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jfCo'vsr<q cT'\r'l


and WutheringHeights

Deconstruction has a rcputation for being thc most complcx .Jld forbidding ofcontcmporary criticrl ipproochcs ro litcnturc, but in fact rlrnostall ofus have,at onc time, cither dcconsmrctcd tcxt or bidly a wanted to dcconstruct on. Somctimcswhcn \v. hcar a lcturcr cfrctivly mershaler'idenccto show that a book mcansptimarily onc thing, we long to intemrpt and alk what he or shc would makc of othcr,

nizc that the teiican be usedto suoDon rrt


Mill.r. rh. F.;c;inFnr

An.ican dcco


vtlAT 15nr coN5fRUClloN'


"Dcconstruction is not a

rhc g9vc ) Funhclmore'a'eolqjfg causrhc cennotspcrkfrom bcyorrd

tnaitionof ' il tlrcw.sG

io Dqqdq,

Ct "qrd.-t-tSh

dEFr_oiri'-rp'nsjde!; jla11tsIt

complcx cntcrprisethan thc pnctice ofdemonstnting thet a tctt mcans contndictorv ihinet. Thc tcrm rcfcrs to a way of rcadingtcxts prrcticcdh" ditid who hwc tccn inllucnccd bv thc wntrnF ot thc r4incn PnFhav! bcll infllcnccd bYtnc wntEEllllllll4n-cn P.nFby critics Dcrrida.Ir is im hcr Jacques of his work bcforc ioroicct andofrhc
dc.o'rsll Jction of Wt harltg H4 ro dcconsftuct a tcxt. lui li $ m



wc rar"L'"hcnas romctimcs


finc to (Ie72).Der;dabesins rcde writingbv drco':11,::'18"::L:J: beck plato'who hetnc* logocinuism to ["'aJlt"' i' mlr,*an4 and writing vho' in alltbegrcet condcnrn init" -ptntt* tt"tSo.rares

tol cii*nWl

tts6n rndDi"d';Mtb,

362 dialogues, powerlilly posrutarcs rhar mchphysiel longingfor origins and idcal,iha' termc esWcsicm rhouqhr...Whot Denid; docsin his ro unfotd dimcn\ rciding of Phro, ' B.rrb.rnlohnson poinrsour, rhc I sionr ofPlaro's ,ert rlrrr work against gnin of(phro's own) plato-


' nlsm (\\iv)..tumemb", rbt_$d j(!!$$!str:9d9s!

i rc,-ewIi-$ihoi&s_!rrxr dLllllrtingjAcl! In Of Ctetb,,atihgj, Dedda ftrns to rbe Crrfnrrirrr ofJcan-jacques RoLs5rrn rnJ ,\F(er I ghin runningagrinrrrhc grrin. Rousiau, anothergreaiWcsrernidcalist rnd treliever innoccnt,noblc origins, in on one hand condcmned rvritingaslmre represcnration,corruprion a olthe more natunl, childlike,dircct, md therefor undevious spach. On the otbcr hand. Ronscauadmirtedhis own rcndencv loie sclfto prescn(e t lun our e.r;crlythe wrong rhing in pubtic. Hc confcsses rnd rhai. b) wnullgar I disrance fiom hh rud;en.c.hc oftcn e,tprc*ed himselfb.Rer "lf t werc preseDr. $outd ncvcrknow whrr t ws onc wonh." Rorrs\ou ldmirrc.t (Dcftidr. a)f CnftMtobgl, tar. -fh|l:, w^ttng ts 1 !|ppknrn rc specch tlrrr is rr rhc sJmLrrmcu.zffarr. Br. b;ra lohn.on.i)unding likc Dcrrid,r. puts ir rhiswdy: ..Rrcourse ro wnnng . . . tsncccssary rccaprurc prcscncc to a whosclackhasnot bccn p.cccdcdby rny tullncs"' (Dcrrida,.Dn'z"rarla, x;i). Thus, Dcrrida showsthrt onc srrnndoflousscau'sdiscoursc midc wririrq sccma sccondrry.crcn supplcn,cnr, whitc.rnorha mrdc-ir sccm ,Ec'rcJchcrous cssary communication. to Hrve Denida's deconsrrucdonsof Crrfrnbrr rnd r|rc phadfl, .xphincdrhrs. texrs. ;nrcrprcrcd rh.|n, opcned rhernup.rndshownus whr rlrcymcrn? Nor in Jnyrmdi'ionJlscn'c. D(r.idi \a,ould rhrr srv


/ which is rolly only-onc kind of a noslstructunlirtcriticism-issomctimcs rcfcncJ ro as posrstructur':list I .^-_-::------:criticirm. or cven as Dostsftuc. - I . turulrsm,) Srructunlism, Robert Scholcstells us, nlay now be senesa rxction to modcmist alienarionand despair(3). Using Saussure's theory asDcrrida wasto do later, Europeanstructuralisrsartempt?Ato (l6'arcat mklqry, or science ofsigns, that would givc humankind at oncc a scientific and a holisticway of studyingthe wodd and irs human inhebhants. Rohnd Barthes, a structuralist who later shiftcd toward poststructuralism, hoped to rccoverliterary language ftom the isolation in which it had beenstudicdand to show rhat rhc lawsthar govcm it govcm all signs,ftom roadsigns afticlcs to ofclothing. Claddckvi-Stnust. a structunl anrhropologi-r wLo srldied cvcryrhinq Som villaSc strucrurc thr stnrcturc ofmvrhs. founJ in myrhswhrr he dllcd,lr.rr,,r. or lo buildincblocks.suchrs ba'ic Dlorclcrncnrs. Rlcoslizine rhar rhc $mc nrvthcorcs occurin similrr mvrhsfrom diffcrcntculrurcs- susscrtcd hc

1 tr4]lgn_a!I,thclgqrcturroncntcd,rhseryllfue.diog-lDccqastru_sdetr

' .,l;;Il;y,I";"y!s'e]!a!o!'"f



irnpri'oned rh rrru.rurc rho ghr rhMrrutd oppo\c!yg-Ig!rd-_ bv of inpsrnd 4.cllc onc ro_b,righr;nd_nur* ro_1g.1gggr nrhcr rh:n_ $orl of I'rctirure rt) -wcjrrrcfre r_dcTres tlrctrws_ .[\9q!.i!_icr,]n} oll!:'!alsg!,_thc hw(_oforfo\irion rnd nonlalildlqr4nJn tbc . v-ie$. po{,Lrucruralisr of crilic!.ie\rsdon r sav..A rnd not B." Thev cing crearivc wriring. ir i5(h.:!Sry-Lll9ry4!j!iliry__.. Bui 'n ol gLsco w'rhin lircmrvrclts rh,r1 gt51lirenrurc mysrerioulr_ 'ses problemaric. wonhy of arrcnrion. Suchin(dmparibilitics not bL wi
round Dv r rcadcr wtro brltcvcs lh.r constntchon anlddcstrugon rr. c urr.rry opporcJ rnd ihrr rhc criric mu\r consrruct rn arsrimenr showine

rrrgllllclrpdnB ro 6"du ringL,,c"..reqfrffiii.

cpJl*tivc hunranmind. D.rridr could no. acccprdrc norion drar srnrcrunlist thoughr might somcdry explain laws thc govcminghumansignification thus and providethc kcy to undershnding form and mcaning the ofeverlthing ftom an Afrir:n villagc to a Greek myth ro Pousseau's CrrlAnfurr. In his vicw, thc scienrificsearchby str anthropologistsfor what unifics humankindamountsto a new ve.sionof the old scarch thc lost for idc , whcthcrthat idcalbc Phro's brighrre.lm ofrhc Ido or thc Piadiseofcnesisor R-onsseaut unspoiled Nature. As for thc stnrcturalist bclicf tlut terts_havc"cc]1tcts" af $ee!!g-!!_]}!!Cd!fjsL!&!_dS= rives from .r- l.go.cln!!.-!S!l]|t!ctl@_!9 leading of thc tcxr rhat " accords with "the 6ook"!4t'33!!!!q$erb!! ! rli!:!!j!a difllrulr pllrase from_Denida's D.rf,da's L'hitaft n h diff nrrlwitL'kii.r. tt ditrtr.nn twit

;31al3r{a.',\'*o1t.; rn_vqlvcdprcdu


'U_!C-aini-,k!l.]J214Jilis p;;*pfi" ""jlrjbjG -'*

j.ookJtl1aranrinPuticr(197s). sl)cs io;_t!"rg!ml..; .

niotthi orha [:::,!slL!I!]l:fC ";d Alrhough.rsu!r;mjl!_!!a_!rilE !9lrlliq're_W<{rq.illcrlisn rnd . I tog'.:Jccon\','r,'o[b!gr_n,Lr-rt.sp,,-rsete.srru-qqqdisnr3nd ro-Ioll I

\ [Wf'*} o*. "p*f." "f thc structurc of a litcnry work, onc doesso ( from ,r ccn;irr vanrage poinr: one sianswirh noiionsofrhc '| mcaning ctrcffsof r pon anJ rrie\ to idcnrifr rhc structurcs or or t(,r configuntions parlcms I rcsponsible 'hoseeffccts.Possibtc I that make no contribution ,re rcjectcd as irrclevant. That is to say, of as I an inruitiveundcatanding thc pocm functions thc "ccntrc" \ . . . : it is both a st rting point and a limking principl.. (244)

|oNl w,r^T Is DllcoNsrrucr


For thcsc rer\ons, Dcni<ta an! his postsrrucrunlist followcrs rcicct thc vcry notion of "linguistic compctencc"intrcduccdby'Norm Chomsky, r structural linguist. The idea that rherc is a comPctcnt rctding irarus to a prnicuhr sct of rulcs "f rcading' ' "civ<s a Dn" and ercludingfrom thcto ccnain convcntions gi".;rg i..-i*"* violrtions of all thc truly crcrtivc rnd pn-rdrrcrivc i.Arn J-t't.ngu"g. 241). Srnttumlirt Poctiet rhosc rulcs" rc\ttLr. Poststmctumlismcallsintq question a$umPtions madcabout lite|aturc by formalist, aswclt as by structur, ist, critics. Fonnalism. or thc a assumesrvorkoflllcra;Newiriricisrn asit *asoncc commonlycatled,
ftcling - r likcncs rh rr lurr Joe5n texist bctween coLorand rrrelancholY

;;;;'i;;ilr,t"' ----,qirs""i,


rrcr*"rli of relarionirhii ioniilrute its pans(imagc!.

makc rr".r' f"'r""riss and strucruolists Dcrrira'MiucrandPa'rde mctonvmv' #J;,i;;;.;oh;;and Thcv deconsrructivelv have i'i* i*" ..ri..a.a'*ith ihc disrinciion the csPecially' and buralso, pcrhiPs tt'" aistincrion i'-*,i"""J""i."it wc tcnJ to vicw$ thc Pos'rrvc which ,i;uit"* *. *ran,io mctrphor. tih Dc M^n' in Att$o*! of R'^ainr.le7e\' i'i "r 'o thal '""".i"."n*.. fiom Sna"! w't' arguinB rrrsaDoul r analvzct prss.-rg,e Prous's 'nondisr metonymy -:no metJPhor:rnd bcrwern incrion rhe and tupettrb|*tcn Ltgatn irs rnakes clrim mctonynictly ln Fitnon conespon,r*r' irt82 r, Millcr ionnect' thc bcliefin meraphorical cnoa thost rn onFns' such belieR. wirh orhermcrJphysiul .tcnces truths lsn't it likely'deconstruc,"d underlying i*. tr"", a wrs mcraPhor 'rnce meionvm' ihrt asking. very impli.irly keep ro"n or iurraposirion conti' ri'goti'n *h"t i"t ,i"r'*. i"'. "tri"'! "i"'pry sPccrrt rhrr quiw rrve rrsc rhc associatiorr now 'ccmsmyster'ou!ly ro uc "-:'n"'" r'ypott'.'; rh.rrrvh'rL rJl metrphonare*lll "\1,1:::; foJoN;rr"crmrplc wc.used

meuphoricrrJvv'""*" *'"g't".*"a brue of the difmuch

qAan ways.Formaljltsbelg1lf -99It :

when thc languagc rcxt. Sucha viCwrs tn drrtct

' ir.".., for "" r'r. *e pcrflctmerrphor scrndal r wordthrt suB*rii nghF ".". *a *,ongdoing o "".. wirh a srrangc incxPlicrble *ii"'*t-pii"' 'nd

u" Ir."dc\lcarcrbv rhe i*'iJ',"' ""-" *ord"iwlreimte" r mcronyrnto refcrto r pulrr'! \,nJ"r tnl. .(. ". comPler' Rr(enrlr' \e lr"vc uscoPrfr bcern in thc Wrtirgte bui-lJing rcccnrs(rndrl\ r/fd'l''rl' ro refcrro rrrorc nam. gtr; ofite uu;tding's $ho u\c rnd "undcrstrnd'ihese people alrirdvrhcrearc Howevcr. ,trrt W.lrcrg"c n rh" nrme ocd buildrns ln the ";"*". *'".3"a, *i'i'l' b'gan p"rtofa simCe-meto'J;'-*l';;" rt"'ii, p*'iuf.

PosBftucturaLstsbrcak with formalists, too, over an issucthey havc The ;ssucinvolvesnerrplror and mcto_ dcbatcdwith srfucturalists. nvmv. two tcrms for different kinds of rhero;c tnp's, or figures of to swrrh. Mrartynl rct to a 68urctLat is chosen sund for something " io wjrh, or wirh which it haPPens bc tlat ir is commonlv associatcd rhc cold "l'll havc or conoeuous iuxtaposedWhen sdd to a $'?itrcss. phteiodry" isa mitonymic 6gureotspecchfor "l'll crr thc cold food vouie servinetoday." We refcrto lhc food ue w.rnt asr plrtc simply cveryro Lccau* plrtei"'c wi.rt food h.rppcns bc scwctlon andbcc;rrsc onc undcrstan& that by "Platc" we mean food. A fittulhor' o^ thc intrinsic,nonar_ a that involvs sPccial, b othcr hand,is a figureofsPecch with what ir rcprcscns WItcn1ousayyouarcblue. bitrarvrchrionship that hkenes benveen ifvoLi bclicvethri rhereis an intrinsic,timelcss

366 wr hJ'. {oBoIm howarbi'$ryltd rllcrqtyTic.lhcy.. t:rr1j9_]9rj]lr.,r properb(lt cn$c,sm crn Lit, andliquErive cxrhr'lge are. An,l. iurr ',. rrl



6ni".i.fr1 1-p"'r',' *;,r' ti1".lsl..5!; t*.:',99!!ig6g.b"'-'

,r , 'upplcucnr:thc sc.old,,ncsaovc,:.1,19-,-n'cq . iej9,!91_!qsry vriting/litcraryjnd+ll=bur b.,f'jppdnion creari!c '.--;,h. rn eou.llv lorm crcarrvc ot work.would wcwntc-!!!!!!:-l/.G . .. rrrhcrrs of abteto qr*e scnse ..delr-mitiinin-id ;;.nd-A=;'"uj;.* . on thcn,deP.nds wh.omi whli:-sdrtcnl\\lbo, -.I,
i, *, afli-t, ,o ."c the .,rrncrions"of ,liionstructivcrerd;ng. Ionathrn Culer hascommentcd."Given that thcrc is no ultimateor absolutcjustification for any systemor for the interpretations ftom it": rhc critic is frc to value "th activity ofinterPretation itsclf, . . . rather than any results which might bc obtaincd" \Sr1t tun tt Putut 248). Nor evcryonc,howcver,har so rcadilysccn thc anrrcrionsof dcconst"rcrion.Two emincntcriric!,M. H Abmmsandwaync Boorh' have obsrvcdthet a dconstrucrivercading "is Plainly and simPly Parasitic:l" on what Abramscalls"the obviotis or univocal mcaning" (Abrams 457-58). In othcr wofds, therewould b no dcconstructos ifcritics did not alrcadyexist who cansee:nd show ccntnl and dcnnitc me,nings in texts. Milcr respondcd in an essrydtitled "Thc Critic as Host''' in which hc not only deconstructedlhc oPPositionalhierirchy (host/Parashowing that cachderivesftom sitc). but alsothe two trms themselves, things Hr$ mcans"hosPitrble two definirions meaningnexrly oPPosite rvelcomer" and 1'military horde." Pttlrit origina y had a positivc connotadon; in Greck,leraitor manr "besid rhc gnin" and rcfcrrcd to rhc a {iiendlygucn. Finrlly. Miticr suggests, words?nmtiEend hottarc on depending onc anotherfor their mc"nrngin a givtn rnscparabli. work. much asdo hostsand pansites,'authors and tritics' structurrlists and postslructuralists.

clcmcnrs-can in fact b used to show that thc tcxt ouslv rcpeatcd contrrdictorythings,i.e', both "A" and "not-A." means Hc bcgins, howcvcr, in a morc gcnerrl way' notingth^r Vr'ld'critg dctailrsccmintto m(an morc Hrirtr is r novclthrt .onstrntly prcrcnts novcl that lcrds"thc rcadertunh'r rnd rhm thw cvidcntlvmcrn - a to turthcr. . . in his-attcmPt gct in, ro rcachthc insidcofthc insidc whcre a tull rctrospectivJexplanarionofa the cnigmatic details wi[ bf possiblc"(372).And yct onccthcre,Miller shows(in Partby surveying secmto come uP of hmous criticalinterPrchrions thc tcxt), rcadcrs one io wonder whethcr any one leaving wirh differcntcxplanations: rcadinq is anv more "rctiablc" a source about what is central to thc lnckwood, is a reliablesourccabout ihc wotld novcl ihan the character. journeyed he inro ofdecp coLrnrry 'vhich situationinot by arguing uillcr gocson to cxplainthis intcrPlctivc privious rc.rdinF of rhe texr arc uttcrly wrong or bJd bur' rhar all rarhcr,by cliiming th.ll-rhc rext /'ar no single.cohcrcni' unrficdand/ or uni$ringmerning."My argument,"Millcr gocson to say' is thrt thc bctr rcdrnc5lrrcl thc oncswhi(h bcst accountfor thc of heteroecnerrv tl:e tixr. ;re Prernrar;onofa d.6nne group of dcteF interconncct(d. which arc jvrrematicallv meanines oossibG by rhc rcit. bur @nai, iua,'t4tibb . . . The sccrelruth inined ' abotu lV rhctiaqH.iaht. . . is rhar itrereis no sccrd rruih. which will accounrfor No hiddcn ideiifirde ordcriogPrinciPle 375) . everything. .. (cmPhasisadded; The worst rrdings, Miller leavcsus to infcr, would bc rhosc Prodxced it (who rpproachthc rcxt believing ha5m or8anicform' bv formalisrs ofwhich witl makeeveryambiguityhavca dc6nitcmcanthe discouery hg) .nd structunlists (who approachit looking for thattextual "ccnte;" from which vantagepoint one "comPetent rcading" can bc Pro' duccd). For thc text, finally, is "undecidable." It ,6 no center' A of undcrstrndins ir is nor possible complcre deihus in M ilfersv;c; ,t/, rhoi s Erighd- $thichwirh irsrcpe,rted ofr mcaningrails, motifs, and momcnts leadsus to asrr,t thc Presenc giving form, ordci, or strucrurc - is really e collcction of a2ptt" dou-blcs that a Using:s examples group of "similar" Passages Jr &kcncsrcs. squcturci seem to stand as emblms of thc whole novel's naftativc to Miller gocson to show rhat any aftemPrro usc the Prsreges comc us to ignorc one to r tnrlh about that stnrcturc will ultimately require or morc ofthem. Th.t, Milcr imPlies, is what past c.itics havc donc virh p.sragcs.It is ilso why so many gtear critical cssiyson rhe novcl

Milcr has writtcn fiat the PurPoscof deconstruction is to show which contradict "the existcncein literaturc of stmctures of languaBc the rhc hw ofnon-cont.:diction." Why 6nd dre grainihat runsagainst oflitcrrturej" u,hatMillcr hascallcd"thc strangeness To rcstorc srainf io rcvcal tire "crpaciry ofeach rvork to surpriscthc radcr," to dcmonany formula or thcory with straic rhat "literatur conrinualy excqeds it" is preparedto encompass (Miller, fi;titr S). Mi er which thc critic does exactlv that in thc deconstr$ction of Wuth.ri,g HciBhx that fol' ofa lows.He sholvsthlr one of drc asPech work thal m.l( us assume ofcootin and univocal namely,rhc Prcscncc the work is cohcrent



\qtAT ls DrcoNsTRtr(;TloN?


aic similerly scnsitiveand remarkablyunalikc in thcir conclusions;it is why rh.y eR ,tcbfleriottt - fictions spun about fictions - and not rcvelations ofstable. central. or transcendcnttruths ebout th trt. that noticeablysimilar-secming Traditional criricism tend! to assumc (or imagesor situations) are mctaphors or symbolsto be rcad pqilags as things rfcning ro morc or lessthc sime lffgcr Mcaning. Why dse I would an author continu3ly givc us imagcaofdogs or enclosdPlaces I or carvcd stoncsf By contrasi, Miller (wbo, folowing Dcftida and dc I M.n, is disrrurrtul of thc vcry notions the metrphoric and symbolic) I tcndr to scc a.llofthesc fuwtt-ahcse ttcrnirt meraphorsor symbolsI cither assclf-<ontainedor as refcrring only to onc anothcr, and not to lsomc common and ccntrelidei. They are thus more likc metonyms ' than mctaphors; hcld tog.ther by rrbitrary association(all dog imagcs r rfr to four-footd mammils), thcy ar nonetheless fundamentally not sensc alite in any dcpor Platonicor tnnscendent Ghath, all dog imagcsmean Evil). and associations not do Millcr is not saying,then, that rcpctitions cxis.ifl Wtthnirv H.bha. What hc is doing, rather,is wdting egainst thc notion of "goundcd" repetitions rcperitionsconcciv.din acordanccwith a conception ofan orderd univcrsc in which thc very world itsclfis meaningtul (and whose steble, cvn tnnscndcnr, mcanings mry be rcad according to its significant rcpctitions). ln much thc 51mc *?y that Paul d Min ups.t rhe hicnrchizcd opposition arnlhor\"Etu tmt, Miller "priviles" a secondson of rcpctition - a Derridirn kind involvingrrzthrm (similar-$cnhg things) over the Platonic or kind wc tcnd to tbink in t.rms of-ihe kind that sayslikcncsccs doublcs, whcthcr in lovc or litcraturc, are decply, profoundly signifi(ant, By vinu. oftheir apparent samcncss, thcsc riulatn app'car be to traccsofsomc just-abs.nt mcaning; conscquenth they arc followcd by intcrprctqs rracking rhat thing, that mcaning, that ebsence - whcn that p.scnt- will makc all makc sens.But the absences, Millcr rrgues, rcmain ebscnccs;the traccs rcmain tnccs of abs.nces;xnd ihe tncking lcadsaround, into the tcxt- much as the text leadsaround, not into, thc world. D!.CONSTRUCTION: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY DccoDstructiod. Poststructuralism. and Structu$lism: Ingoductioos, Guidcs, ard Survcys Arac, Jonathan, Wlad Godzich, and WallaceMaftin, cds. Tb. fab Crititt: Dcanttrxttim ilt Arxrri,r. Minnerpolis: U ofMinnsota

Pc$c' xnd thc by P, 1983.SceesPecially essays Bov6.Godzich' ComPold. Cein*"bi Will"hmE "Deconsiructionin Anrcricr:Thc Re."rrtTitcary

stna' awl Cullcr. fonathrn O; Drronsmat*n:Thcory Ci*in Af4 UP' Corneu 1982' tumrtt. trhrcar "rhc . Sotunmlitt Putit: Smrumliw, Linnuittu and(h Su$ of c\PiL'ruy lu' Sce Ul' Libatuft kh^ceiCf,.r.cll 1975 Structunism" Mdtm Licr' and l.freaon.Ann. "sr.ucturalism Post 'rorcw^' N l : Brtt' <' '- -''i'ilrrt, Int'1rt'atio" l, arP-rir. 8+1I2. 1982.
ldrch- Vinccnr B- Dtto ttnt'ift Citicn'1l:A AdtanttdInhadutmn nmi S,ntv. New York: ColumbiaUP' 1983 Be"* |a'l{ a' Dmnltnkti1n n'd Melville.Src;henW Phih'o?h)

367-82' 4l atbs Enttt'h (lq-a': Mitter:' s;itis

""" i",ii-ii.

^nd'Ffi'rory U of MinncsotaP, 1986. Ok|i-, Nonis. Christophcr. Ir.o,:lflttinn 4 d th' Inz'?t'r ol fhtory' "'' and Theory 4 Notm'n: U ofOklrf"' niscoursc l-[" fi." homa P, 1989. Lxrtnsnatim: Theo,yaul Pme'itc l-ondon: Methucn' 1982' -. .tlrtt tititlttt Athens:U ofGcorgia B l98l -, Suresh. Raval, NcN &holes, Robcn. Stnntrm titn ilt LitwstLft: An l *ulu'tion Havcn: YaleUP, 1974.


2T of rierarure MinrrtrPohs:

Derridr SelcctcdWorks bY Jacqucs ChiDenida. lrcqucs.Di'5.ninarioh lgT2 Tr,n< Barbanlohnton "incisne the t, lgSl SeeelPeciallv Loncisc' .1't: u'ofChicre. "fnnslator's lntioducrion." which provids a usctulPorntol .ntrv into this work arrdoihe6 b)' Denida gl C--."ntg l'rans Cay3triC SPIV* BJrimore: lohns -. Hopiin. UP, 1976.Tnns. ot Dt b Bm"tnantqv tet'/ 0\ Otht Bin)< Htts'n1''.Tl''oyaf '' St?r 'n!1 Phan e a' atrl North\esrer" Ev'rr'ro'r: .Sia"r: 1973.Trlns. Drvid B AIIi'orr'

'dP,1978. U . Witiry annDifefl'r, 1967TransAlar B'ss Chicago:

of Chicigo P, 1978

on Poststructuralist EssaYs Langlrgc atrd Litcrature Brrthcs.Roland S/Z Trans. Richlrd Millcr' Ns Yorkr Hill' 1974' rurns from a \trucruolEt to a ln this inlluentialwork' Barthcs aPProach. Poststructuralist

|'u.omid(rt{frdmslFp'.no vrgri.r ol $. rdk.i. ihagin.don unch&mld bv r "rm 4 uiv. myrt : dlM wi&od $y fird md .ons{ntd I'h. of @s'4 cond.dsd ro .rhrut 'll Posihiliti6 od rnr mrffibry od Fsiriczily d .v !6l. or r sentisn ot nyd. Md rodry, j;PFd or rrd or rh. dhinaiioo ryrh, srrds f$isb.d mong all hir dd mr* d4 fnn' tl lly td @8, b. n flong $c moi rcmt sriquitid wh d6 M lEi his'on(al hutrs.' tiFufy u dd.tuil ir kmwLd3., ifd $.16t ofnylh, ofs sytiic lro@, ri. sd rrdic vohb? L.t B r.k da.lvd shahdorfd.ri$ lishEning rSibrid is 6]dii9 btrri)l. E4!v sEpins fd i,xn ol . busr ftd And *tb wld .E ro otfd rtrrlltd trNnhdd b r cul[E vtich, io srrF nd ruch ir 6n_ DDq EtuiB isltirbL r'td vhich cotrv.G 6. ren36t :nd oid.nm ? ldmolshot.@ro.dlnb'hidey

._ ' t- r3*ims rhmushln. rir virh rh. .d. tr ' Pdh6 rad tek , smt jrNrtu I !i$iDielf 0rnyinsen6of drwdd No'hjrs d bn i' v'll tror, L\...n'il.n I a {$,nsisnifi.d' l Fr or tu roc rcsni'im, imm.,l,:Ely rwll up liL. r b!l_ I |mn,tdjun6.m.Epotu*mbtohe.hiitdmir.iio I dr. rO pmudsr lm, $c pnibmthd. im!3ind h! E I rtui nl sids $. .rs ord. uiv.e tlsopicrrv djd.d up.n his {rioi. od Ii n Enrhdc 'nmg}'b- it @omplixh.n by $. iittl_ .ni this ha b..i 8,v.n to d. mo$ unr@nac, ld! thj.l |nd tust.d rh. tl nd ih rh. nGtln.m fd rb.m dobin dicit, dicic ard.r l:fton shich M$dr lhn.:h srfi d.t uouldhrt..\.rv Fn,r rid hssntircs .a!e b n s ,eifdy s lr$iryt (llwkd s$ osninon r.d s@jod, rpc'dins bli iis toss h.f@ ln..y6 dd ovq rh. e lh@ron s to G. viln. of.ri{.Dc. o*ii3 b $. hd $d nlb.s *i$ii i6dt $c tun .vttudiq of cosn'd;nn! moi s.Mnl .ffd k dd.puoo.but.v.i iB hoi p.nidlu .ftat h,vc sond]lis ol ddpriod itr th.n

) a /l ,t- !J t



Tr' Fokt t i, n Ux@ralkB.




comphn, ptr..d 6 ir ffi ii ro lb d mrE rap l*r rM him mo, fiinlr .v4 !bo!i hit body,..&, .h! oovotuad! of dc jncaind, rh, quict oow of . bt6d l:lllr*. $. iftjoe vjbE ot ot rhc fib.E. to a b b.d!h rd trr hin rD iD@u4 ddusjvc br*ldg.? N.M dE r.r od w b ln. a,ktul dicii, lhkt ojgbr b. abtef* ! mnd b kbt d. , dd don r'tugh r ftvie i h. chmhd of ci)ejolsc$ md disv4 dd @ indin@lo hh o*, isnoEE., r! 6!ing s $. pirit s dE sa.dy, tlE iDerirbl., tn. nul&r 4 d, x n cn, hxsirs in dtDr d F brt ofr Ls.i wb.4 iD rbr *nb rdt4 virr lhll rnr of rfitud M$t


cnd. It dc dd De ro cm@ hinElr *irh h$ ir t. rh.P. of @blqy, $. it *irh .opty hurti h. yilt .l-

t: t:l

. +Esq-r1gl!_--]!rrr""4tE8[su1 o-'ng rqv,dudr. rr tu pMt rd. of tt nsr h. uk, L'r. mcr4r r. trrgi. M mrv tor disimutrjdi tiie, ho*.
rai.Ilr 0d S4riourlt h. nn* n6dr ldald.:wbagln.!a61,.,,'m16.,.'E @J b dstD.! ,i.n njr *dli lnj. fid .ml,rid of p.s h$ virh ir ! @.1ritrs *nich loolc tj!! .r. fiB. bsrd rh. rbiMd of tnd.,jsnajol b.fl ftr hrh. 'rp

Truth and Falsiqr in an Ultramoral Sense

In efl. M@ .]dd of ric !dv.nq ?rtu*d t o iinunarbl. Dle rtsbd! ln3d ws oE. . srd up.! which clcvdr Mi6tkinvdr.d@snidorrusth.h.ush'ns.m6rmd' I .t!.idr l@.m id in. hj{oa of n\is wond, but vct onlv a I had hl.i bistl) ?Nhir., d. ndmF mftd. AndNtu I Mir. : Irbl. $a Lti3 sn 1.. ed vd h.

Itu in,.rrd, s. ostq]!9

by dkrimuldioo tut 6. re!!!1t!ist d!!Illglg!!!

*.Fn.r @ clsnem tic dhi'g bur rh. tiNsity, and mdd rhodm |le .tD.ftin ro |nc sm wn|l rba!r.y.kme.riors! Whr ar.iddr Ftr.:udsivo $F ritus b lnj., !m.nn6 lo rhd qudiry ot r 6il3t T6! dif, rfttrr ldgu.g* pbc.d raiL by tid. tlb* d.r wnn *qh tink: tu o6.nis 6d @rd nd b. $ nry tr4ui. tr?


ftrrphd n. p.E!!!!!!!!op.n $b r rdndt sd: ndphorr Andoch dm. b. t.'p. comptddy .ond ouaaiona
mhd ,n< n. nMFvqljry: dl

fi ta-fi ffi 6


tpp.sin N&


0r nunrd rkll6

.rk!-.nd whd ir hs oft. hoc p:s.i iwry rhc vill h. nodnlg 6 3lo* ${ i. hs din.d. For rhir id.lldt is mr I cmm.d wirh sy ftnn{ nsion olhlru lirc. No, n i! bmm r lidptEahng,Jdsil$P'lh.ij.d iL Il hoftvd, w ed thc Ad rh. Evolvd '6uid dld 'odd uod.6dad @h o$.r, *. ihotr
LMqFrtuGtu Frb4 ; !tb e- xd, a '-".

6d6 "r tt**&d id L .tE"r ' d, F.L ".. .; r b' id. ,li'.lii.i-gi;i;a;;.e-*tuMdrlkd -! -finbdr

M kllddlqrr:{.1d b d dd

$"s i t u
$. id;r@i!


c tu & *d d . u . F
r"..ry r* i: -t-

d 6 4 1 t " *'l

m!o6,6.ed&,i!od4bnrt.rhcunD:trpp.asruL . _ ..s.i bd .iyr 'I m rjcb,' eh@ .h? d6isrion tu .!dr" rL $us lh. nrd onvrorions 'isIlr tu s@ wrd b. bt cdy.nidr sDbsdorioo .va hwid d or r.m. lf h. dstllj3iD!&llirir nlbv.rhzmful f,lnioL snk MII m roo3d hlr bim b{ eill ft! dctud. hin. ri .nj; ery trtr rsd d o nfi b.'trs .kftdde4 bur b.ins m. I ju..d by rErd bono4 i dnjunfrr, @, h,r. l 'lEv dearion,bur{r.vil,h6dt.on*4Erc6of ^' d:inrF"d / .i4 ofd@pdm. A.d ir ir in | linilel rhd hu &iB brh h. covd ru ,rBcdr:qkkorh : ha L i'drft .fetiwlnorl.ds.r b. i!.v.n injmjcd bw&d hd$ vhid posjbly nbhr 9loE lmtDt ordAbyins.,\n4 6ocovd, *bd .na .ll e de convdd$ ot tDguis.? AE ity pddbty pmducGof h*t.dsc, of ih. tovc of htn: do rtr dl8narion..nd ilE rhinss 6itrsjd.? rs Lnsus. .hr.da qe .rpEsioo of.ll r:liri..? ol y by ftff ot fdg!trrltrdr cd dfl .sr mjv. d ihrginiis rh{ h. pcsss "hin jn rh.r d.EEjus indi-

ph.rc nahlnb uiidnnoau

EiGli di6tm.


cd imrsin. ! hM who is quir. d..f $i$!or oIron. od ofDuricijBr s 6n m *i[ po.ribly iad n cliLdni r srDd fige io rhc s:nd, si di4ovd @! iD rh. vtbntjotu ol L\. *ins, ed viu rh.n @ clrih rhd ioy h. tm*s whd ms c .b.' n h!pp.! b 6 rll *hh L.sn4.. voc!_t&r!!lbr!

Ar uy tu rft g.eri! of lc
whordhaEdd ir vhich sd wiir yNcb rhctu orhdl dE

'IM'FIhetlro&'dJ..,l!tsi&!e' 4F^fu!464di

hih un FakiD k m uLni.rct 6]6 FRfuA[gNENS'HE vhich ni_ b nor N hrr. h.'d onlv rbo'r L* 'rbl3ruotr lvay cdieptual sod is to b. l@k.n fo. oily ii ,ir own Nr&e Oi. my fi.c wll tdfrjc mzl *ho su.ed.d in tiliq uI' d intiiircly omtl.r dodc ot i&6 on r movlblc teidrdotr md d it keod rnnitr8 of suE in odd io obr.h hold otr slniE df fthitdur. .ditie tihn !p od of su.h r touiddio it nd b. s 'n @bwbs,ro ftgilc c b b. cri.d. fim r ra b b. hlo*n rsu'd.. hy cEry wind li $n *rv buildsvi|n*d,whi.hst briqsro8.ric.NtotBrur.1bt wiln rh. hu.h m@ ndcnsl oI id.a, whirh h. nulr riE i,iofeturc wirhin hinnlt rdok d h.E--iur et on GNd ot !h inpu:e rd hrh, or hn fd nur costriion d'ins!.lfsdm.bodyhid6 | $ing b.hiid . bBh, sks ir .g'in $d nn& ir itr th. klr_ str pleq rh.r 6* n not mucl to b.i{ or, rupecring aid fidins: rhu* h.wv thll *tirg rL skjtr! rnd finding of 'hrh" within $. dlin or E& rh. d.lini on ol$. m.nMI ad th.n d.!rd rdIrInrt JM ir.tding r cam.l, "Behold r mfrnti, .ri.D no dobr r h$ is toughr b liEht ri.ahy, bur i! is ol !.rt rhtulsh Imn n vrbq I na n b iilndFmoahic 'nd lhich n 6sugn. lnd dca mt coihin dt ringlo Fr ''tu-in-itsolL @1, ud univdally valid, iPd rllr nmld. $.ld ,n{ sEh hrhs sekl .l Ebnd?hosi! ot thc *ond in De; h. $nva ttr itr !i,l(' sbdins ot rhr *o d s ! humml . lnitrg md bi hii td_ dins gri6 4 ba\t $. felin! or ,r a .mplar.rilncs6hrh.:nic!dtmci r$.nruolosers rnd unhrppin s, md in comdioi eil! lh.n hrpii.s .,ch i $.k{ .od.6plab 6. rho ns, as $. infiircly Ploh.r.d 4ho of d ongiml sund: nn: .t rhl mulripli.d cop/ or rtu on. dt.rvp.: iaD l] n p'6.'iurc h to $ply nd !s tn. m6uE or ill rhiigr' * hc sd fom d& .ftr of b.Idins 6n hc hd b.forc him d Pua objdB H. lh.e thin$ im.dirtly lh.r.toc fdscE dar d. odsiial ftbplro6 ar Fr.plion $emFlr6 ,r. h.hphoE, rd 6k6 |n.n for th. rhiDss


invdrirrn, r Ph'loephdxd! m nd rm; NlPrrrdac, gir cr"dh'n

* h{k r'td *r'-"0 'djrv: '""t* """iii"i'or'*,ohrisdotrb ri. *ddr"c y' mt abod 'oili
l#. ",'vt.t"*isrdrrr' "ir.*g-;.tvar (ue, forgtu lhn rukR m soi

':i1Noe ma

$:r fshrd Poid'd o ftdroE li6 'n icorLlinr ro Mb's or c.dnd.J rbd bv d," *.' ra' b'ks obliFd b d':' ,L' t'ti"g ---;--".r* lt''*O ,."" r,mftdal 9d-:sl d:R r: "t r lkm r h r-,t ..d sI:"a."b,:' .;;"., mo,"i .Nrrd Ehli! F h'n od or Iid ' chmtrodvG tuMnrk$



G.fulF olhti

N@ B,




i" *i.", ii ,r'. *"v .r "*-**: b bc cn.d rrsv bv sd4

, \ I I

h' D tdsd.$na

inpd$mis 0v s' h'm(lr IMi e'iod. h. liEr g.trmltrd all d'! imF6tN.''Io b' 3h'pd trRsl'm b ord d.*, in ordd b 'uch 'h'm don!. E!.qftins shichm 'an L.Imrinn'h.dnrld.Fnd,'D'hi3r{urrvorvo'tr'um8

| ,n..i"-*.*o*
."1. 'o" " or hi<htrdrv ;; or f ir ie rh' -,* n" .*' i*ol tL -,;;; 'd* "-"' 'nt hrY dom !E ravd. ee adly 'nd hN$n b' $our u.ihurt qu"rj,v*rch miehr dru r&

" | ;" . ftRDriotr ido m id.r Fq 'i'hin $' ntrg' or |lrc p' **, | *r'."i". " -*,t'*g I r.ldlndd'lkfidFft.plurliop'aio3:bM.rpl
i,i-r.i ."*g."

I". *t"'

h, R do krcw rbdr ium!]d id bv di$'on d h' rm uRourl xtim. *lu(h w 'qut ho*" dioa: fidrv or d" ,*0""r, r araldr r w ".a "* tduld. 'h; _Hd@,' B Ix dims$dju or $e iidisdu'l 'ad Pl turk3 e!i wi$ 6. ida.s it ljt *'* nrM !no* or do flm itrd dd ri 3Ei6 bd only i a b nt 'GGs'b lpc(i6 n Mtnnpodol?irc M ruftGB of indrdn l 'nd @ mJ dd nd om. Iom rh' '!s on $. dnr hrnd E do nd drt ro 5 asnion M d 6p.nd to it ld rhit *dld b' ! dogdic

nd I py' ndddd* *id cdts 4:,1.H vhict I ir'r'mihio* i"ll'l ! *""o"' | ,""r.ii"j
Eddon nd{rn&o!'ndl.lh.olhdFcp

* ,,i*.

tftrtr iikd. rnmr, -**

L hliv'dlil

huru or

ort,1s 'J':'l1t
cbsiry ( M sd


"a'* i sd qid'd


*'.,o vioh' dr odc"c ;;.;;;;J-"." t .dE od * rq@ne! or rdlL lun u 6. RoDst d

' rigril 3hos th. "".p"d8t .dilie o, sd trdbuiuD 'd.{ in losic bE3rh.! fonh d *ho tut utr n6r vh'ch w llnd ln mdn n'ncr' Hc * .-t*" uY t*'r'.d "iU P' botr! 'r'i, id.s. @. "p." sd hcrsh.dnld d[d ndoptur tN at mins, hNvd, onry s 6. ur''!n th. , of d. di$c mrunFrph6it or t nB' @utrl moda- rhar".S'd':Yl s. ir nd do FRrr 'h. "rturh"hdrro@ $ngd.rd'* id;Ndi" d; re portrBdNn' $q di. s r n dAignftd ro dDr i!

r'o" ..*'g,'"tt

ir k norhc L!.r rh..ssne of $ins, !9F.4 in d* 69iln voild A liind *ho hid no hrnds 0 $. DiduE diltiDcdy gred b his Dd by th. ts4v of or sons*sld nill E!.:l m6h d]m *itn thn ldudio! d :lhffi rhd ln. .mpinc ffild Ev.rls $out th. 6ff. rhin!.. TrE va r.ldion oI l @. sjdu:us b rhcpnd$d dq bd f tlt .m p.rc.l M;d h itr islr no tcsry tim ..d rtt bcD dE iF i.s bei rcFodu..n dIffi "r h.nrd. of MY :uesiv. slrdri .od :DEd .eh rih. b ,l lm,Hnd 6 dr 6ul of ln' * ;;"s ln." i, .ui6 n""rrt to. hoa s ir ir ld r, uniquq @:e'y p.ccg rd a it rhd rlrdotr bdwd ih. djsin,l rcrc nimuls rd $. p@F pmdcd w. a cloe El'iotr ot 6Balirv: j6. a r tu .rnily En d.d *ould b. Fdiv.d dd ju4d a dtugh dG r.d. Bur!h. cons.hrion andcoaguldim of 0 '@phd lor d dl $nn@ $. d6!'iy rd elBiv. jNtfidid suEly cvcry humd *ho is !r hmc vi$ scn or $d rid 6 on.i 5 h. hs disnmdv cdrin .d biElt ol |n. d.h,l dsidirt onsiprc*occ .nd idftilibiUtv or i.' .orclsionlhdatusw brtl,$:h.hddnv.dartt un p.i!!d. ln. hlights ol d. tcl.spic dd rh. d.prhs of $c hicrcsopic @l4 oqrn'ii8 n qun @,@mpr.t will I'rv. b infirire. ddsnit.d, aM @dinu6 kide rninge d's in ftcs.sblls etmdly ad sucssfllv ed ffrnd arc\uf roh3Y.1ohmonizc in ao$c. !o* llrd. dGr l]tn rc*ible r plnEt orrdv. rn is i* f n nrE on. il vould idessily b.hy $ft*ic turc ol rpp.@Nc &d u@l4 Agrins dir n miv b. ob. idr.d in d. fNr thc. ftt ir .dh of us hd fd hiNlr t dittcEnr sisibiliry. il w ouFrrc ffi qlv rbl. ro F$eMd c.iv. lom.and s r bii. son.dfts s r@


lnd turh.maric,l 'r"t sd bm'r.d ! lod itrro| !!d. hmn.d in 6R raibr 'r!'. ," r,-a .*t o i*_ ai\id'd np f'lll.ru_ .u* " 'rv dcmad cdly, md { !nd.66& 'h.


**tt, .o


u* tttvbt m@torMs


FRrsRrqNiliscr6 hurderorhcbwnrg.dificof $i.d.iiod{roslhL oEr. wirt ir r b fiid rmcdion. Aid hc n..ds p,rrerion. Fd $.rc e r*aul p.*n vhich @irinuilly pI6r up.n hin, md *hich hdrd 4r !8dtrs tu brh or ''hlha fr$ionai ih qun. orhcrv Tin inpuk. ro*r'd ln. fomdion ot mbphoB, lnd ihpuls of nan,*hich E .$nor c6on rway fs om mor.dr to. w 5ho hitudl-k ii brh no. defar.d tror cr.o suMold by lnc rer ln dr or ir lviFodad prcdsti rh. id.a. r Esal& ind n8id ncw vorld hd b..D btrilr a r nrcqhold tor ir. Thir impuls. skr for iBelt ! D.r Ealn of idior zJ'd&oddnt rb.d,.nd liids in n/ior ild aoE g.i.nily h i lli! iDpDls mshrly Mros rh d. id6 by pluios trp i.* fisuci ofrp.4b, maph.n, ir ffiurly rho*s itr psrrodk lcDi,iis r* E .rdns wdld oa*rriig jM 5 dcy, rftsv., sd cEtuUy , ii.onsqumiirly i*ohsci! m s rb. vodd of dEdr is, FF ind..!. *rrins nh pd & i5 dly d@ $od his b.irs a**. $rush ri. d6d rd dddly *@f of idco, 6d ir is tor fih v..y flson d'at lE $mri@r om4 b 6.1i. dd h. *d dEhins whcq$ar wmlolidd hs rdI none b..o om by an. Peii k quir. dshr wh.n h? di* lnd ir th. s .v..y nish! ft shouldbeju$ s nEh e.up'cd t') ir s h, $! $iig3 *hj.h w s. !yd); ro quoGhn sddr "r ri dhs *a c.tujn thd ic wdld d,tu .v.r} !i8hr f( rtrlly rslv. houF thath. !s ! kitr8,I b.li4 rtd h. wod'l rd t"lva hcjst F brppy r r *ins vho dr.ltr.vdy 'n8hof ! ppL .i.y dis, Trla, -ida*:I' i! h nyd.nly cxclhbL,la ui ry orrh..ina.6Er' rtd.l' rh. ryrbq '|d dndlri dE cddnully sot}llt $!d.i pelpliou, rLh b d,t dcD $t b tlc d.y ol tL d$itd row ':wby iLm. lt .vty k my { .om !tu ElI s i rtnph, d . 3od nd.r $. di!8ujr d r bdl cu, r*1y !il3tor, if ttE godd.s Arh.D h*|f b. rudd.nly sr 6. *i& a bediftt r@, shc&ic, don9lni.d bt Piit& hNi,rhdgh rh. bdkd or tuhlt -rnd d.ry i(M Arn niid did bc[.y. rbis-d &y mom4 a i0 . dl4 .v.rIhitrg ir posribldrrnd mtuE w.m !ruDd rs a it sh. ic dnirs bui $.'ll ndqeddc or d. sod., wbo foundii r hug.jor. to d.eiv. nd by GrMins ill po.iibL

Ttuh ond F.t'itt k M UhtMnt



s r plor c il orc of ut !!* rl,. si r $td F6oi tv.n P. dhsa bl4 thd lobody muld |.]k of snchu orddins! or n{urc, bul $bj4riYc 5bF wld 6e.jv. of h{ only a tn .thftly

0E sdrdnrh{

n. fds rtglrEr., r'q ojm rt?x

! :i

nir_g@ !n snie s dr.. $ rons I r rbh rodr a um'rtr ,T!r+!!q!i!!4&lq!!4lk ,:!:!!r5i_{un4q4!s4s!l!!Mpl mm rllrrrlr md rqr4E4 r' mdph6 mb @:T4: :"i 'hds us4,m
ry @Md 6kr d6.,b,rurro4. F rJr( rtuur., n G5ignd6 rh. rhm 6 rh. nDbik *rv 'or .fis which mu-t6 ib--upt:--fi


ro w oilv s ludi$t diridi

-iEE{r*I* Th.ftrm all $se tldions

dly that *hich w ,tlti: Iin., btc to ur h $.n.Mq sp@, 1..,. el'loB ot *qum. .nd iunb.6, r. r.irtv rrm b $ in d.d. Eva-yttrig *onddful, hokvd, rhd w dd., d n dr hp! or roN. 4{yntng rhard.tute disl ede s idto dishstiig jdc!!D, e.xpt@didod U6 Bny r $ i' rh. MdEmijel ngd cnd itrvioll It!!, towEr. ol tie.nd.p:e biliy ol tr. @prim wp|ldue* i! o6dvd sd rhd $d t nn *i rhd wid *hicn th. .pidd $i* 'l!6ity b eniE dl 6i.s3 urd.r th.* f@r mln d.d n Fll.d G troldss @d6ni fili iDtll rhins! w ttu'nt @miv. im bor $e f@$ fd ln.y dl m Ndbdir tndlnjs qiLrof ,.1v6rh.hsotnuoh.t ilE nd$ ,w.ld6 h dl lniryi All ob!di.@ t l,wwhich ibdBc rs ro forciblt i! rb. .trbia o *i|n pt@ coincid6 t th' bono@ w oetv6 ro thoe rhings,s rh{ ir k * who tb4by oitc '@h idpr.$ion opotr lrlslves \rhnc. ir dE claly {olowr rbd Ll| distic fmtti *Ncb .va *dRdd in !r bcsjis zLrdy prctult s onlr c $o' lo:8. Td i6 &dfc tHr; onl, or or ln. p.6isr.Ey of tl** Fih.l rom, rlt po*a ity dpl|jB iEll, how dtd rt6 dr@!116 . r@@ o{ idal ol Llr ltd.dr or tid. Dilod.i* E ,&r I o lm[iio tpre, Ed N'$ditr th.t n.rmd:PlM



! i!
. ill

1! lEi !!!!ris-!srq

jdyout l*D by isFrirs rhoe r..dt .nd bUn3 6{ tit .ory r &l whih d{d.6 rpFme rnd b.:!ry. vi.F .vd rlrutuv. M, a tu iish@ ir rl*.erq hidr oa cd., btuntha hk w.poij ne p.wr,rry ..a "lcre noary |ha Nt oppol$r, rhe undq trvmbL eidjriG, j,h h.rdt. M rir.. rcurMcrn& Th.r dilbbling, .hd &nyirg ori..dio6r, rhd.pldrld ot ndohdist ndi(3 id .sp..jilty rhr of dnatuldioD empa, itt !h@r of sEh ! tif.. N.j E e h@ of mq. M tur r.y ot e!lun3. E hr ddlli& dr, invd,.n rhm; il sm a ir rh.t rll re itui,ld ! dE .t@si@ of I roblin. hrtniHs, m otyf,pic .rddl6*q .nd, ! ir wq . phyine .t siGn6r VI.lx tnc tu snid.! by idd rd $stuic d y *r'& off birrdre by of rbd. wirhoD'.vd .Drmin3 fd rnmqlf |l.pp|rs 'lw, ot M hrbh..d3:* h.dh.3ui !dal !.gl tc l !o$i ' br. tcdm rmn p!iB, rJEjrru'riv. @ dkthnr in rhr midr of culhE b6 rm his iDoiric r [nGr t 5;6 tr *&ning offoa ail h. rn tor I mdru@ lnpodlt ot.D i shb@nr, .trriEondt bd Eddrjm of @ *hd h. r'&r ruttcc b. sufi6 me Dd lE.rd ,ufr.6 nG d 4!jn frrrs iro E dikit irb rhich h. hs rdh 'h. bdtr itr uff.dig h. ujD, ! jmuond s i. bfpira, h. e h A. hilfolfu *id rh. Sbic, bushr by dFrt':tr rtrr bd Dti4 hirrf bY t.t s' H lmb tor uFilbtus. hrh, ii6do' riq d*rjo$.nd ib.lrd filb souiDs rd .udd.n &t i! hjr njdtu of dr.irulrU6, jun s 6. olE FdMr rh. Baeic dtd lo l r l4dft* h.3ho*r m &l ..s b!r, r rr !e, | rul *tri irda!i,. nhonid r4 toEl rr. d6j d c1 er r'd der d .rtFi d@ trr bj6: vn i.havydund.ftloudb!6.uDonhah.h!|hin*rt up in hi! clo:t lrd snh dow rId ftGuR! n.. ellkr

