(); if(selected.equals("CHDIR")) { chDir(directory.getText()); ls(); } else if(selected.equals("Connetti")) { openFtpServer(server.getText()); ls(); } else if(selected.equals("Preleva")) getFile(fFile.getText()); } }

I metodi appena visti utilizzano quelli della classe per eseguire la connessione al server FTP, per eseguire la navigazione sulle directory del sistema e per prelevare i files. Come potete vedere a seguito di una richiesta di cambio directory viene eseguita anche una DIR (ls) in modo tale da mostrare i contenuti del nuovo posizionamento. Avrete notato che l output ricevuto tramite uno stream TELNET viene visualizzato dentro ad una TextArea ovvero ad un campo di edit multiriga che viene adibito, nel programma, a maschera di visualizzazione dei dati che giungono dall host a cui si e connessi. Il programma utilizza sempre il LOGIN anonymous e la mia EMAIL come password in quanto si suppone che ci si voglia connettere a sistemi pubblici che normalmente si attengono a questo sistema. Se vi interessa effettuare il login su host con LOGIN, e quindi PASSWORD, dedicate potete modificare il programma aggiungendo alla maschera di inserimento dei dati anche il campo per contenere il primo dato e un altro per contenerci la password.


Il precedente codice dovra essere modificato in modo tale che gli argomenti diventino quelli letti dai campi aggiunti. Per gestire un flusso di dati si in input che in output viene utilizzato uno stream Telnet. Uno stream Telnet puo essere ottenuto utilizzando le apposite classi Difatti sono presenti le classi TelnetOutputStream e TelnetInputStream per gestire flussi di dati.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

La classe FTP dispone inoltre di metodi per settare le comunicazioni in modo ascii o binario. L ultima parte del programma permette di creare una connessione ad un URL specificata mediante l argomento firstpage nel modulo HTML e di creare un elenco di pagine ricavate dall analisi alla ricerca delle parole o delle frasi specificate. A partire dalla pagina specificata viene ripercorso tutto l albero sottostante delle pagine HTML.
class {

Parte 8 file

javaCenterSHost extends Panel implements ActionListener, ItemListener, Runnable private int hits = 0; private int maxhits = 40; private String indexpage = new String(); private String criteria; private URL baseurl = null; private Thread th = null; private Checkbox checkbox1; private Checkbox checkbox2; private Checkbox checkbox3; private TextField textfield1; private Vector allUrls = new Vector(); private Button button1; private java.awt.List tmpLista; private Applet applet; private TextArea messaggi; public javaCenterSHost(String m_firstpage, Applet applet) { super(); this.applet = applet; baseurl = applet.getDocumentBase(); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); indexpage = m_firstpage; Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); Label strTmp = new Label("Riporta pagine con"); criteria = "qualsiasi parola"; checkbox1 = new Checkbox("qualsiasi parola"); checkbox1.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 10)); checkbox2 = new Checkbox("tutte le parole"); checkbox2.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 10)); checkbox3 = new Checkbox("frasi"); checkbox3.setFont(new Font("Dialog", 0, 10)); checkbox1.setState(true); checkbox1.addItemListener(this); checkbox2.addItemListener(this); checkbox3.addItemListener(this); panel.add(strTmp); panel.add(checkbox1); panel.add(checkbox2); panel.add(checkbox3); add(panel, "North"); panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER)); strTmp = new Label("Parole (separate da virgole) :"); textfield1 = new TextField("", 40); button1 = new Button("Cerca"); panel.add(strTmp); panel.add(textfield1); panel.add(button1); add(panel, "Center"); button1.addActionListener(this); panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,1));

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

tmpLista = new java.awt.List(7, false); tmpLista.setForeground(new Color(0,255,0)); tmpLista.setBackground(new Color(0,60,0)); tmpLista.addItemListener(this); messaggi = new TextArea(5, 30); panel.add(tmpLista); panel.add(messaggi); tmpLista.addItemListener(this); add(panel, "South"); } public void stop() { th = null; } public void run() { register(indexpage ); Search(textfield1.getText() , criteria , indexpage ); stopThread(); } public void startThread() { if( th != null ){ th.stop(); th = null; } th = new Thread( this ); th.start(); } public void stopThread() { button1.setLabel( "Cerca" ); messaggi.appendText("Nessuna altra pagina trovata.\r\n"); messaggi.appendText("Eseguite un doppio click su un eventuale url trovato.\r\n"); if( th != null ) { try{ th.stop(); }catch( Exception e ){} th = null; } } void Search( String search, String criteria, String url ) { String content = ""; try{ content = readURL( url ); } catch( Exception e ) { return; } Enumeration links = parseLinks( content ); messaggi.appendText("Ricerca su " + url + " di " + search + " (" + criteria + ")\r\n"); if(criteria.equalsIgnoreCase( "qualsiasi parola" ) && matchAny( search, content ) ) report( url ); else if( criteria.equalsIgnoreCase( "tutte le parole" ) && matchAll( search, content ) ) report( url ); else if( criteria.equalsIgnoreCase( "frasi" ) && matchPhrase( search, content ) ) report( url ); while( links.hasMoreElements() ) Search( search, criteria, (String)links.nextElement() ); } boolean matchAny( String search, String content ) { String s = search.toLowerCase(); String c = content.toLowerCase(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( s , ", " , false ); while( tok.hasMoreTokens() ){

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

if( c.indexOf( tok.nextToken() ) != -1 ) return true; } return false; } boolean matchAll( String search, String content ) { String s = search.toLowerCase(); String c = content.toLowerCase(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( s , ", " , false ); int count = tok.countTokens(); while( tok.hasMoreTokens()) if( c.indexOf( tok.nextToken() ) != -1 ) count--; return( count == 0 ); } boolean matchPhrase( String search, String content ) { String s = search.toLowerCase().trim(); String c = content.toLowerCase(); if( c.indexOf( s ) != -1 ) return true; else return false; } void report( String url ) { try{ URL u = new URL( baseurl , url ); tmpLista.addItem( u.toString() ); this.hits++; if( this.hits >= this.maxhits ) stopThread(); } catch( Exception e ){} } Enumeration parseLinks( String content ) { String searchfor[] = { " href" , " src" }; String delim = ""; String look = content.toLowerCase(); Vector foundurls = new Vector(); int i, j , k, chi1, chi2; String tmp = ""; k = 0; while( k < searchfor.length ) { i = j = 0; delim = searchfor[ k ]; try{ while( ( j = look.indexOf( delim , j )) != -1 ) { for( i = ( j + delim.length() ) ; ( look.charAt( i ) == ' ' || look.charAt( i ) == '=' || look.charAt( i ) == '\"' ) && i < look.length(); i++ ); chi1 = content.indexOf( " " , i ); chi2 = content.indexOf( "\"" , i ); if( chi1 < 0 ) chi1 = 0; if( chi2 < 0 ) chi2 = 0; tmp = content.substring( i , Math.min( Math.min( chi1 , content.length() ) , Math.min( chi2 , content.length() ))); if( checkURL( tmp ) ) { messaggi.appendText("Ricerco links " + tmp + "\r\n"); foundurls.addElement( tmp ); } j = i; } }catch( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException strbx ){} k++; } return foundurls.elements(); } private boolean checkURL( String ustr ) { try{

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

if( isRegistred( ustr ) ) return false; URL turl = new URL( applet.getDocumentBase() , ustr ); if(!turl.getHost().equalsIgnoreCase( baseurl.getHost())) return false; if( ustr.charAt( 0 ) == '#' ) return false; if( ! checkSuffix( ustr ) ) return false; } catch( Exception uex ) { return false; } register( ustr ); return true; } private void register( String ustr ) { if(ustr.indexOf( "#" ) != -1) allUrls.addElement( cleanLink(ustr)); allUrls.addElement( ustr ); } boolean isRegistred( String ustr ) { return( allUrls.contains( cleanLink( ustr ) ) ); } boolean checkSuffix( String url ) { String ustr = ""; if( url.indexOf( "#" ) != -1 || url.indexOf( "?" ) != -1 ) ustr = cleanLink( url ); else ustr = url; ustr = ustr.toLowerCase(); if(!(ustr.endsWith( ".html" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".htm" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".txt" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".java" )|| ustr.endsWith( ".asp" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".pl" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".cgi" ) || ustr.endsWith( ".shtml" ))) { return false; } return true; } String cleanLink( String url ) { if( url.indexOf( "#" ) != -1 ) return url.substring( 0 , url.indexOf( "#" ) ); else if( url.indexOf( "?" ) != -1 ) return url.substring( 0 , url.indexOf( "?" ) ); return url; } String readURL( String filename ) throws java.lang.Exception { DataInputStream is = null; URL filepath = null; String filecontents = ""; String line = ""; filepath = new URL( applet.getDocumentBase() , filename ); is = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( filepath.openStream() ) ); while( true ) { line = is.readLine(); if( line == null ) break; filecontents += line; } is.close(); return filecontents; } String skipspace( String str )

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

{ int i = 0; StringBuffer nstr = new StringBuffer(); while( i < str.length() ) { if( str.charAt( i ) != ' ' ) nstr.append( str.charAt( i ) ); i++; } return nstr.toString(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { String selection = ev.getActionCommand(); if(selection.equals("Cerca")) { if(skipspace(textfield1.getText() ).equals("")) return; tmpLista.removeAll(); allUrls.removeAllElements(); button1.setLabel("Stop"); startThread(); } else stopThread(); } public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Object item = e.getSource(); if(item == tmpLista) { try{ applet.getAppletContext().showDocument( new URL( tmpLista.getSelectedItem() ) , "_blank" ); } catch( Exception ex ){} } else if(item == checkbox1 ) { checkbox2.setState( false ); checkbox3.setState( false ); messaggi.appendText("Settato criterio a QUALSIASI PAROLA\r\n"); criteria = checkbox1.getLabel().toLowerCase(); } else if(item == checkbox2 ) { checkbox1.setState( false ); checkbox3.setState( false ); criteria = checkbox2.getLabel().toLowerCase(); messaggi.appendText("Settato criterio a TUTTE LE PAROLE\r\n"); } else if(item == checkbox3 ) { checkbox1.setState( false ); checkbox2.setState( false ); criteria = checkbox3.getLabel().toLowerCase(); messaggi.appendText("Settato criterio a FRASI\r\n"); } } }

L esempio visto costituito da 8 pezzi. Dato che nella versione 1.2 del JDK e stata inserita un altra classe List la dichirazione List del AWT creava un errore di ambiguita. Per sopperire al problema la dichiarazione, dove serve e stata fatta con : java.awt.List lista = new java.awt.List(10, false); L applet puo essere compilato sia con il JDK 1.1 (o con 1.2) oppure con il compilatore Microsoft 1.12 (anche con la 6.0). GESTIONE ECCEZIONI

Nelle argomentazioni viste precedentemente abbiamo utilizzato l intercettazione delle eccezioni che potevano essere generate dall utilizzo delle varie classi. Vediamo ora di approfondire il discorso in quanto l argomento ricopre un ruolo molto importante. Avevamo accennato, parlando delle URL, ad un eccezione che veniva generato nel caso in cui si verificava l impossibilita di accedere, per problemi di errata definizione del formato, ad una risorsa. L eccezione in questione era la MalformedURLException.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

Nei package in cui sono presenti le classi viste sono definite altre eccezioni che ci risultano utili per l identificazione degli inconvenienti legati all uso di questi packages. Vediamone un elenco con a fianco i significati :
ECCEZIONE BindException ConnectException MalformedURLException NoRouteToHostException ProtocolException SocketException UnknownHostException UnknownServiceException CAUSA Dovuto all impossibilita (porta gia in uso) di collegare il socket Rifiuto della connessione da parte del socket remoto Interpretazione errata del URL Blocco da parte di un firewall. Impossibilita di raggiungere l host. Errore nel protocollo del socket Eccezione del socket Errore di risoluzione del nome host. La connessione non supporta il servizio

Nel package invece ritroviamo le seguenti eccezioni


TelNetProtocolException SmtpProtocolException FtpLoginException FtpProtocolException NntpProtocolException

Errore del protocollo telnet Errore nel protocollo smtp Errore accedendo al server FTP Errore del protocollo FTP Errore del protocollo Nntp

Inizialmente, quando parlavamo della struttura della rete, avevamo visto la definizione del protocollo UDP e avevamo anche detto che esisteva una serie di classi che erano apposite per tale protocollo. Si trattava delle classi per i datagrammi. LA CLASSE DATAGRAMMA

Inizialmente avevamo detto che i datagrammi vengono utilizzati per inviare in modo indipendente dei pacchetti di dati da un applicazione ad un'altra senza garantirne l arrivo. I pacchetti di dati inviati tramite datagrammi in genere sono indipendenti. Per fare un esempio pratico vediamo due moduli, uno per il server e uno per il client, che permettono di inviare le informazioni degli utenti collegati ad un sistema Unix. Supponiamo che esista un programma che a tempi regolari esegua un who (istruzione Unix per vedere l elenco degli utenti collegati al sistema) e che scriva i dati in un file denominato users.txt. Il programma server dovra attendere una richiesta di invio di un datagramma da parte di un software client e dovra inviare il contenuto del file.
import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class whoClient { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println("Usage: java whoClient <hostname>"); return; } // Crea il datagramma DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(); byte[] buffer = new byte[512]; InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(args[0]); // Invia la richiesta DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length, address, 5225); socket.send(packet); // Prende la risposta packet = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length); socket.receive(packet); // Lo visualizza i dati ricevuti String received = new String(packet.getData(), 0); System.out.println("User(s) connected: " + received); socket.close(); } }

Vediamo ora il software del server.


Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

import*; import java.util.*; public class whoServerThread extends Thread { protected DatagramSocket socket = null; protected BufferedReader in = null; protected boolean flag = true; public whoServerThread() throws IOException { this("WhoServerThread"); } public whoServerThread(String name) throws IOException { super(name); socket = new DatagramSocket(5225); try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("users.txt")); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Could not open who file. "); } } public void run() { byte[] buf = new byte[256]; String returnValue; while (returnValue = in.readLine()) != null) { try { // Riceve la richiesta DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); socket.receive(packet); buff = returnValue.getBytes(); // send the response to the client at "address" and "port" InetAddress address = packet.getAddress(); int port = packet.getPort(); packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, port); socket.send(packet); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } socket.close(); in.close(); } }

Con la versione 1.2 del JDK i packages legati alla gestione della rete sono ulteriormente aumentati facendo diventare il numero dei metodi a disposizione una cosa enorme. Veramente un infinita di metodi sufficenti a perdersi dentro. A peggiorare la situazione ci sono anche le classi create da programmatori e software house che invadono il mercato sia shareware che commerciale. Sun esce con la versione 1.2 ed aggiunge le classi Swing e JFC Microsoft arriva con la sua 3.0 e inserisce AFC. Ogni botta sono centinaia di metodi che si aggiungono a quelli gia esistenti. Senza contare che quello che oggi e recentissimo domani e sorpassatissimo. Con Java e proprio il caso di dire : chi vivra vedra !

Crearsi il proprio linguaggio

Molte volte durante la mia carriera professionale mi sono trovato dinanzi a problematiche che evolvevano, si modificavano e spesso cambiavano radicalmente.
Altre volte si capiva gi in partenza che quel tipo di problematiche avrei potuto ritrovarle altre volte.

Per fare un esempio pratico. Anni fa ricevetti una commessa da Telecom (allora SIP) la quale aveva questo problema. La gestione del personale e quindi presenze, turni ecc., veniva fatta in tutta Italia tramite terminali che permettevano di inserire i dati dentro ai vari Mainframe che accentravano l'elaborazione di questi. Le varie agenzie quindi inserivano tutte le informazioni dentro ai sistemi 3090 tramite questi terminali 3270 su reti IBM SNA e non potevano fare nessuna elaborazione locale delle informazioni. La soluzione per permettere di disporre localmente delle informazioni sarebbe stata quella di poter accedere agli archivi del 3090 IBM, cosa impossibile in quanto il centro di calcolo non dava questa disponibilit, anzi trattava i suoi dati come se fossero TOP SECRET. Allora le soluzioni alternative sarebbero state quelle di digitare due volte i dati, una volta per inserirli nel database locale e un altra volta per metterli nel mainframe.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

La terza soluzione era quella di inserire i dati in una procedura locale e poi questa simulando un operatore andava a mettere dentro ai campi delle procedure del mainframe le stesse informazioni usufruendo di funzioni delle API 3270 per reti SNA. In pratica non potendo accedere agli archivi del mainframe e quindi non potendo fare delle semplici INSERT il software prendeva i dati dal DB locale e li inseriva nel buffer di tastiera simulando gli spostamenti da campo in campo dell'applicativo 3090. Tutte le procedure SIP (Telecom) in genere giravano su sistemi remoti legati ai vari centri di calcolo e quindi quella di poter scrivere "operatori automatici" sarebbe potuta essere un tipo di applicazioni ricorrenti per vari scopi in Telecom. Invece di scrivere una procedura in questo caso conveniva scrivere un linguaggio che gestisse : database locali funzioni di gestione hardware (interrupt e accessi a memoria) funzioni API 3270 per la gestione delle reti SNA.

Scrivendo un linguaggio che gestisse queste problematiche si sarebe facilmente potuto scrivere altre applicazioni per questo tipo di architetture. Comunque questo era solo un esempio in quanto la scrittura di piccoli linguaggi diventa utile per tutti quei casi in cui ci sono problemi ricorrenti. Che cosa significa scriversi un linguaggio dedicato ? Chiaramente parliamo di strutture semplici senza andare in complicazioni particolari. Scriversi un linguaggio orientato significa analizzare i vari problemi che questo deve risolvere e scriversi una tabella sintattica e semantica che descriva le strutture di questo linguaggio. Un linguaggio inanzi tutto composto da vocaboli che possiamo definire con il termine di TOKEN i quali possono essere combinati secondo certe regole semantiche. Prendiamo un operazione di selezione delle informazioni da database. Il token sar SELEZIONA il quale potr essere seguito da un nome di un campo oppure da un carattere * atto a indicare che si vogliono estrarre tutti i campi. Se il termine dopo SELEZIONA * allora il token successivo pu essere solo il nome del DATABASE da cui si vogliono estrarre le informazioni. (1) Nel caso in cui sia un campo di database il token dopo pu essere una virgola (,) a separazione oppure il nome del database.
Nel caso che sia una virgola si estrae un altro token e si ricomincia la valutazione dal punto (1). Quindi le cose da fare per scriversi un linguaggetto sono :

Scriversi il flusso del linguaggio in base ai vari costrutti Scriversi un programma che carichi tutto il programma in un buffer e che possieda una funzione che estrae un TOKEN alla volta (GetToken). Scriversi le varie funzionalita' che devono essere eseguite quando si arriva ad interepratre una certa cosa.
Supponiamo di avere un costrutto del linguaggio che :

SCRIVIAVIDEO [stringa] Chiamiamo GetToken il quale ci restituisce SCRIVIAVIDEO. Capiamo che si tratta di una funzione che deve scrivere la stringa successiva a video. Richiamiamo GetToken il quale ci restituisce la stringa. A questo punto chiamiamo un funzione che stampa a video alla quale passeremo come argomento il secondo token. Il nostro linguaggio dovr possedere anche un analizzatore metematico a cui passare funzioni del tipo : SCRIVIAVIDEO 34*25+2-1 Questa parte di sorgente incorpora il parser matematico. L'ultima funzione in basso entry() legge ciclicamente un funzione e ne stampa il risultato.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

Vi chiederete del perch di tutto questo discorso. Lobbiettivo che mi voglio mettere in questo capitolo legato al fatto di riuscire a fornire un qualche cosa che si evolver con voi mese dopo mese e anno dopo anno fino a diventare il vostro sistema di raccolta delle funzionalit di rete. Dicevamo prima che il primo step che si deve eseguire quello di creare una sintassi del linguaggio. Partiamo dallidea che il nostro linguaggio dovr possedere : DATI FUNZIONI Tra i dati ci dovr essere la possibilit di gestire i tipi fondamentali e il pi alcuni tipi legati alle strutture di base legate al TCP/IP. Decidiamo che lidentificazione del tipo viene fatto tramite il carattere prima del nome della variabile !NOMEVARIABILE $NOMEVARIABILE = = La variabile numerica La variabile stringa

L'ultima funzione in basso entry() legge ciclicamente un funzione e ne stampa il risultato.

char #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define #define


char *funcstr[] = { "IF", "BEGIN", "END", "ELSE", "RUN", "GOTO", "PRINT", "" }; static struct label { char labname[12]; char *prgptr; } lbl[50]; static char char int int void int numlabel = 0; *prog; token[80]; tok_type; tok_istr; level1(float *);

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

void { }

serror(int i) printf(\nError : %d, I);

float vars[26] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static int is_in(char ch, char *s) { while(*s) if(*s++==ch) return 1; return 0; } static int isdelim(char c) { if(is_in(c, " +-*/%^=()") || c == 9 || c == '\r' || c == 0) return 1; return 0; } static void searchfunction(void) { register i = 0; while(funcstr[i]) { if(!lstrcmp(token,funcstr[i])) { tok_istr = i; return; } ++i; } tok_istr = ERROR; } static void get_token(void) { register char *temp; tok_type = 0; temp = token; while(isspace(*prog)) ++prog; if(*prog == '\0') { tok_type = FINISHED; return; } if(is_in(*prog, "+-/%*^=()")) { tok_type = DELIMITER; *temp++ = *prog++; } if(*prog == '!') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = VARIABLE; } if(isdigit(*prog)) { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = NUMBER; } if(*prog == ':') { while(!isdelim(*prog))

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

*temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = LABEL; } if(*prog == '$') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = COUNTER; } if(isalpha(*prog)) { searchfunction(); while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = INSTRUCTION; } *temp = '\0';

} static float find_var(char *s) { if(!isalpha(*s)) { serror(1); return (float) 0.0; } return vars[*token - 'A']; } static void putback(void) { char *t; t = token; for(;*t;t++) prog--; } static void unary(char o, float *r) { if(o == '-') *r = -(*r); } static void arith(char o, float *r, float *h) { float t, ex; switch(o) { case '-': *r = *r - *h; break; case '+': *r = *r + *h; break; case '*': *r = *r * *h; break; case '/': *r = *r / *h; break; case '%': t = *r / *h; *r = *r - (t * *h); break; case '^': ex = *r; if(*h == 0) { *r = (float) 1.0; break;

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

} for(t=*h-(float)1.0;t>(float)0.0;--t) *r = *r * ex; break; } } static void primitive(float *result) { switch(tok_type) { case VARIABLE: *result = find_var(token); get_token(); return; case NUMBER: *result = (float) atof(token); get_token(); return; default: serror(0); } } static void level6(float *result) { if(*token == '(' && tok_type == DELIMITER) { get_token(); level1(result); if(*token != ')') serror(1); get_token(); } else primitive(result); } static void level5(float *result) { register char op; op = 0; if(tok_type == DELIMITER && *token == '+' || *token == '-') { op = *token; get_token(); } level6(result); if(op) unary(op, result); } static void level4(float *result) { float hold; level5(result); if(*token == '^') { get_token(); level4(&hold); arith('^', result, &hold); } } static void level3(float *result) { register char op; float hold; level4(result); while((op = *token) == '*' || op == '/' || op == '%') {

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

get_token(); level4(&hold); arith(op, result, &hold);

} }

static void level2(float *result) { register char op; float hold; level3(result); while((op = *token) == '+' || op == '-') { get_token(); level3(&hold); arith(op, result, &hold); } } static void level1(float *result) { int slot, ttok_type; char temp_token[80]; if(tok_type == VARIABLE) { lstrcpy(temp_token, token); ttok_type = tok_type; slot = *token - 'A'; get_token(); if(*token != '=') { putback(); lstrcpy(token, temp_token); tok_type = ttok_type; } else { get_token(); level2(result); vars[slot] = *result; return; } } level2(result); } static void get_exp(float *result) { get_token(); if(!*token) return; level1(result); } void { entry(HWND hDlg)

float answer; register i = 0; while(1) { prog = buffer; if(SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hDlg, 103), EM_GETLINE, i, (LONG) (LPSTR) buffer) <= 0) break; get_exp(&answer); wsprintf(buffer, "%ld\n", (long) answer); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, 118, buffer); ++i;

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book


In alto viene gestita una tabella dei simboli che viene utilizzata dalla funzione GetToken la quale quando viene chiamata restituisce non solo il TOKEN ma anche il tipo del token.

staticvoid get_token(void) { register char *temp; tok_type = 0; temp = token; while(isspace(*prog)) ++prog; if(*prog == '\0') { tok_type = FINISHED; return; } if(is_in(*prog, "+-/%*^=()")) { tok_type = DELIMITER; *temp++ = *prog++; } if(*prog == '!') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = VARIABLE; } if(isdigit(*prog)) { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = NUMBER; } if(*prog == ':') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = LABEL; } if(*prog == '$') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = COUNTER; } if(isalpha(*prog)) { searchfunction(); while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = INSTRUCTION; } *temp = '\0'; } Come potete vedere in alto anche i tipi di TOKEN sono definiti. #defineERROR0 #defineDELIMITER1 #defineVARIABLE2 #defineNUMBER3 #defineINSTRUCTION4 #defineLABEL5 #defineCOUNTER6 #defineFINISHED7 #defineINSTR_SE0

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

#defineINSTR_INIZIOSE1 #defineINSTR_FINESE2 #defineINSTR_ALTRIMENTI3 #defineINSTR_ESEGUI4 #defineINSTR_VAIA5 #defineINSTR_STAMPA6 Infatti il nostro parser permette di inserire nei costrutti anche variabili del tipo : !A = 23 + !U Le variabili numeriche ho stabilito che devono iniziare con ! if(*prog == '!') { while(!isdelim(*prog)) *temp++ = *prog++; tok_type = VARIABLE; }
prog il buffer dove tutto il programma viene letto e che man mano che il tokenizzatore va avanti a riconoscere ed ad intepretare il puntatore a questo viene

incrementato. Come potete vedere se il carattere puntato ad prog e' ! allora continua a leggere il nome della variabile per cui al ritorno da GetToken avremo in tok_type il valore VARIABLE e in token il valore del token. Se ci fosse un costrutto del tipo : STAMPA !A chiameremmo la prima volta GetToken il quale ci restituirebbe : tok_type = INSTRUCTION token = STAMPA da cui capiremmo che abbiamo a che fare con un istruzione e precisamente con STAMPA. Il nostro diagramma logico del linguaggio ci potrebbe dire che dopo a tale costrutto potremmo avere una variabile, una stringa o un numero, negli altri casi ci sarebbe errore. Richiamiamo GetToken la quale trovando !A ci restituirebbe : tok_type = VARIABLE token = NOMEVARIABILE Dopo aver visto che si tratta di una variabile potremmo volere che questa valutazione venisse fatta dall'analizzatore matematico.
Quando si chiama GetToken il puntatore del programma viene spostato all'istruzione successiva.

static void putback(void) { char *t; t = token; for(;*t;t++) prog--; } putback fa in modo che il programma torni al token precedente per cui dopo aver trovato la variabile faciamo arretrare il programma e richiamiamo il parser matematico. static void get_exp(float *result) { get_token(); if(!*token)

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

return; level1(result); } il quale ci dar in result il valore dell'espressione valutata.
Ora che abbiamo visto la struttura generale del parser possiamo vedere la specializzazione che lo spinge a diventare uno strumento hacker.

Come abbiamo visto a questo punto possiamo inserire qualsiasi funzione specificando la sua sintassi e scrivendo il codice che deve essere eseguito. Chiaramente le funzionalit nel nostro caso dovranno essere implementate o mediante una libreria socket oppure utilizzando wincap. A seconda della scelta fatta dovremo aggiungere anche alcune tipologie complesse che sono visualizzabili come strutture non come variabili numeriche o stringa normali. Ma ora iniziamo a creare la sintassi del linguaggio e le loro funzioni di gestione. Partiamo da quelle legate alla gestione dei canali di comunicazione.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book


TCP 0 Reserved TCP 1 Port Service Multiplexer TCP 2 Management Utility TCP 3 Compression Process TCP 4 Unassigned TCP 5 Remote Job Entry TCP 6 Unassigned TCP 7 Echo TCP 8 Unassigned TCP 9 Discard TCP 10 Unassigned TCP 11 Active Users TCP 12 Unassigned TCP 13 Daytime (RFC 867) TCP 14 Unassigned TCP 15 Unassigned [was netstat] TCP 16 Unassigned TCP 17 Quote of the Day TCP 18 Message Send Protocol TCP 19 Character Generator TCP 20 File Transfer [Default Data] TCP 21 File Transfer [Control] TCP 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol TCP 23 Telnet TCP 24 any private mail system TCP 25 Simple Mail Transfer TCP 26 Unassigned TCP 27 NSW User System FE TCP 28 Unassigned TCP 29 MSG ICP TCP 30 Unassigned TCP 31 MSG Authentication TCP 32 Unassigned TCP 33 Display Support Protocol TCP 34 Unassigned TCP 35 any private printer server TCP 36 Unassigned TCP 37 Time TCP 38 Route Access Protocol TCP 39 Resource Location Protocol TCP 40 Unassigned TCP 41 Graphics TCP 42 Host Name Server TCP 43 WhoIs TCP 44 MPM FLAGS Protocol TCP 45 Message Processing Module [recv] TCP 46 MPM [default send] TCP 47 NI FTP TCP 48 Digital Audit Daemon TCP 49 Login Host Protocol (TACACS) TCP 50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol TCP 51 IMP Logical Address Maintenance TCP 52 XNS Time Protocol TCP 53 Domain Name Server TCP 54 XNS Clearinghouse TCP 55 ISI Graphics Language TCP 56 XNS Authentication TCP 57 any private terminal access TCP 58 XNS Mail TCP 59 any private file service TCP 60 Unassigned TCP 61 NI MAIL TCP 62 ACA Services TCP 63 whois++ TCP 64 Communications Integrator (CI) TCP 65 TACACS-Database Service TCP 66 Oracle SQL*NET TCP 67 Bootstrap Protocol Server TCP 68 Bootstrap Protocol Client TCP 69 Trivial File Transfer TCP 70 Gopher TCP 71 Remote Job Service TCP 72 Remote Job Service TCP 73 Remote Job Service TCP 74 Remote Job Service TCP 75 any private dial out service TCP 76 Distributed External Object Store TCP 77 any private RJE service TCP 78 vettcp TCP 79 Finger TCP 80 World Wide Web HTTP TCP 81 HOSTS2 Name Server TCP 82 XFER Utility TCP 83 MIT ML Device TCP 84 Common Trace Facility TCP 85 MIT ML Device TCP 86 Micro Focus Cobol TCP 87 any private terminal link TCP 88 Kerberos TCP 89 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway TCP 90 DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map TCP 91 MIT Dover Spooler TCP 92 Network Printing Protocol TCP 93 Device Control Protocol TCP 94 Tivoli Object Dispatcher TCP 95 SUPDUP TCP 96 DIXIE Protocol Specification TCP 97 Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol TCP 98 TAC News TCP 99 Metagram Relay TCP 100 [unauthorized use] TCP 101 NIC Host Name Server TCP 102 ISO-TSAP Class 0 TCP 103 Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net TCP 104 ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 TCP 105 Mailbox Name Nameserver TCP 106 3COM-TSMUX TCP 107 Remote Telnet Service TCP 108 SNA Gateway Access Server TCP 109 Post Office Protocol Version 2 TCP 110 Post Office Protocol Version 3 TCP 111 SUN Remote Procedure Call TCP 112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol TCP 113 Authentication Service TCP 114 Audio News Multicast TCP 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol TCP 116 ANSA REX Notify TCP 117 UUCP Path Service TCP 118 SQL Services TCP 119 Network News Transfer Protocol TCP 120 CFDPTKT

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 121 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call TCP 122 SMAKYNET TCP 123 Network Time Protocol TCP 124 ANSA REX Trader TCP 125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser TCP 126 Unisys Unitary Login TCP 127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server TCP 128 GSS X License Verification TCP 129 Password Generator Protocol TCP 130 cisco FNATIVE TCP 131 cisco TNATIVE TCP 132 cisco SYSMAINT TCP 133 Statistics Service TCP 134 INGRES-NET Service TCP 135 DCE endpoint resolution TCP 136 PROFILE Naming System TCP 137 NETBIOS Name Service TCP 138 NETBIOS Datagram Service TCP 139 NETBIOS Session Service TCP 140 EMFIS Data Service TCP 141 EMFIS Control Service TCP 142 Britton-Lee IDM TCP 143 Internet Message Access Protocol TCP 144 Universal Management Architecture TCP 145 UAAC Protocol TCP 146 ISO-IP0 TCP 147 ISO-IP TCP 148 Jargon TCP 149 AED 512 Emulation Service TCP 150 SQL-NET TCP 151 HEMS TCP 152 Background File Transfer Program TCP 153 SGMP TCP 154 NETSC TCP 155 NETSC TCP 156 SQL Service TCP 157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol TCP 158 PCMail Server TCP 159 NSS-Routing TCP 160 SGMP-TRAPS TCP 161 SNMP TCP 162 SNMPTRAP TCP 163 CMIP/TCP Manager TCP 164 CMIP/TCP Agent TCP 165 Xerox TCP 166 Sirius Systems TCP 167 NAMP TCP 168 RSVD TCP 169 SEND TCP 170 Network PostScript TCP 171 Network Innovations Multiplex TCP 172 Network Innovations CL/1 TCP 173 Xyplex TCP 174 MAILQ TCP 175 VMNET TCP 176 GENRAD-MUX TCP 177 X Display Manager Control Protocol TCP 178 NextStep Window Server TCP 179 Border Gateway Protocol TCP 180 Intergraph TCP 181 Unify TCP 182 Unisys Audit SITP TCP 183 OCBinder TCP 184 OCServer TCP 185 Remote-KIS TCP 186 KIS Protocol TCP 187 Application Communication Interface TCP 188 Plus Five's MUMPS TCP 189 Queued File Transport TCP 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol TCP 191 Prospero Directory Service TCP 192 OSU Network Monitoring System TCP 193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol TCP 194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol TCP 195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit TCP 196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir TCP 197 Directory Location Service TCP 198 Directory Location Service Monitor TCP 199 SMUX TCP 200 IBM System Resource Controller TCP 201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance TCP 202 AppleTalk Name Binding TCP 203 AppleTalk Unused TCP 204 AppleTalk Echo TCP 205 AppleTalk Unused TCP 206 AppleTalk Zone Information TCP 207 AppleTalk Unused TCP 208 AppleTalk Unused TCP 209 The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol TCP 210 ANSI Z39.50 TCP 211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal TCP 212 ATEXSSTR TCP 213 IPX TCP 214 VM PWSCS TCP 215 Insignia Solutions TCP 216 Computer Associates Int'l License Server TCP 217 dBASE Unix TCP 218 Netix Message Posting Protocol TCP 219 Unisys ARPs TCP 220 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 TCP 221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth TCP 222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth TCP 223 Certificate Distribution Center TCP 224 masqdialer TCP 242 Direct TCP 243 Survey Measurement TCP 244 inbusiness TCP 245 LINK TCP 246 Display Systems Protocol TCP 247 SUBNTBCST_TFTP TCP 248 bhfhs TCP 256 RAP/Checkpoint SNMP TCP 257 Secure Electronic Transaction TCP 258 Yak Winsock Personal Chat TCP 259 Efficient Short Remote Operations TCP 260 Openport TCP 261 IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL TCP 262 Arcisdms TCP 263 HDAP TCP 264 BGMP TCP 265 X-Bone CTL TCP 266 SCSI on ST TCP 267 Tobit David Service Layer TCP 268 Tobit David Replica TCP 280 HTTP-mgmt TCP 281 Personal Link TCP 282 Cable Port A/X TCP 283 rescap TCP 284 corerjd TCP 286 FXP-1

