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,l\ I I I ,

the working{hss movcmi:nr wer powcrful,ind Marx in Gcrmrny:rnd latcr England,wher he wrcr. DN Ka?itsl(in thc British Muscum!). Although Brontt did not-indccd, could not- hivc known Marx or his work, her novel rgistcrs,asEaglcronxplains,thc tensionsbetwcen thc lalues ol thc older hnded gcntry and the newcr industrial bourgcoisic. It is cquatly rpprop.iate: howev(,that two other strong ninctnth-century intellecrual tnditions - ppychoanalysis fcminism and should contriburc to modrn cridcism of Wrthcrw H.bhtr, Psydro\ begn, ofcourc, latcr in the ninitcenth ccnturywith thc pioI analysis nccringthcorctical work ofF$ud rnd his fcllow "alicnists." But aswc I I sawftom thc carly revie*s of Wxrhd; Hcbht intcrest in psycho, B logical motiyation date from the mid-ninrcenrh^n century end pervades , disussions Bront's chancten, especiallyHeathcliff. Modern psyof choanalytic criticr havc applied multiplc theories to Bront's novelfinding cvcry'thing from Frcudian "phallit" symbols, to tungian archctypes,to triits ofvampirism .nd evcn lycahthropy (wcrewol6sm).Philip Wion's analysis,"Thc Abscnt Mothcr in W,tbNtitu Hebhtt," tak s a. lcss cxtreme(andmorc convincing) lppmachby combin;ng dctails Fom Brcnta'slifc andlircnrywork with modernpsychology's undcstanding of child dcvclopment, pi.ticularlythc scpantion-individuarion proccss. So, too, a long tndition offeminismrconlriburcs modcm inteiro prcl.trions of Wuthcrirq Hrbha. Emily Brontt wrs lcsscxplicir thm hcr sistcr Charlotte on issucsrhat ninctcenth{cntury fminists took up, such a5a woman\ right to an cducarion br a profcssion.Ncvcnhclcs, BrontE'snovcl i5 espccially kccn in its understandingofthc psychosoci.l tcnsions women fclr in courtshiprnd marriage, it addrcsses and spccific that iniusticcs Victorianfcminisrs foughrsginsr, including inabiliry rhc of women to hold property in thir own namcs, which thc Manicd Womn's Rights md Propcrty Act cventually correctedin 1870. Modcm fcmjnjst ;ntcrprctatio^s of Watb.tin!:Htwt do nol derive dircclly from Victorian fem;n;sm (although they often fous on thc Victorian socialcontcxt). Rather, feminist criticism today tcnds to hevc its roots ciihcr in th empirically or b6ed fcminismofAoglo-Americans in thc more thcorctically oricntcd work of Frcnch fminists.MargaretHominsrs cssay,"The Name of rhe Morlrer in Wuthcriq Htigh6," is ^ p.oductiveblend ofthese two feministstrains.

PsychoanalyticCriticism K


t w.t


ro think $oui novelsin



,tar, elthoughbrs.d

ues to cling: evcn after rhc las(chaprcrha! becn rc.d_or rhc rjarm clocl hassoundcd.Thus ir is nor surprising hcarsomconc rhar to say Enily Bronti's Wt.h.ri,'8lr.,;rrr is ,.tike a drcrm." It dcscribes numa ber ofdreams-some ofrhem nightmares and,as. numbcrofcritics have argued, ir is a strudurc that allows .utbor and rcadcr to exolorc wishcs, fcars. and fanEsics. The nodon rhar drcamiallowsuchpsychic cxptontions,ofcoursc, . lrx. the ealogy berwccn[tcriry work and drcams, ow., a grc.rr dcrt



Pll cxoaNlL1TIC CRrTllrrSnr



to ihc thinung ofsigrnund Freud.the frmous Ausirianpsychoaneljst who in 1900 publishcd r *$inal csey, Tt. Inttqntttbtt {DttLrn. Rut is thc rcadcr;ho fcelsrh^r rhe $orld of Wath.ritg F is drclmlikc a Frcudian litrrrry criticf And is it cvcn mld to apply conccPtsadvanced in 1900 to a novel wriaen in thc first haifof thc ninctccnth ccnturyl to To somccxtcnt rhc answcr thc 6rstqucstionhasro be ycs Frcgd is onc of thc rcarons it .raar "natural" tL rhink of litcrary works intcrms ofdreams. Wc arc all Frcudians, rcally, whcthr or nor w. havc rcrd .n)'thing by lrcud. At onc time or another, most of us havc unconscious desir.s,end scxualrcrefcntd to cqo, libido, complcrcs, thc ofFieud's thought havcchangcd $ry the Thi premiscs pression. extent,we arcrll Psycho_ Wcstemworld think about itsclf.To r lcsser anal!'tic intcrpreters ai wcll. I'sychoinalytic criticism hx inlluenccd the and crititcacficnour ieachcnteamcdfrom, the work ofscholarship cdtical and crcativc writen D,' read as wcll cism thev read. and the thet describcd,a modcl that Whai Freud did wasdcvelop a languagc humanFychology.M3ny ofthc crplaincd,a thcory rhat encomPis*d demcnls of psychology hc sought to dcscribeand crPlaio are and cultures, ftom SoPhocl.s' @t: in thc litcnry works oflerious ages I{tt rt to Bronte's WLr$.lirE H.bha, Whcn l'n "Rarto Shakesparc's twcnty-firstcentury is writlen, many of thesc ttrc er."r noucl of the as inform is discoune wcll. wil Probably of samiclcmcnrs pcychotog/ eccording to Frcud, we can lf, by tndcrstanding human psychologr apprcciatclitcoture on a ncw lcvel, then we should acquarntoursclvcs with his insichti. Frcud's thcorica are cither directly or indircctly .onccmcd with the naturEoftic unconscioui mind. Frcud didn't invent the notion of the', thet cvcn thc suPPoscdly unconscious;othen beforc him had suegpstd t'$nc" humrn mind wasconsciousand rational only at times, and cvn that thcn $ posiibly only onc lvd. But Freud wEnt tunhcr, suggesting wn nlu $nconthc powcrs motivadng mcn and women are tt rtt ^nd s{lous. Freud. then, powcrfulty dcvcloPqd-aqgld-id9Jhat-rhl-Lrt-{n-e!1thc natqrc. He ca.llcd prc4omin;ndy3as; mind is cscndallituilln pen ql lEI6MC_!!!14unknown, and unconss'ours siol4J4lional, part, Anoihcr rspcctol thc psychet whlclr lrc losic.l. oi(ailv. consc'ous c:lcd thc rrtTrrr. ls rcallv r Droiecttonol thc cqo. I Desupcrcgoaimo6[ to sccms be outsidcol thc scu)malJngmomr,udgmcnB'tdl$g ul ro . may r sclf:sacnhcc goffo-uG-cvin though sclf-sicrifige not

l' the bc auiic losicalor rctionrl. And. in a scnse. suDercso "outsidc."

afi*fr i-#vhir-nrelE-u-ird-d.*i6iriFt;-.6;.1-**d-iio


mind. One oflreud's rnostimponantcon_ forccdinto thc unconscious somcthing likc thisr mu(h of what lies in rhe unconsciousmind has bccn put th.rc by consciousns\

iell @-a-nd-superego us ,rt to do or think is rcprcsscd,

gocs drc tribuionsto thc studyof the psychc, thcoryof rcprcsion,


we wishcs and fcars; rlJ to Freud,all ofus haverepresscd mcmories emcrge dishaveiliirini in-lthi.h ftpiiiatd fcaling{-ind guiscd3nd thusvrtcall porentirlcandidrtcitur driain inallais One 1 (he desircs mosl commonlt-repi-sstd'rs itildhood J dfthe uncons(ioris wish to displacethe parent ofour own scx and rake his or her placc in I the afections of the parcnt of $e opposit scx. This desirereally in-. volvcs a numbcr of dr$crent but rclatedwishcr and feats. (A bov - ard it should bc remarkqd in passingthat Frcud he.c concems himself him. and i meir y with t}re m. c - mat fear ihat his fa$cr wil ca.strate hc mry wish rhat his mother would rcrum io nursinghim.) Freudrc- I fcrrcdto the wholc complcxoffcclingsby the word oanpl, namingthe t complcxafter the Greektngic hcro O<dipus,who unwittingly kilcd ' his farhcrand marrird hb mothcr, why arc oedipal wfuhesand faars(epre$cd by the consciousside of thc mindl And what happnsto dlem after thcy have bccn censoredly' As Roy P Basler puts it in 9r, Sy toli"", a n Prrholqt in Lihrr n I (1975), "ftom thc beginning ofrtordcd history such wisheshavcbccn I restnined by thc most powcrlul rcligious and social taboos' and as a as'unnatuml,"' evnthough "Frtud resulthavecomto bc rcgarded characteristic ofnormal hlrman found thet suchwishes moccor less are paniculady, rhrr \uch ln drcams. Frrud found rmplc eviJcncc wishcs pcr.istcd.. . . H(ncc he concrivedrhlr nrrunl urges. but whc idcntifiedti "wrong," may b rcprcsscd not oblteretcd. . . .In thc unconscious, theseur8(si*e on symbolicArb, rcgardcd nonscnse rhe Mling m;nd rhat a5 by docs not rccogrizc thcir significance.(14)


rlltrv/tt^T ll vsYcrl'dN^LYTIC




CrtTtcrsril PSYClloAN^L'r11C


HFffi$fld$ff ffi i" $mffi*H$H$[t$

**,*ffi '$ffifu


tsYcHo^NALtl cntTlclsM tc

cRtTtctsM? vlAT ts PsYcHoaNAtYTlc


l/ ) | | | . '-o#

sclvesftom dcc**atcd anxicties-or both. A Derfccter.xmDlc ofauihor analyriswould bc Maric Bonapanc's 1933 srudy of Edgar Allan Poc. Bonaoanc found Poc to b< so fir.tcd on his morhcr rhai his rcDr6scd longng cmcrges hrs sloncsrn rmaqcs rn sucn a5tnc wnrie sDoton t __:----: a=> t A ratrgcnera$onor psycnoan ytK cnHcsonen Pauscoto anaryzc the ch?ncters in novls and playr bcforc procccding to authoG, But not for long, sincc chanctcrs, both cvil and good, tcnded to be sccn by thcs critics as thc e$hor's potcntixl sclvs,or projcctions of vadous reprcssed aspects ofhb or hcr psychc.For instence,in ,{ PrrroSatdt of th. Doabb ix UEmtttn (1970), Robcrt Rogcrsbcgins "n$lytic vicw that human bcings erc doublc or multipl. in natur. Uswith th ing this assumption,along with the poychoanalytic conccpt oft'drssocietion" (best known by its irsult, the dual or multiple personality), R e$ concludes that wdt$ rcveal instinctual or rcpressdsclvcsin thcir bookr, often without rcalizing that they have done so. 2 ln thc view ofcrilics attcmpting to arive at morc psychologicalinsightsinro rn author then biognphic.l mererials providc, a work of can litraturc is I fantasyor a dream- or at lcastso analogousto daydream or dre.m th.t Frcudranan.lysi! cen halp cxplain thc neturc ofthe mind th1t produccd it. Thc atltbor's purpose in writing is to gratiry sccrctly somc forbidden wish, in paniolar an infrntile wish or dcsirc that hrs bcn reprcss.d into thc unconsciousmind. To discovcrwhat thc wish is, the psyhoenrlltic critic employs many of th rrms and procedurcs developdby Frcud to anrlyzc drcrms. 'lhe litcnl slrfacc ofa work is somctimcssookenofa3 its "menifcst contcntr'3nd trc.tcd as a "manifcst drcam" or "drcam story" would be trcatad $y a Frcudian anelyst. Just a! the analyst tries to figurc out thc "dr:dr thought" bchind the drcem story -that is, thc latent or hiddcn conEnt of the manifest dream- so thc psychoanalytic litcrrry critic trics to xposc thc latcnt, undcrlying contcnt ofa work, FFnd uscd thc words rnlrxatrirr :nd Cn lr.rrrrt ro cxplain two q-f_themcrl-:'

guagcin gcncralis Fcrtcd ar sometbingthat cvoiva as thc wri'.r'J, what the unconscious it to picturcor de' il tells conscious mind resists rvords,'t manin8tul conceaiscribc.A symboli!, in DaniclWciss's ll as frightcning | ', or menrof truth asthc truth promir$to emerge somc . fodiddcnidca" (20). --.1

l t,.1 .,

is and 9l_p*.1$1ry!SrS!U!e mind disguiscs wishes fc*sjjdglLor storiaa.ln condcnsxtion scvclaryttiEh6-;E6ii m-t bc (gndcns.d in

as they trcat mctephors if thcy wEdrcam condensationsi trcat mctonyms- figuresof speech bascdon cxtrcmclyloo6c,arbirr$y essociations- o ifthcy wcredrc.m displecem.nts. Thusfigurrtivclirrrrylen-