Ar w uw-n n bs-'. whnh q hr

rn* d |!d, vhd ib. ndoiit &alfi;fitutdv, b6 rbd td. by l|&, d. m nlll ot td or .h. Ituldd. d. dndfi or |6 for ln..btudo4 rh. lrftr j!. ! jrn_ rlo!.1a ih. rm6 n irditc. Bdn d.!iE ro rur. er Ur.: rh. om b, tn ilt tow ro md rh. m( im@tur icd! wirh fftdghq csurriry; rh. oln.r & e .,oEts ''ud.oe.

bm.y,dusri*! ro*. iGi$ibly 3t uIsdtcoiumbr_ iur ofida $. .m.r..y ol Fcrd riigb{fuE)r:3uPPodipuin*

.nj.o&rv63bo\t3jltofi|llhdgi $. *hols ot lnc dpiric Porl4 i c, dc b.ds.vnn{ brhl.ldndpftic wld. And s rh. mtr of eddi birds his lif. ro E's @d tts id6, in ad.r b rvoid b.iis rwJt * nln builds Nr rHy rid lGiDs himalf, $ 0r ...k.r

613 in rhk contqt, s.eJohnE. B.lcr'sChaiet Lircc a s.holatti. Reati'n lr96tl' n.qurlly {rrnse, st,ninSqrh thr pt.mis. rhattheco8!nion Pon.!,r8un. rh. univolrPtoPG oI:nobr;n alw4( un r.dD.'nB 'mpE$iontro tirion.;hd.s rh. upnny to ddn nirE (heidedii/ of rn obi{r n 'ls:vr &p'n_ on rhc lnd r6n ncdd. r n, n, br hr y "ulpr . dic r r hBang. ' n t h n ( h . n . . n i{ ol p'.Jicauon,rn,l assuchrh..onaF o( 8.'n8 h! iun rh..D!u|,, r(w.s,r, Th.dov.Lbhcl. rhctd'n rordins ro Prncc, .o.ontn. rtu.,'h. rh. r,l,nd,.a lrom whichit'bhcknas h$ iotban dift(ntiacd'.nd rh. n' Nhik n t.aks r1'.sobn.ff.just ai n w$sn,cxrlains tu.otfus.d"$' bv thc rDDfiotion ro it o{ ,lc.A,e$ a3 pt dn^.." lcolha.d PaP.a t : t48t' 'irrlis ^ manm ofreumrnr krw.: E:dd in 5or.{d. ot tonturdn65, ir rnd b'in8 : riD $rv b.t*an lubrtna n hc$. dnc;imidd to 'n ''Subn.n.. in.DDticrbl? r pr.di(,t.. rnd b.rnEk.qurllv 'o to ' Nb''i " r1. dknri,l 'r Doi;arrh6: rhc v.ry concpnonola b.ins d.PciJ!onrh. ror nation of. DrcDosnio., lintins rubi.d and I'Edic.t; blt .nv obj.'t i 'net br ur ir*lt. n .diri'; Rp E* nt 8io, ' r har nk lhs r bl. onl/ lhc m e n o l ^ t i v i t t o l r conx'"u.ncrs .i,rqrucri.c rno'h.. n.ddonS r.Pt.r.n',rion shdr tcnc' calk th. _iot.itEr.n!" nlc reult ir rhat th. subsi.he' oi subi'cb andtb' and ''b.ins- oi p&diaB joid in obicc$*hich .r. proporitions, rhehich.* "re .hD b.lons, ro th. Jis' or r}?tlror' ri,r.'r. obxn. rtrarrh( k rtr inscn'.urw.v't. rsolution ".i-,*t of. thc bcsinnins n.sivc spauhiv. b.Nan nodinalkmand..'li,m, n i! 'ls Drci..t i. thclbdy of sign, or'tcmiotics" In fic ktd .o Ladvwelb, i'dud'd -haa. Pcnc crolainshis tbory of lhc c.r.soricsof Fn$n61' "'dh'$," Iinking rh6. ide.s to hn th.orv ol ticns as mnsisiihS ol and "nndo6!." ''l.on!. lndic.!, .nd slmboL ' MosroIP.n..i Da hrv. bc.n p$n'hcd i 1hPcolhd.d loPctsolCt'drkt o.B s,{dar P.t'., cd, inhur Burkr.(h' l.s Ha(shorle 'nd Prul I !oL' cdiion of th. prp.R ir ros b.inBplblhh.d (' 9j A n.w chrcnoloei(al '-rs), bv indijn. Unns$tv Prs. s.vcrrl +od.r (lauotrr r'. rvril,bl.: scceP._ .nllv Cha,ks Stndds f.n . S.l.d.d W ins<:Vzl,a B a U,ivz* ol Chaarz wnhnSt .d .d, ihll'p P (rrr3), znd cttrks S P.n,.: I:h. Ess.ntidl Edw.d a. Mooe { re71) se.t@BruceKnkli.\,7h. Ris.oIAnetudn Phito'' r%o 11977),thd l.hnBold, Ct na oth!: Conbtid| , Mas..hcsettt, '360P.ita and S.holdstic R.alisn ie63).

i laA'/t1-r
Lfl l^ / ittoLidlVdbl



\a[:l w l Lu

PO Miltord'fa' r9ot' O* r1

My d.t LrdY 'l0tlbr )our D{ i.ror r da hI Pr$d in( I (4"'d nIhi (norhm.nkd'hc'n'umnri!6|hr l ds da $' krd DrPm'd n. koh rnrinBrhi \4 rb{I p* inr.nrupm rnrinBro lou Nrhodl mI pohising Dy$U rhat ft rhould $on b' donc r I w:nkd ro.rPros mr $rn( Foron. 'ns, r h nndinryou r:,hd r.pdhd 'h. d'iiBn:ron!' *. vo, ".. n"o_ ;"n.ti'r," .ny'h'ng d( -o^.' "nay'a,1. houF c .c ondn.* R th. madrul b.ngorftr\i k nu oi.ou*. th' ldv or 'l'c (bJndg 'rlly.on!.n:tiEminRr or (oc'sn su.h2i n it wiih E:tKt to a&condh$ ft3ndl6t ! ;snly 's:ns 'h. ol,,ny rhnd. ,h5! oI mon.t rn'l h*l rnd a rn {conPtrsh'o lhrd R Bvr !h'n 1 tfirdn* u th. flad. ofb.ins ol .lhlomr. i! oEful rnd.onr'rn. 'hr( ie mv Aptrit* sD.h.r nis. inbinsins. teond rnd rlird into E B16 up ,n *;mr 'hd 'dd lalion to .i.h othd !h. dcr b wnh : inBl.n6t ol hen thi dBnn I . lh*. lhre ides th. ct'op)rhsodr' e$hd h* som. ol nv (rv bd iii'nd! hr( b"n d"nt i.o rrdk.l q.m.n l do 'or rna thr t ('ios runndtrrnon fl,r hosL,d.rsof FiRhAi,( q$i'h'r d r@_ $ft yos (conmddrs: j"", rh. ;;* aF-,.-' .R. of(h:nshg d. bn. ol ndm(rrn s r dr do'(r' "]'l wnro -,'l*"I I'vfln, Lh. qdL,r] r{lf, ind.Ptnd'Divor rb!''ng Bd I smEdb wir< rou $o( nsnr, 'o ft Nnd d s mkn brrJ. n m *!FPk b) whdl F(akd ii rcns m )dr opmbn rd m m. lo nd m6n tltt yo" n. E im'ein' rtu vou do roncrn, Mo( in mii..l thin', 'hrn 'tr louu ror rtehd o.rc.i'. or ilmembc. n' but rh1' vou 1r' b m nn., th. hish.$ EEd. ol drlin n onlv 'or {htrh na b' nF'h'd ro d.od out ol rco, bynaB ! *tr, Lt $<h i & i r tl rc'oi rruri i rm bur wn'n r o(Gtrinco, in rm.mb.nns. bur whi'I dG rh. i8L I' ro!n&prndorci Fldt:nd '; r nd b.lonF ro fit qu.l'rt For 'nmPk rhm )ou I !:v. ddolv.d to )ou mt "l'ol' ft'orl or5 sns | {ill r'di} io l dn.mhd it,you' id.: trsrLdrobr /iu rnd whcnr w l <.m 16 '\pDrn 'hnlt 'h* ol tign5 B urdrdn' s or$rd' i ! b.l u< ,omqs , i r* fic outlin.r o{ nt d&ifiaion . -u' ' rpPocor'n\'inn8 n6r do io' b(lonsto /our id'r ol th'qu'rrv rn'I Yoikns ihd lprrtioh'lv no do'br, .oEi&itd ndplv I r rRrngt n.w Mdt for nd idur' I do nd Lnow htrn' '4lt ns d': bur o{ lividnd vou do not @n' h[ whcn vou nudr I dll /l@sop, anb'ull'd' r 'hint nds it lrom,ht nointofqd Yodrhnl o{itn th. ru,d P;.rtr,.ioro$ d.s@ of dk drnc. of vau' .onKouin6i In' ld.oraplonslb iid6dibinSlndch$rr nn$ inr |h. id.n +ii b.lonErc ordinrD 'xpd''n"or m T1. cdr rh;indrdllt rn* in.onn(ron *nh ordinrr] l'k' ,s*-oo I Ns L'n orGEp6't,&r, kdd Pap.s al ch'/6 sana' r'<t ttit-q

b dl'ddinElidor Nidud Rs1'd b ' pi).hologt ln PUsuinS'hRrtud) | *t Fns 'hdri!3b?r kd.rftronlv thF. or ro!r)'rs {uch )qo thar dns'r ol rn'm's' ,;lhrc* allido. h'o 'h. nD ol s.ond t65, rd oi Thndnd'' This on ol. .. ,. ro,nrbdv: t'd ro' ,' ,. d,'t,".1,1 ',"" 'o yoF- I tnd.r"ord to !@h poohrnd (l'F r: bui Dn:srrebk ; l.m iso .onq'...d d. onpld.t s.h mdninsrorudb'ia& b r sn';t;dtr'bs. rm rD J i borr i l l .rE s tu.rnnds :gk s br' oI F'r'm$, n@nJn*s. ind Thndn's 'c 'dor (nouRh dh'ng ro b'inB bNdar por' rnok 'h' !d., m m.l . iddi r sll 13 m'n8r' md 'hl; iJ.rsIhr *cGi., $.h:E iu* r. mud3srdrt's' de6n.Fn*!sr' S'mndna5, rnd do hl!.,I sLould Tl,trdnds rh''h B nod. "l bring ol i. fRrs 'hs 'h:r 'l( suchis n i5, positild] rnd {nhout rh'cD'c !o

nr r.*, *,."";.ota-d,d

Aoda\ ^nrts.ABri.s tr,* r^i. c.


tbrct\ Ldn^ to tadt \vr'N 4

o".u" , "r,,r11'9"1i1
'*tt *a " 'p'"'' """

P h P r vl i nq l Lertl bYF' mF

'1",1,'. r *... u" "*n '*" '.*--" ph..;d;:d.nrn{ h'h.8o {o r&-F7 3c,

tln.6t' 64o CH^RL.rSdDR3 PrrRcE rh:n r' co(dd crti ids! lr n.v !15 l'' "su'd rodne b rl'. h, oi th. .on'fl{'on or 'ndsv' ; no,hins in nhv5(11univ's' 'olF 'h. 'hd. Prvio- dddn'nd ..".dmr o our .r rhn 'h' i. $Ls;ad..n mY va in shkh rh' sb&qfd pE ios for' 4@dmg b dos nd ads ik 'h. hrpp.B in Ph'lr:r unrK6' |h{ t.q ill 'hc mud 4r hd ( Achms. oi iut m 'hir o'si N"' rnt ,/.m ldrdtttlor 6 d'.$ di'pb"n'nl ol l Egrriv? qurn ry b'inBpo'trv'' { rcr sun. lNs $1t il all $. v.lditi.t {'rt rfl'r*d '! 'nv odt innr . d.ry,hins @uld go on iur ih' sm' raIhi'8'hn h:d ,'-. ";,ncbtlardnr*.( (ErF cier sro;n.d {ould fi.ppm arin in b not Th.( ,em b m. o b. (6ns ngrndrs {' Brvd'tldmthmsrrcm rhnGnpst 6s'6n rd's ohvndl drmmk dionl k rn roon upon oundo ot h' ;rd ntr tpon dir(nc Bdi '^!' orci*D I'a iao or +a*t'i't' i"*onov ddr' a -* " iuamin*c, 6xcd' fu EanPL' nd isrissl'lc turu(vh'.[ ir livine pbi'c rnddd'rn;Dhlq n rpF16 F h. Ar th' idcr d on'-tdd kms d h' or rno.. ns hr s it orc'ns 'hr rhmr Gdi;r., ir i pG idd ols4o'dn'$t:nd ' lhn r(r .ror of m.':phvic r' du' to roorrns l ssor.lhrrsthn-illhMbenpAt {d;turur or(h' tururcoN' e rh. onnd 'dd ron rt 'dmtrthd dinod.S..undrlid'rro{ 'h' P* ro*v 6 ro no{$l l hrrP 'n $1r. ot.n (i nd of "n' iti [rPP<n'nc a.nv rhlt rh.r. n inv d*:txhkh rcrnv )brflr *'ll b. Dst; hr n B nd 'quqk dr' on $oB r pr* r'lrti" to $' r'8n:bk g)ris v/ho *.Das frah th.lde ofrn s'nr b w i l l hrpP .E or$'l l hrpp'n 'n 'nrt$ rhri tnd; do_ rEtinon, or inrodua in mv w4 th' do.or L; rqnnon, I will sv 'h' id'r 'r udro'Eo I con' r'r,,oi, rbo't t bri do. or rud{) wh'n rcr'o cry. r lrt:5 dins bu' norap'br'oi bdng md uDon.l *rll ev th' tr B ptr'Lhtn6' lpnr) cosiis i' rud {idn I oI ;;od. _ -htrh hdnBL I c w l oll D,E/zbrl'dd.I inr 'rnr' dauf Thndn'$'th'Dntrn odthcl od.i sm ar mY nd( l coEid' rh' ;" dd o{ s.o oI m t'do nd$vol{nsrvrh'd dvdc(l,non '(r s(ondm$: ,nd I thould nd dll rY omCery dc.fl +. Khtion or iddutv bd tmr J.ddra s h;d shrh i. fi. onlv pos'hl' id'nritt d hrsb km cDtt' !.d n.rr b thd Dt,dicnlrio$hrv' bur ft' m6t 6.ibv E inr sFr Pd'rv 'i wrl,,i rn' r. fid *nh dg:rd rc ih' nrrurc ot inpodrnr



of Ih' F I No,. rt l sps! ol lh. ?:r''dn.a quzlirya{ t.J n norrhodshof*brlon&ns ro tou 'ot iui, ol.fion.lmrEin. rou6dlrob. r'.d rlon' r' o!:t ie(h.d ,o I'Gi6 Ii n rimPrt : P.0 :r n'dr in Ih. bjild of I b:lloon,lr,bor"rrn' drnE @sibiliry r.sndk$ oi rntdins d* rr cimly mto,1ns rh. rbsdluk old ,nd iilln6r' kill nv ;ou rsl ; Din.ulosB *l'{hrdn.$r'h' Sdd{nt ,h. ptrcing sh'j.l of , n..m}hrsd? oncdi_ ihn h i' *hi on.p'diicBolrbodv 'hn hrBt! uDonvou.ln'l ontinld ror . god vhi' nd <nch willl i kniL Br r timtk FMn vnl of tdlln.s t$ ln id.. ol Fi6h5t, I1l. inol$i;n simpl.Posiiv.po$ibilirvrh' rhmko, h,rdn65 , qul'i ol LdnB Th. ptr.ns whisd. dct mr bodt to [.lil. r flin' of {h'rn ods. -: 'arrror r do:ivthing bDr rtr'r' ro illov you Thr id.1.I tFdEs k 2nid.. ot Fi6r'.s Th' un_ 'o,h'nl thd ; i .b$lntlv simp!. .'\nofin Fi^h.$. But ihDrB'iod n.dc bv anv h'iifold rnrln.d tool non. s! lh. br.rldar oi ih. rlm( bv nd thougnt oI * .od Ld, b(:iDplv n I qMlirv 'n 'rp' 'h. nmc. Th.;dDn in h'r htrh$ i&ndnBhmelr E 1n ol lpF:iina d rdDl. Dorhv. Do$ibilitv th( nd rer' snh tti. drr. ol felins, F'**'' ,"i@k N-'.i F,;-.*. 'nd 'l 'J'h. hs shiJr @ns in rp k ofhin is ih. non{so H! Th! cc.op'1[13orcrndrcBon.r ri. doub * :n s ot 1d .3o nd 1 non 6nrio!.n h* . slsidd ro .,ld rtudDr ro.hrEa.n,. whnll.3.l56ushr of a icw r'd .co. T!! .onscioltn.s oI rh. * his rl'G n.g* of rhds|r'Thev cl'.nd.riz. tsrhr l 'rl l :n i;in d . n o lin sth .o ld h r l i i s-tiar d$ ottspond ra ri. lhre. c,resoi.s ol 'th 'r E redirnc cridnl/ ir shr ,rr'.? oI .1. iour ddr oi knf3 Eble' But rh' r1't '@utr'or j k h.s @'idl.d m. o scondnd n $d'p'nd'nt ol i rl.s. difd.nt art.mpE {ft 'nhrr 'hmr' Th.rc nr mrnt d.8r'd 6l of tt.s Cr'go'i's ro !.nkt. or,,r. on. .nodd {ih. es.mblf.. g.irin.ft s.Cm(:lly rpdkinssrnu'n.*ond0dr rci'rkcd lor nnv vsK H.3.l's n4.s {.s "or rm${ brur'"' 6iri56 n on. rhingr.rins uPon .{rd th. li* ll.d ben u s ebdv, o'rs ro iv 'n!on. I sr btu'., b4:d( e irr s th. ido or anv rhnlhnr Ernv nr{h' DH<sd)onl} sodoshow lau or re$r.om6 D,Thndndr sm'r in v4m Thr idrr .r lhd r.n.kd.nB Pftknr 'n_ 'h. 'rc 1 *on; alk b $. *roun4 rlE l1s of srdnedon !dr' is ntrrllv .om. whi.h, it.xi3s or ll Th. hv of sri'ihtion n aoa td!omlr?irt of id. in !fii.h no $olgltt en dlouclt 6 2 Fi ,h. Fds. up.ith. bo.h who mrt Pronornerh' . d . i .' n i&:!r el .;l .ao; ry dd. ilb . * P a i h* nll J@mrd?t,but unT6{rh<tmns:d d h' lza ili. bruhl sh.ri6 siv.s .f,.d b the h% n Th. x,. ot 2. id.2 of S..ondncs is ih' 'xFn :mou'irs!o oo ring Td., th. iud8. c ci!'r ' dB otiko4 parinJ.dr nom rkida oI r Pur stun(iIne?db.;buthcou$h,vr on. Th' noMs mrv $c iid th' rh{. ft no 3u'h m!,Ir 'xPo_ .5rcn',rnd tull'^s Rpurtlt th.renroI &to311) purl,oi n ]r*rr_s in vi.w * lons :s rh' ;n.q dt . ,F. adh r'lt nm.,Th; i5 z akor r.d'o' ro E l-hirii:vb.op.ntddoubri lorrr .fodncosnr.d .Jni.,n. whn! k th. bdd. of bJns oi rh{ whi'h lurhiD.d .troft v. $on!.t$cturpo$ dropoutor tl nss Bdr $.r ii:l5o lcoor dctr lsiti.d{ lrom ptcholosv *hi'h !i.s. Hosd.r, I $nain {i^ni Sc.h k th. ddioi oI th. Pt'li Th"\trm!'ol Ixnothin? ro do * '"a.rioi'dm(opY r!Dsg!.ir' h i!: d'fiiah qulnion o!' rr.i th .* ord t on r i d 6 o . d p r @ t r h r r Po Pl' lh itr k ',.ido ol d.t'minsrion n onr \htrh(,lt id.:; rnd th,t k 'ioish Tltx&.yh.v.3u.h 'd!d 'hs : ptri.liddr ol *condn6. or whsher n involv6 oI cfor ennoi.xnr wiihout ibc tipdF *rio( $ndois. Ar Drcent, ti. tod.. vid k'hs to m' :"-.f rdi*l!..- Etron onlv L e(ofr l'v vih' or .odcd. I su;oo* thn eh.n Kanr mrdc Tim' iB b.ins oppokdr 3nd no drnd .l'n'nr 'nrtn ' df rhei;i.611 s!6e rlon., h. wis innuded 6 '""by !o;. su.h consida2tions rh. followins Tn' ,c6Bv 'lh. t mF( d ; d r H . F r l r ? o , r nr clm r rnd tlt. rubqr'nr ;hrion ih. tk-o* conrsEhrhcrdious hons dddmrn( rnd 6\'d (rer': ;obrr;f,M;,r, knj. c@Ir. 'Pi aorth. sub*q;.nt,.nd thc rtrbaq!eftbcins in'r' ,e!, IEd'l b'_ rcimintu lor th. prtviou< Bur indd.nin'cv 'l;nrEr Kr! (rrr- 'bn clFr pi'bqMr_ n' trrr' Nqn* knp dd..aindc tn tr. czi,r!? o/ P!. 3a!' loncsdniv to id.d! $..xnhti shrh i!e;, rc1 r,6r, P l*l .s; ( sEd i r d r h c { lun.hI rh.l :sol sa} "i sr r.nci dirurctr ol ' Prc{d, 'o or rbnlr non .on;!6 in A(od,nslt rh. kh'ion or rim'

rnd rc rk nrt<ond n rxll rd Kond t r d uE,i ,b 6K Th.s.ond -r$ n'bG tr 'E it ir inrinisllt r pornbtr(v .i$a r Rdd,r., j u.h n, Quhi v d'f r uu X d' l ' k i l n n' r' s dv n rens nroE tn E r.nt ti r6p'd tonr id o' @ trdrB'bl. (,'hd in r.Ezrdtu 'h'dvn:mE hrrot In r.snd b n! 'rt'rm( i6t' I Ih. 'mm.dnr.66L sdnd r dd.min.J.ithd bv vidu' otfto*n.rn' io hi nint. Dtoi., or bv rdu ol' tn khnon * *rond {ln adonl hr imm'dnc5@nd 'rrh'r' Od:l i o o' :nt\nrnr ror I now om. rc Thran?s ro m' who ht' d'ry pornr rh. nin{{bm IaN Erro$idrrd of';; ihn I ould dsow rh'iDdrqucvd5d' mnds R o'vr os rll rl'' n in on'lnat 'r a..! thr 'o scrK t.N how ro b'sin 'op'du'd' I d r' v D.en a{ it who R not rl'adv o'vinftd rrc rvrn8 ro Y.; i *r , crcr' mlnv 'h'nl.r -ho rhdR$ osttud r tt.m $ithos PunmB'nY mt kn In'ns fh (. Amaf,sth.m :( on"r ror rho r.lnowlcds. ikmllv6 ind'b''d ro nr rdon iJd3 bot hr. l.:n'd 'h' prinoplr vav *dl. h R h'qhlvPrcp.' tht Sdndndr shourd sn rh' b. sr.h.d F G ErY b.nom Th$ 'dY * hdttrnqbl.nEt:nd iftducibilirv or 'htrdnsr b m:d; os, n+oush ror hin wl.o hI rh'-mmd r rnD $, tr i5$6.rdr o tt $*nobdndnSo


$trh mY Mt rnortrr. --t' In.nd s.hr6d.r'l'll in lo( l.h' kv P:s'5 | 3rv' ro or Jv,J'c i.Lfion, rin nr Nor B in fi. srud'6 in Losr bY M<n_ b.6ol tlt. lohtr llaFkir Un(sirv- {'(ProPo'' Hi5 booL n Pmround' nodrc 6 ',r x,c 'mpon:nei Ld' iEDrclund!ryonlvnrld n morcd':r th'i onrln6sdnnd om9'$ Tltndn6r' lH' tr drtru' bi v o' dddtv i ns i hnr' rn.burh' dGs ooD ' )o r5 !o sv thr sdndnds n 'n' moE 'mP'n:nr', Thrdn6' annqr br undd_ i' .;nrddinc 'qood ,nhdr Sdondm$ BdnrcfrPC('bn 'hr h 6n npEt it ir s iiG'ior &ThrJn6' n b b' quiE in: difitrr rorld ! Evd in th' mo*dcsm'

r.- e,-"s'*

ti"'"" o""o

:'9:';f"Ii $,:ff;;ii: i:r,:.'j'#i.illl

'\ r3to-,tot Tabnr. "

l?'**p"I,#n**: t-',""'. :i;' :;:'::;:' ii\i;t#\1,"'',




. :rrrDrr! I'i.r n6 Fo 'ldn''d *udt nl m)sl(o hrE @t 3u6.ri'ly,ml'.d 'h' fi. J.a.ndra lorm5or 'l lJrJnBr' dou8h | 'hink I s. rh;r n n* $o dL n.t sadB ol''v ln , ! s.nuin. lnd TiirJn.s :' llr {iiJic. r'!' on .,:nim LrtdJ.n a sisq tu obl.d! rlr rh' ''rr pk,h;,ho'ehr, klr r ris. otrid.rd a oF r isn hF olbcinsJ | {rdncrh.n.d. '3n nt obi'ct lisn rh! ,r'k'p4rd 16 h;cn 'nd Trli4 si8n in nt broad6t *niq ns inFrt'drnr r qgn. or no, n.!6srnlv . !iF. Ant onePr B r r o u r ., :m ,H;b b d .lndL.bni zrrh''!!6_ .nnr! 5aid tlhi But w. mrv k!. . 3tn in ro b'dd 1 sna d',r th. int.4rdrn! of it i! not t thou8hl' 6n ;i ,cdon or, o. v. n1, .Y.n os_ n iB ink'prhnr i 1 hR. rh( m.rn,". aI isn n.;.ourliB ol Ldine A Trnr'Rsmdhins*hkh rclrtid ror s.ond A !t, ir l bnns: r'd' 'nro 3h.ll $..hrdd.iiz. itl sh.ll o*;fTlrd. How fte y th r :5 ' g n b n ssrS ..onJ'i r Obi d.i no i Th,dl Thi rSiln bnn351 .osn4'? r.hhoi 'o s;nd iflb th. s'n. r.ldio' b.6nt in whi'h n n1'ds nsll !o lh. fid) l{ w iBid on 'o'eo!} ,.g, s. *hrt rc n.1' b/.oNoonsms or an ohi..L shrl w. s.y rc m.rn Fr.litsl sh'lt *c sv N r$Nirdon, or H$i.? Th.! 'r.' on I ,h; Iic. ol thd.Flcltolosiolddin.ionr.v6(h'J V4rt ts in p:dnlr 'h.6*ntitlnrh.i_ .n< h.t*..n r iqn dn n omrumekd b I mmd, md on. th* n nd o @nmunisFd)lf th' qu4non \tk simplyehn r. do mdnbv rssn r n'rhi !4on b. rceh.d. Bur ih n nor s. n'rnt v;,i. in rh. lnuridn ol I eolosht tho wmB ro rnaw *ht otrsllt b h. tfi. F.inins ol "6.h" in 6rh6 on. ol thc s'.r d.$d or v.d'_ odd riorr. tun rion b6i.t ft mo.:d to m. $t. th. .srti.l of . 5iF isi; Gnd.r in 6ci.nt El.don .6.i6!no o d drm inb ,dior. but to 6t tlifi I h$it or @.r"1 rnl. rhcrcby Ih.y will.d o' o@,o'' A@d'nE to d. ph)tc't dofrin. notl"4 er vddti'3 hfD.nt bur rh. onrinu.d fttilin.r o's rl.t dif*.'. *iil' lll. ,cel.n r<l:!,. portidr ai dr. pnsd6. All olhc. i'15_ noni of shti w. knN !o mrn '. 'nthu?nl xnNl.dc. in som. *lv rcnd.6 !h.m .!i.i.nq tnd . .is. ;-somdhins bi l{'osins whict w' l6ow !vilirn or (or odfr) krrrrJ-q.rJre)r Finrh *dnrc DlulnDhq. rn 'ln, p@no' d Enelirh !d;ii !8, rh''in H;bb6 (,rtr 'qt' pl"l"-Pr"' ink;(,6a6 i,.r, k.-d -'r' ' ol soddhii,s mor.. \0nh thc cx..PIion kno*j.4q in ih. !r$at iniaol ollh. coni..s ol ron.cious: rss in rhi in$ ith. .xkmc ol lnowll .dE n or.n to doub,)rll our rhousht& [novl' .br< * r' -h .J;. Fbi nstr. A 'Fn,h-nr"s, hr'd:i d on R (l Ii on b 'd lh. oth.i 'h.onr i',isp'dit on '6ohi .d ii suchi srl35 & bnng rh. int.ipi.Ent into r i.hrion i'e obr!.t. coiie'o sponainsroic.q. rhion b t6.' I h'8h! $y tibihr ro n. own,' lor . coiistondtM.on' snB in . :inihdt; but p.d.Pr condPond.n.. t I r nos pic;*d b si'. rv di'ision or siss :l rcon r! I hrv. Doint.i on lh?t, sisn h.s No obi and ns objcd in j.c6 ns objdt !i n i: 'cpm..nd j&ll Ir i.r *o tiE. in&rprbnci iB int4lcrinr is rtDencJ or m.&. b b. und.Bbod' i6 intr: pcunt 4 ir ir prodK.d, rd iB int ln hr. nll. Nw lisB n:y b.dtr'drd a to$n m'' kn:l MruR, ,t (o thqr r.hiion! ro rhtn obi.G! ; $d I to r!.k ..I{ions to tfi.n inklpi.i.ns.'' A! n i! in ieu, r sisn i9 .nid of tl,. nrtor. ot in .pD.:dnftiwh.n lollh r qlrl'rynr or sdondlr. ,i;,n mdtyidu;lobi.ctor.'.nr, *l'.n I dll n r h.rg'h.6Ar tllrbk ol &' rt,'x' trh. rylhbl. ', nrS trl rr,d..):o h l v,nk ol ' h( i r' 'rcl ,i ,,ul , ruft o{.3cn.61 rlp.' *h.n I..t n a t AbS' Ai vlsc . rrm 'word ' i mon ort $vlis rh.i $3rd,"t 'th. ' is on. "*ord :nd r"i3:sond ''$o,,l s:l .si l i sn. B d'sh $! trvofi P :s . i ' : bool., rhn i I'r lJo $odr' uron r, of \hi.h rh?!i tl'. Nrd k.tinsiEo.AsinstS. N.nrli. .l.plicl" of rha so c;bodyins 2 Lsirisr, I En . I kisiBn r.d : b.tRn l.oss, Th. difme drli;iBn,mrhd of$h'd i! rn 'ndNidurlrh'ds'ir do'3h!5uirt lq,rSthsrd.6tit.idmnry, 'ht. Thdr' &' adminin. . q@. vti.iy oi 4p..rlc. drl, .na tn? $und .r. .ll on. wod. Th. quzliriS!, oD rh. dh( h.nd, h$ no i&ntiry. k is tlt nd. qurirt aI3n lppdrme & ir.otmdrv th. $n. th.ouslour . nond- Itu!.d af itl( n.ity, n brs 3rr, b.iig Jiril,riO, & cinnor ditrd mu.h nitho c ka q!ir. 5.otid qrdirisn ln BF.ct to rll.i rth onsb dlnmic o& j.c$, 1divid.!i8nt into lcont l n6,ridSrrbols (l divisionI glec in 1367)'! I d.6n.1n Io.61 yol. .Ior. lulld lxtsnioi ol 'rs* co'err' r,rr1 o( ;dro'onk rod iiss s i5d P.nR! dsiidtui Aoa.naixa ia u.h, ctut t s r,in \ I'tu' tu I'd, "ss 'b; : N;r ut o{ ctFi6i D sr lEiil

loft oi Thirdnas, rnd Thndn.*' -d. srrdd oi d.smdrct. rmdhm?

i;- :' l n: ... dt i. hnon , L o u w i r ' . . ' - / 5 i n d i n'"_ in n. Bruk r.tion ir r..rndn6' .t;:.ri 'nv .riid rrolEs rhidn* An--. I lor i'n:':: shit'hr n 'hiibn r. !.1 in n sirc6s r. a Now :.:ritinAtpfiingBlwrvlror .vi )lrJr,!n! !l,qu.n v brins,r Lp, Ii ir not n'c.,n;. lc ,i*,. rh{, . n,:.!i.l m$fdrr luld i*' pl'a' raorrr8 kon'sE ' 1! riting C thr i"ssrr rc &,. ! r nun b-om ILnJ o{ l:s bdor' th?r..rn b. r.v ljn,l r{ si''ng- h. it bur tlE !" of 3 m* suppo* rhrt sivins dtd on_ $. $6nrdi lin m.rtt ni A!tryinsdoM lh?B{hich c'ub4' qu.nrlyr'ck ur'T[d vould b. r d.8.n'rn' lorm sh'ch th?tlndn.s R dr.'D[] :P ol ThKlndr 'n tsnd.d.In A! pdhngtDv 3, $.i. it norhirdn'R a'rhtr.B norh'rdns' But il,'u sv In C! 'rt'ng $n rld. so nB @Btird. : 3insk opd,ru' bt s' vinu. of rnc 01 th. 4 vou a:n*dd trrc brut. Gd. rotr invoduc. r n.n',I rlcm'ni A' b my ilscbrl ;l didic rcl.rioE Rns$ in nis n'' n'r bdt rhi.h i sup.fcirl o 'ru*&ns rm. silh (flrke. :bour dv (hN' 'Jdrion .K.. r+';h r'. m.r. nontrnr.r H' ev!. or ulri" h.1'l qri fi.t .h. ncd for it nldom occu* Th' il tou 6dns in 6c szm' dor ncd ro; it '.4r FoJ. .{' in dv oird *:v. lr k P'r or ' whtrh ddt nd bnnsr thr mod. or rnd 'on' nanon ii rnv oth*srv.ln $r ivt'm r tr IndF wfir'h':d o Enebl.. 8ut ld $ I..v. Rus*ll 'nd ;orL ou' fi.r o*r rhrrion Th. qi'ici$ " hi'I I n,lc oD firt rlkbrr ol dtid'c fth'ionr' qirh whichl.d b', no;dns in ld., rhoushI thrk it i! : oRN *t,n* B rh:( Llt t<4 iiEdic (lirions it dce ,&ll ?mPloy' ; dc nor "l;ch 'dsn'& For dry ombindioD ol rcl.dv6 b mak. ' n'w nr.ducihl. ro dv:di. rc_ i.ldiv. n . d'dic ir l2rion!. 16 ,1,Lcua'.ldon lhosn in oth'r qats' blr i. lrk wf i ir ; ! .onflicr shh iell i/ D' n'r td,d.d, ; I nd.r did t.Ez.d n' I 'ufi1ar lo' th' .f rlt al'hoas l.r\ !nlv.6n 2hrbt' ol .'rnnon a;tion,, silh rn. $5itnt indi.d .nd t id ll i! rui(pnbk of b.in8 .nkrs.d io n io onpnk idol d 30, i'll b.r.r, rhnud no' trMhin! 'o p.d;drca i! th. tt.m ol duE Dl sDpl'! '' I Ptk.itt: '*< ndnlnd R!&ll, fi. id5c c,/rftkd t @ rcl + l[r! | d Mdh6dk'

sistr w]rn[ i! dd{riinc'l l'} i'1 Jrr rnic otid ly vniu! d ns ovn inkm:l nrur.. Suchit ,.v qd.nsisq lik.. vision-or i!. inrim.nt !'.ir.d by . rnc. ol muft.onii.ldtd - lpfinnisrh{ $. .;mro$r intD&d. SDcinlf b. r sin!is.' Iil. h iodividuil dirsdm; sty, i dn. ol th. dini_ h,ion or q!o6. I d.finc n Indrx 1r , qn d.t.. min.d b] i$ Drnrfricobi.d bI !nh. of b.jns in r dl r.h'ion b n. Suci L a i np.r N.s. (a l.gt_ sicnl:su.i n th. o< ofl svmp@nt': Jn_

.-. i,t"t-p,..

"o<ud.D.c In. prl'cu_ ol3 dc6in.d,eictr,tl. I hrcnc n : dnsiBf,)- d.6n. 1 Svnbol * 1 sist {hi.i n dft.hincd by n!Jtnrmi. obtd onlv in ,lE rn:. th* n will b. o*d.Ii thu d.' : ony.nton, I hdit, o. . n,b' nd& .irh.r !F ;l disNiniJ of iB indprcun( or ol lh. tuld o( rh. tu inFprctiN ($.torwhich lh. intlPd 6d.min,rion), EE.y symboln n..6r{ilv.l.3,_ sisn, Ior it it i.accuhE ro .1Il 1 GPlic. of ! I.Sirigr
lnEsFaro irs imedid.obj.d 1$sn 6rv.! $d br i .isn ol I qlality, ot ,n *Limi o. o, 1 l2e. I'r rce.rd rc ne t.hion ro ns sisliitd indPe_ En.lsio is .nh$ : Rhc6.,: Di..i! or:n Ar8U' Thi. cordpon& !o tn. oll tiun. 't m' Popostion, & Arsudcni, mddLn.dso . to b. ,e pli..6lc tosi8nsscndilly.A T,nnsimPIt rclls_ n.d. or prcpuB'n..I donoi (snd d'. omnon noDr * an 6kntiilly i.cs:.y p3n oi rFdh ln_ J..d, n i! oily lulli da.lap.'l rr 1 np'r:r. Pln oI iFeh in ih. Arym l,ngu.s.t & th. B6qu.-poe rbly in em. o'ltd outd. rs:y rcngu.i In $. Sh.hric hngu,Ss ni! 8.n.rrlt in Lm r Erb:l 1(,n, & uruil! nsoin sub3bn..rd, A!wdl8I en n*. o!r, ruch i n in m6t l!nsu:8e In Dv unirRrl:lBbd oIlDsicIhft isno@omd noun nnot trm not l:L.' lil. A A.n. B rfy 'isn,h* ino* any inglc asd dcPr "y6" ftd no"' which r. alDos Fculiar o doi.d Ln3u4s. A r'' i: I u* &{ t.m, i! 1 dient svnbol. A dient ir nor u a*.nion, bur i . sigl aP',J, o{ b.iis *sncd. Bn .n $scdion is . di..nt. Acco'd_ ing ro nr Ddt.r vnw 0 niy a. 6oc li8fii in tutui.) rhc rr of xs.nion n not a tue:ct ot t3' h is rn .xhi$nion o( lh. fict.h. on. 'nfqrion. snbi.c$ on6dl to *. Fnirnslirn.d on l lin iI d. FioDosition &.n.d n nor !o. An rg ot judg_ n;r is $. nlaE.ognnion oI 1 b.&(i rnd 1{ oI 1 ropoinon .s . oo*s in rh. i.apBne But | 6ink thii Poii_ b8n or conduct dcl,bditlt



Cr^RLrs S^ Pence uponrh. int rpr.knr by an:.r o, i.inzr3unm! or mly b. zld r ir.6. .in orlr b., pr.renred b ft. inBpft-

dotr ; op.r ro doubt, k ir dnply . qu.nion oI which vi.w sivd $. simplcn vi.v oi thc n1itrrd oi $. Foporinoi. Holdin& th.n, $ 1 Dicni dc5 nor r$ert,I n.haly nold r rn n-d ior rtullt b.,ubnincd or ws.d. I lh.cIoa d* 6r..n,iAlmnr3s a igo *hich ir i. i6 iigni6.d lot 3s s Sis. oI { inEF prcrnt (th. @ndusio^)(or rhn sJd be to urs. or 5ubnir ii) btrr,r;/ft *E a SisnoId.tft+F Bltorpdhrps3sil irwrc. SiBn.trhcnd. otth. univ.6. ro *hich n rd.R, in shi.h rht p!.m;$r rr. trl., 60rs8nkd. I d.6.c r di@! a3. sisn rcprsmi.d in ic ,isii6.J inrd?shnr ,r i/,, kz i. z Rclition b ic objd, (Or a! b.ins io, iin ii $.ftd.)A th.m. b d.6n.d rs. signwhi.h ir(p p.'. rrrGd iD ja ris 6.d inarpdlnr.s,/i ' chtcrdo.h:* (or.s beinsio), Amdins to my prcin ei.q : signn:,, ,pp.,! ro i6 dynlii. ini.ryrd,nt in ihc *r' r*! .n 24unmronly m.y b. r4rrirdb ia i'krpr.miq a son.lhi.s lI. r.,, snlbl.nds of uhi.[ will h. acLnowl 14 r algumdr or dicrr nar bc !rs.d

Ferdinand Saussure de

Fin,lli in ib rcl:tion b i6 ifrm.di{. I soutd dividt si5fuinb thr. ct,ss a,Io oss: r.; .horwtichf.i .,pd!rbl.inrloushb . ororh4 sisnsof!h..,6.llnd in il6which rrc ini.rprchhl. in .tu11 in qurti-

rd, fi6. ld,

$G. whi.h rc . ri.s or f.ditrss o..Pf..nkr

Now ia you dinl on ln. whoL ($ I do) drr .hd. is nuch v.t$!I. h in alt 6is, Lhoutd b. if you clrd to rpp.nd it ro dr n.* dirion of your b.ol,.fid.dinns n & olou6. cu! ting ot! p.6o.aliti.r of I di .gr.. L &ind 6ta .i' , il.tumpc.i.n bt oft ot not k!trineq o'br) rlor. ar,lr'rrr: for ! h.y.n t . doubr th.r. ij nd,! or lss .doi ineolv.d. . , ,

or I H! NoiroNot rhr rbr',ry r.lrinn of sisni6.rro sign,6.d. rh. .rbj. I urry n{ur. of rh. {8n, ,r tcrdinrnd d. s.usur. pus it, w.r nor by hini lh. issu. w$ ran.d ar c.ily r Plato's c/,./ar. Howerc., d Stusu.c it s.n.nlly res.r,lal as havingd.v.lop.d th. idea, which ha. hrd inpo(ant ihplidriois lor list,linsuisticand, ht*, a.rhropolosi, cal and prychoin,lytiql a.d ftnry rhc6ry.This id.a ind rhc corr.lativc on. oI th. dif...nri,l nadi. of langtrag. pidrid$ thc s.ound for ih. nod.rn knownf $ru.turtish (e. Brdci, CTSCrp. rrgJ-99), A$ru.tur.ir2 sys.n oI difi....&s, to b. 3odi.d i.d.p.nddntlt ol ehd it or tu parr! nish. ..{ei to outlid. thc sys.m. In srucorslist;srics, o.c $di.s e.& r.8a.d.d asuni$ solclyby vidc of thcn fbs othd wo.ds. Thus . wod is lnown by wh.. n is ror noG than bt wh4 ir is; thc sy$mis.orally"nlsa, dvc," .v.n fiou8b as d. Srn$ur. alsoarsu.s,rh." of wods is . de S.u$ur. inkodued a "poirivs t ci" !n rh CorBd t Gr,,ral Lrglnr.r, sytrchronicor aEmporrl i.ah6r of hngn,s. i. conra$ ro his ott!.r mainly hisroiol and diachronic nudi6. Anoihq imrod.nt distinction n.d. by d. sau$ur. blt not disosr.d in fiis *hction (ir is n.nrion.d by Cl,/& rriStr'"$) n rhat bcNen ,,,s,, and pz.olr, LrScr b.ins thl iysrcn of larsuase in, p,/o& int Fafridhrueg. *ithin i.,ln a pna.I srMtur:lisi lir.ts ,$m, i nEra.ytcxt B a p,roi.. D. S.u$urct Co,R. tr G,,.r,i 1i,&rr,6 w,s not publish.d tt. .uhor'j in lif.rim., nor did h.lcak behi.d hin a manusc.ipr .v.n nord rhd ni8ht b. or sather.din|o a i.xr. Rath.r,!h. book n r rcconsnaidn by iie.tud.ds lton $.ir own .oics o{ ldtud h. s.v. d ih. Univmiiy of ccn;v. be*c6 reo6 and 19r!, Ar 1..suh, fierc hasbc.n 3oh. ciricisn oarh. rcn by linsu'sts, and.r ore hs sotre so hr s io d.scib. ilE i.xt $ by tlr. Pscudo,S.usur., lnd..1, * EniL B."v.,itt poi.s out in hn .say T6. Natur. of thc Linsuhtic sign, th.E is somecontusion in thc Co,6. abolr rh. .ndt to which th. sign ihfl{.d,I,on. of + D.spn all of rhis,rb. Co"rrr hasbe.n th. son 's.rbit inporta.t t x$ reprscnritrg idv.or ol thc linsui{ic world. In I th. v&icty o{ 6clds, analosidof rhc diffd.nii,l signh,v. b..n dominant.Thusk (hcassdio. thatrh. rn. u.i6 lind in rlE anthror.losisl work of lr,r5t6J ofr nyth arc"bundl6" of'ond'o4 in sau$urc.nt.rms,di(erdces.!e.. aoong hG $-.alldd po*rucdralist critiG d. Srusurc ..maint a n,jo. innu, enc.. l^ Ol Gamntolosy, ihich urh.r.d in !h. poscrutu.ali* nov.nenr by subietins th. Coffir io crniqu., la.qset Ddidz qtends de Sau$u.e! tholghr io logical co..lusio6 th* d. Sr!$ur. did .or ..ri.ipat.. D.Sa!$ur.i5 oft o Egaded[.d li.guisrics rsi scieicc br


" r'fr';i:*,r*:il::i*,*"ti:***tll:*il *i,:ilIlli:.n'ff#: * * *- u,'."

-'llii,,", "l "-*"r.'

il,'lll l'{',l;1fi l;jji.lffi il,f:.T,'i":i:!:xoffi*.*-o* ""**

;Il.:,ilL"J,l',.'lliilllo1. orphi ", *ws mutuJtrv.rnrcmprribrc r.' 'oddimc'

rmroi!rn.? Ior mod.,nphilo$Phvrnd (rricnm l$ Tuosre wrmrurrnt docnin6 bur in a dnrin(.iv. !i.w ol th. -lr m, $, in: Ft olonc.Du,nd Du,Do( ;f DhilNphy. Unds th. ol Ru$dl, vhreh..d. tnd fftB ' ws io( rnd (ould not b. a thd ph,lo\ophy wlrie-'t in d*too.,l rh..s rr. <i.nat bu' hrd, th.di in(tiv. agotrv'ig or ''*i.i'-rrhcn:tict urr ol clucriling thc loeical{orn ol poPo ions wh'l. hi' tourr ol losiol t .tzt,s Lognb torm rlr.rrd iicn'fi.antlyfrom hE fid Publ'\h.Jwork. 'hc Ph'tdoohi.a i e L i, to thr w{humo*ly publi'h.d l",r/drop,ndl /,!ansz_ &Eain.d ,iozr hert, tlis vid oi th.Bs.niirlly critisltun.tion ol PhilosoPhl !i7ns.n$.in dd.lop.d wh{ h's bcn ciaracedz.d $ . t. th. i',.ral,r "ridur. rh.ory ' ol n.anins, bas.d on tlE pn..ipl. rhar what 2 logical proPosi_ ;tr 06.* is Dioc oI.h. loricalsructur. ol a facr."Th. sodd it all rhati. ' rhc csc." wnis.nst in .scd!, in rh. {rnout 6rst proPosition io th.. c.rlv *trl- bur hc o;tinu.s. in th. s(ond (andnohblv I.$ hmouss..ond tropos'tio.l. Th. vorld n th. be|ny o{ h* not rhiiss." tn thk .rcounr, \vittc.n' colld r.PE* 'lhc shol. o{" bul &in d that prcposition! iormp'opolnioN mu{ rhrt.vnh rc:hry rculdonlyrho*ddniht 'h.losic:l rhB, th. pi.rurrt ,nquc{ionin rlr.r1),In ," orda ro ro,<rnt it {<1. *; lh. 6uk i,{ 1 of p@iedion or d.piction itr whidr losic.l th. d.6ry sru.rues {c th. elev,nt" lqngenlrein .xPn$cd th. de tn th. od.e. to Philolophiul Inut1a4to" b. sd in his .add *ork so .s rhathk Ler sn. b ' 'id 'q'ubli$ Th. h,?rr4d.o,J. tor.\rmpl.. to,b,ndon Lh.pi.tur. iiai!" rh. nRhr'ns,\ina lud.' M,k on hnsu's. hadh,d. h Jur thn s hn' mc'hodof P,or.non or d.Fction onnor b. au,q; B (qunJ rnd us.d, 'hr valu.o( P'opo_ id.;.r.l' .lucidd.d a!,f n *.'. ion((ncd onlvwirh th. 'ruth of r!io;. Oic miqhtsry thd th. d'!.i!nc. r. b,o/denms ioP. for rh. plF losoph(i r(riviry: L;suagc is deploj.d rur m:ny moF pDrp.G tn.n mal'ne hc or fal* stat mc'ts. As hn .rcnnoo shifi.d ro .he nultilarious d.plovme s ol hnn4.. w'ne.Fk,n d: bor:rrd hn norcn o{ rh. hnSnaSc8.m. to3how b.twccnhnsrre.and form!otlif. rh. in;i;. rd ;.r*N. l' "kt Tlc ir,,rt'sdrrc,t b.sin {ith, quohtio! f@d Au$niica Co'farto,. th,t had hcirlv .dopted dpc6 rh. ;.dnional vi.w o{ liDsras? th.r !qi(g.' in th. T/z.rzrvr: th'r wods i,m. obi.cB ,nd ihat s'knc6 .c combi.ationsor slch naa.i \ rhcn Proa.ds to show &< 8to$ ov.Binl'lifrc,tion ol this prcmis., in showingrhat .xpr65iotu in . l gu.8c do not h,rc a comdon

rikilHiirx.*;:"m:x;",;.11 *kiir ;nr"* r..'-l :lr':fT#S;"*;:k*i:f i,".ilii'.iiii.[i, ;r,i'. "'*"

ll i'"litl*'l;:':il:?iff ul,:**:l;,',** Y;l*fi *' I'.'.'I,.:il'rl"l;':?ir"i:' [li*r"{fi**:t*i*]fl :iff j; j:;H'::i'iJ'i: il:J; ;: **j ji:il:l;l"ll,X.1 lil::T:: codMrmirratr rNN^Ydk: iJ,'r,.i1",..i1'.* ** c E M An(ombr c H \onvrisnr'rm. LM A$dmb'and .ll,".l'i,r, oi "",-ry' "a "

l;ii i:;'11 i"'j"il;fl xcn'v' liiri*#ltr**::; j?iirlli \';hoI Anrhonv ii' rr" e-'' t"r*-.v ii,i,'J,ii' ii.r.i,
' lrc- rc/t "rcahto' ,i'.t,:ae,. ll'q ' itrrutd I niv'Frrv

rc6 r "Cum itli (mio6 homin6) rppcllzbttu oE *mdum dm ld'h @rPUr:d ni6md.; ib dt rfidd morb:nc 'id.b,m' d Rrcb:h hd !d1.i nd illrm, quod Fdb,n" atm edvdrcnr noN orPons G dl' od.tuLE. Hm rkn " dnnrdm r*n.brbn Dmqdm \*hB ddDlba et+ cmriun. qu* 6"n uhu * nuru *uorum

q$om G cidis lcis rutr posn.,. cr.bro anJi* m'rrqu? n.n: d(n', p:ul:nm 'olli8'b':m P'r h'd "'m in d' lsiir orc' -- "riu"ucs..dom(a rnun'irhrn'. (Aus!sin. Cozls!oa l 3l pafrdrn 116. {ods, it *.ms b Bc. s't B a langu'g' lrruns: Dnr{ ol th..sme ot htrman ob)'cil,. individui wo.& in l gu:s. t ' *"tn6 .r. conbinlions al sudr 'lm'r-h (hy d&r) fin.d 4n. obid rod r@d_ ' "vhm 'lrd ;rv tuEd ,s:'d! 5or.*iis I e$ rM rd I srsF


"'o 't'' " inLmi ;(di.*d Pd'ndn hrb'ndr' 'n -'r. lusi.ndnv. abu!. It v*b2 i' vlr *n i.iici..'lii




JYif f 'l *.TJi:;:5Xl'il:#li f-Tfl i, *s' ,h.i, b'd,h.-,.-q


";;: ?,x,5'#1.:;:H',j"ii'';.:'i";ilJllii'l;
b'er s .i nJ i r <l 'tnd.<oor ds 'du( q $'* ' 6

::.1i r.'*:1;*^:sH:r :'[l;:L: ;i*'.Iifi lfr :*'i1"fl !r.11'r:rx';1tut Tlllil';f.]';

. -d ' . ' i . . q l & . d d l ' k . m. b * & * l s . D . iF,6.Jt rd rh(r hd bn"d DY neu ob(d *' ht *' r-".r bio,. 'h. 'n.m 'o ^P'" 'h;..;F!