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 287 K-BLOCK TCP 308 Novastor Backup TCP 309 EntrustTime TCP 310 bhmds TCP 311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin TCP 312 VSLMP TCP 313 Magenta Logic TCP 314 Opalis Robot TCP 315 DPSI TCP 316 decAuth TCP 317 Zannet TCP 318 PKIX TimeStamp TCP 319 PTP Event TCP 320 PTP General TCP 321 PIP TCP 322 RTSPS TCP 333 Texar Security Port TCP 344 Prospero Data Access Protocol TCP 345 Perf Analysis Workbench TCP 346 Zebra server TCP 347 Fatmen Server TCP 348 Cabletron Management Protocol TCP 349 mftp TCP 350 MATIP Type A TCP 351 bhoetty (added 5/21/97) TCP 352 bhoedap4 (added 5/21/97) TCP 353 NDSAUTH TCP 354 bh611 TCP 355 DATEX-ASN TCP 356 Cloanto Net 1 TCP 357 bhevent TCP 358 Shrinkwrap TCP 359 Tenebris Network Trace Service TCP 360 scoi2odialog TCP 361 Semantix TCP 362 SRS Send TCP 363 RSVP Tunnel TCP 364 Aurora CMGR TCP 365 DTK TCP 366 ODMR TCP 367 MortgageWare TCP 368 QbikGDP TCP 369 rpc2portmap TCP 370 codaauth2 TCP 371 Clearcase TCP 372 ListProcessor TCP 373 Legent Corporation TCP 374 Legent Corporation TCP 375 Hassle TCP 376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto TCP 377 NEC Corporation TCP 378 NEC Corporation TCP 379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client TCP 380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server TCP 381 hp performance data collector TCP 382 hp performance data managed node TCP 383 hp performance data alarm manager TCP 384 A Remote Network Server System TCP 385 IBM Application TCP 386 ASA Message Router Object Def. TCP 387 Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. TCP 388 Unidata LDM TCP 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol TCP 390 UIS TCP 391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port TCP 392 SynOptics Port Broker Port TCP 393 Data Interpretation System TCP 394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer TCP 395 NETscout Control Protocol TCP 396 Novell Netware over IP TCP 397 Multi Protocol Trans. Net. TCP 398 Kryptolan TCP 399 ISO Transport Class 2 NonControl over TCP TCP 400 Workstation Solutions TCP 401 Uninterruptible Power Supply TCP 402 Genie Protocol TCP 403 decap TCP 404 nced TCP 405 ncld TCP 406 Interactive Mail Support Protocol TCP 407 Timbuktu TCP 408 Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. TCP 409 Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. TCP 410 DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol TCP 411 Remote MT Protocol TCP 412 Trap Convention Port TCP 413 SMSP TCP 414 InfoSeek TCP 415 BNet TCP 416 Silverplatter TCP 417 Onmux TCP 418 Hyper-G TCP 419 Ariel TCP 420 SMPTE TCP 421 Ariel TCP 422 Ariel TCP 423 IBM Operations Planning and Control Start TCP 424 IBM Operations Planning and Control Track TCP 425 ICAD TCP 426 smartsdp TCP 427 Server Location TCP 428 OCS_CMU TCP 429 OCS_AMU TCP 430 UTMPSD TCP 431 UTMPCD TCP 432 IASD TCP 433 NNSP TCP 434 MobileIP-Agent TCP 435 MobilIP-MN TCP 436 DNA-CML TCP 437 comscm TCP 438 dsfgw TCP 439 dasp TCP 440 sgcp TCP 441 decvms-sysmgt TCP 442 cvc_hostd TCP 443 HTTP protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 444 Simple Network Paging Protocol TCP 445 Microsoft-DS TCP 446 DDM-RDB TCP 447 DDM-RFM TCP 448 DDM-SSL TCP 449 AS Server Mapper TCP 450 TServer TCP 451 Cray Network Semaphore server TCP 452 Cray SFS config server TCP 453 CreativeServer TCP 454 ContentServer TCP 455 CreativePartnr TCP 456 macon-tcp TCP 457 scohelp TCP 458 apple quick time TCP 459 ampr-rcmd TCP 460 skronk TCP 461 DataRampSrv TCP 462 DataRampSrvSec TCP 463 alpes TCP 464 kpasswd

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 465 SMTPS TCP 466 digital-vrc TCP 467 mylex-mapd TCP 468 proturis TCP 469 Radio Control Protocol TCP 470 scx-proxy TCP 471 Mondex TCP 472 ljk-login TCP 473 hybrid-pop TCP 474 tn-tl-w1 TCP 475 tcpnethaspsrv TCP 476 tn-tl-fd1 TCP 477 ss7ns TCP 478 spsc TCP 479 iafserver TCP 480 iafdbase TCP 481 Ph service TCP 482 bgs-nsi TCP 483 ulpnet TCP 484 Integra Software Management Environment TCP 485 Air Soft Power Burst TCP 486 avian TCP 487 saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer TCP 488 gss-HTTP TCP 489 nest-protocol TCP 490 micom-pfs TCP 491 go-login TCP 492 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA TCP 493 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA TCP 494 POV-Ray TCP 495 intecourier TCP 496 PIM-RP-DISC TCP 497 dantz TCP 498 siam TCP 499 ISO ILL Protocol TCP 500 isakmp TCP 501 STMF TCP 502 asa-appl-proto TCP 503 Intrinsa TCP 504 citadel TCP 505 mailbox-lm TCP 506 ohimsrv TCP 507 crs TCP 508 xvttp TCP 509 snare TCP 510 FirstClass Protocol TCP 511 PassGo TCP 512 Remote process execution TCP 513 Remote Login TCP 514 Remote Shell TCP 515 spooler TCP 516 videotex TCP 517 like tenex link but across TCP 518 talkd TCP 519 unixtime TCP 520 extended file name server TCP 521 ripng TCP 522 ULP TCP 523 IBM-DB2 TCP 524 NCP TCP 525 timeserver TCP 526 newdate TCP 527 Stock IXChange TCP 528 Customer IXChange TCP 529 IRC-SERV TCP 530 rpc TCP 531 chat TCP 532 readnews TCP 533 for emergency broadcasts TCP 534 MegaMedia Admin TCP 535 iiop TCP 536 opalis-rdv TCP 537 Networked Media Streaming Protocol TCP 538 gdomap TCP 539 Apertus Technologies Load Determination TCP 540 uucpd TCP 541 uucp-rlogin TCP 542 commerce TCP 543 kerberos (v4/v5) TCP 544 krcmd TCP 545 appleqtcsrvr TCP 546 DHCPv6 Client TCP 547 DHCPv6 Server TCP 548 AFP over TCP TCP 549 IDFP TCP 550 new-who TCP 551 cybercash TCP 552 deviceshare TCP 553 pirp TCP 554 Real Time Stream Control Protocol TCP 555 phAse Zero backdoor (Win 9x, NT) / dsf TCP 556 rfs server TCP 557 openvms-sysipc TCP 558 SDNSKMP TCP 559 TEEDTAP TCP 560 rmonitord TCP 561 monitor TCP 562 chcmd TCP 563 nntp protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 564 plan 9 file service TCP 565 whoami TCP 566 streettalk TCP 567 banyan-rpc TCP 568 microsoft shuttle TCP 569 microsoft rome TCP 570 demon TCP 571 udemon TCP 572 sonar TCP 573 banyan-vip TCP 574 FTP Software Agent System TCP 575 VEMMI TCP 576 ipcd TCP 577 vnas TCP 578 ipdd TCP 579 decbsrv TCP 580 SNTP HEARTBEAT TCP 581 Bundle Discovery Protocol TCP 582 SCC Security TCP 583 Philips Video-Conferencing TCP 584 Key Server TCP 585 IMAP4+SSL TCP 586 Password Change TCP 587 Submission TCP 588 CAL TCP 589 EyeLink TCP 590 TNS CML TCP 591 FileMaker Inc. - HTTP Alternate TCP 592 Eudora Set TCP 593 HTTP RPC Ep Map TCP 594 TPIP TCP 595 CAB Protocol TCP 596 SMSD TCP 597 PTC Name Service TCP 598 SCO Web Server Manager 3 TCP 599 Aeolon Core Protocol TCP 600 Sun IPC server TCP 606 Cray Unified Resource Manager TCP 607 nqs TCP 608 Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer TCP 609 npmp-trap TCP 610 npmp-local TCP 611 npmp-gui TCP 612 HMMP Indication

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 613 HMMP Operation TCP 614 SSLshell TCP 615 Internet Configuration Manager TCP 616 SCO System Administration Server TCP 617 SCO Desktop Administration Server TCP 618 DEI-ICDA TCP 619 Digital EVM TCP 620 SCO WebServer Manager TCP 621 ESCP TCP 622 Collaborator TCP 623 Aux Bus Shunt TCP 624 Crypto Admin TCP 625 DEC DLM TCP 626 ASIA TCP 627 PassGo Tivoli TCP 628 QMQP TCP 629 3Com AMP3 TCP 630 RDA TCP 631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) TCP 632 bmpp TCP 633 Service Status update (Sterling Software) TCP 634 ginad TCP 635 RLZ DBase TCP 636 ldap protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 637 lanserver TCP 638 mcns-sec TCP 639 MSDP TCP 640 entrust-sps TCP 641 repcmd TCP 642 ESRO-EMSDP V1.3 TCP 643 SANity TCP 644 dwr TCP 645 PSSC TCP 646 LDP TCP 647 DHCP Failover TCP 648 Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP) TCP 649 Aminet TCP 650 OBEX TCP 651 IEEE MMS TCP 652 UDLR_DTCP TCP 653 RepCmd TCP 654 AODV TCP 655 TINC TCP 656 SPMP TCP 657 RMC TCP 658 TenFold TCP 659 URL Rendezvous TCP 660 MacOS Server Admin TCP 661 HAP TCP 662 PFTP TCP 663 PureNoise TCP 664 Secure Aux Bus TCP 665 Sun DR TCP 666 doom Id Software TCP 667 campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies TCP 668 MeComm TCP 669 MeRegister TCP 670 VACDSM-SWS TCP 671 VACDSM-APP TCP 672 VPPS-QUA TCP 673 CIMPLEX TCP 674 ACAP TCP 675 DCTP TCP 676 VPPS Via TCP 677 Virtual Presence Protocol TCP 678 GNU Gereration Foundation NCP TCP 679 MRM TCP 680 entrust-aaas TCP 681 entrust-aams TCP 682 XFR TCP 683 CORBA IIOP TCP 684 CORBA IIOP SSL TCP 685 MDC Port Mapper TCP 686 Hardware Control Protocol Wismar TCP 687 asipregistry TCP 688 REALM-RUSD TCP 689 NMAP TCP 690 VATP TCP 691 MS Exchange Routing TCP 692 Hyperwave-ISP TCP 693 connendp TCP 694 ha-cluster TCP 695 IEEE-MMS-SSL TCP 696 RUSHD TCP 697 UUIDGEN TCP 698 OLSR TCP 704 errlog copy/server daemon TCP 705 AgentX TCP 706 SILC TCP 707 Borland DSJ TCP 709 Entrust Key Management Service Handler TCP 710 Entrust Administration Service Handler TCP 711 Cisco TDP TCP 729 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client TCP 730 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp TCP 731 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp TCP 740 (old) NETscout Control Protocol (old) TCP 741 netGW TCP 742 Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. TCP 744 Flexible License Manager TCP 747 Fujitsu Device Control TCP 748 Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager TCP 749 kerberos administration TCP 750 rfile TCP 751 pump TCP 752 Kerberos password server TCP 753 Kerberos userreg server TCP 754 send TCP 758 nlogin TCP 759 con TCP 760 kreg, kerberos/4 registration TCP 761 kpwd, Kerberos/4 password TCP 762 quotad TCP 763 cycleserv TCP 764 omserv TCP 765 webster TCP 767 phone TCP 769 vid TCP 770 cadlock TCP 771 rtip TCP 772 cycleserv2 TCP 773 submit TCP 774 rpasswd TCP 775 entomb TCP 776 wpages TCP 777 Multiling HTTP TCP 780 wpgs TCP 781 HP performance data collector TCP 782 node HP performance data managed node TCP 783 HP performance data alarm manager TCP 786 Concert TCP 787 QSC TCP 799 Remotely Possible TCP 800 mdbs_daemon TCP 801 device TCP 810 FCP TCP 828 itm-mcell-s TCP 829 PKIX-3 CA/RA

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 871 SUP server TCP 873 rsync TCP 886 ICL coNETion locate server TCP 887 ICL coNETion server info TCP 888 CD Database Protocol TCP 900 OMG Initial Refs TCP 901 SMPNAMERES TCP 902 IDEAFARM-CHAT TCP 903 IDEAFARM-CATCH TCP 911 xact-backup TCP 989 ftp protocol data over TLS/SSL TCP 990 ftp protocol control over TLS/SSL TCP 991 Netnews Administration System TCP 992 telnet protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 993 imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 994 irc protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 995 pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL TCP 996 vsinet TCP 997 maitrd TCP 998 busboy TCP 999 puprouter TCP 1000 cadlock TCP 1008 UFS-aware server TCP 1010 surf TCP 1011 Doly (Windows Trojan) TCP 1023 Reserved TCP 1024 Reserved TCP 1025 network blackjack TCP 1026 remote_login network_terminal TCP 1030 BBN IAD TCP 1031 BBN IAD TCP 1032 BBN IAD TCP 1047 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker TCP 1048 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker TCP 1049 Tobit David Postman VPMN TCP 1050 CORBA Management Agent TCP 1051 Optima VNET TCP 1052 Dynamic DNS Tools TCP 1053 Remote Assistant (RA) TCP 1054 BRVREAD TCP 1055 ANSYS - License Manager TCP 1056 VFO TCP 1057 STARTRON TCP 1058 nim TCP 1059 nimreg TCP 1060 POLESTAR TCP 1061 KIOSK TCP 1062 Veracity TCP 1063 KyoceraNetDev TCP 1064 JSTEL TCP 1065 SYSCOMLAN TCP 1066 FPO-FNS TCP 1067 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. TCP 1068 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. TCP 1069 COGNEX-INSIGHT TCP 1070 GMRUpdateSERV TCP 1071 BSQUARE-VOIP TCP 1072 CARDAX TCP 1073 BridgeControl TCP 1074 FASTechnologies License Manager TCP 1075 RDRMSHC TCP 1076 DAB STI-C TCP 1077 IMGames TCP 1078 eManageCstp TCP 1079 ASPROVATalk TCP 1080 Socks TCP 1081 PVUNIWIEN TCP 1082 AMT-ESD-PROT TCP 1083 Anasoft License Manager TCP 1084 Anasoft License Manager TCP 1085 Web Objects TCP 1086 CPL Scrambler Logging TCP 1087 CPL Scrambler Internal TCP 1088 CPL Scrambler Alarm Log TCP 1089 FF Annunciation TCP 1090 FF Fieldbus Message Specification TCP 1091 FF System Management TCP 1092 OBRPD TCP 1093 PROOFD TCP 1094 ROOTD TCP 1095 NICELink TCP 1096 Common Name Resolution Protocol TCP 1097 Sun Cluster Manager TCP 1098 RMI Activation TCP 1099 RMI Registry TCP 1100 MCTP TCP 1101 PT2-DISCOVER TCP 1102 ADOBE SERVER 1 TCP 1103 ADOBE SERVER 2 TCP 1104 XRL TCP 1105 FTRANHC TCP 1106 ISOIPSIGPORT-1 TCP 1107 ISOIPSIGPORT-2 TCP 1108 ratio-adp TCP 1109 Pop with Kerberos TCP 1110 Cluster status info TCP 1111 LM Social Server TCP 1112 Intelligent Communication Protocol TCP 1114 Mini SQL TCP 1115 ARDUS Transfer TCP 1116 ARDUS Control TCP 1117 ARDUS Multicast Transfer TCP 1123 Murray TCP 1127 SUP debugging TCP 1155 Network File Access TCP 1161 Health Polling TCP 1162 Health Trap TCP 1169 TRIPWIRE TCP 1178 SKK (kanji input) TCP 1180 Millicent Client Proxy TCP 1188 HP Web Admin TCP 1200 SCOL TCP 1201 Nucleus Sand TCP 1202 caiccipc TCP 1203 License Validation TCP 1204 Log Request Listener TCP 1205 Accord-MGC TCP 1206 Anthony Data TCP 1207 MetaSage TCP 1208 SEAGULL AIS TCP 1209 IPCD3 TCP 1210 EOSS TCP 1211 Groove DPP TCP 1212 lupa TCP 1213 MPC LIFENET TCP 1214 KAZAA (Morpheus) TCP 1215 scanSTAT 1.0 TCP 1216 ETEBAC 5 TCP 1217 HPSS-NDAPI TCP 1218 AeroFlight-ADs TCP 1219 AeroFlight-Ret TCP 1220 QT SERVER ADMIN TCP 1221 SweetWARE Apps TCP 1222 SNI R&D network TCP 1223 TGP TCP 1224 VPNz TCP 1225 SLINKYSEARCH TCP 1226 STGXFWS TCP 1227 DNS2Go TCP 1228 FLORENCE TCP 1229 Novell ZFS TCP 1234 Infoseek Search Agent TCP 1239 NMSD

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 1241 remote message service TCP 1243 SubSeven (Windows Trojan) TCP 1245 Subseven backdoor remote access tool TCP 1248 hermes TCP 1300 H323 Host Call Secure TCP 1310 Husky TCP 1311 RxMon TCP 1312 STI Envision TCP 1313 BMC_PATROLDB TCP 1314 Photoscript Distributed Printing System TCP 1319 Panja-ICSP TCP 1320 Panja-AXBNET TCP 1321 PIP TCP 1335 Digital Notary Protocol TCP 1345 VPJP TCP 1346 Alta Analytics License Manager TCP 1347 multi media conferencing TCP 1348 multi media conferencing TCP 1349 Registration Network Protocol TCP 1350 Registration Network Protocol TCP 1351 Digital Tool Works (MIT) TCP 1352 Lotus Notes TCP 1353 Relief Consulting TCP 1354 RightBrain Software TCP 1355 Intuitive Edge TCP 1356 CuillaMartin Company TCP 1357 Electronic PegBoard TCP 1358 CONNLCLI TCP 1359 FTSRV TCP 1360 MIMER TCP 1361 LinX TCP 1362 TimeFlies TCP 1363 Network DataMover Requester TCP 1364 Network DataMover Server TCP 1365 Network Software Associates TCP 1366 Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform TCP 1367 DCS TCP 1368 ScreenCast TCP 1369 GlobalView to Unix Shell TCP 1370 Unix Shell to GlobalView TCP 1371 Fujitsu Config Protocol TCP 1372 Fujitsu Config Protocol TCP 1373 Chromagrafx TCP 1374 EPI Software Systems TCP 1375 Bytex TCP 1376 IBM Person to Person Software TCP 1377 Cichlid License Manager TCP 1378 Elan License Manager TCP 1379 Integrity Solutions TCP 1380 Telesis Network License Manager TCP 1381 Apple Network License Manager TCP 1382 udt_os TCP 1383 GW Hannaway Network License Manager TCP 1384 Objective Solutions License Manager TCP 1385 Atex Publishing License Manager TCP 1386 CheckSum License Manager TCP 1387 Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM TCP 1388 Objective Solutions DataBase Cache TCP 1389 Document Manager TCP 1390 Storage Controller TCP 1391 Storage Access Server TCP 1392 Print Manager TCP 1393 Network Log Server TCP 1394 Network Log Client TCP 1395 PC Workstation Manager software TCP 1396 DVL Active Mail TCP 1397 Audio Active Mail TCP 1398 Video Active Mail TCP 1399 Cadkey License Manager TCP 1400 Cadkey Tablet Daemon TCP 1401 Goldleaf License Manager TCP 1402 Prospero Resource Manager TCP 1403 Prospero Resource Manager TCP 1404 Infinite Graphics License Manager TCP 1405 IBM Remote Execution Starter TCP 1406 NetLabs License Manager TCP 1407 DBSA License Manager TCP 1408 Sophia License Manager TCP 1409 Here License Manager TCP 1410 HiQ License Manager TCP 1411 AudioFile TCP 1412 InnoSys TCP 1413 Innosys-ACL TCP 1414 IBM MQSeries TCP 1415 DBStar TCP 1416 Novell LU6.2 TCP 1417 Timbuktu Service 1 Port TCP 1418 Timbuktu Service 2 Port TCP 1419 Timbuktu Service 3 Port TCP 1420 Timbuktu Service 4 Port TCP 1421 Gandalf License Manager TCP 1422 Autodesk License Manager TCP 1423 Essbase Arbor Software TCP 1424 Hybrid Encryption Protocol TCP 1425 Zion Software License Manager TCP 1426 Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 TCP 1427 mloadd monitoring tool TCP 1428 Informatik License Manager TCP 1429 Hypercom NMS TCP 1430 Hypercom TPDU TCP 1431 Reverse Gossip Transport TCP 1432 Blueberry Software License Manager TCP 1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server TCP 1434 Microsoft-SQL-Monitor TCP 1435 IBM CICS TCP 1436 Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 TCP 1437 Tabula TCP 1438 Eicon Security Agent/Server TCP 1439 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway TCP 1440 Eicon Service Location Protocol TCP 1441 Cadis License Management TCP 1442 Cadis License Management TCP 1443 Integrated Engineering Software TCP 1444 Marcam License Management TCP 1445 Proxima License Manager TCP 1446 Optical Research Associates License Manager TCP 1447 Applied Parallel Research LM TCP 1448 OpenConnect License Manager TCP 1449 PEport TCP 1450 Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility TCP 1451 IBM Information Management TCP 1452 GTE Government Systems License Man TCP 1453 Genie License Manager TCP 1454 interHDL License Manager TCP 1455 ESL License Manager TCP 1456 DCA TCP 1457 Valisys License Manager TCP 1458 Nichols Research Corp.

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 1459 Proshare Notebook Application TCP 1460 Proshare Notebook Application TCP 1461 IBM Wireless LAN TCP 1462 World License Manager TCP 1463 Nucleus TCP 1464 MSL License Manager TCP 1465 Pipes Platform TCP 1466 Ocean Software License Manager TCP 1467 CSDMBASE TCP 1468 CSDM TCP 1469 Active Analysis Limited License Manager TCP 1470 Universal Analytics TCP 1471 csdmbase TCP 1472 csdm TCP 1473 OpenMath TCP 1474 Telefinder TCP 1475 Taligent License Manager TCP 1476 clvm-cfg TCP 1477 ms-sna-server TCP 1478 ms-sna-base TCP 1479 dberegister TCP 1480 PacerForum TCP 1481 AIRS TCP 1482 Miteksys License Manager TCP 1483 AFS License Manager TCP 1484 Confluent License Manager TCP 1485 LANSource TCP 1486 nms_topo_serv TCP 1487 LocalInfoSrvr TCP 1488 DocStor TCP 1489 dmdocbroker TCP 1490 insitu-conf TCP 1491 anynetgateway TCP 1492 stone-design-1 TCP 1493 netmap_lm TCP 1494 Citrix/ica TCP 1495 cvc TCP 1496 liberty-lm TCP 1497 rfx-lm TCP 1498 Sybase SQL Any TCP 1499 Federico Heinz Consultora TCP 1500 VLSI License Manager TCP 1501 Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 TCP 1502 Shiva TCP 1503 Databeam TCP 1504 EVB Software Engineering License Manager TCP 1505 Funk Software Inc. TCP 1506 Universal Time daemon (utcd) TCP 1507 symplex TCP 1508 diagmond TCP 1509 Robcad Ltd. License Manager TCP 1510 Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man. TCP 1511 3l-l1 TCP 1512 Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service TCP 1513 Fujitsu Systems Business of America Inc TCP 1514 Fujitsu Systems Business of America Inc TCP 1515 ifor-protocol TCP 1516 Virtual Places Audio data TCP 1517 Virtual Places Audio control TCP 1518 Virtual Places Video data TCP 1519 Virtual Places Video control TCP 1520 atm zip office TCP 1521 nCube License Manager TCP 1522 Ricardo North America License Manager TCP 1523 cichild TCP 1524 ingres TCP 1525 Prospero Directory Service non-priv TCP 1526 Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv TCP 1527 oracle TCP 1528 micautoreg TCP 1529 oracle TCP 1530 rap-service TCP 1531 rap-listen TCP 1532 miroconnect TCP 1533 Virtual Places Software TCP 1534 micromuse-lm TCP 1535 ampr-info TCP 1536 ampr-inter TCP 1537 isi-lm TCP 1538 3ds-lm TCP 1539 Intellistor License Manager TCP 1540 rds TCP 1541 rds2 TCP 1542 gridgen-elmd TCP 1543 simba-cs TCP 1544 aspeclmd TCP 1545 vistium-share TCP 1546 abbaccuray TCP 1547 laplink TCP 1548 Axon License Manager TCP 1549 Shiva Hose TCP 1550 Image Storage license manager 3M Company TCP 1551 HECMTL-DB TCP 1552 pciarray TCP 1553 sna-cs TCP 1554 CACI Products Company License Manager TCP 1555 livelan TCP 1556 AshWin CI Tecnologies TCP 1557 ArborText License Manager TCP 1558 xingmpeg TCP 1559 web2host TCP 1560 asci-val TCP 1561 facilityview TCP 1562 pconnectmgr TCP 1563 Cadabra License Manager TCP 1564 Pay-Per-View TCP 1565 WinDD TCP 1566 CORELVIDEO TCP 1567 jlicelmd TCP 1568 tsspmap TCP 1569 ets TCP 1570 orbixd TCP 1571 Oracle Remote Data Base TCP 1572 Chipcom License Manager TCP 1573 itscomm-ns TCP 1574 mvel-lm TCP 1575 oraclenames TCP 1576 moldflow-lm TCP 1577 hypercube-lm TCP 1578 Jacobus License Manager TCP 1579 ioc-sea-lm TCP 1580 tn-tl-r1 TCP 1581 MIL-2045-47001 TCP 1582 MSIMS TCP 1583 simbaexpress TCP 1584 tn-tl-fd2 TCP 1585 intv TCP 1586 ibm-abtact TCP 1587 pra_elmd TCP 1588 triquest-lm TCP 1589 VQP TCP 1590 gemini-lm TCP 1591 ncpm-pm TCP 1592 commonspace TCP 1593 mainsoft-lm TCP 1594 sixtrak TCP 1595 radio TCP 1596 radio-sm TCP 1597 orbplus-iiop

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 1598 picknfs TCP 1599 simbaservices TCP 1600 issd TCP 1601 aas TCP 1602 inspect TCP 1603 pickodbc TCP 1604 icabrowser TCP 1605 Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol) TCP 1606 Salutation Manager (SLM-API) TCP 1607 stt TCP 1608 Smart Corp. License Manager TCP 1609 isysg-lm TCP 1610 taurus-wh TCP 1611 Inter Library Loan TCP 1612 NetBill Transaction Server TCP 1613 NetBill Key Repository TCP 1614 NetBill Credential Server TCP 1615 NetBill Authorization Server TCP 1616 NetBill Product Server TCP 1617 Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication TCP 1618 skytelnet TCP 1619 xs-openstorage TCP 1620 faxportwinport TCP 1621 softdataphone TCP 1622 ontime TCP 1623 jaleosnd TCP 1624 udp-sr-port TCP 1625 svs-omagent TCP 1626 Shockwave TCP 1627 T.128 Gateway TCP 1628 LonTalk normal TCP 1629 LonTalk urgent TCP 1630 Oracle Net8 Cman TCP 1631 Visit view TCP 1632 PAMMRATC TCP 1633 PAMMRPC TCP 1634 Log On America Probe TCP 1635 EDB Server 1 TCP 1636 CableNet Control Protocol TCP 1637 CableNet Admin Protocol TCP 1638 CableNet Info Protocol TCP 1639 cert-initiator TCP 1640 cert-responder TCP 1641 InVision TCP 1642 isis-am TCP 1643 isis-ambc TCP 1644 Satellite-data Acquisition System 4 TCP 1645 datametrics TCP 1646 sa-msg-port TCP 1647 rsap TCP 1648 concurrent-lm TCP 1649 kermit TCP 1650 nkd TCP 1651 shiva_confsrvr TCP 1652 xnmp TCP 1653 alphatech-lm TCP 1654 stargatealerts TCP 1655 dec-mbadmin TCP 1656 dec-mbadmin-h TCP 1657 fujitsu-mmpdc TCP 1658 sixnetudr TCP 1659 Silicon Grail License Manager TCP 1660 skip-mc-gikreq TCP 1661 netview-aix-1 TCP 1662 netview-aix-2 TCP 1663 netview-aix-3 TCP 1664 netview-aix-4 TCP 1665 netview-aix-5 TCP 1666 netview-aix-6 TCP 1667 netview-aix-7 TCP 1668 netview-aix-8 TCP 1669 netview-aix-9 TCP 1670 netview-aix-10 TCP 1671 netview-aix-11 TCP 1672 netview-aix-12 TCP 1673 Intel Proshare Multicast TCP 1674 Intel Proshare Multicast TCP 1675 Pacific Data Products TCP 1676 netcomm1 TCP 1677 groupwise TCP 1678 prolink TCP 1679 darcorp-lm TCP 1680 microcom-sbp TCP 1681 sd-elmd TCP 1682 lanyon-lantern TCP 1683 ncpm-hip TCP 1684 SnareSecure TCP 1685 n2nremote TCP 1686 cvmon TCP 1687 nsjtp-ctrl TCP 1688 nsjtp-data TCP 1689 firefox TCP 1690 ng-umds TCP 1691 empire-empuma TCP 1692 sstsys-lm TCP 1693 rrirtr TCP 1694 rrimwm TCP 1695 rrilwm TCP 1696 rrifmm TCP 1697 rrisat TCP 1698 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1 TCP 1699 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2 TCP 1700 mps-raft TCP 1701 l2tp TCP 1702 deskshare TCP 1703 hb-engine TCP 1704 bcs-broker TCP 1705 slingshot TCP 1706 jetform TCP 1707 vdmplay TCP 1708 gat-lmd TCP 1709 centra TCP 1710 impera TCP 1711 pptconference TCP 1712 resource monitoring service TCP 1713 ConferenceTalk TCP 1714 sesi-lm TCP 1715 houdini-lm TCP 1716 xmsg TCP 1717 fj-hdnet TCP 1718 h323gatedisc TCP 1719 h323gatestat TCP 1720 h323hostcall TCP 1721 caicci TCP 1722 HKS License Manager TCP 1723 pptp TCP 1724 csbphonemaster TCP 1725 iden-ralp TCP 1726 IBERIAGAMES TCP 1727 winddx TCP 1728 TELINDUS TCP 1729 CityNL License Management TCP 1730 roketz TCP 1731 MSICCP TCP 1732 proxim TCP 1733 SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission TCP 1734 Camber Corporation License Management TCP 1735 PrivateChat TCP 1736 street-stream TCP 1737 ultimad TCP 1738 GameGen1 TCP 1739 webaccess TCP 1740 encore TCP 1741 cisco-net-mgmt TCP 1742 3Com-nsd TCP 1743 Cinema Graphics License Manager TCP 1744 ncpm-ft

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 1745 remote-winsock TCP 1746 ftrapid-1 TCP 1747 ftrapid-2 TCP 1748 oracle-em1 TCP 1749 aspen-services TCP 1750 Simple Socket Library's PortMaster TCP 1751 SwiftNet TCP 1752 Leap of Faith Research License Manager TCP 1753 Translogic License Manager TCP 1754 oracle-em2 TCP 1755 ms-streaming TCP 1756 capfast-lmd TCP 1757 cnhrp TCP 1758 tftp-mcast TCP 1759 SPSS License Manager TCP 1760 www-ldap-gw TCP 1761 cft-0 TCP 1762 cft-1 TCP 1763 cft-2 TCP 1764 cft-3 TCP 1765 cft-4 TCP 1766 cft-5 TCP 1767 cft-6 TCP 1768 cft-7 TCP 1769 bmc-net-adm TCP 1770 bmc-net-svc TCP 1771 vaultbase TCP 1772 EssWeb Gateway TCP 1773 KMSControl TCP 1774 global-dtserv TCP 1776 Federal Emergency Management Information System TCP 1777 powerguardian TCP 1778 prodigy-internet TCP 1779 pharmasoft TCP 1780 dpkeyserv TCP 1781 answersoft-lm TCP 1782 hp-hcip TCP 1783 Port 04/14/00 TCP 1784 Finle License Manager TCP 1785 Wind River Systems License Manager TCP 1786 funk-logger TCP 1787 funk-license TCP 1788 psmond TCP 1789 hello TCP 1790 Narrative Media Streaming Protocol TCP 1791 EA1 TCP 1792 ibm-dt-2 TCP 1793 rsc-robot TCP 1794 cera-bcm TCP 1795 dpi-proxy TCP 1796 Vocaltec Server Administration TCP 1797 UMA TCP 1798 Event Transfer Protocol TCP 1799 NETRISK TCP 1800 ANSYS-License manager TCP 1801 Microsoft Message Que TCP 1802 ConComp1 TCP 1803 HP-HCIP-GWY TCP 1804 ENL TCP 1805 ENL-Name TCP 1806 Musiconline TCP 1807 Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol TCP 1808 Oracle-VP2 TCP 1809 Oracle-VP1 TCP 1810 Jerand License Manager TCP 1811 Scientia-SDB TCP 1812 RADIUS TCP 1813 RADIUS Accounting TCP 1814 TDP Suite TCP 1815 MMPFT TCP 1816 HARP TCP 1817 RKB-OSCS TCP 1818 Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol TCP 1819 Plato License Manager TCP 1820 mcagent TCP 1821 donnyworld TCP 1822 es-elmd TCP 1823 Unisys Natural Language License Manager TCP 1824 metrics-pas TCP 1825 DirecPC Video TCP 1826 ARDT TCP 1827 ASI TCP 1828 itm-mcell-u TCP 1829 Optika eMedia TCP 1830 Oracle Net8 CMan Admin TCP 1831 Myrtle TCP 1832 ThoughtTreasure TCP 1833 udpradio TCP 1834 ARDUS Unicast TCP 1835 ARDUS Multicast TCP 1836 ste-smsc TCP 1837 csoft1 TCP 1838 TALNET TCP 1839 netopia-vo1 TCP 1840 netopia-vo2 TCP 1841 netopia-vo3 TCP 1842 netopia-vo4 TCP 1843 netopia-vo5 TCP 1844 DirecPC-DLL TCP 1850 GSI TCP 1851 ctcd TCP 1860 SunSCALAR Services TCP 1861 LeCroy VICP TCP 1862 techra-server TCP 1863 MSNP TCP 1864 Paradym 31 Port TCP 1865 ENTP TCP 1870 SunSCALAR DNS Service TCP 1871 Cano Central 0 TCP 1872 Cano Central 1 TCP 1873 Fjmpjps TCP 1874 Fjswapsnp TCP 1881 IBM MQSeries TCP 1895 Vista 4GL TCP 1899 MC2Studios TCP 1900 SSDP TCP 1901 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A TCP 1902 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B TCP 1903 Local Link Name Resolution TCP 1904 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C TCP 1905 Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol TCP 1906 TPortMapperReq TCP 1907 IntraSTAR TCP 1908 Dawn TCP 1909 Global World Link TCP 1910 ultrabac TCP 1911 Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol TCP 1912 rhp-iibp TCP 1913 armadp TCP 1914 Elm-Momentum TCP 1915 FACELINK TCP 1916 Persoft Persona TCP 1917 nOAgent TCP 1918 Candle Directory Service NDS TCP 1919 Candle Directory Service DCH TCP 1920 Candle Directory Service FERRET TCP 1921 NoAdmin TCP 1922 Tapestry

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 1923 SPICE TCP 1924 XIIP TCP 1930 Drive AppServer TCP 1931 AMD SCHED TCP 1944 close-combat TCP 1945 dialogic-elmd TCP 1946 tekpls TCP 1947 hlserver TCP 1948 eye2eye TCP 1949 ISMA Easdaq Live TCP 1950 ISMA Easdaq Test TCP 1951 bcs-lmserver TCP 1952 mpnjsc TCP 1953 Rapid Base TCP 1961 BTS APPSERVER TCP 1962 BIAP-MP TCP 1963 WebMachine TCP 1964 SOLID E ENGINE TCP 1965 Tivoli NPM TCP 1966 Slush TCP 1967 SNS Quote TCP 1972 Cache TCP 1973 Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol TCP 1974 DRP TCP 1975 TCO Flash Agent TCP 1976 TCO Reg Agent TCP 1977 TCO Address Book TCP 1978 UniSQL TCP 1979 UniSQL Java TCP 1984 BB TCP 1985 Hot Standby Router Protocol TCP 1986 cisco license management TCP 1987 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port TCP 1988 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port TCP 1989 MHSnet system TCP 1990 cisco STUN Priority 1 port TCP 1991 cisco STUN Priority 2 port TCP 1992 IPsendmsg TCP 1993 cisco SNMP TCP port TCP 1994 cisco serial tunnel port TCP 1995 cisco perf port TCP 1996 cisco Remote SRB port TCP 1997 cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol TCP 1998 cisco X.25 service (XOT) TCP 1999 cisco identification port / SubSeven (Windows Trojan) / Backdoor (Windows Trojan) TCP 2000 Remotely Anywhere / VIA NET.WORKS PostOffice Plus TCP 2001 Cisco mgmt TCP 2002 globe TCP 2003 GNU finger TCP 2004 mailbox TCP 2005 encrypted symmetric telnet/login TCP 2006 invokator TCP 2007 dectalk TCP 2008 conf TCP 2009 news TCP 2010 search TCP 2011 raid TCP 2012 ttyinfo TCP 2013 raid-am TCP 2014 troff TCP 2015 cypress TCP 2016 bootserver TCP 2017 cypress-stat TCP 2018 terminaldb TCP 2019 whosockami TCP 2020 xinupageserver TCP 2021 servexec TCP 2022 down TCP 2023 xinuexpansion3 TCP 2024 xinuexpansion4 TCP 2025 ellpack TCP 2026 scrabble TCP 2027 shadowserver TCP 2028 submitserver TCP 2030 device2 TCP 2032 blackboard TCP 2033 glogger TCP 2034 scoremgr TCP 2035 imsldoc TCP 2038 objectmanager TCP 2040 lam TCP 2041 interbase TCP 2042 isis TCP 2043 isis-bcast TCP 2044 rimsl TCP 2045 cdfunc TCP 2046 sdfunc TCP 2047 dls TCP 2048 dls-monitor TCP 2049 Network File System - Sun Microsystems TCP 2053 Kerberos de-multiplexer TCP 2054 distrib-net TCP 2065 Data Link Switch Read Port Number TCP 2067 Data Link Switch Write Port Number TCP 2090 Load Report Protocol TCP 2091 PRP TCP 2092 Descent 3 TCP 2093 NBX CC TCP 2094 NBX AU TCP 2095 NBX SER TCP 2096 NBX DIR TCP 2097 Jet Form Preview TCP 2098 Dialog Port TCP 2099 H.225.0 Annex G TCP 2100 amiganetfs TCP 2101 rtcm-sc104 TCP 2102 Zephyr server TCP 2103 Zephyr serv-hm connection TCP 2104 Zephyr hostmanager TCP 2105 MiniPay TCP 2106 MZAP TCP 2107 BinTec Admin TCP 2108 Comcam TCP 2109 Ergolight TCP 2110 UMSP TCP 2111 DSATP TCP 2112 Idonix MetaNet TCP 2113 HSL StoRM TCP 2114 NEWHEIGHTS TCP 2115 KDM / Bugs (Windows Trojan) TCP 2116 CCOWCMR TCP 2117 MENTACLIENT TCP 2118 MENTASERVER TCP 2119 GSIGATEKEEPER TCP 2120 Quick Eagle Networks CP TCP 2121 SCIENTIA-SSDB TCP 2122 CauPC Remote Control TCP 2123 GTP-Control Plane (3GPP) TCP 2124 ELATELINK TCP 2125 LOCKSTEP TCP 2126 PktCable-COPS TCP 2127 INDEX-PC-WB TCP 2128 Net Steward Control TCP 2129 TCP 2130 SWC-XDS TCP 2131 Avantageb2b TCP 2132 AVAIL-EPMAP TCP 2133 ZYMED-ZPP TCP 2134 AVENUE TCP 2135 Grid Resource Information Server TCP 2136 APPWORXSRV TCP 2137 CONNECT TCP 2138 UNBIND-CLUSTER TCP 2139 IAS-AUTH