cntitld "Thc 'Unconsciols'ofliteraturc," NorIn a 1970arricle man Holland, a litenry critic mined in psyrhoinalysis,succinctly sums eurhors, but up the a$irudc, hcld by crirics lvhp would psychoanalyzc without quite sayingthet it b the a$rrT who is bcing analyzcdby the p6ychoanelytic aitic. "lvhen one loots at a poem psychoanalyticaly," hc writcs, "onc considemit ar though it wcre a drcam or as though some idc.l patient [werc spaking] ftorn thc couch in iambic pcnmmcter." One "loolc for thc gcncHl levcl or ,ssociatcd of with the language.By lcvel I mcan the famili.r stags childhood development - orrl [when desircsfoq nourishmcnt and infantilc scxualdcsircs overlapl, anal [whcn infants,rcceivc their pdmary plcasurc ftom ddecationj, urcthral lwhcn urinary functions lrc thc locus of scxual plcasurel,phallic [whcn the pcnis or, in girls, somepenii sub'stirutcis of primrry intercitl, oedipal." Holaid continucr by analyzingnot Sobcn Frost but Frost's poem "Mending Wall" in terms of a spccificallyonl fant$y that is not unique to irs author. "Mcnding Wall" is "about brcaking down the wall which marks thc scpanted or individuarcd sclf so as to return to e statc ofcloaenssro sonlc Othcr" - induding and pcrhap,s esscntiallythe nursing mothcr ("Unconscious" 136, 139). Whilc not denying thc idea that the uncoDsciousphys . role in crcativiry, psychoanalyticritics such as Holand bcgan to focus morE on thc wq,s in which authors crcatc worts that appcel to ora rcprcssed wishcs and fancies. Conscquendysthey shiftcd their focus away ftom thc psycbgof the rurhor rnd towerd the psychologyof thc rcadcr and - rhe texr. Holland's thcolies. which haw aoiceancd rhcrnsclvcsmorE with thc rcader than with rhe te$, havc helpcd to cstablish anothcr , Wright .xsdool ofcrirical thcory: rcader-rcstronsc criticism, Eliz-abcth plainsgol*ndt bmnd of modmrpsycho:nalytic .riti&m in this way: "What drawsus as raadcrsto a text is the secre!exprcssionofwhit $,c desireto hear, much as we protst wc do not. The disguisemuit bc good cnouSh to fool the ccnsor into dlinking that thc text is nspccF able, but bed cnolgh to allow the unconsciousto glimFc rhc lrnrc(114. spcctable"

Wher.asHollend crm. indeaiinglyto focuson rhc rcadcr athcrr than on thc work beingrcad,otbers\yho turneda$"y Oomchractcr and authordiagnosis p.cfcrrcdto concentrate rex$; rhcyrcmaincd on

VHAT tSfsYcHolN LvTlc cRlTlclsw


3lo th skepdcal


rhe FollowinE regulrly tulfill wishcsby rcrding readcrs

in or rcalm' in which signss$nd nrove more elsily ifito the linguistic substitut. for the things thcy rePrescnt' _",""... i. the context notg! ofa chil{


f *[:""i*.Y;"Y:f'"':,:'-li'J:i:"T*$Til'i':n]""ffifi ;:::;'J ::il';: \ :;:i::"rtyul* :r1 ;1"jli:::'j'::ilj";

;ll*:'::.T; .";1":; 1""'J'::: )+i: l*li*u :'J.i:',il;*t

*;*;'ir"";;;;;..!'"x;1":l':i".Hi.{gf '* -='r-l,lt**ttt*n5'Ji::lii;.fi thcvassume Rather' *"*' ;:';;lii"";';;;i,

wrir::".;; '.liil'" rvleredjth-sr.n II*l"IlJft i"ir'.i';..1 r\over." *' n"'irr'r tt':
;'J; ,;:;;:';";'i;":'oci'tons' ('
to "rrwc "rii""."" "' rromonc"scene move.ounvvd"

frodThe selr' ., hter isigt to lvra- and as\ociares, ---TFE si-cond binh smgei f6d ir crn 'ccordlnB --*--

f:::::T?."""*:I ;i; ;;; ;;t;,' 8') D/iP' i:iY*:iiii ;*ri {i 'l;'

.,n be found tt\ wuthmnr n'azoi." ':(a mothcr ngur,i,r,", "r,..ra U.*t'.tf Crlhy frotcsrsto N'Uy Dcin


,in***+[*t***n' irurl'gt,s*-**$ffi



\1r,{Trs rsY(:fi oIN,{1.}Trc cRrTrarsi\ir


( "ts rhrt C"th.rinc. Linronl" ( I | 8).Ar a later point,she docs not| f1U_f, rccognrza own image hcrown. hcr ar . (cvcn

In ttri"na.wi"' rffi,

::[_.ll.d:l...f]]...:ish (e:ri to.ry *'th.rbc o;her"

ocgnmnp crn bc achicvcd byrhis youngwomanonly in dcathis rcll-

L,iiri;"i"i*j,5i:il'iilfi iikJii$

to cscapt fiom scpantcncs to mergc and


altows crrhcrine tutfiu-

_ilcrcd |nc), anqnr.w?shcrsclfo-ita \oung*Ign_$G6;Al"lffii,,quiat EI--I{ Dcrwccn

mothcr and chil

L$s!${9$5$!!gl:!4_adJ!qEr Ing; lgggjagja


if trsscsr, cordly_:_thcft66i;iG;;;6

SomcShort Intoductions to Psychological psycho.nalyricCriticism and *fic ,Unconscious, Hollrnd.. Norman. of L'Lre,rrc.., AnEr,rbmn cnrusm. w. Norlnin Bradbury Davidfalmcr. Srntfo.rd-. Jnd upon,Avon Scries, 12.Ncw york:St. Martin,s, Vol. 1970. Natofi, Joscph,_and FrcdcrikL, Rusrh.comps.prrvhdairnin: An Annbbd Biblignph). Wcstpon:Grceni"ood,198+. ^ S(oft,f/vilb-ur.E\Afr,u.h* b UEmrJ Cr'd*,r. bndon: Mrcmrurn,tyol. Sccthc essays Burkc Gorcr, Colicr_ by end aswelt ,.ThcIsycholosical asJcoirs rntroduction rhesccoon ro Approrchi Lrcmrurcin rhc Lightot fsychotolicat T6cory.., Wcflck.R.n4. and. Ausrin Wancn.ilnry oytitnmt, Ucw iork: ., narcounrlr4l. sccrhc chrprcr Lircrarurc fsvcholosv,, .nd ur pr..r..-l_hhxrnnsic Approach the Srudy Lireratriic.,, to of ,.,. wnght. ttzebcrh. -Modcm lrsychornal),tic Criti.isn.,, Mdrn LiEtp ! ,hp: A u,rr&ntiw l"dlttiott. Fi. Arn ,letrc,son and Drud Kobcy. Toro$,N.l.: Bames, 1982.I 13_33. Prcudr Lac.n, and Thcir Influcnce Bader,Roy n , a,d prrhotw h AEmtuft, Ncw york: \./sEgont r_Sy,'rrrn tyl5. Jcccspcciallv 13_19. Cl6mcnr,C.arhcriac. Liw snd tjrnd, of Th. Irtsfi. -ftxnsJarqrlc, Anhur ColdhemmcrNcw york; Cotu;bil Un, 1933. _ FrEu4 Srgmund. ,rrulr.W lat ft, on pErho_Arllt$r.Trans, Joan K\acrc.Irndon: Allcn. 1922. Gdlop,lanc. Radhg l*ez. tthaca:Comcll Up. 1985.

Hoffman,Frcderick .6zedir itrnatbtth. Lix,lq.yMiul. R^t:on J. Rougc: l.ouisianr Srare 1945. Ul, K^zin, Alfted. "Frcud and Hi C-rlrrqt Anbft?ofl'ti.'. ^.es." Boctrn: Littlc- 1962 !:can, facqucs. .Ecna. &rrrirr. Tnns. Alan Sheridan. ,4 New Yorkl Nonon, 1977. E nin;nc &idality: Iqa." ,.ndth, ttokfftnd;tnn . Ed,.Irlict -. MitchcU Jacqucline Tnns. Jacqueline Ncw and Rosc. Rose. York:Noron, 1982. Thalh*r I. rubbnentul ArE ptrof Pryhltna@. Trans,Alan -. Sheridan. London:Penguin, 1080. Meiscl,Pcny,ed. Fnrl A C-albction Cnt;calErny. Englewood of Clift: Itrentice, 1981. Mullcr, JohnP., andWilliam J. Richardson, Iarrn andbryqge: A R"adcPt Gridt to "Eetut," New York:Intcrnationd UI 1t82. Portcr,hurcncc M. Tr, Ittdt fttttior ofDrxarlu:Frad\ Th.rritt Itt itiaL Twaynet Masterwork Studics-Series. Boston:G. K. Hall, 1986. RcpFn, Joseph, MauriceCharncy. Pqchoatut@ df of and Th. St Litmtoz. HtllsdaletAtnlvric- 1985. Schncidcrman, Stuan.,/ar4 ltcatt: Th. Dd,, oJar Int lbctuLl]Lm. kr Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard 1983. UP, Selden, RAman. rtalrra Guidrto Cant'r,'pmry ,.1 Lixn'ry Th.ory. \,cxington:U ofKentucky 1935.Scc'jacqircs P, l,rcin: knguagc andth Unconsdous." Trilling, Lioncl. "An and Neurosis."?lz L;bcmlInqnntin. Ncw York:Scribner's, 1950. Wildcn, Arthony."lacan andtheDiscoursc ofrhc Otber."ln kcan. Trans.Wildcn. Baltimore: Wh aftdlafltwe ik Prvhmnzllmr. Ul, 198t. Publishcd Trc t lgwc af thc&f in as iohnsHopkins 1968. l5E-311. Psychological Psychoanalytic and
Studid of Litelatur. Bttclheim, Bruno. The Uvr 0f Ewhd,t rznt: Th. ]tI&riv and Inl$b,tc! olryD To16, New iork: Knopf. 1976. Alihou-Bhrhis b;k is about lliry rales i,$teadoftitcrar! worls written f6r publiotion, it oFerc model Freudian readino ofwell-kaown siorics. Crews,.Frederick C. Out o[ MJ SJ'nn: Ptyh&n'tyi', Id.otqr, d t Citial]. Ncw Yo;k:bxforJ ijp. tqTi;.


Frlatb s 0f L;trnry SD/t Ncw York: MLA, 1967 &e the -. " chaotcr"Litiraturc and Psychology A Snul.ofAliontiot Md Hrtlm,rn, R.llpt'.P'itbolql of Linatur':, r-j,ly. irl"* i"*,-it'it*oPhical Librarv.1961' 4"d th' gknion of th' Tcx'' Uanrnnr. beotrrev, e,l PsrheuF thc essays Ut lqTS See Baltrmore: lohns Hopkrns "Pcci'lly Nelson,md Schwanz bv Hanm.n. iohnso;, tubl;'E' 04 t*e u.nzl. S"l. ft Od oS Liw: F''s'tt" P'vhN alfrn "ad tlr' "ColumbiaUP' 1985. Ncw York: Oxford Holand! Norman N. DJt rtn;6 of Litenol RtWe' Ncw Yo'k: -. Poeflt in hrotts: At rnn&wtbn n thc Pqthmwlyir of ,r'rarrt t. New York: Norton' 1973 E pla$tittt ;" An Ncw York: Inrcmat<re,Ernesr. PrEhetllw tionrl UP, 1952 Lncas,F. L. Litmtian ad Ptyholql.l .ndoff Ctssell, l95l' Fnudi'n Di'!t P||rholaial P"'Frtiw.m I 'h17t1tft: Nrtoli. Io'eph. 'd r'i"aa'i Har-,dt Atchon, 1984' A Cavbmk NA'rt' ',ia UB ed Philiips,WiLliam, ,4/t andPt hb"alr;' New York: Colutnbia t977. ol Roecn, Roben. ,4 Pryr,MnaW StultJ th' Doubb it' Likmh'ft' " Detroit: WayneStatcUP. 1970' H^Skura, Mercdith, Tr,'[,r'rtmt, Ut of tht Prlche'nw Pmalt Ncw vcn: YalcUP, 1981. liatkl. Strc|J. loscDh P. Lit ntr Citr.iln ^nd Ptyho@r' lJnivcrsity Dy the SccesPcciJly c5stJ6 krncr Ut'. 1976 Srare Pcnnsylianir and Peckham. wei6s D$ie I Th' ciri( ABrnitkt: Ptyholw' MJth'-attd tht'an'of Arkrn $adrc: u oI tirtts. Fd En. Solomonand StcPhcn I, 1985. washington Lacanian lsYchoanalYtic Studics of Literature ofthe Davis. R-obenCon, cd Th. F'ttlond!Fttht: lnania Rtadi'Ut !, l98l' f".".,f.n.t t, U ofMr$achuserB (1983): cd, "Lacan and Narrrriotu" Mdt, Iarqu/vt Nolrr 5 -, 843-1063. ol Th cd ftf man. Shoshana, tiumnn and Prychaoul|tit: A-6'bn " C'anonical Froula,Christinc."When Eve RladsMilton: Undoing thc

U of Ed. Econorl|y."C'ano$t. Robrtvon Halbers Chicago: P, Chicaeo 1984. P' g..",'-'', il".g"*r. ,aa ry thc llont' C'licagoU of Chicago 1986' Pu: cds u"u"r,l.r'" il. *a w;liam 1. Rithardson, Th' P'rbind

I+'." g.K?^,:lHi*f #:;,Ki;#';Y!ffi Purioind l-etter."


