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Artificial Barriers.

They say you can't cheat an honest man, yet an honest man's life can be quite weird. Especially when one starts to become honest with oneself.

It's actually a weird situation we find ourselves in these days as a human race, you might have tried to disregard some notions, but if you look deeply there is just too much which does not make sense. Most seem quite content with seeing things as they are perceived, mainly a mechanical perspective. Our brains can translate certain sensory input and put them together to create what we might call: a human experience. Sight, sound, smell, touch and hearing of a narrow frequency of what I would call stuff, is what comprises most of what we perceive. Although it's just a small part of all stuff out there, or within if you will, seeing we tend to have an inside experience of the outside, it does make up for an entertaining ride and our way of experiencing seems quite different from a lot of other life forms which we are able to perceive in our narrow frequency band. Science (which is using brains to explain how everything we perceive seems to respond in relation to each other) has been a great aid to make tools with which we can perceive a bit more of the stuff we seem to interact with. Yet we are still limited by what we can think of as possible before we can even begin to create tools which could possibly perceive such new possibilities. There could very well be much more stuff which is just so radically outside the scope of our perception that we could not even come up with the idea that it's a possibility. In the range of things we are familiar with, there have been great discoveries which enable us to make survival that much easier and make the most of the fact that we seem to find ourselves in the middle of the scale of stuff, and able to observe the very small as well as the very large. It seems to be humankind's way of operation to figure out how it's direct environment works to enhance it's survival abilities. Yet despite our seemingly great advancements, there does not seem to be an awareness of our limitations. Also it seems that our level of using electricity and explosion technology could potentially already make us able to provide everyone on this planet with the means of survival in relative comfort. Our way of dominating our environment for our own survival has arrived at a point where most people on this planet live with a man made buffer between us and our natural environment. This natural environment is what we grow out of and are in-fact an integral part of. On a bigger scale we tend to be comprised of the stuff which stars tend to create when they explode, and on a smaller scale this stuff seems to have a life of it's own. As with our unawareness of our limitations, most seem also unaware that we evolve by the grace of input from our environment which at this moment consists for a great deal out of the buffer we ourselves have created.

So mechanically, our brains are of great practical use, we use it to understand things and seem driven to understand as much as possible. ( Well....most of us anyway..) But actually there is not as much use of our limited means of understanding as we tend to imply. Our survival depends on being able to function in the environment which we find present when we grow out of this earth, and this environment is created by our predecessors. Although it is undeniable that parts of our means of survival do need maintenance, it should be possible for us as a semi evolved species to create an environment in which there is no need to fear for our survival in relative comfort. Unfortunately idea's like this are prone to take away personal incentive to contribute to maintaining such a means of survival. So how does this personal incentive work ? Seeing the goal of survival seems fairly assured in much of our modern societies, we have created personal incentives which people can aim for. After enough knowledge and abilities are acquired to be able to sustain a means of living in relative comfort there is much which can be aimed for which cannot actually be qualified as necessary. And the preoccupation with aiming for given incentives does not always give time to reflect on what is accomplished already, or for satisfaction to occur because an incentive works by means of gratification. Which means that there needs to be a conviction that accomplishment is a prerequisite for satisfaction to be able to occur. In the quest for understanding as much as possible, we have given our mechanical capacity priority and we seem to mostly disregard that we are also a self conscious species, which is kinda vital to be even aware of what we are interacting with, or for us to even have a notion of existing. If a thing like satisfaction is only understood in the mechanical sense there needs to be a cause for it. Seeing our current surroundings provide a way for us to evolve, people are in the habit of taking their external, already developed environment as an example. As young humans, the habit of having a reason for certain behavior is not as insanely present as with full grown species. When sustenance is provided, some affectionate interaction, and an environment which presents opportunity to explore, there is usually no contemplation of the mental state one is currently having. One could even conclude that without the knowledge of what a mental state is and the inherent reactionary behavior that should accompany a certain mental state, the mental state is usually quite healthy. The factor that seems most lacking when comparing young and fully grown human species seems to be the possibility of exploration. Partially this natural incentive might subside a bit seeing the organism is fully grown and physically needs no stimulating to evolve further , yet physical fitness might be a reason such a natural incentive would still be present. On a mental level there are potentially many possibilities, yet they are not explored much. We might think that we do, but what it seems like to me is that, instead of mentally exploring we take the examples of our outer environment to provide relieve for the sense of dissatisfaction which is usually created by a lack of meaning or stagnating personal development. Most people prefer a distraction they've grown accustomed to enjoy over a moment of honest self reflection. You could wonder why, when the tasks that are needed for physical survival are accomplished, the spare time is often used to keep distracted from something, or to keep the mind occupied with creating expectations of a future reality which would bring about satisfaction or contentedness. There seems to be little relieve in the moments where there is not actually anything that needs doing, or wherein the realization could potentially dawn that any current problem which might be present, cannot be resolved in that immediate moment.