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2140 IAS-REG TCP 2141 IAS-ADMIND TCP 2142 TDM-OVER-IP TCP 2143 Live Vault Job Control TCP 2144 Live Vault Fast Object Transfer TCP 2145 Live Vault Remote Diagnostic Console Support TCP 2146 Live Vault Admin Event Notification TCP 2147 Live Vault Authentication TCP 2148 VERITAS UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION LAYER TCP 2149 ACPTSYS TCP 2150 DYNAMIC3D TCP 2151 DOCENT TCP 2152 GTP-User Plane (3GPP) TCP 2165 X-Bone API TCP 2166 IWSERVER TCP 2180 Millicent Vendor Gateway Server TCP 2181 eforward TCP 2200 ICI TCP 2201 Advanced Training System Program TCP 2202 Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium TCP 2213 Kali TCP 2220 Ganymede TCP 2221 Rockwell CSP1 TCP 2222 Rockwell CSP2 TCP 2223 Rockwell CSP3 TCP 2232 IVS Video default TCP 2233 INFOCRYPT TCP 2234 DirectPlay TCP 2235 Sercomm-WLink TCP 2236 Nani TCP 2237 Optech Port1 License Manager TCP 2238 AVIVA SNA SERVER TCP 2239 Image Query TCP 2240 RECIPe TCP 2241 IVS Daemon TCP 2242 Folio Remote Server TCP 2243 Magicom Protocol TCP 2244 NMS Server TCP 2245 HaO TCP 2279 xmquery TCP 2280 LNVPOLLER TCP 2281 LNVCONSOLE TCP 2282 LNVALARM TCP 2283 LNVSTATUS TCP 2284 LNVMAPS TCP 2285 LNVMAILMON TCP 2286 NAS-Metering TCP 2287 DNA TCP 2288 NETML TCP 2294 Konshus License Manager (FLEX) TCP 2295 Advant License Manager TCP 2296 Theta License Manager (Rainbow) TCP 2297 D2K DataMover 1 TCP 2298 D2K DataMover 2 TCP 2299 PC Telecommute TCP 2300 CVMMON TCP 2301 Compaq HTTP TCP 2302 Bindery Support TCP 2303 Proxy Gateway TCP 2304 Attachmate UTS TCP 2305 MT ScaleServer TCP 2306 TAPPI BoxNet TCP 2307 pehelp TCP 2308 sdhelp TCP 2309 SD Server TCP 2310 SD Client TCP 2311 Message Service TCP 2313 IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) TCP 2314 CR WebSystems TCP 2315 Precise Sft. TCP 2316 SENT License Manager TCP 2317 Attachmate G32 TCP 2318 Cadence Control TCP 2319 InfoLibria TCP 2320 Siebel NS TCP 2321 RDLAP over UDP TCP 2322 ofsd TCP 2323 3d-nfsd TCP 2324 Cosmocall TCP 2325 Design Space License Management TCP 2326 IDCP TCP 2327 xingcsm TCP 2328 Netrix SFTM TCP 2329 NVD TCP 2330 TSCCHAT TCP 2331 AGENTVIEW TCP 2332 RCC Host TCP 2333 SNAPP TCP 2334 ACE Client Auth TCP 2335 ACE Proxy TCP 2336 Apple UG Control TCP 2337 ideesrv TCP 2338 Norton Lambert TCP 2339 3Com WebView TCP 2340 WRS Registry TCP 2341 XIO Status TCP 2342 Seagate Manage Exec TCP 2343 nati logos TCP 2344 fcmsys TCP 2345 dbm TCP 2346 Game Connection Port TCP 2347 Game Announcement and Location TCP 2348 Information to query for game status TCP 2349 Diagnostics Port TCP 2350 psbserver TCP 2351 psrserver TCP 2352 pslserver TCP 2353 pspserver TCP 2354 psprserver TCP 2355 psdbserver TCP 2356 GXT License Managemant TCP 2357 UniHub Server TCP 2358 Futrix TCP 2359 FlukeServer TCP 2360 NexstorIndLtd TCP 2361 TL1 TCP 2362 digiman TCP 2363 Media Central NFSD TCP 2364 OI-2000 TCP 2365 dbref TCP 2366 qip-login TCP 2367 Service Control TCP 2368 OpenTable TCP 2369 ACS2000 DSP TCP 2370 L3-HBMon TCP 2381 Compaq HTTPS TCP 2382 Microsoft OLAP TCP 2383 Microsoft OLAP TCP 2384 SD-REQUEST TCP 2389 OpenView Session Mgr TCP 2390 RSMTP TCP 2391 3COM Net Management TCP 2392 Tactical Auth TCP 2393 MS OLAP 1 TCP 2394 MS OLAP 2 TCP 2395 LAN900 Remote TCP 2396 Wusage TCP 2397 NCL TCP 2398 Orbiter

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2399 FileMaker Inc. - Data Access Layer TCP 2400 OpEquus Server TCP 2401 cvspserver TCP 2402 TaskMaster 2000 Server TCP 2403 TaskMaster 2000 Web TCP 2404 IEC870-5-104 TCP 2405 TRC Netpoll TCP 2406 JediServer TCP 2407 Orion TCP 2408 OptimaNet TCP 2409 SNS Protocol TCP 2410 VRTS Registry TCP 2411 Netwave AP Management TCP 2412 CDN TCP 2413 orion-rmi-reg TCP 2414 Interlingua TCP 2415 COMTEST TCP 2416 RMT Server TCP 2417 Composit Server TCP 2418 cas TCP 2419 Attachmate S2S TCP 2420 DSL Remote Management TCP 2421 G-Talk TCP 2422 CRMSBITS TCP 2423 RNRP TCP 2424 KOFAX-SVR TCP 2425 Fujitsu App Manager TCP 2426 Appliant TCP TCP 2427 Media Gateway Control Protocol Gateway TCP 2428 One Way Trip Time TCP 2429 FT-ROLE TCP 2430 venus TCP 2431 venus-se TCP 2432 codasrv TCP 2433 codasrv-se TCP 2434 pxc-epmap TCP 2435 OptiLogic TCP 2436 TOP/X TCP 2437 UniControl TCP 2438 MSP TCP 2439 SybaseDBSynch TCP 2440 Spearway Lockers TCP 2441 pvsw-inet TCP 2442 Netangel TCP 2443 PowerClient Central Storage Facility TCP 2444 BT PP2 Sectrans TCP 2445 DTN1 TCP 2446 bues_service TCP 2447 OpenView NNM daemon TCP 2448 hpppsvr TCP 2449 RATL TCP 2450 netadmin TCP 2451 netchat TCP 2452 SnifferClient TCP 2453 madge-om TCP 2454 IndX-DDS TCP 2455 WAGO-IO-SYSTEM TCP 2456 altav-remmgt TCP 2457 Rapido_IP TCP 2458 griffin TCP 2459 Community TCP 2460 ms-theater TCP 2461 qadmifoper TCP 2462 qadmifevent TCP 2463 Symbios Raid TCP 2464 DirecPC SI TCP 2465 Load Balance Management TCP 2466 Load Balance Forwarding TCP 2467 High Criteria TCP 2468 qip_msgd TCP 2469 MTI-TCS-COMM TCP 2470 taskman port TCP 2471 SeaODBC TCP 2472 C3 TCP 2473 Aker-cdp TCP 2474 Vital Analysis TCP 2475 ACE Server TCP 2476 ACE Server Propagation TCP 2477 SecurSight Certificate Valifation Service TCP 2478 SecurSight Authentication Server (SLL) TCP 2479 SecurSight Event Logging Server (SSL) TCP 2480 Lingwood's Detail TCP 2481 Oracle GIOP TCP 2482 Oracle GIOP SSL TCP 2483 Oracle TTC TCP 2484 Oracle TTC SSL TCP 2485 Net Objects1 TCP 2486 Net Objects2 TCP 2487 Policy Notice Service TCP 2488 Moy Corporation TCP 2489 TSILB TCP 2490 qip_qdhcp TCP 2491 Conclave CPP TCP 2492 GROOVE TCP 2493 Talarian MQS TCP 2494 BMC AR TCP 2495 Fast Remote Services TCP 2496 DIRGIS TCP 2497 Quad DB TCP 2498 ODN-CasTraq TCP 2499 UniControl TCP 2500 Resource Tracking system server TCP 2501 Resource Tracking system client TCP 2502 Kentrox Protocol TCP 2503 NMS-DPNSS TCP 2504 WLBS TCP 2505 torque-traffic TCP 2506 jbroker TCP 2507 spock TCP 2508 JDataStore TCP 2509 fjmpss TCP 2510 fjappmgrbulk TCP 2511 Metastorm TCP 2512 Citrix IMA TCP 2513 Citrix ADMIN TCP 2514 Facsys NTP TCP 2515 Facsys Router TCP 2516 Main Control TCP 2517 H.323 Annex E call signaling transport TCP 2518 Willy TCP 2519 globmsgsvc TCP 2520 pvsw TCP 2521 Adaptec Manager TCP 2522 WinDb TCP 2523 Qke LLC V.3 TCP 2524 Optiwave License Management TCP 2525 MS V-Worlds TCP 2526 EMA License Manager TCP 2527 IQ Server TCP 2528 NCR CCL TCP 2529 UTS FTP TCP 2530 VR Commerce TCP 2531 ITO-E GUI TCP 2532 OVTOPMD TCP 2533 SnifferServer TCP 2534 Combox Web Access TCP 2535 MADCAP TCP 2536 btpp2audctr1 TCP 2537 Upgrade Protocol TCP 2538 vnwk-prapi TCP 2539 VSI Admin TCP 2540 LonWorks TCP 2541 LonWorks2 TCP 2542 daVinci TCP 2543 REFTEK

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2544 TCP 2545 TCP 2546 TCP 2547 TCP 2548 TCP 2549 TCP 2550 TCP 2551 TCP 2552 TCP 2553 TCP 2554 TCP 2555 TCP 2556 TCP 2557 TCP 2558 TCP 2559 TCP 2560 TCP 2561 TCP 2562 TCP 2563 TCP 2564 telnet TCP 2565 TCP 2566 TCP 2567 TCP 2568 TCP 2569 TCP 2570 TCP 2571 TCP 2572 TCP 2573 TCP 2574 TCP 2575 TCP 2576 TCP 2577 TCP 2578 TCP 2579 TCP 2580 TCP 2581 TCP 2582 TCP 2583 TCP 2584 TCP 2585 TCP 2586 TCP 2587 TCP 2588 TCP 2589 TCP 2590 TCP 2591 TCP 2592 TCP 2593 TCP 2594 TCP 2595 TCP 2596 TCP 2597 TCP 2598 TCP 2599 TCP 2600 TCP 2601 TCP 2602 TCP 2603 TCP 2604 TCP 2605 TCP 2606 TCP 2607 TCP 2608 TCP 2609 TCP 2610 TCP 2611 TCP 2612 TCP 2613 TCP 2614 TCP 2615 TCP 2616 TCP 2617 TCP 2618 TCP 2619 Novell ZEN sis-emt vytalvaultbrtp vytalvaultvsmp vytalvaultpipe IPASS ADS ISG UDA Server Call Logging efidiningport VCnet-Link v10 Compaq WCP nicetec-nmsvc nicetec-mgmt PCLE Multi Media LSTP labrat MosaixCC Delibo CTI Redwood HP 3000 NS/VT block mode Coordinator Server pcs-pcw Cisco Line Protocol SPAM TRAP Sonus Call Signal HS Port CECSVC IBP Trust Establish Blockade BPSP HL7 TCL Pro Debugger Scriptics Lsrvr RVS ISDN DCP mpfoncl Tributary ARGIS TE ARGIS DS MON cyaserv NETX Server NETX Agent MASC Privilege quartus tcl idotdist Maytag Shuffle netrek MNS Mail Notice Service Data Base Server World Fusion 1 World Fusion 2 Homestead Glory Citrix MA Client Meridian Data HPSTGMGR discp client discp server Service Meter NSC CCS NSC POSA Dell Netmon Dell Connection Wag Service System Monitor VersaTek LIONHEAD Qpasa Agent SMNTUBootstrap Never Offline firepower appswitch-emp Clinical Context Managers Priority E-Com bruce TCP 2620 TCP 2621 TCP 2622 TCP 2623 TCP 2624 TCP 2625 TCP 2626 TCP 2627 TCP 2628 TCP 2629 TCP 2630 TCP 2631 TCP 2632 TCP 2633 TCP 2634 TCP 2635 TCP 2636 TCP 2637 TCP 2638 TCP 2639 TCP 2640 Manager TCP 2641 TCP 2642 TCP 2643 TCP 2644 TCP 2645 TCP 2646 TCP 2647 TCP 2648 TCP 2649 TCP 2650 TCP 2651 TCP 2652 TCP 2653 TCP 2654 TCP 2655 TCP 2656 TCP 2657 TCP 2658 TCP 2659 TCP 2660 TCP 2661 TCP 2662 TCP 2663 TCP 2664 TCP 2665 TCP 2666 TCP 2667 TCP 2668 TCP 2669 TCP 2670 TCP 2671 TCP 2672 TCP 2673 TCP 2674 TCP 2675 TCP 2676 TCP 2677 TCP 2678 TCP 2679 TCP 2680 TCP 2681 TCP 2682 TCP 2683 TCP 2684 TCP 2685 TCP 2686 TCP 2687 TCP 2688 TCP 2689 TCP 2690 TCP 2691 TCP 2692 TCP 2693 TCP 2694 TCP 2695 LPSRecommender Miles Apart Jukebox Server MetricaDBC LMDP Aria Blwnkl Port gbjd816 Moshe Beeri DICT Sitara Server Sitara Management Sitara Dir IRdg Post InterIntelli PK Electronics Back Burner Solve Import Document Service Sybase Anywhere AMInet Sabbagh Associates Licence HDL Server Tragic GTE-SAMP Travsoft IPX Tunnel Novell IPX CMD AND Licence Manager SyncServer Upsnotifyprot VPSIPPORT eristwoguns EBInSite InterPathPanel Sonus Corel VNC Admin UNIX Nt Glue Kana SNS Dispatcher SNS Admin SNS Query GC Monitor OLHOST BinTec-CAPI BinTec-TAPI Command MQ GM Command MQ PM extensis Alarm Clock Server Alarm Clock Client TOAD TVE Announce newlixreg nhserver First Call 42 ewnn TTC ETAP SIMSLink Gadget Gate 1 Way Gadget Gate 2 Way Sync Server SSL pxc-sapxom mpnjsomb SRSP NCDLoadBalance mpnjsosv mpnjsocl mpnjsomg pq-lic-mgmt md-cf-HTTP FastLynx HP NNM Embedded Database IT Internet Admins LMS belarc-HTTP pwrsevent VSPREAD

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2696 Unify Admin TCP 2697 Oce SNMP Trap Port TCP 2698 MCK-IVPIP TCP 2699 Csoft Plus Client TCP 2700 tqdata TCP 2701 SMS RCINFO TCP 2702 SMS XFER TCP 2703 SMS CHAT TCP 2704 SMS REMCTRL TCP 2705 SDS Admin TCP 2706 NCD Mirroring TCP 2707 EMCSYMAPIPORT TCP 2708 Banyan-Net TCP 2709 Supermon TCP 2710 SSO Service TCP 2711 SSO Control TCP 2712 Axapta Object Communication Protocol TCP 2713 Raven1 TCP 2714 Raven2 TCP 2715 HPSTGMGR2 TCP 2716 Inova IP Disco TCP 2717 PN REQUESTER TCP 2718 PN REQUESTER 2 TCP 2719 Scan & Change TCP 2720 wkars TCP 2721 Smart Diagnose TCP 2722 Proactive Server TCP 2723 WatchDog NT TCP 2724 qotps TCP 2725 MSOLAP PTP2 TCP 2726 TAMS TCP 2727 Media Gateway Control Protocol Call Agent TCP 2728 SQDR TCP 2729 TCIM Control TCP 2730 NEC RaidPlus TCP 2731 NetDragon Messanger TCP 2732 G5M TCP 2733 Signet CTF TCP 2734 CCS Software TCP 2735 Monitor Console TCP 2736 RADWIZ NMS SRV TCP 2737 SRP Feedback TCP 2738 NDL TCP-OSI Gateway TCP 2739 TN Timing TCP 2740 Alarm TCP 2741 TSB TCP 2742 TSB2 TCP 2743 murx TCP 2744 honyaku TCP 2745 URBISNET TCP 2746 CPUDPENCAP TCP 2747 TCP 2748 TCP 2749 TCP 2750 TCP 2751 TCP 2752 RSISYS ACCESS TCP 2753 de-spot TCP 2754 APOLLO CC TCP 2755 Express Pay TCP 2756 simplement-tie TCP 2757 CNRP TCP 2758 APOLLO Status TCP 2759 APOLLO GMS TCP 2760 Saba MS TCP 2761 DICOM ISCL TCP 2762 DICOM TLS TCP 2763 Desktop DNA TCP 2764 Data Insurance TCP 2765 qip-audup TCP 2766 Compaq SCP TCP 2767 UADTC TCP 2768 UACS TCP 2769 Single Point MVS TCP 2770 Veronica TCP 2771 Vergence CM TCP 2772 auris TCP 2773 PC Backup TCP 2774 PC Backup TCP 2775 SMMP TCP 2776 Ridgeway Systems & Software TCP 2777 Ridgeway Systems & Software TCP 2778 Gwen-Sonya TCP 2779 LBC Sync TCP 2780 LBC Control TCP 2781 whosells TCP 2782 everydayrc TCP 2783 AISES TCP 2784 world wide web - development TCP 2785 aic-np TCP 2786 aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database TCP 2787 piccolo - Cornerstone Software TCP 2788 NetWare Loadable Module Seagate Software TCP 2789 Media Agent TCP 2790 PLG Proxy TCP 2791 MT Port Registrator TCP 2792 f5-globalsite TCP 2793 initlsmsad TCP 2794 aaftp TCP 2795 LiveStats TCP 2796 ac-tech TCP 2797 esp-encap TCP 2798 TMESIS-UPShot TCP 2799 ICON Discover TCP 2800 ACC RAID TCP 2801 IGCP TCP 2802 Veritas TCP1 TCP 2803 btprjctrl TCP 2804 Telexis VTU TCP 2805 WTA WSP-S TCP 2806 cspuni TCP 2807 cspmulti TCP 2808 J-LAN-P TCP 2809 CORBA LOC TCP 2810 Active Net Steward TCP 2811 GSI FTP TCP 2812 atmtcp TCP 2813 llm-pass TCP 2814 llm-csv TCP 2815 LBC Measurement TCP 2816 LBC Watchdog TCP 2817 NMSig Port TCP 2818 rmlnk TCP 2819 FC Fault Notification TCP 2820 UniVision TCP 2821 vml_dms TCP 2822 ka0wuc TCP 2823 CQG Net/LAN TCP 2826 slc systemlog TCP 2827 slc ctrlrloops TCP 2828 ITM License Manager TCP 2829 silkp1 TCP 2830 silkp2 TCP 2831 silkp3 TCP 2832 silkp4 TCP 2833 glishd TCP 2834 EVTP TCP 2835 EVTP-DATA TCP 2836 catalyst TCP 2837 Repliweb TCP 2838 Starbot TCP 2839 NMSigPort TCP 2840 l3-exprt TCP 2841 l3-ranger TCP 2842 l3-hawk TCP 2843 PDnet TCP 2844 BPCP POLL TCP 2845 BPCP TRAP TCP 2846 AIMPP Hello

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2847 TCP 2848 TCP 2849 TCP 2850 TCP 2851 TCP 2852 TCP 2853 TCP 2854 TCP 2856 TCP 2857 TCP 2858 TCP 2859 TCP 2860 TCP 2861 TCP 2862 TCP 2863 TCP 2864 TCP 2865 TCP 2866 TCP 2867 TCP 2868 TCP 2869 TCP 2870 TCP 2871 TCP 2872 TCP 2873 TCP 2874 TCP 2875 TCP 2876 TCP 2877 TCP 2878 TCP 2879 TCP 2880 TCP 2881 TCP 2882 TCP 2883 TCP 2884 TCP 2885 TCP 2886 TCP 2887 TCP 2888 TCP 2889 TCP 2890 TCP 2891 Manager TCP 2892 TCP 2893 TCP 2894 TCP 2895 TCP 2896 TCP 2897 TCP 2898 TCP 2899 TCP 2900 TCP 2901 TCP 2902 TCP 2903 TCP 2904 TCP 2905 TCP 2906 TCP 2907 TCP 2908 TCP 2909 TCP 2910 TCP 2911 TCP 2912 TCP 2913 TCP 2914 TCP 2915 TCP 2916 TCP 2917 TCP 2918 TCP 2919 TCP 2920 TCP 2921 Management AIMPP Port Req AMT-BLC-PORT FXP MetaConsole webemshttp bears-01 ISPipes InfoMover cesdinv SimCtIP ECNP Active Memory Dialpad Voice 1 Dialpad Voice 2 TTG Protocol Sonar Data main 5001 cmd pit-vpn lwlistener esps-portal NPEP Messaging ICSLAP daishi MSI Select Play CONTRACT PASPAR2 ZoomIn dxmessagebase1 dxmessagebase2 SPS Tunnel BLUELANCE AAP ucentric-ds synapse NDSP NDTP NDNP Flash Msg TopFlow RESPONSELOGIC aironet SPCSDLOBBY RSOM CSPCLMULTI CINEGRFX-ELMD License SNIFFERDATA VSECONNECTOR ABACUS-REMOTE NATUS LINK ECOVISIONG6-1 Citrix RTMP APPLIANCE-CFG ALLSTORCNS NET ASPI SUITCASE M2UA M3UA CALLER9 WEBMETHODS B2B mao Funk Dialout TDAccess Blockade Epicon Booster Ware Game Lobby TK Socket Elvin Server Elvin Client Kasten Chase Pad ROBOER ROBOEDA CESD Contents Delivery TCP 2922 Transfer TCP 2923 TCP 2924 TCP 2925 TCP 2926 TCP 2927 TCP 2928 TCP 2929 TCP 2930 TCP 2931 TCP 2932 TCP 2933 TCP 2934 TCP 2935 TCP 2936 TCP 2937 TCP 2938 TCP 2939 TCP 2940 TCP 2941 TCP 2942 TCP 2943 TCP 2944 TCP 2945 TCP 2946 TCP 2947 TCP 2948 TCP 2949 TCP 2950 TCP 2951 TCP 2952 TCP 2953 TCP 2954 TCP 2955 TCP 2956 TCP 2957 TCP 2958 TCP 2959 TCP 2960 TCP 2961 TCP 2962 TCP 2963 TCP 2964 TCP 2965 TCP 2966 TCP 2967 TCP 2968 TCP 2969 TCP 2970 TCP 2971 TCP 2972 TCP 2973 TCP 2974 TCP 2975 Management TCP 2976 TCP 2977 Protocol TCP 2978 Protocol TCP 2979 TCP 2980 TCP 2981 TCP 2982 TCP 2983 TCP 2984 TCP 2985 TCP 2986 TCP 2987 TCP 2988 TCP 2989 TCP 2990 TCP 2991 TCP 2992 TCP 2993 TCP 2994 CESD Contents Delivery Data WTA-WSP-WTP-S PRECISE-VIP Firewall Redundancy Protocol MOBILE-FILE-DL UNIMOBILECTRL REDSTONE-CPSS PANJA-WEBADMIN PANJA-WEBLINX Circle-X INCP 4-TIER OPM GW 4-TIER OPM CLI QTP OTPatch PNACONSULT-LM SM-PAS-1 SM-PAS-2 SM-PAS-3 SM-PAS-4 SM-PAS-5 TTNRepository Megaco H-248 H248 Binary FJSVmpor GPSD WAP PUSH WAP PUSH SECURE ESIP OTTP MPFWSAS OVALARMSRV OVALARMSRV-CMD CSNOTIFY OVRIMOSDBMAN JAMCT5 JAMCT6 RMOPAGT DFOXSERVER BOLDSOFT-LM IPH-POLICY-CLI IPH-POLICY-ADM BULLANT SRAP BULLANT RAP IDP-INFOTRIEVE SSC-AGENT ENPP ESSP INDEX-NET Net Clip PMSM Webrctl SV Networks Signal Fujitsu Configuration Service CNS Server Port TTCs Enterprise Test Access NS TTCs Enterprise Test Access DS H.263 Video Streaming Instant Messaging Service MYLXAMPORT IWB-WHITEBOARD NETPLAN HPIDSADMIN HPIDSAGENT STONEFALLS IDENTIFY CLASSIFY ZARKOV BOSCAP WKSTN-MON ITB301 VERITAS VIS1 VERITAS VIS2

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 2995 TCP 2996 TCP 2997 TCP 2998 TCP 2999 TCP 3000 TCP 3001 TCP 3002 TCP 3003 TCP 3004 TCP 3005 TCP 3006 TCP 3007 Protocol TCP 3008 TCP 3009 TCP 3010 TCP 3011 TCP 3012 TCP 3013 TCP 3014 TCP 3015 TCP 3016 TCP 3017 TCP 3018 TCP 3019 TCP 3020 TCP 3021 TCP 3022 TCP 3023 TCP 3024 TCP 3025 TCP 3026 TCP 3027 TCP 3028 TCP 3029 TCP 3030 TCP 3031 TCP 3032 TCP 3033 TCP 3034 TCP 3035 TCP 3036 TCP 3037 TCP 3038 TCP 3039 TCP 3040 TCP 3041 TCP 3042 TCP 3043 TCP 3045 TCP 3046 TCP 3047 TCP 3048 TCP 3049 TCP 3050 TCP 3051 TCP 3052 TCP 3053 TCP 3054 TCP 3055 TCP 3056 TCP 3057 TCP 3058 TCP 3059 TCP 3060 TCP 3061 TCP 3062 TCP 3063 TCP 3065 TCP 3066 TCP 3067 TCP 3068 TCP 3069 TCP 3070 TCP 3075 TCP 3076 IDRS vsixml REBOL Real Secure RemoteWare Unassigned RemoteWare Client Redwood Broker RemoteWare Server CGMS Csoft Agent Genius License Manager Instant Internet Admin Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Midnight Technologies PXC-NTFY Telerate Workstation Trusted Web Trusted Web Client Gilat Sky Surfer Broker Service NATI DSTP Notify Server Event Listener Service Registry Resource Manager CIFS AGRI Server CSREGAGENT magicnotes NDS_SSO Arepa Raft AGRI Gateway LiebDevMgmt_C LiebDevMgmt_DM LiebDevMgmt_A Arepa Cas AgentVU Redwood Chat PDB Osmosis AEEA FJSV gssagt Hagel DUMP HP SAN Mgmt Santak UPS Cogitate Inc. Tomato Springs di-traceware journee BRP ResponseNet di-ase Fast Security HL Server Sierra Net PC Trader NSWS gds_db Galaxy Server APCPCNS dsom-server AMT CNF PROT Policy Server CDL Server GoAhead FldUp videobeans qsoft interserver cautcpd ncacn-ip-tcp ncadg-ip-udp slinterbase NETATTACHSDMP FJHPJP ls3 Broadcast ls3 MGXSWITCH Orbix 2000 Locator Orbix 2000 Config TCP 3077 Orbix 2000 Locator SSL TCP 3078 Orbix 2000 Locator SSL TCP 3079 LV Front Panel TCP 3080 stm_pproc TCP 3081 TL1-LV TCP 3082 TL1-RAW TCP 3083 TL1-TELNET TCP 3084 ITM-MCCS TCP 3085 PCIHReq TCP 3086 JDL-DBKitchen TCP 3105 Cardbox TCP 3106 Cardbox HTTP TCP 3128 squid-http TCP 3129 Master's Paradise (Windows Trojan) TCP 3130 ICPv2 TCP 3131 Net Book Mark TCP 3141 VMODEM TCP 3142 RDC WH EOS TCP 3143 Sea View TCP 3144 Tarantella TCP 3145 CSI-LFAP TCP 3147 RFIO TCP 3148 NetMike Game Administrator TCP 3149 NetMike Game Server TCP 3150 NetMike Assessor Administrator TCP 3151 NetMike Assessor TCP 3180 Millicent Broker Server TCP 3181 BMC Patrol Agent TCP 3182 BMC Patrol Rendezvous TCP 3262 NECP TCP 3264 cc:mail/lotus TCP 3265 Altav Tunnel TCP 3266 NS CFG Server TCP 3267 IBM Dial Out TCP 3268 Microsoft Global Catalog TCP 3269 Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL TCP 3270 Verismart TCP 3271 CSoft Prev Port TCP 3272 Fujitsu User Manager TCP 3273 Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol TCP 3274 Ordinox Server TCP 3275 SAMD TCP 3276 Maxim ASICs TCP 3277 AWG Proxy TCP 3278 LKCM Server TCP 3279 admind TCP 3280 VS Server TCP 3281 SYSOPT TCP 3282 Datusorb TCP 3283 Net Assistant TCP 3284 4Talk TCP 3285 Plato TCP 3286 E-Net TCP 3287 DIRECTVDATA TCP 3288 COPS TCP 3289 ENPC TCP 3290 CAPS LOGISTICS TOOLKIT - LM TCP 3291 S A Holditch & Associates LM TCP 3292 Cart O Rama TCP 3293 fg-fps TCP 3294 fg-gip TCP 3295 Dynamic IP Lookup TCP 3296 Rib License Manager TCP 3297 Cytel License Manager TCP 3298 Transview TCP 3299 pdrncs TCP 3300 bmc-patrol-agent TCP 3301 Unathorised use by SAP R/3 TCP 3302 MCS Fastmail TCP 3303 OP Session Client TCP 3304 OP Session Server TCP 3305 ODETTE-FTP

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 3306 MySQL TCP 3307 OP Session Proxy TCP 3308 TNS Server TCP 3309 TNS ADV TCP 3310 Dyna Access TCP 3311 MCNS Tel Ret TCP 3312 Application Management Server TCP 3313 Unify Object Broker TCP 3314 Unify Object Host TCP 3315 CDID TCP 3316 AICC/CMI TCP 3317 VSAI PORT TCP 3318 Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol TCP 3319 SDT License Manager TCP 3320 Office Link 2000 TCP 3321 VNSSTR TCP 3325 TCP 3326 SFTU TCP 3327 BBARS TCP 3328 Eaglepoint License Manager TCP 3329 HP Device Disc TCP 3330 MCS Calypso ICF TCP 3331 MCS Messaging TCP 3332 MCS Mail Server TCP 3333 DEC Notes TCP 3334 Direct TV Webcasting TCP 3335 Direct TV Software Updates TCP 3336 Direct TV Tickers TCP 3337 Direct TV Data Catalog TCP 3338 OMF data b TCP 3339 OMF data l TCP 3340 OMF data m TCP 3341 OMF data h TCP 3342 WebTIE TCP 3343 MS Cluster Net TCP 3344 BNT Manager TCP 3345 Influence TCP 3346 Trnsprnt Proxy TCP 3347 Phoenix RPC TCP 3348 Pangolin Laser TCP 3349 Chevin Services TCP 3350 FINDVIATV TCP 3351 BTRIEVE TCP 3352 SSQL TCP 3353 FATPIPE TCP 3354 SUITJD TCP 3355 Ordinox Dbase TCP 3356 UPNOTIFYPS TCP 3357 Adtech Test IP TCP 3358 Mp Sys Rmsvr TCP 3359 WG NetForce TCP 3360 KV Server TCP 3361 KV Agent TCP 3362 DJ ILM TCP 3363 NATI Vi Server TCP 3364 Creative Server TCP 3365 Content Server TCP 3366 Creative Partner TCP 3371 TCP 3372 TIP 2 TCP 3373 Lavenir License Manager TCP 3374 Cluster Disc TCP 3375 VSNM Agent TCP 3376 CD Broker TCP 3377 Cogsys Network License Manager TCP 3378 WSICOPY TCP 3379 SOCORFS TCP 3380 SNS Channels TCP 3381 Geneous TCP 3382 Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function TCP 3383 Enterprise Software Products License Manager TCP 3384 Cluster Management Services TCP 3385 qnxnetman TCP 3386 GPRS Data TCP 3387 Back Room Net TCP 3388 CB Server TCP 3389 MS Terminal Server TCP 3390 Distributed Service Coordinator TCP 3391 SAVANT TCP 3392 EFI License Management TCP 3393 D2K Tapestry Client to Server TCP 3394 D2K Tapestry Server to Server TCP 3395 Dyna License Manager (Elam) TCP 3396 Printer Agent TCP 3397 Cloanto License Manager TCP 3398 Mercantile TCP 3399 CSMS TCP 3400 CSMS2 TCP 3401 filecast TCP 3421 Bull Apprise portmapper TCP 3454 Apple Remote Access Protocol TCP 3455 RSVP Port TCP 3456 VAT default data TCP 3457 VAT default control TCP 3458 D3WinOsfi TCP 3459 TIP Integral TCP 3460 EDM Manger TCP 3461 EDM Stager TCP 3462 EDM STD Notify TCP 3463 EDM ADM Notify TCP 3464 EDM MGR Sync TCP 3465 EDM MGR Cntrl TCP 3466 WORKFLOW TCP 3467 RCST TCP 3468 TTCM Remote Controll TCP 3469 Pluribus TCP 3470 jt400 TCP 3471 jt400-ssl TCP 3535 MS-LA TCP 3563 Watcom Debug TCP 3572 TCP 3672 harlequinorb TCP 3802 VHD TCP 3845 V-ONE Single Port Proxy TCP 3862 GIGA-POCKET TCP 3875 PNBSCADA TCP 3900 Unidata UDT OS TCP 3984 MAPPER network node manager TCP 3985 MAPPER TCP/IP server TCP 3986 MAPPER workstation server TCP 3987 Centerline TCP 4000 Terabase TCP 4001 Cisco mgmt/NewOak TCP 4002 pxc-spvr-ft TCP 4003 pxc-splr-ft TCP 4004 pxc-roid TCP 4005 pxc-pin TCP 4006 pxc-spvr TCP 4007 pxc-splr TCP 4008 NetCheque accounting TCP 4009 Chimera HWM TCP 4010 Samsung Unidex TCP 4011 Alternate Service Boot TCP 4012 PDA Gate TCP 4013 ACL Manager TCP 4014 TAICLOCK TCP 4015 Talarian Mcast TCP 4016 Talarian Mcast TCP 4017 Talarian Mcast TCP 4018 Talarian Mcast TCP 4019 Talarian Mcast TCP 4045 nfs-lockd TCP 4096 BRE (Bridge Relay Element) TCP 4097 Patrol View TCP 4098 drmsfsd TCP 4099 DPCP

