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2012 LAGU DAERAH LAMPUNG Halo pendengar setia RRI WORLD SERVICE Voice of Indonesia, berjumpa kembali bersama saya.. dalam acara Kenali Musik Kami sebuah acara yang akan memperkenalkan musik-musik daerah Indonesia// Pada edisi kali ini, saya akan mengajak Anda untuk mengunjungi salah satu propinsi di Indonesia yaitu Lampung// Peninggalan sejarah menunjukkan bahwa Lampung dulunya ialah bagian dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya hingga abad ke11// Setelah itu, Lampung menjadi bagian dari Kerajaan Melayu// Beberapa peninggalan megalitikum yang masih ada di Pugungraharjo dipercaya berumur lebih dari 1.000 tahun// Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Lampung dipengaruhi agama Hindu dan Budha// Lampung dikuasai kesultanan Banten sejak 1500 hingga 1800 Masehi// Putra mahkota Banten, Sultan Haji, menyerahkan beberapa wilayah kekuasaan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa kepada Belanda// Di dalamnya termasuk Lampung sebagai hadiah bagi Belanda karena membantu melawan Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa// Lampung dengan tanahnya yang subur terkenal sebagai penghasil lada hitam// Lada hitam pula yang mengilhami bangsa Eropa untuk menguasai wilayah ini// Penguasaan sumber rempah-rempah dunia berarti menguasai perdagangan dunia// Untuk membuka perjumpaan kita, mari kita dengarkan sebuah lagu berjudul Anggopnaku// Lagu : NN Anggopanku (04.46) Lampung telah menjadi tempat berbaurnya masyarakat dari berbagai macam suku di Indonesia yang bertransmigrasi sejak masa penjajahan// Bahkan banyak masyarakat Lampung suku Jawa yang belum pernah menginjakkan kakinya di Pulau Jawa// Jika Anda berkunjung ke Lampung, jangan heran menyaksikan jumlah suku asli lampung lebih sedikit dibandingkan suku-suku pendatang lainya// Hal ini di karenakan transmigrasi sejumlah besarorang dari pulau Jawa// Bandar Lampung, ibu kota Lampung, dulunya merupakan dua kota yang terpisah yaitu Tanjungkarang dan Pelabuhan Teluk Betung yang tertutup oleh debu gunung berapi setelah Gunung Krakatau meletus// Akibat dari hal tersebut, Lampung disinyalir memiliki keindahan alam yang luar biasa// Selain keindahan alam yang tak tertandingi daerah lain, Lampung juga memiliki alat musik tradisional bernama Cetik// Baiklah pendengar VOI, mari kita dengarkan sebuah lagu berjudul Rhasan Malang yang dinyanyikan oleh Tarmizi.AS// Lagu : Rhasan Malang Tarmizi.AS (06.50) Alat musik tradisional inilah yang sedang dieksplorasi dan diangkat oleh Komunitas Musik Kontemporer Lampung (KMKL)// Penggiat musik kontemporer Lampung dari KMKL, EntusAlfari, mengatakan tahun lalu KMKL mendapatkan penghargaan sebagai penyaji terbaik di pentas seni musik tradisional yang diadakan di Gedung Kesenian Jakarta// Alat musik tradisional dari Pesisir Lampung Barat ini memiliki karakter Lampung yang sangat kuat// Musik kontemporer memiliki komposisi musik yang sangat luas// Memasukkan segala unsur bunyi-bunyian// Benda apa pun bisa menjadi alat musik, seperti panci, kaleng bekas,ember, atau apa saja// Tentunya dengan estetika komposisi musik yang jelas dan terkonsep// Musik kontemporer juga dapat merangsang kreatifitas generasi muda Indonesia untuk mengeksplorasi budaya dari Negeri sendiri// Mendapatkan apresiasi di Negeri sendiri merupakan impian banyak musisi musik tradisional Indonesia// Hal ini seringkali menjadi sebuah dilema bagi para musisi musik tradisional karena melihat musik mereka lebih di hargai di Negeri lain// Semoga saja dengan banyaknya kegiatan yang lebih mengutamakan musik tradisional Indonesia, musisi musik tradisional mendapatkan impian mereka// Untuk menutup perjumpaan kita, mari kita dengarkan sebuah lagu berjudul Saka Demonan