Psychoanalytic Radings of W|th'ri"' Heithtt lhc Cycleofctn_ Burexn.Mxry. "'Some Fi( Prrentlgc':ldcntiry and *'":;l;;;i;

uP, 1968.

n'ibrqi'itg^'wtv tt 1tstz1' n,isnB.r

395-413. P(,dy.n Thc Cnricism: H-unlJ', en"r, ,^"r'" "Reichian Handcn: Naroli -W4hcri'g Pnryriw' EA losPh r'ynobgnol hiWo." 1984 53-78. Arahon, in Ii arAM "Krirtevr\ Abicd endSublim Bronti's Goraon, P'rho@r 34 (198q: aa-58' i)hti,,a utisht"' Liztntt'rr enn

*u;;*#;:';'T,''mfi a'lil."' * ;y(i;).uf *"** A

in Taboo W"thniry-H'bh$: "The Incesr Mccuirc.Kj;hryn-B. ^*;;.;;'i;;-t,.t." In'50 4s lre8&\t217-24'. A"nican I5 iht Martcrwiih Emilyl'nc?: na*... fft.t"J / -Conflicting ruw,A H'iBhR " Nitttkmth-Qntttr' lmr,dscs in "'wft.t, ' (1962): l-19. and E'mshrw:Splining ofcatherine s"u"t. "fh" Rebinh"piro. -- -'r..i,it"r,rarion nth-O"t't'' ofSelfir. Wttthoi"fHtithB" Nin'E 3 (19a9\ 37-51' studir'

PSILIP K. WION The Abscnt Mother fur W&tb'ti"g H'ilhtt "Ncliv. I o. Hetrhctifl" R'rde6 of t/tth'riry HtithE^h^6t ^and Exmshew thc s(.nc ul of words Crihcrine rhcsc *rrs remcmbcr

aiiWi orri*a

ur' Baldmore: HoPkins 1e82' lohru


A.C,BSEY lridr mmujis ir unddon. drulh $' A'tr'd md c4'b upon ia lighr vdE in rhcsnaorxr*.'rsiiingrl..!d 'L E um,:ndit prd dem m les in Sh'lkv-l $.n@roD hoGiar limr o p,rr4 o ,/a o r@ da ii fi' nP{u_

ietf. Ard inir, E fI, is sisowhd rh. o$d !t ddrelis: in, ud Pb:lo!.Pht d L'Yin! o dP r &k u b sL s Y&n ro 6rlzc tI Abd! ttu bdr P*ty, bd nd onlv it bdt $sc fldb dol inJiijc $Sg6rion Th, Per sFaB b u5 or rmstd. M d'& td b Oi! oE rbinsthd. *ro b ld 'b' td h6ld o .rp.tu rdo lte rwy b.yoid i&lf, or EIr *hi.h i! dlv raued in ir: bm''iing ds hdds 'tu4 * rcL mdd {ntv @r onJvln. idtS:uoon bur *hd. tu ehol' ot e $.r ondnins *nnin s. and sinou! rNchrest*bd iltduGD 1o !.tb np fngm.nb of i d@ Pr of slicb cdM hc d Pn Bd .nd dmblct io rhcti.d 'fte r{5 e !@Diiblc 6 tni! .llcr of petv find n n01 d cb d. h4 ee_ ie @4 h tlk d r Eird .'-_a*;l"a un i" . a,iur'd.dr bvctuido nosui -r .nd in he'dicN likt $od t tm .t@ oa rindfloE: b tlw d fdvd Tb'v !'& rbis $n m Lrr d.trt


o"i .r*" orti' r,f' ,l qr. ru .u{nbtuids pdtatoi

Sigmund Freud ---=ret656-19t9

in odic .odr d *rdr 6I mv U'd' .-mL b. .r(!sd r @l*, b' $. tusssriodoIiLi5 in E * r;i. "d so, irn*.tt, *a p*ry r'* in B sss'rri@' rhir .oJtr w' do t wrcus udw -.*,ii"si's*r!-*it"'i* drfcr our orr purp{'q wh.i w r} b bendi 'o 6'm: vc (b ir mlg, b.irs s mlj'sicar, To ora n lh. shov or vior'rca; Id ir n s drc .n invulrEblc A our vld blo* mricious rct'rY

+ \4q -(



x iN. rpidr. Ii clrer w rftw mr' I. sil ior spat rr N bd^1ii&Fr $swin or l 3u3.lti.dwsL

[]'*Hn:ilffi ;rtrlP,*fr ;itr::,:T ""#T;?J:ff .

$F rr ajry El.a6 ri srdh ad d..p., Frlh;c pkaurc and!h6by rjb.rar.s

s@hns or rhetug. of hji inran,n tu dari;lhjp or lurbd ed hij {qx. rrd dns. m,$lo&, b.rwn d( dn.| cqri;$ srd dl@s o tur6y H. r uEBtd in libEry wk! 6 crpr$ion, ot lh. auftq h. sa3 , pi* ore,.rirc hhs B.codNdio oror$bjitor.Id lh. phy ofclntdhood ro r*ua O. nor omme i!, ftcty eo|nd nMifAb on of ih. famirie .so. rhud ir rlN. ro mwrMan.d lh.r n wd nol h. bdl Lh.pcb whD dMd.r@ oc l@Mrdi

'Ttu influ.@ of Fod on modm ticntue ejilcd D . .d rr'*.v,r-.v hs b..n :o i,*ns &d v&icd,r., ;;;;;; l'"r'j't Rp@d,ha, innu@. .*d,.;r:;,; ;;lill,',ff^l:.",n:?T"',:.:


Rud liiturionof ticE@ is hhiad by hir matosyb..@tr rihr, so,t @ @d. Ar charls Lrhb Emrtcd, thepcr u "-, .s!tc whc, h. d|!e, rnd tb{ js e hponut ditrft@. Tnersr @.sid3iy dptorr a d.drun i@ rhcFrcudjo poDror y.w tu rdiun @utd b. .@I&rcd ! sjof es .@ D, sdran. F!.d@ralry. lhk .ppdacn ka4 ; tu .sdicat cldin8 (jn rEuoe or aI rircEry mrL nr Ery ot .yDbotisn d.ktoFd h; dF on. rh; Ro@ric vEw redb d.ruar, tbd ::.,1:'.3 ep"'.d '1,i. d ddksoria r br'3 mein8 tu bc discov@d by Mat,,!k. tt.r lhe n6um cd b. kpmred |rmrh cql.n( Ne ra cre tab mainrlined) lhd rh* i, &y *_nr iio,,. .,p6ychi.,l A Eruion of c hatha beb cal.d dibc,, . d Kbt dd colaidg. u' u. Muurui tr lppmfl in rrua! o*cnron rrra t.u*-ar.rr,r

sor hiddm .''.nmirei. behhd *;:G;;;;;liiffi:[tT:l:

n,ri{ sqrd is

i! po'''|.".;;il

b. hpl6d

FEud do.\ nd din*;d.qukry


IT I njrhg s uorcr l?,':'', poinr.d Nt in hir .rqy F,.!d,al Lkfr&a, Ftud,t die, .. &o_ot ur.s dd odq m cE b hrmp.Ed b, d jnld.qu.c sh(p oj .p,*etogcrt r$u.'. h. dr! sur der ,bou *rrr is -ea.- u rrr neL rar.i ',v;r*

,r,i, pr.suc po$ibre whirc o,;eu 6 Dor. :y:l-" rDdc.d,h. n nq Mry 'llT.t! i l+ry ro'|.r of pl6@. nr.Br.d. in $c Hn @m.n n rd prycrrorogic.limpriqros. tut tutusj@ $egsa, by hi! w. adni$otr rh,r sheshat hf.rior sqt! h:Ei'iry fq Frch@aryricar ibrBric;on rnd lvokd mahrpiar Hl:.mT rtr Bor td ois, h. eyr, i! rhr t6yr M,k do n;r ulc ovd olihemr. rrli! sc miE m .h!. dc mm 3impt., qdh.nd, &d popur4 rh. **^T

h@ r ii d,r bft


js n usuirD i; dEtuM prd.

Ct otirr Viic6 @n Dryrtffiitf

no md s i"*ns innucnc'vidud'v ::fl:*:ix: [1 ;5"h".Hi?:'iii

$,qbyfd hd. ir*.v' ben rihall-:.T$

'.'];,,",*:1:"3*"*' Tt|;:;[: Hilil ;;;fi b.ils:,y".f.L,H,it B;T,:ff ;i;;; i; nT,-,:lffi;; il ;.-;!:trf":*. :l ;; f#"H"*"fli;i",ffi : :,'*1Hi1 .,,

Iif,f #,i"-; ;;;."*":i*T:trjf J liJru;;t rrv,::Il lyllllll'i;I,


Creative Writers

ljon-whiL spffirids ii ib&ply r'm dtiry. knF!3. hd p'.sn d mis rlariorship hdro .nildftnk tlry dld p' .rk crciion.Ir Eivd thc Mm. oflpL/ {"pl.y lItoth6e qiritr3 whi.h kqniE to b. lidkcd b fm! oI inqiiiriv. bngiblr obj*6 rid whj.h c crplb rF \t ol r l^trpi,t i rnrcBpi.l l"condiy" or "hc' .nt l d.sjb.! rh@ *ho cert dr rh. cp,6mhioi '.d a J.Ldpl.Lr l tl.y6 l, Tl& n&'rny ol $c * jnrginiiiv. wd, howvq, h4 t.ry in!.n.nt @n*' q&rc torihcEhniqucorbir i lq Dry thi.8! *hich, if th.y re EiL ould !jv. @ djoytmr, .rD do D in dr plry of fuE , ud Dmy crib'Ha *hich,in rh.Nlv.s, of fd cu t6oft | ,@ @ @'lly diseii& oI r rl'. fiffi od lFd.rd ! rI{ Ffmtrr Th@ i3 @th.r cori&Erion ldr rh. sl. of wNch E will dwll i mNcit lon8q otr rhir conGn b.!Gn dlny urd pLt- Wncd $. .hild h6 growi !p ed hc a6.d pl!, ud ifr{ hc tus ben laborins for deades b .ivi54. tn ,4liri.s ot lir. virh prcFr sios ,lnd hihlf h r snlado0 which ole norc lndc &. mntur b.tkci plat andMli.y. As .i dux h. cm lmk blck on $. int$!. sriouses *id *hich h. oic. crnl.d otr hie sm6 ii cbildhod, fld by.q@tin3 ft otddbly .qios c.npdioB of tod.y enn his childh@d ga@, b.

P r' y hr!l l trb' dl of$. s'o*i ups.h.dcsnd,oi rh. o$d h!d, c'E rI n . n dhmcd ollib rD_ r'nBd shLnG' i0dmd. e6x3ioB. dld rrtuF

I | \l



\ l I /

ific only F6d wh. iNdB $ch tdbi6 lid hs m id6 rrd n *idcprdd rmds dlE p.c Lr.r ft&o or 'rxi rhl b.hlior of !Fts{boDlryt Dl. lli!dill.ftM.,tr od i ldron who rersiE i! BdDtd fd B dF diva of the r*o !dviri6, snict & rcv.ihabr rdju@ to

and Daydreaming

Bd *hB.r


rh. rdmi-Dhi'd

ffi,l=16ffiH $ HHffil:;;; tu' 1Y*"TT':'*

i h. sM plrying,{!q4,!!!j!&!!!!!!

