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SCHS Nursing Specialist Exam Model 1

1. The normal adult pulse is

X 60 - 80 Beat/minute 60 100 Beat/minute X 50 - 70 Beat/minute X 70 - 80
( 001 06 ) ( 08 06 ) :
( 08 07 ) ( 07 05 )
2. The systolic pressure in lower extremities is usually higher than upper extremities by :

X 10 mmHg 15 mmHg X 5 mmHg X 20 mmHg

51 01 :
02 5

3. The best position for post - operative patient to maintain a patent airway is:
X Lateral position with neck extended X Semi fowlers position X Prone position
Supine position with face lateral

4. The doctor applied a leg cast of a patient with leg fracture. following casting , the

nurse should first check patient's toes for:

X Increase in temperature X Change in color Edema X Movement
( )
5. Following a radical mastectomy, the patient should be positioned:
On her un operative side X On her operative side X In semi - fowler's with her
affected arm flat on bed X In semi-fowlers with her affected arm elevated

6. During a retention catheter or bladder irrigation, the nurse must use
X Sterile equipment & wear sterile gloves Sterile equipment &maintain medical
asepsis X Clean equipment & maintain surgical asepsis X Clean equipment &
: ,

7. Following total hip replacement , immediately post operative you would expect orders
to include
X Head of bed elevated to 45 C angle X Buck's traction unit 1 hip can be put through
range of motion X Turn on operative side only immediately post operatively
Operative leg maintain in abduction

54 , :

8. Mr. ali, a construction worker, is seen in the ER with low blood pressure, normal

pulse, cool skin temperature and weakness. these are clinical signs of
X Heat stroke X Heat cramp Heat exhaustion X Hypothermia
: , ,

9. Which of the followings would be an appropriate site for taking a pulse in 2-year - old
Apical X Redial X Brachial X Femoral

10.A 21-year-old, female patient asking when she should do the self-examination for the

breast during the month. The nurse should answer :

X Any time you think of it On the last day of your menstrual period X At the
same time each month X On the first day of your menstrual period
12 :

11.Which of the followings could contribute to causing a nosocomial infection

X Taping a plastic bag to the bed rail for tissue disposal X Placing a folly bag on the
bed when transferring a client X Using betadine to cleans the skin before starting an
IV line Washing hands before applying a dressing.

12.The nurse employs surgical aseptic techniques when he is :

X Inserting an intravenous catheter X Disposing of syringes in puncture _proof

containers placing soiled linen in moisture resistant bags X Washing hands
before changing a dressing

13.The overall rule for avoiding accidents with equipments in the hospital, the nurse

Never operate any equipment without prior instruction X Always lock wheels X
Always unplug equipments when moving the client X Never use equipments without
a person to help her

14.Pressure ulcer forms primarily as a result of

X Prolonged illness or diseases Restricted mobility X Nitrogen buildup in the

underlying tissues X Poor nutrition

15.When turning a client, the nurse noticed a reddened area on the coccyx. what skin

care interventions should the nurse use on this area :

X Hydrogen peroxide X Normal saline solution X Povidone-iodine Clean and dry
the area and add a protective moisturizer
, :

16.When assessing a patients medication history, the nurse should : -

X Only is interested in prescribed medications taken. X Know the names of all

medications kept in the patients home Record all non-prescribed medications &
prescribed medications X only be interested in non-prescribed medication being
, :

17.Preparations coated to dissolve in the intestines and not in the stomach are referred to

as : Enteric coated X Sustained action X Lozenges X A tablet within a tablet

18.For accurate drug administration the nurse should -: read the drug label
X 2 times 3 times X 4 times X 5 times

5 4 3 :

19.All of the followings are examples of mild allergy symptoms that may occur in

response to antibiotic therapy except

X Urticaria ) redness ( X Rash X Pruritis ) itching ( Wheezing
, :

20.For which client is the oral rout of administration appropriate?

X Client D who has vomited twice in the last hour. X Client E who is complaining of
a severe headache
Client F whose assessment reveals an absence of bowel sounds X Client G who
is only responsive to painful stimuli.

21.Which of the following organs is a primary site for the metabolism of drugs
Liver X Heart X Pancreas X Intestine


22.Is it necessary for the nurse to wear gloves during administration of an intermittent

feeding through a NG tube?