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 4132 NUTS Daemon TCP 4133 NUTS Bootp Server TCP 4134 NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol TCP 4141 Workflow Server TCP 4142 Document Server TCP 4143 Document Replication TCP 4144 Compuserve pc windows TCP 4160 Jini Discovery TCP 4199 EIMS ADMIN TCP 4299 TCP 4300 Corel CCam TCP 4321 Remote Who Is TCP 4333 mini-sql server TCP 4343 UNICALL TCP 4344 VinaInstall TCP 4345 Macro 4 Network AS TCP 4346 ELAN LM TCP 4347 LAN Surveyor TCP 4348 ITOSE TCP 4349 File System Port Map TCP 4350 Net Device TCP 4351 PLCY Net Services TCP 4353 F5 iQuery TCP 4442 Saris TCP 4443 Pharos TCP 4444 NV Video default TCP 4445 UPNOTIFYP TCP 4446 N1-FWP TCP 4447 N1-RMGMT TCP 4448 ASC Licence Manager TCP 4449 PrivateWire TCP 4450 Camp TCP 4451 CTI System Msg TCP 4452 CTI Program Load TCP 4453 NSS Alert Manager TCP 4454 NSS Agent Manager TCP 4455 PR Chat User TCP 4456 PR Chat Server TCP 4457 PR Register TCP 4500 sae-urn TCP 4501 urn-x-cdchoice TCP 4545 WorldScores TCP 4546 SF License Manager (Sentinel) TCP 4547 Lanner License Manager TCP 4557 FAX transmission service TCP 4559 HylaFAX client-service protocol TCP 4567 TRAM TCP 4568 BMC Reporting TCP 4600 Piranha1 TCP 4601 Piranha2 TCP 4672 remote file access server TCP 4800 Icona Instant Messenging System TCP 4801 Icona Web Embedded Chat TCP 4802 Icona License System Server TCP 4827 HTCP TCP 4837 Varadero-0 TCP 4838 Varadero-1 TCP 4868 Photon Relay TCP 4869 Photon Relay Debug TCP 4885 ABBS TCP 4983 AT&T Intercom TCP 5000 UPnP / / Socket de Troie (Windows Trojan) TCP 5001 / Socket de Troie (Windows Trojan) TCP 5002 radio free ethernet TCP 5003 FileMaker Inc. - Proprietary transport TCP 5004 avt-profile-1 TCP 5005 avt-profile-2 TCP 5006 wsm server TCP 5007 wsm server ssl TCP 5010 TelepathStart TCP 5011 TelepathAttack TCP 5020 zenginkyo-1 TCP 5021 zenginkyo-2 TCP 5042 asnaacceler8db TCP 5050 multimedia conference control tool TCP 5051 ITA Agent TCP 5052 ITA Manager TCP 5055 UNOT TCP 5060 SIP TCP 5069 I/Net 2000-NPR TCP 5071 PowerSchool TCP 5093 Sentinel LM TCP 5099 SentLM Srv2Srv TCP 5145 RMONITOR SECURE TCP 5150 Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol TCP 5151 ESRI SDE Instance TCP 5152 ESRI SDE Instance Discovery TCP 5165 ife_1corp TCP 5190 America-Online TCP 5191 AmericaOnline1 TCP 5192 AmericaOnline2 TCP 5193 AmericaOnline3 TCP 5200 Targus AIB 1 TCP 5201 Targus AIB 2 TCP 5202 Targus TNTS 1 TCP 5203 Targus TNTS 2 TCP 5232 SGI Distribution Graphics TCP 5236 padl2sim TCP 5272 PK TCP 5300 HA cluster heartbeat TCP 5301 HA cluster general services TCP 5302 HA cluster configuration TCP 5303 HA cluster probing TCP 5304 HA Cluster Commands TCP 5305 HA Cluster Test TCP 5306 Sun MC Group TCP 5307 SCO AIP TCP 5308 CFengine TCP 5309 J Printer TCP 5310 Outlaws TCP 5311 TM Login TCP 5400 Excerpt Search / Blade Runner (Windows Trojan) TCP 5401 Excerpt Search Secure / Blade Runner (Windows Trojan) TCP 5402 MFTP / Blade Runner (Windows Trojan) TCP 5403 HPOMS-CI-LSTN TCP 5404 HPOMS-DPS-LSTN TCP 5405 NetSupport TCP 5406 Systemics Sox TCP 5407 Foresyte-Clear TCP 5408 Foresyte-Sec TCP 5409 Salient Data Server TCP 5410 Salient User Manager TCP 5411 ActNet TCP 5412 Continuus TCP 5413 WWIOTALK TCP 5414 StatusD TCP 5415 NS Server TCP 5416 SNS Gateway TCP 5417 SNS Agent TCP 5418 MCNTP TCP 5419 DJ-ICE TCP 5420 Cylink-C TCP 5421 Net Support 2 TCP 5422 Salient MUX TCP 5423 VIRTUALUSER TCP 5426 DEVBASIC TCP 5427 SCO-PEER-TTA TCP 5428 TELACONSOLE TCP 5429 Billing and Accounting System Exchange TCP 5430 RADEC CORP TCP 5431 PARK AGENT TCP 5432 postgres database server

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 5435 Data Tunneling Transceiver Linking (DTTL) TCP 5454 apc-tcp-udp-4 TCP 5455 apc-tcp-udp-5 TCP 5456 apc-tcp-udp-6 TCP 5461 SILKMETER TCP 5462 TTL Publisher TCP 5465 NETOPS-BROKER TCP 5500 fcp-addr-srvr1 TCP 5501 fcp-addr-srvr2 TCP 5502 fcp-srvr-inst1 TCP 5503 fcp-srvr-inst2 TCP 5504 fcp-cics-gw1 TCP 5510 ACE/Server Services TCP 5520 ACE/Server Services TCP 5530 ACE/Server Services TCP 5540 ACE/Server Services TCP 5550 ACE/Server Services TCP 5554 SGI ESP HTTP TCP 5555 Personal Agent TCP 5556 Mtbd (mtb backup) TCP 5559 Enterprise Security Remote Install TCP 5599 Enterprise Security Remote Install TCP 5600 Enterprise Security Manager TCP 5601 Enterprise Security Agent TCP 5602 A1-MSC TCP 5603 A1-BS TCP 5604 A3-SDUNode TCP 5605 A4-SDUNode TCP 5631 pcANYWHEREdata TCP 5632 pcANYWHEREstat TCP 5678 Remote Replication Agent Connection TCP 5679 Direct Cable Connect Manager TCP 5680 Canna (Japanese Input) TCP 5713 proshare conf audio TCP 5714 proshare conf video TCP 5715 proshare conf data TCP 5716 proshare conf request TCP 5717 proshare conf notify TCP 5729 Openmail User Agent Layer TCP 5741 IDA Discover Port 1 TCP 5742 IDA Discover Port 2 / Wincrash (Windows Trojan) TCP 5745 fcopy-server TCP 5746 fcopys-server TCP 5755 OpenMail Desk Gateway server TCP 5757 OpenMail X.500 Directory Server TCP 5766 OpenMail NewMail Server TCP 5767 OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure) TCP 5768 OpenMail CMTS Server TCP 5771 NetAgent TCP 5800 VNC Virtual Network Computing TCP 5801 vnc TCP 5813 ICMPD TCP 5859 WHEREHOO TCP 5968 mppolicy-v5 TCP 5969 mppolicy-mgr TCP 5977 NCD preferences TCP port TCP 5978 NCD diagnostic TCP port TCP 5979 NCD configuration TCP port TCP 5997 NCD preferences telnet port TCP 5998 NCD diagnostic telnet port TCP 5999 CVSup TCP 6000 X-Windows TCP 6001 Cisco mgmt TCP 6063 X Windows System TCP 6064 NDL-AHP-SVC TCP 6065 WinPharaoh TCP 6066 EWCTSP TCP 6067 SRB TCP 6068 GSMP TCP 6069 TRIP TCP 6070 Messageasap TCP 6071 SSDTP TCP 6072 DIAGNOSE-PROC TCP 6073 DirectPlay8 TCP 6100 SynchroNet-db TCP 6101 SynchroNet-rtc TCP 6102 SynchroNet-upd TCP 6103 RETS TCP 6104 DBDB TCP 6105 Prima Server TCP 6106 MPS Server TCP 6107 ETC Control TCP 6108 Sercomm-SCAdmin TCP 6109 GLOBECAST-ID TCP 6110 HP SoftBench CM TCP 6111 HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control TCP 6112 dtspcd TCP 6123 Backup Express TCP 6141 Meta Corporation License Manager TCP 6142 Aspen Technology License Manager TCP 6143 Watershed License Manager TCP 6144 StatSci License Manager - 1 TCP 6145 StatSci License Manager - 2 TCP 6146 Lone Wolf Systems License Manager TCP 6147 Montage License Manager TCP 6148 Ricardo North America License Manager TCP 6149 tal-pod TCP 6253 CRIP TCP 6321 Empress Software Connectivity Server 1 TCP 6322 Empress Software Connectivity Server 2 TCP 6346 Gnutella file sharing Application TCP 6389 clariion-evr01 TCP 6400 TCP 6401 TCP 6402 TCP 6403 TCP 6404 TCP 6405 TCP 6406 TCP 6407 TCP 6408 TCP 6409 TCP 6410 TCP 6455 SKIP Certificate Receive TCP 6456 SKIP Certificate Send TCP 6471 LVision License Manager TCP 6500 BoKS Master TCP 6501 BoKS Servc TCP 6502 BoKS Servm TCP 6503 BoKS Clntd TCP 6505 BoKS Admin Private Port TCP 6506 BoKS Admin Public Port TCP 6507 BoKS Dir Server Private Port TCP 6508 BoKS Dir Server Public Port TCP 6547 apc-tcp-udp-1 TCP 6548 apc-tcp-udp-2 TCP 6549 apc-tcp-udp-3 TCP 6550 fg-sysupdate TCP 6558 xdsxdm TCP 6665 Internet Relay Chat TCP 6666 IRC TCP 6667 IRC TCP 6669 Internet Relay Chat TCP 6670 Vocaltec Global Online Directory / Deep Throat 2 (Windows Trojan) TCP 6672 vision_server TCP 6673 vision_elmd

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 6699 Napster TCP 6700 Napster / Carracho (server) TCP 6701 Napster / Carracho (server) TCP 6711 SubSeven (Windows Trojan) TCP 6701 KTI/ICAD Nameserver TCP 6723 DDOS communication TCP TCP 6767 BMC PERFORM AGENT TCP 6768 BMC PERFORM MGRD TCP 6776 SubSeven/BackDoor-G (Windows Trojan) TCP 6790 HNMP TCP 6831 ambit-lm TCP 6841 Netmo Default TCP 6842 Netmo HTTP TCP 6850 ICCRUSHMORE TCP 6888 MUSE TCP 6961 JMACT3 TCP 6962 jmevt2 TCP 6963 swismgr1 TCP 6964 swismgr2 TCP 6965 swistrap TCP 6966 swispol TCP 6969 acmsoda TCP 6998 IATP-highPri TCP 6999 IATP-normalPri TCP 7000 file server itself TCP 7001 callbacks to cache managers TCP 7002 users & groups database TCP 7003 volume location database TCP 7004 AFS/Kerberos authentication service TCP 7005 volume managment server TCP 7006 error interpretation service TCP 7007 basic overseer process TCP 7008 server-to-server updater TCP 7009 remote cache manager service TCP 7010 onlinet uninterruptable power supplies TCP 7011 Talon Discovery Port TCP 7012 Talon Engine TCP 7013 Microtalon Discovery TCP 7014 Microtalon Communications TCP 7015 Talon Webserver TCP 7020 DP Serve TCP 7021 DP Serve Admin TCP 7070 ARCP TCP 7099 lazy-ptop TCP 7100 X Font Service TCP 7121 Virtual Prototypes License Manager TCP 7141 TCP 7161 Catalyst TCP 7174 Clutild TCP 7200 FODMS FLIP TCP 7201 DLIP TCP 7323 3.11 Remote Administration TCP 7326 Internet Citizen's Band TCP 7390 The Swiss Exchange TCP 7395 winqedit TCP 7426 OpenView DM Postmaster Manager TCP 7427 OpenView DM Event Agent Manager TCP 7428 OpenView DM Log Agent Manager TCP 7429 OpenView DM rqt communication TCP 7430 OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe TCP 7431 OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe TCP 7437 Faximum TCP 7491 telops-lmd TCP 7511 pafec-lm TCP 7544 FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer TCP 7545 FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer TCP 7566 VSI Omega TCP 7570 Aries Kfinder TCP 7588 Sun License Manager TCP 7597 TROJAN WORM TCP 7633 PMDF Management TCP 7640 CUSeeMe TCP 7777 cbt TCP 7778 Interwise TCP 7781 accu-lmgr TCP 7786 MINIVEND TCP 7932 Tier 2 Data Resource Manager TCP 7933 Tier 2 Business Rules Manager TCP 7967 Supercell TCP 7979 Micromuse-ncps TCP 7980 Quest Vista TCP 7999 iRDMI2 TCP 8000 HTTP/iRDMI TCP 8001 HTTP/VCOM Tunnel TCP 8002 HTTP/Teradata ORDBMS TCP 8008 HTTP Alternate TCP 8032 ProEd TCP 8033 MindPrint TCP 8080 HTTP TCP 8130 INDIGO-VRMI TCP 8131 INDIGO-VBCP TCP 8160 Patrol TCP 8161 Patrol SNMP TCP 8181 IPSwitch IMail / Monitor TCP 8200 TRIVNET TCP 8201 TRIVNET TCP 8204 LM Perfworks TCP 8205 LM Instmgr TCP 8206 LM Dta TCP 8207 LM SServer TCP 8208 LM Webwatcher TCP 8351 Server Find TCP 8376 Cruise ENUM TCP 8377 Cruise SWROUTE TCP 8378 Cruise CONFIG TCP 8379 Cruise DIAGS TCP 8380 Cruise UPDATE TCP 8484 Ipswitch IMail TCP 8400 cvd TCP 8401 sabarsd TCP 8402 abarsd TCP 8403 admind TCP 8431 Micro PC-Cilin TCP 8450 npmp TCP 8473 Virtual Point to Point TCP 8484 Ipswitch Web Calendar TCP 8554 RTSP Alternate (see port 554) TCP 8733 iBus TCP 8763 MC-APPSERVER TCP 8764 OPENQUEUE TCP 8765 Ultraseek HTTP TCP 8804 truecm TCP 8880 CDDBP TCP 8888 NewsEDGE server TCP (TCP 1) TCP 8889 Desktop Data TCP 1 TCP 8890 Desktop Data TCP 2 TCP 8891 Desktop Data TCP 3: NESS application TCP 8892 Desktop Data TCP 4: FARM product TCP 8893 Desktop Data TCP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application TCP 8894 Desktop Data TCP 6: COAL application TCP 8900 JMB-CDS 1 TCP 8901 JMB-CDS 2 TCP 8999 Firewall TCP 9000 CSlistener TCP 9001 cisco-xremote TCP 9090 WebSM TCP 9100 HP JetDirect card TCP 9160 NetLOCK1

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 9161 NetLOCK2 TCP 9162 NetLOCK3 TCP 9163 NetLOCK4 TCP 9164 NetLOCK5 TCP 9200 WAP connectionless session service TCP 9201 WAP session service TCP 9202 WAP secure connectionless session service TCP 9203 WAP secure session service TCP 9204 WAP vCard TCP 9205 WAP vCal TCP 9206 WAP vCard Secure TCP 9207 WAP vCal Secure TCP 9321 guibase TCP 9343 MpIdcMgr TCP 9344 Mphlpdmc TCP 9374 fjdmimgr TCP 9396 fjinvmgr TCP 9397 MpIdcAgt TCP 9500 ismserver TCP 9535 Remote man server TCP 9537 Remote man server, testing TCP 9594 Message System TCP 9595 Ping Discovery Service TCP 9600 MICROMUSE-NCPW TCP 9753 rasadv TCP 9876 Session Director TCP 9888 CYBORG Systems TCP 9898 MonkeyCom TCP 9899 SCTP TUNNELING TCP 9900 IUA TCP 9909 domaintime TCP 9950 APCPCPLUSWIN1 TCP 9951 APCPCPLUSWIN2 TCP 9952 APCPCPLUSWIN3 TCP 9992 Palace TCP 9993 Palace TCP 9994 Palace TCP 9995 Palace TCP 9996 Palace TCP 9997 Palace TCP 9998 Distinct32 TCP 9999 distinct TCP 10000 Network Data Management Protocol TCP 10001 queue TCP 10002 poker TCP 10003 gateway TCP 10004 remp TCP 10005 Secure telnet TCP 10007 MVS Capacity TCP 10012 qmaster TCP 10080 Amanda TCP 10082 Amanda Indexing TCP 10083 Amanda Tape Indexing TCP 10113 NetIQ Endpoint TCP 10114 NetIQ Qcheck TCP 10115 Ganymede Endpoint TCP 10128 BMC-PERFORM-SERVICE DAEMON TCP 10288 Blocks TCP 10520 Acid Shivers (Windows Trojan) TCP 11000 IRISA TCP 11001 Metasys TCP 11111 Viral Computing Environment (VCE) TCP 11367 ATM UHAS TCP 11720 h323 Call Signal Alternate TCP 12000 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange TCP 12001 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority TCP 12002 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority TCP 12003 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority TCP 12004 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority TCP 12172 HiveP TCP 12345 Netbus (Windows Trojan) TCP 12346 NetBus (Windows Trojan) TCP 12361 Whack-a-mole (Windows Trojan) TCP 12362 Whack-a-mole (Windows Trojan) TCP 12753 tsaf port TCP 12754 DDOS communication TCP TCP 13160 I-ZIPQD TCP 13223 PowWow Client TCP 13224 PowWow Server TCP 13326 game TCP 13720 BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) TCP 13721 BPBRM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) TCP 13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol TCP 13782 VERITAS NetBackup TCP 13783 VOPIED Protnocol TCP 13818 DSMCC Config TCP 13819 DSMCC Session Messages TCP 13820 DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages TCP 13821 DSMCC Download Protocol TCP 13822 DSMCC Channel Change Protocol TCP 14001 ITU SCCP (SS7) TCP 15104 DDOS communication TCP TCP 16360 netserialext1 TCP 16361 netserialext2 TCP 16367 netserialext3 TCP 16368 netserialext4 TCP 16660 Stacheldraht distributed attack tool client TCP 16959 Subseven DEFCON8 2.1 backdoor remote access tool TCP 16991 INTEL-RCI-MP TCP 17007 isode-dua TCP 17219 Chipper TCP 18000 Beckman Instruments Inc. TCP 18181 OPSEC CVP TCP 18182 OPSEC UFP TCP 18183 OPSEC SAM TCP 18184 OPSEC LEA TCP 18185 OPSEC OMI TCP 18187 OPSEC ELA TCP 18463 AC Cluster TCP 18753 Shaft distributed attack tool handler -agent TCP 18888 APCNECMP TCP 19283 Key Server for SASSAFRAS TCP 19315 Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS TCP 19410 hp-sco TCP 19411 hp-sca TCP 19412 HP-SESSMON TCP 19541 JCP Client TCP 20000 DNP TCP 20005 xcept4 (German Telekom's CEPT videotext service) TCP 20034 NetBus 2 Pro (Windows Trojan) TCP 20432 Shaft distributed attack client TCP 20670 Track TCP 20999 At Hand MMP TCP 21554 (trojan) TCP 21590 VoFR Gateway TCP 21845 webphone TCP 21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services TCP 21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services TCP 21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

TCP 21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System TCP 22000 SNAPenetIO TCP 22001 OptoControl TCP 22273 wnn6 TCP 22289 Wnn6 (Chinese Input) TCP 22305 Wnn6 (Korean Input) TCP 22321 Wnn6 (Taiwanese Input) TCP 22555 Vocaltec Web Conference TCP 22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN TCP 22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN TCP 24000 med-ltp TCP 24001 med-fsp-rx TCP 24002 med-fsp-tx TCP 24003 med-supp TCP 24004 med-ovw TCP 24005 med-ci TCP 24006 med-net-svc TCP 24386 Intel RCI TCP 24554 BINKP TCP 25000 icl-twobase1 TCP 25001 icl-twobase2 TCP 25002 icl-twobase3 TCP 25003 icl-twobase4 TCP 25004 icl-twobase5 TCP 25005 icl-twobase6 TCP 25006 icl-twobase7 TCP 25007 icl-twobase8 TCP 25008 icl-twobase9 TCP 25009 icl-twobase10 TCP 21554 Girlfriend (Windows Trojan) TCP 25793 Vocaltec Address Server TCP 26000 quake TCP 26208 wnn6-ds TCP 26274 Delta Source (Windows Trojan) TCP 27374 Linux.Ramen.Worm (RedHat Linux) TCP 27665 Trinoo distributed attack tool Master server control port TCP 27999 TW Authentication/Key Distribution and TCP 30100 Netsphere (Windows Trojan) TCP 30101 Netsphere (Windows Trojan) TCP 30102 Netsphere (Windows Trojan) TCP 31337 BO2K TCP 31785 Hack-A-Tack (Windows Trojan) TCP 31787 Hack-A-Tack (Windows Trojan) TCP 32000 XtraMail v1.11 TCP 32768 Filenet TMS TCP 32769 Filenet RPC TCP 32770 Filenet NCH TCP 32771 Sun RPC TCP 32780 RPC TCP 33434 traceroute use TCP 34324 Big Gluck (Windows Trojan) TCP 36865 KastenX Pipe TCP 40421 Master's Paradise (Windows Trojan) TCP 40422 Master's Paradise (Windows Trojan) TCP 40423 Master's Paradise (Windows Trojan) TCP 40426 Master's Paradise (Windows Trojan) TCP 40841 CSCP TCP 43118 reachout TCP 43188 Reachout TCP 44818 Rockwell Encapsulation TCP 45678 EBA PRISE TCP 45966 SSRServerMgr TCP 47262 Delta Source (Windows Trojan) TCP 47557 Databeam Corporation TCP 47624 Direct Play Server TCP 47806 ALC Protocol TCP 47808 Building Automation and Control Networks TCP 48000 Nimbus Controller TCP 48001 Nimbus Spooler TCP 48002 Nimbus Hub TCP 48003 Nimbus Gateway TCP 54320 Orifice 2000 (TCP) TCP 65000 distributed attack tool / Devil (Windows Trojan) TCP 65301 pcAnywhere-def Up to the TCP port list 21 UDP Ports UDP 0 Reserved UDP 1 Port Service Multiplexer UDP 2 Management Utility UDP 3 Compression Process UDP 4 Unassigned UDP 5 Remote Job Entry UDP 6 Unassigned UDP 7 Echo UDP 8 Unassigned UDP 9 Discard UDP 10 Unassigned UDP 11 Active Users UDP 12 Unassigned UDP 13 Daytime UDP 14 Unassigned UDP 15 Unassigned UDP 16 Unassigned UDP 17 Quote of the Day UDP 18 Message Send Protocol UDP 19 Character Generator UDP 20 File Transfer [Default Data] UDP 21 File Transfer [Control] UDP 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol UDP 23 Telnet UDP 24 any private mail system UDP 25 Simple Mail Transfer UDP 26 Unassigned UDP 27 NSW User System FE UDP 28 Unassigned UDP 29 MSG ICP UDP 30 Unassigned UDP 31 MSG Authentication UDP 32 Unassigned UDP 33 Display Support Protocol UDP 34 Unassigned UDP 35 any private printer server UDP 36 Unassigned UDP 37 Time UDP 38 Route Access Protocol UDP 39 Resource Location Protocol UDP 40 Unassigned UDP 41 Graphics UDP 42 Host Name Server UDP 43 Who Is UDP 44 MPM FLAGS Protocol UDP 45 Message Processing Module [recv] UDP 46 MPM [default send] UDP 47 NI FTP UDP 48 Digital Audit Daemon UDP 49 Login Host Protocol (TACACS) UDP 50 Remote Mail Checking Protocol UDP 51 IMP Logical Address Maintenance UDP 52 XNS Time Protocol UDP 53 Domain Name Server UDP 54 XNS Clearinghouse UDP 55 ISI Graphics Language UDP 56 XNS Authentication

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 57 any private terminal access UDP 58 XNS Mail UDP 59 any private file service UDP 60 Unassigned UDP 61 NI MAIL UDP 62 ACA Services UDP 63 whois++ UDP 64 Communications Integrator (CI) UDP 65 TACACS-Database Service UDP 66 Oracle SQL*NET UDP 67 Bootstrap Protocol Server UDP 68 Bootstrap Protocol Client UDP 69 Trivial File Transfer UDP 70 Gopher UDP 71 Remote Job Service UDP 72 Remote Job Service UDP 73 Remote Job Service UDP 74 Remote Job Service UDP 75 any private dial out service UDP 76 Distributed External Object Store UDP 77 any private RJE service UDP 78 vettcp UDP 79 Finger UDP 80 World Wide Web HTTP UDP 81 HOSTS2 Name Server UDP 82 XFER Utility UDP 83 MIT ML Device UDP 84 Common Trace Facility UDP 85 MIT ML Device UDP 86 Micro Focus Cobol UDP 87 any private terminal link UDP 88 Kerberos UDP 89 SU/MIT Telnet Gateway UDP 90 DNSIX Securit Attribute Token Map UDP 91 MIT Dover Spooler UDP 92 Network Printing Protocol UDP 93 Device Control Protocol UDP 94 Tivoli Object Dispatcher UDP 95 SUPDUP UDP 96 DIXIE Protocol Specification UDP 97 Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol UDP 98 TAC News UDP 99 Metagram Relay UDP 101 NIC Host Name Server UDP 102 ISO-TSAP Class 0 UDP 103 Genesis Point-to-Point Trans Net UDP 104 ACR-NEMA Digital Imag. & Comm. 300 UDP 105 Mailbox Name Nameserver UDP 106 3COM-TSMUX UDP 107 Remote Telnet Service UDP 108 SNA Gateway Access Server UDP 109 Post Office Protocol Version 2 UDP 110 Post Office Protocol Version 3 UDP 111 SUN Remote Procedure Call UDP 112 McIDAS Data Transmission Protocol UDP 113 Authentication Service UDP 114 Audio News Multicast UDP 115 Simple File Transfer Protocol UDP 116 ANSA REX Notify UDP 117 UUCP Path Service UDP 118 SQL Services UDP 119 Network News Transfer Protocol UDP 120 CFDPTKT UDP 121 Encore Expedited Remote Pro.Call UDP 122 SMAKYNET UDP 123 Network Time Protocol UDP 124 ANSA REX Trader UDP 125 Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser UDP 126 Unisys Unitary Login UDP 127 Locus PC-Interface Conn Server UDP 128 GSS X License Verification UDP 129 Password Generator Protocol UDP 130 cisco FNATIVE UDP 131 cisco TNATIVE UDP 132 cisco SYSMAINT UDP 133 Statistics Service UDP 134 INGRES-NET Service UDP 135 DCE endpoint resolution UDP 136 PROFILE Naming System UDP 137 NETBIOS Name Service UDP 138 NETBIOS Datagram Service UDP 139 NETBIOS Session Service UDP 140 EMFIS Data Service UDP 141 EMFIS Control Service UDP 142 Britton-Lee IDM UDP 143 Internet Message Access Protocol UDP 144 Universal Management Architecture UDP 145 UAAC Protocol UDP 146 ISO-IP0 UDP 147 ISO-IP UDP 148 Jargon UDP 149 AED 512 Emulation Service UDP 150 SQL-NET UDP 151 HEMS UDP 152 Background File Transfer Program UDP 153 SGMP UDP 154 NETSC UDP 155 NETSC UDP 156 SQL Service UDP 157 KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol UDP 158 PCMail Server UDP 159 NSS-Routing UDP 160 SGMP-TRAPS UDP 161 SNMP UDP 162 SNMPTRAP UDP 163 CMIP/TCP Manager UDP 164 CMIP/TCP Agent UDP 165 Xerox UDP 166 Sirius Systems UDP 167 NAMP UDP 168 RSVD UDP 169 SEND UDP 170 Network PostScript UDP 171 Network Innovations Multiplex UDP 172 Network Innovations CL/1 UDP 173 Xyplex UDP 174 MAILQ UDP 175 VMNET UDP 176 GENRAD-MUX UDP 177 X Display Manager Control Protocol UDP 178 NextStep Window Server UDP 179 Border Gateway Protocol UDP 180 Intergraph UDP 181 Unify UDP 182 Unisys Audit SITP UDP 183 OCBinder UDP 184 OCServer UDP 185 Remote-KIS UDP 186 KIS Protocol UDP 187 Application Communication Interface UDP 188 Plus Five's MUMPS UDP 189 Queued File Transport UDP 190 Gateway Access Control Protocol UDP 191 Prospero Directory Service UDP 192 OSU Network Monitoring System

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 193 Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol UDP 194 Internet Relay Chat Protocol UDP 195 DNSIX Network Level Module Audit UDP 196 DNSIX Session Mgt Module Audit Redir UDP 197 Directory Location Service UDP 198 Directory Location Service Monitor UDP 199 SMUX UDP 200 IBM System Resource Controller UDP 201 AppleTalk Routing Maintenance UDP 202 AppleTalk Name Binding UDP 203 AppleTalk Unused UDP 204 AppleTalk Echo UDP 205 AppleTalk Unused UDP 206 AppleTalk Zone Information UDP 207 AppleTalk Unused UDP 208 AppleTalk Unused UDP 209 The Quick Mail Transfer Protocol UDP 210 ANSI Z39.50 UDP 211 Texas Instruments 914C/G Terminal UDP 212 ATEXSSTR UDP 213 IPX UDP 214 VM PWSCS UDP 215 Insignia Solutions UDP 216 Computer Associates Int'l License Server UDP 217 dBASE Unix UDP 218 Netix Message Posting Protocol UDP 219 Unisys ARPs UDP 220 Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 UDP 221 Berkeley rlogind with SPX auth UDP 222 Berkeley rshd with SPX auth UDP 223 Certificate Distribution Center UDP 224 masqdialer UDP 242 Direct UDP 243 Survey Measurement UDP 244 inbusiness UDP 245 LINK UDP 246 Display Systems Protocol UDP 247 SUBNTBCST_TFTP UDP 248 bhfhs UDP 256 RAP UDP 257 Secure Electronic Transaction UDP 258 Yak Winsock Personal Chat UDP 259 Efficient Short Remote Operations UDP 260 Openport UDP 261 IIOP Name Service over TLS/SSL UDP 262 Arcisdms UDP 263 HDAP UDP 264 BGMP UDP 265 X-Bone CTL UDP 266 SCSI on ST UDP 267 Tobit David Service Layer UDP 268 Tobit David Replica UDP 280 HTTP-mgmt UDP 281 Personal Link UDP 282 Cable Port A/X UDP 283 rescap UDP 284 corerjd UDP 286 FXP-1 UDP 287 K-BLOCK UDP 308 Novastor Backup UDP 309 EntrustTime UDP 310 bhmds UDP 311 AppleShare IP WebAdmin UDP 312 VSLMP UDP 313 Magenta Logic UDP 314 Opalis Robot UDP 315 DPSI UDP 316 decAuth UDP 317 Zannet UDP 318 PKIX TimeStamp UDP 319 PTP Event UDP 320 PTP General UDP 321 PIP UDP 322 RTSPS UDP 333 Texar Security Port UDP 344 Prospero Data Access Protocol UDP 345 Perf Analysis Workbench UDP 346 Zebra server UDP 347 Fatmen Server UDP 348 Cabletron Management Protocol UDP 349 mftp UDP 350 MATIP Type A UDP 351 bhoetty UDP 352 bhoedap4 UDP 353 NDSAUTH UDP 354 bh611 UDP 355 DATEX-ASN UDP 356 Cloanto Net 1 UDP 357 bhevent UDP 358 Shrinkwrap UDP 359 Tenebris Network Trace Service UDP 360 scoi2odialog UDP 361 Semantix UDP 362 SRS Send UDP 363 RSVP Tunnel UDP 364 Aurora CMGR UDP 365 DTK UDP 366 ODMR UDP 367 MortgageWare UDP 368 QbikGDP UDP 369 rpc2portmap UDP 370 codaauth2 UDP 371 Clearcase UDP 372 ListProcessor UDP 373 Legent Corporation UDP 374 Legent Corporation UDP 375 Hassle UDP 376 Amiga Envoy Network Inquiry Proto UDP 377 NEC Corporation UDP 378 NEC Corporation UDP 379 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client UDP 380 TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server UDP 381 hp performance data collector UDP 382 hp performance data managed node UDP 383 hp performance data alarm manager UDP 384 A Remote Network Server System UDP 385 IBM Application UDP 386 ASA Message Router Object Def. UDP 387 Appletalk Update-Based Routing Pro. UDP 388 Unidata LDM UDP 389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol UDP 390 UIS UDP 391 SynOptics SNMP Relay Port UDP 392 SynOptics Port Broker Port UDP 393 Data Interpretation System UDP 394 EMBL Nucleic Data Transfer UDP 395 NETscout Control Protocol UDP 396 Novell Netware over IP UDP 397 Multi Protocol Trans. Net. UDP 398 Kryptolan UDP 399 ISO Transport Class 2 NonControl over TCP

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 400 Workstation Solutions UDP 401 Uninterruptible Power Supply UDP 402 Genie Protocol UDP 403 decap UDP 404 nced UDP 405 ncld UDP 406 Interactive Mail Support Protocol UDP 407 Timbuktu UDP 408 Prospero Resource Manager Sys. Man. UDP 409 Prospero Resource Manager Node Man. UDP 410 DECLadebug Remote Debug Protocol UDP 411 Remote MT Protocol UDP 412 Trap Convention Port UDP 413 SMSP UDP 414 InfoSeek UDP 415 BNet UDP 416 Silverplatter UDP 417 Onmux UDP 418 Hyper-G UDP 419 Ariel UDP 420 SMPTE UDP 421 Ariel UDP 422 Ariel UDP 423 IBM Operations Planning and Control Start UDP 424 IBM Operations Planning and Control Track UDP 425 ICAD UDP 426 smartsdp UDP 427 Server Location UDP 428 OCS_CMU UDP 429 OCS_AMU UDP 430 UTMPSD UDP 431 UTMPCD UDP 432 IASD UDP 433 NNSP UDP 434 MobileIP-Agent UDP 435 MobilIP-MN UDP 436 DNA-CML UDP 437 comscm UDP 438 dsfgw UDP 439 dasp UDP 440 sgcp UDP 441 decvms-sysmgt UDP 442 cvc_hostd UDP 443 HTTP protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 444 Simple Network Paging Protocol UDP 445 Microsoft-DS UDP 446 DDM-RDB UDP 447 DDM-RFM UDP 448 DDM-SSL UDP 449 AS Server Mapper UDP 450 TServer UDP 451 Cray Network Semaphore server UDP 452 Cray SFS config server UDP 453 CreativeServer UDP 454 ContentServer UDP 455 CreativePartnr UDP 456 macon-udp UDP 457 scohelp UDP 458 apple quick time UDP 459 ampr-rcmd UDP 460 skronk UDP 461 DataRampSrv UDP 462 DataRampSrvSec UDP 463 alpes UDP 464 kpasswd UDP 465 smtp protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 466 digital-vrc UDP 467 mylex-mapd UDP 468 proturis UDP 469 Radio Control Protocol UDP 470 scx-proxy UDP 471 Mondex UDP 472 ljk-login UDP 473 hybrid-pop UDP 474 tn-tl-w2 UDP 475 tcpnethaspsrv UDP 476 tn-tl-fd1 UDP 477 ss7ns UDP 478 spsc UDP 479 iafserver UDP 480 iafdbase UDP 481 Ph service UDP 482 bgs-nsi UDP 483 ulpnet UDP 484 Integra Software Management Environment UDP 485 Air Soft Power Burst UDP 486 avian UDP 487 saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer UDP 488 gss-HTTP UDP 489 nest-protocol UDP 490 micom-pfs UDP 491 go-login UDP 492 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA UDP 493 Transport Independent Convergence for FNA UDP 494 POV-Ray UDP 495 intecourier UDP 496 PIM-RP-DISC UDP 497 dantz UDP 498 siam UDP 499 ISO ILL Protocol UDP 500 isakmp UDP 501 STMF UDP 502 asa-appl-proto UDP 503 Intrinsa UDP 504 citadel UDP 505 mailbox-lm UDP 506 ohimsrv UDP 507 crs UDP 508 xvttp UDP 509 snare UDP 510 FirstClass Protocol UDP 511 PassGo UDP 512 used by mail system to notify users UDP 513 maintains data bases showing who's UDP 514 BSD syslogd UDP 515 spooler UDP 516 videotex UDP 517 like tenex link but across UDP 518 talkd UDP 519 unixtime UDP 520 local routing process (on site) UDP 521 ripng UDP 522 ULP UDP 523 IBM-DB2 UDP 524 NCP UDP 525 timeserver UDP 526 newdate UDP 527 Stock IXChange UDP 528 Customer IXChange UDP 529 IRC-SERV UDP 530 rpc UDP 531 chat UDP 532 readnews UDP 533 for emergency broadcasts UDP 534 MegaMedia Admin UDP 535 iiop UDP 536 opalis-rdv UDP 537 Networked Media Streaming Protocol UDP 538 gdomap

