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Form 210A (10/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

District of Delaware
In re: Marie Callender Pie Shops Inc, Perkins & Marie Callender's Inc,
Case No. 11-11801, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 11-11795)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a).
Transferee hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of
the transfer, other than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name of Transferee: Name of Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
As assignee of Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
Name and Address where notices to transferee Court Claim # (if known): none
should be sent: Amount of Claim: $5,681.00
Date Claim Filed:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
Name and Address of Transferor:
Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
Dovellas Levi
13930 Mica Street
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
Phone: ___212 967 4035________________ Phone:
Last Four Digits of Acct #: ____n/a________ Last Four Digits of Acct. #: ___n/a____
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):
Phone: ________n/a____________________
Last Four Digits of Acct #: _____n/a_______
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By:________/s/Fredric Glass__________________________ Date:____Thursday, August 04, 2011_________
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C.
152 & 3571.

United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Delaware
In re: Marie Callender Pie Shops Inc, Perkins & Marie Callender's Inc,
Case No. 11-11801, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 11-11795)
Claim No. (if known) none
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of the
transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of this court
on Thursday, August 04, 2011.
Name of Transferee: Name of Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
As assignee of Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037 Name and Address of Transferor:
New York, NY 10023
Capitol Distribuition Co LLC
Dovellas Levi
13930 Mica Street
Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670
The transferor of claim named above is advised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has
been filed in the clerk's office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court
within twenty (20) days of the mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, the transferee
will be substituted as the original claimant without further order of the court.
Date:_________________ ____________________________
Clerk of the Court
AUG-03-2011 10:06
5624041041 P.002
United States Bankruptcy Court, District 01 Delaware
In re:
Chapter 11
Amount $5,681.00
(Jointly Administl'lUed Under Case No. 11-11795)
Bankruptcy Rule 3000(e) .
PLEASE TAK NOTICE that the scheduled. claim of CAPITAL DISTRIBUTION CO. LLC ("Tl'nns1eror") against the Deblol'(s) in the
amount of$5,681.00, WlliSled within Schedule F of the Schedule of Assets and Liabilities filed by the Debtor(s), and all claims (including without
limitation the Proof of Claim, ifany. identified below and Transferor's rights to receive all interest, penil! lies. cure payments tmlt it may be entitled to
receive on account of the assurnption of any executory contract or lease related to the Claimana fees. if any, which lIUIy be paid with respect to the
Claim and all other claims, causes of action against the Debtor, its affiliates. any guarantor or other !hird party, together with voting ana other rights
and benefits arising from, undel' relnting to any ofthc foregoing, and all cash, securities. instruments and other propertY Which may be paid or
issued by Debtor in satisfaction ofthl; Claim) ofTransferor have been transferred and assigned other \.tIan for security to Fair Hl"ltbor Capital, LLC
("Transferee") in consideration ofthe sum oH The signature ofthe: TI'lImft;l'cf; 01'1 this TRANSFER OF CLAIM OTHER THAN FOR
SECURITY AND WAIVEROF NOTICE is eVidence of the ofthe claims and all rights and benefits of Trnm;fcrol' rellUing to the ChUm.
The Claim is ba.l;;e(i on amount:! to TTlIllsteror by Debtor and this transfer shall be deemed an absolute and uneonditiortld transfer ofthe Claim
for the purpose of collection and shall not be: <bmle4 to create a security interest. Plea.'lC note that Fair Harbor Capital, LLC is not obligated to fill;
any application, motion. Proof of Claimor other document with the Bankruptcy Court with regard to your claim.
_ ,'_ 1, the claims, hereby and transfer my claims and all rights there under to the
Tranmrl;C upon as set forth in covc:r Ic:UCI' received.: 1 rcP"resent l1Ild warrant that the claim is not less thll.ll$5.681.00 and I'I()t been
