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Battle of Fraustadt, 1706 Feb 13

Ordre De Bataille Swedish Command Staff Gen C G Rehnskild Commanding + Right wing cavalry MjGen A Sparre Com infantry MjGen A A Mardefelt Right infantry MjGen A Hummerhjelm 4 Sqdns Col D F Patkull Svenska Adelsfanan 3 Sqdns MjGen A Hummerhjelm Sknska Stndsdragonerna 4 Sqdns

Left wing cavalry Col C A Buchwald - - - - mortally wounded Fighting Units (right to left, ca 8,000 men) 2nd Line 1st Line Valoscher LifRegimentet Dragoner 2 Sqdns 4 Sqdns Unknown Col J H Hamilton Verdiska Dragonregementet Norra Sknska regementet 5 Sqdns 8 Sqdns Col C G Marschalk Col G Horn Vsterbottens regemente Sdermanlands regemente 2 Bat 2 Bat Col A Lagercrona MjGen A A Mardefelt Bremiska Dragonregementet Kronobergs regemente 4 Sqdns 2 Bat Col E D von Krassow Col G Lilliehk - - - - - killed in action Nrkes-Vrmlands regemente Vstmanlands regemente 2 Bat 2 Bat Col C G Roos MjGen A Sparre Pommerska Dragonregementet Nylands regemente till hst 5 Sqdns

Col W B Mller von der Lhnen Saxon Command Staff Gen J M von der Schulenburg Commanding LtGen Wostromirsky - - - Captured LtGen Pltz Commanding cavalry MjGen Dnewald Left wing cavalry MjGen Droste Com 1st line infantry MjGen Ltzelburg Right wing cavalry MjGen Eichstedt Left wing cavalry MjGen Zeidler Com 2nd line infantry MjGen von Bose Col G G von der Goltz

2 Sqdns MjGen Eichstedt Beust zu Pferde 2 Sqdns LtCol Unknown Franzsische Grenadiers 1 Bat Obl Comte de Joyeuse Schsische Garde zu Fuss 2 Bat Col A H v Bose Polnische Garde zu Fuss 2 Bat Col Preuss Droste zu Fuss 1 Bat MjGen Drost Frstenberg zu Fuss 1st Bat

Commanding russian contingent Fighting Units (right to left, ca 18,300 men) Col Kaiser 1st Line Kurprinz zu Fuss Chevaliers Garde 1st Bat 1 Sqdn LtCol A v Stutterheim Unknown Wostromirsky zu Fuss Garde du Corps 1 Bat 1 Sqdn Unknown Unknown Venediger zu Fuss Eichstedt Dragonerregiment

1 Bat LtCol W H Wenediger Knigin zu Fuss 2 Bat Col L K v Sacken Russian Infantry Grenadeer Battalion 1 Bat Unknown Patkul's Infantry regiment 2 Bat Unknown Golstein Infantry 1 Bat Holstein Arnstedt Infantry 1 Bat Arnstedt Gulitz Infantry 1 Bat Gulitz Beust zu Pferde 3 Sqdns Col Beust Dnewald Dragonerregiment 3 Sqdns MjGen Dnewald Jordan Dragonerregiment

3 Sqdns Col Jordan Flemming Dragonerregiment 2 Sqdns Col J F von Flemming 2nd Line Bayreuth Dragonerregiment 2 Sqdns Col le Jay Beust zu Pferde 2 Sqdns Unknown Mallaraques Franzsische reg 2 Bat Col Mallaraques Reibnitz zu Fuss 1 Bat LtGen H H Wostromirsky Reuss zu Fuss 1 Bat LtCol W H Wenediger Kurprinz zu Fuss 2nd Bat Unknown Browne zu Fuss 1 Bat Unknown Frstenberg zu Fuss

2nd Bat Unknown Russian Infantry Bichitz' Infantry 1 Bat Bichitz Belling's Infantry 1 Bat Belling Schepping's Infantry 1 Bat Schepping Streltsy 1 Bat Unknown Beust zu Pferde 1 Sqdn Oppen Dragonerregiment 2 Sqdns Oppen

Dnewald Dragonerregiment 1 Sqdn Jordan Dragonerregiment 1 Sqdn Flemming Dragonerregiment 2 Sqdns 3rd Line, right flank Jordan Dragonerregiment 1 Sqdn Unknown Wrangel zu Pferde 2 Sqdns Col von Wrangel Frstenberg Dragonerregiment 3 Sqdns Col von Zhlen Wrangel zu Pferde 2 Sqdns Unknown

If you have corrections or additions, then I would be thrilled to know Ken Sharman Battle of Fraustadt, 1706 Feb 13 The Battle 10:30 Warcries of the day: Swedish - Med Guds hjlp! (With the help of God)

Saxon - Greif an und schone nicht! (Dig in and: No pardon) The saxons and russians had positioned themselves in a strong defensive position ahead of Fraustadt, between the villages Geiersdorf and Rhrsdorf. The army was arranged in two battle lines with cavalry on the flanks and the most prestigeous units on the right. Obstacles were placed in front and artillery dispersed throughout the front line. The swedes marched onto the battle field in 3 columns, with cavalry either side of the infantry. As they marched on, the saxon artillery was firing furiously. This did not stop the very disciplined swedes. The battle lines were arranged and the swedish cavalry charged. The saxon right flank under LtGen von Pltz was attacked first, but the swedish cavalry had to negotiate an area covered with slippery ice. The un-shod horses fell in great numbers and had to be led to more secure ground. All the time they were mocked by the saxon Garde du Corps: "Wir wollen die Mussen lebendig fangen" (we are going to capture the mice alive). In their conceded state, they forgot that they could easliy have slaughtered the swedes - a grave mistake. As soon as the dragoons were organized again, they charged the saxons, full gallop with drawn swords. Three times they charged through each others' lines before the saxon cavalry finally turned and fled in a wholesale route. The saxon Garde du Corps and Chevaliers Garde were the only units to make any impression on the swedes. The saxon left flank was hit very soon after the right, and fled the field when the right wing departed. The swedish cavalry did not pursue the saxon route too far, as their outnumbered infantry needed their assistance, so they returned to the battle field and attacked the saxon and russian infantry from behind. This caused in particular the saxon Guards regiments to buckle and break formation. Meanwhile, the swedish infantry advanced through heavy cannon fire and with one musquet salvo cleared the saxons' detachments from behind the obstacles, removed the same and firing at very close range drove the saxons before them. When the swedes found the left saxon flank to be manned by russian units, their attention was directed at them. The russian units, knowing their inferior fighting capabilities, had turned their white coats inside out, displaying the red lining, so that they would not stand out against the red-clad, more experienced saxons. Through superior tactics and exemplary discipline, the swedes drove the saxons back, until they started to reel and finally route. They fled through Fraustadt, but were met at the exits by the swedish cavalry, and surrendered in droves. At this point the saxons were pardoned, but due to atrocities committed by the russians in the Baltic states, the 500 russian captives were mercilessly slaughtered by Rehnskild's order. Rehnskild was later to be criticized for this, but according to the standards of the times, the victor did not have to grant pardon. It was actually more common for the victors to slaughter their prisoners, than is generally known.

The battle was over in less than two hours. The losses were 700 killed and wounded swedes against over 8000 saxons and russians killed and over 7000 captured, including 2 generals. It was said that Schulenburg was one of the first to flee. As a result of the battle, the saxon infantry had almost ceased to exist, and August II could no longer influence the swedish movements. The battle has been seen as a school example of battle of annihilation, and was the crowning achievement of Carl Gustaf Rehnskild, who was promoted to field marshal.

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