External input is a highly sought after commodity and , to my observations, has become the sole incentive beside survival for people to exist contently. I do wonder if people are actually contend, have such a mechanical capacity that they have convinced themselves they are contend, or if they just seek relieve from their own discontent. I can only speculate though, because very few people seem to be able to take an honest look at themselves, and few people seem to be honest enough to give expression to what they find. Unfortunately I seem to be honest, and I tend to be aware when people are deluding themselves on such matters, or I become aware of their discontent when they respond to certain matters. Again, I might be accused of speculation because I cannot give empirical evidence of what is going on inside another human being. Yet it's quite obvious most of the time. Most people know what they intend to say before they say it, yet it's quite hard to prove that knowledge is present without putting it into words. If there is no awareness of our limitations, our means of comprehending is even more limited then it already is naturally. On occasion people agree, yet very few are willing to doubt the idea's our current environment tends to put in their head, I do not blame them actually. Yet it does make my experience quite peculiar. It does not help that I seem to lack ambition, as I mentioned, I tend to be honest with myself and eventually that led to me losing a big chunk of the ability to convince myself that there was a need for a specific event to occur in the future, or specific event in the past to not have occurred before I could be content. It just seemed like a weird thing to do. So now it seems I am wandering around interacting with people who aren't even there ! Anyone with an agenda or fully believed concept of reality which does not resemble the current one is actually focusing their intention away from here. Although I can see no reason why anyone would be 100% attentive all the time, watching the grass grow. And there are times when the focus of attention is actually very worthwhile. ( Operating heavy machinery for instance. ) It does seem to have become such a habit that most people are not even aware of their lack of present awareness. Accompanied by the concept that a lot of people also use their mechanical capabilities to construct a self identity, which is usually ingeniously crafted and given a lot of credence when believed to be an actual part of reality, it becomes a very weird world. Interacting with sub conscious human beings through means of their self constructed fictional intermediaries. I usually don't do it on purpose but it seems I am still exploring in this magical world, and when doing so I seem to want to interact with actual human beings. And when doing so, maybe, just maybe, I inadvertently mess with their level of consciousness or something, because the response I get is not always of the appreciative kind. I cannot help it though, people might accuse me of doing it on purpose yet I claim innocence. What I want is usually something which becomes clear when I reflect on any actions afterwards , and even doing that is not something I am in the habit of doing. Fortunately the most dire miscommunications are easily relieved by a claim of my counterparty that I am nuts. I wholeheartedly agree because I seem to be a minority functioning in this manner and I have the presence of mind to admit that the majority tends to create the benchmark to which everything is judged. ( And they write the history books...) That judging thing is also quite something. It's very natural to be able to distinguish, I would even say that it's a necessary function for survival. I have also grown to be a biological entity with preferences. They make for a great opportunity to be able to choose between things and keep experiencing from becoming a completely indifferent stale, unmoving, permanent bore.

Yet using our mechanical capability to create a preconceived notion, which is then stored in certain memory banks to be randomly accessed when a situation might occur in which they could be implemented seems to me like another one of those instances where we limit ourselves by means of using our own capabilities. Such judgmental behavior undermines our natural ability to have an overview of a situation and it tends to overlook many of the nuances which are always at work in any situation. Maybe nobody has noticed, but it seems to me that anything that is created with our mechanical analytical capability is dead!. Everything we make with our hands starts to decay from the moment it is finished, it needs constant maintenance. Yet when it concerns the idea's we tend to accumulate in our heads we see nothing out of the ordinary. Many people are governed throughout their day by external idea's which exist only in their heads and even though such idea's comprise a great part of their biological action, when there is a vivisection at the end of one's lifespan nothing can be retraced from those idea's which made up a great part of how the entity of concern moved about on this planet. I can see use in having certain agreements to provide us as a species with a neutral place from where most are able to interact with each other. Yet when dead idea's take priority over common sense and logic, we could wonder what we are doing as a species. I might have an outrageous utopian idea, but i just cannot fathom why there need to be so many rules and fear based intimidations to give people an incentive to interact with each other with a little respect. I would have thought as a species we've might have learned from our past, yet it seems more like we suffer from massive amnesia. Also seeing some people come up with these rules, there are powerful positions to be filled on this planet. And if we cannot even govern ourselves for the most part, can we actually expect that the people who spring out of such an environment would not misuse any power ? Some of us might claim we are free in our choices, yet I would suggest to take a good luck where your options of choice come from. I do not claim any original thought, I am a product of my environment. Therefore it also does not make sense to move away from where I find myself, and even though I usually have no idea of reality which is governing my existence, and seem unable to play this game of act and pretend, which seems to be the game of choice for most people I find myself around. If there is no awareness of our limitations and no contemplation that our mechanical thought might be useful to build a plane or figure out how to get to the grocery store, but might not be of much use beside practical application, we are stuck in a mode of operating in which we let ourselves be governed by dead idea's. So it would not make sense to come up with a preconceived solution now would it ? ( Maybe if I would have a really, really fantastic idea I would try to gain some followers and create a new believe system, yet I estimate the chance of that very, very slim. Besides, if Jezus would have existed in this day and age, would he be able to stay away from an asylum long enough to grasp the opportunity to express himself, which would probably get lost in the cloud when posting such an expression on Facebook ? ) I would ask anyone to ask themselves what they are doing. What are you doing with your life !? Is your meaning merely mechanical procreation ? Do you seek to play out your personal preferences to keep you satisfied ? Do you hold expectation which will possibly come to fruition in the future to keep you from taking a look in the present ? Do you believe you will get prove of the existence of something which is not provable now but will be in another form of existence which is also not provable ? Or do you think nothing can actually be wrong and let such an idea keep you from acting in this existence ?

I ask, because those answers comprise most of the responses I seem to get when I ask. Mainly if you would be really honest, is the answer you've come up with satisfying ? It's important, because if you have children, what example are you giving them. In my whole life before adulthood I cannot remember anyone admitting they actually had no clue what they were doing! Seeing I was quite naive in my early days I sort of thought that, since everyone had been around longer, they'd actually figured things out already when they were talking to me so full of conviction. Do not underestimate the foundation of any such ingrained conviction because such a conviction constitutes a great part of why people are willing to live. It is no easy feat to take an honest look at such things, yet seeing most people suffer from a major bout of cognitive dissonance when they compare daily observations with common sense, any change can only come about with first admitting there's a problem. In this case it might be worthwhile to be willing to be crucified by your own children, it might just give them an incentive to go figure it out before they are so conditioned by our current society that they are not even aware of their conditioning anymore. And usually, at a young age, common sense seems to function quite adequately in certain situations. Seeing every single individual on this planet is quite unique from the outside, we could suppose that their way of viewing life is also quite unique. Therefore it would not make much sense to analytically contemplate things like: the meaning of life. This would presume it can be dictated and transferred on and on and everyone would agree on it. The agreement would stem from our shared logic and common sense, which I am fairly sure is a natural capability of any normally developed healthy human being. I don't see many people disagree when claiming that two and two equals four, and with things like that we tend to be okay with arguing that the reasoning which makes it so is: because it makes sense. (Although I would not be surprised to see Orwellian situations occur where people would argue differently. ) So if you look for meaning in life, do you expect to find it with your mechanical analytical capabilities ? It just might be that if we were not used to be caught up in our analytical ways of understanding and aware of our limitations, the question would not even arise. I see our current situation as being lost in translation. Even without using any words, it is clear for most of us what our intention is, yet without the use of words such intention is very hard to communicate. So how would you explain your intention? You could act to show it, which, in a case like love, is usually more appropriate then the use of words. Although it can be highly compelling to communicate, it is not of the essence, the essence is already present and the only problem is when we try to comprehend / communicate it coherently. If you are not aware of your limitations I would ask you to figure out if your consciousness was there first, or the thoughts that are observed from it. When you find the answer, call me at 555-64......... So when that is figured out, the next issue at hand is determining if you are self conscious or if the environment from which you sprung is self conscious through you. Even when it seems easily determinable that there are limitations, modern doctrine from which very few can escape tends to presume that eventually everything will be comprehensively explained through our current sciences. It might be highly practical to come up with scientific explanations, yet it's still dead stuff. A mechanical description singles out the objects which are described while any single object can only exist by the grace of an environment. Also anything that tends to exist besides the governing forces which move things around, is in fact moving around due to those governing forces. Any description, as profound as it might be is a mere