pn;viously objected to, sold, or satisfied. Upon notification by Tran:..ferec. I agree to reimburse Tl'lUIsfCl'ce a pro-rata panion of the price if
the claim is reduced, objected to. or disallowed. in whole: or part by the Debtor, the Court. or any othCl' party and Transferor represents and WamtJ1tS
that there are no otlsets or defenses or prcfentiaJ payments that have been or may be assened by or on behalf of Debtor or lilly Olher party to reduce
the amount oftbe Claim or to impair its value. lfTransferQI' fails to negotiate the di:rtribution check on or before ninety (90) days after issuance of
such check, then Transferee shall void the distribution checl<, the amount of cash attrib\1table to such check shall bl:' deposited in Tl'l\IlSfCl'ee's bank
acCOunt, and Transferor shall be: automatically deemed to have waived. its Claim.
A Proof of Claim not (strike one) in the amount of $ been duly and timely filed i1'l the Proceeding:; (l\Ild a true copy of
such Proof of Claim is atta(ll1ed to this A<:signmcnt). Iftbe ProofofClaim amount diffCl'S from the Claimamount set forth above, Transfere Shall
nl;vertheless be dee:med the OWller Of that Proof of Claimsubject to the tenns ofthis Agreement and shall be entitled to iaenti1Y itself lIS owner of
lo'Uch Proofof Clalm on the records of the Court.
In the event the: Claim b ultimately allowed in an amount i1\ excess ofthe amount purchased herein, Transferor is hCl'ehy deemed to sell to
Transferee, and, at "fransfcrc:c's option only, Transferee hereby agrees to purchase, the balllJ1ce of said Claim at the same pcfCetllage of claimpaid
herein not 10 cxcec<l twice the Claim amount lollccifir::d above. Transferee shall rCl'tlit such payment to Tnmsfcrol' \1pon that
the Claim has been allowed in the higher amount and is not subject to any objection by the Debtor.
I, the undersigned Transfel'or hereby authorize Tntllsferl:'C to file anoticc of1ron:>fl:'l' to Rule 3001 (e) orthe Federal Rules of
BankNpteY Procedure (ltFRBP"), with respect to the Claim, While 'j'ransferee performs its due diligence on the Claim. Transferee, at its sole option.
may subsequently transfer the Claimback to Transteror if due diligence is not satisfactory, in Tnmsferce's sole and absolute discrr;tion pursuant to
Rule 300 I (c) ofthe FRBP. In the event Transferee: tran:;fers the Claimback to Tntmferol' or withdraws the tnmsfi:r. at such time both TnlllsfCl'or
and Transteree release each oth of all and My Obligation or liability regarding this As!>ignment of Claim. Transferor hereby acknOWledges and
consl;llts to all ot'the terms set forth in this Tl'lltIsfer of Claim and hereby waives (i) right to raise: Qny objection hereto. lUld (ii) if}; right to receive:
notice pursuant to Rule 3001 (e) of the FRBP. Tr:msferor hereby acknowledges that Transferee mllY lit 1I1'1y time reassign the Chum, together with wI
right, title and interest ofTransfercc in and to this Transfer ofClaim. All rcprl;Setltation and warranties mllde: herein shall survive tht; execution and
delivery ofthis Transfer ofClaim and any such re-l1Sl>ignment.
.. '--' Otheuban..stated..o:v.c...Ir.ansferee.assumll.'l.all risks' to,disttib.ute funds. TI:lIDsferor ag,r.ees to_delivtI'J.o. _
Fair Harbor Capital, I..LC any eorrCS])Ondence or payments rcccivc:d subsequent to the date Trans1eree signs this agreement. The clerk of the court is
authorizcd to change the address regarding the claim ofthe 'fJ':msfcrorto iliat Of the Transfe:ree below.
This Transfer of Claim be governed by and oonstruc:d in llCCordancc with the ll\ws of the State ofNe:w York. Any action arising under
or relating to this A-.signmcnt of Claim may be brought in any State or Fed.eral court 10Cll.tcd in the State ofNew York, l\Ild Tl'llnsteror consents to
and personal jurisdiction over Transferor by louch court or coul15 and agrcc:s that service of proce.<os may be upon Transferor by mailing a
copy ofsald process to Transferor at the addte8S set forth in this A:lsignment of Claim, and in any nction hereunder Transferor waives the: right to
demand a trial by jul)'. TlWlsferor acknowledges !hal, in the event that the Debto(s bankruptcy case is dismissed or convened to a case under
Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code and 'l'ransfcrc:c hIlS paid for the Claim, Trnnsfcror shall immediately remit to Ttansfercc all momt;s puid by
Transferee in regard to the Claim and. ownership ofthe Claim shaH revert back to TnmsfCl'ol'.
CAPITAL DISTRJSUTlON CO. LLC fair Harbor Cllpital, U
13930 MICA STREET 1841 Broadway, 10th Fl. NY, NY 10023
T'''", S'gn _.
Date: g ... '3 or II _
Fred Glass. Member fair HlU'bof Capital, LLC
Upctared_Addtcss (If ChlU'l&ed):__ .
I ,_ "......",,-_...--.
- -
- - ----..

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