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Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Heat engi ne i s t he devi ce whi ch dr i ves heat f r om t he combust i on of
f uel and conver t s par t of i t s ener gy i n mechani cal wor k. Heat engi ne ar e
br oadl y cl assi f y i n t wo cat egor i es, f i r st i s i nt er nal combust i on (I.C.) engi ne
and second i s ext er nal combust i on engi ne.
If t he combust i on of f uel t akes pl ace out si de t he engi ne cyl i nder t hen
such engi ne i s know n as ext er nal combust i on engi ne. St eam engi ne i s t he
best exampl e of ext er nal combust i on engi ne.
If t he combust i on of f uel t akes pl ace i nsi de t he engi ne cyl i nder t hen
such engi ne i s know n as i nt er nal combust i on engi ne. Di esel engi ne &
Pet r ol engi ne ar e t he best exampl es of i nt er nal combust i on engi ne.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
1. Accor di ng t o number of st r okes r equi r ed t o
compl et e one cycl e.
Four St r oke engi ne: Engi ne i n w hi ch one
compl et e cycl e i .e. suct i on, compr essi on,
expansi on and exhaust pr ocess t akes pl ace i n t wo
r evol ut i on of cr ank shaf t .
Two St r oke engi ne: Engi ne i n w hi ch one compl et e
cycl e i .e. suct i on, compr essi on, expansi on and
exhaust pr ocess t akes pl ace i n one r evol ut i on of
cr ank shaf t .
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
2. Accor di ng t o met hod of i gni t i on
Spar k i gni t i on engi ne
Compr essi on i gni t i on engi ne.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
3. Accor di ng t o number of cyl i nder s
Si ngl e cyl i nder engi ne e.g. scoot er, mot or bi ke.
M ul t i -cyl i nder engi ne e.g. car, t r uck, shi p.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
4. Accor di ng t o posi t i on of cyl i nder s
1. Inl i ne engi ne 2. V-engi ne
3. Radi al engi ne 4. Fl at Engi ne
5. Accor di ng t o cool i ng syst em
1. Ai r cool ed engi ne
2. Wat er cool ed engi ne
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
6. Accor di ng t o f uel suppl y
1. Car bur et or engi ne
2. Sol i d i nj ect i on engi ne 3. Ai r i nj ect i on engi ne
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
7. Accor di ng t o f uel used
1. Heavy oi l engi ne 2. Li ght oi l engi ne
3. Gas engi ne 4. By-f uel engi ne
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
8. Accor di ng t o Ther modynami c cycl e
1. Ot t o cycl e engi ne 2. Di esel cycl e engi ne
3. Duel cycl e engi ne
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
9. Accor di ng t o speed of engi ne
Hi gh speed engi ne ( i f engi ne speed i s mor e t han
900 r pm)
Low speed engi ne ( i f engi ne speed i s l ess t han
400 r pm)
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
10. Accor di ng t o f i el d of appl i cat i on
1. St at i onar y engi ne 2.M obi l e engi ne
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o t he appl i cat i on
Per sonal Aut omobi l e
Commer ci al Aut omobi l e
Speci al Aut omobi l e
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o f uel used
Pet r ol vehi cl e Di esel vehi cl e
Gas vehi cl e El ect r i c vehi cl e
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o t he dr i ve
Hef t Hand Dr i ve
Ri ght Hand Dr i ve
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o t he w heel and axl e
Two w heel er Thr ee Wheel er
Four Wheel er Si x Wheel er
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o suspensi on syst em
Dependent suspensi on syst em
Independent suspensi on syst em
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Accor di ng t o power ed w heel s
Fr ont Wheel Dr i ve
Rear Wheel Dr i ve
Al l Wheel Dr i ve
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Engi ne per f or mance i s an i ndi cat i on of degree of success wi t h w hi ch engi ne does t he j ob assi gned t o i t i .e.
t he conversi on of chemi cal energy cont ai ned i n t he f uel i nt o usef ul mechani cal wor k.
The engi ne per f or mances are expressed i n t er m of cer t ai n paramet ers whi ch are l i st ed bel ow.
Indica t ed pow er (IP):
The power devel oped i nsi de t he engi ne cyl i nder because of combust i on of f uel i s known i ndi cat ed power.
M at hemat i cal l y
In case of t wo st roke engi ne
In case of f our st roke engi ne
n : number of cyl i nders
m :
M ean ef f ect i ve pressure (N/ m
L : St roke Lengt h (m)
A : Cross- sect i on area of cyl i nder (m
N : Number of revol ut i on per mi n.
. LAN p n
. LAN p n
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Bra ke pow er ( BP) :
The power avai l abl e at t he crank shaf t of t he engi ne i s known
i ndi cat ed power. Thi s power i s al ways l ess t han t he i ndi cat ed power
because of power l oss due t o f r i ct i on. M at hemat i cal l y
Br ake Pow er = Indi cat ed pow er Fr i ct i on pow er
M echa nica l Ef f iciency ( ) :
It i s t he measur e of engi ne t o t ransmi t i t s power devel oped i nsi de
t he engi ne cyl i nder t o dr i vi ng shaf t . It s val ues var y f r om 70% t o 90% f or
di f f er ent t ypes of engi ne. M at hemat i cal l y
I ndica t ed Therma l Ef f iciency ( ):
It i s t he measur e of conver si on of heat ener gy i nt o wor k or rat i o of
heat conver t ed i nt o wor k. M at hemat i cal l y
Wher e CV : Cal or i f i c val ue of f uel
: M ass f l ow rat e of f uel