6 $rcsarc, td lnr @c *av, rhc rd'

by vi:hB: in of fd a child i Dhy k &6iEd th.r h.rF h ii: udtidtin8-rl by r iinslc *iih-{c vkh ro b. bis 5nd sF*' !A H. tu duy! pL,i4 rl b.irt ''gm*n trp, and ji hk 3m.i h. iobl6 rfi.r h.ltwt dn 3bod 6. liv6 oI his .1d6. H. ha io @d b dal wnh. wlth tn. rdr4 In. ce i! dilfdnt. O! rh. @ b|n4 h. knows rharhe is .xpd m(o 3p 6 phyiu d ruu; d" orho ' r""!*, bu io er in dc ; ,yi"s ";d: -y e hsnd.sonc ot rhc vtuhd *hich av. d& b ttu frdi6 of r kiid vhich n i .lsdrl, Tnw h. it !bi.d orhi: fubns s b.i ctildtl ind G b.iD8 u.Fbl$ibL. Bu( )u wil a.L if F4lc m,l. trfi . n *rt of - , dkr IuByiDs, hop li ii $d w t!o* sh I ld rbdr it? I w.ll, rh.rc is rde of hulm!! uFn *lM, tu. li! | la dlod.d rhc I indad. bDL! im sodd6!--NGity bllt of GUi4 wbrr *y $ft6 lrd ?itt thjist 3i( dm l illn4 who e brppin.s. ft.* m rhc victjG ofel]d I oblis.droG $citre6' I lt.lIld tor bt *hm rl' dFd b b. culd bt Md i 'I]lir G o$ h.{ ffi or knotLdcc.nd E hE |id I fdod sd ltsn ro spF!. rh{ d odjdE En $ dII ) b.n tm t rdyFotL ing rhrr w tushr Dr 'ls L u! nrtc ouelv.s rquaior.d pirh . fa o{ rt. 'ch.Jddnid ol h.tsyi'8. w. nq hy n dorn $n . happyp.Botr n.v!r rsdi.. dly m uE.d{id m& frnbiE m usdsid si6ha rd

fr d ffi:nx*f'*m'*lrrFrbr&



cinumlM of dEFd rtF k h ing $a tanbyi 'Jrd (n.y rill mnnlly t'b M mi! bd spup3. fiey d .ithd dbitidr hrh4 vUd @ ro cl@, Id wac &c subjefs F^ooalit}; d rbcy G di. ydis *oms tlrc.dic wishs Fddbi silaln ltr &.n dbitidn n 6 . nl. rbs@bdl br dn ftnds. In Jo.s n.n *okd. ,nd db rk f.rcc d,r.nolgh "onssd.or.rckmaBdw)

Tb fdlirr ol suniv lirh rhi.h I lollo* 6' ho dtugh ! ft' reliig ei'l *hicb k rh. * his @l*; ,i*'r@ ! }m in ft:l lir. ftro*r bibelr in dmvnios mm tr.rp..s himElf o 0E @mv' fiE itr ord4 ro ,om r b{kly h k $o tu h.mi' h'r'n8 *hrcn io 4 ininiobl' Dv&: oncot our b.n wi6lu.rprcssn "Nothiigcm hlpFo b t.t lrssb

ud$. *i5fi shicnML\dshthn:m4rifi

i!h'lP kr

rnd h! *dra No oc h! r,nM artoL *-ht d. ;F .rMuno$ @ftm m rppdhrig tni, F$lmi d oi'i or itr bxh b imPb hd b.4 $; cdlB'im 'ndsh' kfl.lDth.lllblof \ 'lri$shrwblt8|im!filmt&u' siq E dshr D.tPcr iiE folh*in3 3e of rfi:jF ^ \ dGN b* ' d4 I bddssr or m aniddpdr'c r;hory d; I t s's ded h htr childhuodr lid *lnch thR w '6uirv ' lo rl* @'iw m&-}:-!g!*hich fitrdr is turlilr@d rr ol 6. DbdD! Gam ir*lf .rlubis .Lllrd




;;'*:rY;** f.#,I?-*,liJ'Tfi

6.d{dbd,li&lireolft.vui'9orhund'h|dn' ihn e b b. oh..d.d in r'l rir. Itu "s.od_ 'P "1 'kr. rh(
hrld.. *hil. rbl bid dd

l rd i! vrllpts.'db' rodisudrrs'lh surd6dh N;, ir my @trtrii t rd tp! dh r !\' h @ l or r.i6 r'4 rion eN dpaitrnB t h'E m4 rm I indii.dbrhilkrhithirv.vorldhis!rdEM!tr3t, tdl unfilitrul Yo' will d for3dil'tir' my rD d d i wi6't lir+r rEs i" . ri", d'un""d G*.* 'h' uldnelv itdivd * h -dy psfi'pl sn Plzlibs-li BhDS uE I frun dr siudprion 6d r Pi4 of .dia ar, rd r $bniirk tu ru rr irvdEd. ir r cdinutrq oR'n d:Y ol.lildhood

r@tr' orthn I "".'r.riry

sv.k ody m Psei4T rosicd"


6-"ur&b r'.. .i ol" m

#Hsrm "'l*nT"ffi:;il"i lp.*_#s,fux*r*rqpg,E

chd6 @ td looB r tn. o}s -,t. E rt4ra D' FFl'olosk l @.t u s*dl no ddh osr .r,h. ."d.i'G b rl. i"d'-li'b n'v p by ;r{b,-3,joq ; b FrNrY d{ FDnicdns @.8., sbicb msrr & h.s'. c.n"j" *;"r uc h;d.'d "ov.b. *n b tu'd lo quna3tebr &F .t sjb.dr".4neq sr b L\. tlFi oI t d'Y.lram lo th hm Pl,vr dlv r vdv $it &uE 9M: tr ltrtdued B dioB' s,Imnrl oro'ndpdPL e5! F @ h.sthc b ri' lir. I rFcdd Msv or zolrt I3h @l3 h'loig uir c&iary. Bdr I mua poiir dt rhd k P3v'brosrtr e vrL of ibdisdd! wh. m nd c nm h!ftwn fttrn rh. ff'lkd! h ornrF4 iklr wnh$c sl. oI rF4rd __n-6[.J-i6fi tr dry&adr. ed oI pedcrl cEriid *i$ rlE dvd4d b b! ol dv vda ir mua rbov' r$ Mv or odEr foittrl. lll $, fo. l.s@. rv ro 'pp!v b edtr rl* lh6n M ltrd $E elnc ii' Glsd lrEtv ltd l|. 'M

g:i: .t' "!11 .d':


L\. {nE kdFIEflDmud ;niififfit:E;;ffi I i*rr b k d''ia d I ti;-rdd.@,*t.bcudps m.hrs6hr"hi.hmondqutEok6i* mki'i-d \ hor' s dk turn'r n Jr.'d) t h n'1nl ks<d d nv.!fr.d,h.posrr!lI*G_bN*of . uL' Tn. sNdv of codM'ionr or rok Pv'horosr , l ^ s n rv but ir i' uttmr/li{ it r- rd b.uu !*h rd'sd ot -.sLq diidld nd oltqbr. 'ho. dyft., ftr rBb@ m ltgt lt! d@ 6. ssbtul frEiB or $ bl. n&N.M i1 '!.l,. '4vbr h'mnty, . Al!!t' ," I ' @lntul nH t@r ; Yausll 3ry duc d0dsb I hrv. pd d' cEdvr I ffd e url. or mYoF I br"' b I '" lbou to6i.r I sm rvr or fi4 r'{ | Nd tv | hln du ro Acu* n bv Pddins b rh. Pr$ do it t .dr.. r''rl I brv. b.d rbh 'o tdinS r'm ft 'ucb -'.*.*" ruu,i$, rod m h Foh ,i,dvk -a.s*uo* iB x'h. th' othd t'6bnHv choi.6olhLliEnrynknd rhe.urit. siu rfl. rhn trd trv' c Fr bv hi calirs ld h us $.t ft ds.! d nd Mh.d o! n { tll. B$ I snout [t' d ks' b I)o nr rh. p,ih $d bt{G tod N dislsion of rm6id 6 ro EDobl.ffofpdic,l.fid: 'ru



inr n, &rd ht bibd

'! br *

- b" i"'4r ui
Du!'l '9ga f!1 :! :!,


. . r,., 4iisa{emdoadEii.rsr|jD*

F-erdinandde Saussure



(. D. .orl!!4Ex
d.;i 'Fhi.

,. Eanlg_
i !F,ii

or. i!

eF klr k


fig r*-itj:t-


b !-id




-".1*, IN.



Wryry#: ffi*",w+r"

Carl Gustav Jung __:r-AAAr.1S



[$$**rruH $ffiN"*'g$


on th. Raa,4.J



to ratry

ca '-$I*,1; of I OnrheReation A'alyti I S'SJfr:1"i1'.Htr11"1T.*fl PsycholorytoPoetry ilHllXlll-ji,Tl;H]1",,I#.ffi'llXl,i Bttrc drhnr b & *id i! inEm{
tn '' . p*"t .ir""r 'Ir-d. n":"d.f'""111'iT eosror,h &nrc myvi.'i.D thr . ot irr d'fi ony. 6. 61 oln $iing I e Rbud dI hs 'driotr:nd trm RpNn fiit ds th. inclldlth H. cr m dME

1i,,. ;l**



$c rmo' gp-rc.iri,i6 d | *c *"ra "oi'i.' 'rr *. t' | o,n**



'hO dt 6. Nolh i n g d d b . c d F r . 4 ' J ' . .la T *.likr m Em in d ' T b .fd lh jd i*


ruc Mv4 ir I Fo?d lbid

rd p

xxl |[ m"r,l;l ;;*iffi::;trL:iff

ll o *,r rt'. ctrre.t. uoirvns pnrrpk ai'o





ddi d'ir.dch$ or

tr(ho*E.rn6rBrv*y&-rd:T:,j:":'5jJll -" ri".*"r:_"rv.,.a".,r-.r'r,TL5f:;::1.{ ii tr pnoE lhd uc dF

o. *.*.5epl, .na*i-,i.-"ir n} ontr 6rr r.r{r of d *b(h 6nfiE h m. e]qg or l

i".r- L "..q"' 'r" yhich.ffi,i,'b iB .sidrr $d

I Ndv t* p'y.t"rosicrr hi ndI qu606.d

n'M rh. /

r"'.y .t ft nnd * * . r. u*ii". "r" riMiid3 b.rwn 6 wioi 6!ldsor rdvitt b.em. db

""ii.l. *o Bd'nbry bt $' P(v'holc/ *'. u. yo "*'rldnt'bd i". * "ir.r tr d "*. {d$'qy p.lm'pk @uld s b "r'' ht dc '*r.r3id'afEekr',r thd -ii"ii* b. |,t'uchld ilm-'*r.d 3bk r si* ''llo{ or F:rm Er''

"Ji i"i,

i"".,tr., * a.


m,y, r.'.*ry


or Fnnopr. - "nr.rrvms tuE in

" i.*r.

'"r. h r8rd iotr, AFydologic|jrpF.xhnP'mk<ibkodJ rd t r$.k rNch @utuG r p'EmF o tu.diod mloB ot Els:fl, bur *b.h do nd I
cbohs. rdr k rcr ro s, th{ sh vt Bd tho* r hn. d b"d d.nFdl ot^iNly ftrsd rhd I rituln f.t mis Ei,dirprv (bolof,y.tid isrntn*vrlu'ddtpekqdrv*do

o"'li-- .*, *

r th'



vdoo.n Gkr A.n thssh d.) hu{ ndBdilv rmm tL A $idrhcdinqt!!!!El!!4r!gsgll:


lffi [ :iffi'J1,"'IlH.1if I 'ffix'FH;: *ffi


i**::l',n:'# ;;xml;;l-T i m##r#ifrffTm.


ii$nmdm ";.nk,,j-b r6try.di".'r"...dtFiql) ;yEdxms'hsbmmdmDurvlkr4l&glll$-Il


4. a * A;e i t u - n d g d * rr c H d ' o c d D frrcq ,n l k. uiniv d hdq tu r.ed b ttued



