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Form 210A (10/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York

In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No. 10-13800)


A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.

Name of Transferee: Name of Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Slack Chemical Company
As assignee of Slack Chemical Company

Name and Address where notices to transferee Court Claim # (if known): none
should be sent: Amount of Claim: $735.37
Date Claim Filed:

Name and Address of Transferor:

Slack Chemical Company
PO Box 30
Carthage, NY 13619

Phone: ___212 967 4035________________ Phone:
Last Four Digits of Acct #: ____n/a________ Last Four Digits of Acct. #: ___n/a____

Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):

Phone: ________n/a____________________
Last Four Digits of Acct #: _____n/a_______

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

By:________/s/Fredric Glass__________________________ Date:____March 12, 2012__________
Transferee/Transferees Agent
Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152 & 3571.
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023

10-13800-scc Doc 2340 Filed 03/12/12 Entered 03/12/12 16:25:25 Main Document
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United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York

In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No. 10-13800)


Claim No. none (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence
of the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerks office
of this court on March 12, 2012.

Name of Transferee: Name of Alleged Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Slack Chemical Company
As assignee of Slack Chemical Company

Name and Address of Alleged

Slack Chemical Company
PO Box 30
Carthage, NY 13619


The transferor of claim named above is advised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerks office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court within twenty (20)
days of the mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted as the
original claimant without further order of the court.