LuDvrcVlncENstErN m mrry ca* *h.rc.h. qtrctioq rrid \. rl& m d*criprion or mri Tfu .ns{s hl '|iYBr n n ,pp6prh..i b!. olty lor $i5 .ttuii.6ib.d rcsion, .or lor lhc ,!ol. ':rrcwlt o{ wlri )ou Vu. chiminsto d.$rib.. h ir rr it smcon. ud. b sry: A83.@isir* in ndeing obj.cE rbout or r.urt.r..orJinB 6 .ekin nl.r , , , -and * rQli.d, YoDe.n to b. rhinking ot b@rd gm6, bui th.r 1r. olh.E. You cm 4,1. tour tl.frnirionmrai by.xp6tt F .r. ln,sin. . *.ipr in which r!. I.r.B wd. Bcd s&d tor rounds,rrd .l$ .s sisni 01.mpl!si. 'o puDcn'ation. sriE dtr b. co,aiv.d :5 :nd 1A t hngua8. foi d6cribing $ul.Fftms.) N6w im.grn. idm.or. inElprctin8rh{ yripi $ if dr.c w..c simply 3 mrerpo.d.n.c oI l.n E to eunds nid is if ri. l$.8 haa not aGo mmplddy diff.! .nthinc.iodAusunin.!conclptionotl like $.h an ov.rsimrk coneptional rhr $r,pl J. tL. took .. rb. .ximpt. in !r, w. my p.r lrlp!Cdan inklinshownucLGisscn.dlnodonoi ih. m.rni.g of. word suriound!rh. workin! of l.nsuige $ith a hrz.vhich nzkd cl.ii vnion ir, po$ibl., Ir dispeB* rh.los ro stodr r!. ph.non!n. oI lansr?s. in primitivc kindi ol 3pplicrtion in which on. can omnrnd r clc,i vis oI rh. rim znd fundioninsof dM s. A child u5cssu.h priniriv. forms of Lnsuag. $h.n i l.nns b blh. Hr. ,hl bching oI hn, Dot.xpliiliion, bu! tEinins. 6, w..o!ld itusin. thnrh.llrsu,sc ol !: ** . ,rol, hgu1g. ol A rd Br d.n tllc whol. I ' su4. ot r Fib., Tn. cnildr.n .r. 66ushi u! ro p.F lom *,J, .cioni .o uic daJa vordr ar rh.y do so, :n,l ro r.rd in ,rir my ro rh. mdr ol ofi.E. ?r! impondr rd of th. r:iniDs will onitu in th. k{n.r's poinnng io th. oLits, dising ilr clild, incmjon o &h! .nd .. :h. ..R rim. uft.ins: wodr lor, th. sord shb" ri h.$b thrsn.p.. {do notv1ftbaIt[n o} endv. d.fniiion ,!. th. child cmnor zr y.t c*sharih.,rheis.I*illc.lln'os..3iv.trl'' insof words .-lsyfiiiitwilltoft inimpoii$r prdol lh. F:inins,6e!u* irir ro wilh luhrn b* iig.; ror bec6!$ n.o!ld not hc id.gied od.F sir.) T1i, o*cniivr a..hins oI wor<Gen b. $id to dtrblish r. $oci ion bdw.t. dr word 5d dod thk nr.nt vdl n n'v $. rlrinc 3!.,h{ irEi;b on. *rv thinkr 66t cinB;iols oi rll rh . picruE ol r!. obiEt @ms b.roa th' .hild'i ni.d;h.n i. h.rr $cword sunow'it.hii h. P"iPG. ol lh. word?-Y'i, do6 hipp.n-R d b. $. ourFr -l .rn r usol ',v (oIi;s;,odndn word; {un.nns a,od i5l'rr'tr ) *nlinsrnokon'h.l.ttord purylr ot rh' n 3(n 'orn( 'h.hngu8..l!!n (x mrv or.ouE. b'dEoy NoiG'odol.rmrss .Ed rhatth{ hdpr o znid !h. rdu, pnryosJ Br if lh. od.n:iv. t:chins h,3 rhis 'f'cn.m t b siy rh.r ir.*?.s m undad.ndine o, th' srd? Don ! yo! undds.nd rh. c.ll Slzbl iavau 2cr umn it ir !!.t' ind{u.b . w.vl- Doubn6. rS. 6cn'iv. kxhmR h.lpcd b bnng rhit :h'urr lwi'h bd, onlr 6s{hd n'h r prnnhr n'nin8 ftinins rh. !m. ormsv. r:cnrns or d'{Itr.n' rh6. mni! eoulJ h:v..frded : qun. 'riH.(nr und.6tindtn9 ''l s. d. br*r ut by onneriqg trp rod 1'd l.."-Y.5, siEn th. wholc oI th. G{ ot rh. qith rhar n n 1 onlr in coniuncrion 5.P.nI?d fron irs ruppo. n n not bi:t?-la.r, . d?n 1 td.r. it m1v b. .nvdins, odorhi.& allrgu4e {1) dn' ?.In th.ri:dieoflh.u{ h o.; slli;$ th. m.ds,.n odd 16oiih'm ;nnruciion in tl'. hnsug. rh. foltowingProR* q,liococ LI.objlrEi rhnn h. 'I.l.:n(,,'.r un.6 th. eoid *h.n th. El.Ier Poinb to {c tun.-Andth..will6.thisillsimPLrcr'rci$: th. pup'l ap.:b rh( sodi :rn rh. Hch<r-bo'h of rh6. proes.r rcrtmbhn8hngr:8' rw. is tfiink oi dt {hok pc6r or t'ng in vod. -" ll) t. on of rho* glmB bv n"'! 'f wlich .hild'.n l..m rlEir mtiv. lin3r.e.. I will cil rl$* g .r "Lng!.e._s3t6' .nd vill son''!.8t.s. hnguigc tih6 rpek ol l primiriv?

PhilotoPrn'l InlatiSdtiont


rhir ddrt ollmsuzgr w.6nd th. bob ofth.Iot rowihgid: Ev.r/ *ord hr! : n.anins.Thr, ing is coritlftrlwifi !h. *oid- tr is dco6:.ct lor Ausuni.. do.r lot sp.* oI Aq. bdig 2ny dit t(d.. bd..n hiids oI wordi. ll lou d6crib? rh. r4bi.3 or t.ns!.3. in thn,ay you ar.,I t.ti.,q $inkins prid'ily oi nouff lik. trbl. , .chrn , ''bEid",.ndof p.oplc!nam.s,andonlt&ond,rily ofth.namd oI e&in .cti.ns .nd pbFnnst.nd oflh. rcnainins *inds ol*od d.ondhins rt* Now thin! .I ti. aollowins ns ot l2ngus.: I i.nd $ns.. lhoppins.l Bile Lin, slir mrrk.d "fiv. rJ arpls_. H. nlcs ri. 5lip to t|[ shop keFr, qho op.$ rh. d*q( mrrk.d .rpplcr.,; $.,h.tootts up ih. rod -rcd" i,r rG6tcrnd 6ndr : .oioui lmrlc oppo rniir.r h. sys drdsrics of.ardinl ndm6.6-Irsrme rh3rI'r knowsrhdn by hlr-up io ,hc {o!l 6vC'and lor tr.h numbs h. nls ,n zPPr.ot fi. sm ot.u. rs dr sanpl. ou. ofd. ddrrt. lt ,i D thir snd siEi lar *zyi $ on. op{3t.r wnh wordi-"Dut hov de. h. kno* wlrrt and hor h. is b l@k up rh !* odt d mdvir!.ir t o d o { n h r L cm .d '6v.'1"-wdl,I.$ume thr It d.. as I hav. d*rib.d, E4lan:nonr comc o in .nd $nF *h.ri-Bur *[,! i5 rh. ncmins ol rh. so.d ''6v." l-No $c[ ihing Ms ir q!6tion h.rc, only ho,!h. eord fivr" n !*d. 1 Th* philo5ophiol o.apt .i n.rnins h* ir plrc. in 1 prihiliv. iJ.. o{ r!. *y hn8uig. tun., tioB. Butonc. .lso $y rlur n n th. jder oI i hns!.g. ro* pibitiv? rh,n ou6. kt a iD.sin. , l.ngu.g. ior which $. dcrcrip, tion givc! br Augustin? is rigll Th. languls. is mant b *ft fo. @mnuni.don b.Neh t lild.i ' A dd.n.sish B. A ii bdlding widr th.a r. blocli, rilh6, d:& ,nd h..m. B h* to F$ $. *onq, rnd dr in rh. ordd in shich A nedr lh.m. tor lhir pu9a!. th.y ui. 1 hngu.g! consi:ri.s af lhc s.dr "bld! ', , Dillr", '!hb', "b.1n", A c.lE th.m ouq-B biingr r!? *.r. ,iicl lt. l.s hr6i ro Lriig r ru.!, d{nch i all.-Con..iv. rtis .s . @mpl.t. primiiiv. r. e. misht $r dcd d.scib. I rys. b ol conhunjBtion! only.or ev..rhn,g :h{ y. ell l.n3nrs. n ,n syn n. nnd dnc har ro r1y lhis

Ler.r in (r ) Dsd th. nDn.aL (n .d b. lh. *ie. ot lln d or lh..lph$.t)r tudh.r ld rh.E b. so *or'ls, *fich mty r *.ll h. ti.r." .nd thir" {b.' due $ir rcuslly indi.dd th.n purposl th.t rt ukd m ao.r'on wih, Poin'ings.stor.i 'nd.h n:llr r nusbd ol otou' Bnpl.t A 3!v.r.n orda r srm. tin. h. sh.s . Ar Ii!.: d dr6-dd. lh. rsGhnt r olour hmpl., .nd whd hr evi 'th(C' h. Doins to r pl..c on ft. btildiq 5h. From lh. *od oi shbr B Bt6 on. lor .dr{ rh. .bhat t uo ro d , oI Ih. sd. elo!. rs th. plt ,ndnr.'l hv s.mnl., rnd bmss th.m t" 'hr ord.r "rh'F A sird A. On othr caruB 'h. notu And tht h. poina b a bDildins .,A! e. Vh.n a .hild lane lhis la4ots., it ltd ro lc{n $. s.ri6 ot nundals ,. b, c, . . bv h.aG tl . r.ining Ard ir h. rc l.rh $.n uk-will includ. oshsiy! e.ching of th. Qotdtl-Vlll' p6ple u'll, rur d.mpl., po'nih rl:b rnd.6trntl :.,1.. d:bi ,-s.n.dinsnoE orFdiv' lik. 'h. blo.l", pilhr_'dcvourd rcr.n'm of th. b. th. o!Ed'v. "odi g or num4:l! Iht (d. not '.xh ohi < s i hnon k too!.rbui o' erdroB ouFof $l.n in 1t 1 sl.nca Cl'il'lrm do le.rn tlt !!. of.h. F6riv.orsirardinr.trm.irlsinrhisvan and thG- als sushr 6r.n,'$.r. ldron. how on. m'sh' t{hrPl dch 'h.n ue' onJs,u Fin' !h.. :nd ,hi'st-bu' in 'hi3 'a rcr& to es (h. po'nrinso(ur in *.,'or'h. and not in l.lmirs rh. u.. 16, Nos shr do th. *odr of tfin Lng!.8. rr& signirv n'tr-vr}ln s $pp.kd to$.w*hnrh.t not th. lind ol u( t[.v [r!?? And d. h'r"L 'r i..dy d.*!ib.d dn SoK.G .sling fot tlt d_ DR$ron Th$ Md rign'6d rht- to bc mrd' ' ;:n oi th. ddcrilhon. In o'hd sordi 'h. d.{np_ ris' iion orsl't b F!. 16. Iorm, "Tnc Mi oI ..u'!. on. en adua r!. J.*.ipiion of ih' tl.t tltk un ol rhc word rhh" b rl. t{.m.nt sod .i*ni6.. rhir obi..t Thit will h. dom vll.n' fo' .timek, n h nlrlt 1 r ot r'nd'nl lh. nntakn id.. thr t[. trod :hb' r.'.f ro !h. ltlr!. oi burldinsnon. { *. in frct 6ll r n n' rh{ h. Lnd af .4d'3 ''tld!r';-bu (or th. E*, i. + k ro ey rl'. uk ot ih.r roids E;urly on. cin vy d{dr!.isns "." 'bidc

,--,*, "t*-'" ,t."."* "', u -"lii ,n" m d mr& rh- snon. m'8ht rl, b' ell<d
Lnsu;s+grm*,Th'nL of dudt ol'h.u* .'Mdr ,n *im6lilt rin8r nnsrr{u$. a sh:ll 3ls oll fi. shol., .onsi5rinsol hn' rh' Buis..nd tfi. tcddnr i.6 rhich n ii wdv'n'

l@* .i.n dp:ndon of ltngnts' 3. tit !. (r). sdid6 'ow iou. wo'dr "610.l . "Pill'i" dc , ft Lr ir conhiD I sris ol wordr !$a 6 th' shoP

PhiloePriallnt.tis',oa 77o , !D' . vrDcrNir!'N n FA:pl u(d in th. Th. Md "b 4nilt 'i. mon id'Rt|i{or nd wry rhd tlF obEd 3isrifi?d B nrrl.d vrh lh! nsn tuPpoq thr ih. tdl, A un. in bdldinq t.a c.iitn mitl5 vh.n A shrs Iir.snr .;hrh2rr.h.btin$ft.bolih{hd3 +b11t moc.i l.s dDilr vrrte rld I Ir k 'n ofEn D:m d.1ns:nd kgi!.r to. thiB.-t'ill rid.uerul inphil6oPht ro!a/roou6dY6: n'n_ in^$N$insis lik.,Qciins. hlil to i dins. ou lh! coloursimpl.t tl|it A r6,\vnrt r Br .r lh.y p{ oJ tt. /,,s!,s.r \t I n is * tou, They do not b.long rmons lh. {ord* v.r rh. "' FDnoun@&s"l ;hm|!.yiosomon.: yu u E' llo u n t & !.m n d l l '." rrP rrol th.*nknc., Yd r hd . rclc iu* lil. thr' or r .olouF empl. in l,nsu:5c-srn. {r)trht n' i. i.. sinpr. of qhat th. ofi.r n m.ini to slY. h is not i.bml, .fld aus l..n .onfu5ion'ro ol rh. rl'. $npl6 .mors fi. in*dn.n! 'eloD kfllxiv. on ir Prcnoun .,n l(R.mirk 17. it will6. posib'. b iy: ln tl'sr.s. {3) w. For dF tuMioD ot nrv. <li({.nr !ir,4 o/ url .nd d. word bloclt .G mo. th. Mrd tlzl ' .nd "d". 3!t how *c 2n do5. o1 ! :lil. af sroup *or& inb linds will d.p.nd on $ d or onr oyr in.linrtion tl'. .lisilic.tion,Thint oI th. Poi.E of Yid lrcn whi.h on. crn.lssit rdL or .r6!n.n. r 3. Do nd b. sou6l?d by th. td lh.t l 3r.s.s (!)rnd {3)conrntonly ol}ou v&. to r.t $d dir 3h.vs rh.m ro [. in onpLt . 6k tou6.lf *hdhs out 1t'3tr13. is snPl.t i-whdh.r ir *.! o b?ior. $. symholtso ol .l'.mnB ,'d ih. notl' on oIlh. in6nn6imrl* wrc in@po'rt d b ni 6r rh..c lF, ro b ttc.k, tulurk of olr tan" !u:s.. lAnd how m:nY h.uG o' ncE dG it tosn?)odt l ' u k b cto r .r b q n b .s' mrot.t s!.slon b.*.n s,n :n.i.nt.ityr : ne.ollitrl. or old ind n.w houd rnd ol nrRE:nd4urFn fiorks rid .ddnion3 tron unous D.tiodsi .nd rhn suround.d 5y . nnltnud. o( nd b.'ousni wiih srrish. (sulrr nrd. ind uniiorF hou*r re. ft i!.13t !o inasin.. LnsurS..ontniing .nly ol.rd.B ,nd r.por. in !,t1. -O. . l.'9u.3. onsking onty ol q!6tione .nd .xprcsion' lo.2nss..ins yd and no. ,\nd innun .ihl. o$.R.,\nd b iorsjn! r l.nSurs. n.rnt ro rmrgn! 1 lom ot liac. BN rbour $is: n rh. .1Il sl'bl' in 'r_ r word s'ih -tt.t rnpl.l:1, lornR r 1trd?-Il n hr nor d. en. m.:ning l \ud ol or orditrt Ltcus.' n in 11 n ir 1 'rll rii.n(.. tr ir s !l/ n Lt. .l|P'icrl 5'n' tu. 'f: hn*u.s.-Ai rrr i rh' tst ,oc.:'Shbl olo$ qwnid sod )N 6n qll "trbr_ i QrLl :nd'?Ld : 3drmG Dsh.p. ir @uld bc :pproPrBkr/ drto 1 d.(n(:t. (ntn.. (son.3poki d r d(n'i' L. i j aur tll'priol (n' .. Iird.b.l4t - nrtlt ont: !hond''d fo'm ol r ftnE.-B',lhr ,h.5di .ne"B nB m.i rLh.i nd'hn'nnanrh rnrhc.i n.\i mP k(1)-B urw hvdtoudrno ' ' tr rh. onkrd hrt.rllrd rh.sornc< srin8 m" (nrmR Sl:bl r-BF ilrb : /.,srndrs.l 'h. .au* ,l you !hour "51,b! tou(trv mdnr uinl n.rdi b ,-B uthow doJ.u dol ni : ho{ do roo rar r,, *hrl. Your,t'Shb! l Do Yous, th' un5h.d.n.d (nkn.. to vou6.ll) And $hv should t krtlat d. ell Sl.b! ' in6 r difia'nr 'xPr'e m.dblirtAnd sionin odd b e4 whnsen. l i(d.v m.:n $. qm. (hin8-rh, 3hould norn) _\rh;n h.$rr'sU bl h. m.i nr'5hbl 't A s i i n' 'l B i nsm(th.n:b.ehv5houl dl ou l ouenn.r; .hcn I ou ;o( b. .bl. ro nrrn "strbt"?-Bu' $hr t q:nr i3,l,,r [. J'ord 'SLb! . 'ri'c 'h.n on' ,,.a rrDr-C.nrinlt, but JF- \:din8ihn !on. Iom or o'hd : dib<ntrr rn in 'n '['nting !t{?5?nrnct Imn dr. ol}ls 'ou rc. But not ft Iooke .i if wh.n 3on.on' syl dtrcsmn 8 ''8ing m. : thb h. .ould R:n 'nn or. long sod or6Pondiry io ik sigk Yoro ''Sl.hl"-Tt.n c{ on. nen 4 onc word dit som..ird * ,out And ho* do6 m' usldlr man nl-I tlink w rh1ll b' inclii'd ro 3 Flf woids $h'n *c ey: * hEn ih. .dme u( n in conrd wnh oth.r knknae iuch as ldns r@ ''H c,r'h.:rh!","B ri ng,t1.l l b', ilrtt , dc.! tnr n, in .ontasr qtrh snr'nes 'on_ dino$d ainincth.lorrltc*or&ofour@mn *L"i do- *i"3 o* *dd."-h;"ti.i;.-Bm oddr, o$tn ont( inl Do in onFrr 'h. -'d And nshrpt,ho!dbclo'eonai n'nd?,4lof thc'n: on. is rrins rh. on<' or b'rcrc' -rn. Ertn iI )u.h .n 2rplD'tion or .ft.v1rds?-No. r2rlt.r tnpt un ,. ned onlv fiink fo' r na4"t fi:pp.ns in odrr & G rht w' ol sh*.co'llr 1E goits a.tdy hd.. wc !.v fi1t w u* $. q6'


numb.ri vh.n lor .xmPl. ihtu rn'or.5 igit !,,.-ai.- .L:n il.: $! ?" \", c". plrvrh. prft .du.lly pr2y* n r' 'b'-_", "d1b"' ''rill,a'. And d. .1n .ls nr thr "i m.aN rhts nd irtt orc: sh.n lor.xmpl. rhir " -r. "rd ro !r us..j , d.. rt: t.'r:n s.r,r 'rc "!p,ri (he . rd .. h! q 4 cE d dot in rhd odd th. d.s Pion ot th. r$s ot B$ :r;rih*s mdr i, lhi: *ly onnat mrl. tlt. trs6 Fa', *. ,e, th.r tu $y trioro tilc ok.rotLr' ^ rr,Ihink ot th. rdh in. @lbor: $.8 ir . hmm.', pli.d, t !1w, 1 srs driv.r, . rul!' ! 8lu. po,,slun nnk :nd F*. -Th. Idncroni of *ods ot :,.r dN.e:. rh. ,unctionr .* obj(B {And in b.lh od th.. .r. limibnis l OI co!* 0hr onl@i trr is d. u rod tP' Daana of mrd! tl*n w h..r lh.' 'Polm or mcd rh.n in *ntt .nd pdrc Far lh.n cPtri.d,to, ii nd p6mkd b ui .a cl.iy. E Fcirlv vh.n {. ,:.Ii n lik looliry inb fi. cibin ol , loto' mtiv.. V. * h.ndl.! .l! lookins dor. or k$ ,li!c ( .inc. d./ ,E ill iupped b br h:f,dl.dJ 8ut on. i: $. n,Ddl. of . cnnl *hi.l' .tr L. moldco iDuoudr(nrc8ul.t!ih.opo,.s oI I v.l*)r .nod'{ n $. i1rdl. ol . twith, rhi.h t ! only e .{?div. pdnioB, n L .nh{ ofi or'.iId6 on; : thnd i! th.l d. Flllt on ir, . h:rdr h bDld: r lounh thr h dk oi. tunp: n fis m.ff.d onlYo lon8$ n E ! . r y * o r d ; ' l . nsu :g < r i8 r ,r,v k nw! : ': rol:rqid iorriry r/, r ni6c.lohdhins" khrr *4 uDl.$ u.l're. dplin.d .x..dt ,r,, di!in.' .ion w. visfi to h.t.. {li misnt b., oI ou6?' tr* w. *rrtd to dklinsfin lll srdt ot llneua3. (3) lsm Nodt Fitlout m..ning $ch a6 occur I L.tb C.toll! pem3, or word: lit. Lilli6url.b" I m rs in. 3 o n . o n . ! t r m & " n l l rm L *n .' o '1. nodity bm.'hins. Thut r hrmm.r modifid rhr .b.d' ol Dosition th. Mil' lh. Fw rrll3p.ol 2nd m on---And whri ir nodifi.d 6t t[. dl.' rh. Lnowkdg. ol I in* dG@c tl'! nnhl-"O{ rh.olidit} l.n$L, th. knFnnr.o{ 'h.Siu.,,"d ,ny$ins b. 91..d bv rhis & of th. bot"*Wolld jdildion of *rr.$ionr?-

mandin (o.ri( *rh othd *nkn<s kqux or 1"3!as? otrrinr rhr Po$it'liry ol thos oms kn(ner. som.on. !h5 {'4 hrsure., . rodsn*. {ho Dd frrlv olknn'rrd om.on. ah'nB th. ardd: "Bnn3 m' : 3hur ' nLilhrb.lkv( rh{ ttu qhoL sns d ioun6 wn lo' orcrDond,n* Frbrpi F "n'd "": "ord 'buJdin( nona ,n l$ Itngurss li o' "irn -:lfhrd rh.n ci;n,hs orddF,h)Pr lt sould hrv' pG nor!..d it d'fa.n'lv,:nd w +ould ty: h' prE nouncEr ooddD bs !?hchksi' loi r t3k sofldhrngdrn{_ *od -But rh.n,n 'hd.nor:l$ rft soor on hm thm h. tonoune! iir-sn+ 'n fd lhd h. snai!'r .o;rdoond'nq ro 'h'; word?-litln tlE en' N: rrsk 'lt rh.;Dts ,hmBmry soon in him,d en.dmsdid"r'rcr eh:rse.on in )od $hd You3r( od :n orGr A( you co$ciour ol iB 6n5ii ns ot rour-kdr e,'lL You irt drcnng nl Ol coutr Yotrh:t r hnsn:3F{hi(h onuid do* ,Jcr.4 o, 'hE h:& ir lhk h,''& oill.t sntn..s r ntll-but ' r^ 5od.rh' ne,h* [,.por"hi l .]odrtud' i ' n8 $; qdds)-Atrd I hr. )dmfta tlr th'. rd' ricn.r *ill orobrbh proioun( : rm6e drd'i' I d' f-.nrl t butw hl w ' 1l l drl v h.c ontq 'l his so.* con(ti r..d noi li. in 'nltltine rh{ 2c' compinid th. trnnn..o{rh: connzn<r' Ah! *ndc! 6 tlliPrnrl, not lEda it l'e3 out rofr.6ins thi qc tlinl $h.n q' utEr rrr bur b.dre n i3 shoncn.d-in .omF ontsipaF O(ou* on' dhrrr:dLs n ul drFdmmr' 'n, h4e "Yousrni rh{d.3hor'i'd'no $. $shon.n.d kna'.? h.v! ih. ru' s' rvn,i i, lhL !n(, lll.d, l$ r fi.r. . rrbll !rpr6_ ddn't tfi. Lct ir't sn3ion lor tltis !.nrl"-8ut nn$ .oosi* it th'n h'vj'3 rdee h1v. thc s. Rn$in on. $vt "non' i'd" th. .16. 6r?-{In ins.i ol th. $n. is r.d ; do t!', tEl $' otol' 0 b. hn.i's in $. rd*, or arth ir h ,'o4"?) r,. lmasift t Lnsr:sFsrd. h whicn r\ nkr rnd g rtooro th. numb( oI d.b! or blo(xt 'n 1 Dn., o' ;hc colouG ud slrFd oI dE blildins;ond ti{ 1rc 5E.l.d il !u.h_.nd Nch l plc rur ' nY. rl)br" NoN sh* r sch 3 r+dt m'Cnt $!JL {.nR b.sRn d. rcpodor n:kftnr '-hv' ?-V'lL ft ii rh' shbs' :nd rh! oi( "fiv. sl1bsl" !f whd undna rh.( don! PI:vr in th' h'' Ind tlE s!rs..s'h.. No d;uh l'. bn. ol".ic F q rr. udd.4 much Lok rith {hi.[ 'u' cdld zGo iD13But s. 'd sid6, *ill llso bc


LuDvrc Wrnc.NsErN I. B llow mnv !i!ib t snGia !rc in.i.? rd fts. .E s.r:is.nion, qs*;i. .o,rr.$ liids: .otrnil.$ dilLcnt ki'dr of u$ o{ An'l wh{w..rll tymbols ,"rordc, rnrdaf' ihir nuliplicit) isnor roDdhins tu.d, giv.n onc. for ril; hdr n.w typ.s ot lrngmg., n.* l!ngtr:3* o & .r w. ntr it mm. 'nto.tBrmei olfise b&ori. ob$let .nd s.t folgom. (v. c,n o{ rhn Gon rhc .bmss ir sd: brsr.P;rz Ilerc th. r.o "1.n3tr:3cgdrl is to fir rpzcriry ol brinan'o pmm' thc lsd 'hr et.i 'r,orofr tud ol l ,L lzn su in o r r n RdiBwr!. hlliiplicity oi hngurgeg:ms in fi. follovinstra'nphs, .nd in othtrrl th.mCivirs ordds, and obeyins Derrilins lh. .pp.rcn& .l .n objei or giYinBits mrlsurcm.n$Con*rucing .n obi.d nom l dscriPtion R.podngan.v.nrSp..ul ins 3bout& tr.ilm:gin.rpiflr. kp{(ntins r boY.r r pF 'n n.uhrn:n... Now, thr FtruE on b. ukd to kll lmw h.3houl.liii.'l,should Lol'l himeltt .onor. no.lDlJ hirelf; or hos a p.F or l@ l'. shotrld iidh' n.n did sEnd in snch4dju.h . plaq rd lh. 60on, O!. nisht (using hnsu:g. ol ch.mistrv) sll tfik piituc 1pBporidonil-rdic.l Thir eill be how Frs. tholsnt oI ilt .r su mpiion" Fo.ming rd t $ing a hlporiAirPr.rniinR lh. t!!l$ of :n .4eiio..i iiMrkirsup a ioiyi 3nd rczdin8 l,n8u!s.. {!n.ludin8 rh. .a[or oI ih. Irradrlr

PhiloroPhtal l"!.tier'ti.n'


r' o'd( rd . in. .ll. lon i lh. $r.-to. r.p.( an h. spok.n in . lcfi,rt of bn.s of vdic. di[d:n'l w Enole .rprcsions oi Ge-rlt (ot mu6., w. .@ bcirs ody in in. .ppliotior rn,l omdznd nienr ns. th. wor<li loms oi s.ntnc. {d in_ to { d tor Bdn6.!ic.l lomrions; w. do in ln c.ll kn\ ih. kdh.r sloio!. led,yl a quaii.n.nthough nisu:ed:i . mEh.n.)W. cou!'lid4r.. r higuig. inlhich c dlr.r.ns ltd rhc fom:nd bn.oI rhdorical qu.rtioBi or .v.ry .ommand tlt fom ol .h. qu.. lio 'vouu yotr lil. b . . .: , P4hrps n w $.. . fornoil quarion b.rid, Whnhcr"'l h* n, h:s fi! r'n. bu. ir rdlly 1.omm.Dd',-*d donotremn.ndin th.k.hniqu.ol6insth.hn_ s!u., (Sim,ltdyon s.rl You*illdo$G noies r pmpll.ry6*6u oddind Y4rt m.k6 n the ,!, fag!! id.. d.t.v.ry.$.rtion o.hins an .srmption, vhi.h n the d,ins th.t * *tded, otrrlznsu.gc liry!donr[.posibilit/lound ol writing mry $t in th. forn: It n * sred th.t ruchnd{uch i5 "rhar lrc!-and*uch i! th. ed' L ,ot i $nt nc. rn olr hngu:gFb I* ir k noi . ,rd' in ih. lrngulg. g.n . An l it I Mirc, not h j: 6.n tl tI.. . . ,', bur "li; .ld.d, !u.l-ind{u.h is ih. ciiC, Ih. Ir i.2sn sihply b@frc nD.rfiuoui Mi& 'l V. miefit y.!y w.ll il$ writ !v!.y s{ in fi. Iom ol I qudion tolLr'.d bt I 'Y6 t fot in,hne 'i5 n ninnB? Y.rl ' Would lhis sh.w ri3r d.ry ftkm.'r onsin.d . qn6tion? Of.ou@ * h.v. th. riShro u$ ,n .s$rior sign in 6nE1* with a qu.srion.hli!, lor .ximpl., or iI s. want b disnnsuis! t is.dior i.os r ic iI on. rjon or r hpposiiion. It is only 3 sn'd. rhink t[ dr as*don onasb ol so 3rton., .. t dinins {d rs.dins (3$igriog$t tu'h-v:lu., or m.tii'g ol rhc Li!d), :nd $n in p.rformsisn in8 lh!* 3.rion! v.lollos $. p.oposilional roryNy w. sins Irom tn. mrsicil mR- R.:dins th. vriM's inrn@ loud or sdli ir indc.d rompl_ dbLsi ringing io6 , musiel @8, but '.4,_ t3' (r! in[ine) rn. rcnknE drai k rtd n not. o/rrt Fr.t leaior .ign mrrk rh. ,.strtg ThG ic tunction n [1. tlrt of ih. tull srda. $op. It di..ingun!6 lh. wholc p.nod too i cl.ur. ?rt!' dc p6iod. li I her somsn. s:y "n! "n_ ids btri do mr know sldhs I L:ve h.rrd rhc b. 50 sinning.nd .nd oarr. period, f.r lhis do6not,cn( ro kll m. zDvthing.

!a,ll you do not ldp i1. mulripli.i.v oI Irngulg..g.n . in yi.w rou vill p.Arps h. inclin.d b :rl qr6tion' lil., wbrt R r qu.e m. dd I do nor loo* such' donr"-Itirrhc$rt th! | wi:h lhc oth( p.. .nd6u.h, or dE * sr so d tll h.. . . .? or is it ti. d.s.tiprio. of i5 th. crv hy m.nht drt o, lncoinryl-And "HaDl" sct 1 dlq,i?rionl Thinl ttos nzny di(er.nt !i'ds o, thi4 r.e &scriptioi : dB.iprion of. bodv's po5i oll.d ion by ncans ol ic cD oili.t!.s; d.scnption oI r of . insrtion oa d.*.ip.iar irci.l .xpr.$ior; Ol cou6. n n possibl. 6 ob*nDt ih. fom ol sbtnmi or ddtriPion for $c u$.1 fom of qke don: 'I s. 6l now rndhd ..."or"1rm i n bnn3 d. doubt wNthrr . . , , -bn rhie dod 'oi diff.roi hnguagc grm6 .ny closr Tn. siE ,fionc.olsuch po*,h'lrid of k n'lor mznor, lor .rrnpl. of nrnins rll nn 'nro ot I" i'd knr.n.6 b.simirs "l 'i.1" rhu! ,s it *E) into dddiPiions ol ut i.n.r lif.) rill tl.,er in ..od.r Dhe (Soliprkm,) rl.It n sorctim6 t'id thfaiin.k <ronot Eltr And thir be ! $ry ll. ncnl tlrcy do nd inl, td ft.til *hv .h.v 'lo no all.' BDt-th.y sidplt do nor Ell- Or o pur it bd.. th.v do tut !s Ln3Fs.-iI s.xalt $. m6r pribitie. loins o{ hnsu.Sc -Conmlnd ing;qrsionin& dounri4, cn.dns,3r..r mDch I pi( oI our naonl hntory d w.tling' .:ring, 16. On. dink thir l.@iry lmguis. connts in Sivingmmd o objKa. viu, to hudin b.in8:, o rhrDo, b 6lou6, .o piins, 6 nd&, ro nlien ir som.thing lik. rn.ching d To r.p.t-n.nirs , l.b.t b . drins, on. o' slv rh,t thi3 ir pe Fnbry ro th. Er oI i Mrd Bs/rdi!irap*p& 17. !0...m. ihine..ra 6.n E c.n it wh.i *c rbcm: on r.t r to th.m in trlk."-A! did n x. w... Eiyd witl ih. mcrc tt oI n.oin& As if llld. Er. only on. rhing slled '1.lkin8 3bout r tninr". Vh.r..s in t,( w. do lh. mo* vlnous thin; wnh our i.ntn.6 Tiinl of.xcl.mtionr di{d.'t tunctio's don;, *i$ th.n

Arc you in.lin.d till ro ell .h*

word. mmB d

ln hnsu,g.r (1).tul(3)fift *'s no $cfi rhins I ..*ing $ndhin8! n:m. Thir wnh tu 6rd[' n, o$.nsic. definirion. * hidt en 1 ling!:s.' on. on it. osn. Th.t h rc:lli ro slY: ft r. whlitlhr.!lld? irouehrup,trind,'orsr: up.n shi.h t nrm. n Eiv.n Andlh.i. n:re, l su:s. g .o{inv.n'inB. n:m. rorshahrng' _n,Bir ,n'l'h.n tnn8 indh.nuolhy'n3, " lh. n.w nln.. arhus, lor .trmpl., child(n sM n:m., ra rkn doltg.nd th.n hl! 2bout!h.a.nd to ih.m, Tlinl in t!i6 oDndion lrcY siru * n rh. trs ot a p.(or'r n.m. e arl hin!) {o. Ld ur 6t! diru* ,rn poinr ol rh? arg!' m.'r: !h4 1 eora h.s no m.:niig it norhing oft_ s}4nd. o ii-h tu imp.ftnr b not iiar dr Mrd ''m..nins" i! b.ins lsrd illi.idy if it i' u*d ro sisr @rdp.ndl to A. woil.Thrr n'ry ir o 'h. 'hingth{ ndninr ar . nim. wrh rh. coniound,h. af th. nas. \l'no Mi. N. N. di6 o* r.r rt .h. b.1rr of th. nme di6, no. rh3. rb. h..._ ins Jiei And n wonld h. .oro.nsio! ro sv th{' I; it rh. n.s. arkd b lEv? hdning n &nt mrli! no {n!c ro sy MiN' {r. tn ! r 5 v. intoduc.d pbp{ nm.r in@lrn_ wi'h th.nrm. e:s! l3r. Noq5up4. rh* d. :N;6b'old. A No, knMnRrh$,'ml s'{5 B tl'. risn is ''N"- Hrs ihii ris. mening now of nor?-Vin B to do *hcn lt is siv.n n?-W! h.v. not sfrrrd :nrrhins.bout dns.Oi. mtshl i!: wha 4rIh. lo$. or dol w.ll, trhips h. will *rnLl tlt.E tY: 'N hlt shs A rh. pi.6. HN ok '4rr brom. mon,ngl8, md ,l,i! .\Prcsion mdd m.rn rh h.3i*n"N" no lons.rh:d: u( In our lans!.9.'g.m. (unl.$ v. g.v. n . ncw on.l ''N" rislt:lso bmm. fr.iningl.s tc s' ror whib.r @son. ih. iool ** siv.n .noih.r n.d hneu:8e nsn "fl no lons{ und in :nd 'h. 'h. k .odld rlso im:gin. I onv.nnon Fm..-tr ;iertby B hd B rh.k nj3 hdd in i.!lt if A Bva him rlt stF b.lonsiigro3 tel d.r is biok.n -I.


M,king z jok.j kllin8 fron onc l'ryu.s. lnto rn' Aikii!, !.!ins, .uBin8, sr.dl.g,

rh. -Itisinr.i.*insrocodpiatltmuldpliciryof d ol th. $rtt lh.y r. !..4 tl. rool5 in bnsdise xifi hultirli.iiy of kin& oI word .n{t *iEra, rhli losici.6 hi{. !!id .kDt tk rrudur. ot

77a L0Dw'.WFclNsrn! nrn. i! :ll r h:i 8ur lui rt trhn bri. nrm.r 'B conr{( ol,hN Pnm'rv d(m.nB ii n*lfomplr:' s ih. nrm4 oi rh. dcm.ns b!os' d'*rpir!' trnsu:s. hy b.'ng <onPound(d tog'rn'n For. th' BFn.. ol n th. omPoinon d n:m3 sdt Rus*ll s individu:l!'.'d sv'ol'jas'(Tr"roPt'itul r.rc lud pn'l'v tdtt: bqi.o-Prit @nniNmr prd3 oi .7.But *hrr f lh. 'nrPk n' lh' rimpl' rhih rrhv u onpd.d)-"rAn biE olrood ol onirN Drns al r ci:n?-Ih' whiri ft i. mld., Or thl nolduld' oi .k th' Point A.d h5' 'Fns?''sinotc" tu.n.: not c.mpdit vh,! ...5. '.ompont ? k nrt6 ro *'s ir: d ai ill b .F.* aS.olut lv o{ $! tinpl? FG or :.h ,/. ol rfin irt" o{ fin Ad'n: DoB mv vtrut 'mts. .hr; cont{ ot rrdr? And wh.i rrc n. impl' mm_ m|nr Dnrl Muhi<otouEdrc$ it on. lo'd of ;mphi'ry;:norhtr L, rot drmPk'thro|rhor'n ou inc .orDokd or *B'sh biE Andr'un'cn d'' *'ndmsrd: b ! x' d b 3 :< o n F d o ,:n KlnJrs kEFmr. lf I kll 3omoft withour ,q In^h't 'rprm:' tion: 'vhr | !. b.for. d. no* n conPotitc . k v' llh ,v. r h . n *r r o r !1, "u^ndov' tll btu or rh'nlr rMr '.onDdiF ? For th.(:E q!6rion "lt qh4 vor n! fir ;.n Mrnt"-Th. mrl?t sdd anq il it B rl(dl 6db .odlorir.l p'F h,h; *hd lindol omphxi'v-rln n. lf n in qn6iiotr -hich hd hculrr uE ol th. sod-n b.?n do*n ${ tfi. vnual im,s. ol a td Ms ro il oft $* Nt jun r tinsl. h. "tl.d ' 'l! runk. b{ .tb bnnchct' thd $. quBtid rh. visu.l inrs. ol dis t.. limPl. or 6np'iE? ' rG iB sihPl. @rton"' ,nd tlt au6don nl* us' a'd n *r". srld n* ! cl.t dF..h'r 1**d b lhi so'd qBnian ii id k or;6. .Th. banch6" (tlDt vould b..n .n$s ro rh' ont"lohrt:r.h.t.dll'dlimPl' lrdffidr'alaue ;mpd.n' pj's ) " r but r.d.r d'(nprion or tl1. ' individul bEnch.t. Er kn't r cl*$bo.rd, lor itn,ne, obviolel, ,r Pto61blr rnd rbolut?b, omrdr.?-You {'inLncol$. @mF,nid o$or irq Mwhit' bLcl iqu'r.6 8( @!ld s' no' .nd th;ry.M 'lr 31r Ior innrn(, rh.t wrt.onpdkd o{ thc ol' " tckmr or au'G? rnd o;d hh(t rnd whn diftrd'h. }.}t oI l@lih8 n' A'dil${..r.auit 'r do va! fll s.,ab ,.v th.r thc .lEsbotrd i! $!o_ L abjqt cod 'l! lu;ly onp6n'r-Aikins $k vry d. onmrd "N" mis6t b' ntd b b' rtt. Lnsu:srBrn' 4'n wh'n rn' cr.n r pLe 'n hr' i@l no lonsd .rsR, :nd tlt. lan'N 'o n?.ninx 4d wn.n tu b.,Er Gl*r ro 'xri' .1 Bd h* for insEnc, n.m. r'hi'h h3 'e!d hEn us.d tar r t@l 2l5o sot : mdnins in rhir ir ru'h' signrnd r!um.rhr"X" cln.?-tltur $'h b 3-*.ll ih:r A F 6 'iFr 'm 'lB "E duld h. gkn I PI.( m th. kn8ds'!rm'. rnd b toowrh I hrr'oI lh(m diEhth.v., tv,'orniyd p,. rh;h.rd. {on. .o d im:sin. ihs a I Fi ol oush nd lor 4t, For. lc{. d8 ol @rti ftm'ns shi.h w dplo) ilE rod il-in tlD!: rfi. m. in8olImrdi'i'3uc cr b. d.6n?<t in th. l2n8u.3.. of . D.m. B som'!m" And $. 'x_ '."'irg 6y pointi.S ro iti 6.,'.i Erohbur h8 r., W. eid thr fi. Ercrlibudn ' .kn d;6 bhd." ru& *n* 'okn.G -h.n in thn l:n' ir rb'ouk boi.n in eEG NN 'l'B rbnn<drr p.!,..s:m., Dtu B:l5oB.d in 'h' ba(r. Bu' *. c:n in:8in. r Lngu:8' lrm' wn n, h'hiisn whi.h$. shorldGd'inlv i:ft!(thr rmo$ n,ftt in shich th'v rr!xtd onrv 'n.ludc in fi. prtrnc ol th. b.rd; rnd o ourd 'rT rr b. r.pLcd bt I d.noBnrdv. PFnoun rnd th' this" .ln nd'r 6' wnh_ rt,Thl&monrmris is r lonsr ou;; torcr. h misr,tb. tid:'$ 'h'J' d',, $. yod thB h* r m.1n'n3 roo sh'thcr rrn n inplc or comPl.x,"-Bd lh1t do6-mr n:1. rh. vord into . n2m.. On th. .ont.ry: ror r orh. k not u*d sith, bu! oDlt .pltircd bv n'1ns o{,rt g.isE of poind.& .6, Wl'ri Ii6 6.[ina th. id.1 ih{ nrffi F'lv $Y5 rh' Tt"'rd'r: 'n 'inPhl?-lctF '4b "lll m.k no dRBl., l h:v. h.rd en'p6tr'et rin: rh.E b to d.6nnion ot rb. Prid..v d'dmrF ol *fii.h M ,nd 6.-cry$in3 o b ,D.r!{ut 'k' ir own fot d.ryftns unB'in n o;po*di ddtrmn:boD 6 nodhrr only h.,.z.d '|ghlen nnih( rhn n iJ nor rhrr d ' d3ibl.. 'o' di3ts i' itt own ndt n:. s b' ilu0h.t nrh.d wihoni anv !$d d.Frmin.rion r' 'one' ol ou.E n E impdtbl. @ gi( rn :'ou 'nY ;nn,ry d.n.n'ilor n, noA$s R po$ibl'bu' 'h' Grd'i n'nc'nqqhdvi"s!fr 'r hr* drELrd $. r qiiii lril {-" lEd k'hd 'lri n lir' bciF: !/'dz r Fdo'hr hngu!s's:m' whdn" m< *h.t. bq on.. 'l'd, who h'd 'o ev ruvr 6r rn' *rb. n ..i'iii {nrmar w(i' in 'hc qe( nk mE( Fd $ho d+'d hirhdinrord 'h' 5omthrns tion Rhdh. rht srb m rlRp" mdd



"'ffiii.oi'j *..*,*" r't n'"''" *' I'.t r m tm'mos Nmeror d'rarr

wd3imol. ) d a J,a!; lt (Lrd w')! G rhc ob'r u ""! (urron r.hdsboird:imPk order r o$trr A o;(w hr.rndP urc vcl l ow ) nd'i shr' emP r' o' dmh':-tr iod r osst or th. olom' or 'h' or |v! thr l<ndhol: d simpl' orddrr 'on'er 3d , d. lonB? *hv Nt or on' brr J 'm udr.;ch m tnc oP ion* rnd ont bl r m lms ncmrco dn(rid)) "6!. rh ,rilosrfrr,l qudtid: b rh' v"u1r To 'm_ t9mpo * rE ol fii; n.. .ompo3ih. r'd 'hI 'B

H.r,h. {nEnc Brsmpllr ol n:m'crolhich rh' Pnnnt rDrsDondr : @hpl.t or 'l'm'nE "Bs d.m.ns m rht olourd !qd'* "-rhd nmDt.r'-l dono' krcw wh.i ds vouPo'rdh:v' vhrt vould b' moE ntunl m. oll \h. empks Bd undd dd o rhis llnF,f+Bim. 'rrdn_ (om' mna! | shiuld.ill I monEh'om'4u'( . consn"nB P{hrpr "r 'eo rcdrnsJaoro "o',. ih. d.mnc ('lor ind 3h'F Bd rk on<'Pts odol a' ry m s htal oh.$dk nd' d$trnak r nd *ts.Ld ro b. onPo(d olr3f*rrFrrno comtn!.h' on' .norh(on.qb'iid.df'omn bvr pobl rc3ib.n ol loct, th. dilnion ol ' lft ;uEid. ix th.* Apr.sioB rh'w thd * n' $m+ ! tm nn6 p{ indm.d b 6ndE th' 'mdk rd o' .sult oI z .ompcdon o{ 3r'!'r p r d'lMrd sokr s,h. Esh of t dnnio ol _ s' rslE rd t do nd l.noq vhdhs on/ tut d.K b.d bYod &naR 6 nuolb(o'druR d bu <si' *.11. dd! rhs edo( .|.-dul '{' h' ks or ol nin.:-And *hich 'r i! dffi!', Dd n m:"tanKn EF5 of kts, d thc leul m sc cy, o lois s w. rod mnunddnma4t JoG ( mdn ro e} d{ senmr ic.3$ "h{ d onrv d.6;. (rha u, d5.nbo th6' 'l'6dE hn .rl Thn mishr mon lor htra dm. ostrEddq ffPkr *rEnid.lim'hn! or ' B riF Iv d" tffi d m' dt. .qun., *i d*iprion qura .olouEd di! esrt 86.0 Hdr w nisli 'Y-dsush !!n il hndt ol Dh,l@ophial Foridon+r' m'd' rd ''R or "S", dc d:Y b. bm'dmd ' gut ehtrh" tr1t r Nm hm666 r otupotiid r ehro or r Dropd'tion d.lmdt on th'|iNttM fd iE li"' il /r M' b,@ ;RFd or vi@ nn b c n( rcrib. rcnDl.rd of dlobftd 3{urG rc "R' dloe w' 3hil b"bk b oY rs rh.;d Pop'nnm !u n rh{ th. }ord E I d.{riPnon-r ddrmg1 or ih. h. b m.morizing md! rnd thor h( E k:d,mB sf,6d d( 'l uftdns r!.n in tu @s'ol 'u*db'Frcl rc{fr o3Mtv' md onr' In inq. w( shtlnor.rvrhr th'v:E propo R" ro EUM' tr ior ' rod th; tfl:non ndrd 2i d'mmt-bd i edo E d6dbnon, tr'h. mn. fit | (xon loreli'sdn-m'r o(d; d6"N ;mr on otl b. dm'JrFd mm'rydd in. do nor ebnd on :I' em' rddr nin"8 " ' n{ I lon lord6riphon Nrmin8 6our ';xu n moR 6m rd hisriscgrFr-rt 06. 'hr is 6a dov' nl hnE: PK.. Pla" on ft bord 'n

*;r"t m*r:; ;ru'*;l:l*lt:

" "t -"'a "qu.snon, r tu -'*' " *ra'o" u *'
r""u'r .s. r<t $ replv rh. m{hod ol !: 'o 'h! ait. mwaa* qrd r n' En dn. (o. sh'.i $R Noud is dllt ro'ouEo ;".4 !.ncr b docib'. o'nbin:iiont or