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 539 Apertus Technologies Load Determination UDP 540 uucpd UDP 541 uucp-rlogin UDP 542 commerce UDP 543 kerberos (v4/v5) UDP 544 krcmd UDP 545 appleqtcsrvr UDP 546 DHCPv6 Client UDP 547 DHCPv6 Server UDP 548 AFP over TCP UDP 549 IDFP UDP 550 new-who UDP 551 cybercash UDP 552 deviceshare UDP 553 pirp UDP 554 Real Time Stream Control Protocol UDP 555 phAse Zero backdoor (Windows) / dsf UDP 556 rfs server UDP 557 openvms-sysipc UDP 558 SDNSKMP UDP 559 TEEDTAP UDP 560 rmonitord UDP 561 monitor UDP 562 chcmd UDP 563 nntp protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 564 plan 9 file service UDP 565 whoami UDP 566 streettalk UDP 567 banyan-rpc UDP 568 microsoft shuttle UDP 569 microsoft rome UDP 570 demon UDP 571 udemon UDP 572 sonar UDP 573 banyan-vip UDP 574 FTP Software Agent System UDP 575 VEMMI UDP 576 ipcd UDP 577 vnas UDP 578 ipdd UDP 579 decbsrv UDP 580 SNTP HEARTBEAT UDP 581 Bundle Discovery Protocol UDP 582 SCC Security UDP 583 Philips Video-Conferencing UDP 584 Key Server UDP 585 IMAP4+SSL UDP 586 Password Change UDP 587 Submission UDP 588 CAL UDP 589 EyeLink UDP 590 TNS CML UDP 591 FileMaker Inc. - HTTP Alternate UDP 592 Eudora Set UDP 593 HTTP RPC Ep Map UDP 594 TPIP UDP 595 CAB Protocol UDP 596 SMSD UDP 597 PTC Name Service UDP 598 SCO Web Server Manager 3 UDP 599 Aeolon Core Protocol UDP 600 Sun IPC server UDP 606 Cray Unified Resource Manager UDP 607 nqs UDP 608 Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer UDP 609 npmp-trap UDP 610 npmp-local UDP 611 npmp-gui UDP 612 HMMP Indication UDP 613 HMMP Operation UDP 614 SSLshell UDP 615 Internet Configuration Manager UDP 616 SCO System Administration Server UDP 617 SCO Desktop Administration Server UDP 618 DEI-ICDA UDP 619 Digital EVM UDP 620 SCO WebServer Manager UDP 621 ESCP UDP 622 Collaborator UDP 623 Aux Bus Shunt UDP 624 Crypto Admin UDP 625 DEC DLM UDP 626 ASIA UDP 627 PassGo Tivoli UDP 628 QMQP UDP 629 3Com AMP3 UDP 630 RDA UDP 631 IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) UDP 632 bmpp UDP 633 Service Status update (Sterling Software) UDP 634 ginad UDP 635 RLZ DBase UDP 636 ldap protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 637 lanserver UDP 638 mcns-sec UDP 639 MSDP UDP 640 entrust-sps UDP 641 repcmd UDP 642 ESRO-EMSDP V1.3 UDP 643 SANity UDP 644 dwr UDP 645 PSSC UDP 646 LDP UDP 647 DHCP Failover UDP 648 Registry Registrar Protocol (RRP) UDP 649 Aminet UDP 650 OBEX UDP 651 IEEE MMS UDP 652 UDLR_DTCP UDP 653 RepCmd UDP 654 AODV UDP 655 TINC UDP 656 SPMP UDP 657 RMC UDP 658 TenFold UDP 659 URL Rendezvous UDP 660 MacOS Server Admin UDP 661 HAP UDP 662 PFTP UDP 663 PureNoise UDP 664 Secure Aux Bus UDP 665 Sun DR UDP 666 doom Id Software UDP 667 campaign contribution disclosures - SDR Technologies UDP 668 MeComm UDP 669 MeRegister UDP 670 VACDSM-SWS UDP 671 VACDSM-APP UDP 672 VPPS-QUA UDP 673 CIMPLEX UDP 674 ACAP UDP 675 DCTP UDP 676 VPPS Via UDP 677 Virtual Presence Protocol UDP 678 GNU Generation Foundation NCP UDP 679 MRM UDP 680 entrust-aaas UDP 681 entrust-aams UDP 682 XFR UDP 683 CORBA IIOP UDP 684 CORBA IIOP SSL

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 685 MDC Port Mapper UDP 686 Hardware Control Protocol Wismar UDP 687 asipregistry UDP 688 REALM-RUSD UDP 689 NMAP UDP 690 VATP UDP 691 MS Exchange Routing UDP 692 Hyperwave-ISP UDP 693 connendp UDP 694 ha-cluster UDP 695 IEEE-MMS-SSL UDP 696 RUSHD UDP 697 UUIDGEN UDP 698 OLSR UDP 704 errlog copy/server daemon UDP 705 AgentX UDP 706 SILC UDP 707 Borland DSJ UDP 709 Entrust Key Management Service Handler UDP 710 Entrust Administration Service Handler UDP 711 Cisco TDP UDP 729 IBM NetView DM/6000 Server/Client UDP 730 IBM NetView DM/6000 send/tcp UDP 731 IBM NetView DM/6000 receive/tcp UDP 740 (old) NETscout Control Protocol (old) UDP 741 netGW UDP 742 Network based Rev. Cont. Sys. UDP 744 Flexible License Manager UDP 747 Fujitsu Device Control UDP 748 Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager UDP 749 kerberos administration UDP 750 kerberos version iv UDP 751 pump UDP 752 Kerberos password server UDP 753 Kerberos userreg server UDP 754 send UDP 758 nlogin UDP 759 con UDP 760 ns UDP 761 rxe UDP 762 quotad UDP 763 cycleserv UDP 764 omserv UDP 765 webster UDP 767 phone UDP 769 vid UDP 770 cadlock UDP 771 rtip UDP 772 cycleserv2 UDP 773 notify UDP 774 acmaint_dbd UDP 775 acmaint_transd UDP 776 wpages UDP 777 Multiling HTTP UDP 780 wpgs UDP 781 HP performance data collector UDP 782 node HP performance data managed node UDP 783 HP performance data alarm manager UDP 786 Concert UDP 787 QSC UDP 800 mdbs_daemon UDP 801 device UDP 810 FCP Datagram UDP 828 itm-mcell-s UDP 829 PKIX-3 CA/RA UDP 873 rsync UDP 886 ICL coNETion locate server UDP 887 ICL coNETion server info UDP 888 AccessBuilder UDP 900 OMG Initial Refs UDP 901 SMPNAMERES UDP 902 IDEAFARM-CHAT UDP 903 IDEAFARM-CATCH UDP 911 xact-backup UDP 989 ftp protocol data over TLS/SSL UDP 990 ftp protocol control over TLS/SSL UDP 991 Netnews Administration System UDP 992 telnet protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 993 imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 994 irc protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 995 pop3 protocol over TLS/SSL UDP 996 vsinet UDP 997 maitrd UDP 998 puparp UDP 999 Applix ac UDP 1000 ock UDP 1008 Solaris UDP 1010 surf UDP 1012 This is rstatd on a openBSD box UDP 1023 Reserved UDP 1024 Reserved UDP 1025 network blackjack UDP 1030 BBN IAD UDP 1031 BBN IAD UDP 1032 BBN IAD UDP 1047 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker UDP 1048 Sun's NEO Object Request Broker UDP 1049 Tobit David Postman VPMN UDP 1050 CORBA Management Agent UDP 1051 Optima VNET UDP 1052 Dynamic DNS Tools UDP 1053 Remote Assistant (RA) UDP 1054 BRVREAD UDP 1055 ANSYS - License Manager UDP 1056 VFO UDP 1057 STARTRON UDP 1058 nim UDP 1059 nimreg UDP 1060 POLESTAR UDP 1061 KIOSK UDP 1062 Veracity UDP 1063 KyoceraNetDev UDP 1064 JSTEL UDP 1065 SYSCOMLAN UDP 1066 FPO-FNS UDP 1067 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. UDP 1068 Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. UDP 1069 COGNEX-INSIGHT UDP 1070 GMRUpdateSERV UDP 1071 BSQUARE-VOIP UDP 1072 CARDAX UDP 1073 BridgeControl UDP 1074 FASTechnologies License Manager UDP 1075 RDRMSHC UDP 1076 DAB STI-C UDP 1077 IMGames UDP 1078 eManageCstp UDP 1079 ASPROVATalk UDP 1080 Socks UDP 1081 PVUNIWIEN UDP 1082 AMT-ESD-PROT UDP 1083 Anasoft License Manager UDP 1084 Anasoft License Manager UDP 1085 Web Objects UDP 1086 CPL Scrambler Logging UDP 1087 CPL Scrambler Internal UDP 1088 CPL Scrambler Alarm Log

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 1089 FF Annunciation UDP 1090 FF Fieldbus Message Specification UDP 1091 FF System Management UDP 1092 OBRPD UDP 1093 PROOFD UDP 1094 ROOTD UDP 1095 NICELink UDP 1096 Common Name Resolution Protocol UDP 1097 Sun Cluster Manager UDP 1098 RMI Activation UDP 1099 RMI Registry UDP 1100 MCTP UDP 1101 PT2-DISCOVER UDP 1102 ADOBE SERVER 1 UDP 1103 ADOBE SERVER 2 UDP 1104 XRL UDP 1105 FTRANHC UDP 1106 ISOIPSIGPORT-1 UDP 1107 ISOIPSIGPORT-2 UDP 1108 ratio-adp UDP 1110 Client status info UDP 1111 LM Social Server UDP 1112 Intelligent Communication Protocol UDP 1114 Mini SQL UDP 1115 ARDUS Transfer UDP 1116 ARDUS Control UDP 1117 ARDUS Multicast Transfer UDP 1123 Murray UDP 1155 Network File Access UDP 1161 Health Polling UDP 1162 Health Trap UDP 1167 conference calling UDP 1169 TRIPWIRE UDP 1180 Millicent Client Proxy UDP 1188 HP Web Admin UDP 1200 SCOL UDP 1201 Nucleus Sand UDP 1202 caiccipc UDP 1203 License Validation UDP 1204 Log Request Listener UDP 1205 Accord-MGC UDP 1206 Anthony Data UDP 1207 MetaSage UDP 1208 SEAGULL AIS UDP 1209 IPCD3 UDP 1210 EOSS UDP 1211 Groove DPP UDP 1212 lupa UDP 1213 MPC LIFENET UDP 1214 KAZAA UDP 1215 scanSTAT 1.0 UDP 1216 ETEBAC 5 UDP 1217 HPSS-NDAPI UDP 1218 AeroFlight-ADs UDP 1219 AeroFlight-Ret UDP 1220 QT SERVER ADMIN UDP 1221 SweetWARE Apps UDP 1222 SNI R&D network UDP 1223 TGP UDP 1224 VPNz UDP 1225 SLINKYSEARCH UDP 1226 STGXFWS UDP 1227 DNS2Go UDP 1228 FLORENCE UDP 1229 Novell ZFS UDP 1234 Infoseek Search Agent UDP 1239 NMSD UDP 1248 hermes UDP 1300 H323 Host Call Secure UDP 1310 Husky UDP 1311 RxMon UDP 1312 STI Envision UDP 1313 BMC_PATROLDB UDP 1314 Photoscript Distributed Printing System UDP 1319 Panja-ICSP UDP 1320 Panja-AXBNET UDP 1321 PIP UDP 1335 Digital Notary Protocol UDP 1345 VPJP UDP 1346 Alta Analytics License Manager UDP 1347 multi media conferencing UDP 1348 multi media conferencing UDP 1349 Registration Network Protocol UDP 1350 Registration Network Protocol UDP 1351 Digital Tool Works (MIT) UDP 1352 Lotus Note UDP 1353 Relief Consulting UDP 1354 RightBrain Software UDP 1355 Intuitive Edge UDP 1356 CuillaMartin Company UDP 1357 Electronic PegBoard UDP 1358 CONNLCLI UDP 1359 FTSRV UDP 1360 MIMER UDP 1361 LinX UDP 1362 TimeFlies UDP 1363 Network DataMover Requester UDP 1364 Network DataMover Server UDP 1365 Network Software Associates UDP 1366 Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform UDP 1367 DCS UDP 1368 ScreenCast UDP 1369 GlobalView to Unix Shell UDP 1370 Unix Shell to GlobalView UDP 1371 Fujitsu Config Protocol UDP 1372 Fujitsu Config Protocol UDP 1373 Chromagrafx UDP 1374 EPI Software Systems UDP 1375 Bytex UDP 1376 IBM Person to Person Software UDP 1377 Cichlid License Manager UDP 1378 Elan License Manager UDP 1379 Integrity Solutions UDP 1380 Telesis Network License Manager UDP 1381 Apple Network License Manager UDP 1382 udt_os UDP 1383 GW Hannaway Network License Manager UDP 1384 Objective Solutions License Manager UDP 1385 Atex Publishing License Manager UDP 1386 CheckSum License Manager UDP 1387 Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM UDP 1388 Objective Solutions DataBase Cache UDP 1389 Document Manager UDP 1390 Storage Controller UDP 1391 Storage Access Server UDP 1392 Print Manager UDP 1393 Network Log Server UDP 1394 Network Log Client UDP 1395 PC Workstation Manager software UDP 1396 DVL Active Mail UDP 1397 Audio Active Mail UDP 1398 Video Active Mail UDP 1399 Cadkey License Manager UDP 1400 Cadkey Tablet Daemon UDP 1401 Goldleaf License Manager UDP 1402 Prospero Resource Manager

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 1403 Prospero Resource Manager UDP 1404 Infinite Graphics License Manager UDP 1405 IBM Remote Execution Starter UDP 1406 NetLabs License Manager UDP 1407 DBSA License Manager UDP 1408 Sophia License Manager UDP 1409 Here License Manager UDP 1410 HiQ License Manager UDP 1411 AudioFile UDP 1412 InnoSys UDP 1413 Innosys-ACL UDP 1414 IBM MQSeries UDP 1415 DBStar UDP 1416 Novell LU6.2 UDP 1417 Timbuktu Service 1 Port UDP 1418 Timbuktu Service 2 Port UDP 1419 Timbuktu Service 3 Port UDP 1420 Timbuktu Service 4 Port UDP 1421 Gandalf License Manager UDP 1422 Autodesk License Manager UDP 1423 Essbase Arbor Software UDP 1424 Hybrid Encryption Protocol UDP 1425 Zion Software License Manager UDP 1426 Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 UDP 1427 mloadd monitoring tool UDP 1428 Informatik License Manager UDP 1429 Hypercom NMS UDP 1430 Hypercom TPDU UDP 1431 Reverse Gossip Transport UDP 1432 Blueberry Software License Manager UDP 1433 Microsoft-SQL-Server UDP 1434 Microsoft-SQL-Monitor UDP 1435 IBM CICS UDP 1436 Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 UDP 1437 Tabula UDP 1438 Eicon Security Agent/Server UDP 1439 Eicon X25/SNA Gateway UDP 1440 Eicon Service Location Protocol UDP 1441 Cadis License Management UDP 1442 Cadis License Management UDP 1443 Integrated Engineering Software UDP 1444 Marcam License Management UDP 1445 Proxima License Manager UDP 1446 Optical Research Associates License Manager UDP 1447 Applied Parallel Research LM UDP 1448 OpenConnect License Manager UDP 1449 PEport UDP 1450 Tandem Distributed Workbench Facility UDP 1451 IBM Information Management UDP 1452 GTE Government Systems License Man UDP 1453 Genie License Manager UDP 1454 interHDL License Manager UDP 1455 ESL License Manager UDP 1456 DCA UDP 1457 Valisys License Manager UDP 1458 Nichols Research Corp. UDP 1459 Proshare Notebook Application UDP 1460 Proshare Notebook Application UDP 1461 IBM Wireless LAN UDP 1462 World License Manager UDP 1463 Nucleus UDP 1464 MSL License Manager UDP 1465 Pipes Platform UDP 1466 Ocean Software License Manager UDP 1467 CSDMBASE UDP 1468 CSDM UDP 1469 Active Analysis Limited License Manager UDP 1470 Universal Analytics UDP 1471 csdmbase UDP 1472 csdm UDP 1473 OpenMath UDP 1474 Telefinder UDP 1475 Taligent License Manager UDP 1476 clvm-cfg UDP 1477 ms-sna-server UDP 1478 ms-sna-base UDP 1479 dberegister UDP 1480 PacerForum UDP 1481 AIRS UDP 1482 Miteksys License Manager UDP 1483 AFS License Manager UDP 1484 Confluent License Manager UDP 1485 LANSource UDP 1486 nms_topo_serv UDP 1487 LocalInfoSrvr UDP 1488 DocStor UDP 1489 dmdocbroker UDP 1490 insitu-conf UDP 1491 anynetgateway UDP 1492 stone-design-1 UDP 1493 netmap_lm UDP 1494 ica UDP 1495 cvc UDP 1496 liberty-lm UDP 1497 rfx-lm UDP 1498 Sybase SQL Any UDP 1499 Federico Heinz Consultora UDP 1500 VLSI License Manager UDP 1501 Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 UDP 1502 Shiva UDP 1503 Databeam UDP 1504 EVB Software Engineering License Manager UDP 1505 Funk Software Inc. UDP 1506 Universal Time daemon (utcd) UDP 1507 symplex UDP 1508 diagmond UDP 1509 Robcad Ltd. License Manager UDP 1510 Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. Lic. Man. UDP 1511 3l-l1 UDP 1512 Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service UDP 1513 Fujitsu Systems Business of America Inc UDP 1514 Fujitsu Systems Business of America Inc UDP 1515 ifor-protocol UDP 1516 Virtual Places Audio data UDP 1517 Virtual Places Audio control UDP 1518 Virtual Places Video data UDP 1519 Virtual Places Video control UDP 1520 atm zip office UDP 1521 nCube License Manager UDP 1522 Ricardo North America License Manager UDP 1523 cichild UDP 1524 ingres UDP 1525 Prospero Directory Service non-priv UDP 1526 Prospero Data Access Prot non-priv UDP 1527 oracle UDP 1528 micautoreg UDP 1529 oracle UDP 1530 rap-service UDP 1531 rap-listen

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 1532 miroconnect UDP 1533 Virtual Places Software UDP 1534 micromuse-lm UDP 1535 ampr-info UDP 1536 ampr-inter UDP 1537 isi-lm UDP 1538 3ds-lm UDP 1539 Intellistor License Manager UDP 1540 rds UDP 1541 rds2 UDP 1542 gridgen-elmd UDP 1543 simba-cs UDP 1544 aspeclmd UDP 1545 vistium-share UDP 1546 abbaccuray UDP 1547 laplink UDP 1548 Axon License Manager UDP 1549 Shiva Sound UDP 1550 Image Storage license manager 3M Company UDP 1551 HECMTL-DB UDP 1552 pciarray UDP 1553 sna-cs UDP 1554 CACI Products Company License Manager UDP 1555 livelan UDP 1556 AshWin CI Tecnologies UDP 1557 ArborText License Manager UDP 1558 xingmpeg UDP 1559 web2host UDP 1560 asci-val UDP 1561 facilityview UDP 1562 pconnectmgr UDP 1563 Cadabra License Manager UDP 1564 Pay-Per-View UDP 1565 WinDD UDP 1566 CORELVIDEO UDP 1567 jlicelmd UDP 1568 tsspmap UDP 1569 ets UDP 1570 orbixd UDP 1571 Oracle Remote Data Base UDP 1572 Chipcom License Manager UDP 1573 itscomm-ns UDP 1574 mvel-lm UDP 1575 oraclenames UDP 1576 moldflow-lm UDP 1577 hypercube-lm UDP 1578 Jacobus License Manager UDP 1579 ioc-sea-lm UDP 1580 tn-tl-r2 UDP 1581 MIL-2045-47001 UDP 1582 MSIMS UDP 1583 simbaexpress UDP 1584 tn-tl-fd2 UDP 1585 intv UDP 1586 ibm-abtact UDP 1587 pra_elmd UDP 1588 triquest-lm UDP 1589 VQP UDP 1590 gemini-lm UDP 1591 ncpm-pm UDP 1592 commonspace UDP 1593 mainsoft-lm UDP 1594 sixtrak UDP 1595 radio UDP 1596 radio-bc UDP 1597 orbplus-iiop UDP 1598 picknfs UDP 1599 simbaservices UDP 1600 issd UDP 1601 aas UDP 1602 inspect UDP 1603 pickodbc UDP 1604 icabrowser UDP 1605 Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol) UDP 1606 Salutation Manager (SLM-API) UDP 1607 stt UDP 1608 Smart Corp. License Manager UDP 1609 isysg-lm UDP 1610 taurus-wh UDP 1611 Inter Library Loan UDP 1612 NetBill Transaction Server UDP 1613 NetBill Key Repository UDP 1614 NetBill Credential Server UDP 1615 NetBill Authorization Server UDP 1616 NetBill Product Server UDP 1617 Nimrod Inter-Agent Communication UDP 1618 skytelnet UDP 1619 xs-openstorage UDP 1620 faxportwinport UDP 1621 softdataphone UDP 1622 ontime UDP 1623 jaleosnd UDP 1624 udp-sr-port UDP 1625 svs-omagent UDP 1626 Shockwave UDP 1627 T.128 Gateway UDP 1628 LonTalk normal UDP 1629 LonTalk urgent UDP 1630 Oracle Net8 Cman UDP 1631 Visit view UDP 1632 PAMMRATC UDP 1633 PAMMRPC UDP 1634 Log On America Probe UDP 1635 EDB Server 1 UDP 1636 CableNet Control Protocol UDP 1637 CableNet Admin Protocol UDP 1638 CableNet Info Protocol UDP 1639 cert-initiator UDP 1640 cert-responder UDP 1641 InVision UDP 1642 isis-am UDP 1643 isis-ambc UDP 1644 Satellite-data Acquistion Systems 4 UDP 1645 datametrics UDP 1646 sa-msg-port UDP 1647 rsap UDP 1648 concurrent-lm UDP 1649 kermit UDP 1650 nkd UDP 1651 shiva_confsrvr UDP 1652 xnmp UDP 1653 alphatech-lm UDP 1654 stargatealerts UDP 1655 dec-mbadmin UDP 1656 dec-mbadmin-h UDP 1657 fujitsu-mmpdc UDP 1658 sixnetudr UDP 1659 Silicon Grail License Manager UDP 1660 skip-mc-gikreq UDP 1661 netview-aix-1 UDP 1662 netview-aix-2 UDP 1663 netview-aix-3 UDP 1664 netview-aix-4 UDP 1665 netview-aix-5 UDP 1666 netview-aix-6 UDP 1667 netview-aix-7 UDP 1668 netview-aix-8 UDP 1669 netview-aix-9 UDP 1670 netview-aix-10 UDP 1671 netview-aix-11 UDP 1672 netview-aix-12 UDP 1673 Intel Proshare Multicast UDP 1674 Intel Proshare Multicast UDP 1675 Pacific Data Products UDP 1676 netcomm2 UDP 1677 groupwise UDP 1678 prolink UDP 1679 darcorp-lm

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 1680 microcom-sbp UDP 1681 sd-elmd UDP 1682 lanyon-lantern UDP 1683 ncpm-hip UDP 1684 SnareSecure UDP 1685 n2nremote UDP 1686 cvmon UDP 1687 nsjtp-ctrl UDP 1688 nsjtp-data UDP 1689 firefox UDP 1690 ng-umds UDP 1691 empire-empuma UDP 1692 sstsys-lm UDP 1693 rrirtr UDP 1694 rrimwm UDP 1695 rrilwm UDP 1696 rrifmm UDP 1697 rrisat UDP 1698 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-1 UDP 1699 RSVP-ENCAPSULATION-2 UDP 1700 mps-raft UDP 1701 l2tp UDP 1702 deskshare UDP 1703 hb-engine UDP 1704 bcs-broker UDP 1705 slingshot UDP 1706 jetform UDP 1707 vdmplay UDP 1708 gat-lmd UDP 1709 centra UDP 1710 impera UDP 1711 pptconference UDP 1712 resource monitoring service UDP 1713 ConferenceTalk UDP 1714 sesi-lm UDP 1715 houdini-lm UDP 1716 xmsg UDP 1717 fj-hdnet UDP 1718 h323gatedisc UDP 1719 h323gatestat UDP 1720 h323hostcall UDP 1721 caicci UDP 1722 HKS License Manager UDP 1723 pptp UDP 1724 csbphonemaster UDP 1725 iden-ralp UDP 1726 IBERIAGAMES UDP 1727 winddx UDP 1728 TELINDUS UDP 1729 CityNL License Management UDP 1730 roketz UDP 1731 MSICCP UDP 1732 proxim UDP 1733 SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission UDP 1734 Camber Corporation License Management UDP 1735 PrivateChat UDP 1736 street-stream UDP 1737 ultimad UDP 1738 GameGen1 UDP 1739 webaccess UDP 1740 encore UDP 1741 cisco-net-mgmt UDP 1742 3Com-nsd UDP 1743 Cinema Graphics License Manager UDP 1744 ncpm-ft UDP 1745 remote-winsock UDP 1746 ftrapid-1 UDP 1747 ftrapid-2 UDP 1748 oracle-em1 UDP 1749 aspen-services UDP 1750 Simple Socket Library's PortMaster UDP 1751 SwiftNet UDP 1752 Leap of Faith Research License Manager UDP 1753 Translogic License Manager UDP 1754 oracle-em2 UDP 1755 ms-streaming UDP 1756 capfast-lmd UDP 1757 cnhrp UDP 1758 tftp-mcast UDP 1759 SPSS License Manager UDP 1760 www-ldap-gw UDP 1761 cft-0 UDP 1762 cft-1 UDP 1763 cft-2 UDP 1764 cft-3 UDP 1765 cft-4 UDP 1766 cft-5 UDP 1767 cft-6 UDP 1768 cft-7 UDP 1769 bmc-net-adm UDP 1770 bmc-net-svc UDP 1771 vaultbase UDP 1772 EssWeb Gateway UDP 1773 KMSControl UDP 1774 global-dtserv UDP 1776 Federal Emergency Management Information System UDP 1777 powerguardian UDP 1778 prodigy-internet UDP 1779 pharmasoft UDP 1780 dpkeyserv UDP 1781 answersoft-lm UDP 1782 hp-hcip UDP 1783 Port 04/14/00 UDP 1784 Finle License Manager UDP 1785 Wind River Systems License Manager UDP 1786 funk-logger UDP 1787 funk-license UDP 1788 psmond UDP 1789 hello UDP 1790 Narrative Media Streaming Protocol UDP 1791 EA1 UDP 1792 ibm-dt-2 UDP 1793 rsc-robot UDP 1794 cera-bcm UDP 1795 dpi-proxy UDP 1796 Vocaltec Server Administration UDP 1797 UMA UDP 1798 Event Transfer Protocol UDP 1799 NETRISK UDP 1800 ANSYS-License manager UDP 1801 Microsoft Message Que UDP 1802 ConComp1 UDP 1803 HP-HCIP-GWY UDP 1804 ENL UDP 1805 ENL-Name UDP 1806 Musiconline UDP 1807 Fujitsu Hot Standby Protocol UDP 1808 Oracle-VP2 UDP 1809 Oracle-VP1 UDP 1810 Jerand License Manager UDP 1811 Scientia-SDB UDP 1812 RADIUS UDP 1813 RADIUS Accounting UDP 1814 TDP Suite UDP 1815 MMPFT UDP 1816 HARP UDP 1817 RKB-OSCS UDP 1818 Enhanced Trivial File Transfer Protocol UDP 1819 Plato License Manager UDP 1820 mcagent UDP 1821 donnyworld UDP 1822 es-elmd

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 1823 Unisys Natural Language License Manager UDP 1824 metrics-pas UDP 1825 DirecPC Video UDP 1826 ARDT UDP 1827 ASI UDP 1828 itm-mcell-u UDP 1829 Optika eMedia UDP 1830 Oracle Net8 CMan Admin UDP 1831 Myrtle UDP 1832 ThoughtTreasure UDP 1833 udpradio UDP 1834 ARDUS Unicast UDP 1835 ARDUS Multicast UDP 1836 ste-smsc UDP 1837 csoft1 UDP 1838 TALNET UDP 1839 netopia-vo1 UDP 1840 netopia-vo2 UDP 1841 netopia-vo3 UDP 1842 netopia-vo4 UDP 1843 netopia-vo5 UDP 1844 DirecPC-DLL UDP 1850 GSI UDP 1851 ctcd UDP 1860 SunSCALAR Services UDP 1861 LeCroy VICP UDP 1862 techra-server UDP 1863 MSNP UDP 1864 Paradym 31 Port UDP 1865 ENTP UDP 1870 SunSCALAR DNS Service UDP 1871 Cano Central 0 UDP 1872 Cano Central 1 UDP 1873 Fjmpjps UDP 1874 Fjswapsnp UDP 1881 IBM MQSeries UDP 1895 Vista 4GL UDP 1899 MC2Studios UDP 1900 UPnP SSDP UDP 1901 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program A UDP 1902 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program B UDP 1903 Local Link Name Resolution UDP 1904 Fujitsu ICL Terminal Emulator Program C UDP 1905 Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol UDP 1906 TPortMapperReq UDP 1907 IntraSTAR UDP 1908 Dawn UDP 1909 Global World Link UDP 1910 ultrabac UDP 1911 Starlight Networks Multimedia Transport Protocol UDP 1912 rhp-iibp UDP 1913 armadp UDP 1914 Elm-Momentum UDP 1915 FACELINK UDP 1916 Persoft Persona UDP 1917 nOAgent UDP 1918 Candle Directory Service NDS UDP 1919 Candle Directory Service DCH UDP 1920 Candle Directory Service FERRET UDP 1921 NoAdmin UDP 1922 Tapestry UDP 1923 SPICE UDP 1924 XIIP UDP 1930 Drive AppServer UDP 1931 AMD SCHED UDP 1944 close-combat UDP 1945 dialogic-elmd UDP 1946 tekpls UDP 1947 hlserver UDP 1948 eye2eye UDP 1949 ISMA Easdaq Live UDP 1950 ISMA Easdaq Test UDP 1951 bcs-lmserver UDP 1952 mpnjsc UDP 1953 Rapid Base UDP 1961 BTS APPSERVER UDP 1962 BIAP-MP UDP 1963 WebMachine UDP 1964 SOLID E ENGINE UDP 1965 Tivoli NPM UDP 1966 Slush UDP 1967 SNS Quote UDP 1972 Cache UDP 1973 Data Link Switching Remote Access Protocol UDP 1974 DRP UDP 1975 TCO Flash Agent UDP 1976 TCO Reg Agent UDP 1977 TCO Address Book UDP 1978 UniSQL UDP 1979 UniSQL Java UDP 1984 BB UDP 1985 Hot Standby Router Protocol UDP 1986 cisco license management UDP 1987 cisco RSRB Priority 1 port UDP 1988 cisco RSRB Priority 2 port UDP 1989 MHSnet system UDP 1990 cisco STUN Priority 1 port UDP 1991 cisco STUN Priority 2 port UDP 1992 IPsendmsg UDP 1993 cisco SNMP TCP port UDP 1994 cisco serial tunnel port UDP 1995 cisco perf port UDP 1996 cisco Remote SRB port UDP 1997 cisco Gateway Discovery Protocol UDP 1998 cisco X.25 service (XOT) UDP 1999 cisco identification port UDP 2000 callbook UDP 2001 curry UDP 2002 globe UDP 2004 CCWS mm conf UDP 2005 oracle UDP 2006 raid UDP 2007 raid-am UDP 2008 terminaldb UDP 2009 whosockami UDP 2010 pipe-server UDP 2011 servserv UDP 2012 raid-ac UDP 2013 raid-cd UDP 2014 raid-sf UDP 2015 raid-cs UDP 2016 bootserver UDP 2017 bootclient UDP 2018 rellpack UDP 2019 about UDP 2020 xinupageserver UDP 2021 xinuexpansion1 UDP 2022 xinuexpansion2 UDP 2023 xinuexpansion3 UDP 2024 xinuexpansion4 UDP 2025 xribs UDP 2026 scrabble UDP 2027 shadowserver UDP 2028 submitserver UDP 2030 device2 UDP 2032 blackboard UDP 2033 glogger UDP 2034 scoremgr UDP 2035 imsldoc UDP 2038 objectmanager UDP 2040 lam UDP 2041 interbase UDP 2042 isis

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2043 isis-bcast UDP 2044 rimsl UDP 2045 cdfunc UDP 2046 sdfunc UDP 2047 dls UDP 2048 dls-monitor UDP 2049 Network File System - Sun Microsystems UDP 2065 Data Link Switch Read Port Number UDP 2067 Data Link Switch Write Port Number UDP 2090 Load Report Protocol UDP 2091 PRP UDP 2092 Descent 3 UDP 2093 NBX CC UDP 2094 NBX AU UDP 2095 NBX SER UDP 2096 NBX DIR UDP 2097 Jet Form Preview UDP 2098 Dialog Port UDP 2099 H.225.0 Annex G UDP 2100 amiganetfs UDP 2101 rtcm-sc104 UDP 2102 Zephyr server UDP 2103 Zephyr serv-hm connection UDP 2104 Zephyr hostmanager UDP 2105 MiniPay UDP 2106 MZAP UDP 2107 BinTec Admin UDP 2108 Comcam UDP 2109 Ergolight UDP 2110 UMSP UDP 2111 DSATP UDP 2112 Idonix MetaNet UDP 2113 HSL StoRM UDP 2114 NEWHEIGHTS UDP 2115 KDM UDP 2116 CCOWCMR UDP 2117 MENTACLIENT UDP 2118 MENTASERVER UDP 2119 GSIGATEKEEPER UDP 2120 Quick Eagle Networks CP UDP 2121 SCIENTIA-SSDB UDP 2122 CauPC Remote Control UDP 2123 GTP-Control Plane (3GPP) UDP 2124 ELATELINK UDP 2125 LOCKSTEP UDP 2126 PktCable-COPS UDP 2127 INDEX-PC-WB UDP 2128 Net Steward Control UDP 2129 UDP 2130 SWC-XDS UDP 2131 Avantageb2b UDP 2132 AVAIL-EPMAP UDP 2133 ZYMED-ZPP UDP 2134 AVENUE UDP 2135 Grid Resource Information Server UDP 2136 APPWORXSRV UDP 2137 CONNECT UDP 2138 UNBIND-CLUSTER UDP 2139 IAS-AUTH UDP 2140 IAS-REG / Deep Throat (Windows Trojan) / Deep Throat 2 (Windows Trojan) UDP 2141 IAS-ADMIND UDP 2142 TDM-OVER-IP UDP 2143 Live Vault Job Control UDP 2144 Live Vault Fast Object Transfer UDP 2145 Live Vault Remote Diagnostic Console Support UDP 2146 Live Vault Admin Event Notification UDP 2147 Live Vault Authentication UDP 2148 VERITAS UNIVERSAL COMMUNICATION LAYER UDP 2149 ACPTSYS UDP 2150 DYNAMIC3D UDP 2151 DOCENT UDP 2152 GTP-User Plane (3GPP) UDP 2165 X-Bone API UDP 2166 IWSERVER UDP 2180 Millicent Vendor Gateway Server UDP 2181 eforward UDP 2200 ICI UDP 2201 Advanced Training System Program UDP 2202 Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium UDP 2213 Kali UDP 2220 Ganymede UDP 2221 Rockwell CSP1 UDP 2222 Rockwell CSP2 UDP 2223 Rockwell CSP3 UDP 2232 IVS Video default UDP 2233 INFOCRYPT UDP 2234 DirectPlay UDP 2235 Sercomm-WLink UDP 2236 Nani UDP 2237 Optech Port1 License Manager UDP 2238 AVIVA SNA SERVER UDP 2239 Image Query UDP 2240 RECIPe UDP 2241 IVS Daemon UDP 2242 Folio Remote Server UDP 2243 Magicom Protocol UDP 2244 NMS Server UDP 2245 HaO UDP 2279 xmquery UDP 2280 LNVPOLLER UDP 2281 LNVCONSOLE UDP 2282 LNVALARM UDP 2283 LNVSTATUS UDP 2284 LNVMAPS UDP 2285 LNVMAILMON UDP 2286 NAS-Metering UDP 2287 DNA UDP 2288 NETML UDP 2294 Konshus License Manager (FLEX) UDP 2295 Advant License Manager UDP 2296 Theta License Manager (Rainbow) UDP 2297 D2K DataMover 1 UDP 2298 D2K DataMover 2 UDP 2299 PC Telecommute UDP 2300 CVMMON UDP 2301 Compaq HTTP UDP 2302 Bindery Support UDP 2303 Proxy Gateway UDP 2304 Attachmate UTS UDP 2305 MT ScaleServer UDP 2306 TAPPI BoxNet UDP 2307 pehelp UDP 2308 sdhelp UDP 2309 SD Server UDP 2310 SD Client UDP 2311 Message Service UDP 2313 IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) UDP 2314 CR WebSystems UDP 2315 Precise Sft. UDP 2316 SENT License Manager UDP 2317 Attachmate G32 UDP 2318 Cadence Control UDP 2319 InfoLibria UDP 2320 Siebel NS UDP 2321 RDLAP UDP 2322 ofsd UDP 2323 3d-nfsd