tfr! nju{ a 8r.d. phiibd.6 tn. l djd i! r trmtsi!( ' EEry nm *ho FaE hjs orn sd m *0'&6 ho{ Fnnicibb n i i n. urciilisr"+hwsh I ro !iv. ssh wtd. .uEncy to I r.m ,Deincdly oii.d n) | fi. pdnobsyof Eutush. Tn n{.Mrrlld@mdil I to ndnirg n o*ly .lici6 tlr t id rrprn of ! 6otr m j Si@ !\is tiid of s.lysir h h B My coiem! *,ih d, *or[ oi d ielf. bd ltivs lit. r mb to blrt nsr h d] djnd.P..dlysFsibl.'nj$./s. ..!ih $'r $nd iI ndi"d or r ndnq .mpLr. rll knoe rb.!$d lDd ti4foa hav. llo@ ..tuin .mon {i t}Ticrl htrM dimd *. on. per dE sm. t dioos nmoror:y r 6! Eidt which .E dlil 65y b. inntr.n..! mor. bt hir Ehliotr b hjr fdd, mrh.r 'nr rductivc f,crhod orFEud is ! p,@lr rEdicrl otu bt rhc e ro his norb.i *bir. I rhid showsonoirbrrbb rer or*r!,1 Ep'lsion in hispcry. Sir arl rhi cd b. sd $. dcir.n k diMd d r pltholosic.r 6 dkvie djc burofrval tuF . pLc. m:l htrlM bcing. norhinsipcific b s|imd ]tor tn. juds. (e rai@io b d ftnr of I wo* or d Ar n6r d6lnowbnF ot i6 lsych6 .l..r.d fo I'elrh/ idrputj@. In ri,n lo3ic.l o&.d.nb wiu hrv. b..n bndci.d rnd d..FD.{r olrllfu nuM lound2rior ir droldla.lrtur.ina Bu Tnc ebool oI tr*di..l p6yciolosy idu8d.d by ild .ppli.d b . $ut oI d n hrd, to ihc ml! I hry Fnud hd lnddt{dly cMu4a rh. rjtfli bnrdib ro , d.dib.d" It 6EiFsrlE *dl .f d of ia $iffiin! nb. bljng .@ii F.ulhitri.r of r rdt ot d inro clerion *itn I dd.rtold d. M*ldes rnd dnniaof llm npi^ d. intmnq F$nal lif. ofih. pcl Bd tht n rdni.s nd I bwhtcnsF.i.rr&pdoddisal$b.ldg,Tn loldd in p'inciplc, tor ir h6 lois b@r he*n rhn rhc *icnritc I 8Ls of dinjc mtioD--{r digi.rl obid of disj hrha( *irr r.yar rh. p.aotrd rlrsdi rhn dE d- l of d in, iiGnrioElly or unjnhdmlry, h6 wov.i inb ntu*o*. -^ miv. trdnod *j.h s oe h rn rFjr! .t. f'fuid o Tn. Fcrdid rpprech r!y. homv.i mr. pd$ibL a l:m bystdr T!. Bds f oo d br rEy hhsdD! 6d r,, dnlnniE d.mnrhnm of rh. iDnE rdE a, tor ii F h . dE lrM rjnd ol riddfr in6 dlnd childhmd 3id pr,y ln.k prn ji aisdc n dion. sMq i pon''rx)6 Mjmd@ of dE bnin of M@|j. To Ut!.ftnr rhepsycl'dnirydsotd di 6 in !o s.rti.l *hich njsht oN.jvrbly $ov s dE plddlr lt?irr trom rh. subdcpqlhologi..r oubes of I FmErins rirdfod or p&:lysis frcm vnicb h. ii.d r qEsdod of d.sE, hir. ro d. tridi z,a'l'srot wnd.r ia sbcma' dowb w mit daiddry b. surpds.dby ind@r atbr*grcuDdmrh,v.b.4isn!diwbot *ortdinikrt dnca b dings which r 6rh6 noE dclicd. roch mishr b.toid $. nutu, rll-b.hlllfu impafErioB, bqmd dr hryr pa*d ov6 it oiiy f6 of bd. Il6s hck ord.l*o d ot ni8lnE rd eEbi{ dlphy '60i. iscy sm lo b. r pof.sionrl Falidv ol lh. I;.d].!r I sFtm ofFcud s rcdndivo d.!$d but h!. s prychololi3! 3.d in rdpdrioi e dra* ddtrg coct6ioDs sb&d io vid rhd ftrhod @iris.I. ir .!*ridly. rclr. Gily l6dt ro nagrur rbus. A slishr *hjfi of eird.l @!riqu. r( inv6Lig.ting Mt,id DrycnicphmdE r{ orrd kn,L lpie b . blognphn but ! n*ry inqDi:tiivd.s-hd hr. h6qEndins d roundd FrriD! thmgh tn. for.smu.d ol6BtN$6. i, Our inrd i, isidiously d.fldcd trcm $c @* of d ind od* !o ech $c psychicb:ckDlrn, d t!. !rosios pet s.E lon ii r librinrh orpsychic d.l.mjiiili _Il n ba.n cd $. eundion dur rh. omric di.d r 'nc beo@r. clinicd * !rd, vdy lik ly, b $. cviE of tsr.w,tna tMk. Bd dis m{s rh{ rh. pry.hdElysi ol d ta dtocd ci& fldh is ptop* obldiE rnd rhy.d inb r pni@ rhd is s bsd 6 mdkird, rlEr ir d in rh. lar 3paific of rhcdis.rl i6 d.n 'nul. d,cn ud@Dubn ro (otrrrtusndr.Sine no mr / Tlfi libd of srrsi! bdry! rhr *q* of d idro rI. l9hc of sdnl humu p3ylboros], vh.c @y odr. rhins! baid6 d hry. rh.k nigin. To cxpliin d in dEe

rla r.ns or hn pml.sionri bia, b{ ir wourdicvd iirq ro .hinr.lli& LynmtonisbLiprdolo8iciiphdoftrcn fsd,insrircof*ofdin6 tom hu.h dr $fr. lryciolosl.ll cmdirhm s | ftumk. 'lltuno y Mbdl,bedsetuinoIrl*eoDdirioi! & pE t in d.rt indlviduil 04 o*iig ro tlr rl.tiE.or' r@ky orrh. hunu rnv'mtrmnL G od@a whdlE ln r cM of r nfl@s inhllaMl, r BL 'tu. r ",. or


c^Fr' Cusr^v hNc porry ou$riric psycbol{y it otrty hDmd iDdividuzib r @ob.r or rh. +{i.' r,m npj1ze, ljn@ ib r6gc il rinild @*hd is iruild by i.rdiry d ddiv.! r'm 06( 6!rr. B{ ! *dl or an ir norbr nin.d 6 ddiv.d-ir ir ! ccniv. Eo$oiarion of rn8 vdy condiriotu ro *hich . causlilric pcychotosynus rt. *rrr Educ. ir lt'. pls! tu nor r mE ptodEr ofrh. soi! n is r uvii8 *lr{nbin.d p@s which j. .$tr. hs ,o.hiig io do *id rh. chMer of rh?ei. rn $. eE {.t rhe md!8 bd individ$t q$lny of! wo,r ofd inn.rc wi$in n rd nor itr iB .xriistc &rmimnr. oe mishr arm! d.n.ib. ir a . IiviDgt ing rh! usr nan mly s ! md'um, .mploying hjs ..p*iriA modjns ro ib oM ta*r md $rping ia.rt b rh. furfillftn. df tu owD .riv. Burh.E I @ diicipariq rm.wh4 forr hrvr i. mind ,= ich I srtlr hrv. ro ineodue. Nd ij r p6njoll 'yecoad i .rcrywo*otdsisind6iorh.wayrbrv.jlndsib.d. I rhd. e h,.nq w*r. pro s w n p..fy. dlpnry r who y frcm ln. ru'hoa, iibnuon ro pnrdc. I edr,tr 6ux. Ir. submibhi, mndiat o I d.finic ftlreir vi(h , rim ir vi.*: t. rdds b n 6d 'Ltni& oE .tr .a briry pl'd:iig doM rdrei l.yinS on : rMh 0t cortr hd, Mia ric, a[ rh. rih. u.rulry @nrid4ins rh. ovdlr Eutt rd pzyiis 'ric ol f.m ud &yL. H. .rfti56 rh. k dj judsd aDd .hebir md! rh @mDLr. rrc.da .niiElr $b6dinrr.d ro bL p! 'Jrtnic prds rbis od iodins .k.. Hc i! rho diE FG6E no n.tu *lErh4 h. hs d.ub.d&ty nd. , tiela ib Frh.nd, 6 lr lm, d whdn.r ir hs m.d. hiD' ib iBhtur s compLr.ty $d t ns h$ rll di.cioscr orihti f&L tn.irhs.$e rh. dir. it.o idorifi.d wirh bi6 adr dd bk id.drioff and his f.ol.i6.E in.tisri'sri6rbb rm dc er or @io' ibd lnd i. io e!. I Nr\ ro 3iE .xmd6 of $is ton ln. bidorr of librM c trsn $. &idmMy of rh. di.6 1.Nor n..d I cir. .r@etd ot dE arh4 cl$ of lorrs *hich no* roE o. L$ ompLE 8Jd 9.rfet frcm $. ru rhsr Fo. T6cr.od. a ir wt tu y fry.n inb ln. von4 sPdlaArn D. spory f.on rhah.d or zdi Th* *dtr fN rh.el*s up.n ih. adhq hi. hod n eiz4 hi! F! qit s $insr rhr ht hind mnhpbks wirh $ranr Th. *o* binc! snn n i6 oM f(m; r'1niis b *mr ro rdd b 8j4L4 rrd yh.r bc Nnstr *ord likt b rid h rhds bEt d ih. whjrc hi .o*iour miod rLbdt Mu'r rd .dprr b.fw d s prEno@id, b Ir ov.ryb.hcd by . flood or rh@gh6 dd inrgB *tuch hc Ev6 i .nd.d io db .nd *hicn hii M *itt ould n.v.r h!v. hrushr ido beids.Y.r ir srir. of bimstf h. n t6..d

on 'b

Rdtuka o! aruttlhat pstdt@,

b p*'q


}lffii $ - ff

dar rh. psy.hori'lyric mdhod ir d tl' I n . n. , ho n . p c o r ! , e f t , t u nn o \ o r q o u 6 <. n d ,{. tial pd ot llc Frcudi.i dd'in. FaDdhimnt bv hn ngd ino ,h. ddrk or s. *' dosddi$ hs .$urcd dEr th. mthod iid rh. ddtjlr b""ks*"d dc nor rcn,ib imcriv. bur rh. \i '*"*ids in rh.n*lvcs rwo vry d;rmnr thiigs-c rsrrd.d bv rh. dr..6 on 6<.on.nts or ir,r*a-'ft uc-rr \: '"atry F4.\mpk, n produ* frrir3 or / p.' publi. s id. Yd $. odhod nrv b. dplov.d wiln t rGid$6! L*fici.l rcslh5 ii n.dici c*.s *i * inererctd d sdur ih' .*rtr mnc $ 'm'."o- orir p'"a"e, ct'*t^m os,tmcs d,h. mn l/ er:lringn iild ! dcrdn., Addasto .gcr i wtuch rsaln.m be rtdKd b rcp65d l boundb nis visodds objedio8. Tb. asunprioDs! 'rss oM Fds** J rorbo*rcds. ot'i. m I oi e quic ubiarry. For cximplq I^eo',-rc. or*u. a A.t "ry br arutl aP oeious con&.s ir providedbv &eds 5in@d'!' d I nan. .a!*d \ holdstu fd prycho:*. TlEr. h io r.und{ioi td Yvins \ dld dldu.s of dr (u\iq or shos noral coihin r.Pi.sed h r $ o d Rb o n e n !I ' $d d4ms F*d'.d,"". ,,. r l* s . Ii'ish.s '.rc1y 'h. iicmpaiibiIny FqDiEs rhtm to bc disguiad bv r hvporhdb dB loidids Y 'h. i(rldren ansd Tn. FEudri '{hniqe orii!9irEB'ion md'd'l rhdsh rb. sdtin:nd-dni r.ltth'ion of . l. 'o ' 'lri' j!!!]jnd.i.iF.rfil!!!!++ j_..!r!1._td:l .'.Nnury rrun@'r 0ft6*5 l!!:jj!; :. f ffiiM -rjrjilrll q \ dd cds'Jr *6th tiv. d

ro addir d'd n it hjsoM rlt sF:rins, hi.h innd Dr@ rcv.arin8 is.lf e.d undins.hi.35 which hc surd ed h!v..nhsrcd ro hi! rmsu.. He c@ dtt oh.y lh. rppj, I . ly imNrs *i.hin $n rd folta* rr'a! ii l.:ds. I' 'li6 r.niins ln{ hi! *orr is sEr6 !tu hinsra. rDd *i.rd! . / t ow. *hicn n d Inr znd *bj.h h. c.lm clltmad. H.E J rh. dii ii trd idcDricaiwi.h rte r.cs or@ion; h. lr I lwrErrr n ir iubddinre ro hii polt or rhiti d6i& ir I c rhoughh. wE. r@nd p.M; d u rhdsb r p.rd o'hr hidstf h:d hn.i u rh. nu. .ial. d b . , 'hr 'rhrn {.nd,b in hind rh.* .*o .n&.ry hdd., ot cDdm. ft nxh lhd n of l]l. sr.e. jfrpoffi in judsinr ! wdr of d d@Dds d rhi diirindir Ir n oi. rhd ird br ss.d

tr-t* ?k,&r4 rirtk;v l, s;@td!4Jb#+ 1-' de fi-{* lvr"i*ro ^rei,u.{{ T> so wh.nwniq$ -.d? Fychotolyof.4 w nd b.' eJt .4wndb.' Psychorosyof

riE id6 Lhrr.|M yd b. fomuloEd in sy .ftr or bkr my.IWhd Pldo, fd insbc, pls ln. whol. Fobl.tu ct 6. rhory oltnoq.ns. in hi P,nbk Chdi .rprcF! rb. id.. of $. Kngdd ot Hawi in p&rbki dld. e sdniE md @ $5r r, d.m!ts b dF63 @dhing fs *hkh n0 Ebd cdnpt vct.rts It s w b inr.act Pbro! m&pld ii fEudnn trm ,nd *ould hrv. w wdld odtrutly riyr ar Lhouhi pod $.r cva i nind lil. Pl4o's *$ ttll *uck d ! pdnjdv. Icv.l of itrfullc sru.litv cn.d N! o.e @rtl&ly ovdmk n whd Pkro -bany d Inr Phiddehj Plnlid dffij@B br. ntuld rh. .scndrl Doi.t 3nd turclv disv.r.d dd lit. dv dhq Nnxl such hc h.d inrsdicsrun lfdi6 . drsovdy dld b. or YaluconlY rd wbo can id* lrt vi$ stisfac_ Ple s ruFiu'm, 'nd @ld *sr b Platos I god?surlv dlv on. who it .ldnlod.d by infmrild fdbsi.s drd ln.F od P.sses . trDblity. Fo. bin L\. dEtiotr b.oMon hudi *@i. bllltr n duory d sdtdc bur ds sdld havo dlhiM vhtbd 6 do virh L\. ftming of! pmbl' rLrc eu,po..ry d*r d lne .ppriodd !r t iir rdldsndyri! b *!*s or d blus