CV m
watt IP
) (
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Bra ke Therma l Efficiency ( ):
It i s t he measure of conversi o n of heat ener gy i nt o shaf t wor k. The val ue of brake t her mal
ef f i ci ency var i es 25 30% f or S.I. engi nes and 30 40% f or C.I. engi nes. M at hemat i cal l y
Al so
Relat ive Efficiency ( ):
It i s t he r at i o of i ndi cat ed t her mal ef f i ci ency t o t her mal ef f i ci ency of t heat r i cal reversi bl e cycl e
operat i on wi t h t he same compressi on rat i o. It usual l y var i es f rom 60 80%.
Volumet ric Efficiency ( ):
It i s t he rat i o of act ual vol ume of charge drawn dur i ng t he suct i o n st roke t o swept vol ume of t he
engi ne. It s val ue general l y l i es bet ween 70 80%.
Specific Fuel Consumpt ion (sfc):
It i s def i ne as t he mass of f uel requi red t o suppl y t o t he engi ne t o devel o ped uni t KW power per
hour. It s val ue i s 1.47 kg/ KWh f or S.I. engi ne and 1.85 kg/ KWh f or C.I. engi ne. M at hemat i cal l y

CV m
watt BP
) (


. vol

KWh kg
/ =
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
In four stroke internal combustion engine, the "Poppet Valve"
performed the opening of the cylinder to inlet or exhaust
manifold at the correct moment.
Generally the face of valve is ground at 45 degree and There is
some margin provided to avoid sharp
The groove,retain the valve spring which aids in keeping the
valve pressed against the seat when closed and thus seal the
combustion space tightly.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Valves And Valve M echanism used in
I nt ernal Combust ion Engine
The inlet valves are made from plain nickel, nickel chrome or chrome
Where as exhaust valves are made from nickel chrome, silicon
chrome steel, high speed steel, stainless steel, high nickel chrome,
tungsten steel and cobalt chrome steel.
Poppet valve has following main parts,
01) Cam Shaft 02) Cam
03) Cam Follower 04) Tappet
05) Adjusting Screw 06) Washer
07) Valve Spring 08) Valve Stem
09) Valve Stem Guide 10) Valve Face
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Valve M echanism Of Overhead Valve
In this mechanism, a push rod and a rocker arm to push the valve against
the spring pressure is required. The rocker arm rotates about the rocker arm
shaft under the force exerted by the push rod. Asuitable gear train or chain
is provided to convert the drive from crankshaft to camshaft.
In high speed engines, the frequency of vibration of the valve spring
coincides with normal operating frequency of the valve which leads to
resonance and increasing the surging effect. To overcome this problem,
now a days compound spring are used. Compound spring means "One
spring within the other of
different natural frequencies".
Valves are the most important part of every engines, So due care must be
taken in selection and maintenance of valve.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Pow er and Torque charact erist ics
Torque i s t he r ot at i onal ver si on of f or ce. The
mor e t or que an engi ne pr oduces, t he mor e
f or ce i t can exer t at t he r i m of a f l yw heel of a
gi ven radi us.
Pow er i s f or ce mul t i pl i ed by speed. The mor e
power an engi ne generat es, t he mor e wor k i t
can do i n a gi ven t i me.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Pow er and Torque charact erist ics
An engine produces POWER by providing a ROTATING SHAFT
which can exert a given amount of TORQUE on a load at a given
RPM. The amount of TORQUE the engine can exert usually varies