Date:_________________ ____________________________
Clerk of the Court

Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023

10-13800-scc Doc 2340 Filed 03/12/12 Entered 03/12/12 16:25:25 Main Document
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10-13800-scc Doc 2340 Filed 03/12/12 Entered 03/12/12 16:25:25 Main Document
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United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New Yorll
In re:
Grund Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Chapter II
Cllse No. 10-13800. ct nl.
Amount $?35.37
Bankruptoy Rule 3000(e)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thllt the scheduled c1nim of SLACK CHEMICAL COMI'ANY("Transferot") in the
amount as listed within Schedule F of the Schedule or Asscls nnd Liabilities tiled by the Debtor{s). nnd nU c!mms \VJ1hout
limitntion the Proof ofCln:im, identified below nnd Transferor's rights to receive al,l interest,. cu;c !>aymeats be entitled to
receive on account oftbe nssumption of nny exeeutory contract or Jensc relau:d to the Clmm and fees, 1rnny, wh1ch patd :\ilth respect to,the
Claim and nH other claims, causes of action agaln::.i the Debtor, its- atliliutes, any gunr!:lfltnr or other third party. togeihci'Wllh and nghts
and benefits nrising From, under or relating to any ofi.lie foregoing, and all cush, sccuritie:. instrur11cnts and other mny be paid or
lssued by Debtor in satis1b.clion orthe Claim\ of Transferor hnve been transferred nnd ass1gncd otherthnn. for securrtyto Harbor LLC
("Transf'Cree,) in considt:ratlon of !.he sum of 1 signature of1hc Tnmsferec on this TRANSFER OF CLAIM 0 111ER: THAN F<?R.
SECURITY AND WAIVER OF NOTICE is evidence oftht! Trnnsfer of the c!nims and all rights and benefits of Transferor rclutmg to the Clmm.
The C1uim is bused on amounts owed to rransf'cror by Debtor and thls trnnsrer shall be deemed nn and unconditiomll transf't:r orthe Clnim
for the purpose of collection and shalt not be det."'Tted to create a security interest. Please note th!l1 Fair Harbor Cnpitnl, LLC is nol obligated m file
an}' npplicntion, n1otion, Proof of Clnlm or other document with 1hc Cmm with regard to your cluim, .
I, !he undersigned Transferor o!'the clnims. hereby assign and transfer my claims and all rights there under to the
Trnnsferct! upon terms as set funh in cove:r letter received I represent and warrant that rhe dnim is not less dmn S735.37 and has no-t been
previously to . .sold. or satisfied. Upon nolilicutkm by Trnnsfcrel.!, I ugre:e lo reimburse Tron;_;t'b-cc a prnnrata portion of the purchase price if
the cla1m is rca..luced, objected to. or disallowed in whole or part by the Debtor, the Co.urt, or any other party und Trnnsfcror represents and warrants
thnt there nre no oiTsets or defenses or preferential payments thai hove been or mo.y be asserted by or nn behalf of Debtor or any other party to reduce
illc nmount or the Claim or rn impair ils \'aluc. TfTrnnsferor fnils to negotiate the dlstribulion cheek on or before ninety {90) days after Issuance of
such cllcek. tbcn Transferee shall void the distribution check. the umount of cash attributable to such check shall be deposited in Transferee's bank
acc:mmt. and Trunstl."l'or shaU he automatically det!ntcd to have wnived its CIW.n-k '\
A Proof of Claim O'i\e) in the amount dul>' nnd timely filed in the Proceedings. If the Proof of'
Cluim amount differs from the Ctu!m ,amtltmt set fonh above. Tmn..,fercc shall nevertheless be deemed tbe owner ofthnt Proof of Claim to .
L1c terms of!his Agreement and be entiUed to identify itself us owner of such Proof of Claim on the records ofthe Court.
In tbc event the Clalm is ulllmatciy allowed in an amount in excess of the amount purchnsed herein. Transferor is hereby deemed to sell to
Transfere-e, and. at Transf'cree'.'5 option Transtbrec hereb)' ngrces to purchnsc, the bnlunce of said Claim at lhc same pcrcenlage of claim paid
herein. Transferee shall remit such payment to Transferor upon Transferee's satisfaction that the Claim hilS been all[)wed in the higher amount nnd is
not subject to nny objection by the Debtor.
undersigned T:rnn.'lferor hereby authorize Transferee to file a nolice oftrnnsfer pursuant to Rule 300 I (c) oftbc federal Rules of
Bankruptcy Procedure ("'FRBPu)-. with respect to the Claim, while Transferee performs its due diligcnec on the Claim. Trunsfuree. ut its sole option"
may subsequently trunsrer the Claim back to Transferor if due diligence is not so.!jsfuctory, In Transferee's sole and absolute discretion pursuant to
Rule 3001 (c) of the FRBP, ln tl1e event Transferee transfers the C1aim back 1o Trnnsfernr or withdraws the aL such time boib TransJCror
nnd Tr.mstCree release eru::h other of all a11d any obligation or Jiabillty regarding this Assignment of Claim. 'franslet-or hereby acknowledges rmd
consents to allufthc terms set forth in this Transfer of Claim nnd hereb}' waive..:; {i) its right to raise any n;bjcction hereto, and (il) its rigbt to receive
noticl! pursuant to Rule 300l {c) of the FRBP. Trnnsferor hereby ncknow\OOges thnt Transferee rnay at nny time renssign the Cisim, together with nH
right. title and intereSt of Transferee in and tn this Transfer ot' Claim. All representation and warrnntic.'> made herein shn11 survive the execution and
delivery oftbis Tmnsfcr t1fCia!m and any such re-nssignment.
than staled above, Tronsfcrce assumes all risks associated with dcbtorts ability lo distribute funds. Trru1sferor agrees to deliver to
Fair Harbor Cupitnl, LLC nny correspondC"ncc or received subsequent to the dah: Trnnsferec signfi this agreement The clerk of lhe court is
authorized to change tht! address the claim or the Transferor to Lhut of the Transferee listed belmv.
This TrnnstCr of Claim sball be governed by nnd c-onstrued Jn accordance with the laws of the State of New York. Anyuction arising under
or relating to this Assignment of Claim may be brought in any Stntc or Federal court located in the Stale ofNcw York, and TrnnstCror consents lo
and c<mfers personal jurisdiction over Transferor by such court or courts and agn.:es tl\ac service of process may be upon Trnnsferor by mailing o
copy of said pf'OI:!t'!Ss to Transferor ut the address set tbrth in this Assignment of Claim, nnd i11 any action hereunder Transferor waives the right to
demand ::t trial by jury. Trnns1C:ror llCknowlcdges that., in t11e event that the Debtor's hnnkruptcy is dismissed or converted ton case under
Chapter 7 oJ'the Bnnkruptey Code and Trnnsfuree has pu1d for the Claim, Transferor shalJ immediately remit to Tmnsfcrc10: nil monies pnid by
Transferee in regard to the Clnim ownerShip ofthe Claim shall revert hack lo Trnnsferor.
PO Box30
\Toi.X I 3619 <:--, , "
Stgnulu\'i!C...:.-?4,/ltd. 9 !c:_ \\':;;\ \ :':...
'' .. .
t;pdntcd Address (If Changed):
Phone: Fa.x: _________ _

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