$i ms, bu!jd s natuilry d. psy.bol4ist md &lopr lnttd .rdly rhr @tsncrdibd. bwr&.vo*ofd or inv6us'!ig irstyp'61 r humr e qtrr fid or I rb muii& ,id 'a xih its d.&miMc oDtyinsfd 6 O.v anlble hin b ue eN6 hiE $ mucDr a d$bnd ir hot ttrlly. Pdlrl liirc rodo a wo* of d s dt $il witb rh. pld lhn 'i!h srd'ss f6n ir. w. crd cdajdy l.d ofrhc pldfs pecnliui* Ly sdtirs b how i6 babjEt d'r fd rhs boknj* dir h m imtsnd pd oI hir .quiPnarBur nobody*jI nrinhii rhd.vcryrhins .smti,l bd rh.i b.eDdidv.ed abouttht dd n*|i. rt. F:tod mmu_ don *hich th. ddor lcds vn o @nndld wtrh tha qu6' tion ordiolosy in nEdicii. ir '1u . dt of ph.c in d':lins wnn r ioir or r4 jlt beaus . *o* Eios bli s emdnins supdp.Mnal lt L I |ning d nd I E6,tndirvi ir .|lmr b( judsd bv p.mntl crir'dr' of tu worl or d 6d.. 3p..i:l siFlfil|E Ind..!, ' of th' D'r_ inrh.fst 'h! d n h6.srFd lrcm fi.limntids or i6 srl od hd p,nd b.)otd L\. F$trd .deE I mus @nras ton ny M lxpdi4e 6at it t dd ar .ll 6v tdr ! detd b lrv !i.i. hil Fofcslond bja vh'n cofiid.iins . v.ft or d dd tok . it tltn . Dntrdcb{td ot rh. clllnr biolqici a$dtty au tnr dLrioughr pdrnoblv willl t pElv' noi 6 .rplaio t goodd.rl .bdt nr in g.cnl, ir .md

, g@d idd ot rnc io@.n d nirud.: .hc n.birt h 'ls Grcdbyd.@nriNsiftdrid!drrh.@Tt .xhvd.n {itudc ir illushrd by rh. cond Dd of Fdi h.r rtE ndcriar tu djsiiglkh.d by ia ErftBiod' a sriu @ lhrirs.xdprc ii Ni.khat zozrr!fta *t c $? & rLoi hielf obs.d.n ho* "om bc@ M



sF& d ofrh. pd a r p.e bur of rh{ mv4 hin. w]6 rh. lea of ii6r $ifi! b rb. !dki L\. po.r oG, inb d. picNrc oDlya I lejii $br'd Tf ir is imDEli&ly.vidmr in u!.od.r&3ory ol}trk. ynn dE whe &? Msi@sE$ of ft @r ir mr id.nric.j podc rDpcB ro hordha H.e dE po.r rpFzs ro b. rh. cEniE llres isr, rnd b d. dt his oM ft *in eirbour tr\. slEhre fcliis ofmmprhio, H. mt.vd b. fully.dviGd ofhir fienom of.doD bd Etu& 6.dnir ihd bG vdt mld b. bl1nii3 .le rld tn. dF.sioD of H.E w x. fie! virh . qeidd rnid w @rd .n.w flm rh. r6ri@oy of rh. po.a $.h!.rv4, r. n . ai..rifrc p6bl.o rlur prycholosy.lm.6 slv. ar r


r- cd-4.

t" t.-*1


, d6

hitrktrld lid. it nishr ell b. dd dE Fs whila:pt4nndv .a!D* er of hidralf rd PDdu.tis wi.r h' 'dqddv s crm.n rw: iit.nd! n nalih.l*s ml* t\t h. s no ldld r*e ol $ nictr wir'jnnar


tho for vdjou raons cinod {qu''s' h 'ts

6d B onFnr

lr niqhr b?.\9ekd ln.r fii dilld'r'

ir'. ut'-,rF * p*t i'

lE,rh! b bid in ft. .!{dr rhiek nrrfdly ft. toic or h . , 'I ' " 1. " . * " 1 ' " t - t " " t * 1 " . * u o * h. is twinhjnt. bu' itr dnv . s ifsion: n lsk!

r""F, .,JPn.. in(p'd'd':]. rpFddy "

,.,!a(LaflrEF:,ift;un! T hk '' db y u y m . a b l * l . m i c q u6 0 d n ' b d B Ie {mn d by rh. .qd.d. of mdvth'l pn'hohsv .*or'rylh'ho ;hdh:E'h"-$nudR hind j! d dlY intu oE .ffid v'vtdcietor *td. bd dndly suid.d ty n Y.ti.$'E

rh. rll@uo rhd , 9o.r.&$ir. hi by ru' *ort? Th. pdr mv b' or Bo b. r't.o.oD( rindt.didt d itrdEL Did Fml wo'B bctfiod'd t'v r d*ho rhirk hct&* trhrl h. n.tviry bur|mlry s)t ffi ihu ha k rve or. sEn .rg

,ndid @l word h. roid i' @ *h.r b.hj rh' iP jnFntivc hn till oa6a Fd dEG s'n& t hisnd dd d.dnd ! rm a oE par nL inlt Ei.w. iB Fdgory Fv_ rnurtty hv6 uDii! rE.riv! rdvnv r Et tduc hs ro b. brcr'n ofi hi d.h;;rc.d;-.h@*, "-r, .- A$lFis of disB @6isddv $os d otr! dc dEDdb of rh. @dE impn* iising iiom * utr* i6 oe,icioB $d {i siN:, bd 'r$ olrpbig or lFr Mi# ndr fublrdsrlv d'{ 6d e t d6riE utts k oltd e 'mP.ridr tn. *n@ orrh' *dr. b hurujrt md rolB.vdyhng .vd n d. cr ol halrh sd ordiq huod hrppriB!.ll!!

i! (ds;s Drod*r $iFd rnd &nsr.d ro hr\ rh' 'rst ' Blt ii tl. dhq s e d..tiig *illl tn 'var ms_ in irg ln uncoicials oruc; {iln rondninlrh{ rhnrcr ol hun iG inn wirtdt dE dkk@ on i d.rd lt bv *illflll, ini{ii! on iB o*n t.m dd '! td w. wdld rh.Eroc .ro.d $i mr|! b'loning b h nd d*r wuld mkh.r. o!.ukp rh. limiBot(mpEkn_ ti m'ld b. bound.dbv th' ddul iion. tr rh.n.fid 6'ion id muld d l4irrl rlE orhd cts w Muld h! to b. plipcd fot Fdhins @din8'o$.sm. du' *d h ft"oe rl'* *. ort-t.o"i-"m* **c I h's.nat wG.-lddFd l"i E '*3or@,io. * dlv b' rppth'nd'd r"a .it* tmsu.B. pnsDrt'l'r inruiriy.l/. . -"t"u 't'oosh" *irh n.rinsa td im36 E h. ivnbols bdtur. d.t m 6' br tos'Drc d' 'ur pE$ioii rn eMhint unl{dwn--bnds.r ItlM od rG in Ptr_ Toe niki. c, bY od lryc .lfub@d t. wlEncu w G ontmr.d *nn $ sioullv ,,6n.d .trd 6mGlil wft dF fint clt$ ol qutli66, kr.4 ; finn {d n 's6 rh. :dntL dd in dt dh* cd tirh of S.hilLr'! el'vs, d L\. o* hdd, ,nd rdr / on E Bur n m i u@rionol$i! dn r or !.Mi sdllZztl'6ra pct t to Dl,a dr. vor of 6 unrnown Irdlddund.n in .i*a of d.5. obsotiB widou. fi6. hlving 'xEm'M *hd clody hn FFDrI nldm rn his trd,i It is ior {o.n b bov *h.dd th. pd t ld33 6 L\' intov'nd s m-d* .:hv.n n ryp., ri@ ir i! PdtibL lor.irh* Itp. b *o* sirh h ituEn rl .dlod. r odi@bk in d molhE Thi! n gdidlrlv hvd.ddiru& b.r@ s.hiltla! plcrr dd bis philGophhd ln. difi$c gcrrdlv f@.i patr rd 6' Gdj''. wirins., h6 itr F,!r r/ sd b.Mn obviNi tussk wi$ hk Mhrl ruhin8 rofttrt ot rurn d rphdnm. rd Ni.Ehc!kll b diifdi. za zrl'drn Tn s. Fd cm rdop!'}'. 'tddd6 hir *o* ! drfi*nr rim6, Dd oo $k &p.nt r dt tbd Th. ouddon, s 4 rc{ 4 ir dddjnslv @npb_ qh'o w M' c.t4 rd 0F @mptk.doD sE*, .M e@ o id.ltifi4 }irh 0r' c3dY' .t dt ood sid.r thc 4 rnr should bm or th{ L\. rpDmuv @n*6rt lrc$. ilr'_ n r flbjetit' rld tllm*ful mrE ol mpondd qDd0..! rh- hb *-k *-H F"sr.vnbolic "ior;ti. d oBidc 0E msp of hi! nsiNr06r Tb'v iti6 rhd


@!lt@d{!!4lE:!'e'4!q5:rLrf'El@ drir. pd.s {rlj!!!310r!&!!!lry-lL@ or 'i.




dinubd.r .r on*les fr' i_,rf;-nft ik-r.9-;F r$o,irv which.d hNs rh. ;; | $ond,iDc 'i,ik,@i! plrr.F, Asrnfiislv th. po.r ano rddiiftt *iii .io wdld b. om *h !b lE,u ffiat idFrdiv. b.glns !o tundd sh *hm iht uionsidt

f a,1-t ") \.tb-t@,1a04a1r\(64;1. s r' rdr,nsorb.dn trrbirurc{,. muld only b. nc ditfiolr b dde(. $. '.add Mrhin sph* d d h* ftll *sld hc unabl. !o sd bcroodn -2 fiq "nh-d ".6cF-d; ']l. t Bur wh.o I lF* or ehich @ Gi.d by $. ip coeidlR$ 6. Flaton or psFholosy to d rE daid. ib qddt, L no Aahlmd.m pobr oubid. hi! *ddd by wl'ich hc mn$ioDs .dll lifi hk rift'k{id t6'niEnEs}mbohhiddainlh?Pd'.tricFdi3'n 'dhdisftrdld b. quir. rn'bh 6 $inl !b.{ ths. W. ha r. ttu* ddi hol n lhl intimrdd of r rdiD8 b. iiro lif. ind *hicb m $ltsdbiod otsnpdn nrioD, Fd.g, F.hrpowB I ni* rhi. qudrim only b.sus I do nor wr my rt 'xlj'$'inr36'com'G.s[telnm fi. liviig mFcry, Ar ldg w E g.(in8 n!fid av'y . Dolql.rl clBifi.adm io linir th. posibl. dsni6eM of s w ffidv6 ft caushrup in d. p'@$ of .dtia rc ad*' ot d whi.h rpt@ndy ss m mE dEri vhd dr.t i.ilnd rc nr und.nrrd; ind..d ft dghr d b uidast Eu w hiE rond rhd po.r sho hs lom dt dFri.E sbd- lor norhiDg hoa iijudoDs ro intrdht k .ffahifl is .!dd.nly Edi*ovmd ' Tn tnM @strjrior ad fd ln. FrTo6. ot.ognidv. utd.GurddchlolnE ha Er.lrd r hthd l.y.l nom! ins w nu$ o6dY6 fod rh. whi$ 6. pd cd EII !' enFrhin in his ruk bu *a hdr.i in ! rymbol. ad oily Ee ' i@g. rhd .tpa$B vMr E r bound @wrl of rh. spiri ot rh. im p.m lryiar Ms a m!r. ph.nom.nd b.f@ b@@ m.*ing ins. n rd.n b b. lookn d *ilt !i.i6.y6, fr $. ord $n in dsi{ioD virh orhs p\.moi ,ri tlui!& thd oi* $. ii h oily shd 6cy w @unom.d to s Erp* hrs . d!6nit. 6ls b plry. sd6 c.ndr.nd., ud.xd ricm6 of$n kind shouldnalc r eur mr.dlq 4ufrhl aut wk ftr ft oF ly:ynbolic do *rirgful .lld, Ard wnco w hNc @ dl lnir w sd Lic relin8 ol hryids nDdcrsood qphit t 6*ditr3: :nd nd rhb su60. rpyhrcni oEjr plcgod ldg@9. '.quiE in thi. My w M rh. d.tuod! of&ide .rt6ourdurhnnEyrdmoErhd!t rey.w.chpot wi.n,.lirl..rlt4 w qor. of' mrr ord a I R our fins6 d th. synd n (fu, .vm rhoug! w my nd A b. :bl. b ldiddL i& n6ing ro d .ddr srkidio src{iM dr oI rh. prnh,pt siL G n !fi.qu.ny El harcmmD! ir !o r cbildrlwim i! rb. *m!. Bu u,ll 6yDbol edrjd i FiFtud cldki3. to ou. rhNgn6 m feljrls, Tnd pob'bly crpbjB *hy rhli I dsib.d rh. sdD dins, *hy it sripr u ro iDEeh bd sbo *hy ir $ iolos' of ei.E Yd r,tll s&nts ns6r wk in rhc pr}!h. 6t dE xrbt a & $tu don tlodi B . pwly &sddic djo'tui( A *o* thd i mrif6dt nd s) aep.u neh ne b otr sln conpl*. By 6ii w nd . psy.]Ic fmriod lta toliB ibelf lDd tulflxl i rubliminal ldril iB Mu+h4r n sftj.i.or to cdR n ovq dc rhadDld irb cNi@:A 1l1l.r rh!4 )d hry ni*, .d $,lytc'i Fycholosy xsiniL&4 dlY ni, oDrib .ro outuid,n nr.lpmbrcm n ir F&ir.d; burft ir d $6jd b onsidr ffiI, ed or niJdc.flrid? aU dd x. hilc sid 5 rd ha ro do 6 h. mirhm ifibit d @r Klutuily EFrduEd TlEEii' otrlywi'}'h.Psychologi.alelEmm lid th! iuhmy of uE dpL( t. ipp.s &d dislppn rabody ce p.ed. in r...rdh.. *irh iG os irnd b in. hd oai uc, pn pix d d d.ndy of rt. ffiidi s Ti. dadE 6dpla !h4t e Fd psycholosy do L\. inFr:ibL md ofi... valjd qpiadiod of dr scEi or cEtivi+ in .vdy oqd *, $ir p.dli{jry *irh d.ry oon .uhN sd.r. l, pr)thology ha onl, i nod.n.oiliturio o r'!*{oqdd! thir rip:.r tt ofi.6 .n .r.logy viln prthol'3jel p'B&t , de9.r uidmrrndii8 of th. ph.noFdn or lirq ud k m liia $..c 16 e chm.diued by .h. M !f utodG mos complcr*, prniculdiY iB tD.6 w. hft riltd $ huch.bour rh. maning bf wdtu of banc.s.ft. divinencozyof i! dj{ mr clo* Filsly d rhd oic ce h,rdly 6u0prc$ . ddbr 6 ro wh.$6 d ro a prdolugi., suc. thdgn $. rro rhirg. G Dd i&!tir:lly"ffi"myliing4d!'P.Jt ins," d id 6 w nDdchd mffiins. P.rhps it h Bd $e pleic. of rorcmNs dmphrd i. nor it ief rj^ce iod,l p.opli r@, fall cDpodily ( Ir. o.M, *hich simpl/ tr xnd fr6nt Dd'itrg b.yotul rioD{ irir!1drion srckd inb rordniDs by m intl

