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Name : Norazrin B Ahmad Matric : 214256 "When Shadows Fall" tells the story of Earth after most of its

population has left to colonize the universe leaving the planet depleted of its natural resources. The few inhabitants have very little food, fuel, air or water. The Earth president and council decide to make a last ditch effort and pool all remaining resources to send out among the stars to ask for help. They only come up with enough for three expeditions each led by a completely different personality, one a military leader, another a financial leader and the third an artisan/story teller. The two main character that interested to me in this story are Lars the Ranger and Mankin. For the first character, Lars the Ranger is a stiff old man who has lived on the Earth for thousand years. He is the General of Space and General of Armies. He is also an Admiral of Fleets which command one of the three expeditions to gather help from the others planet to save Earth. He was saves the Earth by singing the old ballad and tells the old stories to remind the colonist the green hills of Earth and save the Earth for their future generations.

While, the second character is Mankin and he is one of the main character in this short story. He is the Earths Grand President of the Confederated Systems. He sends three separate missions to Lars, Greto and Smit by using all remaining resources to get help from far-flung colonial civilizations to beg or plead for resources to rejuvenate the Earth. I have learnt an important lesson from this short story, When Shadows Fall. The lesson is never give up for our hope when facing challenge. The main characters of this short story knew the Earth depleted of its natural resources with very little of food, fuel, polluted water and exhausted air. Yet, they decided to make last ditch effort to rejuvenate the Earth.

Although they are old and facing problem, not enough expedition but they do not give in to discouragement. Lastly, the thousand upon thousand space ships are earthbound to rejuvenate the Earth because they heard the old songs and stories from Lars and they were reminded of home. I learnt that must be never give up of hope when we facing any challenge and we must handle it with full of courage.

Two main characters that I would like illustrate from When Shadows Fall are Mankin and Lars The Ranger. Mankin is a Grand President of the Confederated System in Mother Earth. He is very old and kind man.He is more consider to safe the Mother Earth.Mankin was upset and loss his hope to find the help when know the earth was no more have food and fuel.Mankin was decided to send three brave mans to the help to safe Earth.He happy when Lars the Ranger mission become success. Another character is Lars the Ranger, the person who voyage for a long time and brings back treasure to Earth when he was young, breaks the ritual and reports the Earth is out of fuel, food, fleet, armies and guns. He is the only person who completes the missions by Mankin and save the Earth successfully by teaching the residents of the other planet to love and appreciate the heritage of the planet. The relationship between the Mankin and Lars The Ranger. are known as leader and subordinate. In my opinion, When Shadows Fall is an interesting and adventurous short story which brings me a lot of knowledge and moral values. After I have read this story, I have an awareness to take good care of the earth and I promise that I will try my best to advise people around me not to pollute or waste the resources of the earth. From the story, I learnt that there must be a bad influence to the earth if we keep on wasting the resources. Besides that I have learned that we should help each other when there is a problem and try to solve it together. We should not have the heart of self-fish. For example in the short stories General helped them to rescue the Earth by combined forces, to make the land green again, to replace the oceans, to rebuild an atmosphere ,to make the rivers run, to put fish in the streams and game in the hills. Through this novel, I have also learned that we should not give up easily when there is a problem. We should be brave and try to find out the ways to solve the problem. Nothing in this world is impossible unless one does not try.

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