with RPM.
In or der t o desi gn an engi ne f or a par t i cular appl i cat ion, i t i s hel pf ul
t o pl ot out t he opt i mal power cur ve f or t hat speci f i c appl i cat i on,
t hen f rom t hat desi gn i nf or mat i on, det er mi ne t he t or que cur ve
w hi ch i s r equi r ed t o pr oduce t he desi r ed power cur ve.
Typi cal l y, t he t or que peak w i l l occur at a subst ant i al ly lower RPM
t han t he power peak. The r eason is t hat , i n general , t he t or que
cur ve does not drop of f (%-w i se) as rapi dl y as t he RPM i s i ncr easi ng
(%-w i se)
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Pow er and Torque charact erist ics
An engi ne whi ch oper at es i n a r el at i vel y nar row RPM band,
such as an ai r cr af t engi ne, i t i s gener al l y a r equi r ement t hat
t he engi ne pr oduce maxi mum power at t he maxi mum RPM .
That r equi r es t he t or que peak t o be f ai r l y cl ose t o t he
maxi mum RPM .
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
The three dashed lines represent three different torque curves, each having
exactly the same shape and torque values, but with the peak torque values
located at different RPM values. The solid lines show the power produced
by the torque curves of the same color.
Rolling, Air and Gradient Resistance
Rolling resistance is the energy that is lost when the tire is rolling.
The main reason for the loss of energy is the constant deformation
of the tire.
In addition to the rolling resistance, there are also other resistances
known as air resistance which rises in a squared ratio with increased
Rolling, Air and Gradient Resistance
Resistance force on a bicycle
1 Rolling resistance
2 Gradient resistance
3 Air resistance
4 Total resistance
M ai n Concept s
Resi st ance
Tract i ve ef f or t
Vehi cl e accel erat i on
Braki ng
St oppi ng di st ance
g rl a
R R R ma F + + + =
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Resi st ance
Resi st ance i s def i ned as t he f or ce i mpedi ng
vehi cl e mot i on
1. What i s t hi s f or ce?
2. Aer odynami c r esi st ance
3. Rol l i ng r esi st ance
4. Gr ade r esi st ance
g rl a
R R R ma F + + + =
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Aer odynami c Resi st ance R
Composed of :
1. Tur bul ent ai r f l ow ar ound vehi cl e body (85%)
2. Fr i ct i on of ai r over vehi cl e body (12%)
3. Vehi cl e component r esi st ance, f r om r adi at or s
and ai r vent s (3%)
f D a

f D R

from National Research Council Canada
Rol l i ng Resi st ance R
Composed pr i mar i l y of
1. Resi st ance f r om t i r e def or mat i on (~90%)
2. Ti r e penet rat i on and sur f ace compr essi on (~ 4%)
3. Ti r e sl i ppage and ai r ci r cul at i on ar ound w heel (~ 6%)
4. Wi de range of f act ors af f ect t ot al r ol l i ng r esi st ance
5. Si mpl i f yi ng appr oxi mat i on:
W f R
rl rl

+ =
1 01 . 0
WV f P
Grade Resi st ance R
Composed of
Gr avi t at i onal f or ce act i ng on t he vehi cl e
g g
W R sin =
g g
tan sin ~
g g
W R tan =
= tan
For small angles,


Avai l abl e Tract i ve Ef f or t
The mi ni mum of :
1. For ce gener at ed by t he engi ne, F
2. M axi mum val ue t hat i s a f unct i on of t he
vehi cl es wei ght di st r i but i on and r oad-t i r e
i nt er act i on, F
( )
, min effort tractive Available F F
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Tract i ve Ef f or t Rel at i onshi ps
Engi ne-Generat ed Tract i ve Ef f or t
For ce
d e

( )
rpm engine
lb ft torque
lb ft
550 hp




= Engine generated tractive effort
reaching wheels (lb)
= Engine torque (ft-lb)