re. huisaf6 emhs? 4!i!E



'"r,ilil l'.r"J"- -.r",*"^t,-J"i1'1. eL. . 14 ! d 4 e.'dd dGtrdotuMum nxt rr' ir nn'plvDm 'l -"-.L sd culiffiriBot rh.9sych., ro.1tu b b' 6cidrlt twrE of,b of s ruroiono


R.tction oI arctttxot ?t.rptosr



G. r"d4 Tnit qu.${'i dkr ! li"lc {lu(ituo

-pdh.'tr'tr-nis.i e 4!g




"' ot ds d :djcd 'ciiv;ns i naMllY.l,as! fmm n.i&nrr$n lc$ dE ldd htpPtr b id.dirv *ift $. conpkr' Bd viar .D.rg pdud I t6.t cztG dbok',o't d! tivtr i.dar'r Th' inrcnsitv acriuies lriduinv dinilisha i mqs ! of6ieNs
$8,ditis,L'ro rcv.nrobrDlirril. nhJcl!\dmd1

"i"* $.



dd sad l,uid bvo

of hisbry ud lpp.:^ *hd.vd cr.niv. rb_ in !E .w ially, rh4for, ir i! r DvrhG 6yi3ri4ly.xFt&dEs* logi..l li!!E, Whd s.rmind rhe inas.t Nc clo$lv ryFi..l .rp.' fnd lnn rh.y cjvc fm ro .tuiLs '. d r@16, Tb.y e, F to !P.& th. prychic f iduo ot or dE s. tlF. r:Ev p@br r .f imumnblc.rFilct !i.oa ol F}thic lir.;. dE rd8. ratd irb rh. mdfold ligtra of $r mv.holosrel poin6n. But 6! ntrholoskrr 6sua! @ rh.nelvd p'dudr of mriv. fot6y snddill liav. b b. itrb d...P tod htrsr.8.. only ln. b.ginoingsot suchr linsu.s. .ri.l rcad dtY .dld siw of tn. DnMiNr si*tific uDdMdin! us rn .brd, or rhc Pnnsdid in.slt h r,lrt li. r d. ld @s, eh of .h* im36 tha! b r li!1. pid oahuhd p6tch.l0g)/md hune tdq . EdM. ot tb. jo). tnd soddr rhit coDnrlasnB h our rest t hjnorv firvr b.a rF!.d dd d rbo.vdg! follw .vd ill. $n. coue. I. n likc . d..ply givcr riv..{ad in rh. ps}thq io *hicb ut6 o, a b.f@ tn. b.dd bo sh:llot lit . iDt ad ofnoMii Itrb shM. $drhnly swll 'ids t mishiv d. ftis h.pP.ds vh.!d.r thd osisbr s ofciaum
vhjlh ovd lotrc sio&

wo.d n'r $ ba:uk trrmmmr uDr von. $d n rolgq rmad rF4 !tsqqgr9!!:!@lE!5]gFmdd virh r L\.urnd vois, h. o'hn[! rnd oklPqwn si. ru *c ia- h. .-utrg b aprs dr rr"Giliii-r. "

p.i*did i*;..
nic fonqd

oI dn rlndons, slsd rrxr rr<E esh b he brtrs' l irdmd:l rid. of t}. ts6oi3ljtY PR $. iirdil. ovd rh. d'M. dd rh rd|d.d Thj: r@ k sm.rhjis w e d.Elops bv si'3 b' !d;. ft. ,*ono* 'hG -mpl* ftom .tld $x hd bdD ljddftr olllEF@d'!y' 6mod ol t. ad in vhd der b r'@mo6 .z,tE

*b.o iii. myrholosicil ti.u d I91lP.oDl. ild riffi, lit. i.dividurla h'v. $.n om chreE.kdc Gnnmia ud ditudd. Th b.hyr rtc .@sdy bis rhi 4ry m.r*'n t od.*v .b bilr. Didtion tnpli.s arclNid, ud .r.luion n.o: od !.ry msy p6ychk .l.lmE tur dld Phv th.n p.d i' lir. uqft'ncmprtD|. wiln ti. sadl snihrde Th. nm s.nd'l r.nd wirhd! injury b hi@ ol.r ro L\. 6a.t llfu !d.tLYr h4 l h.l nol dbl hw l ' * dl b.' h.|d' o phv &ir Pd ib Inc [r. or & .Lmcn6 sa m situs 3 E .ii ' lar ot .drFrid om3 collEdv.. rl.r dut ro hi$dv&ds.; ir dbls him 6 rollDv hjr dtr v.otu fm $. bokn Pdl. md to dj 'nd hn rs. rn*.iu, d ;dd *-"*@ "-d'.t --,6. tuibd. it of.h. individ'r's oi$io8 rh. d..idcdn.s F d r4c bv @tioDs f6m dE ui@out' ffir.d snE 1 pi@as ol s'ltEsdrri.h itr $t lir. ot n&ms rd I d lwE ln.r ii lnit Id:M I h{. onlv b*n !bl' to Bu.I hop' $r sk(cn dr my li.*r itr d. brrut $tI* whr! t hrv. bdn obliA.dro oni! ltrt is ro ev $'n Ptu!'d

F d Eob,ir', '-l[d-?s:Va

or dN

hd b.ltsd @ lt]l doe4r tn.

'rrr wr dfd'd. ;ffir worl FrsiB s rin ! fmish.d pid@ rnd 0$ picru x rnkEu. b dtlsi! d Ytoln.dtd svnbtrc i s rsb.L Bd w nmbkbdi<or-sv 'f v||diIi!(hl.r:@ly.l6blish.d s lr@ rhm *h ir nd dGr.{ dahd *!, tur i. & n mF tbu *h{ n v'n ro b' I u<d fi. wn dru bdtle d iM d. * rDF lt d o f i l ^ t j y * * Bs in$''sor riwxd;lhinrFintfduri5lv$ I irnbolc *od R shouldRnbh.r 6. Hrrbsr "P(4 Rokd otrt of { Th. qEsdd s ANld ltla L\a' ;nnDrd'i 'onr" 'lr B: vhd Fimodid b.hindrh' im's'rv or lm,

or $r' * .*--.;*n

o *ifri,x t""e' 'r" u! no isishr inro ib toNddioB Inc

snudos. so ir it id b. d.rlins *iln iddividu, dd 'tyPiol lorprisins tn{ vi.d m dha)'Pl 6 r th@ehb9 sne of tldq d.nlv fl u dFddr@ tsnd. d.rushr up by ! ovwh.loins poE Ar rDch w m m loog!. i'trdiYiduli. ba $c @: dE rmdb j!9: \oiB qr rll mrkind BNids in 6, M4!I!4!1!-!t! hir Fff b lh. tullu&lr kll f@1bv ol9Jl dq!

.r .n dhet,F, a n .vtd.d tum b dl.gnv. Th. id'd or $. {rd dr dry l.Dd ltmdvE rh _modwc w fe iDtlm, u r obYid3 sll.gdv at


r n itr tu .r'on @ nnd mdgfid $' tt$ 'n t4 rxu ibolr I P&m , PlrY. .o hlrsl rbdq . ,rL .. 4$bk rom rf h. htu f@it ft Ghnt'rpo'nr ol ,.d i! Lt( --d(' yi.w, rn .d r ln)dEt f,it th. ditg iell tot iB o{n point or vi.w. ft. ci, *hncYd n is cd oilv bc rrcwn n4 .",.! : ,: ', 'r ., nDl. d .dy lo .oru *i d 3ll 6. Bd fd rd d will +F rc m. nihd. rd rh' eft f-B rt9'u dil' fn! mjn& fftndY in $. hshr ordltdri vid.d. m nnsk $pm(h 3utn(hnl m pr'dikdion st'r,*lPpnh.nlion-rhth ,it..i'o.-o"''t f,ry Fm 6rt or l'sr-to shich rl 3 th ' r o ( r b o r h r l* n K m p o n( r xn hrh thc hbor of Foridins nrod's rn rh' didt lDDdh$ion 'nd d I *P-$i'. .f 'r. $hid ro d. futr&trnt ir'pkun sd id rond -,k",;"di"s r '!\lL 8 MonEsn. Tl*ft mui b. Fd! ld u e){"d: qhrb I cD dtott'(i 'i sffi. b.sinnosroms upon "l, 164\ lt a I U q | 9 o ' d . m i r o ! h. h is ntll nodrld sppdsr f@ 6 ii LL p'e I d rhc vhok iurua r.nins on m! d6{ d kd'dlv lir.: !d crdrh. u\. q bl. hs.i.d hd nidd6. d3k' : Iomulr, b( nubh.nh lda fi. 6.-mtu'l prcsPd( * *n nds. in boln $. rtnd s i; dr. tnd hodLd tom or rh. nub.wnd h ft vhde ir I rrc* tre d'v rh.r $.e tddt ol un&Eundidg-' *qdt I tofl or $. prE$ioi'l ^nd l;crr? Do ftv 'h' 'rr. tit. *" or $' rils b*kjns 1 .'ir o' o. ,t*v ,"r. . t* sld, ! drk thd .nhordr rll bolhb plf--rnd thc ssnioi of !trd.6ddi

jG int bYrh. rce$hY of rhd-nn.d ur. of a mrd, m imtg. rmuonI ni ah. nirrua. if I dv sb I h@ s hc ftt nNut p@i.v.i itr rh. f6h i* oI o old wid t nt/' in rxe mr {iN, md i! by hrporrkli!und'tuidbL Bd Idu E u* hygodcs,ld ut mr d.siE b etuin Bv rr('m urk,$cn i! ioddssdprioior(tuntrmcrnhsi