"'P'* s'Rn $n( rn" - -'t,* Th.i.,i' ri. "d '.h.sbd'd.Tn. Mrdr o{ $' I'ngu'8c r" roF bh.l {urd. n"' c_ v"' D rndrnmne Godd;rry) trrye ftr& Th'Y d6d'k ( ; rdd or 'n 'hd ft( o{ lquiEs in tn' ordd:


trtrtr trtrtr trtrtr

!h' Nnenc And o lor innre tr.iglm.ntorrh6so( J.(ih.t RRlccciw



PhilsoPhiallaratis',us 776 luDrE wtneNsErN onsis! inr in *h1r td$ crn d. srv rha c.tuin .olouE ol sq!.iB @r.sPond to rh.F signr') For drc .c@ud ir {43) dcftlr d !p . onndDn F .ndefrinwordto,ourl su'gc F.od;sisl (ih. un6 ol 6tou6l,-!0.11, it *:r Pdtlppcd !dstuinth.lln8u,gcgim.mdr thrrfi.ueol b. hlsllr ia r d'ff.Rnter', in pitriflhr bv Poinr ro p r'1i8fl. V.ry sdl:but slHr dG n m.:n 'ns rc try th* \n tl? uhaiqr. .[ ,'iae rh. ta'g"dc. b in. sisns?-k n 6.caond edain ;l.Dds ihn il'. ;.6on *to n dddis'ns thl .ompl.r.t o{ coloutd squr6 al*ry3 rryt "R" wid. rheE i, i rn mu4.; B whm lh.rc ir 1 onc'.nd $ on? Bd wl'.! iI lt sG *6ng in rh. d.cipion rnd misill.nly sys 'R" rl'.i. hc s . bhck qu:rc-vlBt k tlt dknon hY whid tht h 1 rnktzl-Or do6 R t .ordins lo. ! r.d {uir.' contu !his, tnd wh.n dc pdplt *hoE lan' su1s. i! ir !'. rhc lisD R r ral .qu.rc rrw.F t' oid.r ro ec morc clc,.lv' h.rc .' in o.ntldt dnil.. .i.a, u. mun lN, otr lh. d.eil. of whr soB on! in6t lel .t tlto fd .ros to. t1 I{ I !m indird b suPPoctld . mou,. hG g.ndron ou' or on. into b.ins hy spontto6 gr.y nB5:nJ dsi, | +illdo wdl toarnin. thoe mosc ha hr. ha nsi krydo*ly b \ehd ' d o in d tm ,h o t itm :y hn.gor rh.E ,.uson Bur if ! am convin..d rh r non* eniot.odc inro b.ins ldn thA. tfiinst, lhln rhis iovdtisr.ion *'llr-hiP5 h. lpdlucd R;6^' mun l.:n n und.rhnd w$* it n ". 01, i' lha opig$ t(h .n .v.rin:tion jl Our hn8d:3Fs:m. l43l ha ,,rc!r. Pasi_ b'l'n6i dd. n : vrn?ty oi o56 'o Yhrn w g3m.w3'th.n1h.or: lhoDldny rhn: risr ir r.olour' 9J. $o!ld *v ro squn. of !.h{ntJ{u.n 'h. fin dt P.oPk Rho urd lo ni:hrt,4In.w 'i I:ns!"s( Edght lh. d. ol th. ,snr i' th. ".rc su .h r n tl{ u .h ,$ :/ O' i f nw R k'dow nrn*i rF d.m. mF rv in rh. lord ol : tbh, rhr '[k 'n!. b rhfiiF, md $. obk w.rr u'd in ;Nid.d 'r d v.rc iPp.ll.d b in e' t!.ting t!. Ilnsuag. V/.e!rlsoim.ain such26bl.tb.ins: i@l in Dctsibing . mnPld ts th. !$ of thc h4u4q rh.n dorc !ik. tl'&: $. p.$m *ho daKibd rh' coso|d hi. t hbL wnh hin tnd lools up t:'h rl.nrn' o{ !|t.onDl.x i. ft ind p.i*t ldm thL to ,h. lisn (rnd,h..n. sho k sn'n r d6'iiprion l Proi' oI dr zlsa!*, hbl. to n.ndd. r 'nro ol;u.d qun6) Thi5obl. miBhtb'ti'l'ork 6ver h.4 ri. @L oI n.morv lnd tssr'uon 'n (w. do nor su1|lt st'Y od$' od{ d${ a*i loolins uP th' rorour -Bn.e tu r Ed f,N.c bv rro"tr Fd i;r ubl. o{.llouE:nd tll.n bnnsinsr t:bk butqh'n n B o{'h!.olour t}nw6ndinlh. r ckttion ol.hodrs o. mnirs : Pnudhr$rd' ol r.d. s. do sm.hmF ntl' u& ol ' BmnI' or rrhk) tf r. ol l rchr t bl . !<'xP dri on dr ruk d r oi b. r'd $r whre'or rh. h.ss8.8rn., : dl. ol r l.nsuts?4:m. nrt h'!' v'ry drr"'nr el'(t *' rlY (r. t r ni Ecll rh. lin'ls of 'r* r t-t srm. k Pht.d nordins rc r d'finn' -lc Thc ruh rot b. rn:id in arhrS d' 3'n' Irc trt.nn.rtr rold ir d giv.n Pnnarn rpprvrig dk O. it ir .tr i$@m.i' o{ fic B.s' ir*rt -o B.dDld.d n.nh{ in rh.kch'n8 nor in rh' 3:m' natr'Do;n it d.lo*n in r h*otrul6 on'trms !t wrkhins haw o'h'ii PLv B$s' ':v lh. rh{-ir R phy.d raordins b.u'h $d'ud sk3 -m.* rn obt.dd c:n (:d th'r' db on rom rlt. g1m.-lik' r niNnrr'sgav'ri rh.lrdsol hou det th' obsnd dshn i". rh. Dhr-8d ii c4 hdw.n PhY$ niQr<':nd F;.h i; r In rc.h,Dd'inicssnrol ;(dr.hv?-Tlld. .hr ol.viui b<hrqo'"Th'nl or'h' b'h^iorKhrr' ;dr;col @nE ins I iiporrhl rcnsu' It eodd q* do'ns 3a b. po$$i. b rosntc firt iom'on' .vo uihout LnwinB hir rlnsurS'' ntr( b' ( (. Vh{ th. n:m.i in trnsus' sisnrlY iJ;,rusibl.t ro, { m6t b' Po''blc rc &cnb' rh. srk ol .frn in *hi.h .v'r)$'nB 6m'nDr i! d6tEv.d .{nd ths drsnpnon will ronE'n sodr: $d *hd @nsPon& 'a lnd' oMorrh'n lo' orh.fln' th' sor& b. d.n@d. -'ddn*' on no tr1nin&" t md{ noi eu off th' bdnch *hi ch i ni n8 ihR oc Oi. misht!o( ous i'hid { ont' 'hr h.v. ro.*cfl nElr tom rh' 0r 5.ribion -ould whr od4P'n& o d'.*Piin' {r;son.-B( roiis .f fi. d.*iPrion :nd e onnor b' &nrev'c gjB th. rdd! h'r nonns,fr u td.,usl i! th *idour vhdr fi.t murd brv' no m"n' 1an.' nowdtr' rhs mrn n iur'rt *h:r inl-h md o;.6Doodr to hit nrm' 3d h' n &r(nbh' hb.! mt lo* iR m'iningsh'n rh' h'rd


.lEs. W! ffiy ey: r.rt,rs i1t.o &r b.d ddn. *h.n r $ln! i:s lr.m n.a.d It h- M .vm 30, ' lht {., $hti in tlt ltngu4.'srm. mm..rapr . .e, wl'm h. &id lhrt 1 Mrd hd fr.s. r me.ingo y:r Fn or, snt r., ro, Vi.t dod it h6' b !1Y ftd w. on * tibtrt tuil6 b.ia $ dmosldn w oll' on. nishr tr,: onsis in rnd "mn.b.'n8' 'l.Errning ih..xircn(.nd non' b.Mn el.nds, it d.ks .rhha ol m.ndios @ *G. to r@l of.n .l.m.nlr t.ins (.on tdins); iun s yh;.v.ryrhing drrt *. call 'd.smc o' Ii6 in th. sp.Gtion, n na[6 no s6. 6 +aL o{ t!.d.nru(don orrn.t(' On. @nld, howe<r,lir. b 5:/,.xErirt on_ t .nibuGd ro .n d.i.nt, ior ii ir did not 'o. an,, on. strld noi.v.n n.m. ir.nd so on @uld er. noihinB .t 2lt otr ii-But ld s @Dsidd .! inrl@6!s e$. tid. G o,*fiing of on o' l.n& nor fid ii it sr n;tti.r At ft n on. h.t d on. Gt. lons, .nd thtt t th. trnd.rd n.ft i. Prdr.-But rli! iq of .di!q nd ro ,sdb. ..v prox.ry b it, b$ onlv o mrk i$ *.odirrry ,h. hnsDrsFgrn. ol m'oirns p.dlrr 61. 'n u! sirh r mfr. dl..-!rt oldr b.in8 pr6n.d in P3nj l'!. Ih. s:ndrd mm, V. d.6nc 3.'n m.,nr rh. turourorbc rFo&rd !.?h wltich i !hd. l'(mdidllv sd.d Th!. it will nak. no sm* to sav or rhr smpl..nhdthirit ir ol thk olour d 'lirtnrdoi w. an pui it li!. :his,-rhn smpl. is ]tr in*.u tu ol th. la4!2ge uvd n, rsriptidns ol @rou. ir is nor .amthing L\rt n b dft l.ryu.s!-g:d. EpErmr.d, but G 3 hc16 or tpdknglonAnd iu$ fti. aod lor .n d.nmt in' (a!) *lEn v. nn n by utdinsrh. wrd R": rhn.iv6 lhii obrd rcI. inourlrnBulS. s:mti f ' rdo r 6; -. rr rs ^ i is r o sv.s d i d n d, ei,nJ ;n eru l d h d . n o n l n t d ,o Et"r r h iI tltis thi.g did noi disr' w. mDdr ,nd I linl. in ould not ue n -, o$ I g!4.4.m.-VlEi t6l. ri il ir ,d s cxisr, n pt( o( llt hlsursd rr it t piEdi8m in our lr4ug.8:mci smdh'ng si$ *hidr onp.tisn u m:d. An'l lhit m4 br .n imF@r obsd.ti@; bur n i. no'. ih. 16r :' our ltsu.g.?imro!! 6.miry oh*d.ri@ m.rlDd ol rt?HmEion. la8) leid thn r' tn d.nbinS l$s!:g.g:m B",d( cor6pond.dolh..oloud ih.{odr"R, Bur shlt do4 $n 6f 'h..qurct,

on' b d.tord -An d:mPl' of Fn'rhins srcndFr o rh. nrru, rn.l with!'r f, hth n wouro in o' h;E no;s',n& i' I Pn:disn 'h'r n 6'd ction *d' tl* nltu in th. t.nguscgri' (6. Bd wh{ no sd smrl' B p'f of th' lr_ 'l rh< olod lbr h' e;4. md * Dar i' ron- And ir *! en r ",' 1*od ;;; 'hn b.lor. or dindt n m,nd th.n it @d'rnd. 'v'qh'n ro w.uft{'h. *od So'iir u:l*as $ppoI'l T {rttr s @'i n' n m6b' 6sibl. Lr k rcs:d a rh'o ;DJ6md,bt., -3srhr 'lo w' wod t nsh?-vh'n t n"n for r.mmb.n4 hmory frd' rn (r' *nl rsmel.mtodolou omPk hn rh u..t in .uruhtd 'h' "h'.h clrnc.d colodr d k iuds. oI it bt i6or/ rP.'Ior' dnk ns(d Br;n w.ndomtimd m(i armpl.ld dr m.morv_imr3'?,^ml w t o{ndory:r or r tmPt: ror rcmF *.h. *'d nienr iel l'!. tv'ns: ll v' hrd m m'morr ""r m.rcv or r tmph )-o' P'r $. *o;ld bl 2t 'h. hrps o{ 6m. chmrol rxrion lm:sft ri:t vou $Dpoed b P:i r Pntoht sbs. ' ' -d !hich *sth. colod lhn:pp.:Rdeh'n rh' ri'mr ihrt .:! $h d3 X and Y onbincd -SuP!'* h:n rh. olow !m.l You x bd8h6 on omdrY .n rnorh{r toDl'l vou nor !omdim'5 ev: a mui b. wdn& rh.olourucnrinlvrh'5'm"tv6r+ rc not d*:v3 hr d.y l Thii rhd '6on rhr m.mory ulL ur $ ft vddr offi' hi8tu* bur rcd 9. -Somdhi4 kd on h' ddroy'd .rnnorb. d.tuov.d. rnd d{ nshv ri' ft :nrnso ot' th. word td i, in{tcFn.Lnt o{ lh' lxi 'nd hn {h+6ior'*rofY r.d Ihn*"-Gtrnnll lhr .olodr t.d it r.m up or pound'd ro brs tut d.nt w. tv "Th. r.d ir erni'hrnB? And dont r bnnl da olou' llwlrh'in3:br' durch.i 'h. Edbdor.ommnJlq..v.nwh'nrhd<Bnorhrns rhd rcdMv morc.Tfiit it i" nrrvou 'no( roszt pro_ thd.;o'ld flill t*:vs b': (nmisl E'don DPpo! vodonnoi rd dddns. t.d flrn.-tur b'sd mor?-vh'n ih. .olour "t 'nv -.mbir shid @ldr thk it th. n'M o[ n Io*' n'mn3 to pl', r Pdd' lor $. th,' E, u. nc no lonsd 'bl' h'n r lrr lrn.!:gcs!m. wi rir Andth' irs:non prn_ .om!ii:bl. wi'h thr in vhkh * h:E rort hgnrsr' rn drummtordr disfl "hich-* up rgin*'h' gdt quddon 6r. H.rc*.om. tom'' rll ,l'fl IE5b<hintl rh6. ontJdrio'r'-lor


luovrc wulclNlr'i! crisrcrosins:somtimd.v.rillsimihri!6'som'

ul' rh' oiv o* n'rfir obJ<t rB:ini m" You e!md' YouulLrboutnls(tallrnsu's! r --"dil x"l $hr' rh' sda.d b,; h,* n*l'-. l'.naolhnEu:s' n: enr( s u!E:!+.:m(:nd ?ll rh6. {nYiri6' md *hi m:r6 c;mo; 'o p. orbn3!r34 ro tou.'< !ha!'nbhnAq'For *rv p.d ol rh' inEsnsrh'n thn rcuFll of 'h. rh' tnr ;nF eE tou t rr.ll tut hod!'h' lna o' lon ol ,'ot6r'oa' zto rta t ^dt h.dtF. ot PoducrnS$mF And fiir ir rur.-lnnod r ln tr rhi n qonnont o ' l l ' h n t ' s l l k n E u : 6 ' ' i." ihn lh?k Dh.notum hrE io on' th'nx.r wod rcr 6;non *hkh rul'6 6 u* th' em' rll -b( d:t A.v n. r'ld"d to on' rnorkr-rn thi rcD' nb{ru*d n1ry d't*or tt'Andr *' 6tr $tn uor;'p, or th6. rhrio hip' 'h't rbtr tr"hnsD)3. .Ih'll trt ro 'ipr''n

67 I on,hinl oI m b(k. dpEsioniodnza fl mi l vtdt_ r:-' kid h *n n ' ln in d ' h ,n m'hbt3 or r lor rh<siour r* tm_ hnnv, bu d, l.rEr!' .olour oi 'Fs E i r rh' Ddrmst, ... ac dal:P sd Grii di b'm rhhrr' l"h :ll' Y'trn6 ;i.wr i- ^ I AnJ for inthn.. thr lin& ol 'mba rorm v4tdotrdltsmdhrngr Gd,lvin'h.eft ":v wdl, Ddhrpt h..u uE it hd r-dr '"tr;bd"l l rningt rhn ht' *rh rE r6r-rL,ionth'! o I' ben crlkd numbni rnd rhB dn e tra * riv. it rr indnd (LrioBhiP b odrtr thrngl dr onc"r d w' nrN ;llih..rm. 'Rnd N6r hbE q' ^nd numbr r n lpmnins: th(d 'n 6$rt.lnd,h! ru.nBtholth. rhft dcnor rBrd' onr orc 6b( ruE ,id . 6 'h$uBr' 'E 'h *hol.tdqrh.hut inth.ovd:ppinsol h:nt nDd $Bh.d ro eY: ThlF t $me Bur ;nsn. th' Proddi'E thlr 66, Condda lor.xdpl' 'r ommon b I th.k oGnddt-raddY glmd_ I m' hdtd 3'm6 dE3/m6 poFdrB -l 'hins fi. disundion ol rll dd $,an wn'r,D brll.omd, obmpr sind 'h.nonhon GonlirDly, Now r od rR onlvphving*i$ mdi rllr-Donr er' - rhs' '!r' Dc .om;on b th.m thtoqn oko on. n'.l| s wll st: 5'mdhi4 om.lllmr ommn' d thry wo'ld not k inuos o{' lh' o 'uB qhdh( th'R n:nr d'rad-n.mdv tl'. *fi;. !ad6 "-bur lool,id" l.-For'tlou ldk I rbo vou ;sr.mnon bul 'or n n dnnon b $ $ndhms v l;' rs. Allri6t' th. @ne ol nunb'rn d'6md 'r' qnor *h6.u ElrdoshiF rd Iosi(:l tum o{ lhc ind'vidul intrr nd:dd, ror y@ * ' bdborrnum_ 'h; ft.m r tir' To RP.t: doni $inL i.htd on.rFs: odin:l nunb'u. ntidi ynh hutr! rnd in rh' en' w:v In' rat hr dampl. r bon'j g:m" b.i!, rc:lnumb(\.tc: 'hdr mn @rc s'fts lrrio$ No{p:sFord oI r sr6. t ft lo3'el tumd' geup' vou6rdFdvodep.ndmcrtrhrh'nd d oI sb<mcpE -kn*dnorEro dhcE h'ur 'mndins svc rh. @nept'nrf,b'r nMv <ommonL:to6 droP dr' m' ; F;r t .d' '&d I risidv Ior Wh.n w txr n*' b b:ll_E m6 nlo rhRra,th:t k,u*'h.@d"numbd" '"8n. uk it so rh'r th' * ,ii, i! @mmons drn'd 6( h(h ir roi -^r I'niFd o.epr, bur I . 'lto *i'h nousnr $3 rll :mutns ? CidPr" cl'6t of th. mnepr n d doed bj r trom'r' r.nron rcr or s thd. rlr:vr wiinins:nd'oin& a".l i! ho* * do d( ft wd -8rm' ' 'hn bdrm pLt'E)Ihink d.p'bdc @m.Pr.I r s:n'todnd'dl Vhn nin*rnion hd n hb ; m 6rl' d . 6 w i n n q r M l o i n t i b( ' r cn o$,3tr 'h. s.turndshn nohn8"6?LrnYou hn br r lh. *,ll rnd r (h tlhfl3 sEth.bound:rtlNo Youon dr"orc;btnon' rn' hr-n rcK roubr'd vou as o lir b.m dDm. {Bu' rdin. thR f.rsa lE 'liepPard 'hn {rh&rd'toc ;d elrrd b, llill,nd lud'i'nd b.lo( wh.n you !*d rh. so'd simc"). ill in@nB rmnk nN rhr u( ol fi. Nd it unr'slbd' rh' L$tn tLllin ch$ rd ''s'r htr' tr tn' 'h.n oi ors li!. dng{ nn8r'oBi * Dl.v wnh n n uncsuLi'd "-Il k nd 'dn. 'F bu l$w m'ny o6'i onr' o,:metr.t' cironed'h.d 6Y ruklt bd m m!r' ;vflh(; -;t hrE aHPt':Ed! And ( ct' 30 adru( ldrurct n.;hcrc rny DId lor howhishoR thm | 'hb:rl 1r ou.h tu ninn mtY otid groupt d 9n6 'n h td t.nnit n' 8rd' ror uP 'dbs.arhowl'.dt dE rm. {:vidn k. how timilrittc doP 'id *h{ b mM' 6.. Hd sholld *. q!|,i. ' d6oib' r'na o B.G i't I im4in. tn{ s' rhould @ndiaRdn sottoltim rnldddltDP''grno

$rfitttr*ll'd,,i$M -rtti*ii'i*-#,*
iu:'j, [-in"'.l"s:i:[t
?o. "s(il $.onc?P'l'm'surcndm<irbd

*s*ttli**l, l*t*+***'-ffi
rot Brkms ;rnt ro$t t donrrnow-h:t Irm

i:+I*:Sl:idil;rtri'q# linxitl*lr**;I
""$l :'-5lt',"::-$.1il:11,,.,.,,.,. :tfl "''

# #ffi*'i$*"

''ffiqi.I$f $#+#,Hillt,*rffi ' *'* *' "-',1*l"li'.illi-., *"'" '

i!: tr.ON milht Bt lhd rh' turt'Pr ?rm'' - ButEr brun'o 'on.";-"r$i'hbtuii.d.ds6 tll?_-li :n indnbn'r enorc_ i " -. d;Dh I -".p' tiduF ol r P'6on 4 tr: l' t'vd 'q:I5 o l.pbc rn indirtffi plCNE Dt.l ;";dn;oF otun dclv shlrp m.f Lnr (h. rdiiti'd o qld ft n .dt trc' rd Y5 F.d omD'r6 r (d<P' ro .h{;na;nhqs".bonndnidqnnorhotrd ( di ,n rd ! r 'Ahtr PrcNm:blt mdE rh4 n nn*bt m tv: rnFhins sith itilurn .d do thrt I wf rino_ ''sEnd rouctlv lhd' ? sulpox e'd di ro in: ciq sqoE *fi !o;.d 'nd -';v tr t & nd dd* rnt kind orboudirv !tri FF t h'; ooinr., r;v hrnd-* iIl -d' md'emsq_ ' ,ro, And tni! n jun hd on' m's q_ Dr;;h, um gvd ;rin io Fm.oR whn : erm' ii r p:dnu' lnpl6 bd iitn&rh'ntob'fk'n 'n


"'ill'il* *-u *" .,."n- "' * "' ' "


..lour 6..n b.l Should n h. (ctmsul'? O' rould t thd-b. lh. emPl. of I srt.n tcunglr?-so it shoDtd b.'ttgtrl.l in !h1p.l And w!{ is to P& ur !. fi.. tom !.r1idi.8 it-ih* s' kom utns ar 2 ehple ol n*grlarig oI sh'p'? h{ly ifroo G 74, H.rc rleb.lans: rlt ida fi:r 'hir l.rl * r enPh ol l.rfsh:Pt in s<n'G| rou r?' i who r.9116 t 5, !'n 3 AiS.{ntL lon snon. k P,druln lhrF Now r-miBk rmpk ;r sd l S< t o-, houg l t n L n o t s o - r o r r * o !r d o tr v rh,L n I nzn.i oI dp.nmc'' i' vou Jz h. 'osr d.lctl'r r t.nifll.r srv, vod u* i 'n $'n rno iu.n{nd{u$ rul6 ol &ch. rryor *odmsb wzv ot .otrei dtE is tucn . r)ling a in "!l .ft n.zl5u eF sh.i.rho{dn6' trdj:nd s.mpl.lik . irs l' l l ' n s m c d l u x n i n ' r n wr v' n d wh@r n6 n o'h.Ri.. in zno tr w'v ro"{' rhemdkdnvinsol 3'ube's1 rhtlqilyou*dh. DID. fFc onrqins ul i rqurt:nd No riodDl "n'ins mt iou u, , Frh+s, cra ou rhr o'Jo kon $m'on' wio ,m.i$in3 hL. rhk '1ifftr..'rr .6 th. pi.rue thrFdimcnliondrYd&r n ion ro know *lrt i srm tr' Tt.Iqin ro Wfi.t dod ft 6can, o know ir:nd dot t xbLe .1yrl h k*n@l.d$ soh.hN 'qun r'nr o :n ufornuhFd d.6ntr'oi? So [hn irn wd' romu t.kd t rhould h. 3b1. @ rtcogtiz. n s rh' cxPE o, ny lnNhds.l knr nv Inoql'ds' mv 'on ihc rr' ondr oi I en.. smthrlv.ipr6s'd 'n ri:ni;os th; I ould si(? ftr k, m m, ddaib ins q:mph! .f v:ri"c linds oI3'm' $d'ng dn olo'h- 3em6 Bn b<co$hft hN:lle th.:n:loBy ol rh6.: sl)msrh* I shouldrocrv rn or this rnonc 3rm6; .r'd s or w.r. ro dr.{ , rharp hound'rY I 76. tf snon. ir:t rh. onc { I too d"td not ..!.owl.da. 'l' *F RnEi io &1{, or had dflqn in nv bind For Hir .onc'pt can I Jid mr wlni @ daw o.. .r .tl. i!$ b. s.;d !o b. not th! srn. a! din', bur akin b ii Th. Linstip ii th2r.f @ Pnoret one oi oi oldr ptrch* wnh Y:su' an ont.r {hd ba6. rnd th. oth.r o( p:rd.t emihrlv thaPd:nd r d(hbur.d, h$ qith .1.{ onbuB Th' LinshiP ind I$I. .s th? dir.rcn@' t7. And ifs.6rrv t[6 comP:nen till h'nhs n thr th.,l.src.6 qhi.h 'h' ihrrp pidrt rr!d(3 dz 16.mhk d.blur.dotr.d.P.nJ(orft roi imisineh iis rc rrdd r d4G of fgu.E* sh:otd.6n.d Pid( cordpond'ns ro: b uf,'o

on.. Io tl'. hft.. d.rc k t blu(.d rcd tEGnsl'r Ior tr you rutJown r sh:rpl)^. OfouJ!s!.ral !ch shrqlv d!6nrd rccbnskron b'ddsn rh. indr6nd. on'-Bu' il to .on6@nd 'h' 'o mbub j; ih. onsin:l me4. r'ithour 1 lint '{ rnv *ont it b.o6.2 fiopd65 lsk ro di:w 1 oudir. bldr'd of'? @ !h:6 o(rur corftrpondrn3 'h. Hd. I riSl't iur vont rou lh.n hrv. o tv 1 circl. or h.d 4 r i.cBrsJq ror 2rl n *dliFw 6thinF-h d. slouR, lnltfi;g-rd iShr,"*And this b lh. posnion vou arc !n tr vou lmL for dednidoDsco(ceondins ro our 'onrtPB or .thd. i.,a&ri6 In 3uch! d,ti.ulry,lwaF tl )tusrll: How did w. L,q ,h. mdnins ol lIB void l sood ro' ;n$na)? rrcn wh.t sotr ol .$mPl.,i in thlt hnsu)g.4rm6? Th.n n lill b. asi.r ror r'u ro 5.. ihr'n. *ord mun h:Y.: hrilr d mt'nrng fo' wh'r as9. Asl you6.lf, on *l'* ocsiot' purPo!.,do* sy $ie? qodrr Vnr knd o( icnons ,(omr:i) $a' k (ftnl ol : stcflnB I In Nh{ Gn6 wiil 'h'v o/t'o4"ha3 4o. How do I rnow r,rn,t. lnl m. rd this ,.tio n, -w.ll, it is r Pan'oiai pF to4 Io. ixmplq of . qkultidn ldJins to a tud( .xFnm.n, ii nN I orld d$(nb' hon. lo;k lil? ,[*-;id " .er, Noi widtou I'n3!+. *. ourd 'ot comhd rorsa' {hhor ""h.*r"-h.r' -;'-" hngurge$. onnd mfl(K. dh.r Pspr' m'o rnd{uch *rvs, dnnot build rcrds:nd mrcnLnA' d. ,And*o: wnhout rlt u5t oI sP<ch rnd srning p.opk o; ld not .omm uni.d. ouu ocd ro iiv'nr a91.To invent1 hnguagc rn i.ntur.nt (or . pinicDhr purporc o' rhe DisB ot rh.lz+ oI miurc (o' co$isd v vnh 'hmJ; but iioih:r ih. oths !n$, .ndosoc ro iirr In ol tne inMrjon or 1 3amt vhich w.ip.* Hr( lr; sidnssondhing:bout lh' snmm{ of tfi. po;d hnsu.s. bv .onnddry ir wnh th' th. srd'inY..r" Th. csL slls th. h.i{ b) @w_ arJ. F.qy: n! butdo.snl ) omprrnon N{hour r$Cr:g' rpc( qxir' j' li-ai,h. boFon of thir:-r'n ' o h'ns rn rto*ing'hc r' ki.d Lr$! 'h' 'mrsin. 'h. mo' on b; $n. hnd ol Ph)iidl dusrion'

i! wr. lkrn how th' wor& Cod' 'o 'l on lh. tdsn:&lr6rd finrlln 50 'hr 'n.':.r(d.m rcn,li,ion!'lh. nurcl6 afhn l.g3 n' ci*n 6on-rhnuldv.r"lrhn'lurrn ;mnr.d,mJ ric. lo* rlt. ch..rckr or r r.,raa, Bd ata., w nt ro'Y : x k P ruari rY'h': P P I{ B ol orr ordinrry llnsurSq o, odr sodr'ngur8' o'ltr rhtr'8' bv !h v. ..ll l.nFrs.i :nd 'h.n :n.logy or @mp.rrbiliq wnh tiis bvdpdi'nft rhlt 49t.,I o!.nlbli ' hhrn b.rq (or Jnim:l) rics b on' lsn I I hu' *"fth'n o. and brnolhd n"' fin.'3. ' m'obdnsBodb th. sfi' rth' ri3!'->_ind h' do6 '<- r bd r*r ro n ik b''-_' 'hd e-l b, Fl 'gI ;dftr' 'n F l:bridt r dc r onrynr' nd dm I do 'ed thr I 6*in'n'rt l:d con'do whar i! 'n 'o Jr.d : h.n $lto hI 'h' l.rd'd onD ldnDn on oty by !$nsrh. C.d3n hnsrrs' lForhd' I'n lmking d l<nning Csmin n:dlurnn-s: n(nr_ ntrm b rcrFnd to:..drin rintl or 'nlu'nei:nd n:r ir mir, b.;ll o( rc u "hdhd rommm d" hnsur8., o' wn PrrhrPskom-dnn l.*n.d 'h. @ (nt nB in c{m'n rk' r .on$itokd 'o nordrl Fren who has lernrd G'imrn ) doc not tll E ho* 1"3''3e !e6. c..mdir in o"idro rul6lft p"po( m h;b.onirrud?d m rfdonhum:n b o'dd tohr.$chrndsdh irge, It ontt d.*rih6 ,nd in no v1v *PD''s th' \6i' .e7,Th. rul.r ofsr:mmr m4 b' oll'd ,E d .i t da i r tomrl nrhi rrh' 'i 'ol th' 3dn' m:;n norhinsbut'h*ol ft hns!'3' . II rmcon. nF 'll our l3n8urs! hrd nor th6 srmmir, r @tll nd dpi6' 'hs' bdi-n .o,/d sensh'r' ;h"dldb..!L.d th* Snnsm'ruglf ae8. Wllcnteyfirrft!od.s d:t.nik.b'rnorrh'<on' .nd Brinqm. nll bmrtian 'M'll m.rus:l'rha dcr no' m<rnrin of $is oDbin.ion of wo'ds h'5 no tlt !tur$c .ffd, And $ .d.d ir drr th. orh" P'6on {ncr rk 'l r n..nd s:P.r t don ron 'h{ rounr s[ rt prdnrv ord.i b rbR rnd 8'pq dd il thnei kd to P'dnc'' fi..(.6 rh.r I t To st Thk.omhrn ion of 'o'ds milL'5 iee, lPhs' ot hng S' *duds i ftom no n.* 'h' rnd rl.(by boundr ih! domni ol l:nsui3' !d bound,ryir div b' ror t:nour whm on.'lds.

lt.d! ol *1e'- li | .{round ft r" *irh 1 fm" o.1 linc.r orbdwis, th. plrpos mrv N rc Pr'' vrnr$n.o!.t'om gdtinginorour;butrnlvno b. prn ot r s;m. rnd th. pliv.6 b. $pFGd. sv h.dndart; o' nnrv rtw sh'ft !o 'h. 'unDavd oI on. min.n.G rnd ol 'no'h'i 'r': "-deR sor so 'hI J.r*. hound"vlin' b.s;:;nd 'hr 'II B nor td,o 5:Y*hn I im dts'ng trror 16. Wnd, qnhc n..U.d in(l6r n n mr

'L--u'* ^i, ol wordr ; .x.ludid fDd th!" hlg!i8' tio. wnhdawn to6 cnNhdon,

*.. **"-

o **a-'


' i* *.. . "*' \vh, dovou*. rh<rtr"-'l Thcon!, "r'r.*.,4

* Itn 5 r:nd ft.n : dEsriDridn, dnwin& | oPvl Th? ;th.t, 't se t lil.n.s h.sen th6' so 116"l.r rlr mrn t Ell dn 6 b. Gin8 lh. lid a' cl'rrlv of rhL ir $c di( ol dt'_ Th. idsitzn4 !.edn th. Fo obt.6'oI tishi rory dBwins ol nt on mD diglti m.le .n 'duB( $. so f.c. ind $. oih.r notic. in tht dr 'ns rh.lildds wiicl' ih. iormd did nor sE' l .anrmnht. r Gc, rnd .n sdd'nk notia iR n ht nor (hrsd; L!.n6i rc :norhd l r. 'h' .nd y.t I a n di(.r.ndv l d[ rhn 'xtr''n" Its aBdJ 1rc ot inE sr to Psy.holqi$ md i$ Phe Vr. ar. ind.n.d in rh. onc. 3mon3 $. coneps 6l dpd'.ne. Yo!.ould ifrsin d. lNr:non

in 6ook': kxt boor rppRring n $(hl9l:t.s ' somdh'nsd!dn'nr rorE*rnc ln'h.(1.\,n'i. tr r ar*ren R.rv rin(, hd. r d* tub' th't m m;n.d op.n hox, rh.rc u *n' ri'm' d ht bD'di formins r ord :nsk rh:p., ths. rc.t.unPl'srhr in'.lpftohon ot o' tuch mc 'hk. 'h.


l.uD*rc VrtcrNnnr 'Vt.t!6.rt o.'\vhridoyousclml"I.nouB h1v. ftti.d; A piduc'bbn',If I nrd run[.r b..n ark.d *h{ r}d *x, I lholld lilE crphin.d by pdinrine nl snt o( pidurd ol d66i.q *ourd ro p.rhip. hiE point d !o ..1r$bi$, qll.d .b!. lh.n h$is, or giE, .. inii.lion ol th.n. I dioulil ior hav; rn$a.d ir? qu.rid wl'rt doyau$h.rcr"by sy,ns..No*l,si.inrn.! a ti.rr.{.bbn . I should5inply tuv. &srib.d ny p.r..ption: ju{ * iII h:d srid lsir.J.nd. N.rdh.l6, 6oh.or. ds .ould hM ,aid oI n.: ''H? i! leins th. 68nr. $ z picturF.:hbii" & muld h.v. n.d. $ hrl. imn lor 6. ro r.t ''Now I !m k.iry n I . . . 'rs ro .lt .. {r ight ol .Ioit rid turl Nw | :m s.ins rl'is r! : lniL and torL , Thii .xpr6iion nuld nd b. .ndd' stud.-And nor. ih.n: Na h" r lort" or "lr On. dasnt'r,[t vh* on. lno* is rlt cu.l.rt rt . n6l /or od.ryt .rr mor. inon.ordin.rily ti.! to Fm or.! modl .r on..16, or {* .t lI yoi..t Nos n! . &e lor n.', ft an .slc .Wh.( c[rng. .i. yo! ,ltldin8 sl I s. tu pi.rui.q $itfi lh. ducl{:66n NF Duid.d by 6hbi$ in on., bt ii rlc o$d, I not norie rn1 d.r r. r!. 6aD., Dos n /o/o/ 'lo lbn ihn rh.t I r.. sm.rl'i.A dif.r.nt j. ifi. No cr$?-lr Sirt !. . r..$n for usinB $k.x''I ew it quit. di{crcnd/, I $ould n.vd h.v. rcc o8.irditl Now' 6rt n r.Ll.h.don, And rlEE I rnould na.. hw. rio"cht .f .np.riqiorins th. had! lik th.r, oa olling t /i ohtrnsn le scn tld. For rh.y sq86r . difd.n. no& oI it!: hbbii" i! I r.pli.d lrt,r.bbn ,rh. .mbisuiry would b1v. .iopcd n , .id I rhold , h1w bcn r.poninr mr praption. Tt. .hr4. .I .rp.ct, "Bur surcly you *ould siy rh:i lh. pictoft n diaf.r.n. nort Butwhtirdi(.mt6yihp6ion?nrpoinrol ri.s?-C.n I.ry? I .r4ri6. lh. .lidrion lik . Freplioni qun. .r it th. obild l.d .lEEd b.Iol. nl.t6, "Now I rm kins rr,i ,I mi8k..y (p.inri{ ro anodd pidr., for.xmplc). nn hr! dE iorb ol . rpotr oi I n.w p.rc.p!ioTh. *pr6iion dI. cha4. of z$.d tu tt. *pcsidn of 1 ,.u ps..prion md { th. soc in. uf rh. pcrccprioni boryun.hi'g.d. I rtrddcnlys.? rh? lolutiar 011, 3.ror., $c.. rcr brrnch.r ti.c; now &4. n.r hrh:n slrlp.. Mt eirul ibpsaon h! .h.ns.d zn<l now I Gosnir. dr it h6 .ot only sh.r. rnd 6los hti tl$ . quit prnidlrr 'or!.riztion',* Mr tirD.l ihpGlid h.r.hrg.d;-vhd kr n lil. bdor. .nd rhlr n it lik. rni-ll I Grr.enr ft 5y n.,n. ol rn .qd .op/-rd ;nt ti:r . sdd rpr.*ntzrion of iii-no clnngr i!, ,^nd .bov. lll do ro! et "A64 .ll dJ, vi{rl ht..$ion nnt th. r'rast3; it n ,6n*sHch I enl sh.s to ,nton..'-Of ou6! n it mt d! drawjns, bur n.ith.r ir n ,ny$ing o{ th. src .&go.y, *hich I crr.y *nhin my$lt Ttr. rob.cpr oI $.'inn.r picor. is i5ledirg; tor rhir u.6 r 'orr.r i,i6ur.' 2s . Foddi .nd y4 !h. us of !h. wokt for th6. @tr. epB Ic no fr.r? lilr on. ,noth.r lhrn rh. u&s oI 'nund:l {d Dumb.l, (And il on. cho:. ro sll numb.B id.rl numcr,l6', oi. Didr proluE r tftil.r ontusion.) It tou pur lh. o4anizrtiar'ol2 viiu inp4 sion on r hr.l sir6 .010!6 .nd, you 3E prc..dins frofr tlc id.r oi r!. yisui imr.asion 1s i,rd obj.d. ot.ooa. tnn n.t6 thn objct inb . . qu..dl Aihir! dnrddion. Fo. thc iril.ritt b a pictuG i, nos idpriftd. It t lrm ih.i th. s.lchlric .uh. h* y.riour i] ps $d I w.nt b 6nd ou! q[d iom.Dn. .lF !.a!, I on s.t Lin ro m.l. . rcdd oi shlr l'. cr, in r,ldj.ion ro . opy' or rd poinr .o.d.h. mo&lr .van doud ,. h! .o id.l ol mr purpoe in d.m,ndihs But {ho ft |trr. I .hansins $pe h. cac

) lir!)iitltd



3!! c 2b r. !h. illuindon no* .r orc -. rhinano$ ,. .io$.i-So n inr.$is k, rd ,.. H?E p?drpe w. rhould li!. to cply:lh. dc kripiion d wfi 6 sor inm.dirth i-.. af . vj. 3url dp.i?na, ot$ int rrr.nion-is r indt.c. d.icriprion. "l s. Ihr 6sur. !! 1 box" n. y I h:v..p'i.i.ulrvnu:|.lP-i.ncwhich I h2v. toutul th:r I wlF fi'v. vh.n I inr.ry'd rh. 6sur d.6ot or *i.n I lmt 1. ber. Dlt t n m..nt rnn I o!sn. E lrd n, I ouslt & b. abl. .o i.Ift to th..xpdnn.. dndh rnd nor only indicctly. (At I .n sp..l of d *nhdr olli4 h $. qllr!. follNinsfsur, datud lmm J.' I roq''hrll dtrckj$bi! r!'. h .,n b. ren.i r '.bbnt

n dtc'.d. Nas . onl/ to$,bk ?xpr.sion ot elr.xp?rirn(. n *hzr hdoi lxrlzpr Rm.d, or .v.n ss, . !5.ks wb., oE. ft hrd 'p.ci6ation And thi! by i6dl w...1. rhc .on!:;on oa 'olgffiziion *irh .olout and i:p. i. vnu.l lI151* A. Ju.(i:b6n *. r:!6n, $.nJ!.w: t]t6. rhap6 an,l oloK {r sivc dEn i' d.Gil)* and I $w bdid6 iobdhina lilar tlir: .nd h.r t pcinri.I iuhbsof di{.(nipictoE olabbi.iThi! lh? rh. b.tEn rL. cm..pd 'S.ciig 1e, , . . E nor pan oi pdaptior. And lor lh., i.$on n n Il. sing rnd nor liLc i lml I i nimll :na n :rk.d: 'wn1t Jo you n.? " I .ns{.r: 'n dbbit'.-l .6 l lrnd*pq rudd.nly.t.bbittu*p*i|.dnn" r.bbnl" Both thi4r, 60rl iI. Ep.rt r'd th. dd.firion, rrc dpcrios of p.r.lpdon .nd ol vii!.1 A{ .i. .xdamnon i! o in r djf.rn! ks. irom th. Ep.n: n n lored lr.s ur-h L rhr.d b lh. 6 2 .ry i. ro p.iD. But sinc. n i! ifi. d6oiption o{, pd..prioB it d. .l.o b. sl.a lh. .xpr.sio. ol tlushr-l )ou r lootiis .t t. obidq you nad not .link ol it; bd iI yo! rrc h.ving th. visl .xpdnre dpcs.d b/ th..xclzmtior, you r. rLo dtlirs of rb. fl.shing o{ an 5sp.4 on us Gm visu.l .xFinnft, I tlought, ldt

Anil I nu* dndnslnh 6e.d tfi. snrinuols $.itre'o{ rn :sFd ,nd $. dlwning'af,n4!.d. Th. picru.. mi8ht h.v. b..n .$n m, d I nar L.v. *.r l.yding bd 1 r,bbn in n. H.rc n t urlul b inroduc? dr. id.r 01. picrtr.ts

Somsn. $dddlt rc! 1. .pp.r3re wijct h. d6 not rtosniz. (n 6ry b. a f.hilir objd, but ir unusud rcitior or il. Lck ol 16"n qnition pdh+s 166 only r ifl son&, b n or (d b sy h. I1ir 1 di(*.ft vjru.l dp..ioc. Ion $ft.on, rfio lils tn. obj.c { on&? For mislt ro' sod.on. b. abl. m d.sib. .. $' l:oili:! $lpc rhd :pp.rr.d b.toE him ju* s e. a',r,, ar I, to *nom n l:nili..? r\nd nn r dut ih. $s$.!-ol .ouR ii will no! 8.n.Flt 6. !o. Ard hG dcsciption *ill run qnit. dif.o n {I i., for *r!lq Ilx $im, hed lorg .rr"-h.: "tt{c s.ft No loig .!p.nd.Ba",:rd lbm h. IneibD6n slDm I h.e. nor s.n Ior )t.E; I k. hin cLrn, !u hil b lmw lim, slddaly I lnd him, I s. tl. old f,@ i, th. .lEr.d o.i I b.-

ln tom. r..paB I nrd bs.r& n .. I do tc v:r& r htrh.n he. I qn .ody ft .xp6,io,, on r.,{ b n $ !o ft .tpr.$ion o{ th. human t e. A child en rllt ro pidrt-m.n d pitui.-rninzk, c.n rat d.m I ir rdE dollr jmply rt I t D,, rAm, i,v. r@n rh. du*{$6ir pidr.rbbn |lon rh. 6si Thrt ir b 6.r, ii dk.d 'Id,a.!f,bt ir t.y.tdhtr.l r.l

Nor hai $. bc.d len lil. trn d. .liBhGt iiriI.riry b lhc h.rd Gn lit.,rn-:hhouEn E & I .B sh.M . piduer.[6n .nd r,ld *h.r n n; I er "h! 1 ab$n . No. "Now irt. r.lbii .l:n r.po(ing n/ pdeption.-l 1m .h. d!clnbbft dd wl{ it n; I rrt ..t "h r r dftt6bbft . But I mry rls Fd to q6ion qDir diff.rrir,-Th. ,Esr rfi.i ir ir I duckrbbn it .3.i. !h. r.pod oI a !.reF on; th. &w.. "N@

734 lia

tuDvrc WrncENrrltN .hi I aErld do t di(*."t Portsn oI him nos is 16. .rvss oI th. 6su. (b) n / b. an la nRdery-t hil.d ig.cifiBioB i..ompl.k d.s.ipliont it th.ft is niu somdhins Ol olre w..n.1,/, Tltr. .....nrin rhirgs vni.n t ll .qurlly und.i rlt ca'ept pictur.' rabbi' dun&rih..on..p.'pktuFdrcl.Andr pi.tu(, r dauing i! $d . thins -But lh. i'of : P;c.tri.-'lucl b mr tinulBnoddt ,"$io,



in z cio-d' Nd, *fi.. ! !no, Dv ..q!'inhic ft dndtio lor qur' :iE l@hn8 ' 'n ;h q-it ihtr lPdrl an o( Eins) L n ' a*d ' bolll kans rnd $inkinS? ot rn .dtgrn ot rh' Nq ts I slDuld .lmn lak! io 3.I? is: ,b.106 ot. wrnt b eY dr? ft. qGti6 whi.h ix :ls . i.p.d or Th. E y *prtsio. uhlr i. !En, ir h.( . cry ot i.dgnrbon, Wid k rh. criitrion of rh. viN,l .xp<n'n"!Tl. cdtdion? V4,t do YousoPPo*? oI'wl,!t L rEn' Th.*.r3iion Ti..otept oI t cprc$tbrio! ot rlEi n s" lil. id of . @pn is Ery dsti., dd 5o tord" pit it is th. co!&Pr ol *n,! it rn The rft rr' ro $v rhd 6'v i* conn.drd {vAi.h is 'or Ho, ac on. tll ihr hum.nb?ings '..6r* .5* $m.on. zbour tl" li? of ditundor.llv!-t tL. ldJ {ov.! t!.e) of {hich h. hr . vi'!'- k n til. rriJi ' (l 3h.w 5tb with mv h:nJ)- Y6.'''Hd do rou know?"- 'k! no! mistv' I G n qutre H. JG not ejv. rc:ens ror th. !uB!r' cl..a'l il. onlt d,ins t[r n n{uDl o 6 r rc.r.Pri'nr whr ur c thr.. dim.nrionrlti rp6Dr PDdift rndmininQ rrc ned.d for B" dim.6 onn r.Pk dEriiB or in eor& .ft. snDdon;h.fiF 'n dhwiisr') qrch6.6tchildrd! d des nor Lno* n Io' ItFn.on.5d:smiL I niL, dG not !nd.@nd n I $d, dc lt' rE h dil{.rndy l@o roruon. eno !nd.5t.!ds n?ir di(.rcntln f6' insbn... H. riris tolil $. d!.{ins ol l.e !Fia. doNn 'nd vou ' of d. hc Pdhr9' 6n G.orni[ *. dpEsrn vou'an *a rhii it i5 rhilins'burnot 'r:6rv \h* i,ir, o{ milc ft n. You crnor imjsE lh. snil. o' &*ribc jt hoB d:drY. aid yd th. Pim( shi.h Youhd! rm'n roxnd m:yb. r mon d.d repExnnfi on or: p'soi3b(


Bui-l rhouldlik ro 3tr*lhd. is r dif.rcntdil i.'ma b.sdn m, idpr.$ioE o{ (.1 ind {dl rnd thos or {,J ind (b) (d),for.:rnPh'loob h G). (c.nprr., Fmrrk ol LEir GF idk rcUtJ ld)6.1rr, G) hzrd ot hidd(n du.l{,bhr 'oKPY. in e lmaFn. ''nsk | n'dddlv nodrt r in th. pi(rtr' and lin.r. io* 'h. nodc t simPly 6 tlE had ol l .bbit ai sn' hi.! iim I l@L ,i lhc 3.'n. pidr' :nd not'c b' en.lied,.. bd {e t a rh. d*lq "rhod n(er snly E;ltrrs rhr n ws $. $mr hsua su I siv dn6.-lf ! Iatrr se rh. $tsd din8.<an rhn d,. Jucl znd bbn sP..6 r. mw Gn quLrc dtr i.odr hom$hm I (msrn.d rh.m fpn/dv in d. t.ngl. af lin*? No. surpri$ nor Produ'd Bui ik chug. p6due, ' ll toD *r($ in r figur. (r) ior inoihtr figua lr ) .r n d $ s 6 n di!vo u &.h) i n: ndw rt N or only cn )o' g". u nd li"d old*riprion ol it' but nohflns A. *(ond 63ut wn 1 nN {rur wft b "ligBu! vou eo'ld nor n.c6*till 'av w. (rildk quiE d,rsm' 4N: r N' dn in d' krt l'!. th.6Euft | $s Lrlorc. rhoush'h'v rrc Tt.i Phenon' .t h.r. mlnt inE6l'i'd posibl. on .P6 63nc:n t'o'rpr't' dc Thcn i5 rhr copvof 'h. of 5criDhon my %url .rP!ri(ie? No-!'i 'h' ordmar nd d.cid. whdhd, und whd' mor' dF rcdly @ nun sur.ly6.*ht ir Prcdued ,h.t n i. n. by fi. infiu.dr oarh.'-Tho rio,lDad in nc b . son ol ott eddhing .hr in iti tun .in 6. l@k d .! 6n bc b.for. onr; .lmoi *ndlnnt Iw.. n.n ah.o tioa C o,nerh ing rpiti.l : nd And lhis rzEi.lizrnon it mN b. po$ibk b d6rib. it i. pDE rP2iiil rrm!, For in* .. {it n k 1 1!a) ft can sdil.i th. al conccpt Gi..dlin.s, ho$.v.r, h- n ptrein3n ,counr o{ n, Su. i. /or.'sr o su.h an {count (.v.n Aoush n miy sub*r. it)It you .s! n sh.t I es, t.lhaPl I rlEll b. $r. b m,l. . which ,hos vou; br I shrll no$b hrv. no &olldion or dr *.v mv slsna The m'Ep. ol $.i!3 n.l.r a rngled imprs' ion. wdl, n n bnsl.d -l look at th. hndsp.' my sn? d.36 o(rr, t *. rll $n ofdir nd rn'l indtrnnd mv.m.n4 iI; in9..$.' iE<ll shnplv ompl.rclv on nq l,,i i' quia I'r:y. Afir:ll.hry And nodloak r':ll Essrd sh:t * it 5criprioni,lvhJrnren .ih*onb.flenrby L c.ll.d d6criDdon of wn.. i. 3!r tNr jun k *[ prcpc. .ls ot !u.h *.n. Tha! n not ona ld!i,, i.d b.iig iun vrsu., s'n.rhins d.!dipdon-$. *hi.h 3Mht .l.rilierion. or qhi.h mtr" ju. b. H!* * .rc in oomou di.s.r of v.ntiis !o wh.. on. is .h. .r'. n1l. fin. .thirdioni-h objd in ris b d.6n. tl. @repr of 1B&rit w hr. rdh'r $mr ol'sh.t b narly *.n .-vnt b do is b ,..rDt th. .v.rydzv lrnau'3.3.m.' lnd ot tr. m*t . 6 irk. nE b rck /rr .;oN, rndtriE lrsusF srd. shich d'ildEn,( 'ru8hi nr.dr no ju(frenoi,i ,n.mpts r j$rifiotion n..d Ti.. !i rn *!mpl. ii. 4pes oa1 rirnsk, Thit

cm b. scd 1s rliangular lDl., .s , Flid, 4 r 3d ' mdri..l d'r*ing;.s shnAingon ic ba$' $ hang_ hr t6m is:D.\t I r nounhm, n, Y.dB.' a:n u rn okmmldobjd &;M d Ni;'*,* "h''tt nsnr ro'n.nd on r}t. rhot . sld. ot th. is!( sl., r a hrlt p.all.losnn, ind zr v,ionr orh.. You "You .1n thin! bow of rrr .N of ,,t lmk 5r n, c.n ..s:nl ft now $ ,rri ltN .s ,,4 3''l .im yo! will sc it now rrtt wav, now t ; wr,. wlyl Th6. i no tunhr quiilieiion, Br bow is ir posibl. to e. rn obid a.@idin8 qu.trio' Eptdms tr to 3n t'rdr",b'i-Tk 26 r quer Lcq 4 iI sondt'ins w! h.ins torc.d inb a lom k di'l flo. rsllv 6t. B no sqrd'ns no Vhcn n ldoks 35 il !h.e wd no rood fo' su.h I oifi.r ono you hlve io t@l fd n in iorm bNd! .nodw din.nsion- lf thr. is no rmn h.c' d.e ,! rcom in .norh.r dim.nsion

di(.t.nt dch dm'' or Do I rallv ie eddtti's do I o6lv ini.Drct wh,i I F. i. <li{d..r s'v} | ' .m intta;.d b 5.y ln. fo6.. B!. wnv?-To itr'F pftt ir to dink, to do *m.thing; Gi4 R a d1t'Nd k k ..ry b rcmsnD. c.$ in whi.h {. 'r' *. lod hvPoth.' v4.n v. tr.D,.nnr. 'nrry'.r *, ;hrh;ry Frd( r:15.- l tm ehs thir Ga_ uE x i. . . . . .:n b. vrifi.'l r lidl.. {o n rh' 3am. *nrc $) "1 .m seiry b gllr r.d . So d'r' 6 . 3inil1nry in rj'c !5. of $?ing' i. ih. so 'on' rdt. Onlv do not think vou 16fl in :dvtic wh3t .ci.s" m.ts ll.r.l kt ttc us' t"" rfi. '!,,;of v. 6nd ..d.jn rfii4t .bo: &.ing PD:zling, bc .1ua w. do nor dftl th. whol. b$in.s or *dng pualin!.nousr', d ll vou t6l d r ehotqdPh or pspr. houq t.6.vardonorr..l rhckclolth.'hirddinddon h h. i0. sLouu not 6nd it .'sv b de.ib. . pholo' g.aph as . @l!.(ion o, 6lou.?rich.t on fld $r '


tlD*rcvrncheuN lmkr r,re. in e .ii ::njn{zne., ,, *. do?-lt not, thn could,o, r'.,y * r ,Dn ol blindnd' Tt. .3t.d btrnd eill hiw in rltogdh.r iifi.F cr rhiionsl:? to Pi.oc tuon ou6(Anomri.roi rriJkiid.'..r5ttor6@im.gin..) lJplcrllinJn6r Fill b. clt b th. l,.k of . ins,- Ho*czn tlib.,!o(th wod?" l{dl, wh:t I si<l r!. inrrd.d 6s!.:ri!.ty. No|hr l.ho$ iltr 6surc:nforc.dnnron n.Butfi. 6sdnrv..mplo)m.nrot,l. wod.rit gd into @nflnt eirh E o.isin.lon.. P.rluprn.odld b..rpl:in./ rhr eR'(ly 116 pnto( $B868 ikll ro m. tJun rhrk oi rh..rpr.*ion, .na d. m.i.ir8 oi r[..xpseion: "lh. Auiif. sntn.. en irik. n. .r li*.: p:innig in wDr&, :nd th. v.ry i ividui mrd ir rlE rd. t na n lik. !jctur., lh.r ir b no iuch mn l r6.i 1 ftrd in iiolrdon ind *itfiout pu'p.$ .r Gn b er.y r p.rioLr n.minsin ielt Tnink hd. of . s!.ci:l lind oI illudon whict $rox lishr on th6.6rft6-l go tor . dt in rh. orno* al. (irr wnh r fri.nd, As w. trtk i. .omBour rhn I 1m is18iiins fi..i9 oln on our nehr Ndt mly !rv. I ro oBdo6 ramn lor inn ,*umprion, bDr $mc qun. dhpl. c.nsid?ntion w:s cnoush b m:1. m. nlir 6!t th. .iry ky nrhft to &.i.ft rh.rd of !.I can { 6d siy. tro prt I i(rsin. rlr. ci.y in lrtr niw.r to d. qu6:ion dircton.l hd ro n6or b rlink i! Bur doud r se Do r.i$r rdll I Gm to &. cmi! prydolodcil eu$ lor ir. h p{dol!r, c.nlin r$ci..ionr .nd h.morid. Far*nptc, w.\:tk.d:tons a o. nrt,,nd oi* b.f ( iD limiLr .;omsenc* |hd Iollos.d. ond ald t[.r dm. th. ciry l1l on oir r,ghr-l ni8ltt tg rs n ed. p.rahorn.lyriall/ 6 disov.r d. aui6 o{ hy lDloud.d onvidlor ''But wh4 i! thn qu.d .xp.d6e?"-ol ouN. it is nd qudd ,ny orh.ri & ,inptr dif.6 in 'Jr" lind lrom .ho! dp.d.nG wl'ich R ftg:d r rh. n6. tu.& dq or *n. ihprdjoB ior ''I tRl 8 il I Lnd r[..ity I'y orr dEre..*..I ldl is il d. 5{huh.d'ted sdub.n,! eorlt You on !r tlt Erd M.rd!" ro rdiidl,nd nan jr { d. rjr? 4.n irptrlriE o & .r tll. Mft d. hor.h, And now i.y .Mzr4!,': ,"d rhd'M1t<\ ho f,nta! -Do6 6. lttu * l@mDanr ihc vor'i .borh dna-.a lf . rdiriv..ri $ryr m, rh.n I rm pt.)ins thi! Brmq rhr I hv. Dos ,,llr' nd rrar *r.i'aa