snapshot of a situation which is provoked by too many factors to take into consideration when the desire would be to come up with a full computation. This tends to create a conviction that things can be static and puts focus on single objects, ignoring the environment to which it responds. In psychiatry most complaints are analyzed by means of comparing it to a static conclusion drawn somewhere in some book,....theory. Even in philosophy, which I would have expected to be fun, anything one might think of is already labeled with some sort of -ism, and after that labeling any way of thinking can be discerned as something one does, and can be agreed or disagreed with. Our current mechanical approach is as much of a believe system as any of the more renowned believe systems which are also seen as something one does from a perspective that we tend to see as reality. If everyone is expecting to understand everything with their mechanical capabilities it is easy to understand how that makes sense. Yet why do people need to convince themselves of such a thing. Even when things seem to make sense, how much sense does it actually make to use your own mechanical capabilities, ( which is still a biological function of your body ) to convince yourself that something which comprises of dead static information has more reality then the living reality you find yourself observing every waking moment ? Anything you consciously need to convince yourself of is a belief. This also goes for anything you might be in the habit of doing, for your own sake, any action you make which needs a preconceived conviction to argue your reasoning for taking that action is no right action. It's not wrong, and unfortunately a lot of people aren't even aware anymore they are doing it, but if you would like to evolve, Id suggest to take a good look at those instances. This simple observation lies beneath all the assumptions we tend to make, provoking saying things like: That's just how it works. Unlike children who just keeping asking why ?, maybe it's time to admit that, as a species, we grow up to be a bunch of mindnumb animals who think they are civilized because they can play with fire and electricity. What's intelligence ? Is it our capability to present static description of things that seem to be happening ? If so, sure...we are way more intelligent then a flock of birds. We can describe why they relocate, maybe how they use their biological sensors to navigate, we know how they power their flight...and congratulations, you just killed a living experience. When you look at a startling flock of birds of which every single bird might not have the mechanical analytic capabilities we presume to have, but is aware of itself in such a unique way that it would almost seem to be residing into a whole other Universe then ours, and see how the seasonal changes force them to assemble and form a majestic pattern which makes it most efficient for them to move as a whole, in which each plays their specific role perfectly without giving it second thought, and claim they are not intelligent......well... in that case I might be tempted to assume we are lost as a species. Maybe we're indeed better of assembling a bunch of parts guided through an elaborate manual and let the laws of aerodynamics make us take of when we let some fuel explode in our phallus shaped objects with wings while we read a book on ornithology. Some of us are able to convincingly pull of this trick of artificially created satisfaction. To my detriment it usually is accompanied by a high sense of self worth. It seems people in which the random access memory has a large capacity and the access speed is quite swift, are susceptible to thinking very highly of themselves. Yet the realization that it's only justified because we live in an environment where mechanical explaining is appreciated by a lot of people, which in turn comprise the environment of such a person fails to come about in much cases.

I do not claim to posses any knowledge, yet when coming across people with an above average level of intellectual self worth and they are in the habit of deriving much of their sense of self from it, they don't even have to pull out their bag of tricks to convince me they are fully right in their own mind. Such things tend to happen when one does not need to understand but just sees. There is a lot of self convincing going on while the question of it's purpose is never asked. I would agree that, when growing up, certain environmental stimulants are needed to be able to function in a given society. Yet in this day and age parents only seem to relay their ideas of how things should work to their children instead of grooming them to be able to effortlessly know how things work. We are all still a product of our environment, so it stands to reason if you would put a young child outside of our societies and only in contact with animal life, it would not develop into a human being which would be able to function in a so called civilized society. So if such a concept is taking as static proof it and used as guidance to raise offspring, it comes as no surprise that we are convinced we are to be governed by dictated set rules. Also if anyone is in the habit of consciously explaining certain habits and unwilling to face what is causing them, it's easy to see why people have no trust whatsoever in their capacity to function without convincing themselves all the time. Again, we are a product of our environment, so if nobody is even aware of the possibilities the environment will not change so that people can become more aware of their natural capabilities. If a traffic light indicates a red light, it's a wise thing to stop to a halt because one can expect oncoming traffic. Yet in my environment I have noticed traffic lights turning red while there is actually no possibility for any oncoming traffic to cross my path. When I notice such a thing Ill use my common sense and run the red light. Unfortunately this usually comprises of taking the risk to be fined for doing so. Fortunately I am not in the habit of being governed by such idea's. Yet many people are, and when I see people coming to a full stop at such a red light I wonder if they are not taking any chances or if they do not even notice that the red light they are stopping for does not make any logical sense. ( Such an occurrence happens every now and then on a dual carriage way T crossing where I come from a direction where I have two options,going straight ahead or take a left turn. If the light to go left is green, there is no reason I cannot go straight ahead, the traffic taking the left turn is blocking anything that could be in my path. So the red light is unfounded. ) A more drastic example is provided when people claim to be a victim of their circumstances, and expect to be agreed with when exclaiming such an observation to anyone having the fortune of noticing such an exclamation. Seeing we have opposable thumbs with which we can handle tools and we are capable of observing what we think, the possibility to self -terminate is always a viable option. I wouldn't recommend it, yet it is an option. If it is not considered as such, one can indeed move about life claiming to be a victim of circumstance and their own breath. If considered as an option, there can always be made a conscious choice to endure any circumstance that might occur. It's quite pro-life actually to contemplate self-termination. I actually have no good reason to exist, and any meaning in my life I tend to derive from how I seem to respond to things. The more one relinquishes one's own idea's, the more effortless functioning tends to become, and it can be a surprise at times to be able to watch life unfold itself in front of you. I am quite unaware of my purpose in this life, but it seems it's very hard to not be affected by surroundings and they tend to present an opportunity to evolve. It would actually take quite some effort to be unaffected by my surroundings and stay the same for most part of life. And when I would contemplate self termination, the fact that I cannot seem to stop breathing without tools is usually indicative enough of any purpose that might be present. Also I have a very hard time to consciously convince myself of anything with my mechanical capabilities. There is a slight difference present between being a victim of your own breath and seeing it as indicative of purpose. Yet a small nuance can make all the difference.

