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rue American Israelite Sept 11, 1986 page 1

JCRC Begins Summit 2 Mobilization

By Lisa Glazer "What we need from you Is help," explained June Burgln, Jewish Community Relations Council president, at the Sept. 2 meeting held to Introduce comm unity leaders to plans leading up to Summit 2. Speaking to an overow crowd of more than 60 people at the Jewish Federation, she emphas ized the need to coordinate action to highlight the struggle of Soviet Jewry at the forthcoming meeting between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The date for Summit 2 Is not yet known. JCRC's aim, she said, was to broaden the base of support for Soviet Jewry and lead activity to focus on a rally to take place In Washington, D.C. at the time of the Summit. The meeting, convened by Mrs. Burgin and led by JCRC Soviet Jewry Campaign chairman Mari lyn KryqL began with a video. presentation backgrounding the position of Soviet Jews. The video was followed by an outline of the JCRC role In spearheading community mobili s a t i o n e ff o r t s . M s . K r u ? - s a i d JCRC's role would Include expan ding the Soviet Jewry portion of the Speakers Bureau, Increasing Op Ed features in local news papers, operating a Summit 2 telephone "hotline" and planning a Hamilton County Public Of cials event to the highlight Soviet Jewry at the Summit. As well as this, she added, JCRC will assist with the publici ty and planning of activities led by the rest of the community. Community organization repre sentatives from ORT, the Inter faith Plea for Soviet Jewry, the Student's Committee for Soviet J e w r y, t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f C i n cinnati Judaic studies Depart ment, the Bureau of Jewish Education, the Women's Division (Continued on Page 20)

Summit 2 Mobilization Effort

(Continued from Page 1) of Jewish Federation, the Cincin nati Council for Soviet Jews and the Jewish Federation Leadership Council then presented plans for action. Highlights included CRT's "Write for Soviet Rights" cam paign, the Students Committee's plans for a Student Representa tive Council of youth from the city's religious schools to coordi nate student activities for Soviet Jewry, leadership council's pled ge to coordinate travel to the Washington rally and the UC Judaic studies fall lecture series. By a timely coincidence, this year's topic is "The Politics of Freedom: Human Rights In the Soviet Union." Those present at the meeting were given a National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council handbook entitled, "The Campaign To Summit 2." Inside, Michael A. Pelavln, NJRAC chair man writes: "The period before Summit 2 provides a special opportunity to focus the public spotlight on the struggle of Soviet Jewry. The period will require a commitment of community resources and devotion concomitant to that which Sovi9t Jews themselves exhibit in rheir auest for free dom." In Cincinnati, 'hat c--n tment s evident. The JCRC Treetinj glsc intro duced the fc shcomino television show. "Mossa.'c." For further details, see article, page 1.

Left to right, Alice Abrams, JCRC associate director; "June Burgin/ JCRC president; Marilyn Krug, chairman, JCRC Soviet Jewry Campaign; Ray Solomon; Janet Califf.

August Zt, U 'i 22 Av, 574








Federation to mobilize for Gorbachev-Reagan meetin

By HARRIET KESSLER Editor of the Voice The exact date is still uncer tain. But the goal is decidedly clear. The Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey is already taking steps to mobilize the tricounty community for _a massive demonstration when Soviet leader Mikhail Gor bachev meets with President Reagan in Washington. The meeting is anticipated just before or after Thanks giving. Dr. Bertram Greenspun, a Federation vice president; Marcy Sanders, Women's Division Jewish Community Relations president, and Dr. Irving Klein, Advisory Council. a former president of the Jewish "A major demonstration In Community Relations Council, our nations capitol is of signal are co-chairing the Summit II importance, and pur community can do much to aid the refuse mobilization. Federations nation-wide will nik community by turning out en participate in the Washington masse," said Federation Presi demonstration. Noted Holo dent Michael Varbalow. caust author Elie Weisel is Recently returned from a honorary chairman of the na Federation Mission to the Soviet tional endeavor. The structure of Union, Varbalow said that the the national mobilization com planned demonstration would mittee parallels Federation's, indicate the level of citizen con with co-chairmen representing cern with the human rights top leadership of the Council of issue p the U.S. government. Jewish Federations, United* The Federation mobilization Jewish Appeal and the National/ co-chairmen are working through area congregations, religious schools, men's and women's service organizations, youth groups, and Federation agencies to reach every Jew from bar/bat mitzvah age and over. They are also working with inter faith organizations and public of cials to enlist support for the demonstration from the wider community. Committees to coordinate the de tails of the mobilization are now be ing formed. For additional informa tion, call the JCRC at 665-6100.