PhL3.phno|tardigalion, or thc aord-docn


Gar but qhr e. F in: rd.osc.F ljn..t6?'in. diltdan !.y rs

ft i! :nihi',! but : :r.ft: o{ ! r th* w. s. r!:h tw. lI lh. so,orih su:l imrg.s rc :nalSimn.d, *. - Dish .xp.c.: Th? con&pt ot :r .rpd is.kin io ih. snapt oI :n im4.. In orficr wor&: fi. mncr. | ,n g now it 1. . . , , &,Lin b Ithnowlrv Dc. r n bk ifrlgin{ion b h.r bm.tfiing ar r y:d.non on r r.nicdir ih.m.l And yd on? i! p?diving bturhingin o h..rir3 n. "ln:sin. tl'ii cl'.nsd likc thi5, md you h.v. !hi, othr di.g" O@ ..n tr* inrgini'8 ir th. .ou6. Seing rn rFa $d im.siniry rc iubj.d F rh. qtl. TlE . nluch .n orda .. ln.sin. ,16", md .ls: Now *. lI. fguE likc trir"; bur noi: "No* Tnc qtr6rio. now.riG: C.uld $.'. br h!sl' b.irys lrcliDg in th. ep.ciiy ro k $m.thing dJ JoD..rt3-rn<l whr *ould dr b. lik l vn.. lod of cod*qunc woDldit h:E)-Wodd dit d.fd bs .onp.r:61. b olou.blindn6s or o ,ot hlvinr lbslni. pnchi-rt sill a n "8pa! *nar hish b. bli.dn.$'-&d rill nd.onid( n.d by r[is. ( conepNrl inctisriion.) Th. t] F(.blind hr. i! .trpp.*d nor 6 R rl'. 6FG A cll.'s.. 8ut n tr do .upped nor b rtos,iu thd $? doutl..os onni bod. bl..k md. qliE .o'? Soil bld "Sid n. 6gua, oniinin! r cca .no.! $.* d2npl6" will h. b. u.$1.roh.n.s.irtNo,I.3houldb..6LFdotlE i but [. w;ll not b. inpp6.d to $y, Nw itt . bl,.k .16! on . *nn? srcundl ' ls lE suppoFd o b. bli.d to rh. liDil,ri9 be Nm @ Larl-A.d s .ls 6 id.niity or .r9rcnnn. i,larigi I do noi *.nt ro 3dl. lhn. (H. oqit b b. $1. b .xmr. $cl' oid.d ,r ''8ringm sm.dins ih{ lmks liL ,rrt ') O{hr h. b b. !n261. b c !fi. kh.i{i. ob. * | dbct-lt would not tolld liom rhri th{ h. ould nor cogiir. i....{ion {r *orki.3 drr*in3 tor i6r.De) oi . cuh., Bu. ior lim ir wdd nor ju6p toh or. rlFd !o tb. o$.iQD6tion: ourht h! to b..U. td d. n 6. obr

r ir :iso tu { m4izi I oi!.r !6 I :r,..rutr. ot hlt. i,si-fy,hc frc. rh{ I $rnetso N1,,\ dfir n,no*lik. irn naw lilt. rrar, rrd nlybr.l!. *t s I.ts k, oi.ounq not in qusdon. 3!t rh. qu6rio. row, e!/, in onnlrion *jfi rhis g,rr o{ dt ri.ftins . wo.d, E .t$ s!.:k oI1h. n..nins. .nd oI ,mc.ning it ._This i, 1 dir.rnr lind o( q!4rjm.-h i! ih. *fiicfi i! cfi,aftiirnc ol rl'&[n tlh in lrnsitu:iion{uF i. *prc$io!: E !.y e. p@ nouned th. *ord wirL,t c.niq.rd r,!. iln *pftsion ovd t6d d olhr Lnrurlsme c.ll i( 1 dft1m, I d6 nd dr.s. rrrl'irs. civ.n rfic t$o id.a ld d .k..', @ld you b. r.$.r indin.d to st lsr W.drddit s.r {.. ,',1 Tu$d.y I..n, or t . Mrcl {l in.lin. dainv.ty ro*rdlh.lom..)Noqnav."l,rnd-lan sm. di(crtnr nc.nins h.rc lrom $.ir uli on.?Th.y h.v. a dif.r6r Ds.-s. ought I r.2tlt b h.!c u*d di{.ror hrds? rot rh:i-t w:nt o !* t rs {o.dr (qirh in.n hn i.r n..n. iD33),'r.,-Nd, I $y &rlt4.!od !h. olg oI $ii ph.nonmon, Th.r u b. &ajado* lom my chtldiod. Bui u. k 'srrl'"oth.*, . VlaM. !h..xphndon,-d. in lin:don i, dr{.. Asl.d "vl1r do you r..tty id. 6y .t f rnd l.1o'?'-I couldonl),.xpkin tn. D.rj'gs in rh. usu:l *er. I @uld ,o, poirr b rh. .x.rDI6 o{ H{. on. misht spsk o{ r 'Fdarr, .nd .so.t, zy' *ns. ol 3 $ord, It is onll if rh. *od h.r .lE pd6:ry $ns. Ior you t[.t yau u. iI in rh. !ondOnlr iI rou h.y. l..rnr r ..lcJ:lH, pap.r or out lod-.'<a /ou Er mrd. !o e'sr, hy n4 d ihn .on.!rt, whlr eld!4ira i" th. n.rd n. Th. lRond.ry s& n ro.2.6d.phod.d'si. lt | .rr "For Dc d. rc*tl . n ydbla/. t ao Dd ft.d: in . n upfioriql 6dr,-for r.llwr I .ould nor .xpr* s[.r I w.rr b ey ir r orls .y.llol/. Hy thd by n.& oI rh. idd soh.o.. klli ft.r "wak lo. s! br d'. b,nt". Qn iion Did ,ot. 6,tu w erinr tt. w4 m.:n $i, bankl* l]rs q!6dd' n ol d. en. lind $ "Did yo! inhd ro i.y su.h-rnd*uchrohim6 }!lr s1) ro n..r finf. It rcLn 6 t d!6nir. rim.

Jfi. inrod.nrt ol rhir ln3 j' rh. snn.rion Sff.r ri..o.ftFr o{ tkinS .n rsper' ind GrFri.ncins tLc m.rniq of d mrd. For v! s.nt b .d( "wl4 rould ,ou 5. dniig aa djd you d fi. m.rniry of . wdtr' 'wn{ *ould }ou U mbli.8, lor irtbre, iI ,o! did nor uddtdd lh. !h. rcqudt to pronoie woftl till" rnd b n.rn ir * 1 vdb'{r iI you di'l 1 not lsl iit . *ord ld i6 h..nin8 .nd bffc m.rc lound if t *8 r.p.rkd kn dnd d.r? In 1l,w{ou{,lor in*ane, th. quBtion migtrr b. r.isd lN en.or? m.:nt I mrd. And thit an 6. in(cd.d lod en.'n ftca.-lt ir r qu.don oI ,/.ri;o,, 1eo.dBur could loe l'. dp.ftnad rll. erd [..[" bm signi6for irshn<rll!. 1 od? *itn iosro..i fijs Nos Bo ro lh. .Dd .* ddinsin b{ n.rns. in rhi! fi.tu ing 'VlEn I dd . pcm or n*ativ. ql.i t Jan& .!..1t $ndting !6 d in n. shid d*r nd eo on *hcn I m.rcly rkiD th.linB tor irforE{ion."Whr ptllGs lm I rlludins !o?-n'i snt ffi h2v. . di(.rdr ,tr!. I p.t or.tul r&ndon 6 h/ iDroniiion. Son.rim6 . sord har ih. wrcna irbnr.ion, | ft e hucl' or@ I .o. a thn ind ll|w i! in my La. I nighr lrd al! jr ddil, Ior!r about h/ ft.dins il'. FirBle ir hy tr. oI rcie. S.n.rih6 . piftq $ n *c .. ilh$r.ri6, @n6 e a.. And lhn cB, to h.lp n. ro r..d snn th. oM dpr.t ria.. And I cotrld nonor ! eood d..l Dorc ol tn? $n. !ind.-l o ,lso eiE r std 2 bE o{ voi.. rti.[ bin8i outh. hdni.g of r[. 6r, .lmon ! if ft Mrd k* r Dinn 6( in. w[ol. din8, (And lhir 6rr o1@sq d.p.nd on &nmetom..ion.) VlE. I pronoue tnn qo.d whil. rc.din! d$ dpa$ior it k @hpL!.lr 6ll.d iid io B.rn. supp6? | fi.d rscd ot 'lo*C'n..n6 brli I all b{d '-6. una.itrDds n. bd h. fck tlc srd'rov.l"o us.,nh.tnoryd uk non


LuDwrc WrrclNsrrN J1r hnsDisc gln. t (or D?:ni irt' {5!6$qu.nt qpl.nrtior ol i }ord) it qun diai.t .n lrom lhn or.: I lhouglt ot . . , - r I FiA ir" Ti. l1&. n .kir to "l! rcdtrd.d m. ol , . . . ''t !1t rl.ady Gh.mb..d tnr.. .jr6 bd.y lhd I ni'n *rir. .o him. ' OI inpoftna k n "+d wlzr in tr .n?-On rh. otki lmd what is:rh. impo(,ne, whn !h! int 6t, of th. irr.hdli! p.rdnr @ncludon! 'nr r[6. mrdr ,. ccurcd to na -wlut is rh. p.icitir .c.dion w rlicl .i. li.sursc crn tho b n.nihed inb san. h*iDs-*hich .* words?How do pFpl. g.r ro us rhd. mrdt Th. pidiri'. hat ha$ ben 1 or '...tion 1 96tor., br n h.y .lso l'rv. btr r word, ''w]1i did you loo! :t m. :nd rh.!. ,o!; h.rd? -: '! s cjv! rou to nnd{.end tL:t totr . , . . ." nis ir rutpo$d b dprst no. I tt6bolic dnv.ntion hu(h. pDaoi. ot hr rio., M.ding n ir not . p:@$ $diri ,@mp.ni6 . mrd. !d no pmr.$ @uld l':v. lh. (Si6il.rly,I thinL n ouE bc . elaldon k nor d, Ior no *p*im.t @ld h.r th. pm,ir! o.eqnde. ol I multiplsnon.) inpodrt.c.@FnyinS of elkng which lc ofrn misdtrg wh.n on. t.[3 sithoDfihinkins, .nd rhis ir ch:aftrirlic of sl&' in8 wnhoui thirkng. Br t rt *. noth. ihinun8, ''Now I *nowl ' \?hr wnt on h.r.?-So did I r.j| !nor, *h.n I d..l1rd lhr row I kn$? You .n lmkins .r it won& And cbuldrh.'kro*ing b. c.ll.d !n t@6Fni' Th. Lniliir pfiysiogrory oI I mr4 !h. (Eling 6. n h., r*o up is ftani.g into ibda, ihn ii i3 .n .dtl lil.n6 of is e.nins-thcE Fuld b. hum,n h.insr ro uholn r[ d'n ws .lid. fiEy would noi hrv. !n recfiE to .l*ir so.dr)I'?A.d how:rc th* Ldi4r oinlded.DonS 3y $. wy w. chms .hd vrlu. wodt

(dr dD. ot *l[i.9, s tn. io.-a q$tion i.Ld b 6. dm. oI +.rliins)-bd no( ia rr 4t.zr.. duiiig dr tin., Moningi! r ljftl! !n dD&id.. B!. wh.idi.tirglisLa d.m t6n .apdi.nrtlTll?y lEv! no dp.d?nc*conknl Fo! th. conEn. (id46 for inrhde) wl cl rmhp:nr antl il|NE i5h rE rct th. m.lring or irendinS; T!. inndon sr, pr'at on. rc6 ao6 nor'r. @np..y' t[. ,cdon r/ noi. ih.n tlE doushr Thoudr .nd i.rn!i.n r 'r.6dp1ni6' n.irld 'rnidl*.d .or 'nor-inicuhi.d; io b. ompfd oorld sirh ..ingl. roc which ennds dunns rh. a.tins or ry..Lns; nor *i6 1 onc, (e{.ilErouildd or iilm y)md tl'int' 'Illlirs i.g .rc rot @repB ot th. em. kind; .vd rhough 6.' * in .l6d .onndion, Tfi? t,?6t oa .nr dr.ricn.6 onc n6 *hil. .F.ling .nd ot rh. incntion i rot lh. @.. Gr. dp.rimG nishr p.rllpr iDlom . prydologi$ 1bout th. dtrsrat r]ought "lr t[,r sd s. b.lh '.tnriao.)oI him-" ld B * $h. rl'rt acl or u lid tlE sm. wor& to fiim*lf-odhdanitn.f MO&Eth lrl't?-!u. suldnl .@ tho* u!.d. b. only . Ad? Th.y sEly h.lon3 6I I su4. rnd b. ondt, '6rd.t r dlly b b. ric .4r.$ion ol rn. lho!3fir in ll God hd loo!.d inb our minds h. wul l noi !.v. ben $1. to s lha. {h6d w. w.F rp.zk"191v did rou loak .i m. ,r rl4 word, r.t yor r"inbns oL . - -?"-So ihs. ; a r.r.tidi .t r sbin 6on.nt lrd n ir * by .2yanr'I rlouslt of..... or "I Jd.nly rm.nh eying thi you rcr.r to tut mo'.nr in L\. rim. )tu *rc sP.idng,It dr!.t . tru rltr b lhi or to rhr. Md. aThDr.ion ol r s oid dar not rdt. b 2n @6a .[h. hodmr oI rp..]i's.

4 rJ/tr\ J
slinps 6{ odry. I .rploy rld wo'ds, I :dmn, o!.r'tions ol.niGh.n_ wnh , sLna b$anl '!. rl$ snh t 3l,nc row,rd fio$ eho, in 1 i4-bur 3mniy Gom rfiich I do Dot.xclud. itqll, th ir.n .y.i .wiy whrD lied by th. .s y.t trn'.mabh whichis prcl,ininS ikll.nd vhi.h crn do s,1! i! id*s1rr irh.n.vd I binh i5 in ,l'. otinE, only in $. ,oml.$, rnd.r lll. oi tlE Dur., inlait .nd i?rifyins forn or honnmsny.


Erral:. p.l1t.D:!y!+8ry:4!!4: ^,i1.

is ind.p.n&nt oL

ins" (C./B d. r,,34'

lid rhr rE rh. siftn 3nd th. spokcnuo'd-tg, l'd $c rord {,ot) ir .lddv . unin ot Tnlc

I'nsun'Gob'rt-h'i n tsl'd' d . 'h*otr(np.-.v d(awh'r withir '!nc'F( il norto dnFij.

ca!!!p!-slr!c!!!!!L!!i!s,s!-!!il ^!6!C,.!fick$ur.hl.. hrv. uer|l. tsaii'Fl d.fini"oi Jr.l,tv in Plrtornd Aiion oI ift "hi.h, -

n l ssdr. 'lui6 {mon.m6 or l/nEsmn ln :rdrns:'r In lrcdol'dritrFrh. dni5En olllngu4' rdowoc ' Jctriin rd. or l,^AuisN\ w'inn .,.,.';r figlFd6 n 13 P.rldic6 i;";;;;;; or n k'( rcn' wn,ins qoulJ h3{ oirru'kd i aem&irLt scccr o{ thc mrd " .lr'Ir r @N.mPdro linBus on BY'{ 'h' soil *dl illdtrDk5 tI. slnnrl i't610n.or lun'ndEr r:,tu'onal .onaPs dt ih<

i*','...r.r.*"..-' n"ut'' li'ri'i"i..' ' vi+ . orc'ps o{ rmrlllr or EE{'r

LrNcursrrcsANDGi,\MM ror.ocY Tr. Otkin. th.hrid.' 'd
O' rh. on. h.nd, tu. to th. V.n..n $dnion $n conmk not onlr in tncort b( in pnctid li' i/,. pAn.ipt. ol ns padie) $. tctztionships 6a..n rpch rnd w.iri.g; S.u$r. do6 nor .@gi:c in lun . ddisti!. 6. lan t norc rh$ t ndnoe ^nd ti.n- N.dN b.ew n is no$ing 6trt o.. modllity anon! odrn . mod.lity ot th? ?v.n6 *hi.h .rn rlE ldr i.n b?fil r l:n8!29. vio*.s.rc,:, by b ehoa ..n rcn.i' fotsr !

d tt!:JetJln@.fr6nnf iF eiiil-ifr'" 4
wirhout 1 d.r..mirr!ion, hdid. commrniati4 doub 4,.n.i,lly wi$ th. id.. of d:? d8n, dd. nor ilo.' b.!.y .tDia ot r ojtr'tio., . tr.nsl,r. 'o. I . pr/ o. odlphysial pdupFoiitio, pe I oli.r b sarsui.; n d6crib.t or r.d.r rcfl(c Ih. I nruduc oi , <dnn ryp. ol w"Dn3' phoftri( w'it*hkh us :nd sillin sha* d.m.nt th. | 'ns. -. I .ptr','i, 'n s.ndrl ((kne:nd phildonhr, In.l oru L. loun'1.d. OD. : Iinslisric in p.nioLt, shoul4 rar.ov.., ey rod r.ftd ln.n ,rd'.r .nd n i. .ot . q!6tion ot r .ynm m'*ruftd lurctidins p.l6iy, bur ol .n id.i dplicidy diwhi.5 t /rd n @n. ddn8 . tun.idiry pr.rlr plb.6c In hd, bur .ko lor rcsoB ol.e enc? ro wlich I thrll trcqu.nrly rdd. To b. .!E $n hon al pfion.tic widry i5 nar I - tE: ii comm:ndr our ddrc dtsrc .nd o. d n ir enrinly id jls oN I1d immg I, n der nd .6pond b ry rc. I orll.n. Nd.dh.l6r Usins ll esirr ot.n 2&oluk tnd miErcal6*n.t | | rhn ! . poiN ol d.p.nuq S1u$uF d.fnd tfi. I lprei.d,nd obj6t o{ s.n.6l lins ti6: "Tfi. li.. 'rleriic obid R nd d.6n.d by ombiniion or 'h. Irh. ein.n {od znd E spok.nword',rzrrotd th. abje.l lp,a5i irltia llom .lon. anand.t Th. lom ol tft qu.tion to whirl hcmrpond.d fiur rh. i..roni. h er . m.rid of kno*ing *i.t.ot ot @'l n rh. obict of lin8oi.rid .nd ,h.r rh. Rl.tidsnip. .c b.w' $. .Mic uni rH(an<, F3. nlnh.r ,i pro$s! rn d ond'!! nrl D't rnddq. in bftr4 6 .EDcnhMin 'btr. |ril

6E t.i6

,"..-r;, i."*.t' 'u r"" 't+'v""Ji hrd b und.n*. 'tin ord'r b,ert
" "i.-ri. d sripion


,t'. .t*.",'n

_a a'

,iii"*"ri.r t,it i.,--*t'.r



o rct"r"g


'mPhr$s *;*. L-"t t"e*g' '"u 'r'. in .Ilndrmmul 'mpormrl. -trs l.h* txr id Mna o( th. divisioisof rL' nift'n mrl. u, Iorsd thd on. mun ar*'Yr nm . in ordd b !'dd' *ith th. obl lenn lmd fi. .dl mtorc ol hunrn l"nsugr' ro h_ A l { tB noE l hrd(hdi s P ' G:d' :ist on tlt d.6.iiv of Puthi's tb? 'rm'n'ro non bcyond tlE inm.di2r' tptadn* no* i.silirr ro rt! Fs1(h'i ih. rndG

trrddnion' bt rh'


t t:ns'r*

d*r l'*


. . , oal r.dnio;

i'1"t"roa,u.."'.t 't. *'a'u' tt" at hus!tr hly fnndm.nol cha.d?ritis

vn rd t$' o! cMxsiodr lD. ,l lA'fldolosrl by c4ni c. spirk i re76. kri.d ii re67. d6hrd $.s|diddbddilrrcnFftl'.h.pdqdlyp'ol qhr.\ n Ep@dudd id. R.priftd br !(rision ol Ir. k',opr''O',q7 lohtr lrdiiruii!.Eit' $ "r khrt. nd.n oI O.ddr! idim of s,nnzbloF d $ n'is 6..'l ol*nd4 on,lk DEnE! 'lu"'T}. ro,Dr D.n'65d +ould d;ie E 6ild dr r k'ft.' rii gtrnn&roo bt up rh.6ir*i hls6 liisunia ,hn +. hlrruaDs s@nd lor .1,'n! or "{in ,dns 6r' tr ploolo|t, .tu nrd lor lhaRi,q _qiiq drl alk hn bni Er4 b & &nb.ddns 'hik *! 'k $hkb thlrrorc :pFru b PLd of brD'l rn'l noMs pry, a iri,jtrg "ouri<L" $. 6nd o{ li'sunic 'h. _bq'd ln rd.h, :Dd krt "it" Gr) 'h. 'nd ol 6! @ndii9 '&b. Fq &ddrr di.o3ior 5n." (nl !c, sd f.i,l) rid th. quL 'uDDkftnhrioi rFpliEld d!.opuk h lhiloFphn "L. FnkuhJr b rio.t' o/Irlqitt, d.trni l' Iipi:'iqo.'' iril

,Di'ra? u, re6r,'lh.


il :',,fff##*t3fr '#'11"i;:;:1:1ff i
re_'ry r"h .ll"d3 h tl* "-d*''h'd M;iilr d' En-wE @ "Ioqq k* [<!tr"i!d.l .Bar o{ 'hiE*sdrhfllc Lr!,o b!out *id. (F ^n$ 'fI miEBdit aptsd' i$; Bn 6dd m' b. evd q rc6. Nqi 1,, *) tp. Dl "nmiobs, a lkd rr.ror lP rer". no ndd dl "od_ bn. so" ""a,a n' 'h. h.* -cnr;.d." -' 'id 'ii'!"i'B ins Dhomnl 6rr 'b 'r'r;( of .D;d! Nh r rrr'brd o' Pioi'nd d6d .M@ n- i i i s tLi ') l r ' p L hr ( ndhi ;E bdo" i t[ -r

Yd it On .Mmt but .ubsdib' b $it aution ru* rlwlt' b( rcQrniz.d d{ n ihrcw !sp'o!' onh on r ctuin tlT. ot qidnS: Phonlnc i nont o;rom'nx to Lh. .mPin.ilv d.tmin'd 'nd F'a i' pc dcd &wioB o( odm:rt d,l hngut' .r 106 a!*r o{ m(h.niel nrnllnion o whd n pr'd4 F .onlom mtlrdv @ ttu +onnnd


'r ; rll r - l'nN* rl*t {!ndr et'( ro' - "*"d hur "hd' I *"t.8 ,-di."-r.',|.d' iNo ntlnr d tu bnsu|F "'iG a"6hidrtuily *. 'n. (P rr) lP .r! h dd L '"8 " -oiGd'o h rqrdrrF ''" M'd ; oood b] ol ie' o( dic ;odo 'h. 'ol'(s.nt 6r d aF9gi Yr -qd ''.o!Do|!Q.E]nii'n|ljFr'hjaJ|Eg|rc

.r'" .*." d'.*

d' *d


J^cau.s Dlidr^ o.sid.n_ !.cl . h.6, Tlis rod. h.s.n io na!. iGlf h.rd rr n ot by cn2na !h.r d. dcllsi( vl.n, r, lh. mom.nt ol rhidy ryin3 rh. ,ritdo. of pl'on! . { tin! p.rni6 . t6pons. b $. ,rr, r.d ih. lolgi wnhin tl'.31tu po$ibilitt, rl. tciis.nci.t oftllc i.&'n:l rytem.'Th? brsi. ,!nc' rr,.l'$ d?nouned wn ns .i th. inttueion ol .n I don.l prituiFl. ol phon.ti. sndq ii o .nlul t .hniq!., 1 lorc.d .nrry ol . tddlt orisind Jlord! :nd proret rh. inr.srily ol th. inr.rnll loni m rrch.ryp.l violo@; .dption dln l n.n oath.l.nsu's., R.n il in t ct it des noi w$in .hr ,,r'la br.r.l'i.s inB d. inr.donty of I .@atn doin9 so.'rh. s.B'\.hn Lnitdtion d.a b th. I |h. odl , th. |nmB s l l trB .naoi th.btl ei thi n | flot t4pon'l, bt a ma. btfpr anMiue, txie.r., ol th. "intthdt sr!.n." rh.l I rh. ru. losc, rh. h.lp ihn rpe.h ldd' 'o tr*ll I ii.lttfc y.locni zrBum.notio. I di!.k th. +in.,o@ndl I fiur in..N.d, srusuE s J h itell.o"nitut.d,tt r lh.adicll. 6iyn t i3 Fr.rel,I'y tb. l,.tNb it, ofphd' I in I norc I sd al rnd prihrily r! . sin. ol th. notu- J ror:l llult r 'fi.. /.tk winng dd b, th. dktbtitr I si' nar betn d.lined on n-1dons oth.6 by Md* thl inv.si6n of th. n:iubr.n.h.'nd b/ (.nr-* [ur ld u. not.implify: .n tfif poinr s]u$uE ^ dl rlrtionrhip 6.M.n !t. rol .nd th. bodt !mi6uotqun mnr,la&niVrlydimlldh.3,v. r$6rgh p6ion. S,6urc 6-. Poin$ rt ir invr_ ph.nondon, b mlch atnrion to tlE! d0n.l .nd do. oI th. nrEal chionrl'iD b.s.d dlr *il.d Gsnredon, { oncid., lh.t doubl.) vnriry, h ir no. r dmpl. .n ogy: wtning lhc why dc h. iudcr it impo$'ble 'b simply dG' I.tur, th. rcni!1. in*rip on, hA rlw.F b. conis 'nal. $$nction ot l {h aslrl" IlitElly sid.dd 6y w6crn G.dnion a. rltc Hy .nd mG lh. abnas nelf wnh d.thcl.$ daiso..d b ,pecll' .rd to ii. 5.irir, @ hftli! .tr(n:l csp.d .o r[. iDid. oI l.ngt.3.r "\0rnio& d.ugh $. probld oI $Dl :n{t bddt b t!. tosoi to .o i6 id.r syr.m, n 6.d onn'orly or.l*d ^nd is no doubt lmn ih. p66t.a af wriiing Epr.$nt l.rsu:s!. w' .lnnoi sindy dnr.82rd ir borN ns aom which it v. nu* b. .cqu.ini.a *nh n! ushln6., .l'ot (p.,r4)tp.:rl. @hiis, rnd drss wnrinp. i.n$hl. mMd .nd rdi6.i,l.rrdiorid: Yt-!]g!]!$r-b]!i!g!s!r4qlu!,qi r".lorh,ns " kh$3om.drebai @n6t.d rhrt fttbn16 g{dd'; rowM, tr!.y.r Te.nd .lrrL.d r[orshi Hised, szusu.., ;-.b g jgerEgsjlgglsf+llsPrsis h:v. rll qu6tio..d n. But hlr ii 8r b.m dorbid tid sritiq eA th. do$i$ of sp..d,t For srri .ftrior islation in d 4!.naix d n:rsiniln p.Mrio. rnil d.b.!.lt' otr sur?itiscv.nr3.m? s.6$r. dw@ .o L6onou. ! r to n dto* .nd dirg!i&, . I6tivll ery, . dr.$ oI ompdm d thc b.8i.nin8 of e Colr., h j3 I$ : qu6tion o, outlining th.n ol prcrdin& rn'l .v.r .t i.!or 1 mrl rh,r nr$ b. .xor.&.d. !h.t ir s s.v s,rd.d ing rh. inicm.l syso oI lh. l,ngn:8. in th. pu.i9 I of, by $. geod wo.'I "w'iring rcik 6. rPD.l! (or lmgu4c bur ol nr @iapr is:ini, srr!6r, mct Fr6di- I ere of l$sn:s.r it is nor 1 snie 'h. om r dnslilc (p. rr' lp.Jol, Srr.g.'inr3. oui m6t (onhmin'rion\hid h3 not I a,*d b mln1ft,.m ro odupi rh.t tdmi In I :lft,dy suiD@ th{ if ennng n im,sa lnd b nbt .xftrior "nsuaii6n, d'i "Ep6dtlrio." rh.@u6.olwh.rSr6sur."oelyvGh.iin5pi.., nmen @:r4_!s!s_:tj!r!js4!-+rr: oa.ll .rDqirion, o onsiad 6 rn .iftrn.l hnbrv ' t . sri.. ol rcidr.6:6.dins d.l.nsu.s. :id .mNh,p,rn r! * Ghr. rfhmQ bur imn!. o. ous'd: w* {'rlr knor'ry. rh. penins ot t l,ll,.3 it /rc' /rrol,, n fi. notunt or ".oQ' 'h. oubd. 6. tion {p. a r) lp. 41, * if wririns b.szn .nd cnd.d rc.nt rtrhin r insi'1..idtnsnd ousid.. .nd vie 86.. vi$ not raon. A!rtlde in .1. Pr..dr1 Pl{o rF ]tui I r'.n.. of hnrurFnr. thd tlE ril ot wriri.s o*r dh $irl'o (t7tr). T!. onhhin.rion by einin& .h. hd o. .h. i'tu.. d.wrtfit'fr{-;EMii-$fiol it, !G dqdncd in ..ento( I FF;n;;EF ! m.rii'iol l;;;iriinffi id:li-iiGi-rii-oAia-ri6liE_ pech.r hy rl. linsui5. {ioo C.n.v.. Tlt bn olnBrn\$it,i!n sho rh. md.n rNi6Lr M:l.bnrh. {r 6rtFEidr Piitqryhd {ise of tn. los6 muld 6m. in.o is .lonohy '7tl .nd its sci.ntiliciq, it !dm. .3!i' to !! '.esty

yond rl.r no&l ad rlar 6n.cp. oi wftin& rhis dln. &boGdtion nun, n rnr. b. For n E i$ r,pp.d in rhc Slusudan linnrtion l|l.t *. re 1n ml)ltns 6 .rptorc. Ii ?trd Snnq-r ri6nih. n!6h.r oI .y*?ms oI kryu'3., <id) rcer& iq -q',..'.r@,*"!!9r-ai-:I1!!:Jg-!19!4-!i!!!r-9!epiqHr|]q4!4<!t!9{rjd!!r!! !!lqun& on l nn.lllrM:dr fTll.rc .r. .hly Fo ,yd.n oI wririn& t ) ln j&osr4hic r/l&m.lcl $od is rlpe I I h,.d b,, r !n3t. ,isr lnr u x, ro ,h. I soun& ot r wor,l $.11. Prch I wrien lign {ituti for r whot. srd and, i,hv ih. Mit. I dn aly, lor rlE id.a ar.s.d I trEchsic.xihpl.otmid.os.2ptjcrys.m n chi.d.. r) ]1l. sv*en om. I or .,pnon.ric ''iiirs t.i.s to i.ere I (dry rnNn .!$undrrh,ih .upr I sylI eor-d. Phon.ric .y!865 2r. $n*jns :lph]bdric, i..,, b&d on I l$tc, eh.rim.i Mo@y*, i I id.%.,plic ry*.$ i'.dy mi;ru I eh.n en:id idogrrm toF rlfr onsidl I vrlu..ndb.6m.rmboLolihhEd5ound!. Iini.dion: 'l rhrll linn dircu$ionbrh?rhon. c tys.m:nd dpdJly to th. on. !*d to.}n ln. rr+ Th.s M limihionr d. rtt ri. Do,. rasrinr bdusq th.y 2c ju* wh,r F ...d .r a Fei6: poift tb lulnll th. ndr oi .rigdciBj i, hd, rh. ondion lor rh. r.rrt'6cio ot hnpuLoc E rhn 6dd or hislnri6 hI. ind r;d r,{ 'h., Gai n 6. r rys.h rgulatcd br.n nr,ral n.a$irJ,, r.d rLar in . ftnaio way its ,rudut. b. clold. 'nr r.pE.nrfiivnr orpr of rrjlins l,.lihiB rhinsr, lllidng ir

*,iri"8,9 yqro+!.6*d

pr6id$ d.r ih. bidh olS:u$Dftn lin8ui'ti.r.

' au . , nd t h . D u . n o ! 6 o , d D . ln o n ,r r :h Rr o r wrh n.tur., oi , usurplrior rh{ wr .ouplcd *irh lh. rh.ocial LlinJn6i b rlE ubi.l .$nc. a{ Irngu.s.,.r rny r:r. ro r[. n,ruhl hond b.M?n .'innnukdsign. drl.voi..rnd l!.6*tl,nrh. "cry or {J,.rrl D,iBUrg. ol d.i, 48( .hr 3pok.' *o.A k o inti. .orr4.! SNsuE: mrlr b.nnd b ns wrnr. irus. il.t ih. lft.r m.nrs6 ro ,J!" rlE mrin Flc" (p..rJi ialjs rdd.d)lp,rr1,, vdlins n nodjnsbut th? rcpr6.n1rion of lp.air h b ,iau. rhri o.. siy6 nor. rr. .o .h. d.t minins ol llE ,t St fiin6rh..ri.d-sru$ur.: vlar..rrslh.r. ..niin lot . hun b. pronoDrcd 1aruin s1} i! nirt*inr r[. riri.n ;mdr. oI . $und for $. $Md ndf. . , , Ion.l .rd6ut lsl.i. oddiryIr,.,r.';l b .n lr.cprion:l pnnDr.iiiion' (p. J,) n ! i$b:ins ir in. lp,rol.'vh{ deJ rh. i'.inr.y in!.diniry inrs. .nd thin& ,r,rr, i., rd pio , b $. point *h.E br . mno'iry, invsdn3, tud p.ftiiiry.{6q $ms in ic rub dr sp.dluD o( $iin& shi.[ .hrn:s$rousue rL. nlan rc|.." R?prcs?nr,rio. min3l6 wnh *h1 n rcpr.*nB, b . toift *ia. or sp.rks :s ar. wn6, onc tl nL :r if tn? s.e iofiina moi. rl1,n!h..!.dow or r.t6don oi rhc r9rc56r.i A d:rydou! ptoniniry :nd i icLious omplicitt btu .n $. cndio. ! Dirold rt rq,&i..r id roddm.nb d! ln.Fkc. rld $. r.fl..t.d Rhicfi I.b n*lf h. sdu(d n:roe rll.n liun is rbolr :U zordli th.) i.1. vi.ld''l rc itoieindio.. b nNibiliry, ro Fsian, d.v h.e. h.t ra!; inD $. \r1p ' 1p.i6) IP.Itl of ''ni.& b. by tlE influ4.. It'a_ ld lh.eRl6 lrisrt "I 'h. !ijn.n rorm l'b,d.r,.J_t !4!:1L

-fr I

ljnguiii.and r':ptic ligDq.nd ii n .hc dEoi. ci,, af rh. ,Ibirldnst o{ d. iisn *ho r.mi'ds us ol ir. A.rtrJing ra rh. hnrc.i.o.ncuphFial Dr.$pp6nion'.v.t d.b.v., fi.r sould b.64, /,r/rdl bond of rnn b $. Gnsd lnd ir is drk r[{ pr$6 lron $n* !o.ouna: th. n:tuEl bond, sansnr ey., d. only nu. bond, tn. bo d or slnd'(p..6){p. rrl-Thir ndurzl handol.h. sis. nifi.d Gonept or i.n*t b $. phdic aigni6$ strld .o.dhior ih. nrur.l rtliionrhip 0bo. dindi.8 writ;n3(vnibL inrs.) ro 5re.h. ft nitohl rcl.tionrhip thr vould h.v. b<.n in!.a.d by rh? orisini sin oI $riring Th. c lom li,cs,l mrnlE* b ro@ ikll upon thd .r d. dis r., Dro. of bund , , . .nd rlE nrurd rqu.ia vcr*d (p.,r7) lp.,t, nl.kbrf.!. .xphin.d i oriRitul iin :s iMr.niion. lh. cophrion of .ri. o,r,'f lLli *as Ad,m . .,disI :nd iJlcs6s, 6r lh .lDn. dlp2hl. b.rort rlE ol I hdi.n," L th. divn e.d: rh.l.nd.x.ittd no r.rc., no .i. | fiec),sina,o.r,4h:dr.lcnpl.ceH.rc16,on. L s.v. ir b .6a $hich n ddousln bur d usurl, on I t h. iid. ot t r c h q i e l : f r i f i c , l . o r sn h in .h .n t tl,. .o,!nor lh* $*.'i.d or d.yi'al: \ot -o-r Fn*, !h. snphi. iorn lt-s.l oa wodr \ trri*c us n b.iit lohdhingp.rh, rnd | rub|.. b{n.r 5utr.d rh:n ound o 6nsh. lhc uiry or l.ns!lg? tnroughou ift. I !t I notrsh ir .r..h . f.rnolr nDnn !h. \ r!p..t.ial hond oi s ins i. Duch .dJtd $ n&r,l bond, tn. only rd. sr:sp d'r 'n. bond, lh. bon,l ol sotrnd{p. a6r itilic! rld.d) 'rr,d

lfi lJ"',:::) I*f ##f ,,:,:li:i';'.T

ot $. trin.t I ilrnins, htrt thr iD0o.nft trr.r'r.l :lom frcrris our (ois +i5 v. ft rhur nol 'bl'nd ro rh. ibr, blr hl'nd.d bl r'hr'' ' 'h. d:zhd hr \. hnP. "Thc lLBr lin8ut$ oirurd hlmrntrB had IJnsu:s. in,j $n', g. iL{ 5 E,.n BoPp 'h. Hn imm<ddr' 'hrm. Rou$zd hrd 5u.ft$.8 GU inb r|l. sm. Fp drc i"d. r.pDlch ro $. G'.m,lr..,ly ddts.d 3ni th. tn ol +(ch for.h.Cfmm -:;r. ol wn' :..$ io b. v.rt linh morc td dt.r i nq' ai drurl .' h. l H D 5tn' 6c .dtrl i f,uhadi n Tt. Co,r r Cdal Thn dphus n;r. "ht tts,nrid r(ib fa, thn sr,n8?.rdmr qtd t[{ ir vririns. Ar n.($.ry pt.mbt e Esrmg r$. idurilb ibdl, on. fru$ 66t dirr$.mbl. th' l lidl. funhd on, r.p. 19. '.id

t ed 6.t th.y l.'n to sp..L h.roG d'.t l.'o ro (p {, *'ir..nd tk i"tuBl squna i3.t6.d

ura. G D H.Corr(Londoi,!e,r)|r,.1 .1 .,s( n o d o q q 6 r oi bbnns@rl j l .'or.,i d,h. rfrqorlh*rh<otnelr,@!ihij Srqnu(rdr& 66r.d eftin8,"{@hq riuk trrlu .Is $nhns

losiqlln r rnddoi5 elly drllii./.6d

i8 @s.
'Fdd E ip l,7er rNlJn of onrdoD ,36r, Gmh Ph'lorore a'v hisr36 hon3 hdqEldrn

"tnc sr.phic lom ol wods sril* us { b.. inA bD.tfiing p.m.n. .nd nahl., ihd than iourd ro on*ntrk rL. uint oI lnsus. $roushour rin., n tll.r rot r nr.nrl pfi.iome no te? In f.d r bad 'tDF fci,l'i 'ibft, I "nd ''6dnio6 .nd't.ry,".ffrG sood ndft by jmpostur.; rrr $hi.h ti6 *ni. o iound, th. ''thousl'.FDrd." S $urc n,rirhlul b tn. r.di tion di,r h.i dwrs :$oci:cd wrnins *itfi d. tlt l violm.. of pohiol innitution. I ii cl..rlr. '1. man.rr rs wnh Rou*.u {or *rmrl., of a br.:l

3u,s. \lxo4d sF i* : ..nrin l.n< nN b. pm. iouncdrrtnriDql nntrurrr,f.{i,himrEd r rld ro, ,]I< {uid K|| Fo' frd+ q b b! prc. tulr..d @, rhk 5driDr wltd tu( ro did jndrDod.nd* rtu,Ir e L *;rtn di" lmrd or n.dn{iis !p llj ,n.lF Plopolilio', th. ,6','ry of ,u.[ . r{ ("rdit @i qnn6 o-),tr$rnsd: "To n,ibu. fi. oddir b{qcDn@lrrdundrdotr oIo {d , n rr4 hrk'Jh& to, inpl,ntu trie4..!. 'hE b. i,rd ir *ririne a if 6. snlhi.3ts6ot *@ ir.

lnr wirhin, "Fogr.$" h6 @n- , Pr?,r'..d*- "d. e ..r,i.d torglduln.$ and corDpt.d mann B . 'ir.^,.,', *eikd ' 'r'. Dradora lrt kr.di,ii. id! ind. rfL4 rh. Iro./rr.' sad$u.. ln,sitrnnatizd R.u! !:u:"Th.liFnrtl suascrddstotnrund.!.n.d rR lt dd d,rr.{ n{i 1' u'blilhta h dr. I/rdl. rmpor:n.. ol whrins ... thui $/inng *5umd bt 6. o';n:bl. dirjotr or ft sn. Fout oI6'6 idPoidn.z a td4vak nd.r.nd inponza( lun. itl! d rra d( rv-c.l sudoq-Moulu, 'h .u. a a orr arcnl lF. ai) lp. asl. vh.n t;n*tsc t* in o4w' d ,afr'loaed s. n nin beom.m6oil.d in . thecticrl m;t*. in thir '!)a,//d /.J.1. no!s'& r{PrLl, r36').r 4r rAei rrbi.d, wh.n dr.y .r. tikd in, $c/ ft .llpdbla


J ^' o n \ D , , a i L { ,lrc,Jr in u'.? Hd? | on onlv 6'orh thtr inr(dns rubjd l ilink rhn plbnolosi*l l 'n3!i i ron\' $ itin s' o u ld b .Iorrn'ui of F*r, how *ouu n b. ro mrl' 'h' I uni' Fnsltrh' F(n h' dc 'dopt lpDliehk ro'n !,nm: Nlrt un 'lPhr6't sould probrht b. s.shrJ h rllhrgus., down bv diraindl m'-Ltt rnd-to s:v ot r T r F m E o f r h . dnrE $ ns 'P P 'nzne pr8. of phonoloBiql vnnie-ancmPs to sr1Prc'k'on would ohriou!|, confu* th' tc:d .ib vo h $ u r insehn$.w rni nsw 'rdF lisn.d td.,Pa* Th. :dvrnuBs muld mr omp'nsk lor d' inconv'_ b.3uti(imr 'o nknd Plonologiel.x{dtod. nnor v'rv d 6 ' b h o u sid . 5ci .nc.{P .l ') l p J4l Srsur'! I hopc nv inrmrion n dor' t odth'Lw l on r e a sn ta ftsa d r donotqu'{i o' 'hihl i unkh 4 st< u, A. ruLh oi d',r s,rrtz rar rn An d 1 5l on8s rn.rP l 'ci t prcbl .nt' l.u .h r b n . n ? { q .o l th . (L'i ohhi P ' b.Mn tP 'el t lr ' .: lrnd w'irins. n nor ?lrho'd'd. $hr h' d'noun(' ro th' Qor?n ritr' ff /d[r.?d proF( 'obt.ri.'ior hn' on ot pnndPl., Prourn5h sursF.Dd[n ':d J prem:rlEm:ncal 0'imndism .and .a.nkirn, (torogv r prtiorm,list ,ntuihoinm Ern il rh6 relm.dr to tom. ,bslnt. n.@!ir/' tr lhourd D' z.Jtrruch Th.rc,n,!11of "uurp'rion o;bl.n in-6 s dp'drly und inrmrnnlv b do tn:r' Hoe w* th. r,p rnd th. !$rp'non P6rbr" thL qr'ition b'vom S:us$rc n.v.r (Pli.t ' 'o psychology rh. Pr$ionr or ol ul r n(vcholos r.du!.d to iBmo* hnsuigicr t dF e:n.. Th'i s*roPhrns.hv 'll und'r rmin.d Fctor insdc *miologY' n pired ro Lh! tudontv .nd tupcriorirv ol p6Y'horosr: ph.. ol nm'olo8} L rh' hsk or Jd.mrn.ih;.$c'

For S.usuR. ro Ri". in ro rh. p'c.ns. of to ro srv. 'h! i,. ;l he. i"{ *'in.. lod 'n '/id, nD r s i o n - r n d I w . r gn m ytu ' d - ' h r ,,s d, 'r sr^r,-i.. , nd ."u.'*r h-.,.,.-,1"' ftd. o,v.hoioEii ol, vrry old r:dnion As orr | dJ-i'B, "Ps l. !.*r: o;,,o"i' $ - d.'u.nt t"o.d did.irm tr x,ll "ni., -d or on. porrr n'ol_'h' lrrF:s.{"vrhj l;'hcui(.' ftr ^ ,h n /o ' l i v ins t rns u r s . ( p . ' . ) l p p '-4 yvs rlsewhc'. {p, !t lp I rl. " !,"*"r -;;i" ol r\. bodv ir r b";.m nn;*""y n'h..,{(ry N /n d ,i' l' n .. , p $ s v' *- rh. s " i. . r d p $ ' i . " oI tlr. "oul- rtr 6o'ul *rv*sion F ,,tloloircl ol ;fiins on 5Fdh b trcns fi. cdDM'l.d.( luiia;L Srusui.evr."!u(hmh'rldi(r.illv { p . ( ] l l p , r , L T h ? in wa ' o n o fd ' . ;{ldoF er .rm, r.h onlhiDt would thur h,v..ngod.ied rh?F .i{ oh oi r\. hns r-:sr: \in or ido|"ft}, r vs in r h ' v r i ,r r d rh. ltft' k; . ^ . 'bn h* di6ru'r np$instt AMd,ar'wha.l. o r l*' in s. "ol.r.e * i* a. , r, "r",o' I n. * * . " -" i, * n . . . r . " ^ . " . ' " . I 4 - l I ins l&. I Jrn,i.r l.nF3a1. o . *ould * h ro

I ffi

| ffifii.'rfii7-'";l;5*o ;a b. hn. 1 F'i.' rnrlii-upt-un" 'h. Fnc Dosiion,s:usurth idii3tio. vith su.h Po$itilidi Jriv.r him io$&n coep:nonr: ,{ mitr p'opoling r lixcd ,h4 potr-iD *'lih, ; -. * r r . r * h " r i t wo u ldb . h k' r 'r h.n hrrhrng : duJ! .ge"o ttr, p 76 {.d gusrr*is_hc o *vc not th.ndwal lik ol Idd.k. but (|r. nxfl'r' h.b,r oI s'rins. sPon b . p - o r d . d n ,d ' , r h . i't . * ' Ior 3nd d. c*?' n n o - i-' dudi.n of *ion6c .xig.lcid dicritud. into .rdinary pho'.ti. wnnds Du* be .rid.d, In this 6s., r.tio'2lity *orld b'ing d.a!h' $ Tfr.t ir *tv om_ d6ol,rior, Md noBmu,n nd o.rhornplty mu{ h. k?Pt i$Y Ir.m ih. nou_ .l rc rd ii. rr,?bnr doB oI rh-. i'n;nt

I[iT.:":$:];f.',Ji* "::xl"l11i:,1,1
prc'uPPoiition m rh. bsi" ol : smdi l-dt.. I dhkh 6 no doub 'omnon ro th' "tutsd rnd rh' .proi.dbi l would r.thr an.omc. ihc limi6 and rl' pte whi' k'ns h'i' h l'' *ltdid'nr {pPnrinF m. ro rel i n $. rl ',n'khnd 5 n d lh n Rd'I t ' qliditv ot didmeo Th.limn' hd' tt':dv b'sun tozpPt^t:w\vd6aploi.ctor3da'ilinsuistis' .ol.ri'ins rh. nknal t@.n h vnioi of lrn' sr ,s? ;' s.r .' d r ' o d li nrrl r''mi bof'66el dbv'i ' tu sdc l 4 tadicrht tts' cludins' as dhnonq Gniol*ritingfi@d.rinpo@nti!nighrb','vcn rvGd w.i. it to 6. i, /d !niv.s.ll? '' A pniel'r or ttd ror which i8 PEci*lv (or is ptdtl' 't 'or.N'.'u

n i.mnsk

mdn ounu



rDffi6 ld! hY;


rrrcmdr d

Ar EE srcundt tor $btridnns I Pho norooc :l!h,b.r lor I tytuh ll otrosrapl.l

lA:Ms ond 'Tar oflor.d h' krntrobiBl M-d- L h'B 'n d. \,s'uE d. r;lftod -.aia'" F d. . lt bru / r y t e 6 r , l v o ' J l o , n@ P' b li' h .tln L d. k'd.^d h' ;oi is .-p.-4 't, -ouo3 s&sz..d. sircbituki ei., rrTtl lAtr/ril

fii,' ;. ,i d *il'iri k ot rndd].t. salo t,.aa,yMthdtwua " lmirylv fd'rm 'I.!