As I mentioned I am not in the habit of ignoring my surroundings, yet this concept called morality is of no use to me. In the example of self-termination I do not incorporate any of my peers in the contemplation. It seems highly selfish of others to claim they would be very distraught if someone would not be there and thereby imply that when someone is contemplating their own existence, should take into consideration the wishes and preferences of others. It would detract from taking responsibility for one's own experience and would greatly diminish any real self-governance. On the other hand, I have a life insurance policy which is only to prevent my peers from being responsible for any financial cost if my demise would come about. This is just an act of consideration, because I am well aware the death of anyone close does usually bring about a lot of grief and it does not make sense to make any such situation more difficult then it supposedly already would be. Again, a subtle nuance at work. In psychiatry self-termination is often used as a threat by patients, and it is usually one of those things which needs to be prevented at all cost. The lack of self governance and responsibility accompanied by the ideal that everyone should function in this society and be at relative peace with it make such an issue an all bets are of kind kind of deal. The patient is usually assured of attention, and with all the rules in our society, the attending physician has the ability to relieve the patient of their own responsibility. Although I can see the use for such a preconceived dealing with such a situation, it also makes it so that there is a highly diminished opportunity to confront a patient with their actions out of fear for what kind of tendency it might bring about. Also, opting out of this experience would be highly detrimental to the idea's that are widely regarded. It would be insulting to many who are convinced life should be taken very seriously and that no one would supposedly have the right to diminish such a conviction by means of self- terminating. Be honest people and contemplate if you actually care for anyone quitting or if you are just not comfortable with the statement it makes. Seeing we live in age of static explanations which are of no use without a simple cause and effect, a psychiatric problem tends to be seen as an effect of which the cause are certain experiences. Instead of contemplating that the problem at hand might be caused by the idea's of the patient not having much in common with reality, there seems to be a reasoning that there needs to be a solution in which the patient bypasses his / her's way of reasoning or becomes able to convince their self it is not actually a problem, and off course, .ignoring the problem. There is a lot of medication available which can provide instant relieve by means of hindering certain connections in the brain or creating artificial bliss. There are probably numerous situations where such medication is of great aid and there are probably also numerous people dealing with a mechanical, biological malfunction in their brain, yet there are also a lot of people of which their symptoms are relieved while there is not given any attention to the conflicting idea's still present which made for the occurrence of any cognitive dissonance. We also tend to give psychiatrists the power of being able to discern what we need in certain situations and this ability is granted to them because they usually have studied a lot of static information and have taken a test of being able to randomly access that information to a satisfactory degree. Again I would not like to imply such a means of operating is void from worth, yet there is a great possibility that a psychiatrist has never used it's own capacity of self reflection to enquirer how a human mind might work. There is a high probability that a lot of psychiatrists are convinced of their ability only through the use of their mechanical analytical capacities. Yet we trust them to write out prescription for mind altering drugs which can have a profound effect on one's consciousness / state of mind. Also anyone can agree that most everyone needs to provide for themselves by means of earning money, and that this incentive regularly creates out of control tendencies. Therefore the intention and influence of pharmaceutical companies should also be considered when dealing with medication.

On the other side of the spectrum, people are not given responsibility to discern for themselves when it comes to the use / experimentation with mind altering substances. Few very harmful substances are readily available everywhere and a great deal of money is earned on taxing these substances. Alcohol, coffee and tobacco are socially accepted and it stands to reason most are familiar with their effects. Our worrying lack of self-governance has made it possible for government entities to decide what is best for the whole. I mentioned honesty earlier on and these government entities proclaim they are able to discern when honesty is not in the best interest of the whole. Anyone who votes for such government entities should realize that while doing so, they declare themselves incapable to take responsibility for their own experience and rely on external entities for governance. Seeing the majority seems to be unaware they are doing such a thing it gives great credence to the way we seem to be functioning as species on this planet. Even though it might seem in appearance that I am governed in the same way ,the lack of protest should not be mistaking for silent acknowledgment. I am represented as a biological entity first and foremost in daily practicality and in this capacity is see the way of functioning consciously decided upon by the majority as my natural environment for which I am dependent on my survival. Therefore I move about it in a way which I deem fit, and in doing so I take into consideration my fellow human beings and their means of survival. I am quite dependent of other human beings in my current situation and it would make no sense to accuse them of any wrongness when such a thing is not evident to me in direct interaction. Again, it's a slight difference in operation. Our way of functioning has made it possible for bureaucracies to decide that exploring our own consciousness with the use of ( in many instances ) naturally occurring substances is prohibited. Although I would not encourage the use of any mind altering substances, I am convinced that there are many beneficiary ones which could provide insight into human consciousness and the inner workings of a human mind. If anyone would decide to inquire into the nature of what a human experience comprises of, it makes no sense to punish the use of external aid to bring about effects which are as much a part of our emotional and conscious spectrum of experience as the more mundane and familiar states we reside in throughout an average day. At this moment there are multiple people robbed of their freedom to roam around the earth for doing such a thing while they have had no intention of harming or posing a nuisance to their environment. Again, I am not encouraging any substance abuse yet one could wonder to which degree we are already conditioned when observing that even the description of something which is mostly harmless I tend to write down as substance abuse!. People who admit the use of psychedelic substances are usually discredited from the onset when they might provide an account of any experience. This negating of such experiences is done through our widely held believe system of having static mechanical explaining as our commonly ingrained frame of reference which we use to judge so much of what we come into contact with. In doing so it is not always realized that actual substance abuse is mostly caused by the seeking of relieve for the dissatisfaction which occurs when one finds themselves in an experience where the consensus reality is made up out of the stuff of fiction. We tend to live in a world where thought or our mechanical analytical capabilities are given more emphasis then is actually justified when taking a closer look. Because there is an inherent obstacle present in our inability to explain our own consciousness with the thoughts that seems to occur in it, like we are used to do already, we explain it away with unsatisfactory answers we need to convince ourselves of. Also negating that the clinical explanation of any issue disregards what kind of feeling it might bring about. No matter what is bringing a certain feeling about, it is not be disregarded that most of us still wander around this earth letting their actions be dictated by how they have grown to feel about a certain matter. It may be nice to be able to analytically convince yourself that it's just a chemical matter but you would be deluding yourself to say that the influence of such chemicals is easily disregarded.