* *

1 tmg United Jewish Federation ot MetioWest

Jewish News

Page A8

Vo l . X L S e p t e m b e r 1 8 , 1 9 8 6 1 4 E l u l 5 7 4 6 N o . 3 8

MetrolrVest Goa/ Set et 2,000 For Washington Demonstration

A goal of 2,000 participants in the "MetroWest Mobilization to Summit II" to be held In Washington D.C. was set last week at- a meeting of the Mobilization's steering commit tee, it was announced by Marilyn Labendz and Joel L. Lelbowltz, co-chairpersons of a social task force of the United Jewish Federation of MetroWest. "When Soviet leader Gor bachev comes to the United , States, MetroWest wUl be among the 400,000 Jews who will rally in Washington to tell him: 'Let Our People Go'," said Labendz and Lelbowltz. "Our objective is to organize a MetroWest caravan of 50 buses to Washington when Gorbachev Is scheduled to arrive," they said. The steering committee is undertaking a massive outreach effort to all sectors of the MetroWest Jewish community including synagogues, United Jewish Appeal campaign units, local chapters of national organizations, youth groups, day schools and other communal agencies.
Further Details

Federation Reporter
tf ato iKtMwat

Details concerning available speakers and publicity materials will be provided to those organizations agreeing to support the Mobilization. Organizations and individuals seeking further information may call 673-6800, ext. S3. Members of the steering com mittee Include Karen J. Adler, Sara Alter, Harriette Baime, Gary M. Belnhaker, Ann Bern stein, Joan Bronspiegel, Morton Bunls, Howard E. Charish, Irene Bdelsteln, Seymour Epstein, Sanford Hollander, Simon S. Kamlnetsky, Marc N. Lelbowltz, Adele Lebersfeld, Brenda LeVlne, Blanche Meisel, Tammy Milgram. Mildred Newman, Richard Perl, Marilyn Rosenbaum, Sandy Roth, Steve Schwartz, James A. Schwarz, Stan Strauss, Howard Tepper, Richard Wagner and Stuart

September 12, 1986

Scranton, Pa.

Planning Starts For Soviet Jewry March at Summit

Summit II, the next Reagan-Gorbachev meeting, is expected to occur this November in Washington, D.C. To focus interna tional attention on the plight of our Soviet brothers and sisters, a mobilization of the entire American Jewish community, in the form of a massive march on Washington, is planned. All area organizations and synagogues are called upon to join in this dramatic protest action. The Community Relations Com mittee is condent that many buses lled with concerned youth and adults will take the message of freedom to the Summit II in Washington. ;i. For further information or to particpate in the planning of our community's activity, contact Muriel Rosenberg^poordinatbr of the CRC at 961-2300.






INVITED SPEAKERS Senator Richard Schernerhorn Assemblyman Maurice Hinchey Majority Leader Gerald Benjamin Mayor Richard Whito Video appearance by Natan Shcharansky
* * *

And a special appearance by Leonid Siepak son of Refusniks, Vladair and Maria Siepak
* * *






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A project of the Je*Jr*b F$t&sr*fc**t og &e*m* Efttg*&tt

=rwin h Slonaer

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Vies Presidents:
Lionel Gr-^-n.ium Vnoio :. _.i^oe-t '.larva c-v* secretary: .-io'on G Hfsf^ Tr e a s u r e r : Barry S Bet", Past Presidents: ''yrcn J *:";<rr3n Jaanne Lew

September 19, 1986

Women's Division ?."sidert: i::ecutive Director: Jeffrey l <. -a,n Assistant Director:
Couglas h K:^'n.>r

Elected Board Members:

?;>nr>-.'f pJ- ;-:-arry 3-:;.*ivy Micnae. r-rz?s: Michaf-' w 8."ows Or Stdiov Eastern

Mr. Abraham J. Bayer, Director International Commission National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council 443 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10016 Dear Abe: I would like to share with you our community's plans for Soviet Jewry. The Soviet Jewry Task Force of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County will observe a Soviet Jewry week centering around our Soviet Jewry Rally to be held Wednesday, December 10, 1986. More than 1,000 people are expected at this rally featuring Rae Ginsburg, Vice Chairman, International Commission for NJCRAC as the keynote speaker. At this rally, we will be announcing the adoption of a "Community Refusenik" and will encourage all in attendance to ll out and mail postcards to American and Soviet government ofcials. The rabbis in our community will kick-off the week-long observance by devoting their Shabbat sermon to Soviet Jewry on December 5-6. The Soviet Jewry Week will culminate with a Children's Rally coordinated with our (Jewish) Educator's Council and incorporated with their Zimriah program on Wednesday, December 17, 1986. Children will sing songs of freedom and solidarity, write letters and send Chanukah candles to refusenik families in the USSR. Our community is prepared to mobilize as soon as a Summit date is announced between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev. A bus will symbolically depart from front of the Jewish Federation ofces on Flagler Drive and carry prominent leaders of our community to the airport for a ight to Washington where they will represent the Jewish Community of the Palm Beach Beaches. If you would like any additional information, please call me. Best wishes for a healthy and happy Hayim Tovim.

