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SCHS Nursing Specialist Exam Model 3

1. The first nursing intervention for the patient with bleeding disorders is
X Give Voltaren I.M Prevent bleeding X Take vital signs X All of the above

2. The inflammation of the gum is called:

X Stomatitis Gingivitis X Esophagitis X Tonsillitis

3. The first nursing care for a patient with falling down is :
X Give O2 X Gastric lavage Check level of consciousness X None of the above

4. The fontanel that is diamond in shape and closed after one year in the infant is
X Anterior fontanel Posterior fontanel X Lateral fontanel X None of the above

5. The white to yellow powder that covers the face of the newborn and results from
the skin secretions is called
X Vernix caseosa Milia X Nevus X Lanugo

6. The growth and development stage that begins at 3 years of age is
X Infancy X Toddler Preschool X School age
: 3

7. Lethargy is present in which endocrine disorder:

Hypothyroidism X Hypoparathyroidism X Hyperthyroidism X

8. The 2nd dose of hepatitis B should be given
X After birth X 1 month after birth
2 months after birth X 3 months after birth

9. In the nursing process, the data collection is happened in :
Assessment X Diagnosis X Planning X Evaluation
: ,

All of the followings are sources of data collection except one:

X Client Interview X Family X Medical records

Measuring the client response to the nursing action is:
X Assessment X Diagnosis X Planning Evaluation
In physical examination, using the sense of touch is called:
X Inspection Palpation X Percussion X Auscultation
: ,

The device that is used for measuring blood pressure is called:
X Thermometer X Spirometer Sphygmomanometer X Hammer

The third step in nursing process is:
X Assessment Planning X Diagnosis X Implementation
: ,

The baby with Apgar score of 2 is considered
With severe distress
X Moderate difficulty X Normal X None of the above
: 2

The newborn is considered hyperglycemic if the blood glucose is :
X 50 mg/100cm 110 mg/100cm X 70 mg/100cm X 80 mg/100cm
80 70 110 50 :
Which of the followings is anticoagulant drug:
X Adrenaline X Atropine X Insulin Heparin
The phase that begins with the patient transferred to the recovery room is
X Perioperative phase X Preoperative phase
Postoperative phase X Intraoperative phase

The angle of insertion for I.D injection is:

15 X 45 X 30 X 90
intradermal ( ) :

The drug that is used in the treatment of sinus tachycardia is:
X Atropine X Adenosine Inderal X None of the above

The instrument that is used to examine the ear is:
Otoscope X Ophthalmoscope X Laryngoscope X None of the above
The most suitable position to assess the abdomen is:
X Prone position X Sitting position Supine position X Standing position


The most common nursing care for the patient with edema is:
X Administer prescribed medications Elevate the leg above heart level X Check
vital signs frequently X All of the above
( : )


Morphine injection is given to the patients with M.I, this drug is classified as:
X Analgesic X Anticoagulant X Thrombolytic Narcotic
, :

The blood pressure of 160/90 mmHg is considered:
X Normal Hypertension X Hypotension X Tachycardia
09\051 :
If the blood pressure of a patient is 150/100 mmHg, then the pulse pressure is:
X 150 X 100 50 X None of the above
(Pulse pressure =systolic pressure diastolic pressure) 100\150

When the pulse of the patient is 130 B/m, this is called:

X Hypertension X Tachypnea Tachycardia X Bradycardia

All of the followings respiratory rates :for adult are normal except one
X 14 b/m X 15 b/m X 20 b/m
22 b/m
51 41 :
22 02
The first nursing care for a patient with drug abuse is :
X Give O2 X Gastric lavage Check level of consciousness X None of the above


Before taking vital signs, what you should do:

X Hand washing X Explain the procedure X Prepare the equipment All of the above
: ,

Immediate management for reaction during blood transfusion :
X Slow down the rate Stop blood transfusion X Change blood X Administer
antihistamine injection
transfusion with a :
new pack

The suitable diet for the patient with hyperthyroidism is
X Low salt diet X Low protein diet X Low sugar diet High calorie diet
: .

The first management of unconscious victim is :
X Administer shock X Administer oxygen X Check blood pressure Determine

Best diagnostic test for suspected :leukemia is:
X CBC X Blood chemistry Bone marrow aspiration X PT


-: There is no vaccination for
Small pox X Measles X DPT X Polio
When the patient is diaphoretic , there is tachycardia and decrease blood
pressure , he is experiencing :
X Neurogenic shock. Hypovolemic shock X Hypothermia X Septicemia
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When the skin , whole epidermis , dermis and the underlying structures are
affected in a burn , it is called :
X First degree burn X Second degree burn Third degree burn X Fourth degree burn
Dysuria means:
X Inability to urinate X Frequent urination Pain with urination X Decrease urine

The type of anesthesia that affect the lower half of the body is:
X General anesthesia Spinal anesthesia X Local anesthesia X Partial anesthesia
( ) :

As a child increases in age , pulse and respiratory rates should :
X Increase Decrease X Remain unchanged X Stabilize at the adult level
: ,

The first nursing care for a patient with COPD is:
X Give O2 in high concentration Administer prescribed bronchodilators X Put the
patient in lateral position X All of the above

A must important nursing measure in the prevention of thrombophlebitis for
the post-partum patient is :
X Elastic stocking Early ambulation X Anticoagulant X Isometric exercise

When a patient is vomiting postoperatively , the most important nursing
objective is to prevent :
X Dehydration Aspiration X Rupture of suture line X Metabolic acidosis

Surgical patients should be taught to perform leg exercises for the main
purpose of:
X Preventing muscle atrophy X Preventing joint degeneration Improving circulation
X Preventing boredom

Which of the following lab. tests must be done on a patient with major burns ,
prior to administration of antibiotics :
X Complete blood account Wound culture X Type and cross match X Sensitivity

The most suitable site for taking temperature in unconscious patient is:
X Oral Axillary X Rectaly X Tympanic

At what age the immunization should be started:

X At 6 months of age X At 2 months X After 1 months After birth

: 6

Digoxin should be withheld to a patient with an apical pulse rate of below :
X 45 60 X 70 X 80
: 80 70 60 45

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