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2324 Cosmocall UDP 2325 Design Space License Management UDP 2326 IDCP UDP 2327 xingcsm UDP 2328 Netrix SFTM UDP 2329 NVD UDP 2330 TSCCHAT UDP 2331 AGENTVIEW UDP 2332 RCC Host UDP 2333 SNAPP UDP 2334 ACE Client Auth UDP 2335 ACE Proxy UDP 2336 Apple UG Control UDP 2337 ideesrv UDP 2338 Norton Lambert UDP 2339 3Com WebView UDP 2340 WRS Registry UDP 2341 XIO Status UDP 2342 Seagate Manage Exec UDP 2343 nati logos UDP 2344 fcmsys UDP 2345 dbm UDP 2346 Game Connection Port UDP 2347 Game Announcement and Location UDP 2348 Information to query for game status UDP 2349 Disgnostics Port UDP 2350 psbserver UDP 2351 psrserver UDP 2352 pslserver UDP 2353 pspserver UDP 2354 psprserver UDP 2355 psdbserver UDP 2356 GXT License Managemant UDP 2357 UniHub Server UDP 2358 Futrix UDP 2359 FlukeServer UDP 2360 NexstorIndLtd UDP 2361 TL1 UDP 2362 digiman UDP 2363 Media Central NFSD UDP 2364 OI-2000 UDP 2365 dbref UDP 2366 qip-login UDP 2367 Service Control UDP 2368 OpenTable UDP 2369 ACS2000 DSP UDP 2370 L3-HBMon UDP 2381 Compaq HTTPS UDP 2382 Microsoft OLAP UDP 2383 Microsoft OLAP UDP 2384 SD-REQUEST UDP 2389 OpenView Session Mgr UDP 2390 RSMTP UDP 2391 3COM Net Management UDP 2392 Tactical Auth UDP 2393 MS OLAP 1 UDP 2394 MA OLAP 2 UDP 2395 LAN900 Remote UDP 2396 Wusage UDP 2397 NCL UDP 2398 Orbiter UDP 2399 FileMaker Inc. - Data Access Layer UDP 2400 OpEquus Server UDP 2401 cvspserver UDP 2402 TaskMaster 2000 Server UDP 2403 TaskMaster 2000 Web UDP 2404 IEC870-5-104 UDP 2405 TRC Netpoll UDP 2406 JediServer UDP 2407 Orion UDP 2408 OptimaNet UDP 2409 SNS Protocol UDP 2410 VRTS Registry UDP 2411 Netwave AP Management UDP 2412 CDN UDP 2413 orion-rmi-reg UDP 2414 Interlingua UDP 2415 COMTEST UDP 2416 RMT Server UDP 2417 Composit Server UDP 2418 cas UDP 2419 Attachmate S2S UDP 2420 DSL Remote Management UDP 2421 G-Talk UDP 2422 CRMSBITS UDP 2423 RNRP UDP 2424 KOFAX-SVR UDP 2425 Fujitsu App Manager UDP 2426 Appliant UDP UDP 2427 Media Gateway Control Protocol Gateway UDP 2428 One Way Trip Time UDP 2429 FT-ROLE UDP 2430 venus UDP 2431 venus-se UDP 2432 codasrv UDP 2433 codasrv-se UDP 2434 pxc-epmap UDP 2435 OptiLogic UDP 2436 TOP/X UDP 2437 UniControl UDP 2438 MSP UDP 2439 SybaseDBSynch UDP 2440 Spearway Lockser UDP 2441 pvsw-inet UDP 2442 Netangel UDP 2443 PowerClient Central Storage Facility UDP 2444 BT PP2 Sectrans UDP 2445 DTN1 UDP 2446 bues_service UDP 2447 OpenView NNM daemon UDP 2448 hpppsvr UDP 2449 RATL UDP 2450 netadmin UDP 2451 netchat UDP 2452 SnifferClient UDP 2453 madge-om UDP 2454 IndX-DDS UDP 2455 WAGO-IO-SYSTEM UDP 2456 altav-remmgt UDP 2457 Rapido_IP UDP 2458 griffin UDP 2459 Community UDP 2460 ms-theater UDP 2461 qadmifoper UDP 2462 qadmifevent UDP 2463 Symbios Raid UDP 2464 DirecPC SI UDP 2465 Load Balance Management UDP 2466 Load Balance Forwarding UDP 2467 High Criteria UDP 2468 qip_msgd UDP 2469 MTI-TCS-COMM UDP 2470 taskman port UDP 2471 SeaODBC UDP 2472 C3 UDP 2473 Aker-cdp UDP 2474 Vital Analysis UDP 2475 ACE Server UDP 2476 ACE Server Propagation UDP 2477 SecurSight Certificate Valifation Service UDP 2478 SecurSight Authentication Server (SSL) UDP 2479 SecurSight Event Logging Server (SSL) UDP 2480 Lingwood's Detail UDP 2481 Oracle GIOP UDP 2482 Oracle GIOP SSL

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2483 UDP 2484 UDP 2485 UDP 2486 UDP 2487 UDP 2488 UDP 2489 UDP 2490 UDP 2491 UDP 2492 UDP 2493 UDP 2494 UDP 2495 UDP 2496 UDP 2497 UDP 2498 UDP 2499 UDP 2500 server UDP 2501 client UDP 2502 UDP 2503 UDP 2504 UDP 2505 UDP 2506 UDP 2507 UDP 2508 UDP 2509 UDP 2510 UDP 2511 UDP 2512 UDP 2513 UDP 2514 UDP 2515 UDP 2516 UDP 2517 transport UDP 2518 UDP 2519 UDP 2520 UDP 2521 UDP 2522 UDP 2523 UDP 2524 UDP 2525 UDP 2526 UDP 2527 UDP 2528 UDP 2529 UDP 2530 UDP 2531 UDP 2532 UDP 2533 UDP 2534 UDP 2535 UDP 2536 UDP 2537 UDP 2538 UDP 2539 UDP 2540 UDP 2541 UDP 2542 UDP 2543 UDP 2544 UDP 2545 UDP 2546 UDP 2547 UDP 2548 UDP 2549 UDP 2550 UDP 2551 UDP 2552 UDP 2553 UDP 2554 UDP 2555 UDP 2556 Oracel TTC Oracle TTC SSL Net Objects1 Net Objects2 Policy Notice Service Moy Corporation TSILB qip_qdhcp Conclave CPP GROOVE Talarian MQS BMC AR Fast Remote Services DIRGIS Quad DB ODN-CasTraq UniControl Resource Tracking system Resource Tracking system Kentrox Protocol NMS-DPNSS WLBS torque-traffic jbroker spock JDataStore fjmpss fjappmgrbulk Metastorm Citrix IMA Citrix ADMIN Facsys NTP Facsys Router Main Control H.323 Annex E call signaling Willy globmsgsvc pvsw Adaptec Manager WinDb Qke LLC V.3 Optiwave License Management MS V-Worlds EMA License Manager IQ Server NCR CCL UTS FTP VR Commerce ITO-E GUI OVTOPMD SnifferServer Combox Web Access MADCAP btpp2audctr1 Upgrade Protocol vnwk-prapi VSI Admin LonWorks LonWorks2 daVinci REFTEK Novell ZEN sis-emt vytalvaultbrtp vytalvaultvsmp vytalvaultpipe IPASS ADS ISG UDA Server Call Logging efidiningport VCnet-Link v10 Compaq WCP nicetec-nmsvc UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 nicetec-mgmt PCLE Multi Media LSTP labrat MosaixCC Delibo CTI Redwood Coordinator Server pcs-pcw Cisco Line Protocol SPAM TRAP Sonus Call Signal HS Port CECSVC IBP Trust Establish Blockade BPSP HL7 TCL Pro Debugger Scriptics Lsrvr RVS ISDN DCP mpfoncl Tributary ARGIS TE ARGIS DS MON cyaserv NETX Server NETX Agent MASC Privilege quartus tcl idotdist Maytag Shuffle netrek MNS Mail Notice Service Data Base Server World Fusion 1 World Fusion 2 Homestead Glory Citrix MA Client Meridian Data HPSTGMGR discp client discp server Service Meter NSC CCS NSC POSA Dell Netmon Dell Connection Wag Service System Monitor VersaTek LIONHEAD Qpasa Agent SMNTUBootstrap Never Offline firepower appswitch-emp Clinical Context Managers Priority E-Com bruce LPSRecommender Miles Apart Jukebox Server MetricaDBC LMDP Aria Blwnkl Port gbjd816 Moshe Beeri DICT Sitara Server Sitara Management Sitara Dir IRdg Post InterIntelli PK Electronics

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2635 UDP 2636 UDP 2637 UDP 2638 UDP 2639 UDP 2640 Manager UDP 2641 UDP 2642 UDP 2643 UDP 2644 UDP 2645 UDP 2646 UDP 2647 UDP 2648 UDP 2649 UDP 2650 UDP 2651 UDP 2652 UDP 2653 UDP 2654 UDP 2655 UDP 2656 UDP 2657 UDP 2658 UDP 2659 UDP 2660 UDP 2661 UDP 2662 UDP 2663 UDP 2664 UDP 2665 UDP 2666 UDP 2667 UDP 2668 UDP 2669 UDP 2670 UDP 2671 UDP 2672 UDP 2673 UDP 2674 UDP 2675 UDP 2676 UDP 2677 UDP 2678 UDP 2679 UDP 2680 UDP 2681 UDP 2682 UDP 2683 UDP 2684 UDP 2685 UDP 2686 UDP 2687 UDP 2688 UDP 2689 UDP 2690 UDP 2691 UDP 2692 UDP 2693 UDP 2694 UDP 2695 UDP 2696 UDP 2697 UDP 2698 UDP 2699 UDP 2700 UDP 2701 UDP 2702 UDP 2703 UDP 2704 UDP 2705 UDP 2706 UDP 2707 UDP 2708 UDP 2709 UDP 2710 Back Burner Solve Import Document Service Sybase Anywhere AMInet Sabbagh Associates Licence HDL Server Tragic GTE-SAMP Travsoft IPX Tunnel Novell IPX CMD AND License Manager SyncServer Upsnotifyprot VPSIPPORT eristwoguns EBInSite InterPathPanel Sonus Corel VNC Admin UNIX Nt Glue Kana SNS Dispatcher SNS Admin SNS Query GC Monitor OLHOST BinTec-CAPI BinTec-TAPI Command MQ GM Command MQ PM extensis Alarm Clock Server Alarm Clock Client TOAD TVE Announce newlixreg nhserver First Call 42 ewnn TTC ETAP SIMSLink Gadget Gate 1 Way Gadget Gate 2 Way Sync Server SSL pxc-sapxom mpnjsomb SRSP NCDLoadBalance mpnjsosv mpnjsocl mpnjsomg pq-lic-mgmt md-cf-HTTP FastLynx HP NNM Embedded Database IT Internet Admins LMS belarc-HTTP pwrsevent VSPREAD Unify Admin Oce SNMP Trap Port MCK-IVPIP Csoft Plus Client tqdata SMS RCINFO SMS XFER SMS CHAT SMS REMCTRL SDS Admin NCD Mirroring EMCSYMAPIPORT Banyan-Net Supermon SSO Service UDP 2711 SSO Control UDP 2712 Axapta Object Communication Protocol UDP 2713 Raven1 UDP 2714 UDP 2715 HPSTGMGR2 UDP 2716 Inova IP Disco UDP 2717 PN REQUESTER UDP 2718 PN REQUESTER 2 UDP 2719 Scan & Change UDP 2720 wkars UDP 2721 Smart Diagnose UDP 2722 Proactive Server UDP 2723 WatchDog NT UDP 2724 qotps UDP 2725 MSOLAP PTP2 UDP 2726 TAMS UDP 2727 Media Gateway Control Protocol Call Agent UDP 2728 SQDR UDP 2729 TCIM Control UDP 2730 NEC RaidPlus UDP 2731 NetDragon Messanger UDP 2732 G5M UDP 2733 Signet CTF UDP 2734 CCS Software UDP 2735 Monitor Console UDP 2736 RADWIZ NMS SRV UDP 2737 SRP Feedback UDP 2738 NDL TCP-OSI Gateway UDP 2739 TN Timing UDP 2740 Alarm UDP 2741 TSB UDP 2742 TSB2 UDP 2743 murx UDP 2744 honyaku UDP 2745 URBISNET UDP 2746 CPUDPENCAP UDP 2747 UDP 2748 UDP 2749 UDP 2750 UDP 2751 UDP 2752 RSISYS ACCESS UDP 2753 de-spot UDP 2754 APOLLO CC UDP 2755 Express Pay UDP 2756 simplement-tie UDP 2757 CNRP UDP 2758 APOLLO Status UDP 2759 APOLLO GMS UDP 2760 Saba MS UDP 2761 DICOM ISCL UDP 2762 DICOM TLS UDP 2763 Desktop DNA UDP 2764 Data Insurance UDP 2765 qip-audup UDP 2766 Compaq SCP UDP 2767 UADTC UDP 2768 UACS UDP 2769 Single Point MVS UDP 2770 Veronica UDP 2771 Vergence CM UDP 2772 auris UDP 2773 PC Backup UDP 2774 PC Backup UDP 2775 SMMP UDP 2776 Ridgeway Systems & Software UDP 2777 Ridgeway Systems & Software UDP 2778 Gwen-Sonya UDP 2779 LBC Sync UDP 2780 LBC Control UDP 2781 whosells UDP 2782 everydayrc UDP 2783 AISES UDP 2784 world wide web - development UDP 2785 aic-np

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2786 aic-oncrpc - Destiny MCD database UDP 2787 piccolo - Cornerstone Software UDP 2788 NetWare Loadable Module Seagate Software UDP 2789 Media Agent UDP 2790 PLG Proxy UDP 2791 MT Port Registrator UDP 2792 f5-globalsite UDP 2793 initlsmsad UDP 2794 aaftp UDP 2795 LiveStats UDP 2796 ac-tech UDP 2797 esp-encap UDP 2798 TMESIS-UPShot UDP 2799 ICON Discover UDP 2800 ACC RAID UDP 2801 IGCP UDP 2802 Veritas UDP1 UDP 2803 btprjctrl UDP 2804 Telexis VTU UDP 2805 WTA WSP-S UDP 2806 cspuni UDP 2807 cspmulti UDP 2808 J-LAN-P UDP 2809 CORBA LOC UDP 2810 Active Net Steward UDP 2811 GSI FTP UDP 2812 atmtcp UDP 2813 llm-pass UDP 2814 llm-csv UDP 2815 LBC Measurement UDP 2816 LBC Watchdog UDP 2817 NMSig Port UDP 2818 rmlnk UDP 2819 FC Fault Notification UDP 2820 UniVision UDP 2821 vml_dms UDP 2822 ka0wuc UDP 2823 CQG Net/LAN UDP 2826 slc systemlog UDP 2827 slc ctrlrloops UDP 2828 ITM License Manager UDP 2829 silkp1 UDP 2830 silkp2 UDP 2831 silkp3 UDP 2832 silkp4 UDP 2833 glishd UDP 2834 EVTP UDP 2835 EVTP-DATA UDP 2836 catalyst UDP 2837 Repliweb UDP 2838 Starbot UDP 2839 NMSigPort UDP 2840 l3-exprt UDP 2841 l3-ranger UDP 2842 l3-hawk UDP 2843 PDnet UDP 2844 BPCP POLL UDP 2845 BPCP TRAP UDP 2846 AIMPP Hello UDP 2847 AIMPP Port Req UDP 2848 AMT-BLC-PORT UDP 2849 FXP UDP 2850 MetaConsole UDP 2851 webemshttp UDP 2852 bears-01 UDP 2853 ISPipes UDP 2854 InfoMover UDP 2856 cesdinv UDP 2857 SimCtIP UDP 2858 ECNP UDP 2859 Active Memory UDP 2860 Dialpad Voice 1 UDP 2861 Dialpad Voice 2 UDP 2862 TTG Protocol UDP 2863 UDP 2864 UDP 2865 UDP 2866 UDP 2867 UDP 2868 UDP 2869 UDP 2870 UDP 2871 UDP 2872 UDP 2873 UDP 2874 UDP 2875 UDP 2876 UDP 2877 UDP 2878 UDP 2879 UDP 2880 UDP 2881 UDP 2882 UDP 2883 UDP 2884 UDP 2885 UDP 2886 UDP 2887 UDP 2888 UDP 2889 UDP 2890 UDP 2891 Manager UDP 2892 UDP 2893 UDP 2894 UDP 2895 UDP 2896 UDP 2897 UDP 2898 UDP 2899 UDP 2900 UDP 2901 UDP 2902 UDP 2903 UDP 2904 UDP 2905 UDP 2906 UDP 2907 UDP 2908 UDP 2909 UDP 2910 UDP 2911 UDP 2912 UDP 2913 UDP 2914 UDP 2915 UDP 2916 UDP 2917 UDP 2918 UDP 2919 UDP 2920 UDP 2921 Management UDP 2922 Transfer UDP 2923 UDP 2924 UDP 2925 UDP 2926 UDP 2927 UDP 2928 UDP 2929 UDP 2930 UDP 2931 UDP 2932 UDP 2933 UDP 2934 UDP 2935 UDP 2936 Sonar Data main 5001 cmd pit-vpn lwlistener esps-portal NPEP Messaging ICSLAP daishi MSI Select Play CONTRACT PASPAR2 ZoomIn dxmessagebase1 dxmessagebase2 SPS Tunnel BLUELANCE AAP ucentric-ds synapse NDSP NDTP NDNP Flash Msg TopFlow RESPONSELOGIC aironet SPCSDLOBBY RSOM CSPCLMULTI CINEGRFX-ELMD License SNIFFERDATA VSECONNECTOR ABACUS-REMOTE NATUS LINK ECOVISIONG6-1 Citrix RTMP APPLIANCE-CFG POWERGEMPLUS QUICKSUITE ALLSTORCNS NET ASPI SUITCASE M2UA M3UA CALLER9 WEBMETHODS B2B mao Funk Dialout TDAccess Blockade Epicon Booster Ware Game Lobby TK Socket Elvin Server Elvin Client Kasten Chase Pad ROBOER ROBOEDA CESD Contents Delivery CESD Contents Delivery Data WTA-WSP-WTP-S PRECISE-VIP Firewall Redundancy Protocol MOBILE-FILE-DL UNIMOBILECTRL REDSONTE-CPSS PANJA-WEBADMIN PANJA-WEBLINX Circle-X INCP 4-TIER OPM GW 4-TIER OPM CLI QTP OTPatch

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 2937 UDP 2938 UDP 2939 UDP 2940 UDP 2941 UDP 2942 UDP 2943 UDP 2944 UDP 2945 UDP 2946 UDP 2947 UDP 2948 UDP 2949 UDP 2950 UDP 2951 UDP 2952 UDP 2953 UDP 2954 UDP 2955 UDP 2956 UDP 2957 UDP 2958 UDP 2959 UDP 2960 UDP 2961 UDP 2962 UDP 2963 UDP 2964 UDP 2965 UDP 2966 UDP 2967 UDP 2968 UDP 2969 UDP 2970 UDP 2971 UDP 2972 UDP 2973 UDP 2974 UDP 2975 Management UDP 2976 UDP 2977 Protocol UDP 2978 Protocol UDP 2979 UDP 2980 UDP 2981 UDP 2982 UDP 2983 UDP 2984 UDP 2985 UDP 2986 UDP 2987 UDP 2988 UDP 2989 UDP 2990 UDP 2991 UDP 2992 UDP 2993 UDP 2994 UDP 2995 UDP 2996 UDP 2997 UDP 2998 UDP 2999 UDP 3000 UDP 3001 UDP 3002 UDP 3003 UDP 3004 UDP 3005 UDP 3006 UDP 3007 Protocol UDP 3008 UDP 3009 PNACONSULT-LM SM-PAS-1 SM-PAS-2 SM-PAS-3 SM-PAS-4 SM-PAS-5 TTNRepository Megaco H-248 H248 Binary FJSVmpor GPSD WAP PUSH WAP PUSH SECURE ESIP OTTP MPFWSAS OVALARMSRV OVALARMSRV-CMD CSNOTIFY OVRIMOSDBMAN JAMCT5 JAMCT6 RMOPAGT DFOXSERVER BOLDSOFT-LM IPH-POLICY-CLI IPH-POLICY-ADM BULLANT SRAP BULLANT RAP IDP-INFOTRIEVE SSC-AGENT ENPP ESSP INDEX-NET Net Clip PMSM Webrctl SV Networks Signal Fujitsu Configuration Service CNS Server Port TTCs Enterprise Test Access NS TTCs Enterprise Test Access DS H.263 Video Streaming Instant Messaging Service MYLXAMPORT IWB-WHITEBOARD NETPLAN HPIDSADMIN HPIDSAGENT STONEFALLS IDENTIFY CLASSIFY ZARKOV BOSCAP WKSTN-MON ITB301 VERITAS VIS1 VERITAS VIS2 IDRS vsixml REBOL Real Secure RemoteWare Unassigned RemoteWare Client Redwood Broker RemoteWare Server CGMS Csoft Agent Genius License Manager Instant Internet Admin Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Midnight Technologies PXC-NTFY UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3075 3076 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3105 3106 3130 3131 3141 3142 Telerate Workstation Trusted Web Trusted Web Client Gilat Sky Surfer Broker Service NATI DSTP Notify Server Event Listener Service Registry Resource Manager CIFS AGRI Server CSREGAGENT magicnotes NDS_SSO Arepa Raft AGRI Gateway LiebDevMgmt_C LiebDevMgmt_DM LiebDevMgmt_A Arepa Cas AgentVU Redwood Chat PDB Osmosis AEEA FJSV gssagt Hagel DUMP HP SAN Mgmt Santak UPS Cogitate Inc. Tomato Springs di-traceware journee BRP ResponseNet di-ase Fast Security HL Server Sierra Net PC Trader NSWS gds_db Galaxy Server APCPCNS dsom-server AMT CNF PROT Policy Server CDL Server GoAhead FldUp videobeans interserver cautcpd ncacn-ip-tcp ncadg-ip-udp slinterbase NETATTACHSDMP FJHPJP ls3 Broadcast ls3 MGXSWITCH Orbix 2000 Locator Orbix 2000 Config Orbix 2000 Locator SSL Orbix 2000 Locator SSL LV Front Panel stm_pproc TL1-LV TL1-RAW TL1-TELNET ITM-MCCS PCIHReq JDL-DBKitchen Cardbox Cardbox HTTP ICPv2 Net Book Mark VMODEM RDC WH EOS

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 3143 Sea View UDP 3144 Tarantella UDP 3145 CSI-LFAP UDP 3147 RFIO UDP 3148 NetMike Game Administrator UDP 3149 NetMike Game Server UDP 3150 NetMike Assessor Administrator / Deep Throat (Windows Trojan) / Deep Throat 2 (Windows Trojan) UDP 3151 NetMike Assessor UDP 3180 Millicent Broker Server UDP 3181 BMC Patrol Agent UDP 3182 BMC Patrol Rendezvous UDP 3262 NECP UDP 3264 cc:mail/lotus UDP 3265 Altav Tunnel UDP 3266 NS CFG Server UDP 3267 IBM Dial Out UDP 3268 Microsoft Global Catalog UDP 3269 Microsoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL UDP 3270 Verismart UDP 3271 CSoft Prev Port UDP 3272 Fujitsu User Manager UDP 3273 Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol UDP 3274 Ordinox Server UDP 3275 SAMD UDP 3276 Maxim ASICs UDP 3277 AWG Proxy UDP 3278 LKCM Server UDP 3279 admind UDP 3280 VS Server UDP 3281 SYSOPT UDP 3282 Datusorb UDP 3283 Net Assistant UDP 3284 4Talk UDP 3285 Plato UDP 3286 E-Net UDP 3287 DIRECTVDATA UDP 3288 COPS UDP 3289 ENPC UDP 3290 CAPS LOGISTICS TOOLKIT - LM UDP 3291 S A Holditch & Associates LM UDP 3292 Cart O Rama UDP 3293 fg-fps UDP 3294 fg-gip UDP 3295 Dynamic IP Lookup UDP 3296 Rib License Manager UDP 3297 Cytel License Manager UDP 3298 Transview UDP 3299 pdrncs UDP 3301 Unathorised use by SAP R/3 UDP 3302 MCS Fastmail UDP 3303 OP Session Client UDP 3304 OP Session Server UDP 3305 ODETTE-FTP UDP 3306 MySQL UDP 3307 OP Session Proxy UDP 3308 TNS Server UDP 3309 TND ADV UDP 3310 Dyna Access UDP 3311 MCNS Tel Ret UDP 3312 Application Management Server UDP 3313 Unify Object Broker UDP 3314 Unify Object Host UDP 3315 CDID UDP 3316 AICC/CMI UDP 3317 VSAI PORT UDP 3318 Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol UDP 3319 SDT License Manager UDP 3320 Office Link 2000 UDP 3321 VNSSTR UDP 3325 UDP 3326 SFTU UDP 3327 BBARS UDP 3328 Eaglepoint License Manager UDP 3329 HP Device Disc UDP 3330 MCS Calypso ICF UDP 3331 MCS Messaging UDP 3332 MCS Mail Server UDP 3333 DEC Notes UDP 3334 Direct TV Webcasting UDP 3335 Direct TV Software Updates UDP 3336 Direct TV Tickers UDP 3337 Direct TV Data Catalog UDP 3338 OMF data b UDP 3339 OMF data l UDP 3340 OMF data m UDP 3341 OMF data h UDP 3342 WebTIE UDP 3343 MS Cluster Net UDP 3344 BNT Manager UDP 3345 Influence UDP 3346 Trnsprnt Proxy UDP 3347 Phoenix RPC UDP 3348 Pangolin Laser UDP 3349 Chevin Services UDP 3350 FINDVIATV UDP 3351 BTRIEVE UDP 3352 SSQL UDP 3353 FATPIPE UDP 3354 SUITJD UDP 3355 Ordinox Dbase UDP 3356 UPNOTIFYPS UDP 3357 Adtech Test IP UDP 3358 Mp Sys Rmsvr UDP 3359 WG NetForce UDP 3360 KV Server UDP 3361 KV Agent UDP 3362 DJ ILM UDP 3363 NATI Vi Server UDP 3364 Creative Server UDP 3365 Content Server UDP 3366 Creative Partner UDP 3371 UDP 3372 TIP 2 UDP 3373 Lavenir License Manager UDP 3374 Cluster Disc UDP 3375 VSNM Agent UDP 3376 CD Broker UDP 3377 Cogsys Network License Manager UDP 3378 WSICOPY UDP 3379 SOCORFS UDP 3380 SNS Channels UDP 3381 Geneous UDP 3382 Fujitsu Network Enhanced Antitheft function UDP 3383 Enterprise Software Products License Manager UDP 3384 Hardware Management UDP 3385 qnxnetman UDP 3386 GPRS SIG UDP 3387 Back Room Net UDP 3388 CB Server UDP 3389 MS WBT Server UDP 3390 Distributed Service Coordinator UDP 3391 SAVANT UDP 3392 EFI License Management UDP 3393 D2K Tapestry Client to Server UDP 3394 D2K Tapestry Server to Server UDP 3395 Dyna License Manager (Elam) UDP 3396 Printer Agent UDP 3397 Cloanto License Manager UDP 3398 Mercantile UDP 3399 CSMS

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 3400 CSMS2 UDP 3401 filecast UDP 3421 Bull Apprise portmapper UDP 3454 Apple Remote Access Protocol UDP 3455 RSVP Port UDP 3456 VAT default data UDP 3457 VAT default control UDP 3458 DsWinOSFI UDP 3459 TIP Integral UDP 3460 EDM Manger UDP 3461 EDM Stager UDP 3462 EDM STD Notify UDP 3463 EDM ADM Notify UDP 3464 EDM MGR Sync UDP 3465 EDM MGR Cntrl UDP 3466 WORKFLOW UDP 3467 RCST UDP 3468 TTCM Remote Controll UDP 3469 Pluribus UDP 3470 jt400 UDP 3471 jt400-ssl UDP 3535 MS-LA UDP 3563 Watcom Debug UDP 3572 UDP 3672 harlequinorb UDP 3802 VHD UDP 3845 V-ONE Single Port Proxy UDP 3862 GIGA-POCKET UDP 3875 PNBSCADA UDP 3900 Unidata UDT OS UDP 3984 MAPPER network node manager UDP 3985 MAPPER TCP/IP server UDP 3986 MAPPER workstation server UDP 3987 Centerline UDP 4000 Terabase UDP 4001 NewOak UDP 4002 pxc-spvr-ft UDP 4003 pxc-splr-ft UDP 4004 pxc-roid UDP 4005 pxc-pin UDP 4006 pxc-spvr UDP 4007 pxc-splr UDP 4008 NetCheque accounting UDP 4009 Chimera HWM UDP 4010 Samsung Unidex UDP 4011 Alternate Service Boot UDP 4012 PDA Gate UDP 4013 ACL Manager UDP 4014 TAICLOCK UDP 4015 Talarian Mcast UDP 4016 Talarian Mcast UDP 4017 Talarian Mcast UDP 4018 Talarian Mcast UDP 4019 Talarian Mcast UDP 4045 NFS lock daemon/manager UDP 4096 BRE (Bridge Relay Element) UDP 4097 Patrol View UDP 4098 drmsfsd UDP 4099 DPCP UDP 4132 NUTS Daemon UDP 4133 NUTS Bootp Server UDP 4134 NIFTY-Serve HMI protocol UDP 4141 Workflow Server UDP 4142 Document Server UDP 4143 Document Replication UDP 4144 Compuserve pc windows (unoffically) UDP 4160 Jini Discovery UDP 4199 EIMS ADMIN UDP 4299 UDP 4300 Corel CCam UDP 4321 Remote Who Is UDP 4343 UNICALL UDP 4344 VinaInstall UDP 4345 Macro 4 Network AS UDP 4346 ELAN LM UDP 4347 LAN Surveyor UDP 4348 ITOSE UDP 4349 File System Port Map UDP 4350 Net Device UDP 4351 PLCY Net Services UDP 4353 F5 iQuery UDP 4442 Saris UDP 4443 Pharos UDP 4444 NV Video default UDP 4445 UPNOTIFYP UDP 4446 N1-FWP UDP 4447 N1-RMGMT UDP 4448 ASC Licence Manager UDP 4449 PrivateWire UDP 4450 Camp UDP 4451 CTI System Msg UDP 4452 CTI Program Load UDP 4453 NSS Alert Manager UDP 4454 NSS Agent Manager UDP 4455 PR Chat User UDP 4456 PR Chat Server UDP 4457 PR Register UDP 4500 sae-urn UDP 4501 urn-x-cdchoice UDP 4545 WorldScores UDP 4546 SF License Manager (Sentinel) UDP 4547 Lanner License Manager UDP 4567 TRAM UDP 4568 BMC Reporting UDP 4600 Piranha1 UDP 4601 Piranha2 UDP 4672 remote file access server UDP 4800 Icona Instant Messenging System UDP 4801 Icona Web Embedded Chat UDP 4802 Icona License System Server UDP 4827 HTCP UDP 4837 Varadero-0 UDP 4838 Varadero-1 UDP 4839 Varadero-2 UDP 4868 Photon Relay UDP 4869 Photon Relay Debug UDP 4885 ABBS UDP 4983 AT&T Intercom UDP 5000 UDP 5001 UDP 5002 radio free ethernet UDP 5003 FileMaker Inc. - Proprietary name binding UDP 5004 avt-profile-1 UDP 5005 avt-profile-2 UDP 5006 wsm server UDP 5007 wsm server ssl UDP 5010 TelepathStart UDP 5011 TelepathAttack UDP 5020 zenginkyo-1 UDP 5021 zenginkyo-2 UDP 5042 asnaacceler8db UDP 5050 multimedia conference control tool UDP 5051 ITA Agent UDP 5052 ITA Manager UDP 5055 UNOT UDP 5060 SIP UDP 5069 I/Net 2000-NPR UDP 5071 PowerSchool UDP 5093 Sentinel LM UDP 5099 SentLM Srv2Srv UDP 5145 RMONITOR SECURE UDP 5150 Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol UDP 5151 ESRI SDE Remote Start UDP 5152 ESRI SDE Instance Discovery UDP 5165 ife_1corp UDP 5190 America-Online UDP 5191 AmericaOnline1

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 5192 AmericaOnline2 UDP 5193 AmericaOnline3 UDP 5200 Targus AIB 1 UDP 5201 Targus AIB 2 UDP 5202 Targus TNTS 1 UDP 5203 Targus TNTS 2 UDP 5236 padl2sim UDP 5272 PK UDP 5300 HA cluster heartbeat UDP 5301 HA cluster general services UDP 5302 HA cluster configuration UDP 5303 HA cluster probing UDP 5304 HA Cluster Commands UDP 5305 HA Cluster Test UDP 5306 Sun MC Group UDP 5307 SCO AIP UDP 5308 CFengine UDP 5309 J Printer UDP 5310 Outlaws UDP 5311 TM Login UDP 5400 Excerpt Search UDP 5401 Excerpt Search Secure UDP 5402 MFTP UDP 5403 HPOMS-CI-LSTN UDP 5404 HPOMS-DPS-LSTN UDP 5405 NetSupport UDP 5406 Systemics Sox UDP 5407 Foresyte-Clear UDP 5408 Foresyte-Sec UDP 5409 Salient Data Server UDP 5410 Salient User Manager UDP 5411 ActNet UDP 5412 Continuus UDP 5413 WWIOTALK UDP 5414 StatusD UDP 5415 NS Server UDP 5416 SNS Gateway UDP 5417 SNS Agent UDP 5418 MCNTP UDP 5419 DJ-ICE UDP 5420 Cylink-C UDP 5421 Net Support 2 UDP 5422 Salient MUX UDP 5423 VIRTUALUSER UDP 5426 DEVBASIC UDP 5427 SCO-PEER-TTA UDP 5428 TELACONSOLE UDP 5429 Billing and Accounting System Exchange UDP 5430 RADEC CORP UDP 5431 PARK AGENT UDP 5435 Data Tunneling Transceiver Linking (DTTL) UDP 5454 apc-tcp-udp-4 UDP 5455 apc-tcp-udp-5 UDP 5456 apc-tcp-udp-6 UDP 5461 SILKMETER UDP 5462 TTL Publisher UDP 5465 NETOPS-BROKER UDP 5500 fcp-addr-srvr1 UDP 5501 fcp-addr-srvr2 UDP 5502 fcp-srvr-inst1 UDP 5503 fcp-srvr-inst2 UDP 5504 fcp-cics-gw1 UDP 5540 ACE/Server Services UDP 5554 SGI ESP HTTP UDP 5555 Personal Agent UDP 5599 Enterprise Security Remote Install UDP 5600 Enterprise Security Manager UDP 5601 Enterprise Security Agent UDP 5602 A1-MSC UDP 5603 A1-BS UDP 5604 A3-SDUNode UDP 5605 A4-SDUNode UDP 5631 pcANYWHEREdata UDP 5632 pcANYWHEREstat UDP 5678 Remote Replication Agent Connection UDP 5679 Direct Cable Connect Manager UDP 5713 proshare conf audio UDP 5714 proshare conf video UDP 5715 proshare conf data UDP 5716 proshare conf request UDP 5717 proshare conf notify UDP 5729 Openmail User Agent Layer UDP 5741 IDA Discover Port 1 UDP 5742 IDA Discover Port 2 UDP 5745 fcopy-server UDP 5746 fcopys-server UDP 5755 OpenMail Desk Gateway server UDP 5757 OpenMail X.500 Directory Server UDP 5766 OpenMail NewMail Server UDP 5767 OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure) UDP 5768 OpenMail CMTS Server UDP 5771 NetAgent UDP 5813 ICMPD UDP 5859 WHEREHOO UDP 5968 mppolicy-v5 UDP 5969 mppolicy-mgr UDP 5999 CVSup UDP 6063 X Windows System UDP 6064 NDL-AHP-SVC UDP 6065 WinPharaoh UDP 6066 EWCTSP UDP 6067 SRB UDP 6068 GSMP UDP 6069 TRIP UDP 6070 Messageasap UDP 6071 SSDTP UDP 6072 DIAGNOSE-PROC UDP 6073 DirectPlay8 UDP 6100 SynchroNet-db UDP 6101 SynchroNet-rtc UDP 6102 SynchroNet-upd UDP 6103 RETS UDP 6104 DBDB UDP 6105 Prima Server UDP 6106 MPS Server UDP 6107 ETC Control UDP 6108 Sercomm-SCAdmin UDP 6109 GLOBECAST-ID UDP 6110 HP SoftBench CM UDP 6111 HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control UDP 6112 dtspcd UDP 6123 Backup Express UDP 6141 Meta Corporation License Manager UDP 6142 Aspen Technology License Manager UDP 6143 Watershed License Manager UDP 6144 StatSci License Manager - 1 UDP 6145 StatSci License Manager - 2 UDP 6146 Lone Wolf Systems License Manager UDP 6147 Montage License Manager UDP 6148 Ricardo North America License Manager UDP 6149 tal-pod UDP 6253 CRIP UDP 6321 Empress Software Connectivity Server 1 UDP 6322 Empress Software Connectivity Server 2 UDP 6389 clariion-evr01 UDP 6400 UDP 6401 UDP 6402 UDP 6403 UDP 6404 UDP 6405

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 6406 UDP 6407 UDP 6408 UDP 6409 UDP 6410 UDP 6455 UDP 6456 UDP 6471 LVision License Manager UDP 6500 BoKS Master UDP 6501 BoKS Servc UDP 6502 BoKS Servm UDP 6503 BoKS Clntd UDP 6505 BoKS Admin Private Port UDP 6506 BoKS Admin Public Port UDP 6507 BoKS Dir Server Private Port UDP 6508 BoKS Dir Server Public Port UDP 6547 apc-tcp-udp-1 UDP 6548 apc-tcp-udp-2 UDP 6549 apc-tcp-udp-3 UDP 6550 fg-sysupdate UDP 6558 xdsxdm UDP 6669 Internet Relay Chat UDP 6670 Vocaltec Global Online Directory UDP 6672 vision_server UDP 6673 vision_elmd UDP 6699 Napster UDP 6700 Napster UDP 6701 KTI/ICAD Nameserver UDP 6702 Carracho (client) UDP 6767 BMC PERFORM AGENT UDP 6768 BMC PERFORM MGRD UDP 6790 HNMP UDP 6831 ambit-lm UDP 6838 DDOS communication UDP UDP 6841 Netmo Default UDP 6842 Netmo HTTP UDP 6850 ICCRUSHMORE UDP 6888 MUSE UDP 6961 JMACT3 UDP 6962 jmevt2 UDP 6963 swismgr1 UDP 6964 swismgr2 UDP 6965 swistrap UDP 6966 swispol UDP 6969 acmsoda UDP 6998 IATP-highPri UDP 6999 IATP-normalPri UDP 7000 file server itself UDP 7001 callbacks to cache managers UDP 7002 users & groups database UDP 7003 volume location database UDP 7004 AFS/Kerberos authentication service UDP 7005 volume managment server UDP 7006 error interpretation service UDP 7007 basic overseer process UDP 7008 server-to-server updater UDP 7009 remote cache manager service UDP 7010 onlinet uninterruptable power supplies UDP 7011 Talon Discovery Port UDP 7012 Talon Engine UDP 7013 Microtalon Discovery UDP 7014 Microtalon Communications UDP 7015 Talon Webserver UDP 7020 DP Serve UDP 7021 DP Serve Admin UDP 7070 ARCP UDP 7099 lazy-ptop UDP 7100 X Font Service UDP 7121 Virtual Prototypes License Manager UDP 7141 UDP 7170 Audio (inclusive) for incoming traffic only UDP 7174 Clutild UDP 7200 FODMS FLIP UDP 7201 DLIP UDP 7390 The Swiss Exchange UDP 7395 winqedit UDP 7426 OpenView DM Postmaster Manager UDP 7427 OpenView DM Event Agent Manager UDP 7428 OpenView DM Log Agent Manager UDP 7429 OpenView DM rqt communication UDP 7430 OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe UDP 7431 OpenView DM ovc/xmpv3 api pipe UDP 7437 Faximum UDP 7491 telops-lmd UDP 7511 pafec-lm UDP 7544 FlowAnalyzer DisplayServer UDP 7545 FlowAnalyzer UtilityServer UDP 7566 VSI Omega UDP 7570 Aries Kfinder UDP 7588 Sun License Manager UDP 7597 TROJAN WORM UDP 7633 PMDF Management UDP 7640 CUSeeMe UDP 7648 CUCME live video/audio server UDP 7649 CUCME live video/audio server UDP 7650 CUCME live video/audio server UDP 7651 CUCME live video/audio server UDP 7777 cbt UDP 7778 Interwise UDP 7781 accu-lmgr UDP 7786 MINIVEND UDP 7932 Tier 2 Data Resource Manager UDP 7933 Tier 2 Business Rules Manager UDP 7967 Supercell UDP 7979 Micromuse-ncps UDP 7980 Quest Vista UDP 7983 DDOS communication UDP UDP 7999 iRDMI2 UDP 8000 iRDMI UDP 8001 VCOM Tunnel UDP 8002 Teradata ORDBMS UDP 8008 HTTP Alternate UDP 8032 ProEd UDP 8033 MindPrint UDP 8080 HTTP UDP 8130 INDIGO-VRMI UDP 8131 INDIGO-VBCP UDP 8160 Patrol UDP 8161 Patrol SNMP UDP 8200 TRIVNET UDP 8201 TRIVNET UDP 8204 LM Perfworks UDP 8205 LM Instmgr UDP 8206 LM Dta UDP 8207 LM SServer UDP 8208 LM Webwatcher UDP 8351 Server Find UDP 8376 Cruise ENUM UDP 8377 Cruise SWROUTE UDP 8378 Cruise CONFIG UDP 8379 Cruise DIAGS UDP 8380 Cruise UPDATE UDP 8400 cvd UDP 8401 sabarsd UDP 8402 abarsd UDP 8403 admind UDP 8450 npmp UDP 8473 Virtual Point to Point

