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Drug Study
Ampicillin Brand Name: Ampicin Classification: Antibiotic Dosage: 200 mg Route: TIV Frequency: q 6 Action Bactericidal action againts sensitive organisms; inhibits synthesis of bacteria cell wall, causing cell death Indication Treatment of soft tissue, respiratory tract infections, septicemia, menigitis and gonococcal infections caused by susceptible microorganisms Contraindication Contraindicated with allergies to penicillins, cephalosporins, or other allergens Use cautiously with renal disorders Adverse Reaction CNS: headache, hallucinations seizures CV: CHF GI: nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea GU: nephritis Hematologic: anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, prolonged bleeding time Hypersensitivity: rash, fever, wheezing Local: pain, phlebitis, thrombosis at injection site(parenteral) Nursing Consideration Before giving, ask the patient about any allergic reaction to penicillin. Use initial dilution within one hour. Follow manufacturers direction for stability data when ampicillin is furthered diluted for IV infusion. Give IV intermittently to prevent vein irritation. Change site every 48 hrs. Dont give IV unless prescribed and infection is severe. give ampicillin at least one hour before bacteriostatic antibiotics Do not give with fruit juice or softdrinks. Tell to the parent of the patient to call the doctor if rash, fever , or chills develop


Drug Study
Paracetamol Brand Name: Biogesic Classification: Antipyretic Dosage: 120 mg/mL Route: PO Frequency: 1 tsp. q 6 Action Appears to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis in the CNS and, to a lesser extent, block pain impulses through peripheral action. Acts centrally on the hypothalamic heat regulating center, producing peripheral vasodition (heat loss, skin erythema, diaphoresis). Therapuetic effect: results in antipyresis produces analgesic effect. Indication Relief of mild to moderate pain, fever. Contraindication Active alcoholism, liver disease, or viral hepatitis, all of which increase risk of hepatoxicity Adverse Reaction Hema: hemolytic anemia, neutropenia, leucopenia, pancytopenia Hepa: jaundice Metabolic: hypoG GI: hepatic failure, hepatoxicity,(overdose) GU: renal, failure (high dose/chronic use) Derm: rash, uticaria Nursing Consideration Advice parents or caregivers to check concentrations of liquid preparations. Errors have resulted in serious liver damage. Assess fever, note presence of associated signs (diaphoresis, tachycardia, and malaise) Assess for clinical improvement and relief of pain, fever. Assess onset, type, location, duration of pain. Effect of medication is reduce if full pain response recurs prior to next dose.


Drug Study
Vitamin A Brand Name: Retinol Classification: Nutritional suplemment Dosage: 20,000 IU Route: PO Frequency: SD Action May act as cofactor in biochemical reaction. Therapeutic effect: essential for normal function of retina, visual adaptation to darkness, bone growth, testicular and ovarian function, embryonic development; preserve integrity of ephetilial cells. Indication Treatment of vitamin A dificiency (biliary tract, pancreatic disease, sprue colitis, hepatic cirrhosis, ciliac disease, regional enteritis, extreme dietary inadequacy,partial gastrectomy, cystic fibrosis) Contraindication Hypersensitivity, Excessive doses of vitamin A should be avoided in pregnancy because of potential tetratogenic effect. Adverse Reaction CNS: Vertigo, lethargy, malaise, irritability, fever, headache GI: weight loss Metabolic: hyperglycemia Ocular: visual changes Miscellaneous: hypervitaminosis Nursing Consideration Closely supervise for overdosage symptoms during prolonged daily administrations over 25,000 international units. Monitor therapeutic serum Vitamin A levels(80-300 units/mL) Oral preparation are not induicated for Vitamin A deficiency in those with malabsorption syndrome Caution patient not to take more than the prescribed amount, it should be omitted


X. Drug Study
Potassium Chloride Brand Name: Kalium Classification: Electrolyte Dosage: 2.6 mEq/L Incorporaed: D5 IMB 500cc Route: TIV Action Necessary for multiple cellular metabolic processes. Primary action is intracellular. Required for nerve impulse conduction, contrucion of cardiac skeletal, smooth muscle; maintains normal renal function. Indication For use as an electrolyte replenisher Treatment of hypokalemia. Contraindication Concurrent use of potassium-sparing diuretics, digitals toxicity, heat cramps, hyperkalemia, postoperative oligiria, severe burns, severe renal impairment, shock with dehydration or hemolytic reaction. Adverse Reaction Dermatologic: Rash GI: Diarrhea, Nausea, vomiting, Abdominal discomfort with distention, GI obstruction Local: tissue sloughing, local necrosis, local phlebitis Nursing Considerations Never IV push give slowly as dilute solution: potentially fatal hyperkalemia may result from too-rapid infusion Make sure powders are completely dissolved before administering. Monitor ECG and serum electrolyte levels during therapy. Monitor renal function. Agitate preffered IV solution to prevent layering of potassium, do not add potassium to an IV bottle in the hanging position. Monitor IV injection sites regularly for necrosis, tissues sloughing ad phlebitis.



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