X Yes, because it is a sterile procedure. Yes, because universal precautions must
be maintained. X No, because it is not a sterile procedure. X No, because there is no
danger of contact with body fluid if the procedure is performed correctly
, ,
23.IM injection into the deltoid muscle should be limited to :X 2.5 ml of solution X 2 ml
of solution X 1 ml of solution 0.5 ml of solution
5,0 1 2 5,2 ,

24.A primary concern when giving heparin S/C is to prevent :

X Pain and bruising. X Pain and bleeding Bleeding and bruising X Injecting a vein
, :

25.20 minutes after receiving his noon dose of oral medication, the patient vomits. to

assure accuracy in medication administration the first thing the nurse should do is to:
Contact the physician X Report the situation to the head nurse X Administer
another dose of medication X Examine the vomits for signs of medication
, , 02 :

26.Which of the following routs for drug administration is the most common , least
expensive , safest , and best tolerated by patient
X Intramuscular Oral X Topical X Intravenous

27.The medication order is for indomethacin. p.o. 50mg, bid, this drug is irritating to the
stomach mucosa . for this reason the nurse should :
X Give the medication one hour before meals. X Give the medication 2 hour after
meals. X Ask the physician for an IV preparation Have food available when
administering the medication
: , 05

28.You are preparing to administer Mrs. Carters eye drops. the correct position for her

to assume would be :
X Head tilted forward, placing the drops in the conjunctival sac. X Head tilted
forward, placing the drops directly on the eyeball Head tilted backward, placing
the drops in the lower conjunctiva. X Head tilted backward, placing the drops
directly on the eyeball.

, :

29.Which of the following is true concerning a S/C injection : Up to 2 cc of water-

soluble medication can be given by the S/C route X A bleb indicates that the
medication has been properly injected X Drug absorption is slower than with the I.M
route X 0.2 cc of air should be drawn in the syringe before administration
2 :

30.When giving medication, the label should be checked 3 times . which of the

following is not one of these times ?

X When the nurse reaches for the container when the nurse located the drug on
the shell X Immediately prior to pouring medication X When replacing the container
to the drawer or shelf.
, :

31.What body function is essential for adequate drug absorption?

X Adequate receptor sites X Adequate liver function. X Adequate kidney function

adequate blood supply

32.Which of the followings is the reason for using the Z tract technique for injections X

For medication of over 5cc in quantity X For medication that stains the tissue For
medication that is highly irritating to subcutaneous tissue X For medication that
cannot be given orally
5 )
( Z :

33.While checking Mr. Appendectomys vital signs , he requests his medication for the

pain in his incision, the vital signs were: BP 100/60 , T 98.4 F , P 66 , RR 10

.you decide he may not have the Morphine sulfate injection at this time due to which
vital signs reading
Respiration X Blood pressure X Pulse X Temperature
,....... ,
, :

34.The Normal intra-ocular pressure
X 15-20 mmHg 20-25 mmHg X 30-35 mmHg X 10-15 mmHg
( 53 03 ) ( 52 02 ) ( 02 51 )
( 51 01 )

35.After 12 hours of delivery the fundus is at the level of


X One fingerbreadth above the umbilicus. X At the level of umbilicus. X Below

symphysis pubis one fingerbreadth below the umbilicus.
, 21 :

36.In dystocia, the mother should be watched for :-

X Hypertension. X Cord prolapse. Post-partum hemorrhage. X Fetal death.


37.In the first trimester of pregnancy the vaccination to avoid: Rubella. X Polio X

Measles. X Small pox.


38.Patient with hemopneumothorax had an ICD inter costal drainage in the right side

what position the patient should be to promote drainage?

X Leg raised Semi sitting X Left side [unaffected] X Right side [affected]

, :

39.The vitamin that is responsible for coagulation of the blood is :-

X Vit E X Vit A X Vit C . Vit K

E A C K :
40.The most common sign of dehydration :-

X Low body temperature X High body temperature Loss of skin turgor. X


41.Most of the metabolic changes of drugs occur in :-

Liver X Lungs X Stomach X Circulation

42.The difference in close & open fracture is that , in open fracture you have to watch for
X Infection Hemorrhage X Inflammation X Pain

43.A wound is inflamed if there is :-

X Redness X Swelling X Pus All of the above

44.Epinephrine is not given via :-

X IV route X Parental route Oral route X Intracardiac route

45.To detect the effectiveness of a resuscitation [CPR], you should notice:

Constricted pupils X Dilated pupils X Non-reacting pupils X A symmetrical pupils


46.To prevent oral mucosa infection, instruct the patient to use what Q 4 hrs.

X Glycerin oil Warm saline gargle X Antibiotic X Warm gargle with mineral oil
: , 4

47.One of the vital care after cholecystectomy
X Bed rest X Low salt diet X Low protein diet Low fat diet

48.For X-ray of upper GI tract , the nurse should instruct -:the patient to
.X Take Laxative in the previous day .X Keep NPO 8-12 hours before . Keep
Normal diet .X Take High fat diet
, :
8 21

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