V K.vr :- GtC"'?'
r.'iltcn Go: J h'-anuli ."j^'lPerg '*r. v 3 'joUser.^ 'jr;i Gronr.--.jr-" 'jnry G.'O-iima" -:o-irOor G.-ur v Arnold J Hr'-"~=in \ir :>.- -..:/ j-imes Kay .;el Kcf-jcet 3-dney he"1! Nathan \osowski H -r^in L-3'.'y Varx F _-_./ 2ob?rt S Levy Cvnnie !_?:

~amuet .-v '.'ic-^Tiai

C- Mar>< Pv.--~.c2T Vyfon C ^a:: :rs E^rsnic? cserj \larrn .V. = -$w '.larvir = -csen David Scrvmnel Dr Morrri 5cnj:narr Susan '.Voif-Scr.varjz Paui Sr.aoiro Rur.ard C-. -Sl-u^arn-.a.n. t-.'.D. Mian L. Shuirmn Or. Elizanotn 3 Snulman Lean 3 s<ir
~i~l!!tO oiST.

"amuei Waaler Mortimer Wiss Morris ZlDKin

Generai Campaign Chairperson:

Jeanne Lew

.Yemen s Division Campaign Chairperson:

;.-rol G'*<

ir c

abbinicai Board Members:

Paooi .'cv r,--.--z -> ^aob' Aur l Conen Rabbi Err.3r.vei Eisenberg D3bb> Leon =,nk Rabb: '-:o\var-3 J Hirscn n.tioi Jcei L Lovir.e Obb: V.viiarrt >.'a"j( Habbi Ric.-..'.r.i K HocKljn r nbbi r'i/var: Shaairo ^asoi JoseD" So^ser*" Rabbi Isaac vancer vvaiae Rabbi Steven P Westrrian


501 South Flagler Drive. Suite 305. West Palm Beach. Florida 33401-5988 Telephone: (305) 832-2120 3525 South Congress Avenue. Suite 102. Boynton Beach. Florida 33436 Telephone: (305) 737-0746

-* - ^ _. s^

SdtfVO 39Q31d

| | | K T I C K E T E D PA S S E N G E R D YES I will be there to greet Gorbachev. D Let me know when this important meeting will take place. Please send me further information.



Cl:y. State. Zip

Mr. Abe Bayer NJCRAC 443 Park Avenue South 11 t h F l o o r New York, NY. 10016


Please return to: Jewish Community Relations Council 4797 Mercury Street San Diego, CA 92111

Hp Airlines
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To coincide with S.,mm,f meeting





A Sea of demonstrators ^SSiS^Z^-^^f^^^

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SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Dallas "Campaign to Summit II" (Coordinated by the JCRC of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas) August 1986 September 1986 Thursday, September 11 Wednesday, September 24 Presentation of Community plan to JCRC Executive and Advisory Committees (7:45 P.M. Community Services Bldg.) Kick-off event. The Young Executives Breakfast Forum will be holding a special function on Wednesday, September 24, at 7:30 A.M., Westin Hotel. Guest speakers will be Dr. Harvey and Judy Rosenstock speaking on "Jews Trapped in the Soviet Union: Their Tragedy, Our Crisis." The event will conclude with an announcement of the Summit II campaign. Petition campaigns, speakers, individual organiza tional events, Rabbis to utilize theme during ser vices. Accelerated activity among the congregation regarding their "adopted" Refuseniks. AJCommittee Interfaith Breakfast - guest speaker David Harris, National Deputy Director for International A ff a i r s ( k i c k - o ff f o r a c t i v i t y i n c h u r c h e s ) . Planning

October 1986

Monday, October 20

November 1986 Friday eve., November 14 Sunday, November 16 Solidarity Sabbath Community event sponsored by JCRC and coordinated by Dallas Action for Soviet Jewry. Concert by members of Dallas Symphony Orchestra/Simon Sargon, 4:00-5:00 P.M. Special Summit II Havdalah service, sponsored by Younger Set of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas, at Congregation Shearith Israel.

