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SAMPLE QUESTIONS, EXAM 2, ZOOL 2033, SPRING 2011 1. The peripheral nervous system can be divided into: a.

Somatic nervous system b. Autonomic nervous system c. Enteric nervous system d. All of the above 2. This type of neuron has one main dendrite and one main axon. a. Multipolar neuron b. Bipolar neuron c. Unipolar neuron d. Purkinje cell e. Renshaw cell 3. This contains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, axon terminals and neuroglia. a. Gray matter b. White matter c. Astrocytes d. Satellite cells e. Ependymal cells 4. Which of the following is not a type of channel used in production of electrical signals in neurons? a. Leakage channel b. Voltage-gated channel c. Ligand-gated channel d. Mechanically gated channel e. Ion-gated channel 5. Na+/K+-ATPases are considered to be electrogenic pumps because a. They contribute to the negativity of the resting membrane potential b. Because the sodium ions are negatively charged c. Because they exhibit low permeability d. Both a and b e. All of the above 6. Saltatory conduction a. Occurs through unmyelinated axons b. Happens due to even distribution of voltage gated channels c. Encode only action potentials in response to pain d. Both a and b e. None of the above

7. When the summed total of postsynaptic potentials rises above threshold, creation of action potentials occurs: a. In the synaptic cleft b. In the dendrites c. At the trigger zone d. In the neuron nucleus e. In the neuroplasm 8. These white matter tracts of the spinal cord contain ascending information: a. Sensory tracts b. Motor tracts c. Integration tracts d. Columnar tracts e. Epidural tracts 9. These white matter tracts of the spinal cord contain ascending information: a. Sensory tracts b. Motor tracts c. Integration tracts d. Columnar tracts e. Epidural tracts 10. Which of the following parts of a reflex arc would have a cell body in the posterior root (ganglion)s? a. Sensory receptor b. Sensory neuron c. Motor neuron d. Effector e. Integration neuron or interneuron 11. In response to being stretched a muscle spindle generates nerve impulses that propagate along a sensory neuron through which below structure, to get into the spinal column? a. Anterior root b. Posterior root c. Tectospinal tract d. Central canal e. Lateral reticulospinal tract 12. The brain and spinal cord develop from ______ arranged in a tubular structure called the neural tube. a. Mesoderm b. Endoderm c. Ectoderm d. Prosencephalon e. Rhombencephalon

13. Pyramids are a. Gray matter extensions on the medulla b. White matter extensions on the medulla c. Gray matter extensions on the brain stem d. White matter extensions on the brain stem e. Superior to the medial lemniscus 14. This is the major relay station for most sensory impulses that reach the primary somatosensory areas of the cerebral cortex from the brain stem and the spinal cord. a. Thalamus b. Hypothalamus c. Epithalamus d. Pons e. Midbrain 15. Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for sensing body touch and temperature. a. Brocas area b. Primary visual area c. Common integrative area d. Prefrontal cortex area e. Primary somatosensory area 16. Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for vision. a. Brocas area b. Primary visual area c. Common integrative area d. Primmary olfactory area e. Primary somatosensory area 17. Which of the following functional areas of the cerebrum is responsible for conscious movements the body. a. Brocas area b. Primary visual area c. Somatosensory association area d. Primary frontal area e. Primary somatosensory area 18. Which of the following cranial nerves carries sensory information to the olfactory area? a. cranial nerve I b. cranial nerve V c. cranial nerve VI d. cranial nerve VIII e. cranial nerve X

19. Oligodendrocyte is to CNS as _____ is to PNS. a. astrocyte b. macrophage c. Schwann cell d. dendrite e. axon 20. Which of the below contains cerebrospinal fluid? a. Epidural space b. Subarachnoid space c. Dural space d. Meninx e. Pia mater

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