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SCHS Nursing Specialist Exam Model 6

1. ,When explaining to a client about the iron supplement you should instruct the client
to take the iron with which of the following to promote maximum absorption
Tea Orange Milk Chocolate
. , c

2. Which of the following drugs would the nurse expect to administer to the client

receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate if the client develops magnesium toxicity?

Diazepam (valium), Calcium gluconate, Vitamin K, Protamine sulfate

3. Which of the following instructions would the nurse include when teaching the who
is to receive digoxin?
To take digoxin with a full glass of water, To take digoxin with meal, To take digoxin
after meal, To take digoxin 1 hour before eating

4. The physician orders digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.15 mg PO daily for a child. The pharmacy

supplies the digoxin in liquid form at a concentration of 0.05 mg/ml. How much of
the medication should the nurse administer at each dose
0.2 ml, 0.5 ml, 3 ml, 5 ml
: , 51,0
3 0,5 0,2 ,) 1 50,0 (

5. A client has been hospitalized after an automobile accident. A full leg cast was
applied in the emergency room. The most important reason for the nurse to elevate
the casted leg is to :
X X X Improve venous return, Reduce the drying time, Decrease irritation to the
skin, Promote the client's comfort
: . ,

6. When caring for a client receiving warfarin (Coumadin), which lab test would the
nurse monitor to determine therapeutic response to the drug?
X X X Bleeding time, Prothrombin time (PT), Partial thromboplastin time (PTT),
Coagulation time

7. The nurse is teaching a client how to collect a clean catch urine specimen. What is

the appropriate sequence to teach the client?

X X X Void a little, clean the meatus, then collect specimen Clean the meatus, then
urinate into container Void continuously and catch some of the urine, Clean the
meatus, begin voiding, then catch urine stream
: ,

8. A client is admitted to the emergency room following an acute asthma attack. Which

of the following assessments would be expected by the nurse?

X X X Productive cough, Fever and Chills, Expiratory wheezing, Nausea and
: ,
( (

9. A child is brought to the emergency room because he was injured on the school
playground and appears to have a fractured leg. The first action of the nurse:
X X X Assess the child and the extent of the injury, Apply cold compresses to the
injured area, Immobilize the limb and joints above and below the injury, Apply cast
to the leg
: ,

10.A 14 month-old child ingested half a bottle of aspirin tablets. Which of the

following would the nurse expect to see in the child?

X X X Edema, Epistaxis, Dyspnea, Hypothermia
( ( , 41 :

11.A client has been admitted to the coronary care unit with a myocardial infarction.

Which nursing diagnosis should have priority?

X X X Risk for constipation, Risk for dysarrhythmia, Anxiety related to pain, Pain
related to ischemia
,) (

12.A nurse is stuck in the hand by an exposed used needle. What immediate action

should the nurse take?

X X X See the policy of needle stick, Contact employee services, Immediately
wash the hands vigorously, Inform the supervisor
, :

13.The nurse is having difficulty reading the physicians written order that was left just

before the shift change. What action should be taken?

X X X Call the physician for clarification, Leave the order to the second shift,
Ask the pharmacy for assistance, Ask the charge nurse for assistance
, :

14.An adult client is found to be unresponsive . After checking for responsiveness and

calling for help, the next action that should be taken by the nurse is to:
X X X Give 2 rescue breaths, Open the airway, Check the carotid pulse, Give
: , ,

15.A client has an order for 1000 ml of D5W over an 8 hour period. The nurse

discovers that 800 ml has been infused after 4 hours. What is the priority nursing
X X X Tell the client to void, Ask the client about any problems, Take vital signs,
Auscultate the lungs
: 008 , 8 0001
. 4

16.A client is admitted with a diagnosis of hepatitis B. In reviewing the initial

laboratory results, the nurse would expect to find elevation in which of the following
X X X Acid phosphatase, Blood urea nitrogen, Bilirubin , Hemoglobin
: , ,

17.A 14 month-old had cleft palate surgical repair several days ago. After discharge,
Which lunch is the best ?example of an appropriate meal
X X X Soup, ice cream, milk , Hot dog and milk, Sandwich chips and milk,
Chicken and milk

41 , :

18.The nurse is assessing a 12 year-old who has hemophilia A. Which finding would
the nurse ?anticipate
X X X An excess of red blood cells, A deficiency of clotting factor VIII , An
excess of white blood cells, A deficiency of clotting factor VIII and IX

= A = B
21 , :

19.The nurse is assessing a client with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Which of the

?following signs and/or symptoms would the nurse anticipate finding

X X X Increase in white blood cells, Rapid respiration, Diaphoresis, Swelling of
lower extremity
, :

20.The nurse is performing a physical assessment on a client with insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus. Which ?client finding calls for immediate nursing action
X X X Reduced lower leg sensation, Thirst, Diaphoresis , Hunger
( ( :

21.The nurse is planning care for a client with increased intracranial pressure. The best

position for this client is :

X X X Semi-fowlers position, Trendelenburg position, Prone position, Side-lying
: ( ( 51 03

22.A young child is admitted for treatment of lead poisoning. The nurse recognizes that
the most serious effect of chronic lead poisoning is :
X X X Renal damage, Central nervous system damage, Anemia, Growth
, :
( (
23.A 74 year-old male is admitted due to inability to void. He has not voided in 14
hours. When assessing for bladder distention, the best method for the nurse to use is
to assess for :

X X X Urinary discharge, Left lower quadrant distention, Lower abdominal pain,

Rounded swelling above the pubis
47 41 , :

24.What is the most common sign of digoxin toxicity in children :

Lethargy, Vomiting, Bradycardia, Bradypnea

?25.Which of the followings is the correct pathway of blood flow through the heart
Right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle
Left ventricle, right ventricle, left atrium, right atrium
Right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle
Right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium
: , , ,
, , , , , ,
, , ,
26.The nurse is caring for a client with status epilepticus. The most important nursing
assessment(s) of this client is/are :
X X X Intravenous fluids rate, Level of consciousness, Pulse and respiration,
Injuries to the extremities
: ,

27.A client is admitted for COPD. Which findings would ?require the nurse's
immediate attention
Nausea and vomiting, Low-grade fever, Cough and sputum, Restlessness and
, . (

, :

28.You are to give 30 mg. of Inderal. The available dosage strength is a scored 60mg.