Yet I keep being amazed at our ability to put more value towards the dead and static explanations we come up with then our actual experience. Like infinity in physics, consciousness is mostly disregarded because it easily determinable that attempts to kill it with our analytical mind are quite futile. Where in more ancient times terms like spirit or soul were widely used and regarded, we tend to disregard most such notions or we have made them into the stuff of wild imagination. If one adopts the idea that our evolution is a linear one, it is easy to see why we are unable to contemplate that ancient civilizations might have been much more intelligent then we give them credit for. Just because they could very well have emphasized what we today call consciousness and feeling instead of our mechanical analytical capability of thought, does not mean we should consider ourselves more advanced just because we have our much revered explosion technology. If earlier civilizations were acutely aware of the limitations of their own analytical capability and pursued that which does not easily translates into something we can understand in the way have grown accustomed to understand things, they might have been communicating things which make no sense to us if we translate everything in the literal sense. Yet even the contemplation of such a possibility does not occur because of our own unawareness of potential limits and conviction we are more evolved. For all we would know we could be in the dark ages of civilization without even being aware of it. It can be argued that we are a successful civilization if the benchmark is pure quantity. Yet if we would disregard the things that make us stand out from other mammals, namely our ability to empathize, communicating emotions, the capability of self reflection and our creativity we would consciously be choosing quantity over quality while not even being aware we are making such a choice. I would consider such a civilization not particularly enlightened. More rules of governance are created everyday which is a testimony of our expanding numbers and the inability of such massive herds to govern themselves through the use of self consciousness. I could speculate to great ends about what moved ancient civilizations, yet if we only take a look at what is left of their legacies we can use our mechanical analytical capabilities to extrapolate a few conclusions. It stands to reason that civilizations which were able to move and carve stone in ways that would pose great difficulty to replicate in our modern age were not dumb. They also had good reasons to create some of the great man made wonders on this planet, it would make no sense to put in all the effort otherwise. And if we were to contemplate that there were no good reasons for creating a pyramid or temple or other megalithic construction of which the actual purpose eludes us to this day, it would stand to reason it did not require as much effort as we presume, making their intelligence to construct such monuments even greater then we give such civilizations credit for. There was also a great knowledge present concerning astrology. Seeing we still depend for our survival on our planet, ( although our self created buffer zones make such realization not very recurrent in our modern age. ) it stands to reason people in older days were quite aware of their dependence and symbiotic relationship with our planet. Therefore it would make sense to observe the patterns which made them able to predict cycles in nature of which they were dependent. They probably did not have computers to do math and make simulations so at the very least we can conclude they were able to do basic maths. The building of observatories and making measurements of the skies does involve more then a few people and any knowledge gained was transmitted and measuring would probably be a continuous process which would span over the lives of multiple observers. The least we can conclude is that such civilizations had enough spare time aside from providing for themselves to be able to do such things and that they were organized in a manner which made it possible to transmit knowledge over the span of multiple generations.

We might wonder why much of what drove such societies is considered mere superstition in our current modern and supposedly more advanced civilized society. At the very least it is not often considered that we might have devolved and have no capacity anymore to understand what kept ancient civilizations occupied. In the same way it does not make sense to accuse ants of being dumb because they have no understanding of Pi, it does not make sense to overlook the possibility that we might be limited of our understanding. At the very least it would create a healthy sense of modesty towards our place in this Universe instead of overlooking it and create an unhealthy sense of unfounded self worth. Admitting there could be a problem can be regarded as a fish surfacing out of the water for the first time after having been looking for water inside of a vast ocean. I could be accused of having an opinion here, yet I claim no such thing. Yet I cannot ignore that much of what I come across does not make much sense, and at times it can cause great sadness to see people deluding themselves merely because they lack an alternative which they directly can understand in the capacity they have grown accustomed to use. I can only mention that what makes sense to me, is for every individual to make it their priority to evolve their means of understanding so that in an utopian future the majority of our species has a greater capacity to understand and thereby makes up an environment which provides the catalyst for others to evolve accordingly. It is this concept which makes me unable to specify any other preconceived static idea, seeing such a suggestion can only be understood in the capacity for which is do not see much use if it boils down to development as a species. I am not specifying a static idea I posses, I am merely pointing to a reoccurring pattern which is evident and observable by anyone who cares to take an honest look. Yet for now it seems the majority shares the conviction that they prefer to play the game of act and pretend, which is fine. I do however hope I am not expected to ignore logic, common sense and the honesty with myself, which make it so that ignoring most logical fallacies and ignoring my own capacity for self- governance is something which I would have to consciously convince myself of. Which is nearly impossible for me to do. Although I do not hold the conviction that I am much different then most people inhabiting this planet or claim to posses knowledge which is not evident and out in the open for everyone to see, in daily practicality there seems to be a great barrier which does provoke getting a sense of distinguishment for which I do not rejoice. What seems quite logical and evident to me tends to be something which not is not easily transferred through language, I am fairly sure that anyone can come to the same understanding I claim no possession of, It does however seems I am able to point to where anyone might look. Even while doing such a thing can seem quite useless, I still seem to make an effort to do so at times. In practicality this might become evident through interactions where I seem to be pointing towards where people might have a look if their aim is to evolve. All the while I am not even convinced they should . Even so, I cannot help but point and provoke a response. Things usually do make sense to me, and seeing people ignore certain issues of themselves is usually also quite evident which generally provokes a pointing reaction from my part. I am fully conscious I create my own barriers in functioning as a part of this society this way, yet I cannot ignore that which seems to govern me, of which I have no mechanical analytical comprehension. Luckily, a quick glance makes me see the current environment I find myself in as totally insane, and I am willing to admit that. While I could also play the game of pretending we are all perfectly evolved sane human beings. And again, I am aware I seem to make up a minority so the possibility that I am the most deluded one around is always taken into consideration. Yet the logic behind much presumptions on my part can seem highly irrefutable at times. ( And not just to me. )