= Gear reduction ratio

= Driveline efficiency
r = Wheel radius (ft)
Gear Box
A gear box, al so know n as a gear case or gear
head, i s a gear or a hydraul i c syst em r esponsi bl e
f or t ransmi t t i ng mechani cal power f r om a pr i me
mover (an engi ne or el ect r i c mot or ) i nt o some
f or m of usef ul out put . It i s r ef er r ed t o t he met al
casi ng i n w hi ch a number of gear s ar e seal ed.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Funct ions of a Gearbox
A gear box i s pr eci sel y bor ed t o cont r ol gear and
shaf t al i gnment .
It i s used as a housi ng/ cont ai ner f or gear oi l .
It i s a met al casi ng f or pr ot ect i ng gear s and
l ubr i cant f r om wat er, dust and ot her
cont ami nant s.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Gear Box
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Gearbox Specif icat ions
Some of the important specifications are :
1. Gear ratio: The ratio may be specified as x: 1, where x is
an integer.
2. Output torque
3. Maximum input power
4. Maximum input speed
5. Gearing arrangement
6. Reducer output
7. Shaft Alignment
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
A range of gearboxes are constructed from a variety of
materials depending on the industry or the product in
which they are being used for.
Finest quality materials are used to manufacture
gearboxes for ensuring reliability, ease of maintenance
and long life.
The specialty gearboxes materials undergo vibration
and endurance test to ensure that the end product is of
premium quality.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Some of the popularly used materials used for
gear box are
1. Cast Iron
2. AluminumAlloy
3. Steel
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Gearbox
A variety of gearboxes are manufactured from
different superior quality materials and with
different performance specifications depending
on their industrial application.
These gearboxes are available in a range of
capacities, sizes and speed ratios, but the main
function is to convert the input of a prime mover
into an output with high torque and low RPM.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Gearbox
Some of the popular types of gear boxes in use
are as follows
1. Bevel Gearbox
2. Helical Gearbox
3. Planetary Gearbox
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Gearbox
4. Sequential Gearbox
5. Spiral Bevel Gearbox
6. Worm Reduction Gearbox
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Gearbox
7. Cycloidal Gearbox
8. Offset Gearbox
9. Right Angle Bevel Gearbox
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Gearbox
10.Shaft Mounted Gearbox
11.Worm Gearbox
12.Crane Duty Gearboxes
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Simple Dif ferent ial Gear box
Bevel gearboxes are special speed reducers with
their shafts lying perpendicular to each other
and therefore used mainly in right-angle
These gearboxes save more energy as compared
to worm gears and are available in varying gear
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Bevel Gearboxes
1. Straight Bevel Gearboxes : The gearbox has
straight and tapered teeth, and are also the
easiest to manufacture. These gearboxes are
mainly used for low speed applications.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Bevel Gearboxes
2. Spiral Bevel Gearboxes : The gearbox has
curved and oblique teeth. These gearboxes are
mainly used for high performance and high
speed applications.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Use of Bevel Gearboxes
1. Printing Presses
2. Newspaper Conveyors
3. Material Handling
4. Paper Converting
5. Conveyors
6. Food Processing
7. Rubber Processing
8. Wrapping Machines
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
The gear rat i o of a gear box can be det er mi ned
by di vi di ng t he number of t eet h i n t he l ar ger
gear by t he number of t eet h i n t he smal l er
one. The gear boxes generat e var yi ng l evel of
t or que and can al so be cust omi zed t o sui t
i ndi vi dual r equi r ement s.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Transmission System
There are three types of transmission system.
Manual Transmission System
Automatic Transmission System
Semi-automatic Transmission System
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
1. Manual Transmission System
A manual t ransmi ssi on i s of t en r ef er r ed t o as a
st i ck shi f t or st andar d t ransmi ssi on, essent i al l y
used i n t he aut omobi l e i ndust r y. Thi s t ype of
t ransmi ssi on f eat ur es gear rat i os t hat ar e sel ect ed
by engagi ng pai r s of gear s i nsi de t he t ransmi ssi on.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of M anual Transmission
Synchronized Systems: This type of transmission
system or gearbox does not require synchronization with
the driver while changing gears.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Unsynchronized Systems: This type of
