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A D V O C A T E!



Six women. Six years. Six stories.

They came to Wheaton from Korea, Hawaii, California, Colorado and Kentucky. For some of them, the outlay of funds was monumental, but I dont think there is a force on earth that would have kept these six young women, once seniors in the same dorm at BFA, from reuniting for four short days. They lled my home with a breathing before-and-after picture of personal growth, ongoing challenges and divine healing. And they lled my heart with renewed love, concern, and celebration, reinvigorating my commitment to serving MKs. Sleep was scarce as intense conversations stretched to dawn every night. We crammed a months worth of relationship into those few short days. I wouldnt have wanted it any other way... Just a month before, Id spent a week in South Carolina with another group of MKs (pictured on p. 2). These were younger, on the verge of starting college in the US, and a little shell-shocked, having just arrived in this country from their homes around the globe. They spent their time together teetering between tears and laughter, terried and exhilarated and so very unsure of what the future holds. As I led critical sessions on loss, grief and the consequences of pain, stealing one-on-one moments with each of the MKS as often as possible, I wondered how the years ahead would change these fragile young people. Would they hold their own six-year reunion and nd the intervening time had been lighted by victories and accomplishments, but littered with regret, unresolved issues and the emotional baggage of having grown up between worlds?

Be shepherds of Gods ock that is under your care, watching over them not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be. I Peter 5:2

In my work this summer, I realized anew that young people who are reared in ministry are blessed beyond measure, but not immune from harm. Some of the stories I heard were heartbreaking tales of: Sexual abuse Abandonment issues Rejection of faith Substance addiction Eating disorders Immoral relationships Depression/suicidal thoughts


Keep an eye out for MKs in your community and invite them into your life. Read some of the articles on my website to better understand MKs challenges and needs. Pass this information on to those who have inuence in your church in order to educate and end misconceptions. Continue to pray for me and for others like me whose lifes work is to foster understanding and healing in this area. Invite me to speak to your church or ministry! Im eager for broadened opportunities to serve and would gladly travel to you if youd set up a speaking or consulting engagement.

Its a common misconception that the lives of all MKs are gilded cocoons of spiritual activity, world exploration and relational riches. In many cases, they truly are, but it is possible to grow up overseas, steeped in ministry and exposed to exotic locales, and still emerge with invisible wounds. Sadly, the high expectations Christians place on these young people often pressure them into stufng their emotions in order to maintain the appearance of happiness, wholesomeness and wholeness. With every year of unaddressed, secret pain, MKs run the danger of developing into adults whose faith, emotional stability and relational ability are crippled. Its to prevent and address those lasting repercussions that I have devoted myself to this work. After a summer of intensive ministry, I am more convinced than ever that I toil on the front lines of spiritual warfare. The devil would be so pleased to see the worldwide community of MKs reduced to an army of the walking wounded. BUT, Gods gift to me this summer was seeing the six-years-later picture of young women who are nding their way. God isnt done with them or with their younger counterparts yet. And Hes a God of miracles!

Late-night time with fascinating young ladies in Columbia.

As a result of Junes meetings in Ontario, Ill be helping to plan the rst ever Canadian reentry seminar for MKs (July, 2013). This summer was full (ber-full!), but its dividends were evident and eternal. I continue to receive new invitations for ministry in places like Czech Republic, Nepal & several states. PRAY: For wisdom as I interact with those who contact me for assistance, insight or referrals. For a healthy balance that allows me to breathe while fully engaged in ministry. For stamina, clarity of mind and health.


Give: using Global Outreachs Donate page - or write to Global Outreach, PO Box 2010, Buffalo, NY 14231-2010 Email: Phone: (331) 625 9030

My novel, Tangled Ashes, has been released! See the bookmark in this envelope for more information. The book is now available from your usual online sellers, in bookstores and from my website. Please pray that its message of healing will make it into as many hands as possible.

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