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Astrology of the US-Russia Magnitsky spat

On June 7, 2012, the US House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2012, which imposes sanctions on those responsible for the harassment, abuse, and death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was murdered during his investigation of corruption in the Russian government [1]. The U.S. Senate on Thursday [Dec 6, 2012] approved legislation to punish Russian human rights violators as part of a broader bill to expand U.S. trade with Washington's former Cold War enemy. Passage of the bill, by a 92-4 vote, drew an immediate angry response from Moscow, which had been warning that the human rights provisions would damage relations. The bill directs Obama to publish the names of Russians allegedly involved in the abuse and death of Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian anti-corruption lawyer who died in a Russian jail in 2009.

The June 4, Lunar Eclipse was significant for Russia and the US. When drawn for Moscow the Pluto-Uranus square was the on IC-Descendant. The same eclipse was exactly square the meridian axis at Washington with Pluto on Descendant square Uranus. This implied that when the eclipse is triggered Pluto-Uranus issues would be brought out into the open. On Dec 6, 2012, the Sun provided a trigger when it conjoined the eclipse Moon. [See charts below]

Pluto in Capricorn is showing us where power has become overwhelmingly leveraged towards the few, at the expense of the rest. Pluto engenders the seeds of revolution, and the fall from power of those in high places, if need be. Its about the redistribution of power. In Pluto weather the dark underbelly is revealed... And when in Capricorn it lays bare the underlying problems and weaknesses in the existing structures, governments and seats of power. And when planets come to stress this they have been this year, those structures are challenged for stability, strength and soundness. When Uranus in Aries (freedom, initiative and individuality) comes up against Pluto in Capricorn (plutocracy, oppression, fascism) there is a desire to be free at all costs. AstroYiaYia It may be appropriate to consider a few other points: The eclipse Moon [14sg14] was conjunct the star Sarin of Hercules. " Of this constellation is begotten the desertion, craftiness, and deceit characteristic of its children, and from it comes the thug who terrorizes the heart of the city. " [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353. Russias torture of Sergei Magnitsky and his death bears out the nature of this constellation.

The eclipse luminaries also fell on the US Sibleys horizon axis. The US Sibleys Ascendant 13Sg10 [2] is conjunct Ras Algethi [13Sg02] of Hercules. This is not at all surprising as the US has itself behaved as a bully in international affairs. And this is what Moscow was implying when it said "The decision of the U.S. Senate ... is a performance in the theatre of the absurd "

Finally the Last Quarter Moon of Dec 6, 2012 with Sun [14sg55] Moon [14vi55] is significant for Moscow as it sharply aspects the meridian axis and of course, as mentioned before, provides the trigger to the June 4 eclipse.

[1] [2]

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