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Planosol Alosol

Planosol Alosol

Prepodzol Podzol Vertosol Pelosol

Prepodzol Podzol Vertosol Pelosol

cat Sol brun argiloiluvial Sol brun luvic Sol brun rocat luvic Luvisol albic Planosol Sol brun luvic holoacid Luvisol albic holoacid Sol brun feriiluvial Podzol Vertisol VS cromic, PR vertical, CZag-vs, BM vs-pp Andosol Sol pseudogleic Sol gleic Lcovite

Haplic luvisol Calcic Luvisol Luvisol-pp Albeluvisol-pp Planosol Alisol

Hapludalfs Haplustalfs Hapludalfs Glassudalfs Albaqualfs Ultic hapludalfs

Entic podzol Haplic podzol Vertisol Subtypes vertic

Haplocryods Haplorthods Haplocryods Humicryods Hapluderts Haplusterts Subgroups vertic

Andosol Stagnosol Gleiosol Limnosol Solonceac Solone

Andosol Stagnosol Gleiosol Limnosol Solonceac Solone

Andosol Stagnosol Gleysol Subaquatic fluvisols

Solonceac Solone

Solonchak Solonetz

Hapludands Haplucriands Epiaqualfs Endoaquepts Endoaquents Fluviwassents Haplowassists Aquisalids Haplosalids Natraquolls, Natrudolls, Natrustalls, Natraqualfs, Natrudalfs, Natrustalfs, Halaquepts Fibrists, Hemists, Saprists Folists Anthrepts Udaents Arents Eroded phases

Histosol Folic subtype Anthrosol Tehnosol Note: Anthrosol erodic Anthrosol aric

Histosol Foliosol Antrosol Entiantrosol

Sol turbos

Protosol antropic Erodisol Sol desfundat

Histosol (without Folic histosol) Folic histosol Anthrosol Aric regosol Technosol

Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 44 (3), 2012

In order to create a common understanding of soil resources in different countries, we have presented in the SRTS-2012, correlations between SRTS-2003, SRTS-2012, FAOUNESCO-1988, WRB-SR- 2006 and USDA Soil Taxonomy-2006 (Table 2).

Soil is increasingly considered as a focal point of environment, with a variety of functions related to: biomass production, cycling of water, gases, nutrients, fate of many contaminants, biodiversity reserve, spatial base for socio-economic activities, geogenic and cultural heritage. International co-operation is depending and expanding, with improved knowledge of concepts in various countries as a basis for technology transfer in agriculture, forestry and other fields. Soil science has suffered from the lack of a generally accepted system of soil classification which has resulted in a loss of credibility. The great diversity of the soil cover at country scale justifies national systems. During development of knowledge on soil, many kinds of classification were in use. Some of these classifications are WRB-SR, USDA-ST and SRTS-2012. Romanian Soil Taxonomy System (SRTS-2012) has been prepared of a group of soil scientists, having as support soil survey and previous soil classification. The SRTS-2012 is organized of 10 chapters and the basis elements are diagnostic horizons, properties, characteristics and parent material. The SRTS-2012 is a two level system of soil taxonomy, high level, with 12 classes, 29 Soil Genetic Types and 67 Soil Subtypes respectively low level, with Variety, Species, Family and variant. In order to create a common understanding of soil resources in different countries, it has been presented correlations with WRB-SR and USDA-ST.

1. CANARACHE A, VINTIL I, MUNTEANU I, 2006, Elsevier Dictionary of Soil Science, Elsevier, Amsterdam 2. FAO, ISRIC, ISSS, 1998, World Reference Base for Soil Resources, World Soil Resources, Rome, no 84 3. FLOREA N, MUNTEANU I, 2003, Sistemul Romn de Taxonomie a Solurilor (SRTS-2003), Ed Estfalia, Bucuresti 4. FLOREA N, MUNTEANU I, 2012, Sistemul Romn de Taxonomie a Solurilor (SRTS), Ed Sitech, Craiova 5. MUNTEANU I, FLOREA N, 2009, Ghid pentru descrierea n teren a profilului de sol, Ed Sitech, Craiova 6. ROGOBETE GH, RU D, 1997, Solurile i ameliorarea lor. Harta solurilor Banatului, Ed. Marineasa, Timioara 7. SURVEY STAFF, 2006, Keys to soil Taxonomy, Tenth Edition. USDA, Washington. 8. Sistemul Romn de Clasificare a Solurilor, 1997, ICPA Bucureti 9. World Reference Base for Soil Resources, 2006, FAO, Rome


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