Saturday, November 22

December 1986 Wednesday, December 3 Period of Actual Summit A. Vigil to be held eve of Summit B. Sunday prior to Summit - Special Washington Mobilization event (expectation of at least 100 people from Dallas attending this national program). Other - The following organizations have made tentative plans: A. American Jewish Congress - Run for Freedom B. UJA Young Leadership - Special Soviet Jewry Program C. ADL - Distribution of special materials on Special Soviet Jewry cantata sponsored by NA'AMAT, 7:30 P.M., at the Jewish Community Center.



For more information, contact the JCRC (214) 369-3313


AGENDA 1. OPENING REMARKS 2. PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE ROLL CALL Chairperson, Dr. Ed Karl Vice-Chairperson, Alan P. Rosenberg

3. VIDEO - "SHARANSKY: THE STRUGGLE CONTINUES" 4. "SOVIET JEWRY 1986 WHERE WE STAND" 5. TRANSPORTATION REPORT 6. INVOLVEMENT OF RABBIS 7. PETITION CAMPAIGN 8. STATEWIDE SOVIET JEWRY RALLY, SEPTEMBER 28 9. PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE BRACELETS Marvin Catler, Chairman, Soviet Jewry Task Force Liz Kriwitsky, Transportation Co-Chairperson Bob Fishman, Director, Community Relations Committee Naomi Shenkman, Petition Chairperson Jack Spiegel, Statewide Soviet Jewry Chairperson Jean Federman, Vice-Chairperson


Points to include in Brief Presentations to Organizations/Boards on the Importance of Washington Rally 1. The Summit II meeting will mark the rst visit of a Soviet leader to the U.S. in more than 10 years. This is an opportunity we may not have again for years to state the case for Soviet Jewry loudly and clearly. 2. Soviet Jewish population is approximately 2.3 million - third largest Jewish community in the world. We must be their voice. We are their constituency. 3. The more than ^00,000 refuseniks who are waiting for exit visas confront re pression on a daily basis. They live in isolation. Any attempts to study Hebrew and discover their Jewish identity are done at great personal risk. We in the West, who are free, must do whatever we can to ease their plight. 4. If We Forget Them, the World Will Forget Them. While we are not always sure that our advocacy will have a direct bearing on the lives of refuseniks, we know that if we do nothing to assist them, there will be no hope for improvement in their lives. The lessons of the Holocaust unfortunately have taught us this all too well. 5. We are not trying to "change" the Soviet system but advocating that the Soviet Union honor their own commitments to the 1975 Helsinki Accord signed by the Soviets which among other human rights provisions declares that "everyone has the right to leave any country including their own" (Article 13/2) and which commits all signatory states to "respect human rights and fundamental freedoms - including the freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief." Furthermore, the Soviet consititution of 1936 provides for the reunication of families. 6. The argument from Jewish tradition - We are our brother's keeper. The redemption of hostages (spiritual as well as physical) is one of the highest responsibilities incumbent upon free men in the Jewish tradition. 7. We must remember the younger generation of refuseniks - those who have grown up "in refusal" since birth, whose parents have been waiting more than 16 years to emigrate. For their parents, time is running out - many are professionals who have not been able to work in their elds for more than a decade. If their children are not able to emigrate soon, an entire generation of our Soviet Jewish brethren will be lost. 8. Emigration is at an all-time low. Only 31 got out in July. There will be fewer than 1,000 for all of 1986. In 1979, 51,000 received exit visas. 9. Today we are better organized politically than at any time in the past, certainly than in the period of the Holocaust. We can inuence policy and make our voices heard. We must not underestimate the role of Western governments in advocating on behalf of Soviet Jews and the role of Western public opinion in inuencing world events. (Hartford)

Tke JEwisH Community FcdERATioN of CkvdAiNd

1750 EUCLID AVENUE C L EVEL AND. OHIO 44115 PHONE .216* 566 9200

September 5, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Jewish Community Leadership FROM: Clifford Savren, Chair Soviet Jewry Task Force RE: Campaign to Summit II - Program Resources