transmission system or gearbox allows free spinning of
gears with their relative speeds synchronized by the
driver for avoiding clashing and grinding of gears.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Advant ages of a M anual Transmission Syst em
Cheaper t han t he aut omat i c t ransmi ssi on
syst em.
Bet t er f uel economy t han ot her t ransmi ssi on
syst ems.
Requi r es l ow mai nt enance.
Does not r equi r e act i ve cool i ng.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Aut omat i c t ransmi ssi on i s a t ype of gear box,
especi al l y used i n t he aut omobi l e i ndust r y f or
changi ng gear rat i os aut omat i cal l y. It does
not r equi r e manual shi f t i ng of gear s. The
gear box has a set of sel ect ed gear range.
The syst em i s hydraul i cal l y operat ed and
makes use of a t or que conver t er and a set of
pl anet ar y gear s.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Parts of an Automatic Transmission System
An automatic transmission consists of the
following parts
1. Torque Converter : It is a device connecting engine
and transmission. The instrument takes place of a
mechanical clutch, allowing the engine to remain
running. A torque converter that provides a variable
amount of torque multiplication at low engine
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Parts of an Automatic Transmission System
2. Planetary Gearbox Set : The bands and clutches of
this gear set are actuated with the help of hydraulic
servos controlled by the valve body, thereby
providing two or more gear ratios.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Parts of an Automatic Transmission System
3. Valve Body : The system receives pressurized fluid
from a main pump operated torque converter. The
pressure coming from this pump is regulated and
used to run a network of spring-loaded valves, check
balls and servo pistons. The valves make use of
pump pressure and the pressure from a centrifugal
controller on the output side.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Aut omobiles
Forklif t t rucks
Law n mow ers
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Semi-automatic transmission is a system that
makes use of electronic sensors, processors
and actuators for gear shifting. The system
removes the need of a clutch pedal required for
gear changing. This system is widely used in
the automobile industry.
Types of Semi-Automatic Transmission
1. Direct Shift Gearbox
2. Dual Clutch Gearbox
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
The transmission system should fulfills the following
Provide means of connection & disconnection of engine with
rest of power train without shock & smoothly.
Provide means to transfer power in the opposite direction.
Enable power transmission at varied angles and varied lengths.
Enable speed reduction b/w engine and the drive wheels in the
ratio of about 5:1.
Requirement of Transmission Syst em
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Enables diversion of power flow at right angles.
Provide means to drive the driving wheels at different
speeds when required.
Bear the effect of torque reaction, driving thrust and
breaking effort effectively.
Requirement of Transmission Syst em (Cont d. )
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
1. Clut ch
2. Gear box
3. Transfer case
4. Propeller shaf t & Universal joint s
5. Final drive
6. Dif ferent ial
7. Torque t ube
8. Road w heels
Main units of the transmission system
1. Cl ut ch uni t
2. Transmi ssi on uni t
3. Dr i ve l i ne uni t
4. Dr i vi ng axl e uni t
M ain unit s of M echanical Transmission syst em
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
A clut ch i s a mechani sm w hi ch enabl es t he r ot ar y
mot i on of one shaf t t o be t ransmi t t ed at w i l l t o
second shaf t , w hose axi s i s coi nci dent w i t h t hat of
f i r st .
The f unct ions of clut ches are as follow s:
To per mi t engagement and di sengagement of a gear w hen
t he vehi cl e i s st at i onar y and? t he engi ne i s r unni ng.
To t r ansmi t t he engi ne power t o t he r oad w heel s smoot hl y
w i t hout j ol t / shock t o t he t r ansmi ssi on syst em w hi l e set t i ng
t he w heel i n mot i on.
To per mi t t he engagi ng of gear s w hen t he vehi cl e i s i n
mot i on w i t hout damagi ng t he gear w heel s.
Function of the clutch
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Par t s of cl ut ch
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Posit ive clut ches
Gradual engagement clut ches
Fr i ct i onal cl ut ches:
Cone cl ut ch;
Si ngl e pl at e cl ut ch;
M ul t i pl at e cl ut ch
Ot her f or m of cl ut ches:
Cent r i f ugal & magnet i c cl ut ches;
Fl ui d f l y wheel ;
Hydr aul i c t or que conver t er
Classif icat ion of clut ches
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad

The maximum torque transmitted =

= semi-apex angle of
the cone
Only one pair of driving
surfaces is possible, n =1
Cone clutch :
T = Wr
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Flat Single Plat e clut ches :
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Flat -plat e f rict ion clut ches :
Single-plate Friction Clutch (Engaged position)
Friction plate
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Pressure plates
Friction plates
M ult i plat e clut ch :
No. of
pairs n = 6
12/2001 VHS AUTO 84
Pressure Plat e
T/O bearing
Moves pressure
Plate right
Releases friction disk
from flywheel
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Centrifugal clutch
Friction lining
Total friction torque , T = nR(F-P)

Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Hydraulic torque converter is a device used for transmitting
increased or decreased power fromone shaft to another.
The torque converter, commonly called a converter, is a type of
fluid coupling that transmits power from the engines crankshaft
to the transmission input (turbine) shaft.
It has two important purposes
It serves as an automatic clutch so the vehicle can be stopped with the
engine running and the transmission in gear.
It multiplies torque while the vehicle is accelerating to improve
acceleration and pulling power.
Housi ng
Impel l er
Spl i t r i ng gui de
Tur bi ne
Spl i t r i ng gui de
St at or
St at or one-way cl ut ch
Tor que conver t er cl ut ch
Appl y pi st on
Part s of a Torque Convert er :
Part s of a Torque Convert er :
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
W hen t here is a large
dif ference in RPM
bet w een t he impeller
and t he t urbine in a
f luid coupling, t he
f luid coming of f t he
t urbine st rikes t he
impeller opposit e t he
direct ion of rot at ion,
t hus slow ing t he
impeller dow n
(robbing pow er)
Fluid Coupling Problems :
When the engine is running, fluid in the impeller is
thrown outward and into the vanes of the turbine.
(Courtesy of Chrysler Corporation)
Torque M ult iplicat ion
Because t he t ur bi ne di schar ge oi l i s r edi r ect ed so
t hat i t hi t s t he i mpel l er i n t he di r ect i on of i mpel l er
r ot at i on, i t hel ps t he engi ne t ur n t he i mpel l er.
Thi s i s what causes t or que mul t i pl i cat i on
Tor que conver t er s can mul t i pl y t or que at a 2:1 t o 3:1
r at i o
Exact amount depends on t he desi gn of t he i mpel l er,
st at or, and t ur bi ne and i mpel l er RPM
The poi nt at w hi ch maxi mum t or que mul t i pl i cat i on
occur s i s near t he st al l speed of t he conver t er
Dur i ng t he t or que mul t i pl i cat i on phase, t ur bi ne speed i s
si gni f i cant l y l ower t han i mpel l er speed
A t or que conver t er at t ached t o an engi ne pr oduci ng 200
f t / l bs of t or que woul d del i ver 500 f t / l bs of t or que t o t he
i nput shaf t of t he t r ansmi ssi on (w i t h a 2.5:1 t or que
mul t i pl i cat i on r at i o)
Fl ui d f l ow i s vor t ex
Torque M ult iplicat ion (Cont d. )
Tor que M ul t i pl i cat i on
1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000
Engine RPM