'h! 'c.!h nh"is b'r m.iir.d EPr' ' t d tb. Mt. h4P3" ', t4etncta tddt. laty lr. ik S!tur', RodEJ ho!

I'\u l

or ri. 6$n'ial ,lor) ,nd ,h. 6.nq, lh. Pirvile (whrh rhc. b(omd h' nrpr ;rdd ot icr6d othd ,sni6.n) d'p'nd dpi6jv' sienr6.d ot 'll oI th' s'ue th.orh"ld'k r; in.ontrdrnon 'o dtr@uB., upon ! pivdolosy of otsioue surirn vh* )'llfur: n.$ :nd or intuniv. (ondo$n'$ d do6 not au.non h.r. R th. '$'nlnlp4'b[rv nonimun'on, Lrl'. Hur.'|. Sru$uE dd'mrnd Th"ntD $i! nonintu on Fl.olo&llv 8 'i3it of th. wnrcn noErion rymbokm ri crl Ghn'qu. for.rlhPlFn d'l rhrt $hrh.rild inrurDonnm th' nr .v' ol rh. nn*' lh,t it to rrv hon or.qn( of rh? 3isni6.drn nt mrh rnd$urop'ni ;h. Do$,biliryor .nr. Thi.i' ind P'srbirt' tF b Ncv.nh.l.$, for Husd"hn ' 6:in!ribr.d erh thc ".ry nod. 6' Drcdudbnotid.rl obr.divirv: nhs in h(:n ornrr r.nri,l nad for wnnns " Bv on'ddrc spd nt. HG*rl m:k., us drl 'h't $' nc3ruryd it nou md. tEd'nr' 3{ n n 6'n h' thcoti ol crisi! lh* sholld h' sp'cq Dv sd' or .onc.Dt ftldloi'l|d't'F dill.cnct *h*;6 tr 'nd 'o. n'nrdonofn<gtrivitt on $. otfidhnd, b t6olnt lor_ururPrn6n v'rv rnd th. ongin ol P.$ion" th' cLssiol 'nd rlErfi.irl lgdm..tof th' ilid P e;cn thFs, not bcimPlY h 'o rn' ro$dYmr *hich tr.prdslv th. evt.m ot ih' rpor" En_ 'o ' 9.dsur. .onfronc '.n"nonr ull ner b' Drdina oa Fy(holosv P3vchololv tbntphdn.ric Gnd sursc virh th. tyn n ol 'vcn ;hh ro ..@mmod.r. wnhin is I B#l *'itine8 rt""d *irt' rt'crtos"r *"'"c rh. .b{.nd of rt. rie!9rv 6nsrib6 ltr ! Yt or Thtr tl.oloR lE& to ih. inErpdrpn wririnsh th' a oa rh. nonphon.n( e'thin w ins 13 ' i'ia.g "i,i" 'l**. dDdo 't 'Lrdt it n !;,nory dBn rnd G' ol pnss' rnd \Cl. Lonsif a.t' sao-;,i. lA!l io b<1w6'c'n dh' Elblogl '96L nsAl to osd.r 'hh

r ir'crvth.r"c," tP rrr tp 'ol Tfi' r6r-iion lnd nrNr'|" b


bes!.n specn and writin& t h r.hdotuhi* -llct hx nd oFn to der, !trsitidl- inv.s:inle nor. n.nrvc and n'nuG,n.'vs6' wolld '.qun. th. $nc i5 lppliobl. o n crpl,n*ion rcdd'ng b {ii.6 '.Dn popl! Fy dor. an4 ontuvnnal imDr.sion, inply b.ouk ihd. n ,hdpd ,nd m;r? l.nitrs thln ltrBl impr.$ion b aO Ip. 5lThk lxDlanarionot "!,urprdon" is nd enlr 'ff' enict i; iB iorn, iiis problcn*i. in' it rcl.s ro . ndiphysici hd to ,n old phviiolosvoI s.soiy L.ult.s.onnandydisProvcdbr dcn..,s bv il'. bo'lt of linsurs. !r th. .$.rnna 'nd m:L6ofv$ib'l' p;op.r n l:ng!:s.. k 'hprud.n'lv d.mcnt or iry fic hns'b|., limpL, ,nd dmt,l *nsn8, Aboy.rll,n rcnrddmsth.:udibl..s d' ,d&rdl 6ilid sithin *hi.h mu* ',r!' rdl,v lr,sm.nt Md :ricubrc nr iBrnukd sisn!' APhnni'n rhu; d.;cisins i'5 rb'rrnsi 'hir .x.lud6 all posibiliq ot sonc n{unl t.!:rionship lt th. Y.rv For'nr sr.dh .'d sdri.3 h.sdn thai n.6rfrs n, Inied of d.lib$it lr 4nnissin8 lhc noiont ol n{ui. .nd innnurion th.r it con_ i' rhus , nlnrly usr. {hi.h ougltr ro bc don. irq Mo, I' 6nall{ :nd m"s inpo(drt ."nlu!cs 'h. conmdics th. principrl ll6r6.iion xc'ordi4 to whicl'th. thin&.nrcotstitutc! latsurgc {r'.s"' irl le l, ,,,s!el n , , unrclrtd ro .h. phomc [p 7].-rh;'gunii.sisn' a6rFition vill smn occupvui; within i h' otb'r

. \ I | I

tnJta-,tunr rDl;L 5u-S];iF.ifiiFffim;. ffifi;nF;nFSi;ffirumlnFn'ifi;tri;ilifii,fiE;iifi*;-ii i"-F.*ffi-fit-iEn_N;-id-fi;T,r'-n: -"-6iFr-s;;;;;-d-t;;i';t:;:.itlfi:ftniril''

Vh.rc n rh. .vil? onc will p.rh.P! 3st. And i3:h. livins wd"'thr. $h.r b.s b.ei..v.!.d in'ohr:bl.? TJI$ (J.n !d$.$'" "f "'iirs whr in\rrm.nt b!3in\ ov dd.nn'nins rh. con $int acrionolwriiingat. dcro.o,tion.nd 1'.Br lp.,.1,ro.xpl,inth.;su.paridnbyma'sof{'it du'db't'ry .;c! @"n oi,t""rio", br'olir srsrcn' wnl r6h'6tion ha thut b.(n hnr $crihs.? whv should th' so lt:bili ol-'h. $bnrn.. nl *nonsl ll si.sed? vfid. r 'h... 'h. narhcr tonslc 6. pro.etd ttom th. op.dion of dea qc.. of lh. s.r. naor., .nd il rh. slhilig oI thrt opcrzrio' ls I lic ,nringi \0hy d.t $. sro!.n 1.n3!.Bc s(c aup.rior r.d ind.p.n'min. b. onlv r, tnd wn/ $ould th. tra!,lorm.ion d.rt tlE oris of writi.s, ns p4*is." and it in.xPlid.tormaiodt \vhv.hould ih. doth.r toryu. not iuDDo&d h.mluln6s, tould rcm3in fi1v. a hkory, o., wh't @m.s b th.5,n t[in& cabi. 6vn6x h smr lh.n * il s.u$ur. whiB dt th. s'n. tin. b d.non t2t Jt cortuPrion Produc. ns own nitbrt iD . FrLctt/ nrtor.l' au' o( rDah by eun.s, to,l.noun.. th. hJ'm th{ I rti.. :nd dom.{i. ?.v *nhout d.r b.in8 1r_ v4v wih @punnh s'itin8 rh. i:n.r.106 b rh. fom.,, dl'o unddl'n? J 1..'.d 6t 'ntouFd.? 'l'. .o mon*rou &in.' to lhc oI w.ni4 or l.ns!,3r. and ..r!'.1 in< in.lrrrbl. | ,o t wnhin (kn'i6c t.rttrnh h' n, *. {P ai' | Lrhsdrs.i rr. ind.adlrnr ol "'rrns '{{n. \p.orl,hr holJ(n .r r dntrn'4 2bsD.G. Bc,id6, B it not conmf,.olthcsM ti.djdory b wh.r n .h.wlr.r. : firm.d ,hou t l3n_ NrF h,;inq i d.6ni.,nd l,rr nur.ltrbl. o'rl ;,diri.. rh;r i' i"&p.'d.n' .t w,ir'ns p 4q

ttr.. lf s.ry nE!.l.'fu Ioundll,

| | Fo,f tr 'nd..d * i,hinr bd or'ntFl'ryuntl LPi | .olo./ ,hr srnsur w L b (ondin,nd rcnc.n' or I |rr'. th. prcbl.m 'l?Iorm'so' tltoud Ui'in3
And, 'n 'n \rrybrJprn th.innoc.nt qu.{ionr I h:vcrui thlr a,r.d-tot ztt.r,ilI riiburrB"ot LvJar"n nd $c en lorc ,bk pl.r-ld r n.d' tlE rouosinsflrc pr$:s. b.ld dphift to usrhri th. plav"n Mkr.pGsiniiic not ntru..l,",nd it,(.ns pronln.ianon!du.rolP.llinswillprobably.PPc,. nor. {rcquodyr.d rs tim?86ob' th. nuhber or ucl6e ld.G Pionounc.a by rP.,t s will prob2_ bly in.t.c. ' As in Rou$clu i' th. s,m. .ontan rhc Crpn:l is acdrd: Som. !d,i.ns !lr..dy tw.n tDd.n."' pronounc. rh. t ir spt /.rua Sr..s. .rcEpl.. -tlt hi.bri..l 8ap-Ior it is i!_ d..d llniory .h,r on Eus *op id ord.r b prot ct o'ly wid.n: 1..314. ton writibe-sill D!m!d.r forc..6 dr d.y $h.n .vcn th. l,n No Ln.6 .t ,rst "N.nty ' will b. tG _ ,n onho3r.phi. /o',t 05. nouc.d-hly ,?/. Such phonid /d/d,hnr b.lons to ltn[tod itt tutunt F^9. btt do iot 4n in{tndionins. ft.y !. arc b dn .'tdal ll*.e. Li'suktio .holld put .h.n in.o . :p..i.l .onp'inat lot obscft,non. rh.y .e'toloEidl a*. \p. t1i ialict .ddtdl 't. k ii cl.* rlir th..onc.pB oI s.biliry, p!rm,Dlina th.,.nd dlr:tion, whi.l' Ad.lsisr o drr b b..oNinftd tha, h. \oLld Hl.

I inffi;;i-"rd.i*F;t"-;* \ i".-m-iF",--;;;iffi;*;,;;:;*4.-i ,1;i;.;f;fii6-ifi;'.*:m;TF"-6ii*-';I 1iffiR-'o*r,*:;ii;il.I]i6.*Ty rh. oa*.opn.

(* v. shall se), i!n.i. dd.s4.d b nonirour n.s. Llt u!.tt th. .nrir. .ohcluri.. oI Chprer vl ol rn. Cd!4r ("G6phic R.pr6.nurion ot t n' s!as."), which mun 6. @nprr.d ro Ro!$au! k*.n Pr@un.iatio": 3ultlE t/nry ol !!!!!!B qod den Itrdhd

h. is nor d.ding tith wriiin& wh.n h. fcels -NEl), hc his doid thepdcnrn.6 o, th,..ubid' $ii sausurcop.n! th. 6cldoi 1 s.n...l s,h_
tlusql' ' i Dh' oo troa!.' kpdhrr^d_<p*h.,_orprrr" pdlnsd' 'hr u;(imru bn.r.lrnc 'hn rdsfl'or lrr'l {sE H!! rotrituk, phtromooLoB,c ''-nr 6n_ trr turr{or'h. nto oll,rp.3.d phdic {Fd.{ d ruk5r(odmtre "h.h 'h( "( "i, {,; Tach iro.'l-ad, LNs lrrou!.nrov In"' 'h. r' lt Li Crndndullnq relc): .odl.tro&rurr, P;,,ati at Ph"\ot st, t c$'B ,E LM. D,IEE L ii R In rh' (8sl.dq ,0d Lo5 Ai8.r*, 'c6tl. P "PhoDolofu rhontnqu."dJrroBd rnd H$. (i. R n 6^' aan it E ;d'6abn dl L'"t"t',6ttet 'nd ,n r.'" d. l;P"'ak w,'Ld s.'d.r. 1.. Nior,, Rurd tPnn, P.,o, 6r d. thorcl4r{ic 'e6))1, nqodol'h.$s$n,nprcjdktuEbrrunta!n' :dqlt rnJ ho* neodnv d!fdd.d, mublt 4:inn oi Hrdn;lor'rls.bntr p.Ln, qd lAurnl

x I:nnodnrtdabov.. ir; "hcn



in s.!!!.r,


ir rhe n:'uft,



;t bc m *4il9c-t"d. -r'i.r'ir not. eign , :,8nrrcpr Dl &rrS


J^.au.s DERtun^



mnolosn Vfii.h world not only no long.. b. ex! .d lrom B...rrl linsuistici bui wouli domi'inc n.nd@nhin it*ithin nrll.Th.n rl,r *hr*s ch3$d oiili6iri. t[. und.irsou. rdoill4ristid, hrs ird..d n.v..c..kd to hrunt l,ngu.g.ati6 prim.ry &d no( intiD,r po$ibil. ny. Il.n 3on.thins vhi.h *.! nd.r rFoL.n rnd wl,i.h is nothinBod..lhrn wriiinsibelltth.ori8iD or hDguas. wrncr n*[ wnhin SN$ur.t dn$u6.. Thm *.djmp* th. e4m 6ra prororndhr. i' nd.xpl,mrionotrh?ururp:don.nd th. kaps .ond.Dncd in Chiptcr \4, Thi! *pl:iation sill ov.nh.oa .v.n !h. fom o( quction .o Nhich i. 'h. 'rh. OuBidc Ja.Jh. Insidr ol ih. risn Go sro$li Th. o{ 6e ,r&,t,rt.ij 'hcair misn,m.d, and noi anly ior Ih. r.!$ns Sau$ur; h6kU R$g cr l' mi$ IorLid , ndicrl dhiincriDnbtNcn ,!. lingunft lnd rItrgnphicsisn. No douh thi5thcsis only d. nr.6slq oirh' tionship5 beNen sp.ci6c sisn,6.6 3nd riSnificds utr;3n:ll?s.dly nrNnl rhrionrhiP bcse.n thc t voie and s.nk i. !....r1, b.N.m thc qdr oll ri$nic risiifi{r ,nd rl'e of rh. risni6.ds I I th. onlr nxn6l bond, rhe anly n. bond. rhr I bond of.ound"). only ft6. rbnonshipr beNcn I lpdiic sisitcB 2nd sisnifi.ds wolld b. rquhi.d I bylrbnGnn6s. Vnhin th. natunl" r.linonshit I h.N..n phonic sisnifrcF .nd .isni6.& ,n

L onlv ile. th.t o" wilt b' 'trd b tli. nsorouny th. trob!.m oI rh' ttio' :bl. {'h@r'icrl ot orh'F l.d rDrurknzn( ol. obviou3lviRr rh' s1ns *i: I '.r' *'*, r;rn.ntn. nohcnt onlv.,. t llin8'xtoPl' $rii. rrrdrh. knhd I civ.n lifl.ion, w{hout Poldingio u* I r. con(;G ilaur.d bt 'h.lun'don-soI-l'i'h hrE iun rpok.n My iunifiebdwould b' re lol_ low!: lh6 rnd $m. orhd indi4. (in r s'n'nrv?v th. ftaim?nt ol $. .onc./ oI *riri.d 1t&idv siv'


ir usi.s thir opposirion nl-. oI

iut. ind inriorion, of prryl itrd ,oro. {vhicn .horm.,nx, o( couc.. a d;dibuion and di*ion rtGULr.d in l,c! by t/',) which r D.dnrion on w.ning shoulddistoib ahhou8hi. tu.dionr cvery*hsr. ai $ll{vid.rr, plnicularly in rll' disld. ol linglGdd. \qc mu$ rfim conclud. ih.r only th. sisni cail?d,,t,rdl, th6. thar H.gcl hdS.Nurc c.ll 'tyabok, ' .scip. kmiologr 2r Bannlblog', Bur il.y t!11I fodiori ousid. th. 6.ld oI lins!isria r ri. asion of s.n.ral &niotosy- Th. ft6is ol ln.$of th.sigd thusndnddybtr.irnocrbly contesES.u$uie. d..l.r.d propcirion wh.n fi. cnas6w.itins b rh. outcr dar!ne$otl!nsu!s.Tfrkifi ci3rucc.stull, a..ornu lor. onrnionrl r{lliionrhip 6lseen rh. phoncs..nd ie slrph.m. (in pboncdc writins, btu.n tfi. p6onsm., signi6*iisni6cd, ind.hc, pur?sisni6.r), bur qy dE sro. tok r n lorbids thI .h. hn.r b. 2fl ''imlgc" oI th. form.r, Now ii ea! to ii..xclusionof wriri.g3r".r.malryn.m, rfirk or conr to inpoF :n "imaB., . 1.pdd.ttio.," . f8urrtion,', It in,ft6liil., h.E at lait, tbrt rk( is in ard an id.osEpnic fli..ioh ol th. alph$.r, Tfiis inpo@nr qu.$ior i. much by hitun.ns of *itin& Vll,r Dad.c 6.r. is rlEr in ih. tfncirohi. trucor. aod sysanidc prin.ipl. of atph.L. c w'ning-.nd phorlic Nriiing i' g.n.nlno..!.rionshipot n*uEl'Epi.s.nhtion,.on.of .c*m!l!.a or pani.ip,dor no 'tlmbolic rclarionsiip in rt. H.g.lhn-$us$dan ers.r no ''iologBphiC' rclationrhip i. rh! Pcjrci.n s.nsq



I", *8

*#ff*fi**-,,u.,n-r,,.*n,' , "6sud'ion. :,'r.Ilt

)'Pr8l tor B.)dd tn. rndd t6 [irulf, :n onrc t*h ot i'drli!Bui5'i. rtnirirn oo h. oppsd r dE lll6ir ol lhi '5lbntui'B oi thc ,{ h ftlkr.h.$.ift & hn. iiF." ciJakoloa 3,3r," I-Qud to hc &!nd dr Lri8s8.,"l D,o3rrr, 1' t;nsnti4k rtn.btuniq!-' lr.tir t,, zna rikt, re6rl,r. rr.B lhd. ai{i.i$s do norinan r!-rrJ. s,u$uE! hd;d6, do not orti.Dd b intd...-wiih Foloddin'o'ioodiErtdnlh.disn'jNi.ym'ljm. idriel,ioh p6per ro ,h. rrurun if nor lh. o,ish oa

imrS., ingwnrrulrrn k.6non of rh.spok.n lrngdrs. mniid.6 .hn h. non.6d.$ n..'l'd thc* in''rF or ou... notiots ro dEidc upon dE 'tt'nohq *nring, onc mur con.ludt tl'r m- mft' sn' tum of fih d;oud., rh. int nrcn or Lhrp''r "l ( Cnphic on .flneur8c. ) wr no' rh6 mv qu'r'v ts nn( ,r all ici.nnfrc wi?n I 'v primlnly F(din:nd a. sr6{rc! m'mion or.mG h. mhE uncnh'lr trrornon .vanon. bur Eik *hich h. inh..iE.'ro *h2t zonc ol ditons' doc hnchonins ol .rsun.nt on bdons' rhk tirnr thi! cofi.dc. ol ddn. prcJuc'ry'bdl in r ndr on.iric wry-rl'hough r ch''66 ih' drcrm Ethd firn dlN r*li b b. clrri6.d bv ir-thousll ' on,nd(toq logi.? Hdis ths lundionina'lnfl_ lrt.d lith rlE mdrciY ! hirbrv ol'l Bd'r )(' ho* thoudour d.rr i ro.t lrom sithin rh.6nc?pt ol sci'nc' {' qu.tion R dlbod(d-rr *tll lt i!only "h.n 'tu ft n bN drY-trh.n th. conc+r rqd'rcd bt riR lundionine rE d.6n.d omrid' ol:ll Fvchilosv ol m1n) euBid' ddrphvrc (s of,ll r.nct rwhich sn now b. Mrdisf or "t'ru(rur3ri r; on. E .bl. rc r6P.ct rll rcld'Lof8'n'nlitv -l'.b

. I I I I I ' '

m Driciout. UL. ftc word {bndrv'rmrdinE r-plv fiii th' choieolth' i"**-. r'tholld'"t (P torl d6,6.! tr .nddv o ifi. spol?l lD;. 6s -.e l. tnpli n h*.o "monl {rchm"r''6.d w in r.nig Fot s'th' dPtor'd pub nqud'on h' rcd fin_n:onl,uchmot of nrdt.ln$ trrh."h:nthrr ol E shv th. word i.*irution ihNld n't h' rm vithin th. chsicl iyltm ol qu(Liy 'n'.rpd.d

fi;n{iruGd rE

s _unmoriukd !(no' s-


""- ol di6.r.nft *nhin r ndc -.*. rhinhinc $. rdnnd et rPF-tE to( ol;.|.rcft. shd. di(doc " rnd rh!5 p.rm'E I (Rlin I'b'dv d vrnrnoN ol dorrt h'tF Th. ,brr' . frll Dona 'rnr' r:n*mddDl PEnr' d oI .'o'nrd.^;., cm,rdroris'n ol thcwdd :p!.rri's'rtu'h'Prc_ *n,ini r*lizt nr.ducrbl.:bcn" uirhin rh' I're

sirhoui * thousit


J^.quEs DERIo^

.nc ot rh. rae, is nor, dd,Phvsi..l lormolt 3tr6Thk lriturd lor . scimti6. <on..9t oI writi$ qu.{mnns ot lo.muh, bdi& rh. hcr th*d n 'h. m.rrohBio i$ll. d.qib6 rh. nrufl,. implr'd ;.lbnnm*o(th.isn, Ipd rh. nomcnr bv fi: drn on. thif,l3 o( ns Posabilig rron o/$. ddiY'd or@ on hMdn nrru'. rnd.onrdion tnbol h$. nd ngonry I :nd risn. .t(, Thd? :;;risn..t(, Tfid? oPPcnioff hr. ndninsonlt lk.r dE @$ibilB of th. rrc. Th."umotirn'd l !,/n'hdB m shkh rda ol ih. qsn (qtriB: 'h' I I orh.r n announ..d I snch-witho'r ..y sinp[ciiy, ..y idcnrig, .Dv or ar shlr n noi n L ,'zo!"s/ dnrinuig-*i$it r,.rj th.t s. iav. .ll ,n,otr' iiom shat m'r'nonliviig' up to oF Dhvsic hrt d.fn.d psins nl ol :nimt or sio*ru$, 'housh s.o'zrmn, Th. r:c., trh.i. th. Rh'iodhiP Yith iL. od.r n nlrl.d. .nicul.c. tu po*iLilirv in rh. .!rn. 6dd o( ti..nity lr!.nrl. wlich mdaphvsic! h.s d.6ncd $ rn. b.ins tr6.Dr nani's trcn rh' ot rl? r&- Th. u.c. mu$ bc ocdlr.d dov.n. But th. rt uAhi b.loflh..nhtY sx? tr nG*:nlY ctut.d. ir Podue! ndr 13 s.ll-dculbriod.Vh.n$.o$.rlnnou.clsi6'll:r uch. it or6.n6 n*ll in ih. disimul,ion ol ni.lf Tl'k tomlhtion L noi fi.olos'cal,6 on mi8h. 6r$ilr. Th? rhrclogic2l" is 1 pn.qh.t mom..r i' tfi. tol frov.ln.d ol rb. &rdiqcd kac. Th. 6.ld ol $. .ntitv, !.tora b.ins dd(' frincd ts th. 6.ld of Ptsnc., i3 I inr b d? drvd< F$,brh,?r-3m.ri( ,nd rhc'

tua i indc6_ ri.rc h no mnDrivlr.d t,c.: 'h. lnS,run unmDtivli.d nid',niomt @mms l,ngurs.,*hd s.u$ur. do6 norsrv woub ntv' ro b. e'd. $.r. i! ncnhd tnhol nor riBnbut r bconingjisr oI ih. .tmbol
wirhout !.yin8; tic ke wh.r.o{

rf.;i+1ffiJ :tti;'r $l*#liiilfrllli';"1i


*.msb hrv.

b..n norc d&ntiv. rh,n s.!$u. ro th' nrcdn'i_ ln bihr of dk bc@mihB_unmoiivm.d, his umi_ rp.r[ of, bmming unmonvftd nolosroncmus of rh; ry'&ol rh.mnonof$.tvnbol Phvinshdr a rol. rmlogolr ro rMt ol tt? sisnwhid s,ns!rc opposdpr..iilt to i,. ttmbol:
bv dc Syhbolr s'u,, Th<t on. 'ntoh.rn8 rlupn.nt out of orh{ rigni p,diculr'rv lrcmicoB,or fton mixcd siSmp.n,kinsot 6. narur. ol ions.nd lynboh W..hink nrni.Tfr6cn.nrrl nsnt rrt o{ mited on[ '' m;Rt th. syrhal Prd o{ rh.m :i. crll.d conRps,Il r mrn n:kd 1 ncy tmbo! I s by rlDuds involvins @neps So it n onlv out o1 qm6ok th,t t n.w svmbor 6n 8row. onnc synbolrm dc ryfrbolo " P.ira mndis with so rpplrc.dv inottt'r ibl. diFci.i. Th. mLt,t hc'. would b. b sa6ifrc. o;for th. olh.. lt mu* bG..cogniucd ih,t rbc of symbolic (in P.itat sne: o{ "tn. .tbit.nn.$ in tn .nre rh. riF',) n rcoid in dt rior ;d r.l.tcd onl.. of ri*nifc4ion: "Svn6ols Ed. Thq @m. in(o b.insbv d."dopm'nt out ol pn'iohtlv lom kont. or nodmix'd ;'h*.sq tnc Bu 6.* @c nu* not cMPoBN. .ir:. (;.runl oI rh. 6.ld ol rymbob' rhc :u_ o.En.lit brcnr ol rd;m:in, r produc'ion'tnd l pl,li'so n n dl/ out of t|nbol. rh{ . n.f, tvnbol .an qdr, OmE lyhbolum & sYmholo ' r.f.d th. scrcti. r@.rtstm Brr in bdh o*, I H.ddu tt Lqn,sk. tt,,.ht F p.r, .d ch' 6 H,nlhorur P:ul v.n! rc:mb,iaF,Mni,,eJ'(sd r.n.) rs), vol,d, p. r6e, trrsiph )o! l^ul

,mir*sHm*it ll*rr+$.'*1ftr#ffi]'
iT i;:I,','i:,T:,i:li1'T."."illiiiii i '*

ui+ir'*'"'M,'ll,*if1ffi ;#;;,:--1 j:if g*' *lf*lm.n",'l.l iltr-ir"'rl *** ;'lli,'i,i,jj:i l

:i]il:j:$]:;ft #ii'li".*:ru:ll;Ifit'i:ffi g ai,'.m:+


'h? 't'. "-i .6 !n h, thtt ir !o ey r? dnsimuLiion ol its as ot .lrcdy t.3ln 1nd no irtrdd such." fi.. .lv:F
Thar R shy th. mo.m< ol undonv:E{tn6r" o.s&s lom on. 3roctor. b $c orn.. Nh.n rh' :s ih oi){ 6 t h . t r B . o I . l t m b o l k6 in r (nrn &t.nin'J d xodinsb, a;,hsn$ rtuctur. of thc 6 sucl'' that oft i3lurhoriz'd to sr that d.r. it yc no in sn.r S'us b hin' .M alG '!ymbol" 2nd which, ..6dins *miol' ta* prcvision.lly-ini.E$ dcr no.-{ osy.Th. !.ndrl sddDr. ot th. trmo 'cd kre on(cL sthin rh. r&. poslibilirv rnd th.y crn_ rh. $tucd d..Pl by .kt.cdon, not bc *p{.t bc oi ih. rcldionlhip wirh .h. orh.r' th. md'_ l2ngu.8.6 writi4, dd ol tBponliznob,.nd without r.Ltrils btk ro . mturc"' ih. inno In ttct, wevr t..dc riv:rion ol tn. taa i6

n'. p.***on



rl:;iir{r,':;l{,il*l"if,l;l? il:{il;;1ittrili# x;:t':.frii1'1:i'::*1*: ^;'i'fll;:';Y:l:u:l;r:l:lll';l'"l :j:{:ii;,::r.':;':?:iliil::ri+, a{'^.4:'_d*:.:.;:r:;;. o;;;;i;.'a

-:t i lp-r',r.i.'.,i""*..t'r.renditrois | +*!.!r j .p"'-"'i.* n.'!,'a

:fl"t# :iy.::;:x:':x!i{,u' iliir:',m*1":,".riil# lll';'ill.rj,.ll'fi#j I . li."ili:;ll.;iii';i:l:"::irr;:itr l'*1s:;*urnu$r'tr.lJ

li ,i...r "r :t I 4,p,.-"111 4 *",'."ax*i.,^r:"" ;lo |
'.rhoo*d.!lull, ncdh{cntury s'l$hrn Philosc

ili.::i'."1i'iiil:li':ii1;;'ii:::,1,i:l! lr:i:::-:fj3:5{l'1"'[]iiT'1 r. o&,',r.,hr tt r-. o, I 1"":Tl'1"..#*#ff.ii"ffi:



.i.'f, - ", "'"X,1''-*...'*-'"".'*

'#*i,ii:lii+ll*.rr;,%rlir;r.:: ",,* $!.;1;li;:i;,J,i;"-''" "'""'


ut otonNtotaSy $r rn znd H.Jess.i,rn qu.juuns mun b( ell.c lnlj follow.d b rh. vcry end,:nd rhq.. .J!. ne$ 1nd l*ibilny hu* b. cons.r.d. Ever i{ n scrt ao$.d oq. snhom n rhc (onrtps ot prrr rid {rtr trB ro {hich LEtt hrv. (ruu,q $rl rem:'. _-!- sirl . rc8ionrl tions 3nd an .m':::" cdishr p,n.,ii poen\ $, hdrphy6ial drqotr6.. TlLe Firi.n4 posiiGt, or mdaphysiet disotr6.. nr .ou.rcrmove lhai dr. hotdeo otruch, dirotrs. wonld oppo$ ro ih. prccrni.,l rnd b na.p[ysi.]llrrculxdon would b. noihins tjdr tn. rnnJlr rcprcjtnG on of own oDea;,n. ktr thd.tprc th.. lanE ul a lo,td 6t nsr 6.8{, a ph.e nrLrd our jn idvrne, Linoi lrnll sln.ral scisuinid n oily . .nc..,, i lhc Lsr '3n by tsmmmr tolosyl wi,l 6. rpplisbl. ro linsuisrics 3r) (p,


\\rn\t( vhnh dd.ffin6 ,t.. 'o-ahins ||, uh,t,.ttn4,o Qtd to an.bje4 to ! hi.h kh6 tu' bb,.t) il thz ,,h. ko\, thj ukttdrn btaainE i, t' asisn,;ndso , r r,r ti:rrlr, . . . Il $. *rj.s or sua.$iv. Dtrrprdrns comcs ro an ..d, rh. sig. is ,rr,.hy rcnder.dimpel4i, f t!d.i' l rvni'r. oom.m rh:{ th(e ir mcrni,e,h.r rre {r,4 I)'B3n5. \|/Mpr od} ir srPa \0nnh " ro run'ng -"{trb yh.n,2, rh. nononor 'h. ri8nrrd. !.,y riff ir Ni.e$h., irs.xig.n., k d , Etrrd in th..bblut.n6 ol irs riqht. one coutd , nl tL), ln. of rh. nz,sc.ndcnEl sisi6.d { $ o1phy, rh* k io s,y a. th.d6nucot ontoth.olosy,'d.h. m.riph),si6 of pe* 'ri ri. t tr nor rdrpnstngrhar r[. jho.t,, rhrp,ng rd r .rminiig mtrrphyrB sin.c iB orain, kts rfrr /,. n,r?/ cr *., in rh( pdriod,hm, i.rulns rr Lnd linsuistiGto shrnrjq (whi.h a Euspca; lD* $, from s.!sur. .o r{j.nslev, *i .lo),.:, r,.rr'ig rh. p.oblemol ou6id. ot th.n.c"d,rr rr(h.!, c.rhi. Am.ricrn tingukG on$antjy ie kr ro rh. modd otl xame.LJ$. one ntr$ rhink 01 I | I I I

Btrn (gird ro rhtr beming. rh. oppo{nron ot . d Ech iin r c r n d s) n ch m ni . R :God(Md. kw ouj d .o'nn8nd r a,mmrotia I nor b. rbl. D..r 'o


Th. ivan!2s. olrhis subnituri.. sillno. ont,/ b. rosiv? ro rh. rhoryofw&ins lhc koF n..d.d to.dunr.r losoeniiic rc}r.sio. rd rhc ',ho.di I mtion to linsbnticr.l. will Ii b.d. ih. s.miolosica prci.ct is.lf lrom rhar. in spir. or i( BE!!.r thrc. rticil .$.,sion, r.nzined so,z,,.r' by linsunia, o4ani,.d 6 iI li$uisris weft 1 on& ns e!!.r | .nA ns kbs. E d thoush enirloE, uq i4 hn th'n lk \ floi. s.zdrl ttut 'ron cm?rttdtir. to b. t.Erldt.d 4 il it pa. \ ttisti.s, n rdin\ed tinq stk tipn rc\bnr o[th. rt ar oflh'sriikt.Th. danpht,lor s.,'iolos, ir dooinlrd n 1s thc md.His. and A rhc sen.raiv. hod.l, lh.

t t r usnor ry ro 3ob.yond rh6. iom.llna 3. chit cronic$. L.r us 2s! io a not

s'lould nor b. ",ny hc.nins .lep. rs n:ncd ('bid.).Dohin.Bl by th. $ll.d "civilizdion ot sriri.g llllt wr inhabir,z civilizltton o{*ell.d phofttac *ndng, lhrt is to r1y oI lh. losor *h.r. th. ol hdinsirin i6 r.los,derftmin.d $ Frousir Th. B.dn.liin !.eeBd n Lflnd rnd indn, tor A. d.riprior ol lh. /d !d ,r. ,otution oI tisntfutiot witnin tll. clourc ol th; d d,h.itili.l.ion lha.k in lhrpc6s of di, pp.rrin s i. ns vcry globatizd on.

Il*'ry.l",-..*"-""r+.,,,..""gh;",;.,. udeBbod

x M op ion rd no,.5 rnrc,.s \k l,i *ny. nokmcni, a dero!tuiion, ind nor .,. ls'v.n srucrur.. sci.n- ol \n. rrbn.&ine$ ot 6c rirn( ot,h. rdmoriurcn ot rh. rEa, (, 'si8nii .nc. or wirnns bdor. rpdh,nd in rpc.rh!sdE m r o lo slyo u ld ' h u r ( o v.rryrn6dds,nw h;liq would, by lb$r2dion, d.lincalsns osn ard, wiihrhclinib rh3tSlu$!rc pr.rdibs 6 iB syn.m :nd *hich mu* be carctulv re'.rerml Jihined in cach spcc.h/wians sys.m i; ihe By? sob*iturion which woutd b. anyrfiiB hui rcrbd,r onc m3y rcptaa \.,tialog by ynsr_ totasy in $. pta$^n at tlc Caka. in cd.tdt LinSrkri.s: I shall.all it lsr.mn4ol6gyl. . , . Sin.. th. vhat n *ould 6.i bur it has i right to .ri, $.md obyioudyiifd bzct b "n*, Ni.a.+tkl I' cto* Iitsat, n h.n F,qn 4.ant!. d,ar tR Andrr PriJu lrrn. rcd[ q !r r-Dn Di"t. v.d^y Aa.d" tpnn-s;,,r;ait, L, p\alF d. 4tro4^dt5 t _ r.t, n- k. | \ndrc?ritu. rn! \t pp. rp r. {D.i sar rcd cutrd irril]nki. 'a64 s rR r6ord:tj iq luo i"i '{7r. ,ta o.ndr tsDtt dt, \4tt,h. lu ku .aan. 'r,.na 'pLun n F.--,m Kotu */]lt.ns.4,,*, v4 h p4i. phraan. [p,;,], ry6n, 2nJ E rlih,. -,r. ^,.1q rr3 t4.r rn4ilis8Data.ibd M4, n1d.!tl "nd ariibiis4, tAu./rrl "60)


, F,. "nh" E;fl-A r}-:7,,"] 1117.)condhn.d w;hnspft.*t, r ph/_

On. could thcr.Ior. $y il!,r signs ifirt K wiolly riLn.rry r.lliz. b.nft rlun dr. oih?6 .h. id.J of rbe ..hiolosical procc$; tha. k why hnguaAc,th. ho$ omptcx and lni rBi ol ll ry$.ms ol *prc$ion. j! al5o lh. mor .h lr.crerilic; in thk sDlc linsuir, 6e ea he@6. th. hans pan.n [o/ dll btun.h.t 01 t.'nioloE .kholgh l, h only on. panie,ar s.miologicil ryncm {p. ror; nric'dd.d) Ip.631. Cons.qumd, (&nsid.ring dl. ord.. o( d.p.n. pr.{ihcd by 9.usur..,pprr.nrl|nycrnng rh. (lrtion+ip ofrh. Dii ro rl\. whol.,3:dhB In ild e(i6 our th. prcfound.$ inldnlion oI rh.

inkinsic d conqcr my, how hngnlg. ir noi m.rclt 2 rod ot wfting, mmp:hbl. ro . ryscm oi wdins'{p.') wriks curi{p. rdl-S.u$tE ouJr-but a rp<i.s o/ wrni.s. Or rathr, lina *riiing no lons.r rel d.o Lnguag.4.n .xt.nsior or Gon.i.r, ld us rsk fiov laig!.8. is l posi bility tound.d or thc posibiliry oI wririn& Demonsrari.g tlii ord youtd giv. I lhc ..n. tim?anrcotrn!olrh.rall.s.d ururpatio. *iich olld nor b. in unh{py k luppos on rh. .onFary i cohn . td dthusddud6.h. r6cnblrn.. oI th. im,g., d.riv..ion, or rcpre *nrariv. dll.xion. And ih$on.*ould brins bacl

to at. rtu. m.uin& ro ns prjn.ry posibilily, rnc apprenrlyinnd?nr z.d did,cricinalogywlicn

Lnsua8. it lomp2rabl ol r sr$d ol risns .har.xpr.s id.$, ..d n th.Elor. .orp6 rrtr. ro dlte, th. rlphab.. oI d?t-mur.q ryhboli. rit6, polir. formtrlrs, mihary sis, nllr ft. Aur ir is rh. no{ ol:ll rh6? sr$.m! (p. rr; n,li6 dd.J) Ip. r6l. Funh.r, n is nor by chuc. .h{. . fiundr.d rrd rhiny prg.s lat r, , I'c hom. of .rpLinins phoni. I rh. $ndinol olti.svi*i. vab. ( fron . h.t li.l vi.wpoirl ),. i. nua rsd. boF @.ll bi. Fd4osrc i.souar loh rhr.x$pl. of !_rn. .oi..pN id< d ertu. n mrd. up er.t ot ah.idni rnd,lif.ftnar shl' r6Fd o r& orh.! Emi 01 hnpr*q iid dr! ntu dn b<rid or n nrEnrr id.. I'. tIiq in $. ud ; noi lh. suid ddn. bu 'npon{r d6s<(d dr nd. it osibh b ai] lhonk 'h. .insunh rhi" ma t.dh.E, to! ary \ignLlio'ion' . . x8m.tro|lrip:g.atrRg'n'h. . 6n:rrn:rr!i5b<bn.d o ny'hLns.r!.P' noiofti ^ ,u d.nft wnh$. 16'' lp.r6'tbr.r:7-r3l.l^r.1

tin,rc-rndoppu(d ru!h.h,tdrhnc$ to rh.,dul, rd\lr) lrpold4 ol, Thtr t/ax rhoushra5 rirrRai lh. rrnsc.nd.nul signi6ed, no, r Dtay is ,' uord.4 rhrsrtsaF bm dc6n.d, ro;,h? '/,. or .o,rrtr,a n, by th. phitobpbicit (1nrp.6 dnionrnd isih.ifi or.ti.iinsoiphy tsocoisid.r r (or fio* who, lollow'ns rnd soins b.yond lrlemlSdd. ELr(m:nri6 ro pr/ctrotogror som. nrhd rael didpln.). To lh,nr. phy F,l,aIly rhc onrologial &d problcmricr md* nd b. s.rioudy rJa!r.4 au.sior oi th. nE.idg, if. briig ol 'hc the.n.iry and ol rhc tr.knd..rJ orisi. oI the w.rtd-ot ri. soltdn6 rol th . wo d-m s ' L c p r k n r t t , n J r g .r o b t/ $orl?d rhrorsh, or rttr Hu! " ttndL 6l lai. Rt<. t, p. ta/. t^,.1

FrcD nw on w. nu$.dnir th. po$ibiliry ot Ev.6ine Sausurct proporiion sb. day: lingri.ri6 i! nor 3 p.d, *.n at pivile.d, ol Ih. Bmdrl ot i8n., n is &nriolog, lhr. is ! I'.n ot ljnsui5ri6.:' This colr.anr rd.6rl, $bmirti.g scniolo9 .o : 'tnrlinsuistic," l.idsrois lull.xplis.ior !slin, Cristi6 hirroric.llt dpdjnaEd by lo3mDric n.Ephy!i6, for which in lad d'.re n nor :nd rh.i. ! connniatjoi, tne6rl,e.L.l r.l


' 'o

J^ . , r t ! .r nr er ) ^
Ih. Dr.mnddcfinins inr.rnrl syscn ol rangurg?. shi.f.'"! :._ 'r.'rdnNrrclud..h.v.ryriii" !' ni--si
un,i: ."n,-Lr.:.Jo!

56c. in idc.icd n1t ofe(irnt n ob*rvdle tr fir r r . ' i i ' :r ' in * nrin& . D ; , i r ! : Y t dar uF w i.3 to dil* sol;.@riP4*.", sillcl.rily rh. *hol. i!u. (p- r6t lp. rIel. Fourd.mon{'itiyc it.m, bu-iowin8P.'r:rn :nd ..18..i :,_.n s,tr , :r, iotro{1! i rc :i orrns' Lljjj]lt: i t J.6' r! nclri &.rc ian8 d u h'h{i i:::jjj r8urd, tn! 3'dp'L "nokd- t.! 1tu;E', J r-NxnnrF-nmi-'stii-i!rnti6

with dcrninF For cxd bonl 14 rttun, rBplei'|,rc lilii that.onsiu6 !an8ur8. b' ar I n,rlt sh. i lirc: t!(ltrcd to th. tlDnic chrrtdct 7l . A nd i n r.r'.o a .!s s.r - i!.. , r n \,,.i )l t


F.na6nF. rr;norAft


ncs o( $. .isn thti I shdl 1pp?t dn.ctll' bu to it:s.n indisp.nsrbl. whjS2rsur.$ci&s*irh *hich would scm ro .or.L'iv..nd 6 Ly rft Io!trditions ,o. i th. lhds 4 dif.rtre th. bu'e oi ling!i3ri. v.h..! $h,i 2r., lrom d. sr.nmlolosicrl Foint ot o, thn fi? vic', dE co.nqwc s.l-kndi lrnd lpon $lich Plrto alr.rdv rcBy d.6ritjon, difacn.. k ncv.r in i6cll i *n.ihl. pl.nitudc.Tn?r.lot , its n.c6,ity.onrrd'c6 o{. n.tonlly phonic.s*ncc ot lrn' ih.llle{io' trn Polsed em. !us.. i' (ond, by 'ol'.n 'h. ;:ddl d.Fn,lcn( ol rh. sHFhldsnr6(. Th i3 r .oniq".ne Sau$!r.I'ms.U drzws.gln* rh. r"Sb<,n n{. ol,rtuin n 'd.i!i.n ol rsnr, $. !h:ll uk qri'iis !o tn.m 'is:mihd dr:'$$m.6hpn'eBrfi n$ ldnirJ'hr$hokLi.

It is idro$ihl. (or sund onc,, m.r.i,l .l.m!n!.tob.lonsroluruas.hnonlv.$._ $6*1n.. b b. pfi ro usc All onda.y.hing, v,lud hav.$. ch.,:.r.r .ur .onv.otional hi. of no! b.ihg ontus.d *nh in. tinsrhl. .l?m. shich 3uptoN them.... Th. lin_ sriiic dsnitu . , , n no! lin .s{nc.l phonic blt insod..l-.onnitucd not bv ns nr_ rcriltsubni.e bur!h. di(.tnc6 ihar.ep2rrom,ll oth?c(r' r6a) ii. n, soun<l.idrs? lpp. rr3-'el- Th. id.. or phoni.subsftnc. thrn is rlEt, sisn.ontiins ol l6s iml'onanc. thc o$.r sisnsrhlt ,urcun'l n (p- 166)
wnhod thi! mdlcrion ol phoiic flan.r' th. dG_ dailiv. ior eP.ecn, tinctior b.M.n l.4u.s..nd lt@!td Sausuft,vdldhrv.noriSoi (or thc opposirions b desc.ndroh th*h.tFn.d ii: bd,cor @d. .nd nc$as., tafern i'd ue!g.' Corclusion: Phonolog-d;b.asrepa! na-ir only :fl .uxiliary di$iplin.lof th. scien(. ,l hnsuas.ltnd bllonst cx.lBivdy ro sperlins'

ol rh{ Sru$u.e utes u( L.]oid'h' pharcloP'sm who D'"fr$ ,o 'uli.w htm on rh ,"^Ji un bri d(! ,"i ';k.. 'r_ ' ' i ' l :J .. kprt$rcn ro br mP6'ibL':nr I rsm shnc ",r citirrni lhe slB(mNa d.}rFrm m{c, Hc 'hd I Fqurcarndin''i"' slcvwhici dLcd rrr ' so.o:rus 3!Fnin( AnJ in '|f ktr IrLoL\,r rnd HJllc mr,nrtn rhr of L Bnrblcs prlrs ul : rsd(mml '6dnh l:s:n tmprtot onorous Irbrrnct rn parcnthcsn

rnd I' anotls domniolth. critiqte.lakohon d l l 'h . !'D - kd n nu fg d Ph ( r cPr d M l l tr r l a

, pa (noi 6 '_r ro"rii rdhdtv !.d,!Lhr :nd Pho''m'3: nm'lr pntrn'igo{ktrs!



4l * r l ti !' . J Lr(nr "6h ": ' trnr:rrngY 5brnd D honc m( P I(i (L*mrLr+ olrh'* lsrcsrd rh. studd:l


olY Fnutlr 'P'ol"er


rhc Bd'crl I hlc {sscald tr abo"': docs rot so .kmo6-!!e9s9ol ds'rnihrry 'hc ih? ohon(-.rclud. derntion? D*( nor 'Moe Ai,Dh'( *p'c*n'''ion ' -.u,mlrtDhrF;,K s'ims, b *hkh d6*mn'c hF t om -or mrlsd doc{ nor s*nrBlh rcf'r? Finrllv pG' :c..os :ll rh. phoioloBist r4umcnt! $ut oPpon eDtcd.,r mu{ n,llb. re.agn*d th{ rh" b rrs_ i (EmFc rc' ftpr 'frh' 'poLm 'ord er con..DroI $nhng v/hrr lsould wrth bsow i!,hn on; anno' r.(lud. nririis trom 'hc s'itdl ol rhr* .rDtr'cr(. of \hc $n(toral rehrioshiP vni.h anotrns' oi cou6'' b r'rorf'ns l;b6." rl E ."...D r ol "n' ,n3 is trith!urm b sho;. ifrh.l,lobeni:n 'nrlliis oro rm ,hs miner' 6 n not 6p"rlr sruno'. sourd 'n srd$uE ol Ch.trd n? UP m sh:i ?ornr or mrG sru$drc hlt m1'nFin.d th' in(Pt:b'lq t rnd fo'm, whth km:insth' m rTl' trl"bFn rnd Hrll' (p 'r?l lP "l dn d hr il,. cuci'on nrY b. rcPdad in d( gho inthird'br'rrrd' Donri;n DfAnd( Mrn'nd rcn'r'- And io"s chrp(r Vlof th. Coc6' 'orh'

io u<n m snhnsn.rhDqr "r)irlisd rdd 'hd.n , rid @nRmi, lo, . dpk, bdfrn 'h! 'h. knd tr pudr i.snn( r"ddLfd' ''rr Ik'nu.; ri,trLft. ih. EFn qn $.t t,Ior innrn..,s di rh.5 Ftr v$ r& i.Tfr.oil! n 'hr s.d lor hr nn $nh ,or , rd 6. otu*d 'n 'h. 'ss _tl vr@r qiMs turchonmrtthrcn3fi a.iprcdl or I al mDo!{ionrnh'i I htd rtr.m 'hn.uarsth"'3h ii'bl.cB. Thn i.i.J .h{-k;ni., "f ft coDd, n .lody rchtJ D ii, fo. bodl -r i&iiel b n{'h(srPhtr!3n n'rbnnn i5 d.Dmd on 'h.rd,.5 nJndoilt qirhin'h.lini io;nf, ,n!nl'dk"ro,l(' br {h. an.n uuon! 'mDor.d '.) Th. rocbt $f'.h 6. rF tr P'odu(d' lntnodtrn( ror i dd nd r6<d th. I nrr i'hr ;ho roll;*r km (hn{kn5nc , ) r(adhd 'Fkn r a. Lnqt r whft or bl'd. EFd d.rFrd, "ih thn n ot rc inpodrnc ud GrEt dn or diel-dl :o l lAu I s) lp ! i. ', rdr" n n d o n _ l D r . , ' ! ' L" dd dfialtpt tt Nt.o'rL!(' , quil'd6 ^tbtnn

ths O. r5ih. )r.spR.h thsdd"s r@m ntur of wntin&not'lornot,thl hnsurs.i1.nd iI is htrc rfi.i on. nu{ m.dnit. upon rh. conPliciiv b.ser ihc Ro tt.bilni.r," Thc rtd0cion oI rhc wfi.t s,u$u!. savs' trod thn .ompli.ity. lor e*hrlc, ,bourrhcsisnin scnd,l andrvhtt he ''connms'throud tn..xampl. oiqtuin& rpplns rtsorobtrsurs.:Sisf,,,Esovcm.dbvapli.ciPh 'of'"io1.9, onri""ity in rin. k.olphd bv b ch:ns. in n.; rnk is condrmrd othro_ s.rphi. sysrcns,th. rFcch oI ddf_nut r, ctc Ti. rcdudionof phonic.ubune rhu dcs not only p.imir rh. ditindion b.tMn Phondid o' lhc on. h,nd {rnd. lonloi .ourtis or rh. Plt/si o4rnr) rnd phonolq/ on olo3)ol|n. phon:nng rh.o$cr,Irrlsm:ksof Dhonolo8yi6dlrnaut in,li.r.d bv ili1rydisidin.." H?r. th. dnection

'':'it:lil.'::i:i':;;:;tr*, ot ".,."-',*,"', rau $rt d.5 bnd.moR d' h 5on' r'It8rNqx r' bcd'reu' I urct;jt \.- B'trlr n b telt r:f:il:tn: i:[,::h'; ;lt'*h:;: Llt
dc hed ax'lt en!

