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Discharged And Acquitted

It happened to me. I bought a brand new Mercedes Benz 190, automatic, metallic red
in color and padded. I decided to travel home to show my mum in the village my
latest achievement. I stopped at the petrol station to fill my tank when a young
girl walked close to me and gave me a religious tract titled, 'Repent or you
perish'. She even had the effrontery to tell me loud and clear,’ If you don't
repent you will perish' and walked away. That was a rude shock to me. Before I
could call her back, she had left, and not to constitute a nuisance in the filling
station I ignored her. However, as I drove along, her utterance continued to re-
echo in my heart,’if you don't repent you will perish’,'If you don't repent you
will perish’. I became restless. I tried to subdue the message and ignore her
totally, but the more I tried the more the message re-echoed until I lost my peace
completely. I had to park on the road, pick up the leaflet she gave me and I read
the content furiously. I was left with no choice but to bow my head down by the
steering, confess and repent of my sins. I gave my life to Christ right there in
my car and suddenly, peace and joy returned back to me. I continued my journey
singing Christian songs the little I have overheard people sing in the past.
Unknown to me, I was accelerating every second as I rejoice in the Lord of my new
found faith. I discovered my speedometer had exceeded 130km/h when I was
approaching a T-junction when I saw a trailer coming from the adjoining road
standing across the road negotiating to join the road in the opposite direction. I
hurriedly pressed the break several times but no response. I inevitably ran into
this trailer and then everything went blank. After a while, I saw myself in a very
long queue which I could not fathom out the length neither could I see the end but
the queue was moving very fast. As I approached the end I saw a dazzling sparkling
white throne. A bright light beamed out from the one who sat on the throne. I knew
no doubt in my mind that, that was God. I came into reality that God truly exists.
I was privileged to witness the judgment of some well known politicians and
religious leaders in my country An Angel I presumed a court clerk checked their
names in a giant book, the size I cannot describe with mouth. I heard the Angel
telling them one after the other,’ sorry your name is not there' and immediately a
fearful looking creature came and bundled them to hell fire. I could hear them
screaming, weeping, wailing and gnashing their teeth, lamenting of the torments
and excruciating pains they were going through in hell. Suddenly it was my turn to
face judgment. There was silence within the space of a second. Then came a Cherub
in sparkling white outfit, with six wings. This angel was so beautiful with a long
hair touching his toes except that there were patches of mud and blood stains with
inscriptions like rebellion, ''disobedience', 'stubbornness', 'deceits', 'liar all
over his flowing gown. He was angry looking and cried out violently, "He is mine”
He is mine" struggling to take possession of me. I knew within me that he was the
devil. The I heard a very weak but penetrating voice coming from the right hand of
God, a sparkling white lamb, shinning bright but appeared to have just been slain.
He said, Father, remember, I died for him. Remember I shed my blood on the cross
of Calvary for his sins. As he was still talking, there came an intervention a
sparkling white shinning bright dove who spoke with a small still voice,” Bring
his record book". Then an angel came forward with a dozier of my activities here
on plant earth. Then, I saw the devil jubilating. Suddenly, I had a flash back of
when I was on earth. It looked so real, like a playback DVD recorder of my
childhood and university days, how I joined the secret court and was involved in
the gruesome murder of a lecturer who threatened to fail one of my campus
girlfriends for not conceding to a relationship with him. I saw myself putting a
contraceptive pill into the drink of a girl who got pregnant for me without her
knowledge. I could still see her bleed to death as I rushed her to the hospital
where she eventually died. I remember how I forged and faked the result I used to
secure admission into the university. I had a flash back of how I defrauded a bank
and some notable politicians. My sins were too many and too overwhelming and I
knew that nemesis had caught up with me. That was my day of reckoning. As the
angel tried to open the book, I began to shiver, fidgeting, my knees knocking each
other. I knew I was guilty as charged. Alas! My record book was open and nothing
was found written there. It was crystal clear. Then came a thunderous sound from
the one who sat in the light unapproachable, the Judge of all, "From the evidence
before me, I found the accused not guilty, therefore he is discharged and
acquitted. Suddenly I woke up to find myself in the hospital, my two legs hung in
the air, my chest and head bandaged, with relations around my bed weeping. The
oxygen mask was still on my face and doctors and nurses making frantic effort to
save my life. What an experience! Are you
prepared to meet the Lord on the judgment day? Do you want to be born again? Take
the following steps and your heart will be filled with the joy of salvation. You
will be discharged and acquitted on the judgment day.
discharged and acquitted. Suddenly I woke up to find myself in the hospital, my
two legs hung in the air, my chest and head bandaged, with relations around my bed
weeping. The oxygen mask was still on my face and doctors and nurses making
frantic effort to save my life. What an experience!

Are you prepared to meet the Lord on the judgment day? Do you want to be born
again?. Take the following steps and your heart will be filled with the joy of
salvation. You will be discharged and acquitted on the judgment day.
1. Acknowledge yourself as a sinner, confess and repent of your sins. Ask God to
forgive you.
2. Believe that Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for your sins.
3. Accept Jesus into your life to be your personal Lord and Saviour
4. Thank God for saving your soul.

If you have just taken this decision, then congratulations. You have made the
right choice
For further spiritual help, please contact:
The Pastor in charge,
Foursquare Gospel Church, Northfield, Birmingham

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