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Northwestern Debate Institute


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2AC---Commissions CP
1.) Permutation do both solves the link to the net benefit 2.) Commissions fail miserably and massively piss off congress empirics prove

Rampell - 8/02, Catherine Rampell, Economic columnist for NYT, 8/02/11, Why Would a Fiscal Commission Work This Time? Here on Capitol Hill, legislators are fuming about being stripped of their power by a new bipartisan fiscal super-committee. But history shows that such commissions have been generally powerless. In the last six decades, Washington has assembled more than a dozen blue-ribbon panels to grapple with fiscal problems. These include the 1947-49 Hoover Commission, the 1982-84 Grace Commission and of course most recently, the Simpson-Bowles Commission, a bipartisan panel President Obama created by executive order just last year that included 12 sitting members of Congress. (If I were Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles the namesakes of that task force I might be a little peeved that my colleagues are effectively repeating the exercise that I spent so much time on last year.) The panels were often devised as a way to give political cover to policy makers so they could make unpopular changes to things like entitlements and tax rates. In most cases, though, Congress ignored the proposals or deferred action. Even the panel usually held up as the exception that proved the rule, the 1981-83 Greenspan Commission set up to revamp Social Security, was also largely a failure. According to an unpublished memoir written by one of the now-deceased members of the commission, the panel deadlocked and then splintered. President Reagan and the House leadership were able to eke out a deal to save Social Security only by engaging in separate negotiations just as the entitlement program was about to go bankrupt.

3.) No solvency advocate for the cp is a voting issue a. Not reciprocal the aff has to have a solvency advocate b. Not educational nobody advocating the CP in the literature base means we cant be expected to research answers thats the key internal link to clash and in-round education c. reject the team the damage has been done 4.) Permutation do the cp its plan plus Should implies a recommended course of action, not a definitive action

American Heritage Dictionary 2009 [Should on]

Used to express probability or expectation: They should arrive at noon.

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