''po*n' "' -^-.r-..1",- rdmi' rh'-su,^* $'sts|.lnrdi:o(6panl rcluksod b

'hl nt't.

a : sPonn sr' 'lu' i"o'

li'il"f:::.':; :::,',i1iA'-",:T:i:"';'::"t'ff :i,l:i1',i#fl r,i'ii1il"J"i':vrrt s'frJl;

r; . d r^ . t t . P . ' '

I'Jik:biHrsd Hlrri F;'r"dJ

otL'rs'Pg'' ler 4

."::,^,::;i;"::'::ff::'i':,::i:i':: .j #.
qhfl' r ra ri d { L md o q rrh 4 rl d rc h ' p rFd o r

l ' b l ' rd d ' d r'




arr cnrpd Vl, tom whachMrfti*t ?:Pr.$/, J"(,.ht6 th. dddn. oI wnrt, in rhc co,Ra ct p.ivil?s.olphoni.subd,ne AGcrl!,vins rr6'lt lansure. *itt. p.l.ct id..'rhin?d*hy'i.t.d tlEt is to siy r.ohnunication etr ctiv. "[r!rnt" rl'husl rh. sysm ot. Smd.liud tripr, olld tr l,iv. any .uro.omr" lnd Nhy ,.!ddr.rat 'ttr.h 1 iy$d sotrld b. son.rhing so Prddr.. rlut o.c on Mll und.Rhnd {hy I'nsuirs /,', r, .r.l,L h tom tfi. aoflaio oi rh.n ricnft iqr.,P 13; itrliG add.d)' \tt lks"ktique:yro Midin.r criricizs tho$ who, lollowins . cntJn r'd,J in Stt$ui., qu6tion th. c*cnlirllv pho'c .l,nrci.. ot thc linp;iic sisn: Mu.hwiubr,L k'nrk'l b pmvcthdSru*ur. is rislt wh.n h.1nmtrn.., rhrt ti. rhins thar con{iruics lusu,s. unr.lrt.d s dr ti.l d. I' lonsr.l is Ihs rhonic ch.6cr.r oi ihc lingukicriBn" an'l' going [.yond th. ....[ing of rh. ni$.r, to d.clat th.t rft lirsliltic sisn dc! nor ncces,rilt h,v. lhar

ro /ord, inc lGks r.rurDins . coint thr fllls o9!41!?ql*titins i, td F* rh.

ri FcE"i"iiilF


it wodlJ$' rb on.ii5u'n6 $s.prruPp6rrni' (inrodre @nlutdlv dcrivrrv' wrnoS' 3urdb ' i' ,lE 3r.! of or.l I.nsuB. ind rithin ih' qtem *ould dhnqnr'sm ol thir da tion Nui onlv rnt nor b. .voiJ.d, hu' rll rh. lotrn6 srh'n ol l.sinmrct {ould rfi'n h' onidd:]ll: !Dhd. 'B ;or. ou.rdon ol rtl'r6'lt"rinB wnnns rn $' nrF

on. 31y 1r ducfi ot ltt ,srbr'bm o'Hj'16c sl.v, vhict' lndoub..dlv d"w tht no$ neobut tron rhr 9rogEsr conclusions 'ra. h n.o.t d. R'd-dtn. sdn'tth (teLs) \'t rr.d orr withrn th. ddnn' oI rh' Co"t.rh' nhon.loli.rl Dnnc'tl. z.d rlt prin(ipl' ol drd?r

ih*on. tr con'oqnrB m!dilird coft .p',suptorng hyPo'hdn lor fi. *.m ol |],ft \irins . rn.m

*orl''"3 htporhcii!, Lc.d *nh rhxt futor. or ' hynothctr, should r linglrt i.fur himalf th. m.:$ dl *'n[ing r rnd ofinkgr]dngi! lomuh n.n q{fir hi3thmr.Nrl dscoura) Do6 lh. k( tht mo* linslisb dd $ cr.itc r rh.oraiolris!.t Minina! se?tu ro bc ol th.t opinion Ahcr having r drcalolosicll" fivpotlEk oi .hhori..l Ia.suaBq lc writ6, in e6(r:

h.' !t 6nd bc r.osriz.d .h2i th. P!'.ll.ltn s..n thit 'dactylologt" and Phonolog/ ts on rhriDddse Doinc t ir nor. qu.rtion of goconpl.te 6 nrch in rynchro.ic I in di'_ th. m:rFr's rcrh'ns hutol followins r'B[.ydd .fironic drterizl, and rhd .h. ...minologv do ir i5 ro clin8 m thr tr' Noi ru r.J.xkndr!r, wn$ rh. Itter n.Y b. lsd lor rh. rsofi.i.d re .1llpkr vl s;'ly limt< londl $d aruddl (o.D.', .*c.p! of ou6. {h.n th. !.'mr Gl.. (n.h rnd (onhadi6 th. leie .on'c(rbh I'nd to dt rhonic subnane. Cl.1'1y, i, wc .rt nor inse of S2nsudan docirin. To avoid 'goinc bd_ oI lin' detr. io .lcltrdc lron rk <L6t' g!i3ri6 rhc s/{.mi ol ih.qp. wc haE i6r n G mon impotrrniD nodrrv r,' *.',r" r,"sa. pkl ;i;;;"' 'mriined, "r 'h. "r t*$ rc rcldivc b rh. antcu_ ditimtl t.hinology nos oI ch.trcr vr ol tht codsi "toi. -d -s',Erk h<Ioc l.ram,o rcrdl rcrdh8.dm6 $ r rc leiioo o! sigti6{t so .s to .linin:t dl E{ *'s. rt..".[*n-d'e'lfcrt;e b phooic aob*.ncq :5 dod t uit "'--,*" b d! "1 r. b rdd.d. nr PrcPqitioi rcns 'hor Hjclndcv Nh.n h. !s.s .m.n." 3nd "c.n._ h.d'oor d* .omnon d.brEbl., ao on ourrh 'h< r"d o{ h. .,;.'h! , m1ri6" in*.ad oa phonc6." tnd Phdnc "i'hi',hn4"' "hi.l' '1. d;nd. Mrdtrd .on.hd6' n( rNdi o( w'iline ir I 4 na1;.t;' va it k ,ndaadndobh thor th. d,k'Dh. dEtrn lrcn nod,h .om' 1 na;rb ot tns"isB hsrde rFrllms n tron. d r d<p.L,do.iofta rdr;ollr 'o I o! th. ttdtto,dt kmih" .J'f" $. hnpie li priidPt op.drd r rho( 4no rer w < K t r o vd cm ( 4 n I tor Ih. onb th.udndt odw,tasa olb'rs vn nq romr' l P ! ' l l p 'n I abb to ia'ba. in the ldd ol th.h {idd | tuvi ptrtb Et|.,t.ti.dl nc ii'6 hu' rc, iid.Fndoi qhi(h dos rc' To nak' kk; stnn'. . rq th<n Ion ban& .onxErv intunoi but rd <' a th.d tst4 to e^ tt h ' t.lottntttn' !nul.Ju 6Nsh'hd dc-rc' m f.d rtr nrqnry rh.y nln b. pcd!:d.d rh!., io.ft6ad linitr iB puf otiBir rtrL''r,r oi rh. hnp:F,'4 vmog. rh<n&ht glisti., thry h:v-'no is p6p!ry, iur dousi "iniLlc mrbh!. 'n ol rdq.idoa brnr pDdql dr.lnmoblier cos .rnS t[. phoni<rub*r.c.orunB ^M (Pp .xpc*ion rs ro 6. oldnet inrei.* r Ir "Th. \tonl" hlmdt cir.n): " , it n iom -rlvrt n'n in qrdd toudii' D<!d thr m. shoqld lp rt!P r{l r;odft.H|tr.tu-orL'--hns!,F ona,siin, * do nd dlubt tk Elu..ol 'h6' .. And 6 lly r r6.v. ,ll 'n "1. 'loubl. r(ialrnoi phanologicll .4!mmtt, Ih. pr.$ppoenont 0c' a! ''nss,,' ti h'sdiqk w.6to^|14 Pr'3t znd ntcmpr.d rc .rpoi. :bova unc' h,nJ sh'ch I hr.

:nc.; k;ohEdt onePtd lromrhi'h P'imin'd . d6tinfrotr b.Nen fonil di6?tmc rn{r phorc d'f.i.n..,:nd th6 6.n R{hr 'rpol'n hnsu:8' (p. r Crlmmrr r ind.Fd'nt o' km'nh6 'na th' o* itiEiiiiGa* '7). '"n'q"i't phonolosr(p tl). In' -*.ms .nn.rdt ol .nd w'ning *h'd rorh ' Th.r md?D.ndm(. i th. rrv Pnndpr' or Brs:nd sld Lbic oi ib :ryum.nhnon colloqui'r Is i6 rr;h. formrl rci.neofltsu'8' duorid'rn cdeprionl inh,bn'd b6idca-uno'_ 'oF -d mal'ry tuppo* rhrt th.rc it n hisbrv' limtrd bv M hditunly .nou8h-bv 'ld sundr rnd lrngu:8r' ' rn{ n?ron bfl..n th' moE ns_ fro.ftu tht ur. hrrdlv viiibl' rd 'll rormll's tr nsll fi. ondiiion ol r PURIv runc' ol I linsursi' lunRio' rnd hon:l r;bsit Th. 'd.: ol, Duklv linptrft unh-rh. 8ld'm'-*dd&s of'h'$bn$aol rh.n nor onlt 'h?onnddriion bs no rht d h! bt!n() dDr63ion (mrdDl onmt {immahri'l subn:nc' sul*,ne .f 't". ''SinR llnsurg. i5 lod md nd r $bilne ' o I O,*su*t, tt'c gtc*--.tY Pq<rc o ell vd' ld.n. or {brbnc, 'mmr. al {*ma 'q g':phr' *a *t'i.l' t r'.i"r iid (phoniq '"rinN llosat iid los,ol),nd nn'idl ""'r;". d iN o'lv l.cllrc ir 65.n'i.lly hnsurs'r noi lac.). ' TrF nidv of th. tnndionre or rh; vuls,r conapr ol *inns Th' hncrduld u'z' Ior i; rb), p,6'pPo6$n'h"ub:Eneo' hr'. ir@s.d t'df hnrcncrllY r,r. and. rmonr otL.r Po6ibl. I ' bv br d'str' $dutrr;n ot th. n.Ie*rninB lh' uniry sund 'h' ' o;n4 b. pl:cd in pndfisk 'r a 3DRci dknLcins nr o'her rnd iB doulk rnd rd or Enr s lE(. d I Prepokd rDov'' $' en' lr I F6st $ di{dne tu;kinsro 'n In' dsing of pl:v. Hi'lmdd sirun6 nB rtr$mms '.d"c. srh'n n! tltt d'd.rda *ririn3. it n beuq or plv ol DnsuS' lmrn @naDt ol th. rld. ingva'bvrE5'! ;rlorhis@riqlI.Prbnon'w hd s!usu*! ron:lim s:us;..t h.riDs.{f rord'drbk arr urno.- d.s'n.d @ lignifv th' rot hs thoryolv:lu. Ahhoughh. P sPech Lr..a. lt rhr.r'd.d thc' ior rh' livin8 tM ldsnnc slu. to ik !rlu. ot dchr'8' rn it'r'd"r'dlivnStP'(h '6_ tom th.d6.*arox'mirv b8rco' fi"pxRlv a'hd rh:n no;i..cim(d r.ry b(gim'n8 bd * 'o from wirh'n rnd from ro tnu v:Iu.," h. :sig's t hr 'h. dnh.mriel sc5h:ll hrBin to rc., d''. onnot b' rhousht :nilosY,


vllu. tr bY dcininon v:lu' An enon( ' nor oly dd i PIIYln' ol' *irhsoh6: on'b d of 1 con$!.r vit_i_vn fi' o'cdc mon.y, bd r to iell Pl:F th' ol' ol ' . 6r?d qsinnry d md_ v..ibl. vill{"


eh:r I sould h. i.mPa'l @ onddd i' d' d'vdoP_

:rr ct',ionor kn*l.ds.. rh* i! *hv

-.ii ion

ir r.ruh thc un(.itiel Potitionsot Li:PE \4, ncvd siv6 ri* b. n.* s'i'nti6c on'rP'or

rnrc .i ,r',c.,* i;'p-e*"." alrme q"6-

('er) !:a"'a':N! !-on Piiorr6 or Phoi4ris 4 fuo^a( a" sao[d tntndotat .l fi.'h. 'ssa' da' o. ( l,\ul ', rdH l uld'll' E' "r.-iir;h'ld hnEvrnqa nda\qtt da4rd' tu xh dr t'tt' " r t pp r! rL r^rl a,r.,fd.s. l8ull.'in ',.


J^cau.: D.R[D^ .hlndi$ shicn n :r . n d'rd l'rlin' n norhing nBrid un ,h. oth.i h:nd 'hft iiat co(Anondr tu I nrnJrd Tl'r' ir wh' .n6i and not donomi. f'd rc_ ln. Ddof 6,i;. for 5.6!r. th. rGi l.nhfu! in.clof TlE of hnsn'gc is in thc 2 .r.nnt L;r,nrlsn r F,,r rnd nothinero" " I I \ '' fldrm8 to I'rsupNq r 'ddrrior_ from rh. rub{r nrnc6lolldins !($ion,llFltrBk" nli.s rhis p'obkn outsi{i.rh' ;r.aoinrudunl tnrlysi.ndotlinsuisti6. i! is nor llwiF wbd i d._ Mdow ird ,nd what .oir ec B!$ not rDrBdbrt th. J'qo!.r) of Jlphrb.tic dirinB ii hid_ dcn r(hnr"ry |fl., B{r:nd Ru$.ll qun. 'n hlt rh*4 hrv' nBhrly.llh ,ricn,ion b 'h. no m.rn( o{ d.ciJins *hcth.i winns or srceh is th. oldc. form ol h!n.n .xp'6$on ryt71, lAn O"tlin .l Philotophr lbnd.n' on n p.arl, o thn th. s*nion '68 'hn ol rh. r phond'. rnrlysn ir only d'. Pos ,ibl. ditcitu.ic fiyroih.ksr it mrv .ko be r6r.d on a lomal andy3k ot llnsuirtic $rucbY tor.. But in in/ c.$. ar k rdgniz.d moi.rn linguisiic!dithrcni..onsilcmians ar. nr.h%nt lo' svnch.onic d.s'ipi'oF Qp. ro{-o5,, H.l. r.Bark'bl. fomul.ion of !b. .h. Ld rh slos* riic.rnicisd oFr.rd.t srm. riBc (h.nk ro sru$utc rnd t8:in* himi dD! is I .usseskd abov., th. p'opcr spt'c ol 2 crrmmriolnay u d rh. em. tid. op.nd 'nd \o Liaysh's G,"idl ;l"e,l hy lh. c."-. '" _'ll d. lhnd rhd !iu$!i. did nor d.vllop 'hrc_ o( lis dk@v.rr"' h. writs: r.dsl ols.qume.

rdl .i \w !l Ll h!r ,tg-l I,rd "rrl ,rl JnFr''s' b{ pos'bl cns! f'om.k ro'Morh( w trn our chansing,lt. langurB.-' Undoubtdlv t|[ cop'nhrscn sch@l thutn"sa fcldol t.(rch, k b.com6 Psibk b dici:nd'' (om rrtcd ltomatr nor onl/ to rlt. Pudryo(r 'ion subsmc but tle ro dsr ''..turtl'bonds to. dtP'nds rl'ina'lDt, m rh. no!6crmnothnsurs'' AnorBnr oi,ir.$bn:ncor sii tr 'rnrts's rLR nrv rnd nRoroutlt d.l"nir.d descirrion or pr"ni$,l Hltlmdd rt"s'trrs rhar.rn lhB bc Ms hoalEB oi enhs *irhud kErd ro rcund F ot r' whil' *s'cd'n8 nar ; b*" ' -,d.n"|.' rl'e subnrncofiit h Jolh:t *nnr'on on rt'. p'n ol linsuirB th:t th(y $m" h:vt sotr!rhl/ b$ro$td on fi' 'ub{trn"ohr' H I. Uldrlldtlrnn! rhK probknsind rmpnrrls ortv rh;i'r'uil ,nd.p.ndcnc' of rh' rubnrnar h'r DrcE,on H. rlluid'.s n nrricuhrlv b, rh' b in onhos4thl nn siiph'm' rcr'lPbnd3 rhd, (fnr Rod! r.c.n6o{ Prorun(L,rion m rry:nd ft. nrnraoiwririns):nd 'hrr'rd'pro_ elly, in rronur.i,tii,n' no phon'h'cucFondto

(ifi(r lhI i"r ,|r rlitri&r{llltsl! Th(tl$ir r'r )rhisin liimo'"', "t-^rbk trcg(! nrn,k*.d in rh' c'n'nh:g'n)cnd'

r I | | '

thea of I'ng"oE . to t rh. hobsd.n' ' (reaJt, *hnE bni thc npPcnion "rp/'rru'l JA .onk,r, whi4h. lubnnurd lorrh'dircrtn" rnd in whi(h r:.h krm mav nc 6n' rrlal?,it.r', at [on ot s"h rrc p"*r or ua"t-tro"c- dd or l hisur8r th' lara, Hdnnd (rnna bound o fi. !bdin(.orphunn'rpE+ ",&.,rlt sior. k n bt mntl(. th it h6 hnhdo b.'n s{p' po*d rh* thr 3ub*rn(..rpRrtion of : sporrn lrneutrs.shorld omLtof oundii


I I I I I '

(mo!6 rhc RoB<:uilt Md $usun'n h 'hd5 lil(rtY cruhor *nh rcs:rd ' 'o d lh..f{onsofth. Ru$rn fomrlins rP'('harv th?nlncnnd& rh' bdng: rl'c o.PO lAT- "ho, 'n phoDG hr.rad o( l'r.rron. p.rhrF hYoGd rhc rhr,n loeoi inrrn<: anJ rh. litrrrv modds $$ns' NoEhlY nmrY Thn*hd dmrr4 hkd o(ln mor. rnd in ih' nructur' oI e lt"lrt : i; s.n.el, 6opd rhd f'rmcwork mtnB tr Yhosc no'nr tnd ondrhoB oI br. ot '.16tr'prion RoDt4 ;$,b'l,ry gl6*f,ni6 hs pdhtpr bcr'r iI hr pc'hrps [hu, P'.Pr or rh. puRlv sdphic ndNm *nhin thc iructur rhehkda trt \rhin ''ory huirvol l'crul'o,noubl1 inits mod'm'tv' & onioubcdly a new domain is tha op6d p'd'irrv n$lndlccutrd r.$2rchs- aut I tn nor mra*rd m a(h: pmlklirm orsch: Rdpiurd lt n d'rr thrt i Fnry.l $bnrnr.! ofdpr6sLon_ i h. ohunc $bqrN c l on i t5 rri ' ' l ' ts ' , n* :3notb of rh. gJiPhics'b$ 'h.irrru? {knt,thn To ilb*ndms rrlr b 'h' '1. 'nt i$I oF r I'brr6 rn'l s r.lurrble. slns'mr6 fb"t"tt . oop"t , .,.., "'ln"g "ut' -n'p'ot tr miSht b' rh' lorm.ot unciniLrnd '.edu.ble or.hrun b rh' 8"pr'' linr.d b\ e;rcson \;bsc rc. !l d prosion rcnrins\rr/ l r r' .,,,1.P .n' l .nrl nJ 1trt d(' n !i t rc nF ro fi c :K h. $nnng o{ $hi .h l 5p' i r'

fYhN, * hd ban Poini.d o* bY rh' z{t_ I in Dricula( th. hls h..n ove' '.8 I lool.d rild lr{h n Nomplnied bv' .id c.nlin cohpon?nRol !P...h 'an bc r'_ | I 'i.i d&d bn s.h(, :nd lhir rn k'liry ;' th' I Zw$.d tn n"i only'h. *ollcd oqJnr ot .sd' bu vcrY I spc6b {fioa! nou$, 'nd I ncfly ill th.dri.trrudiarri. @p..4( '. I $.d...k?ol 'natunl l'nEr.s. Fnnh.t'it I n pdnbk rc rtth.. rhc ru?l oxnd 'nd' I F'ur. subrbnc.*nh rnt orh( rh'r od{3 I i6rll s:pprottuk undd.hrng.d*(tD' lo'm d ThB rh. emclineunri( I odm.b I n.y alb h. m.nir.n.d in sitins; 's h'pnoution J Fd $ith . phon.n.or phun.mic I rnd w,th $. o_elkd Phon{iconhosrr_ , Dh,.i rr lor .trmpl. rh. Frnish Hcr' is Ladd'.s.d.x_ i : sdph'. rubsrnc?wrich rhi.h ncd not b' .v. I .lun'.\ 'n'l 'o 'h. I idnroos.dinto , pho..ti. lub*ancc in I dJ.; b b. s,np!,1or unJtrndd AndihR I cnDhic lubnrnc.".itr, PGrdv riod 'h' -po'nr rte rs'u*c' u. ot q*rc a I 'ic" "t
{rea r, E*,! /i nsurtiqk' lcdPf' " bnp!6e.rcr! hir!i. tau I 'errl,P,7r r" r,c.r'-Dt. tr-et {'hBhkdirrc4,'aard^ q,ltitturd (,d dibn rrN ;i;rtzsls..lbr I B rldmr, , 9 6 ' ) l r p r o i - o r ' .r jo_Lr (Ddfqddn d! hnsrF l'er1r, b4J nq'liqrB tr,Mq dr .!.h l'4atr4u. d. cop'a'

iil-ii"er.*-" ""*;"-a' $ ,t-',t h.6r i?inc rh. snc.'iciry ol trrr!3-l!!

| I I .

aft i. .v.. mor. curio$ *hd e. consid.rth.r I thc mn(qu?"cd hr. [.m I d';n. mddd h,d bm ddwn,ho6lndr oI I ya's b.Iorc S,usrq lor it k onlv inrolsn I ih. oncDt of . difi.'de bNcn lorn rtd | s!6tu.c;rhatw candpt,inrfi.posibiliiv ,.d *di.s .*$|.3 r fi. l"r '.. "Dc(h I nm c s dpr c $ i o t r o r o n cr d 'h c e m . l . n ' i'o tubn,n.d, th. u nrM, or l su:s.. 'h.* ol ff tr'hc'R3d ormk.qs.r mLsrrcrm

. *"'r a u, i**l *'"nl) r r h'f onr nd ' "', , . " .ubr:ina c',ph^*p"'on bd:lsoindo*ot "l I'"^t't _*"' .-.',or'".ip"o" "t""tv rc nsloirn rll$bsrm' st'ph(or th.;rrinu
olh;ru'*, bd th. nornrcni ot 'h' J'3n_a'dor lml$* l conknr o:n *Pr'*io norhrv': Prrcrn E6ph;or no, Thr rhcm..orld


ft I., xr t,qrtr.n. p,"-' ".,1 tm'ndw or'

;G;'on. :c ft.n trenEr (t .r ) Th.on$5i') ol rion .* b Fn.dv th. I'd ;k "-;*d d v'; or 'lbi: rorn dirnrtidi bln4d 'i.n. nd d!;i;r krd rdl6irnG "sru$urt 'h. ind rhr JcmoMobhow"oft 'o.oniu' non_lD..3).Hi.lmlld 'd'nolos.rn J lrpEsiotr dn b. nrn'l*i.d bt dnde ud.I;; .d' {P aer $br.n.6: rnoni.. strphiq i*li8nrl,,

L d t 4 n (' 1 (ro r1 )l ''_!od.h:nJ v nr j i a'er 3!,4" ( fc d r l r c r l l quJ r b r D ' l G P h v x e r " r $J 1"!r'rr4r ''zunr!obkndsAs+i,.hoosrD$' qdd LmF /? Prcgr & Azl.lDpi,a/ 'i 'o dE 'e1c) bd*n Phoiorlg( rno 3rc' dr '1h. d'0mn( +oi r k m s Eol !i c 6. sr kr .r Jlo El' FKh.i rorg' trq "F'mnqd D l i fues d.| !D l J {ph6i m qe'" P.d q k J (t . e nds.& ;dt;. \e.q tro@'4 h car. tnctdqk !16 i )!Bdfir si.'ao:, rcl r, D. rr r .h. l6ffd 'Jk"oI vrr..rq vDd:rr;lfinl '. HiFEi 'e!), rqo-6o.Ls l;rlnxz turcn.;" ;tuj A*n-" pp Ll^ul .r " i r dc M ohnEtr ! tur ( b',]'v 6 ' ) 'i7

, ",li''i1.1il'lLr. .,*".r*"_.qjs-




';5:ii?;!:?'l:'1,;:;lu:i'r;:i^i;"] ,unk d. h hnirrtur" rd s'd$Joh{$r -u rchi

is. dri5 h sloginriqe d dr! rdiidqe '1. Idve dr aa.l, rnc'Bqr' d' caPdh'g\t t neie I




Jta'jEs DEiR'DA

4 8 rhc .ondron ol ,l | t*ms.l!!r ^riutrn( r**kd * i Efi rt5;I"g;*;k-:i;fi anol,i<in nr hdd (\rh,chdG re21 6rld .ls.uheQ, rnothn xs ^ nlnrndl


Hj.lmsld eys, ' m!* b. i.dePlndeni is na th' to 1"' wholcoi dp.ncn.c, It al*tvs o{.spdd (hisbnsin tvo. oihctuil oi rsio$ ol, p;i.holosot, phvsmlostrn"diolosrol rc )' i t*l l rcB D nr'nd 25 sM n cn a b r *i.n c.$ 'i ' @rdr"=idr*-}.-'-teT., "f hnsuisrG Th. pn'n' ;.h, nsorcBt "dri& ih. ior:nrv rhspn! afncions of.rD.neneotd nd diqov.t 6.lJ nl n'n' of n{u;l+p;trrc loundd ordo!*miu6 wourdno doud n:v'qus' ' seid.ntal,ce i! onlv re l'siri_ s hc rjed!, e' blc tion.J iB ;e$i+ 'nd .6sibl. in so lt $, aficr filvirs,lik. Hi'lmsld' lh@!i.s'hith do nor 3lt de.rtl_linBUisric isol&d ft. sEciliciry of rh. linguhtic rvrem Tk.iofl thc tlcdu.ihh intmai.iceollhelinsuis'nd ."n"a.d ,ll rh. .rdDic sci.nc6 dd n.tlPhvsic'l ticsy!M.'r He would h"r! !.rn ' ol r:Bcnon. asG fi. que5non speoLlons, o{ i"o* xppals .o experier.c which I tl'orv 'h. svt(m ndr,, d !n h lo r o l wnh." !r. wouli.d h* nndc''h. rcdriYlv. oi th. ohFdr ol, {rrc., nood *hr rh. m-. *rni.ts co,!!q 'h'o tu di r ch .tr lt{ .m wh ' .h -,1. .!n ret lor rh.! x *Ii.h b.loms .n d Htr!'tr rom $hr wirhes rnd 'd.dtrdiv. sy*.m *hich 3lo$emalica ]]j1!,@n.*.n.,0,,0"r"":',.,,,?h:h\qord..?,d.-. be. Vnhort thrt, lh. de.islve progc$ .ccom_ ro pli.hrd 6y : ,.rnrlisd ierP&rtul ot rhc disjmlirv Kirllv ihc .ec.sitv ot thc ommlntanon De of ns obieci of th. n.nanent: cs :nd rl'' vulslr ;&! ilE coiept ol t.hes thr r.cs, L phsu.d hr rk(nn6os obF.ri!nm. one o{ *rnnlg subfritred io decon$r!'rion bv i5 to ny bt ,n.'h{ uipdrc.nrd or unmnhsed so b.lo{. As Io' lll. con ir. I shill mntin". to do n.hDh*rcs.Thb G ok.n nohc.:hl. in rhc work ol c.DroI.rD.ride, ft is no* unwi.ldv hc.c.Lik' ill (al!i'sback nhool ltis66crp. rh. G;.l[sm th; noti;s I am lsinr ncs ir b.longs ro A. his' r.i;. objtctivGn th:r I i.(c' h'rc to 1 inb thii tory oa me6thv5ic lnd *. an dnlv us n !M{ Plr inio q!'$ &n(ctnd.nli.v ihar ! .Ldhd. ' hd dwrvs d6' .n;sc ko,' rezl. 'E4.ddcc don. k h b.ciu;.I bcli.v. tid th.r. ir 1si'{_ot rh. kl:uonsh'P wi$ i P iei;r.d diticism rnd o b.yond oi tutrcndcdil fonn ol onsc'ousnd5 or r.lano6h,D hrd 'h. io tfiit sn of ro ir tfir th. beyonil doesnor reto no. At .tt r2i., *. du*,.eording o rftosnn. i; th. rcntonion rhc n-B3itv ol 1 dni.nio' and @nt ndon which th. dk.ou6' is a Tha p{h{3v' Eihway lP'.odl. obl,B.d to un'1.o, dh:un th. rccu'er ot 'n' i. - n, il r * . wit t . - 'L " r " 'c . , r h 'n d o n c d r o coned or aEncne b.foft :fti drl rrh. rmpk (on,ent of rs .onclsioE. th' nr utimarc lounda b afr;in, 6y d(onstudion, riia.ndcm:l Ert w,Llso do*lv r.(mblc d( nrc onlv s,v to c.crp. .mPiric'n tion. k it rl[ 'nd crnicalr.xt ar to b< indi,insunhbl. trcm it wc th. n,ivC'.rniquesof txP.'icn!.atihesn'tm' musi now tom and m(ditrt trpon th.l'w ofthit whd' th'orv" Thut, for cxloplc, rh. :rpc!id.. rs.mbhnc.. Mtrt I c,ll th. e.!sur. oi cotapt nusir o dnL !h.!s o, th* fururt n.di(niotr 'h. rPrcr.s-a4 P.3) 14' I !o,.xrmoLc. th. 'ald. of tl'.rnn "oi,,.s.p.e ledis I,r.rrl mus Fak. its nccesiiv lelrldor' nrll l,r .flsJ. rk or archctr1c. htr$ "F k " (P, . , F" 3 ! " h . . " - . " ' P , , j " h . ' h..J$ ' cornlv wnh bo']1ih{ n.c?*itv rnd l!'r daslF ioy6ri#'ior +!{s ir ro bt wPProprri' !on.o{ sniEJicto'v rod nor lcccPh6lc wi&in is i;ld Fr! oIr$ 'h5 n i ft) , +ohon or trhmoLoF, th.losrofid.nnry Th! k:c s nor onlv rh' dn:p rcrPr' d d.rr qhidr d6 rq/fi<' rh. niikui.! diEne of on{m-snhin thc d {olloe n :un.Ln rdd:c(;.d,nso 'h.!,h 'har ". r *odd m.riPhr'6 ser.! th.t rhe orjgjn did not .v.n dis'PPctt' illn ir hs@ryot cos kon 'hr 'h. 'h. ld,l r r dRUn<rrdmi!b Ln( .o'k !'rP"$ro\ .xc.Pt i.ciproolb bv wls td.r o.sdtutd ' 'onoigin. fi. tBe. shich rlur, tn' origin ol ofinrdio4 a pcb" o! hy F.rd o{ rcm. dt.ldion wEnch rh?cone?tor rh. orisin. F6m thd on, to

whi'n sould ln. rtc. Iom rfi. ct.$iel {h.n.' dcav. n frcm r prcsnd or l6m rn onginzq non_ mc. ind *hrh vo.ld n:t. ol n rn 'nprrrl ni:l, one mun ind..d sP.zk oi 'n orisrn3i/ tt Y.r rc lno{ thr th.t conc'Pr d' or rclHE&. $rovr ns nrh. rud .hli if tlt b.rinr uiih lh' &r"' v' mun ths; G rboE tl oo oisai:ry er." 'h'n thr tt/.t., ,s t sinpl' nondt ol ttt daro're rcdu.non :n'l rh' Hu$'rl'rn "h"n.m.nolocic.l oP'nma ro rh' d_ .in*-.a.*.| i.r.*.e in 8'n'rzl-tnd cnt d1. $c onc9t ol.4{i.n.. of @nscnd.n!!l, in Hu$'d in Panicu<or pE*nct r l:r r.6, .idi.,o.G in them6{.mmt of'h tt Liti.zlrdea. ll.bddis. c4e'@nl ie.r. i. unN.rsl :nd iboluk tom or r:sannmbl 'h. b ehich Husd i.f. .ro.rde sc;ioriontol.hl nov.n.ns of rcmPonliu'don,alr thit docs no th! sioplicitv and lh' doFi Mtion oi ih! lord to indicrG ro us bo* pbmonmolosv bclooss ro 6uch t.nkendc.Gl Bd lhrt s!* am' r ndlpfiysici ol tupturc In in. arisin'rv t'dPo'1nz'non s Hus?n tion or i, .s "otiginlrv ' 9r'&it1_ '! tio,. 'rhtt it lhY'" t thesht of th

ln both .25.5, on. hun h.8in Ircn t6' Po$ibili!, of ..utalitns thc Phonic.ubi2ndor or'pc''on

th' k'n on;hrni. on 'h. Phonk.r.m'ni 'h. th. pLnnud. .h.. k clued eosibl', would not 1F
rs i!.h wnhour lh. di(


"t' ""* 't sisni6.;m.ol

.- l"-


i'ii";;;;l'i *'r,',r'. llt?r'l'.iiij,i"',i. dcn' iotrpr6"h- I -"ia', rco2[v a.sdib6

I |

onrg ol tunc"ipr'..i. d'd.nne Pr6'PP not DKcd.d Sv rnv :brlur' nmpk'rv -',1'6ir wnhdr a rG* s;ch *ouE b; $. oisin.rY !t, hon in rh. m,n'nJl unn ol kmrdrr 'Yp'ncnc" vihour . rrre drining th. oth w.uld do itr worr :nd no rm., no d'f.(nc moningwd d rpPdr' It n not fi' qushon,or: .on{nur.d'l' h.r, bd' nr kminrn^n or d. cunt( oI th. Pr? mo'mdr t,d'l: Tr' /'!?r whrh prodrd dib.6c '!( /.'o'.a.rr dod nor on :nv *nnbr' PL'n! phoni.orsnthic lr n on .r vi5'L1., 6;trud,bl! ofru'h r Pl'nitod' Al_ rh. @nrrry, 'h..ondnion $oucn n do6 ro, trd, l|housh n n ndd ' otrtsd. orallpl.nNd' if Po$ibiliry ,.;p.zJdt

'h.:pp.ll 'o .ti i"* tt.*

s'.t' ,t. ."" ''a'* " kddc' a d,f?d(

'h' 1nd ,tc rpp.ninB

(s'sr ,t'. .n. oll. riBn til,gr," " d,.o.r.nt/crP($ion. {' ) @m'pr u n',hrfi -",i.'
h'F oD.Hno;, motoror iniorv rrls dili'i'n( n mor. qnrbl. rh.n mkllislhk rnd it p'th'u r;i. "or th. r'tidlition ol ris.s rnong t ir. srm. akd.d ord.r 1 Phoni' d sr'Phr e( Mo ord'i! d dPrt$rn lor rrmpl.-o' L r!mt! Ih..mculJ"on ol spR'h rnd srrnSn loun'l5.ih' m'hdE c lloqu'1l qD.-* 'n phynol .ppdrion m. eB'bk rnd ii' th.n b.s.m rignitrd Ind egnrnq 'nElhs,bl.,, dc ll I'ns!r3' fti' nor'!r_ orc$'on rnd i.:dr- in rhrr (n*, : "nhns no d"iv'd nnB' pmbld noni would b. pos'bl.r,nd rh' clrsicll of rclrion(h'P! bcNen rP.dh 1 or stg nor rns. Ol cou&, rh. Poritik rtaas n!6c*'or.rn only ddcrb. th? '@t lnd 'h' /'d dc of d'dsrnc,,hc dddmn.a dtf'(ncd and $? Hm'n.d rrcncd thr rh.Y m1t .rnnotbr r *Enc. ofdifl.hnc. '6drh 16'PdEi'n@.ot th' on_ !io., rs ir k imPo*ibl. to hrv' ' ot c'nm si. of prcsn.. n*lf' th.t is to $v '

Phuom,rbs, i-,* .,t "*'i'a-"] -.,. t, *,t*"a u ir u*.*a'nh(..btorrrr ii,i .

to bd(v' Drcbl(r in kmsofchoia. 'o oblg'or ;n6.U obliseJto answ* it bY. I eiv. of lprLi,enrn(. I' an :ltgn rc rnsna 15 plrin 3p.rl'ng' L 'o mrld.l,, prh!, ind rrtlc, ln $.d<on*rufrron ot rh. r(h.,on. dc! nornik I(ho'c' Th.Eforc,l rJfrr ih. n.d$irv ol soinBthrouBh How des th'r !'' th. of tfi. {.h.'Bc.c*iry di;.c' u, lrom rh. rnr.nor oI d' linsund' rh. pz'}l rhr l'rd lrom s'ur 3vsdl How 'lo.i b.void th' orisinr'v .;r to Hidmst.v l.rbid "s

@Net or qisitr h coqi ci'hR oI 'A' ro, 'M 'hr /ortr{roddDr)*hn"ran'c{' kmDtdalr r''* d d,'. b ;;.d '3"-'* 'd'-",h. Lnis. d. b kara'a r 6ar d,.;a\ 6 H!s.'r'



r I8


))nn ru
r.nd.d, opposd b th. .ftircd lound .i . ''piy+Dplondic ph.nomrnonrorh...phF iuphonHic!(.quivrt.nroI u.r..riodzd $und.! Alloush d]. .oiion ol rfi. "p!y.!ic jmis... $us &6n.d (rhai is to ey .coilins rd.'..on.nolqicd Fy.Lolq), oi ir. ihrgimrion) i! ind..d of thit n.nrlilr inrDi.rtion, ir ould b! d.Ltutld :s:innJ,Lobsn! (n..i!m hr rl|.(ifyrnB:(r)rht n iould b..onsn.d srhour neserih r6rnrns th, iiour inrm:l spcch , , . ir confmd to rh. dG: I dndn. t .tur6 b rh. .\cluion of rh. co.68. oi ftdunJlni rc(u6;.{!) thr rh. qurti Imri(, is no. rcuin.d il n dcsisn,rct lfietaor , .notha tdtual i.alit t, i"E^dl and nal | .\.hsi.ll H.k rh. HNndi'n oftrcrion n indi.| .:&rr, .v.n rh. pdniss o{ rh. I p.nFbl. rd r.rdorhs or liy.d I d.b&- Ret {'../ $d nor d4 6;ponnr I cxpei.n ., rh. blilbo4ht n iot j cat iry {iak r, As ro lhc i.r.ntional objcct,lor cx, ,mpl., rh. onr.hi oI rh. imis., n dod no .,tty krdD brlons .nhd to ih. mrld o. to liv.d cxpfiicne lh. nonr.rl of liycd .rrc,i$ft_ Th. psFhi. iBrs. oI yni.h S.usua sp. s nln noib. o i.r.m.l rcality.orlinsm denrl o&. Hus*rl. sl'o .iiticizs tn on.rpr ol ..pofrr ,. in "o.. cn.,p. trr. Hj.|hn4 to'mut. \{rca. "r n o,ioB,hr tinsuii,6, b lonsoi su,d ,g|rq In, fipiion of Fy.[ot*3d, elnr hdq A.n i odr or (driD.ikii'iJin (. odiorr oro. t'onio6, .o b. !i ia y:y b:* ro s,u$irEr .db;ni( ih:s!, rJ .qull''o @rapr, n ton! s rhn sd , rkrpF.d h ird o,llumny qtri,ll. df,nn! tt, r h:r i,ar .labonrd, jn shono E.oeh., lidr rrorftr h.ny r..6e4 rr .rioi5, fi{ rjti lh. s! 1jD46 of th.rDsuBn('sr,oEir in,h!DErneorft! D;rry prchoroadtphoom.noi {cq44 e. lo tr., iL Bui r tr hrr' rprdioikid<trrtornom.nd:tuE $ror ftl rmloB/. Th! l.f3 inndJua,l by S:rs,e {d ri. intryr.rioB sirn in d. Co-r4 h:v. bai rb:n<lon.db.eor $., sn b. lquiyoet, rd n ie bds .or ro Ftk. ft rn. m;bks rsin_ I rm hci6r wh.i I {L nrdrlow mu.h .h. t.rt niy b. dlid(Ed s b.tonsins ro . prrfioto.,ct ordt: ,e rcr{D brirs r.,,.hoJopcn,,o h. r d,ai. 'hi rrh. sho! drfniriq n,[ hnd muchb b. a6iEd" rrxGqrior d! l:r!2!.- t!'dt tkryi+l {"L t,9qt. p. r6), tsi.tmdd.pdns rh.,m.prcbkn, n. Erd) ookd rhk "nun.iou3nurD6 rhn . ccrc vrn 6trld b. Itrlly r*:r o( bur$[kh !l did nor frd n qllut b iNh rp.4 dr n4iK b.hiid dJ. (i d. nrtuE y 6o'. ur" {F 76t. tAu.l

Ofctunnatotost rr9
I&.n l" sho$s rlso in ir ('!n (pr,6, t)lnow 6akc l} rs suchrnd $sdilr rh.,r,rt phenoftciolosythould oyc.c.mcrhc n{unlniopth..hriN, rnd dc 5yncn5 ot ares. Ttl.e chrins posnion-whcr.b/ pstd,olqy :id rhc orhc. scirtrd sy*cmsa.noi in rh. Lbri. .nc6 of man sld,yc-bdft.n inr?rnrl'and'cx, ofthi! ntrc.o. iorri,i Tnc lnn.rrd di{.r.Dc. b., ic.nd" h k ro Mr. d. lpp.rins id rh. ipFa.ana l/rt dirh. d;rin.rion b.*4n $...pp.rrins (b.sen rfi. "*ond" ,nd ,nr,,r.r l!pr,r,tr.t rEkfl. rdti4 Ib son tppmrnilntl rt. .pF.rin8 ot livrd .r!.ri..e) n !h. condidor o{ tt orh.t dit ^.d in oid.i b.scrp. t\. soundlfdpp.,.itr. tu sonl f.i.n..1oltror6.trt^c,2nankntdArztE. rh.$o'n{ pr.vrl.nolmnrdron\iand fttr D{ .onepr ir ihd\ :b5orukt, rDd ir ridh n n i. p nciplc pGsiblc ro do n ,nnour "8op. rrr. or" to tl ,/rriiolognct p.oblm{i6 snb.Mrn i nr":n(. c .' n' ns rh.n,tuft.l $.as ud;.Ih.l ntd.n, hnsl rod.'coa.l h?hi romr :nd \r'kb'l'ry by ls,snins rr. roin.i ro $. n. p;bLmJ;i6 onftmhs s'n'ngj, oi mal .rp4in.. rhr m.rn,ls 'acprrqal ol ,bstu( pr.n.. k:e u "hof, {Jilobbn, op,.n., r,. r:t Ir, r1l, Th. dil{cRnc. rlns opcn.d ro deiph.tine. fh. n u it ir Iea h. inyrrirncc .nd vrrirbiliq dod nor *p!. I dbtoha. .risin ol s*. k Atutat.Vhic, anoanB nrc ft No dom.inr lrom crh dis, ir dieidsil tostin6eq'kttdtthd.knotbsdt kotisin .rf o( rlEm snhin nkla Thr siRs anorsh h \ ol ens k sdu,t.Th. tce i, tt. dif{q."a shiti drci hon rh rh.c,.rol r\.pr-l i orn,Ib. I op.n<rppqi rn( Iri ' pp,rz rr., rnd ts ni 6c .s on. j n' ns upon $. nonhv i n8,n R "ddi .rl ymdp'.mr_'l '.n'h..{oi )mutrtr \ A ' i i tuk uns ' h. s .nvtr' (.or r ps)(ho ph)sophonmA i .ial, ols.r of Jt rprhiion. ons,n ot idotiry, rh. Thc.. pr.crurionsrdt,i, ir thould br,.rosniz.d \ nr.. n no, do,( ,d.Jt rhrn ,at, bor ,m,. ,nkth. Lha n nin rp..i6c 7on. ol rhn rnd noi moR r Ernrpr,.nr js. / sibh 'hrn rrlb.. 'h. 'mp"n' ol r hkd,!ta'4r 'hn tac., rn rh. \|]'|rnanfir"rnoprq*--Ey-d,;"o,..rr;/ '.mp.iJl',rlion sl .i ,h r nnrh. d sorl d nor i "nt!\hd l ",,k pLLi rrndB .,L.n,A adt\n\.l otod $o'ld. whi(h n rn, 'h. {no, uu( rh$ lummom, I rr-nor -o r\c djr.n{rcn ftBbi, ot yn'no,. m,mo,.,'nm.,h,n r,\pr(e. o,ri nc n< s ro- I,b,t,h..d* ..-o$.J .,-uLhrl bti s hr.n 'h p.rrumons rhc d.m.rr or nrhl r p'odu.e rr..r m Ar"bthh,ns: n:tunl.. hidl,ch), ')'c-, I 'h-., .ound ,npd,.r, ro, .Mnpt., rnd rh. I b..^r"n , 'h. 'ft' rnDhr' r nd ;;;;':;;ii;i:'";; "tr:li; / 'i Lr kapt '' imprnrr ti"-h:.";:),.1;. 'm:3. ' ,jr-r:r& EirT.

Noe $. _eouhdimrg., rk nru{ur.d 1tp.rin8 l/!pp,,,t,.lolAcound, d. !.n{ry mrrra

liu.d .nd klo4.A hy dirt mn(, H!,*.t "h:i wourd .,rc th. bDlrorprr nrodu., dnind ,rcm .ll nunanc r.:lirt, i. all.d lI.,.prciic imlsc" by S.usnr.: "Th. hnd ldr. sotnd-in'N.l n no. th. nzt tial bund, . phyrisl thin8,bn. thc rsy.hic ihprift of i]l. rcuo4 rh. inrpG$ion tht k n k s on oir s.ns.s lla eptatdbtk" qw ,ot k tthois\dr. d. k6 sntt h. .o!nd-imrg. i. ensry, .nd jf I irpp.n ro ott ir 'h...rir!,iir ir onlyin that*n.., rnd bykrotoF aodnsit, ro th. orh.r t.rh oi rh.4si.rion, $. mnapt, whichii 8.n.Elly .bsfua (Ij.93) 'Df Alihoud rh. word-r6y.nic,i! noi Ip,651. .onv.nrmt, .xapt for .x.rcisins in rhi! m,rcr a ph.rom..olo8jel eurior, rh. origin.ti.y of . ..r 8toa spccitihg ir, lct us nor rn,t thn n nor n.cds2.ilr *har J, li.guiss outd crniciz. !h. n.nGlisrpointof vifl": as In rn. oH6r ot ih.!, soins b&t to ArDdouind. Cotrnrn./ and nitt sooivin& fi. Dhon.m. l sorddihzsin.dor inn

m;ri:e;.. i;J


'R b4f H. L qr lNs




(IkH 4u<, rero-7t.or.6 l T'l





JacauB D&k'D^

I *ill ry.,k, th.!.lor., ol a kt{. tlt I Ofrh.6Ril.ft.r,iithcrlphab.t,lndmo$of shich hrv?y.nh*d inio it, rrt rc b. lspdhrios I will r..k, tt'c..IoE, oi th.llnd a d,is initi2l shich n rpp.r.nd/ l*s bet n.c.$trt ro id.innrk, fi.G and rn..c, il. *itinB of rh. word l,ltrda; .d to do so in thc muM ot a vriring on *niin& and .l$ oI r rddng *nhi'r wirhg wb6. di(c.c!t t,j.ftn6 rh{.6y 6nd rltbs.lEs, at .din vcryd.t rmin.d poin6, ini.*ecting wilh . lind ol gcs sprlling Bni2lc, . laPs in ihc di{n plim.nd t.w *lic[ r.sul& vliring 3nd l..P it ffly. Or. an dmyi d. L.o or d. iur, d6c ot r.d!e din hpr i! lFllinB, rd ind ii (3.c.rdjnB .ach tim., rldousn b tiMnons to b. 5:lyzJ iroutrrins b ih. sm.), sriv? or u!*.nly' inlt ir. b {ollow ilt no* ins.nuo$ firToth6is, amusi4 Thus, .6 ia o.. sels b pa$ owr .!ch an irfi.._ dm h sildcq $. iftrct t[{ onc in k an bGEosriz.a 2nd sid&d in rdv.rcc 1s Pt6dih.d by rh DuE nony, ih. inandibl. misphcn nr, oi on! oa alvlys 4 $ il ir lhi li6.l p.muFrior n6 dtfi.rna A'd I mur s6 hcrc rnd no* ih.r bd.y! di*oulk will b. l* . iErificiion od and .v.n l6s an ,polosy ior, this sil.nt i! lp.llins, n\in r kind ol inikr.nt inrcnliliario. or On rh. oth.. hn4 I will hnr io b? ?tdsed i{ I ri..,.r l3r inp[cdy. to efr. ol th. Gxs I h,v. kntur.d b publish. This ir Pr..Gel/ b.xsc I sdld li!. ro ,n mp., to . c.nain .x!.nt, .nd .v.n 6dsh in principlc and in rhc las d.rytn thn is imp6.ibL, d inDosibl. Ior cs.nria! rc.$$, @ rc.$cnbl. i. 3 rral th. differcnt dic.tions in {hich I h1v. beo abl. to ldliz. sfiat I would crll o. pbvnion.lty tn. wdrd 6r .onePi ol l,ftrd.,, Fd'.r 6 h n ibpos. it$lf lpon n. in i6 o* g.phim, .hnous! .r ft strll sc, difrtrdid is lit' r D,F tuG ys 6st prc&Di.d in.adc$ bdorcth. ., sm.d Ir:no& & Dh'lororh iriuiD :7, teD3, PubI'Acd iDul'/nsuy h,h. 3,r1.'n d. L rc.aa fdt .4n. d. thto'arri., l!t\ -\.erFtor I edt 1r't ir ar. oD.lt6rrr...oll-Til Qkl lPin!,'ea3) Th I rr5rl dod by Arti B6; cpnrcd Foh M44iE o/rrrdo,rrlr9l1r ditrs.rr3t, !y p.mirrioi oI rh. Uiikniq

.'rltv n.ith.r . mrd no. 1 onePi

A'd I in!$

[:nd, I *ill noi b. @nertcd, .s I nisht hrv. hdn, uirl dc.ctibinsI hitto.y md mradng ilt $,gdi rcit by txt, onrcx. by.ont xi, dinonn.rdng lh. .onomy thd.:ch rio. if,Po6.d llk SaPhic di} dr'1.r. fuh.r. I will bc onErn.d wnh th.3.,afil oa $. oth( ht d, rhc ot in ..a"obt. snn to drr ooa aPprcPtitelv .ht *od sr.c/ to bc propo*d hrs th. .o6pl.x rh? rscnbl.g. :tingqhichP.mi6 s.trdr.olrwcivinB;tninc th. dig.r.nt 3nd lin6 or m.anI r lr s< r o f fo r e o sooffrsa'ni ndi fd.nrdl K _ n o n s,iu * r ( R:l$ as E rdy ro nc i 6dl up snh '


on th. onc

. , I I | | I . '

And n k. bdb th a'nor a.n b. d.d. to..r I ando.ld you lno* rhrcughnt on.!.,In.fcr, disous., ihrousfi lh. .pact h.ina tddr.s.d .t thb hodcnt to ifi. Fr.nch Soci.9 of Philoi.Phr .d blLins lbout wh.n I tdk whrt diff.E.e o.l/ ' a6out ii I en spe.! ot !hi, s..phic dkour* on wrnin& .nd fimueh I v.ry th{ | m d.dndition 'ndrdt tFcily,.:.i im., wh.,h.rl rm r.f.nins b d,fic@a w$ ,1 ..r rlifl'aaa *ni rn.. S'nic[ will no. sinplily $inss.od.y, d s@r d.rl oi rcubl., si* * .ll. y.u ,"d .., " -ill I ksr, v. s6h ro unddinnd .r.h orh.r' In '1, d.nt, th. orrl sp.dfiorionr $lt I qill p'o_ rny or"*i l hrn, vi d.-w qt *rh:n. -w i l l r.r, !h'r k..F to . std., d6 urcndnv.nbbly to r Gxr thtt I aD lDlding *.th ovd ny disulF, in to.i oa mc rfi.t I wiu i.!d, and row.rd which I na6..'ily will3n.mpt ro dn.d yofi h.nds and vour .y6. 'Wcwill b. abl. ndn.r b .lo without lh. ;^s.s. .h'oush , wnn.n &{, nd to rvoid th. $;, ord.r oI th. dno.d.r prclue.l viihin ii-lnd 66t ol all, k *har ouns for 6..

ii4 lor ih. .,m. rabn., gr.phic di( iscli v.nishd inb ih. niBht, E. .n na.r 6e $ns.d .. . tull cm, hu-,rh.r.rtcndt

oi[,rr, ,dd rh?dy l.t ut


c*k i! dnt',, *hi.h n rtn o

ol ".. - mt fotuk cly ,6lht J {hL di. obiEr;eiiv ti.ddr or unddrd'ns Pht 6 erdr hr b.fl *iha hrrd !.{ b (D!l oo I.d.,los ^ 'hr D*nd1 'hr ditrEt to und.rbnd. In t tisjou td.ia qs dir &. di(.rcnc b!M.n $. . rdr}. ot d4lt' A//tt d,'. si ndrh.' b. ro nor [ard. ' I n nd I 8uq q Errnns !h! snq-difilfre ED,bt:,ru 'o hl @d on rc .rDL,n. n.ittB ir tha rn inkllirbl. drc oto5i6iv. (;. ror rhr Eq nna bv whrh w.nar* ;dLrihita r; rlG.dY r onDlici n.rnt cft! msir or'd@rt -hh,llt ]}'6;o-L'.. 'ro lool 4 b r, Jnd rh. {'d Dcrid. us 6' romd -u .EEnd'na h.Gtr flkzr'ad,j 'h.nor

prcp,. n lhr 'Thrcupho L\i' b@r I I tunrE ,. mB or th. ioD(: Dcqid: ns' ofEn r,adr 'h! $ ;; t rl{ wl'i.t n @ftq 'll ii t' ,"r Prcp" "ic, wh'chL oM! c\ (DrcF',li'(, nonins),,id 'hn n|4irnoftarv !hi.h rhr $hi(n tr) b. o'n.'1, qnrd . ln. liols bM! 'l* onDd, prdpdtv, rd po ,n. , ,i-. 6cd6 rcfd dt,nddtt rd pLrruly 'o il r h r lo lo w' lr d d Dsndi 6dpl -tq|h.'i l oa liL.:pfrl lil. c h ,'/|r,tra * b.inB r sil.n' 'onb '}r

*H.h dE eord i' r[. ccii oitdJ-houeI'ofr n ' omv" ed6 lo,to-hos.-rn.l _dqdmvord!nh" 'r.t*ro r o{ rr;. rhs Dd.d' $rl' _l2ml'1| Gido;:d '}. dllh. DrcF Fulihd d; 'on! onb, rna mrc .rlipridlt rdrl D<dJ: ,P..L'.1ih. whi.h .lMvi 6.$ .n iosdrnon in *ooc.nnou8ng b rtl.l 6 HBd! ftk !.st E &rh oi r dnDi k rahc ol rh. ANroG aou in rh. fLa@dorop. Crcn ht \ irl h! .dlLd lhn idi6n. d.6q lh. tld (El'n6 bt hr nB Polm'd. C@n hwin. k bo$( .nddoli'hn h:r r hd! Miir ^^;@;rdorbcd.rfi.(Ih..hdE . TIE rydnt c(d hq hy hnsry ri$ hDiU himsll hL f,rnFrift br ;nd sit bnb,lrq @ndnt ln I hkr rcd' da'fi, mo!!fl, or Atr rnrlyB Ha.ll rd'lK' c[.r ftridr 'h(


1., !ua Dn aru ^

rn (o_ d thc lorc ot M oPcranonthrt imPli6 , ddoun: dd4 r(E) ' r'_ olcul'i,on, ""-'.:t

ni-tl""r.H',:;# :itri:*if
J"l["t':i'"::":HJ:',;,f 3f#: ::'j 'J':tr*'::i":ii'i:'iH "#:.;: Tri:"r1;:T::fi rhFrrpened :.d .qutllv or
rrt "*nl, 'fl68 ,n r no,l. rhr :nnult or tcdt' p. w'll s.c. bGr, hor thk (mponanon tr And
'_drn:;@nstrshon .. !rdm'rn ph_"mmorosv kNrc o' t,m-.d'nat "r'ri< *t thc 1""s""3' thr t't' is l.;, "' 'rna -

b"t' t.r4,;.; lts6 wihod slms rhn r dMd (d'rn Yhrh 5t : roel. ONon dPo* onlt th4 b*.* Pr-a in..otan " r .ltr h. rho*n, p'.*nr.d r $mdhin8 P'&nt P*snr bdns.p(* 'in iBtrdh nrh?rutholr

.r,r'. p-*. n. d t &t{''i" A ".,'r,1,'"'.'-* X) *hr mrl'cato*6k Gnd l:ko.i6sod

"' .]'. ,..-,"r",'d,;...nd,h.