Engine Torque Input Shaft Torque Torque Multiplication
St al l speed i s t he engi ne RPM at w hi ch t he
t or que conver t er has coupl ed enough t hat
w i t h t he w heel s l ocked t he engi ne i s not abl e
t o i ncr ease RPM any f ur t her
St all Speed :
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of st al l Speeds
Tr ue st al l
Thi s i s t he maxi mum r pm t he engi ne can at t ai n
w i t h t he dr i vel i ne compl et el y l ocked
Gener al l y can onl y be at t ai ned w i t h a t r ans-br ake
Br ake st al l
Thi s i s t he maxi mum r pm t he engi ne can at t ai n
w i t h t he br akes appl i ed
The br akes gener al l y w i l l not have enough hol di ng
power t o al l ow t he engi ne t o r each t r ue st al l speed
Fl ash st al l
Thi s i s t he r pm at w hi ch, w hen you accel erat e at
f ul l t hr ot t l e f r om a dead st op t he engi ne RPM
f l ashes t o
TCIs r ecommended met hod of t est i ng st al l speed
St all Speed :
Vehi cl e Wei ght
Vane/ Fi n Angl e
Hor sepower
Impel l er t o Tur bi ne Cl earance
Power band/ Camshaf t
St at or Desi gn
Tor que Rat e
Conver t er Di amet er
Gear Rat i o
Fact ors Af fect ing St all Speed :
Wha t i s Uni ver sa l Joi nt
Universal joint is t he joint w hich enables t he driver shaf t
t o t ransmit pow er at varied angles.
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Page 97
Al l ows f l exi ng of t he dr i veshaf t due t o
suspensi on movement .
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Types of Universal Joint
Variable velocit y joint
i . Cross or spi der t ype
i i . Ri ng t ype
i i i . Bal l & t r uni on t ype
Const ant velocit y joint
i . Rzeppa
i i . Bendi x wei ss
i i i . Tract a
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Page 99
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Rea sons f oR Uni veRsa l Joi nt f a i l URe
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Rea sons f oR Uni veRsa l Joi nt f a i l URe
Lack of lubrication
Pushing another car
Changing gears abruptly
Carrying heavy loads
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Page 101
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Differential is a mechanism by means of which outer
wheel runs faster than inner wheel while taking turn
It receives one input and provides two outputs. This is
found in most automobiles.
Funct ion oF diFFer ent ia l
Transfers power from shaft to the wheels.
Provides final gear reduction.
Splits amount of torque going to each wheel.
Allow the wheels to rotate at different speeds in turns.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
pa r t s OF DIFFEr ENt Ia L
Differential is consists of
Dr i ve shaf t
Sun gear
Pl anet pi ni on
Cr ow n w heel
Hal f shaf t
Bevel pi ni on
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Convent i onal or open t ype
Power l ock or non sl i p
Li mi t ed sl i p
Doubl e r educt i on
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Steering is the term applied to the collection of
components, linkages, etc. which will allow
a vessel (ship, boat) or vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle)
to follow the desired course.
Steering system includes:
Steering Wheel
Steering Gear
Steering Linkages
Steering can be classified as:
Manual steering
Power steering
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
To achieve angular motion of the front wheels to
negotiate a turn.
To provide directional stability.
To facilitate straight ahead recovery.
To minimize wear and tear of tyres.
To absorb road shocks.
To provide perfect rolling motion of the road wheels.
Allow for suspension action
Function of steering
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Requirements of steering
Easy to handle
Provide directional stability
Multiply the turning effort applied on the steering
wheel by the driver
Irreversible to a certain degree, so that the shocks of
the road are not transmitted to drivers hand
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Working of steering
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
1. Parallel Ackerman Mechanism
In t hi s geomet r y t he nor mal l i ne t o t he cent r e of
f r ont t i r es r un par al l el t o each ot her t hus t he angl e
of t ur n f or t he i nner and out er wheel i s equal .
It r esul t s i n ver y poor st abi l i t y of vehi cl e and t hus
not pr ef er r ed t o be used f or any t ype of vehi cl es.
Steering Mechanism
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
2. Ackerman Mechanism
Dur i ng sl ow mot i on, t her e i s a ki nemat i c condi t i on
bet ween t he i nner and out er wheel s al l owi ng wheel s
t o t ur n sl i p f r ee.
The nor mal l i ne t o t he vel oci t y vect or of each t i r e
pl ane(i nst ant aneous cent r e) i nt er sect at a common
poi nt t her ef or e t he i nner wheel t ur ns mor e t han t he
out er wheel .
Steering Mechanism
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
3. Anti-Ackerman Mechanism
Al so known a r ever se Acker man(DAVIS) geomet r y.
In t hi s geomet r y t he i nst ant aneous cent r e of al l
t he f our wheel s do not meet at t he same poi nt ,
t he out er wheel t ur ns mor e t han t he i nner wheel .
The t i r e wear i s mor e i n t hi s case as each pai r of
wheel t ends t o r ot at e about di f f er ent cent r e.