This program packet is for synagogue and Jewish organizational use for September and October. In addition to some traditional Soviet Jewry programs, it includes information on the community-wide mobilization for the Campaign to Summit II. Enclosed you will nd the following: 1. High Holiday Greeting Card Project - A sample greeting card and order form are enclosed. Please return the order form as soon as possible to indicate how many cards you will need this year. If your organization or synagogue has adopted a refusenik family, members should be directed to send cards to them. Otherwise, you can now adopt a family or use the names included on the sample instruction sheet. 2. Petition Drive - The enclosed petition is being distributed nationally. In Cleveland we have set a goal of collecting 10,000 signatures. Please dis tribute petitions at all meetings, S'lichot services, at the the close of holiday services, or at major events^ Either photocopy the enclosure or order more petitions (see holiday card order form). 3. Washington Mobilization - We are now beginning to mobilize a Cleveland dele gation for a national rally in Washington at the time of the summit. See the enclosed "Gorbachev is Coming to Washington" brochure for more infor mation. Start organizing a delegation from your synagogue or organization now. Additional copies of the brochure are available for distribution in limited numbers. 4. Speakers Available Now - On personal encounters with meeting refuseniks, and on the Campaign to Summit II. To involve your synagogue or organization in the Campaign to Summit II scheduled a full program, or a short update report on mobilization efforts now under way in Cleveland. 5. Shcharansky Video Available - This superb ten-minute video presentation on Natan Shcharansky's arrival in Israel is an excellent motivational piece for Soviet Jewry activity, and particularly for the Campaign to Summit II. (over)
Present Hon. MiIton A. Wolf Vice-PREsidcNTS Morton G. Epstein CharIes Rather Bardara S. RosentIiaI Treasurer GfiORqE IN. AronoFP Associate Treasurer AlviN L. Gray Executive Director Stephen H. HoffMAN

6. Fact Sheet on Jewish Culture in U.S.S.R. - Helpful fact sheet about systematic Soviet efforts to destroy Jewish life. Additional copies available in unlimited numbers. 7. Soviet Jewry Calendar - Order form from National Conference on Soviet Jewry for attractive new 1986-87 Soviet Jewry Calendar. Additional order forms available. Contact Mark Gurvis at 566-9200, ext 254 for any resources of the Soviet Jewry Task Force. Your help in mobilizing the community over the next few months to respond to the challenge of the upcoming summit will be deeply appreciated. If you would like to personally be involved in organizing the Cleveland dele gation to the Washington Rally, please return the reply card included in the enclosed brochure.
President Ronald Reagan The White House Washington. D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. President: We thank vou and your Administration lor your continued efforts to rescue the Jew* in the Soviet Unionthe world's third largest Jewish community As you plan your forthcoming meetings with General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, we uree >ou to continue to insist that human rights remains a ke\ issue of Fast-West relations. You can count on our support as you press tor Jewish emigration and the protection of cultural and religious rights in the Soviet Union. Xante Address CitySnite Te l e p h o n e

Please return hv Sovemher 7. 1986 to: Campaign to Summit II

Soviet Jewry Task Force (216) 566-9200. ext. 254

1750 Euclid Avenue. Cleveland. Ohio 44115


m COMMITTEE, EXECUTIVE BOARD VOmillKfCw PROM: Mark Mellman, Chairman

JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF GREA TER WASHINGTON The next period, extending through the High Holy Days and to an a n t i c i p a t e d c u l m i n a t i n g n a t i o n a l r a l l y i n Wa s h i n g t o n , i s o n e which demands our heightened attention to Soviet Jewry. Our Soviet Jewry Committee has urged that every area congregation and organization undertake an energetic program of education, advocacy and mobilization activities this fall. With that goal in mind, enclosed for your information and review, are three items: o A series of background papers on the status of Soviet Jewry o An information sheet about Soviet Jewry o An updated Soviet Jewry Action Kit Please note that the Soviet Jewry Kit contains a special section on the national and local plans for the Summit II Mobilization for Soviet Jewry, including a copy of the Soviet Jewry petition which will be utilized in a campaign across the country in advance of the summit. We hope that these materials, which are being sent to you prior to general distribution, will be of use in your interpretation of Soviet Jewry's status and in efforts to mobilize in solidarity with Soviet Jewry in advance of Summit II and beyond. Other "normal" Soviet Jewry activities should continue, but should be planned so as to augment, not to replace, mobilizationrelated efforts. For example, the Council has High Holy Day cards for refuseniks available on request. However, no largescale campaign for the project will be mounted this year to ensure maximum attention to the petition campaign. The NJCRAC has provided to us a limited number of copies of "A Guide to Community Planning for Soviet Jewry." We would be pleased to provide a copy to you on request. Our community Soviet Jewry Mobilization Task Force will keep you informed of all plans and developments as additional details become available. o/o/o*

Suite 920 1522 K Street, N.W., Washinston D.C, 20005 (202) 347-4628

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