+*in& th' b'mmi^e' tn' r n' -a i "r(P :ad b"'

'h. ,hl oft(n'ron ol th.l'.in8 Pr.*nii r un'v'r p"' or *n;d s such.I' R nd( ofi.i.d 'o th' Prcmt (str'! b rnvon.. R.*p'nc ir*lf' nor 'n 'tPonnff # cr' trdccd3rh.cid'ro{iidh rdul;G+'on bm *ihour dis'f,uhrins ixrl r; r(is @mt, rt t m)ndmur th'D(uii ol n;dhms, . nonLnowlttg. o. m , I'oh with indd{m'nJN' boil.$ (lor.rimPl., in r brorosY or crtrl(ron)


o(i$on:nv r*mbl. tho* of nr8iiv. thcolos/. ;;; ; ,h. poi"' or b"ns i"d't"suFh'hk n'r

'o rol 3h.,t or th. sr,phid at k .. th. -.. -"-'*.."*whdb dtlld'i" wh( i put inio qudtion h ptdk'lv th' qu'$ lor ' ord'prtuE r
,isi;"^i';,liincipal t6po.libili+




*ffifl,,*'n. o.-^.'*..*,-ou^' r in *hich I *rlloft.n h,v' ror

gltt :ri. ,i.t ar..;..;I;,, a.. i'.j

?tH***n ,,,r,-. * *'n* ' '-a *' 1\ -l rn'n

on(.Dr. ld u! nd.dhd'* i!ercr,nd? $m,nric inrh(n rh

=;rh. {d.nh.r

*- ad'fr'crd.\*'111 i).-ii ". 165n .o.p"n-"*on"ldllv-rhE ,n o r to ".r-i;.'n'* ".

" t'k'simulEn@dnv o \nLlot Athdn.. ^. .nnrc ("nfissn'n' 'rniG m'rnrngt nr rmmF o{ rh. dBtl) ,nd nr.du.'bly PolY!?mic'
h. hiid i IhRnok 'nJ '1. F' No h rMkn6c

wdd l,fi','z b dilirr'.r *

rF d etr {*ni 'n q 'dd drr 6 t np'riadon



;i i hi nl rhr * hr tr* ,.n 'r v. k';v thrr th. Erh +flt'

a B'rB . n-r, ,nz (s?ri q'll br unlitd 'tu n r ill 5. .iihd b.h8r o' bnn8 dtroo f,td,r lsdrd., s bds' Grr hc. akdpEqt i on d. (@kn F . r F.,6-*" F;L'"l 'h" "-'b'""'

\t)tin v6 d4-, mc.n'nsr shi.h scm qu(' dtrnnfl t r.u.l hs No L,n(+.) r( rh' ubtdol N "nP r i or.;rnpl .r rcl rarc rndcs ln 6 *n5' $' Lrtn d'f'rc ' rimolv r i,:nrlirion ol ft. G'ek di'pr'kr"nd


: il"T:ti,*: ;.::i1"1*" ffi :lP""f "lli: ,;;;i; i;;,ra-"h r",a-' t"-" F.,D-,t{" |"'.":
'htr (dr rd rluft dFFdnn Fh^ b Ftrh'' 'h. Pdrm6r.l,bodkd uldrdr iio-r runh'r E -(Fi! rhol!"ihdd<tri'dbkbod'' m;Dh:a(rlb<i'' i!31 ,h. ;@oiEErl siur p oPkmn th. b(1, $. hul!. r rrN.o&rDr :b!o.., r (rn b. rrnd dD$i n e.h. n'tl qn rhdrbr l.Wi

.:illi #ii lil'"'*--".

*u.,i ro,.vner..r
;rronhon b philoophrrl

S. . ,1". "t'.* --'q" rd b ",tt "* ine our dromn o r p:rtidhr langsS' 163 , irre""sc thn p,*c I l.* phil6nph(r' d'o;llv_Dhil6ophhl rh'n Lh' o d For'l(dnCrc'r dt'p"a'r" ro's hiuhon ol msnrns in 'h' sa mo'ilr DIfie L'm dt notonpod on..l 'h. f.'?, to vi t,,h. x onoft'uri n8obunnrD rtr' oI r.l'ing in'o i(ouni ol hking:(

;fiii'ffd*l Iti*ifi1ffi i,"#li; 'lr'fl ,1j1;i3""ii:lTffii:i:t:lff t"l';,:'i,' sldio lT:.i * no "'li:$i'i; i3
r"".rTh. oo,nr 'hn 'h.( ror.,ltr;.n* ii rm.h lT,l "oun_db 'o

:r'rs:r;::* i*:;.ri'":;li[ "r'::";

'ft.cG[ .d!

ar,'iomh'ns'h. Eludol' IdidiiEPrh or s@drndrly_r odrcra Prmopkr'F

Hi'ia{"* '*:Js::*:'s'.:;:,x f !ii'f,"f:

r; xt.iiil*,:r",i;Hrri:;,in i::


DE J^cauEr PrD^

rJ' to $c Nnom/ of6t di*o!6ch.rc' In dt.n iJis wo.d, ofors,lik..nv r! lrl/imir r( d.L! b th. disur* in vhi.h n cdB, 'nud nr trrcrprctiv.contexri6utin.N"yit d.i.6 n$f, d I l.d do.s so not r.rdilv ,h'n rnv oih.r eod, th. d inB.dircly ddvins rron rh.prertnt rr'i.ipl. (d',{.rrr4, th?rcbyUn,sins ur c!o* io b.{orc n L$ rtr rry rctio. of *. v..b l,/tua .v.n produed rn cf.d condtotd rs som?thing

ffi h. s;la,-.'e!i6.r!le14i}rr!s!!l!q d str. siqni w. \i!ml. The diiF._lr--vfi;I.

Fd!!!]!q Er;ifir;sffi-{''-aaEn.IjJs+!f _:!!19!s!5d I!!l!!_!!!!!+r!et!lglg_:rErL ,li'h m:ndi qn, d wm +4:9=nxii". r io-.ffi;;trn; i,n r!!!!:t!!!'!]l
;fr;dG;fmn, in * h'.h w. on krcunt*

wh.i e. crnnor sHrD or rhos th. $hs qnr rh'

dilttrcrtord l,,ftda

(withm 4'! ln a corep_

r'',{.-'u nrl'ry,dh."is {o.l^nc:l {"d".6 trld bd tid ro d6i9llr. !.onnnudv., rodtrcNr. dnd otisinarycau*lity, th. pr4es 6I sccsion Inn divn,on whi.h would poduc. 6. connisc J'rkrnr*ingeor diifrn'a3 Bd.b.crui ir Sings r.lo( roth. in6nitiv.znd:c'iv. l.m.l of /l{ru" r'i,tt ,.. (snh .n a) ndtraliza Bh.r th. infinitiv. in olt d.noi6 .s sioply,.tiv., jun as ,'o!d,a h.s!rg. do6 noi simplym..n th. hd ol moving ol bovt's on.ela or cf nbv.d, No norc n c6o.ina ihc ad ol r.$nali.8. V. nD{ con''jc! rhr ir r!. us3g.of ou' l$gug. rh. rnding _,,4 r.ni6 nndccidcddt,.s' dt rctirc and th. P6_ iv.. And w. sill se rhy rLar which lcts itselt i5 n{(h.r simplt :!n tx d6|f:r2ad dilltrtu nor rmllr n:siv.. .n.otrn.ns o om.$inElik. lhc middl. voice,svi.s xn oPeBdor tlut is nor rr opctd on, an oPcnnon.h! c,n' $ Pr'i9n o, s r!: :dm I no, b.6neiv.d.rh( rn obi..t, oron th. brssor ti. Gk' alr$bi<on sorid ot rgent or, ncith.r on th. bisis ot For .h' nor movins rowxd :ny ol lh6. ,trr' niddlc voia. a cdtuin lonr.nsniviq, m.v bc whlt

dtc in p.n(:ls p(sna d tb*ne, in th' ofb.ns or h.msra, (odi') Alddt r 'p rd; ;16 rhr di. tvP. or qu.qion 'o qP' rnd ln(red i,,l.tur st,orrh. H'id$8'Dn 6 t'ld h'(k to rh' dn'G a\ktuaa i.n' th .'.ne. I will b' Pcnn'd b rcn ""rolosc.l,l' bNrn offonihis r.r.rnc. t w'llnoko'l/ 'hn Ji{.rdc. .: r.mtoriznion{.mpodhtnn 'no, .$ no lons.r b. @nc.iKd wnh tgtna rh. Drr*nr. and wh Hcid'sso rart tl d T'a rbott ktnp.dltamn r th b'no horibnoflh.qusnon of B'ing uh'd nxst domrn} .r{.d lom is rrd{ional. nc':phF(ar I $flc( on by th. Prckni :nd 6' noa 'heR s no' t d.i ."-m;nkrion, 'ho'Bh

! I I J ,


. s" a'rsn lod tri! i3

6 lnd or

ih,t $. tisnifi.d cotc?A n ntv'r P.Mr

. Bur 66i |d us (m!i.


iil"',m.-' p';."..t'"muld rcr(onrv ,ililr,


i ;.i;;;.;,r

';^ptv l.reRF hrh.rrh. posibiliq olcoheptuulrrv d

1.m(?Pi' bui


lii.'r'J'"lli". ,i"l i,.;;, o


whid n ior I oiepr"3

tn'.!rm h tmar' For


l-11flr.nm.---Fr.F *

/tf,,.,: but on. muld no lons.r cil it orisinrv or *hich rfi! vdud of o.isin' ;n,l in th. .rMrb dc. hav. dwF denotd adi-, ,.lor, .*r,,ot,!t, idrons,! " To pur idto qu.sdon of tfi' .nd p.ovisionrl .hlrtcr.dni6 ;hds(o'd.ry difria,e' !id, b oppo$ to th.m rn oisinttr" thcr?forc would h lv. Mo .onscqu?nes r. on. couldDo,l. dfl.',t.t in '



| 1-6;r-\rJJjJ;;


n-o qu6,ion

rF 'h.

thdrity ol pr.sme, or ot ns simPl.svmmdriel o!_ ooiit.. rbi.n@ or la.L rbus on. qu6tiolt da co*kincd u\ *hi'h slill hd iimit "t*.ts rnd -l'i.h @dn.ii.s !r-1s inlubibn6 of . lr.s!.s.
. siseD ol rhoushi-b tolmuh..h. nanins oI

rcrddtirr Dnrv d a"d *ll "..drh r i'i ot-, Pccn onepr .nd thon'c m,trrirl L! in,.lh. word in Fn.rd tp':rttrrE rr' Tt'. d'lt.rdd ollhthS:usu( r ,hd.for.. m'tfid oi or ,''' orhds. Tl'. em. on b. tid. r ro rhc r'' I'd s. .a /.rd...Ind 'hcr?bv 'o'rPlroE ol on. rh. oth.r' hion 'o ol lrngu'lg'_ mr' ln , hnsur8!, r th? rttd Dronom'or.op r. onlv d'hd.nar' Thrdorc ' .rrno on und.d'k. 'h' rYsE tdr on ,"d clr*i6storv tn".nrory o{ r lrc$gr' hnslrs'r m rh. on h.nd, lh.s dj8dmc6 Pr'vj h rrrgurgc imd+ @..nd i. rh. dchmgc b'|Gn h,.4 .;,, ,Fah. o. lhc Tfi.Y hrv .lt.B "'h* dd*h.6 -. tlv fullYlorn.d,rnd rR no d fi. br6 troarot.+r. rfi.v rFPRid'b'd m.rk rdv h ol . 6rr,n. ll ih. srd "hkFrv-'d'd nor d -lndoaft.ll .onv.v rh. norif of r hnll r'pftion .nd

''su.\ r c.rundMuld Donilb b. otrnrud.d hon 'h. curodlv th6 or wrb' /ifrad;rnooL 'I. r*lr brMm d. s! sso& ih! dd; ,,tida H6 oI d'rrdt -L mn8, d,trdiaa- w. n dr eY {ron d.r.rd4 h hd d*ndJ$d'enn!,rndd'f.d

s bdh disn rd ioPlYr'@ "orp rd rraw I revnd qd, ll1! rouod4 pnn(iPlq {a.lF4 a $fi'dr un.m$a tr,t.rtdorl lT' I

" fffi 1;1gi:i'l'l**'rr


J^caud DEr{b^

issuch.rc. Bd rhi.{oultl rik. nc bo l.t tod:v,!*i,J 'h. 'haD I J.k!l. m $h(h v. rrD.,r'o b'trdosd-rnd s.h om.pu, hr. nrnv o'h$, onlv Jor hi,ha Jthn idr.sic.on!.n'.ncc 'nd i '-d!!ii ,.:.. lul. thflr ,l(oBkr.tion d tl( ox.ntrl m6r &_ bt / or( pDnt.ln.q, d. .n w'll b. und.6'ood. cnck r eh'ch $.:Pp.:r to b. 'n_ I md6 ol 'h! n no h.rt, difa'n( I s.s.d, ,hn * n " *'i... r n 8.ndic, n I mo* d,sc 'h1n to obi"r D I rhrn hrb'i..|. or i! no Ic$ s"; 'nd I ihn on tn. bish ot th. old.$ o{ n.EphFiel I opncmos (lor dlmpk, bv *dns!nm' sd'ro_ nru ffi|"-s-r., "h"l' s,*.* oyi i' "'l'*i6_ II 'iv? point of i.w rstinn, *o'l<l btr iboEall no' **t Gomrh. 3tv, n' difi{mc'r n*;oi{.ll.n cadon. 'i.. "c*. -h.. ; l-m onh.sophicrl *h. ; I --i.l h:v. b..n Doducad, p'oduc.d c{dt, 6ur th" -"rirs krt P.dF -"d 'r. lind.h'nc'$'int subid I .th'c!. such oDpoerioB hrv. no' do whach nor .t. ?ffcc6 'h. o{n i. s.i.rrl. I b.insthr n lmne b dr,{.2;4, shrfi nrLd rh. 'hinl'ns r I drd.r..c., oflc.ould 31t rfiar onlv diiLr'n'6 crn h. bkroricJ tom ih!ou6d:trJ inc'cho{'h&

;e-c (id,F/i&D") 4Iljlr4lj

,"i.ia *r,"a - "*" t"'r"'iil*i?. * rlB n r ;ElrnonabsNr'', in

,iLrd baoe), bd d'h(nt fron rhcaimpl' {to'l'd And Kovd mo( (n:trrorl ,.,.,r. scrrtlns)" 'r*ofr6 in r nok 'd'drdt R't*6 : dttm,e r' ddi./'!rs. on. did' sI' di${mMm8

""-bnrc..,n p'o.., 'h'is a"a-Uhqdd-qryj' I tt tn \ r Pr(n!. $.r' mphed In tn' I -.."t'.t6.n.?. r*-1. i. th? ,nGt dnskal li;-F.r hrv. o rP.rk od:n drd !c rh<nI rr3hion. -*. would l(rd trt qrrcllr would whrch I wrhourr crusc, 'o | ! F :l' nqu{ no c{.drt:ll.lh rv. c m Pk dbindi' t . . krwrtosolrl'..loid rco l'hi3 lr r d. wor k v ' r !h. tr.a, whi.nnnomorc '(er $rnn hrs1 iu clu!, blt whi.hin rnd ol it.ll' ouGidc txr' ii to .or suGcicnr opcr2t thcn.e$irv Fln'gtsnon' sDC. $.i. B no b'lor? :nd ousid' d'{, shrt s,u$ur?h"! enn'n | rcBioloFc.l I rbomh;prs? .1n b..*.nd.d to th?stn in 3'F J (.1: r:nsdrs. ir n...$.rr in ordc'rorrp'(i b I b. nkllistl.,nd b ptodu< rll ol i6 'd'd!i but I tu Lk;6 n.a$:rv in ods iu. hnSu'3' b b' : .*.Ui,[edi hGtoiallt tfi. f..r of sp"cn d'att R.tzinins 2t t.,r tft Inn.mrk'

N.s il w. @nsidcr .h. cl'ain in whi.h r'',fi""' lmds isdf o 2 ..dai. nunb.i ol nomvno"mou! $b$i.u(ion\ ..ordins b tn. n.esirv ot th' 6n' to 'trchi_ ro th. 'l.nn." tx( rfit hlvc rcou* rh* D-!t'cin8. rKh' wnnng. brhc 'nc. \o tt ar Fhdntr'n B, to rfi. !" ,nd !@n io tlE lYn.n, b .lt nrl8inst*_ m*.h, dc." th'r $' rrt ut co on, !t i! b.ct!s. ol liff"r" mow6.ri ol lisnifienon n Posibl. onl/ i{ddr sc c'll.d .r*.nr' d.n.nt, .,ch .pp.'dns on th. ;o. ol pcnn!(' E EhRd b om'ining orh.r th,n rqli l.cphg wrhin itRll rh' nr'l of.h. p,r.l.ncnt, {dalt.idv hningitsli b. vitiarcd bi $. h2rk of iis clltion o $. tutur' !hi; t6.. b.ine no 165 to wh{ G .l.n..i rn'l itrsbr d'far'u" rfu 'All'h# rr r@drs ro rht D.ridr Nnhr rhonl6, n 'o$nring 'vn @!nt. IlE { G!tpl''44 n R'usu} $o,d b J.qb< lohs GDlvd in of Gaz"''! op, trr cain spML l[lllrhon:Johr HopLiE I meD brr ri. nF isprR trrn!E'nrar. 'e?61) indlh.o(i ttr(, $. plad,totr n Phbi td ror nnor P$*n,q" ii DnExi'_ snri.hdlti.d'n d..b-, hh"-" Ichka., u.i","ie d ;'-. bn rtn.d,,nd po! Ch'o6 rrt.a ,er,l), mo .m-'s n'n ."", ,i. h. *" ilrr-) qri;'ns :nd M'lhtrfr raldiffi oi ot i{nh;i! ( t' b .' ,r e \i4 n t' f.,b.oi snn$!i tIE |3.' h1t Dqndl 4 nif.flrt n',r\. nddr i n\. '<4.' .rpl;r,^ solkri Noi64 ( ltr(minrdon in D;

;fi;q:Fc:rr'(11:9b! 1;d; ;i;-".!'p,r. -.{. '.-.r !i:rq,:j+'?;ii:;].::" -DEri.r'"r iil*r'.,.


riir #*f]l[r#Hl{ffi riifi'li+

;'',.':'iifr #.., [;ii]]fil'tt',.6#

"n'.r' -^,i,i,t'ir: t'u;s BI c?snwn-" ttt ai' 'tilqdt'


ir nor thc con'

ol ihk RquiEd.nt lorf,ul:Rd bY S'usuj''

connituion' rw"p'illl" o.,t*tid, i"w't'y with ah{ i. lt !.d hb@rr rcn.i. in @nplicirv

*gffiffim$ff $e*ff ffi#fi$ffi;w:



i$ wnh n*lf, or dmo:llv in its And fh' 'on*ionn6r'l *ithori hmlrd nor6 o. sP"i6crdon! rn Ud.nrs *{h it*ll, rr xlf contciousn'$l tr und.don Muld b., s ndwivs nu* be' 1 rant orl '4urs"b' \$ ib ji' D"s' ,Bt.",' tu ' ( n ' n lo;.non ot on.l:nsn:s' bv rnvrhd l 'oh(nd' l.omd r tp.dtdssubj.ct onlv bv milma16 +em /ifi' ol @u6., $tr A. *od crc in o*lhd Jdnl(m<En 'I orhd !un@:66r,* itmrrlsior onrv th' rul6or th' t'm_ I alkd tBtusr6non -rc th.qicmo{rh' rli'.a.t art*cn*.bd Ircivirya I h.."'pe ol difern I mrilinc.ldour of d.{.ir:l' rnd dilftai'r' ol ,he s.nd"l h s I by ;io,.'ns I .lsr.,i,t'* *""q.t't'.,gt' 't "inoi"ing't' I h; ,dh.ins mPrin.iPk wirh H'sdirn dn'oub' 'h. I d;d of prcround "6nii} spR'n S.usu.. lrvs i5 \poltn hngurB' m'nus I llrh r n hufl b. rdd) ir rl)o' up ro 1 ednn ror th' sp"Y'*:::?."j ''knsu,8r k...A$rv rkhich I @in! un:bl. @ bdl *nb thit dis@uu' d' ui n' inkll'g,bk .nd 5" rhr r en Pmduc( ' i rsnolindolm.r n , n s o r . h z n c ' ) t b u ' td n o p ' i I d r Lnd ol in6nidnt d ndiel dnPrE If ol k. whok !p:e I n hPt ro dd'n'ri' as* n. but of*h'ch it would h< d'ffiol' rc 'p'rk -l,E

-i'I 18ffi :HI;;5tr'i$;',il:i"*"^'

#*t*iit+tf fiq****[*ffi

ilffi !#ift;

"l'$LHt *-,"-."t*tt=a"a=

*. o,r.'-'r *. o'n-.'b'roi""mmhg qerds

on th.F I audtoE bcl6R tumins dcm t(r rnd b.fu( sulp'ding Ih'n !'rv rom th.h*lr, iftludine shn Fmr mo* nrtur brk in'o .hou. d;n, k muld immcdditb Lll h {hr u. hr. iun disdgls'd ouddrcs lroh .ftcd r. rcDkd rh. lorm ol th' qudion rn$ "{ho rd ib;vnE* ( *ht'r?"lroi5? i rh.r? J, s. muld hrr' ro I -ani.s n | /rn.. hs b..n d.ri(d' h,r h'pP'n?A r io b' I ro"d.d rnd BoEm.d un 'hlssorth'Pointor' 1hns' I D*nt !.in!, shich nqlf suld b' em' Pom' in tt'c ' I r fom, r:nn,; or a prsnr I tin& ol nrDd mBht h. sivm. r -Dc' no' b.inq ! r r'rizd, , uno And in thn l'n dr'' 'I ubtv. on. souid 6nclu<t implicklv ihn tht lrd_ d bdn& for dmPh t h'i$ Pr dmtutlv MUld om' ro d'tr or re .ondd3ns, kon d6e whdhcr b) ddrvinsrnd tuminsawiv o r b vd i rh ! t ulf llm m r o f , n c . d o r : ' d ' s n ' ' ' esd &.ine lod ieli. 3m in ntitll( or lh'k

't 'p'"cr isbiG rh. -""i1..a csmti:l di$ochnon DI3Pdchrnd r'n n rnolh( ld'l or hr dtr' Frsr rhn s,us!rc, e''hcd to d'l'n'38 rh'Pnc 6u6.. phv ot lrngu.g. or hc. ol r'ndnionallv of l cod' ruPpdm8 | rsrEd'.'uD_ Ior@ *nhod 3 dd.imin'd or uE in 'nd rBn4. rnd ne tupPosinB 'h' p66( I proknnon ol d'ns'n6' Dhr 1 retmnon rnd plav d d'd-s ;Drcioa,nd t rd'r' rind of wnd's lilE n;$ b. r 'mpo'iarion" b'ro( d' 'n wihour lrchF{riiide wnhour r Pk*ni dis'n' fic Rguhr dnurc ol lh' dchn, 'mr' nD of 8d'rrl sBbbs :nd .h. t:nslomltion I cnfior hboi s,mml@loe,riir l.rd d'fliing *molo3v. iftludtns rh' eF ;neo'hinsuithii ft(nkn ro" ot the isn $t nd'rmd phlcial pr.tdPposinoB in'ohprhbr' wrh rn'

i" *ia".i-

d hngurB''

ffi#ffi,t *llili.:**\i:ll',e:*,1+ii$\
u-Mdh.' l*r B& laL dnJl

lffi li$*j$*H+J.+iH#:iitfd

i,"'ia'"ii, p;.*



-.niirutd d,fl.a"aionmnro8rijr oI NoMtw ELri o.a:8lin ot *fid dca S:ssurc. m Prdtur'i rc_, or Find ur? Thrt hnsu:g. lshi'h anlt connsts s@di!.Encsl n nor : lundon or 'h' sP'rrrns lubicd ('n i.d._ Ths impl'ci rh{ $. 'b 'd(nnrv

notil ol diflhd".. l on. mi;\rb. cmpr?d bv rn objdion: c'nnnlv m rE th..ubrd* , rP.'tt8 subl'c odv sv.d ol lin8nisdcd'td'neri .oBn.& s,h 'h. or rr, rh. {ubt.d b.omd r risritoS G'sn'rvmg dhd tsn' by mdni of !Ft'h o' i0;, 'rv or d! $bid only by insdibmgi*lf in dE slskm egr l.(ft6, C.nrinlv m fis *n( 'h' eparrSor " szt*"e C.d'. i" cddtt Li"'i'n6, ? t7 1Ll

F$n'-ff}1r;"'* frtTfr;{*.tf,ijfrtlr;#,i 5911 ;#J,#sxll#'i"$r:"Jfi{i:Ir ;$*{;,'.ffi

l;*tl*'lg:'.':i ;ff,,iil**,*r* i-jfi , :l}iir':t:T#.Jr. ff *"r*i;iriri*n,*,*--,-'-.r"-",'.fr

"""-;'""ifi"r'fii'l: d#:#dlH1,#f$T#?t".iisr'.'"''-*"* "--


J^cquLt DErflD^


J^cauB DLI{D^

,*--,.*..-..0''*n"n,''"l1ll1l:-*llm*;:*Uf ----+ry

***itt*+.'*''ru *,x**l* \ils*1,'ffi


biririft ixi*lr--ijiiT [il:'i:il'l;'"riffi:; ;";; ''|Brinins m;'fi ':1"'#"::I






DrRR,b^ ing as origin.ry rrd u.crriDg .y!!h., sis-r synde5is@n$!ntly dnccrcdba.k on it$lt, srth...d in or isdf,nd s.rh.ri ns-of r.c ntioo. I ra..r tud op.ninss, T1r. ih.riiy ofuh. ''!nons.iouJ'm.kes !r .onern.d not *nh hori' htu ot dodi6.d-p,* 6ur or futur.-prs.nb, wirh . 'pan' lh{ has n.v.r bdn, rrd wbtl ..v?r *ill 6., whds 6turc to on. Nill n.6 b. t prcda.tion $ . ftvodndion in th. lo.n n.i.lor. rhr on..D' oI r6c L

wbave. los.r wins, 3nd in vl)nl on. los.r ,nd wi.ron.v.q rurn.Ilth. displ,..d p,elnhiion F ninr and imFh.rbly po5Fon.d, ir is iot ih.r . pfts.nrr.mliB rbrnior hidd.n Rnh.r, d,//tn.r ,nrinhins our rl: on$ip wi.h rl8 vhich w. n c.saily mnco.$o., dd whi.h dc..ds rh. lhcnadr. oi p! rnd $soc.. A en:in rlcrity-ro rhi.ll Fr.ud siv6 rhc nErapl'Fiel nm. ot ih. unco,sciour-n cx.6pt Los *.ry prdc*s ol prernt*ion hy m.rns ol vhich w wonld call.po. it to rhor i$lf in p.r sor. In ili! conftrt, ,nd ben.rih this glisc, d? un_ co.sions is nor, is *e ldow, s fiiidm, u.u,l,.i pokniial s.ll-pr6c.ce. k dif.6 fofr, ard dcf.6, i.rlt; shici doubde$ n.rnr rhai itnsoyenoldil t dc6, .nd alsorn* it s.ndsout d.le8,i.s,' rlt *rhtivq proxi.s; butwitiouiany.h.redl Siv.r ol pbxi6 night .xni, hightb.pr6cnr,b. ''t*lf bmsh.r., a wnl, d.n lc* chr.c thrr n nisht h.6m. mnsious I' rfii, rnse, conr3ry io i!. ot an old lDll ol rh. md:pht+ al inrcsBoE rhrt it hesrl,,yr r$nm.d, th. unconsiour" Gnono(. thing" lh!. ir is any oih.r ilins, is .o mor. . thing rh.! it is a vt'Ml .. n*k J @nrciourn6s,Tlis ridicrl.lcrjty ts.onems *rt po$i6lc no'i. ol pr6.nE ie darkcd bt ih. irEdu.ibili.y of !h. ,ft rt(.ct, rl. deliy. ln ord.r to d6dib.s.c6,in G:d the uac6 oa unconscioua &c6 (rhcrc !. E1c), rh.l2ns!as. of prcs.n.. and iLsncq lhe k in3d. n.Ephysial disui!.olph.non.nologt, qud.. (Atnoush ihc ph.nonicnolosist mi lhe n only one !o rpcil rhtulingus..l ia crl.( Th. *ructur. ol dd,y 1Nd.r/ij?ri&?/) Io.bidi rl\,r on. n.k. ofRnporalizxnon lr.npo! izrion) I simpl. dirldicrl .ompli@rionoiihe liythy,rcdidt, i' rdn?, r

rtmrm.drlmor inadd'bhF"d[.i n :ra'|-4-4: th. $ir !.insdom, pd or turr' pt*na tn't n n.. \o r"r^r \ojd a la"rr 1-, ' rih And r tr rl*ir! in rrr Dm' d 2 oI r In'adom. rtPr'al' dift'd'? wnh I'nsdo; thr oR ma withinsb r.isn, oflr *'s tr 333rrn' dia ns.ll wnh. .2phrlLt!.r' *nr' d"sn crn d'rto,'.., lor rhcF '.rens' inn lh. iNnon ol d. .nrieanrolosKrl J'{teF cne. sr(h .! r tr though"sulh 's 'A 'P'!h rhmush, rlnna'sr'll in D;nicul.' i3 m.GDhsi:! nod?l'!6 wdretn dKou#i rnd no' 'nousht, bc .rpr.$.d ,!.h. H.ide$cr\ un(nomvenrihle _hisrcrv

A pas ihd h4 nde. hen preknt, rntu lor6ula k rh. on. that E6nrnud |.vin$ uss. .l'housh c.oinly in r .6rp.ychoanrlync wry, ro qulit lhc tucc and .nisn1 .t absolut alterity:.h. Orh.r,I' vnnin limitl' .nd lom rhir poj.i of vicw r lc1!t, $. thoi9h, oI .liffanna impliB rh. .nriE*iolont losrnndcrtzkmbyLdin,r. A.d th. 6i ilE die, lil. !h* ol r'iqr,r.. rh.i.6y orsrnizd, dons rh. lin.s oI .ld. difi.'.nt ticd .nd di(.r..cs oI k es, in Ni.Esch.! s.ns, in Fr.udt !.ns., in L.vinaJr r.!*-rh.* n!m.! ol.urnots" fi.E b.i's only indi.6-in. n.sorl which res?mbl.s and trsv.s.s our ".rz ai th. dclimitridn of rh. oliology of pr.s.n... Which is ro sry ih. oiology oI hcirgs D'l beinen.$. it n lhe do&in.tion ol bcinss rhit diftdr.t .v.iy{h4! co$6 b solicn,in rh. $nrc lhai J./. irir,z, in old Llrin, m.rnsio 3h3k.3r. *hol., io a3k. tin'ble in .ntn ry Theator., it is d'. nintrion oIB.ing2i prsnceor rs b.insnas rhath intercsrt d by ihc tlDuslli ot d'fltr,.a Sucl ,

qu6i"" rdH Mr .-.r* L4Lr:49! !!r!_!9ll

i,r-!.']9+gee!r!__ l:_

do614r.rd.l[r.rr,,,lsn.16t omdiorznd rsrins lirr hs b.on.

di(.dq ft .{d ol iubsttodor rd ditr ftrc h' sib.d ;n dr douLL ranids ol ,{41,.6!r,. A. v. Ilil' rtnddi4 oi,1,2?r@! 4 'sup.sdiion" ii hn !. 6M d6r o a n.nd:'ion ol tI. rr,roraolod phffi6,, ilrfiou*h,i'hdu' ih. d+rre orD.iiJrr minti.nE of tk vdb luii4 '!o liIr" (r,l'd, /.rl :Dd ch e ot eEni {d/., r+). Tnu w s hn. L / 'll roi ta. uiiondr.d dtrcusiouq r qi$ /fdar.. 6r4zi moE on t,4rF. R bdN "oE!:nd _Th( rcr r J; _Th. Pn :nd th. ryahid," nok 16r.nJ

tj!4$rs!*r&e!L!]tqrulr!Lq!!s-sr_{L crpnt kdcr Nor o'lv n ih.d no klredor of/4 frant.. htrr d|fi.tu,.. iitriur.s i. $bvcdion 6t'ns 1nd 'irrtr,brr dr.:d.d by fl.rrhrn3 qrtun ur

ol ddsmintrn or edlr oisdns, 'ttfri4a' 'h. drferrc'. d'i1'retr' )s lh. onricon'ologftl thoushr snhin rh. hdnon or d' qugron 'r b' .n q\ d dfl'n t & fnll "! 'nr:m?uphF'crl nr unloldinAotr,ft,n.. n ptrhrFnor lor'rv rhe ol B'in8 P'r or ol vnth .l 6.ic ' unherd ol haD, w mu; rn.mpt to 'hink 'hB rh' hisrorr or B' ,h;uofit. rhs thnt r{inB: 'hr -"h*. ,' enBiSs th( Cn@ W6r'h ir8, Lmr 3uch6 ( G Doduad vir th'ontoro8r'r dtr_ L;na, h bur rn.Po.h ofrh. r''aPt'it'in t"ne' fonh.n..ould nolongtrd.n oll rhnrn tpolh whn 6 A. sn@r ol .Pdhtry bdonin8 'o *'lhin hu;ory t ih. hboq ot Bsng sin(' B'ins hA n{cr h.i a "m.anins, b:s nd'r b"n $oushr n6'll in LEo! sdd !! such,.xept bv dGsimulirinE veq (rrns? ' !a $.n d,ry.'.z.?, in r..n:in:nd o"'.|"s''rl dif i'n( or .n *;"- ft5) 'h. "ld{ itc:n k.h ol D.i.s 'sh.n n h:3 rhit fi;;h. '3c b. dlkd th. pby oi rh. tn. Th' Pl4 ol.r-rBe $hi.h no lonas bdons! ro th' horzon ot b'rn& rh' non bur rhoi plly r:nspunr riJ.nclus ,tr!ol Bcrnc th. Dhv otfi. rrc o h?drfl"Ji'r' Mri'h dcs m' *d r *h"t' t'n.. ^* iino bolobc.Tfis. -o-'s mtncinin& 3nd no dcp$ to' r;is b;&ml6s .ndsbord on *hi'h Brins is put

ofPh'losph) " Ar only in rI< rts oi . nsomudv a! D$'hl. s. mu$ p.rmr to rpp"r' ,ha or whd 6'4dr rh' ruth or d;ood; c ' n n"rb' P( B .; nR 'hc. (D r r{ ' hr)"h"h b' Pr' F ;. .h. rx. *hth tr*ll cn n'( *iGd: rhr i3. sd mrn'f6' rsll ls IU'h $hicn Dh.nom.non Th. kia b'vond rhri 'n 'b LnLr fundrm.n,rl onrologv lnd PhF "."r"';"dlv ;omdolost, Al,a! d,ridmg md d'Lirin&,rht Er!. tr n.vcr n { ii 'n'n rr.s.r iseltin Drts.ning i6.lf, mullld itilt in 6 onding, til. th. c wri.ingnslf. insdtbingn!Pv':nid il d'fli'a4t. hRmavt' Th.rnnuft Enngrnd'6.n.d ({'oi m.n' c,n Jlsry! b. di\clo*d in metl9hYe'rrdB' couc., rni 6p.c''llv f th? co 'mpoErv -dF who ou6. which fiF, th'oush 'h"ncmp6 b Eicr.d (NEE*h., rftud rrliinl' *. 'hc 'u* .lGrc of odolosv And .sFciall/ 'hrougj' th' rtrt. ThE tdt pronPE nr to.rrmrn' 'he '$'nc or rh. rh. tre<n(. ol th' P(r'nr' vAi' E rh, pr.snl \{']Dt r r ro thin*fi'prr I d us @nsid... for cxrnd'' ih' 19{6 r'rt 'n' ftnd D.r 5btu.1 IIa Anandandd l In' Anl\ nmd(fnsmml l " tn rhE ki Hdd$3'rnulrj rhi ,h. rors.dins ol B.i4 lorg' robcrh' b'rn8" h.$ao ind b.m8r, . h.'6 n rh.;,rn.r or B.,ns tr''' sa'h' 't" sei" 'ft . ;nnnahcrl lorm nr rhtr'n'sitic'mbi3lod indiGts 1 s.n6k (Cdtris)' 'h' 'd{_ -.i;!r (Hor,'I)or shr i! Prir'd rnm Pr6'N ;oe iNlder Aiw64t1.n aBdtn An@k'l \ctth'6. x;c {w6d)or lhu?mdBd( rcfilin"oftakd (!.rro!a) alonB vnh th. 6sm

'^i.o.l,']; *n..r

I'Oi Ldid.i rid on ft tuin*ion.Ilij .rh d"ti br ''Othd," ie "viokirt sd Mmrhyts," nor. 6, ii v,ittu 4/ Di1t4.t4. trt.l

'.-orc:n h.tutoi,ot tr'. anc d'ftrinetu'nn L.d di;hran n*ll :lr(:dY isro'i scll. ;on. indrd.ffielrh L[] na(cin th.d.krminn'on ol t\' di'Phdoa t' diffcftne. udalosrcrl d'fi{rn( duubrlds,re' To 'h. hlins 'hmk t diiia,lt hsk, anJ inr {


or,h. nr,y



J^calEs DriND^ hrlon$ io i6 qt'cEr. And not onll th"r'rurt n (R i 'h'd b.,S k rod'nj l ' "h kh _ m ln .l*4 t wtrch ir*oul.lno' h. r rr,c.bu rhc crisurc in f,,onlnrnhl iu6ntn..), bul 'lso :i re' rwhi(h .onnru'6 n kom $. dbd h:k$ r chane.ol 3n" I*hKh e'un6 r I 'nd 'h. n:16 i (m'rs' lom lds,mdt in iR.rpdDnc ( lrr.ll In r! eruducr'on Th. (& Irk !P-r oId'(dma i3rh{doi ilr lrr l \amc d rs r&ins rn th. Eri ol md'rtv$'s lThr hkr n'{ lti\. m:inhincd rh' mnh oirh'r I irhrs lo{, pur rsd. Th. ptrtdo\ ol $th m.reph)$diu rn m' in 2(rudc, '.(n.4 'h.hnsu1g.ol v.Ri.n ol m?r1phli.J con(.pc' which9rcdu@i th' isn d rh.lollow'nB(8ccr' th!pcnntb'oM dF, rhc rrd ol $? u:...It i tr bc 'hc i.l?*nc r.kB ro rn rh.l,d mit( ddt omd , fuKson r, $ru.turcolgoddrrd 'dr_ oI 6' cnc. k n I ke. .lld t v1c. o{ rh"r'snr

srd!. Nor onlt rn1t, br .'.n $. Ery Elarion b'_ M..n pr*n.in8 ind whr k P ids wtno u d Ahtu kxddkn on i r.m!ri rhoushpt.(rcing:nJ *hrr s prd' .ft w4. d.h 3omdh'nslor is!( Th' unnone,Blv b.con t losdhinB llle'r ' Anu6fls)'. " ot PdmcinS (D,, Vu,, '14 ,-rd **h it d. dnr'ncrionb.F.d fr!'ndn8rno *hr n !r.*nt nmr6 tood'n Ih' ohnuirn ol B'in8 BanR obtvon ol th. disrndion b'twd ';



"cidcssd h:.k is;;: rh. bdw.en B'insand bc in$, lh. lu4of,cr oI m.HPhvr'6. hr dnrpPdrcd r'$ou' l.lrng r k:*.Th. v.a I tna dtll(ch" hs br.n $bmds.d llwdaintM (,t {'EdlJ o'h( rh:n rb*n( ind P6me' i rt ,a..r. rh.n sh.n itn r n:d.t or ihc rorg'f,r'8 oI sdnsrndb'inse) w' trurd .d'sdm({b.N.m h.v.F rp.ll ol : diepn.n:nc ol rh' r'cr or tn' rie.rvhkh s inded whr th! follo*ing prsrBr in' Fr4m.n' rEm! ldh Tll. A.:\m1nd( 'o (l' v'ilins Dh: obhvion ol Bons bilon$ ro $' ro th'dd' 6!dc ot &m*- ht lonsi {.*'ntitllv tiny of !.ins tha. ih. d.en ol ttis ddint 'iss 6 l}l. unvoli.s ol *hr. n ! 'n 13 tc'ncrn& Thi! mdn5 rhtr th. huoa ot B(rnBbqrn' with $' ohlj"ion ol &in& sinc 8.rng-to3dh{ wirh ne + to kdr.. iB dNndion lM b.i$FreF 'bdr Ir r.62ins foraond Al_ oUlFa Itu ininctiq rhourh rh. No p1fr6 b rlE ditin'don' rh:t tr Ms Anu'sde prcxn.ina\tkt e*raind "td rh?t do nor do ro * dm.l'al' t'*i't. ddl Rrc ld'' ftuh' d$ncui;ir.d. R.'Id,dn$?ar\ pr6'nc' uohlkB'.d'hd srffi);Ith.4,tindion {'la Anetd bn sn.$rnspd.n' i;!o@B.t nn& \eu in th. .kh.i"4 .; ;;ua.rd.' ^nd 6.ins Pc'nr \t^ 4nm poiin@ o{ bcing rh.lid.n (Po. 5o- trl h6.,Btn Ana.t^lLnl" s'ne lh. t,e B nor : brr 'h' dmu_ iE ll dirPl:er hflm ol. pdcnd rh:idrlNr'6 it*lL r.i.6 itklt, it FoFdv h.r no 'r'+i$ur'


,n *.

wtts o

""ii.*t, ,t'..*, ...0r u,- n @npth'ndd' "' su ll kstl.. Jn d to b.'!:d hi !no

b, ns i'mtr m.rl'rd in ib ihr'rior nthd 'DER.d fu"o$ ol rB mi4in. trop6'n8 h" mulholc '/ 'l'. and rlc mnas' or thc t'c'' ,i .'a ttrc i'o'rm-t simultt_ ,frrtK.rirnlrrn.ounvr:cd,ndd'(d rlw:v!.lirinEin .munv [v,n! rnd d.,d, 'nd,:! 'b A pvrc' .i lfc! p(*p.d i.'h;on 'nt.nphon m'd. Not . $n. hnc. b b. iunrFd d'r b!' ibcll a non lilc, an r *.U, to 6. driPn r?d oth'dn''

, i."i", ta a- en*',o A,' enw@ddli'n l ;f tr hr! r me (.,'. Jtrr r.p"_it tdr)which Lnsu's' rm.i's prB.fl.d {s.ddd 6i.i,,) in 'h' b wii.h B.in3.on.i {p Jr),

or 'I!'8 on. en think without Nnt'didio'' 't kr{ {ithod Br:nnng.n/ Pcdin. (adi(tion, rhrt R p.rc.pnhk ,nd irt'reFnbre rn ol drr.(ne itloir:n c:iltv,.. $.kr(,Th? jnvnibilio wnhout rcort,2.d v.r iti Y'rv b$ n (rt In th' rh.lrcr.d:r.uin.d, *.n, d.t.v.,l ln r ln th. rorm ol rh? prop'r' whidr loh of;t6da i*l(n only,n.(.cr ol wririn3 Halin! $ttd ft .r.surc oI d'! drlv tlc'' Hci qrhdt I o*r:dkrd a.gsn .;' (unr:d(tion,'h-Jorc. - counRu'8\ th' *'ung oI @iri3n, rh' dllhnc_ rh. ua. A b( tunl.i on: "Ho(vd lon bN..n nd bun3r' $ sm'thing lor odt t'r n4 * Rodcn,en hqd( ;rdy rnvakd 6dranh |h. pR*n.ins ol whnr

ffiffif *ffi


osR'o{ J^cauEs


For us,l,,frrn a rcn,itu . mdrfrysiel nrn., :rd rll th. n.n6 lhar ir !div.! in ou,l,nslusr ,!! snrl,8n .si n.tlphy.icil, And rhir n pdi.lhrly A. e$ sh.n rh.s. nh6 *2c ih. d.e 6l .litt n . $. .tili.enc! b.Nc.n ^ination rnd "s the p6cn lAnba.nlAnwenal, Pft$n& .nd abov. all, znd n alr.,dy rn. cdc whm rh.y othk ill. ddanin*ion oi d,,fia,.. ?s tb. di(ahrs "Old.c rhr B.ins itslt such1 dtftir.r .on1hc inour tangu:s.. Bui w.'5lr.xd), lnow rhr iI it is unnloclble, it G rct pmvLion.lly so, no.$ ou. kn8!.s. h6 nor y.r lornd or r* eiv.d this rdra or bdu$ ft would hrv. b $.k n in otL.r Lngu4e, ousidc th. 6nii. 6yiEm.l our @n. tr n 6rh.r bRus.lhe. ir no dr.Iorii

ccit6 j$ d..api!r(liu )tion..Abdth4 o.c puB ioro qu6lion fi. n:n. of d. .rb., Th.r. will b. @ u.iqucnimc, rv.n ilit*& rh. n!m. oi B.ins. And w. mu* &i. withoui ,oie&i,, rlar h, ourid. ol th.'fiinl oi a p! myd h.t rll3l or p,temal lanS!,s.,.lot n.tit. country oI ihoish!. on $. ontrrry, w. mr* ,fim rhis, ir rhe sns. in which puts a{f.m.tion inro ^\i.rz(h. pllt in a c.nain hdgh&r tud 3 cflhin d.poIrh. Froh lh. v.rHs. oI thG rnd rt'ir dd.a, Lom ih. v:nras? ol lhG .fimdion loreisn o .ll dilhqicr, $. odr.. jd. o, no*.lgi., *h.r I will cNllH.ide8ecri.nrora cood inro qu.lrion.I1r .ot u1i.$r. how shoclins thC wod nisnt Gn h.*. Nd.rthd.$ I .d rmrurinB i! rithdt d-


o,.n.'[ii or ",rft;r.,".ehkh ii-F.i-: n,d.. qhrs ! !!r. non,!!!dnnyl, '!nor drrrtr6-tr*r' nE


ir no .:nr lor k", a propo.iiion to b. rad in is pi,rrd4 Tln un.rn.lblc a not.n jn.f,,bhB.inswhich no nrm..ould rpp,or.h cod, ror *rnpl.. Thi! uin:h.,bh I rhc pl;y {h'ch mk6 F$ibl. nomin,l .(.cs, rh. clarively nrinry rd .omic *rutu6 il'* .i. called nah.i. ft. of bsitudos oI i.n$ in whiln. tor l;,fr','a c irylf.r. I dmpl., rh. noDin!!.rd I z4r.46rnd oai,cirrib.d, iu*.r. fat..ntry or . f.h. .xir is $ill p.n ol rhc gamc, a flndjon ol I | I I I I Vnaimknow,o.wl{w*ould knowilns.r. simply : quBtion h.r. of $ddhing to [no*, n that itl.E ha! Dd.r h..n, nrv.r vill b., 3 uniquc word, i m.$.FDzm., I* n why rhc thousht or lhc ldcr . id aifAn , it no. $. prinrry Prccripiion or .lt prophdic dndnchrion oI in imnin.nt lnd !i yd unti.d&ol nooin io!. Th.!. is nothins !..ysh:tic .bor lhn "wrd," proeid.d ihr. on. p.r


cludini .ny of nr inplic{ioD., rnd I El,& ir b whn sill to m. to b. th. nmphysicrl Irt oI Tlc Anrin.ndd': !h. cu6. toi th. prop.isord.ndrh. lniqu.mD.. Sp.rti.g ol rh. 6tt eotd oI U.t ftiihe rvon d6 Sekt: to rrr.or), H?id.*.r\rii.r: Thc rclanonio wh.. n lharrul.sin rh..$cice otp@n.ine i. l.iqv or. lnt .ik. .in.iE ), rltog.rhe. in, ^ comp3cbl. ,!y od.r d.tio..It b.long.!o rhc to

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