We seem to reside in an age which is mostly driven by our ability to be convincing. When a company does P.R. It's short for: public relations, and the term could also be used for an individual where it would stand for personal relations. In most current modern civilized societies the majority of people is under a continuous barrage of advertisement through ever more complex means of communication. We are highly susceptible to assimilating much of this garbage because from an early age on, human beings depend for their survival on their ability to take on the convictions of others. We call that learning and, at a glance, there is not much wrong about it, yet we tend to forget to acquire discerning skills. Most things that are thought are predigested and taken in at face value and when people reach an age where they are becoming wary of certain information, the doctrines with which they discern information is already present, and in most cases there is no awareness concerning the conditioning already present. It's quite natural to grow into an entity which has personal preferences which are for a great part present due to environmental influences, yet because it's quite natural it's very easy to manipulate people into thinking they have an actual desire which needs fulfilling. Accompanied with a lack of emphasis into our self consciousness this provokes people behaving like a herd. Which is again a natural tendency which is often used to make people not notice their behavior might be out of the ordinary. As a species we've been wandering through life for such an extended period that being aware of all these tendencies is considered: out of the ordinary. And thus we live in environment which keeps evolving along these lines and our widespread assumptions and increasing lack of consciousness makes it easier to negate our common sense and logic. Taking into consideration that: In the land of the blind, the one eyed is an utter fool, when the majority has a predisposition to be easily influenced by common doctrine and advertising and is highly encouraged to become a certain kind of person, it becomes very easy for the minority to become an outcast, which does not enhance a means of survival in relative comfort. Fortunately being an outcast is a viable option in our current times, and outcasts generally generate enough revenue to justify a market tailored to their needs of distinguishing from the herd. It also goes along great with the doctrine of becoming some sort of person, and being of the anti establishment doctrine makes it so that there is generally enough going on to be in disagreement with. This in turn provides the opportunity to never have a moment in which one is not completely occupied. In the personal relations scope of things it does make sense why everyone seems to be functioning in this world through a sort of personal intermediary. Our government bureaucracies have great difficulty dealing with moving living things so they create a dead fictional character for you through which you are given your rights and duties. ( That's what tends to happen if you're unaware you are able to govern yourself. ) You pay your taxes through that fictional dead character, and usually people carry some sort of statistic summary of this dead fictional character with them, which in many instances seems to be more important then the biological entity which is described on it. This way of organizing has it's function in this day and age, and for practical purposes it can be convenient, yet when mistaken for something which has any reality to it, the possibilities for creating misconceptions are numerous. Then from a young age on most are encouraged that it is highly worthwhile to accomplish certain goals which derive most of their importance through the many people encouraging you to do such a thing. Most important accomplishments are celebrated like, for instance, when gravity has made you stay put on this rock we call earth while it has made a full circle around this star we call our sun. ( It's actually worth celebrating because for some it is not a given that self- termination seems like an unlikely thing to do, and I see no reason to refrain from celebrating life at any possible moment, regarding the excuse for doing such a thing. ) People take stock of their past accomplishments and eventually start to imitate the behavior of their environment and create their own goals of which they convince themselves, that they are worth pursuing.

Advertising and other media indoctrination gives most people of sense of what kind of human being is worthwhile to aim for and that gives another goal worth pursuing. Namely to become similar to a widely spread idea which is hold by many for the sake of having a sense of individuality ? Then those same convincing forces provide the many options you can choose from to accomplish such a goal and before you know it you have acquired a means of survival where a great deal of earnings are invested to run your fictional dead entity representation. Again there is a natural tendency to make yourself into a worthwhile mating partner for the opposite sex, but as anyone can testify when taking a simple look around, we might be exaggerating slightly. ( Even so, I do tend to shower every now and then ! ) We keep getting barraged with fictional ideals as to how anyone should be, both in appearance and in behavior. A lot of people are making up for an environment which holds value to such ideals and therefore there is not much freedom of being judged by peers. Where failure can create instant resentment and success is readily acknowledged and revered, creating even more incentive to carry on to pursue even more acclaim. Looking around and observing the increase of widespread easily accessible information gathering and a diminishing ability to discern information in the sense that the discerning is already highly conditioned. I observe that the age at which people become set in their goals and at which they have a profound sense of self worth is dropping rapidly in modern civilized societies. Females seem to indicate their willingness to copulate much earlier then only 15 years ago and the males seem to respond by posing as if such an occurence is highly reasonable. If anyone would be aware of their own tendencies to consciously represent themselves all the time they would be shocked at the degree in which everyone around them would be laying it on as thick and obvious as can be observed in most common daily interactions. This does not seem to be the case, because I do not hear many people mentioning that they feel like they are stuck in a twilight zone expecting someone to come and tell them they're on candid camera. I seem to be comprising a minority when observing that it makes no sense whatsoever to have a semi static idea of one's self with our analytical mechanical ability, ( Again, it is something we are biologically capable of, like walking. ) and letting such an idea govern your existence by means of aiming to accomplish it while we are setting and moving the goalposts ourselves under the influence of peer pressure. In that sense it might be highly sane to declare most of our current environment insane. If there is no willingness to come to terms with such an observation it might be helpful to realize that even without any conscious effort everyone is already always being something. To testify that it seems that I am a minority it might be worth mentioning that my functioning on this planet does not seem to enhance my chances of procreation. If one has no particular idea of their self or is without any concept to which reality should accommodate, it can make for a quite unconvincing and even awkward interaction when a male starts to interact with a female who tends to expect to be convinced that it is worthwhile to invest her time in the concerning male. To make such a situation even worse, when that lack of conviction becomes apparent, the female might contemplate that the male might be interested in her convictions. Yet when even physical drive cannot get the male counterpart to even act interested in such notions, it usually lauds the end of any such interaction. Fortunately, aside from a natural physical drive, I have no incentive to be involved in an intimate relationship when doing so would constitute a profound lack in open and honest communications. Again, I seem to be a minority here because I have observed many relationships in which people invest a great deal of their living experience in something of which the only thing living seems to be their offspring. And again, although such functioning does not constitute my conscious preference, it seems I am unable to keep from forming such barriers concerning my daily functionality.