dinyanyikan oleh Hari Alfisa// Selamat mendengarkan dan sampai jumpa pada Kenali Musik Kami berikutnya// Lagu : Saka Demonan Hari Alfisa (07.20) VOI/KMK/Tuesday/05.06.2012/HAFIZ/Unedited Lampung Regional Song Hello, listeners of RRI WORLD SERVICE Voice of Indonesia, welcome back with me,.... in Know Our Music, a weekly segment introducing Indonesian local music// In this edition, I will introduce you to Lampung Regional Songs// The heritage shows us that Lampung in ancient time was the part of Sriwijaya Kingdom until 11th century// After that, Lampung became the part of Malay Kingdom// Several Megaliths heritages existed at Pugungraharjo are believed more than 1.000 years old// It shows us that Lampung is influenced by Hindu and Buddha// Lampung was ruled by Sultanate of Banten from 1500 to 1800 A.D.// The Prince of Banten, Sultan Haji, gave several ruled areas of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa to Holland// Including Lampung as a gift for Holland to assist him against Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa// Lampung with its fertile soil is well-known as black pepper producer// It was also black pepper which inspired Europe to invade this area// Controlling the source of worlds spices meant to control the worlds trade// To open our segment, let us hear the song titled Anggopanku// Song: NN Anggopanku (04.46) Lampung has become a gathering place where people from various ethnic groups in Indonesia transmigrating since colonial era// Even, there are many Lampung people from Java ethnic groups who have never gone to Java Island// When you visit Lampung, do not be surprised if you see the original Lampung ethnic groups are less than the immigrant ethnic groups// It is caused by the transmigration of a great number of people from Java Island// Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung, in old time was two separated cities namely Tanjungkarang and Teluk Betung Seaport covered by volcanic ashes after Mount Krakatau erupted// As the result, Lampung allegedly has amazing natural beauty// Besides its unparalleled natural beauty, Lampung also has traditional music instrument named Cetik// Listeners of VOI, let us hear a song titled Rhasan Malang sung by Tarmizi.AS// Song: Rhasan Malang Tarmizi.AS (06.50) This music instrument is now being explored and presented by Lampung Contemporary Music Community (KMKL)// The activist of Lampung contemporary music from KMKL, Entus Alfari said, last year KMKL got an appreciation as the best performer in traditional music art performance took place in Kesenian Jakarta Building// The traditional music instrument from West Lampung Coast has strong characteristic of Lampung// Contemporary music has a very broad music composition// Inserting various elements of sounds// Any stuff can be music instruments such as saucepan, used can, bucket, or anything// Of course, with the aesthetic of clear and full-of-concept music compositions// Contemporary music can also stimulate the creativity of Indonesian teenagers to explore the culture from their own country, Indonesia// Getting an appreciation in their own country is the dream of many Indonesian musicians of traditional music// It usually becomes a dilemma for the musicians of traditional music because they see their music is more appreciated in foreign countries// Hopefully, with the more activities prioritizing Indonesian traditional music, the musicians of traditional music can make their dreams come true// To end our segment, let us hear a song titled Saka Demonan sung by Hari Alfisa// Enjoy the song and see you in the next edition of Know Our Music//

Song: Saka Demonan Hari Alfisa (07.20) VOI/KMK/Tuesday/05.06.2012/HAFIZ/Edited Lampung Regional Song Hello, listener of RRI WORLD SERVICE Voice of Indonesia, welcome back with me,.... in Know Our Music, a weekly segment introducing Indonesian local music// In this edition, I will introduce you to Lampung Regional Songs// The heritage shows us that Lampung in ancient time was the part of Sriwijaya Kingdom until 11th century// After that, Lampung became the part of Malay Kingdom// Several Megaliths heritages existed at Pugungraharjo are believed to be more than 1.000 years old// It shows that Lampung was influenced by Hindu and Buddha// Lampung was ruled by Sultanate of Banten from 1500 to 1800 A.D.// The Prince of Banten, Sultan Haji, gave several ruled areas of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa to the Dutch including Lampung as a gift for the Dutch who had assisted him to fight against Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa// Lampung with its fertile soil has been well-known as black pepper producer// It was also black pepper which inspired Europe to invade this area// Controlling the source of worlds spices meant to control the worlds trade// Well listener, that was a little bit information about Lampung. And to open this weeks Know our Music segment, let us listen to a song titled Anggopanku// Song: NN Anggopanku (04.46) Youre still in Know Our Music a weekly segment which introduces Indonesian regional songs and music. And that was a song from Lampung Province, Anggopanku. Lampung has become a place where people from various ethnic groups in Indonesia transmigrating since colonial era// Even, there are many Lampung people from Java ethnic groups who have never gone to Java Island// When you visit Lampung, do not be surprised if you see the original Lampung ethnic groups are less than the immigrant ethnic groups// It is caused by the transmigration of a great number of people from Java Island// Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung, in old time was two separated cities namely Tanjungkarang and Teluk Betung Seaport covered by volcanic ashes after Mount Krakatau erupted// As the result, Lampung allegedly has amazing natural beauty// Besides its unparalleled natural beauty, Lampung also has traditional music instrument named Cetik// VOI listener, let us now listen to a song titled Rhasan Malang sung by Tarmizi.AS// Song: Rhasan Malang Tarmizi.AS (06.50) It is the traditional music instrument which is now being explored and presented by Lampung Contemporary Music Community (KMKL)// The activist of Lampung contemporary music from KMKL, Entus Alfari said, last year KMKL got an appreciation as the best performer in traditional music art performance took place at Jakarta Art Building// The traditional music instrument from West Lampung Coast has Lampung strong characteristic.// The contemporary music has a very broad music composition, inserting various elements of sounds// Any stuff can be music instruments such as saucepan, used can, bucket, or anything// Of course, with the aesthetic of clear and full-of-concept music compositions// Contemporary music can also stimulate the creativity of Indonesian teenagers to explore the culture from their own country, Indonesia// Getting an appreciation in their own country is the dream of many Indonesian musicians of traditional music// It usually becomes a dilemma for the musicians of traditional music because they see their music is more appreciated in foreign countries// Hopefully, with the more activities prioritizing Indonesian traditional music, the musicians of traditional music can make their dreams come true// To end our

segment, let us now listen to a song titled Saka Demonan sung by Hari Alfisa// Enjoy the song and see you in the next edition of Know Our Music// Song: Saka Demonan Hari Alfisa (07.20)

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