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LIGHT S.A. Corporate Taxpayers ID (CNPJ/MF) 03.378.521/0001-75 Company Registry ID (NIRE) 33.300.263.

16-1 PUBLICLY-HELD COMPANY EXCERPT OF THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF LIGHT S.A., HELD ON MARCH 14, 2008, AT 4:00 P.M. DRAWN UP IN THE SUMMARY FORMAT, AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 1 OF ARTICLE 130 OF LAW 6,404/76. 1. Date, time and place: Held on March 14, 2008, at 4:00 p.m., at Avenida Marechal Floriano, n 168, parte, 2 andar, Corredor A, Centro, City and State of Rio de Janeiro. 2. Attendance: Sitting Members Aldo Floris, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Eduardo Borges de Andrade, Jos Luiz Silva, Ricardo Coutinho Sena, Wilson Nlio Brumer, Chairman of the meeting, as well as acting deputy board members Bruno Constantino Alexandre dos Santos and Ruy Flaks Schneider. Deputy Board Members Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter, Joo Batista Zolini Carneiro, Lauro Alberto De Luca, Luiz Fernando Rolla and Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes also attended the meeting without voting. Lawyer Patricia Veiga Borges was invited to be the secretary of the meeting. Officers Jos Luiz Alqures and Ronnie Vaz Moreira also attended the meeting. 3. Agenda Resolutions: 3.1. Vote guidance of Light S.A. at the Annual General Meeting of Light S.E.S.A. regarding the election of 9 sitting members and 9 deputy members of the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. The Board of Directors apporved, by unanimous vote, the manifestation of affirmative vote of the Company regarding the election of the following members of the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A: (a) as sitting member Aldo Floris and as his deputy Lauro Alberto de Luca; (b) as sitting member Carlos Augusto Leone Piani and as his deputy Ana Marta Horta Veloso; (c) as sitting member Djalma Bastos de Morais and as his deputy Joo Batista Zolini Carneiro; (d) as sitting member Eduardo Borges de Andrade and as his deputy Joo Pedro Amado Andrade; (e) as sitting member Firmino Ferreira Sampaio Neto and as his deputy Paulo Jernimo Bandeira de Mello Pedrosa; (f) as sitting member Ricardo Coutinho de Sena and as his deputy Paulo Roberto Reckziegel Guedes; (g) as sitting member Ricardo Simonsen and as his deputy Carlos Roberto Teixeira Junger; (h) as sitting member Wilson Nlio Brumer and as his deputy Luiz Fernando Rolla; and (i) as Board Members representing the employees of the Company, as sitting member Jos Luiz Silva, and as his deputy Carmen Lcia Claussen Kanter. 3.2. 2008 Program of the Long-Term Incentive Plan The Board of Directors approved, by unanimous vote, the joint opinion of the Governance and Human Resources Committees of March 14, 2008 (Opinion), approving (i) the 2008 Program of the Companys Long-Term Incentive Plan (2008 Program), (ii) the number of Options granted to each participant of the 2008 Program, (iii) the Companys table of Value Referential Unit, (iv) the Drafts of the Stock Option Plan Agreement, and (v) the Drafts of the Phantom Options Plan Agreement. The Board of Directors authorized the Board of Executive Officers, pursuant to the Opinion, to execute with the participants in the 2008 Program the Agreements, as per the Drafts approved above. The execution of each agreement shall be subject to prior analysis and approval of the Human Resources Committee.

3.3. Hiring of External Audit. The Board of Directors, by unanimous vote, approved and oriented Board Members appointed by Light S.A. at the Board of Directors of Light S.E.S.A. to approve the retaining of KPMG Auditores Independentes to provide external audit services to the Company and its subsidiaries, for the Fiscal Years of 2008, 2009 and 2010, pursuant to the terms presented by the Board of Executive Officers. 3.4. Guidance of Light S.A.s vote at the Annual General Meeting (i) of Instituto Light, and at the respective meetings of partners of the subsidiaries (ii) Light ESCO Ltda., (iii) Light Ger Ltda., (iv) Light Hidro Ltda., and (v) Itaocara Energia Ltda., to be held regarding the following matters: (1) Allocation of the income for the year ended December 31, 2007; and (2) Management accounts. The Board of Directors approved, by unanimous vote, the Companys favorable vote at the annual general meeting of Instituto Light and at the respective meetings of the partners of Light ESCO Ltda., Light Ger Ltda., Light Hidro Ltda. e Itaocara Energia Ltda., as to approve the allocation of the income for the year ended December 31, 2007 and the Management Accounts.

This is a free English translation of the excerpt of the Minutes of the Companys Board of Directors Meeting, held on the date hereof.

Rio de Janeiro, March 14, 2008.

Patricia Veiga Borges Secretary of the Meeting

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