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 8554 RTSP Alternate (see port 554) UDP 8733 iBus UDP 8763 MC-APPSERVER UDP 8764 OPENQUEUE UDP 8765 Ultraseek HTTP UDP 8804 truecm UDP 8880 CDDBP UDP 8888 NewsEDGE server UDP (UDP 1) UDP 8889 NewsEDGE server broadcast UDP 8890 NewsEDGE client broadcast UDP 8891 Desktop Data UDP 3: NESS application UDP 8892 Desktop Data UDP 4: FARM product UDP 8893 Desktop Data UDP 5: NewsEDGE/Web application UDP 8894 Desktop Data UDP 6: COAL application UDP 8900 JMB-CDS 1 UDP 8901 JMB-CDS 2 UDP 9000 CSlistener UDP 9090 WebSM UDP 9160 NetLOCK1 UDP 9161 NetLOCK2 UDP 9162 NetLOCK3 UDP 9163 NetLOCK4 UDP 9164 NetLOCK5 UDP 9200 WAP connectionless session service UDP 9201 WAP session service UDP 9202 WAP secure connectionless session service UDP 9203 WAP secure session service UDP 9204 WAP vCard UDP 9205 WAP vCal UDP 9206 WAP vCard Secure UDP 9207 WAP vCal Secure UDP 9321 guibase UDP 9325 DDOS communication UDP UDP 9343 MpIdcMgr UDP 9344 Mphlpdmc UDP 9374 fjdmimgr UDP 9396 fjinvmgr UDP 9397 MpIdcAgt UDP 9500 ismserver UDP 9535 Remote man server UDP 9594 Message System UDP 9595 Ping Discovery Service UDP 9600 MICROMUSE-NCPW UDP 9753 rasadv UDP 9876 Session Director UDP 9888 CYBORG Systems UDP 9898 MonkeyCom UDP 9899 SCTP TUNNELING UDP 9900 IUA UDP 9909 domaintime UDP 9950 APCPCPLUSWIN1 UDP 9951 APCPCPLUSWIN2 UDP 9952 APCPCPLUSWIN3 UDP 9992 Palace UDP 9993 Palace UDP 9994 Palace UDP 9995 Palace UDP 9996 Palace UDP 9997 Palace UDP 9998 Distinct32 UDP 9999 distinct UDP 10000 Network Data Management Protocol UDP 10001 rscsl UDP 10002 rscs2 UDP 10003 rscs3 UDP 10004 rscs4 UDP 10005 rscs5 UDP 10006 rscs6 UDP 10007 MVS Capacity UDP 10008 rscs8 UDP 10009 rscs9 UDP 10010 rscsa UDP 10011 rscsb UDP 10012 qmaster UDP 10067 Portal of Doom remote access backdoor UDP 10080 Amanda UDP 10113 NetIQ Endpoint UDP 10114 NetIQ Qcheck UDP 10115 Ganymede Endpoint UDP 10128 BMC-PERFORM-SERVICE DAEMON UDP 10167 Portal of Doom remote access backdoor UDP 10288 Blocks UDP 10498 DDOS Communication UDP UDP 11000 IRISA UDP 11001 Metasys UDP 11111 Viral Computing Environment (VCE) UDP 11367 ATM UHAS UDP 11720 h323 Call Signal Alternate UDP 12000 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA XID Exchange UDP 12001 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Network Priority UDP 12002 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS High Priority UDP 12003 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Medium Priority UDP 12004 IBM Enterprise Extender SNA COS Low Priority UDP 12172 HiveP UDP 12753 tsaf port UDP 13160 I-ZIPQD UDP 13223 PowWow Client UDP 13224 PowWow Server UDP 13720 BPRD Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) UDP 13721 BPBRM Protocol (VERITAS NetBackup) UDP 13722 BP Java MSVC Protocol UDP 13782 VERITAS NetBackup UDP 13783 VOPIED Protocol UDP 13818 DSMCC Config UDP 13819 DSMCC Session Messages UDP 13820 DSMCC Pass-Thru Messages UDP 13821 DSMCC Download Protocol UDP 13822 DSMCC Channel Change Protocol UDP 14001 ITU SCCP (SS7) UDP 16360 netserialext1 UDP 16361 netserialext2 UDP 16367 netserialext3 UDP 16368 netserialext4 UDP 16991 INTEL-RCI-MP UDP 17007 isode-dua UDP 17219 Chipper UDP 18000 Beckman Instruments Inc. UDP 18181 OPSEC CVP UDP 18182 OPSEC UFP UDP 18183 OPSEC SAM UDP 18184 OPSEC LEA UDP 18185 OPSEC OMI UDP 18187 OPSEC ELA UDP 18463 AC Cluster UDP 18753 Shaft distributed attack tool handler - agent UDP 18888 APCNECMP UDP 19283 Key Server for SASSAFRAS UDP 19315 Key Shadow for SASSAFRAS UDP 19410 hp-sco UDP 19411 hp-sca UDP 19412 HP-SESSMON UDP 19541 JCP Client UDP 20000 DNP

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Hacker Programming Book

UDP 20432 Shaft distributed attack agent UDP 20670 Track UDP 20999 AT Hand MMP UDP 21590 VoFR Gateway UDP 21845 webphone UDP 21846 NetSpeak Corp. Directory Services UDP 21847 NetSpeak Corp. Connection Services UDP 21848 NetSpeak Corp. Automatic Call Distribution UDP 21849 NetSpeak Corp. Credit Processing System UDP 22000 SNAPenetIO UDP 22001 OptoControl UDP 22273 wnn6 UDP 22555 Vocaltec Internet Phone UDP 22800 Telerate Information Platform LAN UDP 22951 Telerate Information Platform WAN UDP 24000 med-ltp UDP 24001 med-fsp-rx UDP 24002 med-fsp-tx UDP 24003 med-supp UDP 24004 med-ovw UDP 24005 med-ci UDP 24006 med-net-svc UDP 24386 Intel RCI UDP 24554 BINKP UDP 25000 icl-twobase1 UDP 25001 icl-twobase2 UDP 25002 icl-twobase3 UDP 25003 icl-twobase4 UDP 25004 icl-twobase5 UDP 25005 icl-twobase6 UDP 25006 icl-twobase7 UDP 25007 icl-twobase8 UDP 25008 icl-twobase9 UDP 25009 icl-twobase10 UDP 25793 Vocaltec Address Server UDP 26000 quake UDP 26208 wnn6-ds UDP 27374 Linux.Ramen.Worm (RedHat Linux) UDP 27444 Trinoo distributed attack tool Master UDP 27999 Attribute Certificate Services UDP 31335 Trinoo distributed attack tool Bcast Daemon registration port UDP 31337 Back Orifice(Windows Trojan) UDP 31338 Deep Back Orifice (Windows Trojan) UDP 31789 Hack-A-Tack Remote Access Trojan (Windows Trojan) UDP 31791 Hack-A-Tack Remote Access Trojan (Windows Trojan) UDP 32768 Filenet TMS UDP 32769 Filenet RPC UDP 32770 Filenet NCH UDP 32780 RPC UDP 33270 Trinity v3 distributed attack tool UDP 33434 traceroute use UDP 34555 Trinoo distributed attack tool Handler UDP 36865 KastenX Pipe UDP 40841 CSCP UDP 44818 Rockwell Encapsulation UDP 45678 EBA PRISE UDP 45966 SSRServerMgr UDP 47557 Databeam Corporation UDP 47624 Direct Play Server UDP 47806 ALC Protocol UDP 47808 Building Automation and Control Networks UDP 48000 Nimbus Controller UDP 48001 Nimbus Spooler UDP 48002 Nimbus Hub UDP 48003 Nimbus Gateway UDP 54321 Orifice 2000 (UDP)

Copyright 2002 Flavio Bernardotti Tel. (39) 380 7097051

Ethernet MAC Address Vendor Codes

000001 000002 000009 00000C 00000E 00000F 000010 000011 000015 000018 00001A 00001B 00001C 00001D 00001F 000020 000021 000022 000023 000024 000029 00002A 00002C 000032 000037 00003B 00003C 00003D 00003F 000044 000046 000048 000049 00004B 00004C 00004F 000051 000052 000055 000058 00005A 00005A 00005B 00005D 00005E 00005F 000061 000062 000063 000064 000065 000066 000069 00006B 00006D SuperLAN-2U BBN (was internal usage only, no longer used) powerpipes? Cisco Fujitsu NeXT Hughes LAN Systems (formerly Sytek) Tektronix Datapoint Corporation Webster Computer Corporation Appletalk/Ethernet Gateway AMD (?) Novell (now Eagle Technology) JDR Microdevices generic, NE2000 drivers Cabletron Cryptall Communications Corp. DIAB (Data Intdustrier AB) SC&C (PAM Soft&Hardware also reported) Visual Technology ABB Automation AB, Dept. Q Olicom IMC TRW NRC - Network Resources Corporation MultiGate Hub1+, Hub2, etc GPT Limited (reassigned from GEC Computers Ltd) Oxford Metrics Ltd Hyundai/Axil Sun Sparc Station 2 clone Auspex AT&T Syntrex Inc Castelle ISC-Bunker Ramo, An Olivetti Company Epson Apricot Ltd. APT -ICL also reported NEC Corporation Logicraft 386-Ware P.C. Emulator Hob Electronic Gmbh & Co. KG Optical Data Systems AT&T Racore Computer Products Inc SK (Schneider & Koch in Europe and Syskonnect outside of Europe) Xerox 806 (unregistered) Eltec RCE U.S. Department of Defense (IANA) Sumitomo Gateway Communications Honeywell Hewlett-Packard LanProbe Yokogawa Digital Computer Corp Network General Talaris Concord Communications, Inc (although someone said Silicon Graphics) MIPS Case 00006E 00006F 000068 00006F 000073 000075 Artisoft, Inc. Madge Networks Ltd. Token-ring adapters Rosemount Controls Madge Networks Ltd DuPont Bell Northern Research (BNR) Interphase [Used in other systems, e.g. 000077 MIPS, Motorola] 000078 Labtam Australia Networth Incorporated [bought by Compaq, 000079 used in Netelligent series] 00007A Ardent 00007B Research Machines Cray Research Superservers,Inc [Also 00007D Harris (3M) (old)] 00007E NetFRAME multiprocessor network servers 00007F Linotype-Hell AG Linotronic typesetters Cray Communications (formerly Dowty Network Services) [Also shows as "Harris 000080 (3M) (new)" and/or "Imagen(?)" elsewhere] 000081 Synoptics Tadpole Technology [had Optical Data 000083 Systems which is wrong according to both] 000084 Aquila (?), ADI Systems Inc.(?) Gateway Communications Inc. (also 000086 Megahertz Corporation?) 000087 Hitachi 000089 Cayman Systems Gatorbox 00008A Datahouse Information Systems Solbourne(?), Jupiter(?) (I've had confirming 00008E mail on Solbourne) 000092 Unisys, Cogent (both reported) 000093 Proteon 000094 Asante MAC 000095 Sony/Tektronix 000097 Epoch 000098 Cross Com 000099 Memorex Telex Corporations 00009F Ameristar Technology 0000A0 Sanyo Electronics 0000A2 Wellfleet 0000A3 Network Application Technology (NAT) 0000A4 Acorn 0000A5 Compatible Systems Corporation Network General (internal assignment, not 0000A6 for products) Network Computing Devices (NCD) X0000A7 terminals 0000A8 Stratus Computer, Inc. 0000A9 Network Systems 0000AA Xerox Xerox machines Conware Netzpartner [had Apollo, claimed 0000AC incorrect] Dassault Automatismes et 0000AE Telecommunications Nuclear Data Acquisition Interface Modules 0000AF (AIM) 0000B0 RND (RAD Network Devices) 0000B1 Alpha Microsystems Inc. 0000B3 CIMLinc 0000B4 Edimax 0000B5 Datability Terminal Servers 0000B6 Micro-matic Research

0000B7 0000BB 0000BC 0000C0 0000C1 0000C5 0000C6 0000C8 0000C9 0000CA 0000CC 0000CD 0000D0 0000D1 0000D2 0000D3 0000D4 0000D7 0000D8 0000DD 0000DE 0000E1 0000E2 0000E3 0000E4 0000E6 0000E8 0000E9 0000ED 0000EE 0000EF 0000F0 0000F2 0000F3 0000F4 0000F6 0000F8 0000FB 0000FD 0000FF 000102 000143 000163 000168 0001C8 0001FA 000204 000205 000216 000288 0003C6 000400 0004AC 000502 00059A 0005A8 00060D

Dove Fastnet TRI-DATA Systems Inc. Netway products, 3274 emulators Allen-Bradley Western Digital now SMC (Std. Microsystems Corp.) Olicom A/S Farallon Computing Inc HP Intelligent Networks Operation (formerly Eon Systems) Altos Emulex Terminal Servers, Print Servers LANcity Cable Modems (now owned by BayNetworks) Densan Co., Ltd. Industrial Research Limited Develcon Electronics, Ltd. Adaptec, Inc. "Nodem" product SBE Inc Wang Labs PureData Dartmouth College (NED Router) old Novell NE1000's (before about 1987?) (also 3Com) Gould Unigraph Hitachi (laptop built-in) Acer Counterpoint Integrated Micro Products Ltd mips? Aptor Produits De Comm Indust Accton Technology Corporation ISICAD, Inc. April Network Designers Limited [also KNX Ltd, a former division] Alantec Samsung Spider Communications (Montreal, not Spider Systems) Gandalf Data Ltd. - Canada Allied Telesis, Inc. A.M.C. (Applied Microsystems Corp.) DEC Rechner zur Kommunikation High Level Hardware (Orion, UK) Camtec Electronics (UK) Ltd. BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.) internal usage (not registered) IEEE 802 NDC (National Datacomm Corporation) W&G (Wandel & Goltermann) [incorrect according to W&G] Thomas Conrad Corp. Compaq (PageMarq printers) Novell NE3200 Hamilton (Sparc Clones) ESI (Extended Systems, Inc) print servers Global Village (PCcard in Mac portable) Morning Star Technologies Inc Lexmark (Print Server) IBM PCMCIA Ethernet adapter. Apple (PCI bus Macs) PowerComputing (Mac clone) PowerComputing Mac clones Hewlett-Packard JetDirect token-ring

interfaces IBM RISC6000 system Cisco Cisco Racal-Datacom Cisco 2511 Token Ring Technically Elite Concepts Fermilab Compaq Cisco Systems Cisco 75xx Cisco Cisco Cisco 5000 3Com 3C905-TX PCI Cisco 5500 Router Ambicom (was Tandy?) Cisco Kabel Lexmark (Print Server) Cable & Computer Technology Adastra Systems Corp Canopus Co Ltd Orbotech Realtek Nbase Control Technology Inc (Industrial Controls 002025 and Network Interfaces) 002028 Bloomberg ATML (Advanced Telecommunications 00202B Modules, Ltd.) IBM (International Business Machines) 002035 mainframes, Etherjet printers 002036 BMC Software 002042 Datametrics Corp 002045 SolCom Systems Limited 002048 Fore Systems Inc 00204B Autocomputer Co Ltd 00204C Mitron Computer Pte Ltd 002056 Neoproducts 002061 Dynatech Communications Inc 002063 Wipro Infotech Ltd 002066 General Magic Inc 002067 Node Runner Inc 00206B Minolta Co., Ltd Network printers 002078 Runtop Inc 3COM SuperStack II UPS management 002085 module 00208A Sonix Communications Ltd 00208B Focus Enhancements 00208C Galaxy Networks Inc 002094 Cubix Corporation 0020A5 Newer Technology 0020A6 Proxim Inc 0020AF 3COM Corporation 0020B6 Agile Networks Inc 0020B9 Metricom, Inc. 0020C5 Eagle NE2000 0020C6 NECTEC Versalynx Corp. "The One Port" terminal 0020D0 server 0020D2 RAD Data Communications Ltd 0020D3 OST (Ouet Standard Telematique) 0020D8 NetWave 0020DA Xylan 0020DC Densitron Taiwan Ltd PreMax PE-200 (PCMCIA NE2000-clone 0020E0 card, sold by InfoExpress) 000629 00067C 0006C1 000701 00070D 000852 000855 0008C7 001011 00101F 00102F 00104B 001079 00107A 0010F6 001700 002000 002008 00200C 002011 002017 002018 00201A

0020E5 0020EE 0020F6 0020F8 004001 004005 004009 00400B 00400C 00400D 004010 004011 004013 004014 004015 004017 00401C 00401F 004020 004023 004025 004026 004027 004028 00402A 00402B 00402F 004030 004032 004033 004036 004039 00403C 004041 004043 004048 00404C 00404D 00404F 004050 004052 004054 004057 004059 00405B 00405D 004066 004067 004068 004069 00406A 00406E 00406F 004072 004074 004076 004078 00407F 004082 004085 004086 004087

Apex Data Gtech Corporation Net Tek & Karlnet Inc Carrera Computers Inc Zero One Technology Co Ltd (ZyXEL?) TRENDware International Inc.; Linksys; Simple Net; all three reported Tachibana Tectron Co Ltd Crescendo (now owned by Cisco) General Micro Systems, Inc. LANNET Data Communications Sonic Mac Ethernet interfaces Facilities Andover Environmental Controllers NTT Data Communication Systems Corp Comsoft Gmbh Ascom XCd XJet - HP printer server card AST Pentium/90 PC (emulating AMD EISA card) Colorgraph Ltd Pilkington Communication Logic Corporation Molecular Dynamics Melco Inc SMC Massachusetts [Had:Sigma (?), maybe the "S"?] Netcomm Canoga-Perkins TriGem Xlnt Designs Inc (XDI) GK Computer Digital Communications Addtron Technology Co., Ltd. TribeStar Optec Daiichi Denko Co Ltd Forks, Inc. Fujikura Ltd. Nokia Data Communications SMD Informatica S.A. Hypertec Pty Ltd. Telecomm Techniques Space & Naval Warfare Systems Ironics, Incorporated Star Technologies Inc Thinking Machines Corporation Lockheed-Sanders Yoshida Kogyo K.K. Funasset Limited Star-Tek Inc Hitachi Cable, Ltd. Omnibyte Corporation Extended Systems Lemcom Systems Inc Kentek Information Systems Inc Corollary, Inc. Sync Research Inc Applied Innovation Cable and Wireless AMP Incorporated Wearnes Automation Pte Ltd Agema Infrared Systems AB Laboratory Equipment Corp SAAB Instruments AB Michels & Kleberhoff Computer Ubitrex Corporation

004088 00408A 00408C 00408E 00408F 004090 004091 004092 004094 004095 004096 00409A 00409C 00409D 00409E 00409F 0040A4 0040A6 0040AA 0040AD 0040AE 0040AF 0040B4 0040B5 0040B6 0040B9 0040BD 0040C1 0040C2 0040C3 0040C5 0040C6 0040C7 0040C8 0040CC 0040CF 0040D2 0040D4 0040D7 0040D8 0040DC 0040DF 0040E1 0040E2 0040E3 0040E5 0040E7 0040E9 0040EA 0040ED 0040F0 0040F1 0040F4 0040F5 0040F6 0040F9 0040FA 0040FB 0040FD 0040FF 004F49 004F4B 00504D

Mobuis NuBus (Mac) combination video/EtherTalk TPS Teleprocessing Sys. Gmbh Axis Communications AB CXR/Digilog WM-Data Minfo AB Ansel Communications PC NE2000 compatible twisted-pair ethernet cards Procomp Industria Eletronica ASP Computer Products, Inc. Shographics Inc Eagle Technologies [UMC also reported] Telesystems SLW Inc Network Express Inc Transware DigiBoard Ethernet-ISDN bridges Concurrent Technologies Ltd. Lancast/Casat Technology Inc Rose Electronics Cray Research Inc. Valmet Automation Inc SMA Regelsysteme Gmbh Delta Controls, Inc. Digital Products, Inc. (DPI). 3COM K.K. Video Technology Computers Ltd Computerm Corporation MACQ Electronique SA Starlight Networks Inc Bizerba-Werke Wilheim Kraut Applied Computing Devices Fischer and Porter Co. Micom Communications Corp. Fibernet Research, Inc. Danpex Corporation Milan Technology Corp. Silcom Manufacturing Technology Inc Strawberry Tree Inc Pagine Corporation Gage Talker Corp. Studio Gen Inc Ocean Office Automation Ltd Tritec Electronic Gmbh Digalog Systems, Inc. Marner International Inc Mesa Ridge Technologies Inc Quin Systems Ltd Sybus Corporation Arnos Instruments & Computer Accord Systems, Inc. PlainTree Systems Inc Network Controls International Inc Micro Systems Inc Chuo Electronics Co., Ltd. Cameo Communications, Inc. OEM Engines Katron Computers Inc Combinet Microboards Inc Cascade Communications Corp. LXE Telebit Corporation Personal NetBlazer Realtek Pine Technology Ltd. Repotec Group

00504E 006008 006009 006025 00602F 00603E 006047 006052 00605C 006067 006070 006083 00608C 006094 006097 0060B0 008000 008001 008004 008005 008006 008007 008009 00800D 00800F 008010 008012 008013 008015 008016 008017 008019 00801A 00801B 00801C 008021 008023 008024 008026 008029 00802A 00802C 00802D 00802E 008033 008034 008035 008037 008038 00803B 00803D 00803E 00803F 008042 008043 008045 008046 008048 008049 00804C 00804D

UMC UM9008 NE2000-compatible ISA Card for PC 3Com Found in a 3Com PCI form factor 3C905 TX board Cisco Catalyst 5000 Ethernet switch Active Imaging Inc. Cisco Cisco 100Mbps interface Cisco Realtek (RTL 8029 == PCI NE2000) Cisco Acer Lan Cisco routers (2524 and 4500) Cisco Systems, Inc. 3620/3640 routers 3Com (1990 onwards) AMD PCNET PCI 3Com Hewlett-Packard Multitech Systems Inc Periphonics Corporation Antlow Computers, Ltd. Cactus Computer Inc. Compuadd Corporation Dlog NC-Systeme Jupiter Systems (older MX-600 series machines) Vosswinkel FU SMC (Standard Microsystem Corp.) Commodore IMS Corp. IMS failure analysis tester Thomas Conrad Corp. Seiko Systems Inc Wandel & Goltermann PFU Dayna Communications "Etherprint" product Bell Atlantic Kodiak Technology Cisco Newbridge Networks Corporation Integrated Business Networks Kalpana Network Products Corporation Microdyne Corporation Test Systems & Simulations Inc The Sage Group PLC Xylogics, Inc. Annex terminal servers Plexcom, Inc. Formation (?) SMT-Goupil Technology Works Ericsson Business Comm. Data Research & Applications APT Communications, Inc. Surigiken Co Ltd Synernetics Hyundai Electronics Force Computers Networld Inc Matsushita Electric Ind Co University of Toronto Compex, used by Commodore and DEC at least Nissin Electric Co Ltd Contec Co., Ltd. Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.

008051 008052 008057 00805A 00805B 00805C 00805F 008060 008062 008063 008064 008067 008069 00806A 00806B 00806C 00806D 00806E 00806F 008071 008072 008074 008079 00807B 00807C 00807D 008082 008086 008087 00808A 00808B 00808C 00808D 00808E 008090 008092 008093 008094 008096 008098 00809A 00809B 00809D 00809F 0080A1 0080A3 0080A6 0080A7 0080AD 0080AE 0080AF 0080B1 0080B2 0080B6 0080BA 0080C0 0080C2 0080C6 0080C7 0080C8 0080C9 0080CE

ADC Fibermux Network Professor Adsoft Ltd Tulip Computers International BV Condor Systems, Inc. Agilis(?) Compaq Computer Corporation Network Interface Corporation Interface Co. Richard Hirschmann Gmbh & Co Wyse Square D Company Computone Systems ERI (Empac Research Inc.) Schmid Telecommunication Cegelec Projects Ltd Century Systems Corp. Nippon Steel Corporation Onelan Ltd SAI Technology Microplex Systems Ltd Fisher Controls Microbus Designs Ltd Artel Communications Corp. FiberCom Equinox Systems Inc PEP Modular Computers Gmbh Computer Generation Inc. Okidata Summit (?) Dacoll Limited Frontier Software Development Westcove Technology BV Radstone Technology Microtek International Inc Japan Computer Industry, Inc. Xyron Corporation Sattcontrol AB HDS (Human Designed Systems) X terminals TDK Corporation Novus Networks Ltd Justsystem Corporation Datacraft Manufactur'g Pty Ltd Alcatel Business Systems Microtest Lantronix (see also 0800A3) Republic Technology Inc Measurex Corp CNet Technology Used by Telebit (among others) Hughes Network Systems Allumer Co., Ltd. Softcom A/S NET (Network Equipment Technologies) Themis corporation Specialix (Asia) Pte Ltd Penril Datability Networks IEEE 802.1 Committee Soho Xircom, Inc. D-Link (also Solectek Pocket Adapters, and LinkSys PCMCIA) Alberta Microelectronic Centre Broadcast Television Systems

0080D0 0080D3 0080D4 0080D6 0080D7 0080D8 0080DA 0080E0 0080E3 0080E7 0080EA 0080F0 0080F1 0080F3 0080F4 0080F5 0080F7 0080FB 0080FE 00A000 00A092 00A0D1 00A0D2 00A024 00A040 00A0C9 00A0CC 00AA00 00B0D0 00C000 00C001 00C002 00C003 00C004 00C005 00C006 00C007 00C008 00C009 00C00A 00C00B 00C00C 00C00D 00C00E 00C00F 00C011 00C012 00C013 00C014 00C015 00C016 00C017 00C018 00C01A 00C01B 00C01C 00C01D 00C01F 00C020 00C021

Computer Products International Shiva Appletalk-Ethernet interface Chase Limited Apple Mac Portable(?) Fantum Electronics Network Peripherals Bruel & Kjaer XTP Systems Inc Coral (?) Lynwood Scientific Dev Ltd The Fiber Company Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co Opus Sun Electronics Corp Telemechanique Electrique Quantel Ltd Zenith Communications Products BVM Limited Azure Technologies Inc Bay Networks Ethernet switch Intermate International [LAN printer interfaces] National Semiconductor [COMPAQ Docking Station] Allied Telesyn 3com Apple (PCI Mac) Intel (PRO100B cards) MacSense 100Base-TX Adapter for Mac Also seen in PCs (?) Intel Computer Products International Lanoptics Ltd Diatek Patient Managment Sercomm Corporation Globalnet Communications Japan Business Computer Co.Ltd Livingston Enterprises Inc Portmaster (OEMed by Cayman) Nippon Avionics Co Ltd Pinnacle Data Systems Inc Seco SRL KT Technology (s) Pte Inc Micro Craft Norcontrol A.S. ARK PC Technology, Inc. Advanced Logic Research Inc Psitech Inc QNX Software Systems Ltd. [also Quantum Software Systems Ltd] Interactive Computing Devices Netspan Corp Netrix Telematics Calabasas New Media Corp Electronic Theatre Controls Fluke Lanart Corp Corometrics Medical Systems Socket Communications Interlink Communications Ltd. Grand Junction Networks, Inc. S.E.R.C.E.L. Arco Electronic, Control Ltd. Netexpress

00C023 00C024 00C025 00C027 00C028 00C029 00C02A 00C02B 00C02C 00C02D 00C02E 00C02F 00C030 00C031 00C032 00C033 00C034 00C035 00C036 00C039 00C03B 00C03C 00C03D 00C03E 00C03F 00C040 00C041 00C042 00C043 00C044 00C045 00C046 00C047 00C048 00C049 00C04D 00C04E 00C04F 00C050 00C051 00C055 00C056 00C057 00C058 00C059 00C05B 00C05C 00C05D 00C05E 00C060 00C061 00C063 00C064 00C065 00C066 00C067 00C068 00C069 00C06A 00C06B 00C06C 00C06D 00C06F

Tutankhamon Electronics Eden Sistemas De Computacao SA Dataproducts Corporation Cipher Systems, Inc. Jasco Corporation Kabel Rheydt AG Ohkura Electric Co Gerloff Gesellschaft Fur Centrum Communications, Inc. Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. Netwiz Okuma Corp Integrated Engineering B. V. Design Research Systems, Inc. I-Cubed Limited Telebit Corporation Dale Computer Corporation Quintar Company Raytech Electronic Corp Silicon Systems Multiaccess Computing Corp Tower Tech S.R.L. Wiesemann & Theis Gmbh Fa. Gebr. Heller Gmbh Stores Automated Systems Inc ECCI Digital Transmission Systems Datalux Corp. Stratacom Emcom Corporation Isolation Systems Inc Kemitron Ltd Unimicro Systems Inc Bay Technical Associates US Robotics Total Control (tm) NETServer Card Mitec Ltd Comtrol Corporation Dell Toyo Denki Seizo K.K. Advanced Integration Research Modular Computing Technologies Somelec Myco Electronics Dataexpert Corp Nippondenso Corp Networks Northwest Inc Elonex PLC L&N Technologies Vari-Lite Inc ID Scandinavia A/S Solectek Corporation Morning Star Technologies Inc May be miswrite of 0003C6 General Datacomm Ind Inc Scope Communications Inc Docupoint, Inc. United Barcode Industries Philp Drake Electronics Ltd California Microwave Inc Zahner-Elektrik Gmbh & Co KG OSI Plus Corporation SVEC Computer Corp Boca Research, Inc. Komatsu Ltd

00C070 00C071 00C072 00C073 00C074 00C075 00C076 00C077 00C078 00C079 00C07A 00C07B 00C07D 00C07F 00C080 00C081 00C082 00C084 00C085 00C086 00C087 00C089 00C08A 00C08B 00C08C 00C08D 00C08E 00C08F 00C090 00C091 00C092 00C093 00C095 00C096 00C097 00C098 00C09B 00C09C 00C09D 00C09F 00C0A0 00C0A1 00C0A2 00C0A3 00C0A4 00C0A7 00C0A8 00C0A9 00C0AA 00C0AB 00C0AC 00C0AD 00C0AE 00C0B0 00C0B2 00C0B3 00C0B4 00C0B5 00C0B6 00C0B7 00C0B8 00C0B9 00C0BA

Sectra Secure-Transmission AB Areanex Communications, Inc. KNX Ltd Xedia Corporation Toyoda Automatic Loom Works Ltd Xante Corporation I-Data International A-S Daewoo Telecom Ltd Computer Systems Engineering Fonsys Co Ltd Priva BV Ascend Communications ISDN bridges/routers RISC Developments Ltd Nupon Computing Corp Netstar Inc Metrodata Ltd Moore Products Co Data Link Corp Ltd Canon The Lynk Corporation UUNET Technologies Inc Telindus Distribution Lauterbach Datentechnik Gmbh RISQ Modular Systems Inc Performance Technologies Inc Tronix Product Development Network Information Technology Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd. Praim S.R.L. Jabil Circuit, Inc. Mennen Medical Inc Alta Research Corp. Znyx (Network Appliance box); Jupiter Systems (MX-700 series) Tamura Corporation Archipel SA Chuntex Electronic Co., Ltd. Reliance Comm/Tec, R-Tec Systems Inc TOA Electronic Ltd Distributed Systems Int'l, Inc. Quanta Computer Inc Advance Micro Research, Inc. Tokyo Denshi Sekei Co Intermedium A/S Dual Enterprises Corporation Unigraf OY SEEL Ltd GVC Corporation Barron McCann Ltd Silicon Valley Computer Jupiter Technology Inc Gambit Computer Communications Computer Communication Systems Towercom Co Inc DBA PC House GCC Technologies,Inc. Norand Corporation Comstat Datacomm Corporation Myson Technology Inc Corporate Network Systems Inc Meridian Data Inc American Power Conversion Corp Fraser's Hill Ltd. Funk Software Inc Netvantage

00C0BB 00C0BD 00C0BE 00C0BF 00C0C0 00C0C1 00C0C2 00C0C3 00C0C4 00C0C5 00C0C6 00C0C8 00C0C9 00C0CA 00C0CB 00C0CD 00C0D0 00C0D1 00C0D2 00C0D4 00C0D5 00C0D6 00C0D9 00C0DB 00C0DC 00C0DE 00C0DF 00C0E1 00C0E2 00C0E3 00C0E4 00C0E5 00C0E6 00C0E7 00C0E8 00C0E9 00C0EA 00C0EC 00C0ED 00C0EE 00C0EF 00C0F0 00C0F1 00C0F2 00C0F3 00C0F4 00C0F5 00C0F6 00C0F7 00C0F8 00C0FA 00C0FB 00C0FC 00C0FD 00C0FF 00DD00 00DD01 00DD08 00E011 00E014 00E016 00E01E 00E029

Forval Creative Inc Inex Technologies, Inc. Alcatel - Sel Technology Concepts Ltd Shore Microsystems Inc Quad/Graphics Inc Infinite Networks Ltd. Acuson Computed Sonography Computer Operational SID Informatica Personal Media Corp Micro Byte Pty Ltd Bailey Controls Co Alfa, Inc. Control Technology Corporation Comelta S.A. Ratoc System Inc Comtree Technology Corporation (EFA also reported) Syntellect Inc Axon Networks Inc Quancom Electronic Gmbh J1 Systems, Inc. Quinte Network Confidentiality Equipment Inc IPC Corporation (Pte) Ltd EOS Technologies, Inc. ZComm Inc Kye Systems Corp Sonic Solutions Calcomp, Inc. Ositech Communications Inc Landis & Gyr Powers Inc GESPAC S.A. TXPORT Fiberdata AB Plexcom Inc Oak Solutions Ltd Array Technology Ltd. Dauphin Technology US Army Electronic Proving Ground Kyocera Corporation Abit Corporation Kingston Technology Corporation Shinko Electric Co Ltd Transition Engineering Inc Network Communications Corp Interlink System Co., Ltd. Metacomp Inc Celan Technology Inc. Engage Communication, Inc. About Computing Inc. Canary Communications Inc Advanced Technology Labs ASDG Incorporated Prosum Box Hill Systems Corporation Ungermann-Bass IBM RT Ungermann-Bass Ungermann-Bass Uniden Corporation Cisco Ethernet switch rapid-city (now a part of bay networks) Cisco Lightstream 1010 SMC EtherPower II 10/100

00E02C 00E034 00E039 00E04F 00E083 00E08F 00E098 00E0A3 00E0B0 00E0B8 00E0C5 00E0F7 00E0F9 00E0FE 020406 020701 020701 026060 026086 02608C 02AA3C 02CF1F 02E03B 02E6D3 080001 080002 080003 080005 080006 080007 080008 080009 08000A 08000B 08000D 08000E 08000F 080010 080011 080014 080017 08001A 08001B 08001E 08001F 080020 080022 080023 080025 080026 080027 080028 08002B 08002E 08002F 080030 080032 080036

AST - built into 5166M PC motherboard (win95 id's as Intel) Cisco Paradyne 7112 T1 DSU/CSU Cisco Jato Technologies, Inc. Cisco Systems Catalyst 2900 Linksys PCMCIA card Cisco Cisco Systems Catalyst 2900/5000 AMD PCNet in a Gateway 2000 BCOM Electronics Inc. Cisco Cisco Cisco BBN internal usage (not registered) Interlan [now Racal-InterLAN] DEC (UNIBUS or QBUS), Apollo, Cisco Racal-Datacom 3Com Satelcom MegaPac (UK) 3Com IBM PC; Imagen; Valid; Cisco; Macintosh Olivetti CMC Masscomp; Silicon Graphics; Prime EXL Prominet Corporation Gigabit Ethernet Switch BTI (Bus-Tech, Inc.) IBM Mainframes Computer Vision 3Com (formerly Bridge) ACC (Advanced Computer Communications) Symbolics Symbolics LISP machines Siemens Nixdorf PC clone Apple BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.) Hewlett-Packard Nestar Systems Unisys ICL (International Computers, Ltd.) NCR/AT&T SMC (Standard Microsystems Corp.) AT&T [misrepresentation of 800010?] Tektronix, Inc. Excelan BBN Butterfly, Masscomp, Silicon Graphics National Semiconductor Corp. (used to have Network System Corp., wrong NSC) Tiara? (used to have Data General) Data General Apollo Sharp Sun NBI (Nothing But Initials) Matsushita Denso CDC Norsk Data (Nord) PCS Computer Systems GmbH TI Explorer DEC Metaphor Prime Computer Prime 50-Series LHC300 CERN Tigan Intergraph CAE stations

080037 080038 080039 08003B 08003D 08003E 080041 080044

Fuji Xerox Bull Spider Systems Torus Systems cadnetix Motorola VME bus processor modules DCA (Digital Comm. Assoc.) DSI (DAVID Systems, Inc.) ???? (maybe Xylogics, but they claim not to 080045 know this number) 080046 Sony 080047 Sequent 080048 Eurotherm Gauging Systems 080049 Univation 08004C Encore BICC [3com bought BICC, so may appear 08004E on 3com equipment as well] 080051 Experdata 080056 Stanford University 080057 Evans & Sutherland (?) 080058 ??? DECsystem-20 08005A IBM 080066 AGFA printers, phototypesetters etc. 080067 Comdesign 080068 Ridge 080069 Silicon Graphics 08006A ATTst (?) 08006E Excelan 080070 Mitsubishi 080074 Casio 080075 DDE (Danish Data Elektronik A/S) 080077 TSL (now Retix) 080079 Silicon Graphics 08007C Vitalink TransLAN III 080080 XIOS 080081 Crosfield Electronics 080083 Seiko Denshi 080086 Imagen/QMS 080087 Xyplex terminal servers 080088 McDATA Corporation 080089 Kinetics AppleTalk-Ethernet interface 08008B Pyramid 08008D XyVision XyVision machines 08008E Tandem / Solbourne Computer ? 08008F Chipcom Corp. 080090 Retix, Inc. Bridges 09006A AT&T 10005A IBM 100090 Hewlett-Packard Advisor products 1000D4 DEC Apple A/UX (modified addresses for 1000E0 licensing) LAA (Locally Administered Address) for 2E2E2E Meditech Systems 3Com dual function (V.34 modem + 3C0000 Ethernet) card 400003 Net Ware (?) 444553 Microsoft (Windows95 internal "adapters") 444649 DFI (Diamond Flower Industries) GTC (Not registered!) (This number is a 475443 multicast!) 484453 HDS ??? 484C00 Network Solutions 4854E8 winbond? Information Modes software modified 4C424C addresses (not registered?)