Our environment has also changed rapidly concerning our ability to process foods, this ability does aid in sustaining ever expanding populations but it seems our digestive tract has not kept up with this rapid evolution, leaving us with a lot of food which contain additives of which any harmful effects are not immediately clear. We do have a specific term for certain diseases called lifestyle diseases, yet the connection to all the artificial junk we tend to consume is not always clear and a lot of it tends to be attributed to our longer lifespan. ( Where I would like to mention the quality vs. quantity issue again before anyone takes it as an example for our advancements of civilization. ) Our governing bureaucracies even have daily recommended values for their citizens, or their governed ones if you will. I am probably another minority here when it seems to me that the daily activities of many people display great variation, where someone sitting still at a desk all day might benefit from some physical exercise every now and then, while someone laboring physically throughout the day might benefit from the use of an elevator instead of stairs. It would make sense that their average intake of calories would also vary greatly. We have become amazingly unconscious concerning our intake of foodstuffs and most of our natural ability to discern what foods we actually are in need of is all but gone. It also does not help that for what I am concerned most people I come across seem quite insane to me, which does make a great argument for our current foodstuff's not always being beneficiary to mental health. If one is unconscious in this environment there is a high probability for people to become addicted to refined sugars without ever noticing. If they would suddenly do without they would not have clue what is happening to them and why they feel drained of energy. In the same way, the reluctant use of our common sense makes it so that people do not seem to grasp that, when their urine is dark and it feels slightly burning to urinate, that they should drink more water and that when they are urinating colorless fluid many times a day, that they should probably drink less. Also if you need half a toilet roll to wipe, you are probably not eating healthy, where if you do not need to wipe at all and can throw with your turds without leaving a stain on your hands you are probably eating well. ( Although I would not recommend throwing turds. ) If everyone is always caught up in their thoughts and don't see thoughts for what they are, any other means of understanding cannot even be fathomed and the natural biological intelligence already present in most biological entities will slowly wither away. The following might be quite obvious and self evident, yet it does not seem to be very much present in most human beings today. Any thought that occurs is meaningless until it is consciously given recognition / is believed to be true. The greater part of the many thoughts that might occur during the day have no function whatsoever other then self preservation of the many idea's of which many are unaware. Like a great engine which has been building up inertia for multiple decades. Such an engine is not easily stopped and there is actually little need to stop the engine at all. As long as there is sensory input, the engine has it's function to make make sense of that input. Yet I would like to make everyone aware that a clutch is something in the arsenal of the human being's capacity. It's possible to observe your own thought when the emphasis directs toward your self consciousness. Seeing everyone consciously gives worth to their thoughts they have already been using this functionality, yet they tend to overlook their capability anyway. ( If I hadn't done it for myself so long I would not have believed anyone could miss it. ) Although it could be a nice prospect of hitting the clutch pedal and have instant relief of the continuous maelstrom of thought, of which a great deal is caused by the enormous amount of external input present in our current age, to just be aware there exists such a thing is a good first step. Drawing on the analogy, having been at full revs continuously for multiple decades you first notice that there is another pedal. Then you notice your atrophied left leg. There need to be some conscious signals send to the leg before it can even start to contract it's muscles again. Then the clutch pedal has accumulated quite some rust and does not instantly let itself

be operated smoothly. And to make it worse the clutch plate seem to stick a bit. Yet from the moment awareness is drawn to notice the atrophied leg, signals are sent and from that moment on the first very clumsy operating of the clutch should not take long. Once a de-clutched state is experienced, the signal paths to the muscles in the previously atrophied leg become even more established and the use of this function becomes just another capability which you are able to use as a biological entity. I am not describing something profoundly different from the mental state most of us are used to. It's a slight shift in the focus of attention which puts the emphasis on the space from where we observe our own thoughts. Contrary to what, at times, seems to be a goal of meditation it is not in anyway to be mistaken for a perfectly tranquil mind. Although such a mental state can probably be attained when you would retract yourself partially from being under the influence of external stimuli and you would train yourself into such a state. What I am describing might, when first recognized, even create more thought because your mind has no way of understanding what is actually going and if you're used to having a certain understanding, the inertia of trying to make sense of things can provoke an unsettled mind. It is when you notice your thought, you also take notice you are doing such a thing. And mechanically / analytically explaining what it actually is that you're doing only generates more thought. In this way you can also notice yourself doing such a thing. It's also not a goal which can be achieved because everyone is always already doing it, yet they seem unconscious of it. And if you set it as something to aim for, you are creating a goal which keeps you mentally occupied and even prevents you from taking notice. It is just the noticing of the empty space in which your thought seems to occur. As I mentioned earlier that the outside environment is actually happening within you, if you are awake in the present moment and you are looking out through your eyes, you might claim to see. Yet your current experience would let itself be described as being an empty screen in the place most seem to think contains their self, which is just an empty screen which gets filled up by your external surroundings. The space makes it possible for the so called outside to exist in. Your emotions happen within it, and what most people think they are is a narrator which is comprised of your mechanical analytical capabilities and your ideas and the thoughts that have been given the most importance, which led to the creation of reoccurring thought patterns. When buddhists talk about the void or nothingness , they were probably not talking about something which is conceptually understood like so many people do throughout their whole experience, they probably meant that there is a limit to conceptual understanding. You could wonder what you actually are if you are not something which is understood in the way you are used to understand things, and it is highly likely that a search will spring up / continue when the limitations of your common understanding are understood. The most I can say about it is that there seems to be a self aware experience going on. And that any idea that happens within it is likely to become something dead and static when it is givien as a description of something which contained the idea, the urge to communicate it, and the ability to do such a thing. It is no wonder people have come up with terms like God, to give expression to something which does not let itself be described. Yet our tendencies to put things in a mechanical analytic perspective has given this overused term all sorts of properties and qualities which might be a far leave from what was originally intended. If we would conceive of the possibility that we might be lacking in understanding, a lot of other deities might be just how natural principles were interpreted and given expression to in ancient times. We are all dependent on much of these natural principles and our sciences comprise for a great part out of the study of such natural principles so it is easy to fathom how such principles could become subject to great reverence. Also it highly arrogant to contemplate earlier human beings were completely oblivious to observing certain principles at work. I would like to remind you that they were not forced to keep occupied with thought all day, sitting at a desk behind a computer for instance. They probably also had no radio, television and social media to occupy themselves with in their spare time, so they had time to observe.