Jacques Lacan
ljcd Amons p:v(hodsl) ss in rsnr ] 'r r lacqNs Yhohnr Eld n'

hd hrd thc gEev i'or

fi. b$ r.d hmdlct of conqiour lom ro i! d*pcn qft .trd ; $. DGm*iNr 'h.i 'r 'l^s o' *u.* r"' pur'tr( ol cmioim oui"ip."ini **lutv Ecur u *Nibilitv Fsumr 6. drrtion of r' rn*s ztrd i.t n dk sma tjtu dur I p@8 i!.1 cnkio mr hr. $mobrd lh.6bbLi'\nrd fd 'vt_ rnd silFis, af $ $riotr comr$n iobl, rellabl. or4on$io!.ff uPon$. Prd Bd rhu dthK! in$ncn on: om. Fcolnitd ir @Y bc 6. dfd oarh. rind qill b., a it w plm.{dly. ltul. sntiu!. E lh. bpmB b'lo* Oi iG M PhR-$d B rh. 9l* !h.E d{.n ror Pnn'd m ord.r D rsum! d don in t':ndling lhar n 6k n I* stui.d bv 0ln6i wn'G ta l*.p .slr rrrrtmof}u ol Id. from om to iurh.r p! s6 tur rlt rhi*ndr morio ir rh. c'Fd.G of sda {hr' rhdrot, v@ mun $hd ! llwry..n drirdd.of pdvkiotrrl tr'p"nm: inFnii*lr )u mui ir u $ft, rh. inrrEbk dMirto4 d or p.Md dbnioq 14@ timll, )ur nur 40t $d oily *h.n )u! h'v., rlth rll th. rd Fu cr nD*r' NL mrcl, ru@ndo4 sdhd n@hblYbsd rL itrF(Y M*iu s6y n$, l5c or )our cb6.a

wndn3s sianud FEUd or l" r,il*i ,i-" i, .* r*d ',*ii' ii" -". sd hci'3 h'p" bt{ ra'wn in rhdrsjcaicitr" F "i*i"i"*,r ,* '^. x \hcrdr'd I'k' ! r48u's' H' pnvi ii'if'"il.,".*.'"'i ""rcmcids (huida'ntdins bo$th' u*onsious 'r'' ln' u*'"' ^ " ili-in'. i,"-'"* 'isniti'd r" +*'ton dv ordstvk'mpin{d 'nd} sir' Anir)al cdnot .iii-i*l*i;au"-e igrt .r r" .i .:irn* ropostromv arisinb"ond ssnincdid Li,l '"'"ll- i# 'r,. o' imcnary' $' ."i* t t'- Mnde"ropm'm: niffi dss'qirchb'cooB *.i" dilcc'd:so$omag' *e'rhecrxrd r"J. ir" 'r.". subj"ti\ I'v ThkdJtlhmb tunnsdev'loFdin -a,iLl"it ,rt."t; -;' i. ,-,t i" "rr, ".u'i"r'ns rh.,\'rdenkdrdsdrsctrd $' $hr"t Nw *t ;;; ", i;;;;.1;...;.*" i5rhu o'"*.;own ft'cfdn or srstonasubr4tivirv l,l-,","J, .'..*Ji, i! wd tn *. il. il t' ,"-'d onrv rd ! durosr' rbch li'i",]" 'Dtur ro rerarids rh' and ln'onsciolsbs obvious """'iLli;$*,**' t "" r;t"s" dd Por{hedr" I nbdd orrld nP Hci3 ".boric ,-'fiJ'--.."..* 'r'l, aro p ) n"ma' " x m rnuen" onIn' Eadhr ;il;i;;G;a'"', ""i i-Ecr rh ronttjcM\ notjo. rholgrrnorun l,' iri"l-',i' i *".*-**-v
In utulaion bv Lea ptt,n*t"it,'t' c.,,ii dc f ilr'A *P knt att,t h' Fo" Funrlsnnhl publi'h:d in Fl3r r or eDni 'q64 'k(n$ 195' la6j i h'dccbet$an

#'i r" i.'j'


u", *i -?*--l 'i*]i*

in P'r own t'\\r ra3rrtPMurhandwr' *a uwt' 5!F r,. r: L""i-t,' ro32 Mi*'' Bm hJ"'obwn rfttrdia' i'i)i*;li.i')^ "'a I \' D"th otontaetl'''u't H?a ' tsat\t c'''' a-h"n";;,;;;;;;i;"; M Bk' Bea!'nuro i"". cr.*,i" n" u'. *'t t'sPd /J"'?"" L' dnr rodj': trii'R'srdd; q^ ktua di'n | 1e36): i.11i."".i,. n;".., o,Prrnm'l$ ' Ia3br:s'6hMr'! u.- *; *n 'lds,,"r) ^r i,it,*. j) '"ili crdrlrd'Qt'r Micha'r ea""tur'o,/' r3'r(Iq3?':md i-, l^),,1 ";.' *a 't (1988)' Bibliost'ph, t'cd: AnAhnatal.d
""1;;;;; i-iii.i.s,Z*t

thc hrr' rbo\ sin Anthdv .i*,;"a "'" "nd'' I{'n i pl4' ' h rwtrri'rh+n'uD rhdsh')i a..-{Et' "n.r' r' "*., *"*." t'r' Fa'ci I'xdtt 43 ( 1972 whm Lau di+ t *" *. s*arso Anthonv pub'i'hedin-F'mh olJl;',.**h'\eb"0

ar or-nz 'ad *rw ir ibosr' rno"rt rt'c wirdcnt 'roru ofr


ffi ffiiffi#ffif m*w,ru'W$Njffiffi trffiffi$ffi trffiffi:ffiffiffi ffiffi .ffi ffiffi Wffi

*r*$mmrulu* T:'till*l,h?*'

ridT+Hd::'l r#:''##fixl;
f ::ff lT "xl";lL:l'fl
"'';:"-'J ;f#t';-,".
c.Pbdon mmfdtd iD $' mi

SHfr iJtri t'tr:rtrr5itr '#l#ffi

d*r o''|h' "Kdm


-*wm*ffi, ffi-ffi;-.;;;;;,


rr r[ dnc. in p.inring. itr rei. fmn dE fifrcdrh cDtur, b rh. jmtiiny birh ol nodcm h:i. 3ur rhii tod ji .v?tr blibly cvqlld.r rh. d-8dic hv.t. in rh. limrof tEgiliarion' rh:r ddiE rt snmy orphjby, a { in d. !.himid ad esdftdic ryDpbm ot comraiv.rJ. lnl rom.jotr oa rL , i5 tynboti'd iD d.jMs b, r fotus, r r ebdiurlb i@ @ .nd .nd6E, snlndcd b, n$h3 rd nbbiln-tpg dividrns ir inro .h ondd oI dcr *hs tn. rnbjer nduoin qu.* of rh. loft, rcmoE ier c6rt. rt8 rom '16 (lodim jubpor.d itr ih. .@ *.ndo) 3ynborid (ha id ir r q,ia ld,ing *ry- Similuln o rh. hdrd plih. rc find nniz.d rh. tu ol Ldifi.d wr*4 rh. n.&!hd oI eNcn &ier spnlll*ddy, a it irxuins tDn rtu rtnp tu th.rtr lvB, ro d.rj8nr. ln. n..hdisnr of ohe$ .io.l i.driFinEGim. ishrjoi. rcluprBri@ .e!tlur jf w wo ro build oD rh.e rubjeriy. !iv.i! rlorhawvar linL ft lftc dm fton rh. @ndinoi of drdi.E 6n nrrd u s. rhm * rfblins or rh. DhE or . linsuiric rehriqu.{u d@rcricrl ddfs *o!ld Edjo dposd ro dE ch{8. ofpnjetiis rhcmllv* inrodE hu'in*rbl..fb i&oluc rubjd. Tbi! b rny r h!y. &ushr hd!F* hypoddtq gmndd in,.oijudior or ots jetiE dn.. rh. guidjdg gr;d rd . 4 tyrMic ^ah.n Il 6btlii]6 iDdE d./.er ,/tt .so . s.ndic dda ir @ordae ?iln rh. rish tmut.rd by Mi$ aur Fmd,) i. rh. fist Fn or hd lDr *dtq .ibar4 (s 'nd {.itut i fEqcndy.rF!*.d F.judj6) iyjr.ricjt Ep* Nid ud is ftruru d r @E rhric sr. rt6 o&$jod inEBio ((| tB islajns pr@sd, Dd r, t!t& in M s rr.finjdEy 6 Fr.mic di.ddio\ rhich dd6 f6o &. dB fleri{ of dE +eul[/ l o rh. ni.t ,, Tli! mnd in *N.h 6. niffi-os. @ft3 ro u cnd ii'u3u!4 by rh. jd.ndnord *irh $. rep or$. cND k c'rdrh.dbloipribFdi.lj.:lousrGoft rdsnr d by ln. shml ot chrlotu Bnbr.a ji rh. rtr.ndm.M of idlerik rMrrr.!*,), lnc dirtdic rhal vitt h.neton! tin* rhc, b cidry .ldod.d ljtudoB. It it $ir mmdt Id deniv.l, ripi $c *hok dt bumD tnwLds. ido nEdidizrio. thrd dr d.rir of $. olhE, Mdi.!k. ir obj6 ii e $x@!.quir.Loc by .h. c@FErioD of odF6, sd rw d* r itu lha rFmbr

ts yiich .v4y iisddD'l rho! onsn[bs r dms.4 .rn rhoushtt .hotrld oftspdd b t ifuBt mrunum-rtE Ery mmrriariotr of itir mrbaid bci'e le.fodn d.,, r n.n, d r.ul(uil nxdtdjd a d.ndjn.d. jn rh. ro ot 6c jd4 ohj.4 bt rnc ocdjpur dDpkl rn rh. liShrot rnis om.prion, rh. rm priDry nmis3i'o. by vhi.h eiFq dcuiF ddlsiib rh. libidinar is vdr6.r! chEIsi:ric or dlt mndt tu:ls in rh@ vho inrDrd it o? mn Fafound rerBr of $lMr'c tii4, ci.!. Btr. tr .ls ftow lighr .n rt. dyiuic c?podrjd b+ rwn rlft libdo dd rhc qst, *hich rha fiEr nr, q* ti.n b ddim lh.n rh.t iiht d ddh.{iw an4 ind..d, (Ga$ jnnjid. ii odd ro ptih rhc did.nt conEdid bdwn rh. iei$isfd rjbnb iid ,lc tilnarins tudid of thc ,, dE rs{B3ivirt n cl..g ii my El. on b rhr othB,.v.o in i Ehrion iovolvj.S rhc h6i salBjb h ter, rh.y wr. .i.otr63in3 6sr .risbntiit Es.riv itt *ho$ Ednt n s vis@udy pfthidd by rh. onrmponry phirmphy of bciu md norhingigr, Bli unfonui' $ar philcophy grsps n.gariviiy oiu vidin d. limi6 of I elt sutnci.n.t oasiscioustrAs. shich, r or of irs pr.nis. liib b 6. nt.otuoitsM.r rhr dnridra fi? {o, trr iuuion ar &ho;r b which jl dh* ielf, fti3 nilnr of tNy, for 3I $d ir dd$q rd d unBurl *ctr( on boaowlnsr r@ Fychouatyric .xFri, oc., 4lmjBcs in dr pcrdrio olpmvidiig.d aijcnri'l D6rdiu'lyd!, At oln Drion of $. bi3cidjl.rdorr si.rt 'n. urjlidjd oF. md in rhc mi.ty ol rhc irdieidul @nfEi! iD3in. cdihdoEt' fm or rh. sid booddlr s.d to {i$ to .rh ftis .ltq! dirlmidiln mu. bc juds.d by rhc n siv.t ot rhc $bjdivc imta$e rh,r l'rw ind.d ft$k d fF6 n; r fm.don n\a j3 ncEr mc rurh.nric rlB wh.i n i. eirhin rh. v'tb of r pd:mr i ds ndd fd dmmihmt *!rssj4 rh. impohie or r prE .d*:dsc, ro lEr6 0, siturio4 i srdjsriHldinic id.dt rior or tr\. erun c]diur. D.:brtiq lhd ftrjzs ic.ll qly in sjci,rq . MFioss of rhl dts rh.r m b. sris6.d odt, by lr.sctio md.i pmportritu e opt6.n 6y . u .rpoj.n.q ft* iD 5off e ii r.rcL. !3 id ro rld ,k .!o s o6!d on M Nr.rtion<^.iM4 d B o.goi*d by rh6 ra^

krlny pdtrcipl.'-i pdn.ipl. rharis Lr. .rrasioi of I si. cdific prjudic. md n dl.b6.di .dic .l rnowlcdsc. ()ur ? shop! $4 E rhould $d i6Gad non $o cn{x{di4r rh. .3o ii lll fuadiu ol nt atuittuc.d.t h rturus, !o ma*.dly dicuhkn by Mi* anE Fcud. y.n i,orlo Epcats ri. p:ri fm ol iln Fo.i if lh. tundtoa i! lild vill ff 6. nd !:rr rroii kh! s 163 s dEy e nd illunin.r.d by l@ light Etk ..d otr r0 E ray.l otfsttirr, whichk $c jd mdrB* w. s $r! ridmtud rlE ircni. cbri@isdc of rlc "d ,mdioB ot rn. r, 0d ad rh..! rhc hcr tr.Dsiv. dcti, nldonorrorcrtu-jun & $. czEiion oftq 3!bjd br dF stuariodgiws Dsrhena$ gco*rl fonuh fd nldnd{ nd onry !,c hrdne$ tha lj6 b.Nid $. yilh of.ryluns, bxi rls rh. nnrnc$ rh{ d.|i!d lh. w6rd wirh t6 tud rd

1l). $ff.nigr of ncuosk 3nd $ycho!i! c i( r s.h@lin8itr'n p,rsioi.d'nreur,juna$ trly.h@nrlyric $al.q rh.n * cddlar rhdih oI ib rrr ro .nIiE @mftuiiti*, pl.vid6 $ *irh d tidjerid or drd.nins of rh. p6rsiontin ecidy. Ar u'js judid oI o.e .nd cul@, o p6nr, .rdiftd by oo&ri drhropologt, !6ych.edrh rl reo8ri4r rhir td of itusbry sirDd. 6{ tov. D

Fq reh : br. E !bc. m hr in lrhbric rr I * vno Ly 6,4 rh. r*r66irity lirr unddtig rhl &0! or tn. phildtbtupis! rh. idelnl rhl F!.gosuq ad .

ln $E of rubjei b subjd rhd w rrcy' 'uue Fy.n@n.rrsn my {ompDy {r pr$4r ro rh. dnr limi. of $. 'rr,! a, ,rz , in ehict ir vt l.d b hi'n ciphf of nir mur,r ddji/, blr tr i3 d id w |lm ro .. Fdjnond ro briry hid ro rhd poid *hc 6. Fr lo



xdiedtd i 4dr dr br u;!.

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