?tablet. What amount will you give

X X X 1 tablet, 2 tablet, 0.5 tablet, 1.5 tablet
03 , 06 , :

29.The physician orders an IV infusion of D5W 1000 ml to infuse over the next eight
hours. The IV tubing that you are using delivers 15gtt/min. What is the correct rate
of ?flow
X X X 31 gtt/m, 21 gtt/m, 41 gtt/m, 33 gtt/m
= ( X 06 )\( X) ( ( \ ) 084 ( (1000 X 15 ) \ ( 8 X 06
= ) 00051 ( = 52,13 = 13 51 )
0001 8 , 51 :
) , ) 13 12
14 33
30.Dr. order: Lasix 20 mg IV stat; available solution ?contains 10mg/cc. How many ml
will you give
1 ml, 2 ml, 3 ml, 0.5 ml
01 02 1 X 02 ( \ 01 = ( . 1 = 2
02 ( ) , :
01 1 , 1 2 3 5,0
31.A nurse is teaching a client who has just undergone eye surgery. The nurse instructs

the client that which of the following activities is permitted.

X X X Bending, Lifting objects, Reading, Watching TV
, :

32.Which factor most probably contributed to the development of the clients
hemorrhoids :
Taking daily softener, History of colitis, Frequently constipated, Working as
computer programmer

33.When the client asks the nurse how he acquired hepatitis A, the best answer is that a
common route of hepatitis A transmission is from:
X X X Fecal contamination, Insects, Infected blood, Sex
A , :

34.Which of the following results would the nurse expect to find in the patient with
acute pancreatitis :
Elevated creatinine, Elevated amylase, Low glucose, Low alkaline phosphatase


35.The patients temperature is 36 DC, the most appropriate initial nursing measure
would be to :
Place a hot water bottle on his feet, Check for signs of shock, Inform the physician,
Cover him with additional blankets
: 63 ,

36.The patient has an order to infuse 100 ml of D51/2NS with 10 MEq of KCl over the
next thirty minutes. The set calibration is 10gtt/ml. What is the correct rate of flow
for ?this patient
X X X 41 drop/m, 36 drop/m, 33 drop/m, 32 drop/m
X 01 ( \ 03 = ( . = 0001 \03 001 = 33,33 = 33

() ( KCL
001 01 : 03
, , 01 14 63
33 23
37.Which physical examination technique would be used first when assessing the
Inspection, Palpation, Percussion, Auscultation

38.,Dr. order: to give 3 mg of Haldol IM. On your unit 5 Haldol is available in 2 ml

ampules that contain ?mg/ml. What amount will you give

X X X 12 ml, 0.6 ml, 1.2 ml, 6 ml
5 3 3(1X(\5 = 6,0 1

( 2 01 )
3 , 2 :
1 5 , 21 6,0 2,1 6
39.The patient admitted with hypothyroid crisis (myxedema coma) would most likely
?have which of the following electrolyte abnormalities
X X X Hyperglycemia, Hypocalcemia, Hypernatremia, Hyponatremia
, :

40.The most common fluid used to manage the 2nd degree burn patient is :
Normal saline, Dextrose saline, Ringer lactate, Glucose 10 %

% 10
D order: give ringer lactate 2000 cc I.V Q 12 hrs : what will be the rate of infusion
42 drop/m, 33 drop/m, 36 drop/m, 40 drop/m
: , 21 0002
04 63 33 24
42. The doctor ordered to give a volume of solution over 8 hours, the rate of the

solution was 31 drop/minute, how many cc of the solution will be given :

X X X 1000 cc, 992 cc, 760 cc, 672 cc

X 15 ) \ ( 8 X 60 ) = 31 (

X 15 ) = ( 8 X 60 X 31 )
299 =
: 13 8 ,
672 760 992 1000

43.A patient has recently experienced MI (myocardial infarction ) within the last 4
hours. Which of the following medications would most like be administered?
X X X Atropine, Adrenaline, Coumadin, Streptokinase
: , ( )

44.The life span of RBC in the body is :
45 days, 60 days, 120 days, 90 days
90 120 60 45 :

I adult CPR, after confirming that the patient is : unconscious, what is the next step
Call EMS, Check carotid pulse, Apply chest compressions, Put the patient in supine
, :

46.Which of the following nursing measures would be appropriate when caring for a
patient in skeletal traction for a fractured femur?
Maintaining the patient in a supine position,
Inspecting the pin site at least every 8 hours,
Removing weights when repositioning the patient,
Keep the patient without any movements


47.Which of the following would be the priority for a client admitted to the emergency
?room with burns covering an estimated 27% of body surface area
X X X Inserting a large I.V line, Administering prescribed morphine, Doing
dressing over the burned areas, Maintaining a patent airway

: % 27

48.When preparing a client for a scheduled colonoscopy, which of the following would
?the nurse include
X X X Inserting a nasogastric tube 12 hours before the procedure
Administering an antibiotic to decrease the risk of infection
Cleansing the bowel with laxatives or enemas
No need for the client to be NPO before the procedure
: 21

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