Steering Mechanism
Ackermann st eering
Davis st eering
1 It consi st s of f our t ur ni ng pai r s
onl y
It consi st s of f our t ur ni ng pai r s
and t hr ee sl i di ng pai r s
2 It s const r uct i on i s si mpl e It i s compl i cat ed i n
const r uct i on
3 Less wear because no sl i di ng
pai r s
M or e wear
4 M ai nt enance i s easy M ai nt enance compar at i vel y
di f f i cul t
5 The whol e mechani sm i s
behi nd t he f r ont axl e
The whol e mechani sm i s i n
f r ont of t he f r ont axl e
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Steering System
1. Steering Gearbox
Changes turning motion into a straight-
line motion to the left or right.
Steering gear box ratios range from 15:1
to 24:1 (with 15:1, the worm gear turns
15 times to turn the selector shaft once).
2. Steering linkage
Connects the steering gearbox to the steering
knuckles and wheels.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
3. Pinion Gear
Rotated by the steering wheel and steering shaft;
its teeth mesh with the teeth on the rack.
4. Rack
Long steel bar with teeth along one section slides
sideways as the pinion gear turns.
Steering System (Contd.)
5. Gear Housing
Holds the pinion gear and rack. Prevents rack and pinion from impurities
6. Tie-rods
Connects the rack with steering knuckles.
Steering System (Contd.)
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Steering Linkages:
7. Idler Arm
Supports the end of the center link on the passenger side of the vehicle.
Bolts to the vehicles frame.
If worn, will cause excessive steering play
Steering System (Contd.)
8. Pitman Arm
Transfers gearbox motion to the steering linkage Pitman arm is splined
to the gearbox
9. Center Link (Relay Rod)
steel bar connects the right & left side of the steering linkage. Connects to
Pitman arm, Tie rod ends, and Idler arm.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Cornering Cornering
Inertia Inertia
Actual Path ( Actual Path (Oversteer Oversteer))
Intended Path Intended Path
Front Tires grip better than
rear tires
When cornering, rear tires
tend to flex.
Rear tires sliding right
Cornering Cornering
Inertia Inertia
Actual Path ( Actual Path (Understeer Understeer))
Intended Path Intended Path
When cornering, front tires
tend to flex.
If the tires are under-inflated,
the contact with the rim may
be lost. AIR LOSS MAY
Vehicle turning left
Excessive tire flexion
increases tire heat and may
result in a blowout.
The main purpose of wheel
alignment is to make the tires roll
without Scuffing, slipping, or
dragging under all operating
Steering axis inclination
CASTER is basically the forward or rearward tilt of the steering
knuckle when viewed from the side of the vehicle.
Caster is measured in degrees. Range lies b/w 2 to 8 but 3
is best optimized
Hi gh Posi t i ve Cast er i ncr eases ( + )
St r ai ght ahead st abi l i t y
St eer i ng ef f or t r equi r ed i s hi gh
St eer i ng wheel r et ur n t o cent er
Road Shock f el t f r om bumps
M or e Negat ive Cast er ( -- )
No St r ai ght ahead st abi l i t y
St eer i ng ef f or t i s l i ght
Wheel not r et ur ni ng t o cent er
Smoot h r i de, l i t t l e r oad shock
CASTER (Contd.)
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
CAMBER is the inward or outward tilt of the wheel and tire assembly
when viewed from the front of the vehicle.
Cause tire wear on the outer or inner tread as the case may be.
Prevent the excessive inward tilting of wheel and reducing load on
ball joints and control arms.
To aid steering by placing vehicle weight on the inner end of the
Positive Camber
Top of the wheels tilt outwards when viewed from the front of the
Negative Camber
Top of the wheels tilt inwards when viewed from the front of the vehicle.
Most manufacturers recommend a slight
positive camber setting of about to .
CAMBER ( Contd.)
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Ef fect s of Camber:
Uneven Loadi ng
Body r ol l dur i ng t ur ns
Road Cr ow n
Rough r oad Sur f aces
Suspensi on Wear
Suspensi on Damage
Ti r e si ze
Cast er
Effect of Camber
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
TOE is determined by the difference in the distance between the front and
rear of the left and right-hand wheels.
Toe-out wheels are farther apart at the front than the rear.
Toe-in wheels are closer at the front than at the rear.
Ti r e wear
Scuf f i ng si deways
Wear t ends t o be t he same on bot h t i r es, unl i ke Camber wear
Di r ect i onal cont r ol angl e
Can cause shi mmy!
Toe Change can occur as suspensi on t r avel s up and down.
Effect of Toe
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
Angle away from the vertical & formed by the inward tilt of
ball joints, king pin.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad
The turning radius or turning circle of a vehicle is the size of
the smallest circular turn that its capable of making.
Around the turns the inside tire must
travel in a smaller radius circle than
the outside tire.
Prevents tire scrubbing and squealing.
Is not adjustable (built in angle of steering arm).
If incorrect, check for bent or damaged
steering parts.
Dr. M.N.Khan
Department of Mechanical Engineering
KIET, Ghaziabad

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