52544C Novell 2000 5254AB REALTEK (a Realtek 8029 based PCI Card) 565857 Aculab plc audio bridges AT&T [misrepresented as 080010? One 800010 source claims this is correct] CNET Technology Inc. (Probably an error, 80AD00 see instead 0080AD) AA0000 DEC obsolete AA0001 DEC obsolete AA0002 DEC obsolete DEC Global physical address for some DEC AA0003 machines DEC Local logical address for DECNET AA0004 systems Western Digital (may be reversed 00 00 C00000 C0?) EC1000 Enance Source Co., Ltd. PC clones(?)

Le passwords di defaults
Queste che seguono sono alcune password di default.
Manufacturer 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3Com 3com 3com 3com 3Com 3Com 3com 3Com 3Com 3com 3Com 3Com 3com 3Com 3Com 3COM 3com 3com 3com 3Com 3Com 3Com ACC Acc/Newbridge Acc/Newbridge adaptec Adaptec RAID adtran Adtran Adtran Aironet alcatel Alcatel Model Super Stack 2 Switch AccessBuilder 7000 BRI CoreBuilder 2500 Switch 3000/3300 Switch 3000/3300 Switch 3000/3300 Cable Managment System SQL Database (DOSCIC DHCP) NAC (Network Access Card) HiPer ARC Card CoreBuilder 6000 CoreBuilder 7000 SuperStack II Switch 2200 SuperStack II Switch 2700 SuperStack / CoreBuilder SuperStack / CoreBuilder SuperStack / CoreBuilder LinkSwitch and CellPlex LinkSwitch and CellPlex Superstack II 3300FX Switch 3000/3300 3comCellPlex7000 Switch 3000/3300 AirConnect Access Point Superstack II Dual Speed 500 OfficeConnect 5x1 SuperStack 3 Switch 3300XM Super Stack 2 Switch SuperStack II Switch 1100 SuperStack II Switch 1100 super stack 2 switch Office Connect Remote 812 Switch 3000/3300 OCR-812 OS Version 1.25 Any Any Login root manager manager admin security Password letmein manager manager admin security 3com none none tech tech synnet tech tech synnet 3com tech monitor comcomcom security PASSWORD manager manager security manager !root admin !root 0000 Password manager netman netman netman adaptec ADTRAN ADTRAN -

Win2000 & MS DOCSIS_APP adm v4.1.x of HA adm debug tech debug tech admin read write tech debug admin Admin tech monitor n/a security

at least 5.x Any any admin manager manager security manager root admin

root administrato NBX100 2.8 r Home Connect User estheralastr OfficeConnect 5x1 at least 5.x uey SuperStack II Switch 3300 manager Superstack Routers netman Congo/Amazon/Tigris All versions netman Congo/Amazon/Tigris All versions netman Administrato Storage Manager Pro All r tsu 600 ethernet module 18364 TSU 120 e TSU 120 e All 1000 ANT Win98 -

alcatel speed touch home Alcatel/Newbridge/T VPN Gateway imestep 15xx/45xx/7xxx Alcatel/Newbridge/T VPN Gateway 15xx/ imestep Alcatel/Newbridge/T VPN Gateway 15xx/ imestep Allied Tenysin R130 Alteon ACEswitch 180e (telnet) Alteon Web Systems All hardware releases APC MasterSwitches APC Any Apple Network Assistant Apple Airport Arrowpoint any? Ascend All TAOS models Ascend Pipeline Terminal Server Ascom Timeplex Routers AT&T Starlan SmartHUB AWARD Any BIOS Axent Axis AXIS AXIS Axis bay bay Bay Bay / Nortel NetProwler manager NPS 530 StorPoint CD100 200 V1.32 2100 Network Camera cv1001003 ARN

Any Any Any Web OS 5.2 Firmware Pri 3.X 1.1 all Any 9.9 -

root root root

permit permit permit friend blank admin apc apc xyzzy public system Ascend manager admin pass pass pass Manager NetICs rwa IP address weblogic bintec biodata Babylon correct masterkey Super Master laflaf password (no password by default) -inuvik49 blank iolan cisco cmaker changeme pixadmin

Bay Network Routers All Bay Networks ASN / ARN Routers Bay Networks Baystack Bay/Nortel Networks Accelar 1xxx switches Bay/Nortel Networks Remote Annex 2000 BEA Weblogic BEA bewan Bintec all Routers Bintec Biodata BIGfire & BIGfire+ Biodata all Babylon-Boxes Borland interbase Borland Interbase Borland/Inprise Interbase BreezeCom AP10, SA10 Station Adapter and BreezeCOM Access Point BreezeCOM Station Adapter and BreezeCOM Access Point Brocade Silkworm Buffalo/MELCO Cabletron Cabletron Cabletron routers and switches Cayman celerity Chase Research Cisco Cisco CISCO CISCO AirStation WLA-L11 any NB Series * 3220-H DSL Router Iolan+ Any Router and Switch ConfigMaker Software Network Registrar N/A

Manager admin none apc apcuser None none admin admin answer See notes N/A AWARD_SW administrato WinNT r 5.02 root 4.28 root admin Linux (ETRAX root Manager 13.20 (caps count !) User Any Manager Any rwa Any admin 5.1 system Any admin all all Any politcally any SYSDBA BreezeNET PR 4.x 3.x 2.x any Any * GatorSurf 5. 10 thru 12 any? 3.0 N/A admin root (cannot be changed) -blank Any cisco n/a ADMIN pixadmin

Cisco Cisco Cisco cisco cisco cisco cisco Cisco cisco cisco Cisco cisco Cisco CISCO cisco cisco cisco Cisco Cisco cisco Cisco cisco cisco CMOS BIOS Cobalt Com21 Comersus Shopping Cart Compaq Compaq Compaq compaq copper mountain Coppercom Coyote-Point Coyote-Point Coyote-Point Coyote-Point Cyclades D-Link D-Link Dell Dell Dell dell Digiboard DLink Dlink DLink Dlink dlink DLink Dupont Digital Water Proofer eci

routers VPN 3000 Concentrator Net Ranger 2.2.1 1600 1601 MGX 1601 any arrowpoint 2503 IDS (netranger) 1600 RaQ * Qube* 3.2 Insight Manager Insight Manager Management Agents Equaliser 4 Equaliser 4 Equaliser 4 Equaliser 4 MP/RT DI-704 DI-701 PowerVault 50F PowerVault 35F Powerapp Web 100 Linux Portserver 8 & 16 DI-206 ISDN router Dl-106 ISDN router DL-701 Cable/DSL Gateway/Firewall DFE-538TX 10/100 Adapter di704 DI 106 Sun Sparc -

Not sure...j Sol 5.6 12.05 * aany IOS Any -

admin root superuser no default login root admin -

san-fran admin attack superuser no default password attack ESSEX or IPC admin dmr99 administrato r operator none equalizer look touch surt admin calvin calvin powerapp dbps Admin 1234 year2000 admin @*nigU^D.ha, ; par0t -

Win 95/98/NT admin Administrato r operator administrato All r eqadmin Free BSD Serial port only root Free BSD Serial port only look - Web Free BSD Browser only (Read a touch - Web Free BSD Browser only (Write super 2.22 (?) WindRiver (E root root RedHat 6.2 root any root 1.* Admin Windows 98 winnt any administrato r root -

Efficient Elron


2.5c all all Versions All ALL ALL 6.x Any Any win95 Any -

emai hotmail Ericsson ACC Ericsson (formerly Any router ACC) Extended Systems ExtendNet 4000 / Firewall Extended Systems Print Servers Extreme All Summits extreme black diamond Extreme All Flowpoint 144, 2200 DSL Routers FlowPoint 144, 2200 DSL Routers Flowpoint 2200 Flowpoint 2200 fore Fore Systems ASX 1000/1200 Foundry Networks ServerIronXL fujitsu l460 Future Networks FN 110C Docsis cablemodem gatway solo9100 General Instruments SB2100D Cable Modem gonet Hewlett Packard HP Jetdirect (All Models) Hewlett Packard MPE-XL Hewlett Packard MPE-XL Hewlett Packard Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett Hewlett hp hp IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM ibm IBM IBM IBM IBM Imperia Software Intel Intel Intel Intel Intel Ipswitch janta sales janta sales Jetform Kawa Packard Packard Packard Packard MPE-XL MPE-XL MPE-XL MPE-XL MPE-XL 4150 AS/400 AS/400 AS/400 NetCommerce PRO LAN Server / OS/2 2210 DB2 Lotus Domino Go WebServer (net.commerce edition) AS400 RS/6000 AS400 AS400 as400 AS/400 AS/400 ra6000 AIX Imperia Content Managment System 510T All Routers All Routers Intel PRO/Wireless 2011 Wireless LAN Access Point wireless lan access Point Whats up Gold 6.0 254 254 Jetform_design -

hostname/ip address netman netman admin admin admin Admin ami test fast none HELLO HELLO HELLO

sysadmin netman netman admin extendnet password admin Serial Num Serial Num test abd234 none MANAGER.SYS MGR.SYS FIELD.SUPPOR T CAROLIAN CCC COGNOS HPOFFICE qsecofr qsysopr qpgmr ncadmin password trade db2admin webibm QSECOFR ibm QSECOFR QSRVBAS QSRV QUSER superuser admin babbit babbit Intel comcomcom admin janta211 janta211 -

MGR MGR OPERATOR MANAGER qsecofr qsysopr qpgmr 3.2 ncadmin 2.1, 3.0, 4. username RIP def WinNT db2admin ANY ? Any AIX OS/400 OS/400 AIX Unix Unix/NT webadmin QSECOFR root QSECOFR QSRVBAS QSRV QUSER superuser

Any All Versions All Versions Any -

Windows 9x a admin compaq janta sales compaq janta sales Jetform -

LANCAST Lantronix Lantronix Lantronix

LPS1-T Print Server MSS100, MSSVIA, UDS10 LSB4 Printer and Lantronix terminalservers LGIC Goldstream Linkou School Linkou School Linksys Cable/DSL router Linksys BEFSR7(1) OR (4) linksys Linksys BEFSR41 Livingston Livingston_portmaster2/3 Livingston Livingston_officerouter Lucent Portmaster 2 Lucent Cajun Family lucent Portmaster 3 Lucent Packetstar (PSAX) Lucent AP-1000 lucent dsl lucent macromedia freehand MacSense X-Router Pro mcafee microcom hdms Micron Microrouter (Cisco) Any Microrouter (Cisco) Any Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft MICROSOFT Microsoft MICROSOFT Microsoft microsoft Microsoft microsoft mICROSOFT Microsoft Microsoft Motorola Motorola motorola msdloto msdloto Multi-Tech Nanoteq NetApp Netgaer Netgear Netgear Netgear Netgear Netgear Netgear netgear netlink Netopia Netopia Netscreen Windows NT Windows NT Windows NT SQL Server Windows NT NT NT Windows NT NT Ms proxy 2.0 Key Managment Server Motorola-Cablerouter Motorola-Cablerouter cyber surfer msdloto RASExpress Server NetSeq firewall NetCache RH328 RH348 ISDN-Router RH348 RT311 RT314 RT338 RT311/RT314 rt314 R7100 455 NS-5, NS10, NS-100

j11-16 Any any -

any any -

system system system system LR-ISDN bill bill admin admin admin blank blank none root !ishtar lucenttech1 public admin hdms letmein letmein pkooltPS start user admin user password router router none NetSeq NetCache 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 admin netscreen

2.5.1 LR-ISDN bill bill Any Standalone R blank (blank) !root !root !root root unknown !root readwrite public 9 admin unknowen system bios Any Any Administrato All r All Guest All Mail sa 4.0 pkoolt 4.0 free user 4.0 admin 4.0 free user Windows NT 4 cablecom cablecom 5.30a guest * admin any admin Any Admin Any Admin admin 4.6.2 admin v3.1 2.0 netscreen

NeXT Nokia - Telecom NZ M10 Nortel Meridian 1 PBX Contivity Extranet Nortel Switches Nortel Nortel Nortel Networks (Bay) Northern Telecom(Nortel) Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell Novell novell ODS Optivision Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle Oracle oracle oracle oracle co. Osicom(Datacom) Pandatel PlainTree RapidStream realtek Remedy Research Machines Rodopi ROLM Samba schoolgirl Securicor3NET Securicor3NET SGI SGI SGI SGI Norstar Modular ICS Norstar Modular ICS Instant Internet Meridian 1 NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare NetWare 1094 IS Chassis Nac 3000 & 4000 8i Internet Directory Service 7 or later 7 or later 7 or later 8i Database engines Osicom(Datacom) EMUX Waveswitch 100 RS4000-RS8000 8139 Any Classroom Assistant Rodopi billing software 'AbacBill' sql database phones/phone mail SWAT Package member Monet Cezzanne all Embedded Support Partner IRIX IRIX

NeXTStep 3.3 me Telecom OS Release 2 0000 2.x Any Any Any Any any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Any Arcserve Any 4.x any 8.1.6 any Any all every all Linux Any Windows 95 admin **ADMIN (**23646) **CONFIG (266344) guest PRINT LASER HPLASER PRINTER LASERWRITER POST MAIL GATEWAY GATE ROUTER BACKUP CHEY_ARCHSVR WINDOWS_PASS THRU ods root sys

Telecom 0000 setup ADMIN (23646) CONFIG (266344) m1link WONDERLAND ods mpegvideo change_on_in stall

cn=orcladmin welcome system sys Scott internal sys sysadm admin rsadmin Demo manager rodopi Any Local User ich manager manager root Administrato r lp OutOfBox, demos, guest, 4DGifts manager change_on_in stall Tiger oracle change_on_in stall sysadm admin default.pass word rsadmin changeme rodopi 111# Local User password hci friend friend n/a Partner lp (none by default)

Linux any any all IRIX 6.5.6 ALL ALL

SGI Shiva Shiva Shiva SMC soho Solaris sonic wall SonicWall SpeedStream Spider Systems Sprint PCS Ssangyoung Sun Sun surecom Symnatec SysKonnect SysKonnect Tekelec Telebit Terayon Terayon Terayon Terayon terayon Terrayon Titbas TopLayer Toshiba toshiba toshiba TrendMicro Trintech Ullu ka pattha USR Vina Technologies voy WatchGuard Webmin Webramp Win2000 Windows 98 se Wireless Inc. Xylan Xylan Xylan xyplex Zyxel zyxel Zyxel Zyxel Zyxel ZYXEL Zyxel Zyxel Zyxel zyxel

IRIX LanRover AccessPort Any? Barricade nbg800 any firewall device Any Firewall Device M250 / M250L SCH2000 SR2501 ep3501/3506 6616 6616 Eagle STP netblazer 3.* TeraLink Getaway TeraLink 1000 Controller TeraLink 1000 Controller TeraLink Getaway AppSwitch 2500 TR-650 480cdt ISVW (VirusWall) eAcquirer App/Data Servers Gand mara TOTALswitch ConnectReach FireBox Webmin 410i etc... Quick Time 4.0 98 se WaveNet 2458 Omnistack 1032CF Omnistack 4024 Omniswitch mx-16xx ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 prestige 300 series ISDN Router Prestige 100IH prestige 300 series prestige 600 series 641 ADSL prestige 128 modem-router ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 ISDN-Router Prestige 1000 -

ALL any? Any unknown admin see notes SunOS 4.1.4 Solaris own os 6.29 SCO Any V2.01.00 any Gandoo Any 3.6.2 3-4.6 Any Unix/Lin Englisch n/a 3.2.8 3.4.9 3.1.8 zynos 2.* any any any -

EZsetup root hello Guest admin password admin Menu - 8 - 0 (see notes) root admin default.pass word default.pass word eagle setup/snmp admin admin user user admin haasadm siteadmin admin admin t3admin Bhosda none (none) admin wradmin root admin admin admin setpriv -

hello blank admin 1234 password hello 040793 2501 surecom eagle setup/nopass wd password password password password nms lucy99 toplayer tr650 admin Trintech Lund amber (none) wg (touch password) trancell rootpass password password switch system 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 -

UNIX Quick Reference

Connect: -------telnet [host] Connect to host (25 (SMTP), 109/110 (POP3), 21 (FTP), 20 (FTP data) ) ssh [host] Secure telnet to host rlogin -l [username] Connect to host (no passwd necessary if in .rhost (host username) ) ftp -i File transfer with host (-i (don't promt when using mget), hash (status)) ftptool X-window based FTP prgram xhost +/- hostname Allow host to open X-Window on local machine (setenv DISPLAY locmach:0.0) talk [username@host] Talk to username write [username] Write directly to username, you must be on the same machine mesg -yes / -no Enable or disable receiving of messages logout, bye Disconnect from host passwd, yppasswd , chfn, chsh Change local or NIS password information slirp Slirp (conf: .slirprc) (options: -P -b 9600 "asyncmap FFFFFFFF" "mtu 1500" "mru 1500" compress ppp-exit debug papcrypt (save encrypted passwd in file ~/.pap-secrets)) pppd PPP (use chat -v to connect) (options: 9600 locIP:remIP asyncmap FFFFFFFF crtscts mru 1500) aspppd To automatically build a ppp-connection if needed httpd HTTP-Server (confiles: httpd.conf, srm.conf, access.conf) exit Log out from ssh, telnet, rlogin quit Log out from ftp File transfer and Mail: ----------------------mailx mailx -s [subject] [user] x (quit without changing), mails) ) telnet host 25 address), rcpt to: (rec address), telnet host 110 (or 109) uidl (listmails), retr [n] message n), quit) get mget wild char) put Connect info: ------------who w like processes and load finger [-l @host] finger [user] whois [-h host name] rusers connected users whoami id last -n [num] by user or terminal Network: -------nslookup

Read mails Send mail to user

("." (finish)

q (quit),

n (next), d (delete), r (reply), h (display SMTP (helo (authorize), mail from: (snd data (mail body), "." (finish) ) POP3 (user [username], pass [password], (retrive message n), dele [n] (delete Get file from ftp-host Get multiple files from ftp-host (can use Copy file to ftp-host

Who is connected Similar to who just displays more info, Display info about logged on users Display info about user Scans for a name or handle Scans the whole remote network for Display the effective current username List user & group ids List the num last users who have logged in,

Query domain name servers interactively

route Routing (add host/net target gateway 0) netstat -nr Routing table. Show network status ifconfig [device] Show the stats of network device, or all devices: -a ifconfig lo0:1 up Enables a previously added route (very important!) Put this at the end of the file: /etc/init.d/ traceroute [hostname] Tracing IP packet from this host to hostname Jobs: ----jobs ps $USER) CTRL + Z kill [pid] / CTRL + C immediately) bg calling fg fg [num] comm & nohup comm & terminal is down CTRL + U CTRL + S CTRL + Q Directories: -----------pwd directory cd [dirname] dirname wil go to your home ~username moves you to mkdir rm, rmdir [dirname] dircmp ln -s [realpath alias] df -bk disktool -u [dir] fsck interactive repair Files: -----ls -l (don't list contents of a folder),

List jobs running in the background List current processes (ps -aef | grep Suspend Kill a job (use pid returned by ps; -9 exit Send to background. Returns num to use when Send to foreground Execute command in background Continue execution of command even when New commandline Stop output Continue

Display the pathname of the current working Change to directory dirname (cd without directory, cd .. moves one directory up, cd username's homedir) Make directory Remove (unlink) files or directories Compare directories Make symbolic links to files Report free disk space on file systems Display disk usage o directory File system consistency check and

List files

(-a (list invisible files), -d

-R (recursively subdir listing) ) mv [old new] Move or rename a file or directory (no -r needed) cp [-r file] Copy file (-r (copy directory) ) tar -cf - [source] | (cd [target]; tar -xfvp-;) Fast copying using tar (p: keep permissions, v: verbose) cd [source]; tar -cf - . | (cd [target]; tar -xfvBp - ) Another possibility (p: keep permissions) rm [-rf file] Remove file (-f (don't prompt user), -r (remove directory) ) perl -p -i.old -e 's/oldstring/newstrin/g' *.txt Search and replace of a string in multiple files chmod [o+r file] Change access for file (-R recursively) {u=rw,og+r,a-w} chmod [ugo] 4=r 6=rw 5=rx 7=rwx {644=rw_r__r__} umask [x] Without param=disp with=set {27=rwxr_x__ 67=rwx______} chown [user:group file] Change owner of file chgrp [group] Change the group ownership of a file more [file] Type file (b=back, v=VI, /[string] (search for string) ) cat [file1 file2] > targetfile Concatenate files

catman split -b [bytes file] csplit context dd formats find [path criteria] [n] (changed n days ago),

Create the cat files for the manual Split file to packets with size bytes Split a file with respect to a given Convert and copy files with various data Searches for files (-name ['name'] -mtime

-atime [n] (last read n days ago), -group [gname]) volcheck Mount floppy, content will become visible in /floppy/floppy0 eject After leaving the /floppy/floppy0 directory ejetct the disk fdformat Format a floppy for UNIX fddisk -fmt -f /dev/rfd0a Format a floppy on trevano mformat a: Format a floppy for MS-DOS mcopy [unixfile a:dosfile] Copy to a dos disk or the other way round mdel [a:dosfile] Delete a MS-DOS file dos2unix [file] Convert text file from MS-DOS format to Unix/ISO format unix2dos [file] Convert text file from Unix-ISO format to MS-DOS format mcopy [unixfile a:dosfile] Copy to a dos disk (better use the directory /floppy/floppy0) xhfs Use Mac disks (HFS file system) hfs Use Mac disks (mount /vol/dev/aliases/floppy0, copyin, copyout, dir) perl -p -i.old -e 's/\r/\n/g' [files] Replaces returns with linefeeds (convert from mac to unix or dos to unix) diff [file1] [file2] Compares two files and display line-by-line differences diff3 Display line-by-line differences between 3 files diffmk Mark differences between versions of a troff input file touch [filename] Update the access and modification times of a file mkfile Create a file (e.g. for swap space) Programming: -----------make regenerate programs and files cc gcc [file.c] g++ [file.C] cxx adb, dbx dbxtool debugger cxref cflow javac [] pc Compression: -----------gzip [file] gunzip [file] tar -cvf [targetfile.tar] [source] files tar -xvf [file] tar -tvf [file] archive compress [file] uncompress [file] zcat [file] Printing: --------lpr [-P[printer] file] -#2 (two copies) )

Build source code. Maintain, update, and C Compiler C Compiler C++ Compiler C++ Compiler Debugger SunView interface for the dbx source-level Generate a C program cross-reference Generate a flow graph for a C program JAVA-Compiler Pascal compiler

Compress file (.gz) Decompress file (.gz) Create archive (.tar) from multiple source Unpack archive (.tar) List archive (.tar) doesn't expand the Compress file (.Z) Decompress file (.Z) Display expanded contents

Print file on printer

(-K2 (double sided),

lp [-d[printer] file] -n2 (two copies) ) lp cancel lpc lprm mapge -[num] -h [file] | lpr option) nenscript [-p- file] nenscript [-p- file] | lpr lpq lprm [job-ID] lpstat -a lptest psp1 [file] / psp2 [file] a2ps Other Commands: --------------man [comm] apropos [expr] where [comm] grep, egrep, fgrep [expr] case sensitive), -c (count cut file cut [-c Num-Num] [comm] > [file] [comm] >> [file] [comm] < [file] [comm1] | [comm2] lynx (quit), left (back), enter

Print file on printer

(-K2 (double sided),

Cancel requests to a printer Line printer control program Remove jobs from the printer queue Print num pages on one page with header (-h Translate file to Postscript (stdout) Translate file to PS and print it List queue Remove job from queue List all available printers Generate lineprinter ripple pattern Print text (user defined script) Convert text files to ps (nicely formatted)

Get info about command (-k keyword) Get info about related commands Show path of command Filters out lines containing expr (-i (not only), -v (inverse) ) Remove selected fields from each line of a Cuts lists Write output of command to file Append output of command to file Content of file => input of command Output of command1 => input of command2 Text based version of netscape (g (go), q

(follow link), Search: alias [alias comm] Define alias for long commands stty Set or alter the options for a terminal stty erase \^\? Set erase key to backspace (or other terminal settings) h Display history (on trevano only) echo [$var] Print value of var or expr {HOME, PATH, SHELL, USER, PRINTER, DISPLAY} setenv [var val] Set var to val {HOME, PATH, SHELL, USER, PRINTER, DISPLAY} CTRL + ARROW Switch workspace xsetroot -solid blue Set background xinit Initialize X-Server (use strtx to start XServer) rup [hostname] Status of host boot sd(0,6,2) Boot from CD-ROM (check with probe-scsi first) halt / fasthalt Shut down (root only) boot Reboot the system halt Halt the system fastboot Reboot the system without checking the disks fasthalt Halt the system without checking the disks su Become super user (or any other user) starting NFS /usr/lib/nfs start all apps there perl -p -i.old -e 's/oldstring/newstrin/g' *.txt Search and replace of a string in multiple files clear Clear screen nslookup Resolve domain names (server [dnsserver] (specify damain e.g: adduser procedure for adding new users arch display the architecture of the current host at, batch execute a command or script at a specified time atq display the queue of jobs to be run at specified times atrm remove jobs spooled by at or batch automount automatically mount NFS file systems awk pattern scanning and processing language banner display a string in large letters bar create tape archives, and add or extract files basename, dirname display portions of pathnames and filenames

biff give notice of incoming mail messages cal display a calendar calendar a simple reminder service cb a simple C program beautifier click enable or disable the keyboard's keystroke click clock display the time in an icon or window cmdtool run a shell (or program) using the SunView text facility cmp perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files colrm remove characters from specified columns within each line config build system configuration files cpio copy file archives in and out crontab install, edit, remove or list a user's crontab file ctrace generate a C program execution trace date display or set the date dc desk calculator devinfo print out system device information dkinfo report information about a disk's geometry and partitioning dname print RFS domain and network names domainname set or display name of the current NIS domain dos SunView window for IBM PC/AT applications du display the number of disk blocks used per directory or file dump, rdump incremental file system dump dumpfs dump file system information edquota edit user quotas eeprom EEPROM display and load utility enablenumlock, disablenumlock enable or disable the numlock key env obtain or alter environment variables for command execution eqn, neqn, checkeq typeset mathematics error categorize compiler error messages, insert at responsible source file lines expand, unexpand expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa exportfs export and unexport directories to NFS clients exports, xtab directories to export to NFS clients expr evaluate arguments as a logical, arithmetic, or string expression extract_patch extract and execute patch files from installation tapes extract_unbundled extract and execute unbundled-product installation scripts factor, primes factor a number, generate large primes file determine the type of a file by examining its contents fmt, fmt_mail simple text and mail-message formatters fold fold long lines for display on an output device of a given width fonftlip create Sun386i-style vfont file fontedit a vfont screen-font editor format disk partitioning and maintenance utility fortune print a random, hopefully interesting, adage from display the sender and date of newly-arrived mail messages fstab, mtab static filesystem mounting table, mounted filesystems table f77 running Fortran on Suns gfxtool run graphics programs in a SunView window groups display a user's group memberships gterm virtual graphics terminal for the SunView environment gxtest stand alone test for the Sun video graphics board head display first few lines of specified files hostid print the numeric identifier of the current host hostname set or print name of current host system hosts host name data base hosts.equiv, .rhosts trusted remote hosts and users iconedit create and edit images for SunView icons, cursors and panel items id print the user name and ID, and group name and ID imtool image display server for the SunView environment indent indent and format a C program source file iostat report I/O statistics join relational database operator lastcomm show the last commands executed, in reverse order

ld, link editor, dynamic link editor ldd list dynamic dependencies leave remind you when you have to leave lex lexical analysis program generator logname get the name by which you logged in look find words in the system dictionary or lines in a sorted list mach display the processor type of the current host mail, Mail read or send mail messages mailtool SunView interface for the mail program mkfs construct a file system mkproto construct a prototype file system mount, umount mount and unmount file systems mt magnetic tape control nawk pattern scanning and processing language newaliases rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file newfs create a new file system nice run a command at low priority nl line numbering filter nroff format documents for display or line-printer od octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and ascii dump pagesize display the size of a page of memory paste join corresponding lines of several files, or subsequent lines of one file perfmeter display system performance values in a meter or strip chart ping send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts pr prepare file for printing, perhaps in multiple columns printenv display environment variables currently set pstat print system facts quota display a user's disk quota and usage rc, rc.boot, rc.local command scripts for auto-reboot and daemons rcp remote file copy rdate set system date from a remote host rdist remote file distribution program reboot restart the operating system renice alter nice value of running processes repquota summarize quotas for a file system restore, rrestore incremental file system restore rev reverse the order of characters in each line rsh remote shell ruptime show host status of local machines script make typescript of a terminal session sdiff contrast two text files by displaying them side-byside sed stream editor sh shell, the standard UNIX system command interpreter and command-level language shelltool run a shell (or other program) in a SunView terminal window showmount show all remote mounts shutdown close down the system at a given time sleep suspend execution for a specified interval sort sort and collate lines spell, hashmake, spellin, hashcheck report spelling errors spline interpolate smooth curve strings find printable strings in an object file or binary strip remove symbols and relocation bits from an object file sundiag system diagnostics suninstall install and upgrade the SunOS operating system sunview the SunView window environment swapon specify additional device for paging and swapping symorder rearrange a list of symbols sync update the super block; force changed blocks to the disk tabs set tab stops on a terminal tail display the last part of a file tbl format tables for nroff or troff tcopy copy a magnetic tape tee replicate the standard output tektool SunView Tektronix 4014 terminal-emulator window test return true or false according to a conditional expression textedit SunView window- and mouse-based text editor time time a command

toolplaces other attributes tput tr trace traffic troff tset, reset tsort tty tunefs uniq units unmount, umount uptime users vacation vi, view, vedit vipw vmstat wall wc whatis whereis a command which yes

display current SunView window locations, sizes, and initialize a terminal or query the terminfo database translate characters trace system calls and signals SunView program to display Ethernet traffic typeset or format documents establish or restore terminal characteristics topological sort display the name of the terminal tune up an existing file system remove or report adjacent duplicate lines conversion program remove a file system show how long the system has been up display a compact list of users logged in reply to mail automatically visual display editor based on ex edit the password file report virtual memory statistics write to all users logged in display a count of lines, words and characters display a one-line summary about a keyword locate the binary, source, and manual page files for locate a command; display its pathname or alias be repetitively affirmative

CSH: ---csh is a shell (command interpreter) with a C-like syntax and advanced interactive features csh, %, @, alias, bg, break, breaksw, case, continue, default, dirs, else, end, endif, endsw, eval, exec, exit, fg, foreach, glob, goto, hashstat, history, if, jobs, label, limit, logout, notify, onintr, popd, pushd, rehash, repeat, set, setenv, shift, source, stop, suspend, switch, then, umask, unalias, unhash, unlimit, unset, unsetenv, while Important directories and files: -------------------------------~/.fvmrc ~/.dtwmrc ~/.dt/* of launch pad), other DTWM ~/.tcshrc ~/.cshrc ~/.login executed once) ~/.rhosts ~/.httpusers ~/.pap-secrets ~/.slirprc ~/.ppprc ~/public_html /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/gnu/bin /usr/sbin /usr/share/man /dev disk drives /vol /etc (startup e.g. S72inetsvc (routing) (DNS IP addresses), hosts, shells (users and their shell and its service), nsswitch.conf (in resolving), ppp/ (pap-secrets and

Window mangager configuration (FVWM) Window mangager configuration (DTWM) (errorlog, startlog, icons, types (setting resources) TC-Shell settings C-Shell settings Login script (for desktop login only, Remote hosts file Alowed users for secret pages PAP secrets for slirp Slirp and ppp config files Home Page directory Applications More applications Gnu stuff like g++, gcc, gzip and more System tools Manual files Devices like ttya (serial port), audio and Automounted volumes (rc2 (things to do at startup), rc2.d passwd, shadow (passwords), resolve.conf ftpusers (users who can't access ftp), important for ftp), services (port numer colum hosts we have to write dns to use dns

[interfacename] (hostname associated (mounting table), ssh_* (ssh stuff) /usr/var/log /usr/local/WWW/logs /var/adm startup process (for debugging /var/spool/mail /usr/local/WWW /usr/local/etc/httpd /usr/dt/config/C/* (Configuration file for the Login

other ppp settings), nodename, hostname. with this interface e.g. le0), fstab ) Home Page Log on SUN Home Page Log on OSF1 messages (Messages from applications and purposes), sulog) Mail (on SUN: /var/mail) WWW-directory (e.g. settings and CGI) WWW-directory on gummibaum Default desktop settings (Xresources

Manager), sys.dtwmrc (default windowmangager configuration), and others) /soft/public/X11/lib/fvwm/system.fvwmrc System fvwmrc file /etc/ Welcome message (before login in) VI: --<ESC> i I a A o O J r R x dd D h / l j / k w,b,e H L M G p ctrl + f ctrl + b :/[string] :?[string] :[n] :w :q :x Navigation inside more, man... -----------------------------SPACE B ENTER Q X-Windows Progs: ---------------xterm / dtterm xmailtool / mailtool emacs / textedit xcalc xv xlock xset Alias: ------alias ls Moves one page down Moves one page up Moves one line down Quit

Command mode Insert Insert at beginning of a line Insert after Insert at the end of the line Insert a line below Insert a line above Connect this and the next line Change char Overwrite Delete char Delete line Delete rest of line Move left / right Move down / up Move cursor one word Home End Middle Go to bottom Undo Page down Page up Search for string Search backwards Goto line n Save Exit Save & exit

Terminal Mail Word processor Calculator Graphic viewer and converter Lock up X-Win settings

ls -l

List in long format

alias rm rm -rf prompting user alias cp cp -r alias df df -bk alias ps ps -aef | grep $USER alias txt2ps nenscript -palias psp1 /~/Script/psprint1 alias psp2 /~/Script/psprint2

Remove files and directories without Copy files and directories Display free space and used space in bytes List all jobs of user Translate text to PostScript (stdout) Print text on dali Print text on ps2

Shell: -----starts with: #!/bin/sh, contains command lines, must have x-permission, start with ./Scriptname, *=any string (except .), ?=any char, [a-d]=any char from a to d (lower case), be carefull with special chars &=\&, to execute at a specific time use: at hh:mm +[minutes] minutes < Scriptname, to divert to nirvana stout: >&- or stin: <&AltaVista: ---------Standard: <+>="AND" <space>="OR" Advanced: AND OR NEAR URL () NEAR 3.0) )

(e.g: apple* AND ((quicktime OR video)

Netscape: --------about:image-cache about:memory-cache about:cache protocol://name:password@domain/path/filename.extension#anchor?parametermeter

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