As with most of our natural tendencies to rationalize anything, the simple inquiry into what comprises a human experience has been rationalized, and when such an inquiry leads to wonder about consciousness and other things not easily explained, which at the same time implies that there is more to things then we are able to perceive, ( Which I rather would see the other way around in the sense of being aware of our limitations.) it falls into the category of spirituality. This makes it so that any realization can be instantly mocked and seen as insignificant from a perspective which emphasizes a purely mechanical approach. Besides me creating another barrier by means of me usually talking about things which do not let themselves be translated into something dead and static, making giving highly regarded empirical proof almost impossible, this umbrella of spirituality has also given the opportunity for the misuse of people's honest intention to enquirer, and the same P.R. that we are barraged with continuously throughout a regular day in a common modern western civilized society is present in this realm of spirituality. If someone is susceptible to being attentive to their natural instincts, a lot of the information which can be found easily these days can create a profound sense of meaning and acknowledgment which detracts from the incentive to keep evolving. Even though I am unable to present any empirical evidence, I am fully convinced that anyone can come to the same conclusions I have and all I tend to be inspired to do is to encourage people to take an honest look for themselves, and if they have the misfortune of dealing with me in person I might even point out the area's which seem to be the most obvious and evident to start with. The natural ability present in people to convince themselves and the sheer inertia of the thinking mind present in most modern human beings is not to be underestimated. If the so called de-clutched state is experienced, it can pose as a great relief compared to previous mental states. Seeing the self convincing abilities are not lost and even have their uses in practical applications, it is easy to become convinced there is no need to take anything seriously anymore and become secluded and unwilling to act upon any interaction. If one would look at the habits of ancient spiritual masters or current guru's, which can be highly revered and looked after in certain continents, or the teachers making a good living in our modern civilized societies, it can be quite easy to get stuck into contemplating that there is nothing to be done other then existing and maybe mentioning some of the revelations which might have occurred to that point. Having an ideal of hanging around not doing much or having the expectation that there will be no thoughts whatsoever which will, at times, focus your attention to them, might be highly unrealistic. The first ideal is not much different from the common goals we tend to be ingrained with when growing up, the allure of success. It would be worthwhile to contemplate that very,very few people on this planet are able to provide for themselves in abundance without ever being forced to undertake action which might not be of their conscious preference. The second ideal is somewhat unrealistic because a lot of people are / have been growing up in very dense crowded populations and every moment of spare time has always been filled with distractions of some sort without ever inquiring into the reasons for it. I can only vouch for myself when I say that it seems I have become somewhat of an input addict and that, when taking away most of the sensory input I have grown accustomed to having, I do become slightly uncomfortable after a given amount of time. When one gets into the habit of observing one's own thought it does usually not take long before certain patterns become obvious and this can potentially provide great insight into your human experience so far. Seeing people are not at all that different from each other it can make certain observation generally applicable to your peers. Especially when they have been under somewhat similar environmental influences as you might have been. This could be translated as having an edge concerning insight into human nature, and can make for a great distinction between you and the herd. Under the umbrella of spirituality there are many who have gained such insight, and these insights provide them ammunition to manipulate others convincingly.

If such people are consciously manipulating themselves also, they can provide for great insight into the human species' natural ability to convince ourselves, yet they can also be detrimental to any natural occurring incentive to inquire further. Although there can be an end to the conviction that there is a need to search for external input to evolve and an end to trying to assimilate knowledge in the way most are convinced, is their only means of gaining understanding, to proclaim there is no action worth undertaking or no possibility to evolve anymore, is a simple act of self convincing at work. Seeing I lack the ability to provide dead static empirical evidence for any case I might seem to be making, I would like to provide an insight into common sense and how there can be other forms of understanding. Even though it's anyone's guess what the benchmark is or how a benchmark might have come into play, everyone is able to comprehend when they are not being truthful to yourself. As I explained, it is usually determined by means of noticing you are in need of an explanation before the decision is made to act. Naturally occurring physical incentives can make the determination of true intention hazy at times, yet they are most often noticeable so that there is an inherent awareness to take caution and take notice into becoming susceptible to using such incentives to justify taking certain actions. This sort of physical incentive is usually at work in the relating between male and female and when immediate survival is at risk. If physical harm is about to befall you, I would hope you would not let yourself be governed by moral values, we are still represented as biological entities and in that capacity it would make no sense to let our inherent ability to control our animal vessels stand in the way of natural intelligence. This means that, when you would meet Jezus and he felt like slapping you in the face, it would probably be detrimental to your experience to think twice before hitting back. Also if you would be in the habit of consciously trying to stay out of harms way, your survival chances would increase profoundly if you were not consciously occupied with thinking about survival in the case of sudden oncoming traffic. ( Where I would like to mention that it seems that what is most prominently on your mind tends to occur in practicality, where it is very likely that if you would like to avoid something, it tends to occur more easily then if you would be wishing for a specific happening to occur. Good luck with the self convincing of shaping your own reality! ) Although you might be convinced at this present moment you have a specific purpose or that certain things have a specific meaning, if you were to take an honest look and deduce the meaning and purpose of past experiences, are they similar to the ones you had at the time certain experiences occurred ? If you have certain goals which need to be accomplished before there can be contentment, have you already decided at which point you are going to take stock of your situation ? Do your cells need an operating manual before they are able to divide themselves ? Does it make sense to harm any being that you can perceive as a living entity if your physical well being is not of any concern ? Beside science, would you deem it worthwhile to see if you are able to experience realms which, when you would experience them, have no ground in your frame of reference in your current experience? And off course the big why ? Well....the Universe seems to exist in daily practicality and it seems to create accumulations of stuff, this stuff tends to form into galaxies. Within these galaxies, solar systems can potentially arise. A solar system has a star with a certain amount of planets around it. One of these planets called earth tends to form people. These people tend to be aware that such a thing seems to be happening, or is the Universe aware that it is people-ing ?

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