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working by the rilQhtb on if. fllflli. ~Ilnt CJiltUornlil, ~eturi:Hng, Ii.~~" ever, by reason of faUlhg health 111.1&10, nnd mi\~I.nK Iils home In or near Lebanon. The t11iu:rlt\ge Of Flelnlng occurred March 4., 1852, to Mi~s Ann B., daughter of Ichabod and Eunice Howe. Mr~. Fleming wne born in Hampden County. Mass. Her mother died July 25, 1825, and father December 2t, 1872. To the union of Captnln and lIrs. Fleming were born two chlldren=-F'red and Allie. Fred died August 9.1881. He was a young man of sterling qunlltlea, and of more than ordlnnrv lutelllgence. of much promise. Politically, Fleming was a thorough Republican. He enlisted In f861, and re-enlisted in 1862, but, on account of III health, was compelled to rcsi~n the commnnd given him, and near the close of 1862 he came home. Capt. Ftemlng was by faith a Universalist. Mrs. Fleming Is n member of the Universnllst Church. baving joined in 1880. The death of Capt. Fleming occurred Jnnuary 8 1873. In his death, Warren County lost one of the most valued nnd repre~entative men, .Ilnd the community a highly honored citizen. Mrs. Flemln~ resides In West Lebanon, Bud Is one of the. most arnlnble ladies In Western Indlnnn, She is n grent temperance advocate. and famed for her works of






A.U~8t 27, 183!, 1 Dhio, dnuguter II . children-.lll1upR, H .. Tbornns II .. died Octol",\, 1. I 0.. Weaky :\'1l1 \ home from \\'01111 of this county. a . homestend. now I :; JA:~' Eti (Wi ;:~, 19. 1812, :ul',I, i~ '~:!") GoO(lwill(,. i h,' :,.' Hawk war: WIIS , :.~\'::

the sumo. Whel l~ Ind .. and r lH'n,:e;',;'

first at l.end,'1.! 8"h:,/ .. ship. M,.Gr)l)(\ :;:;.:'

W ARm'~N D. FLEMING was horn in this county, May 4. 18IJO, and is n 80n of Jnmes and Lucinda (Purvlsua) Fleming i the former a native of Ohio, tho latter . of 'I'enuesaee ; thc lathier died In 1858. the mother In 1877. The parents of Warren came to this township In 1827, and were truly pioneers. Mr. Fleming received but little schoollng. yet he has. by diligence acquired a practical er!ucation. After he became nge, be commenced the grocery business at We~t Lebanon, in company with R. P. Adams i this, after three months, he renounced for farming. IIl1d in 1878 purchased the family homestead. Oil which he began the manufacture of tiles, under the firm nnme of F'lemlng, Hamar & Co. Ori April HI, 1871. he wns mnrrled to M!B~ Ettie French. by whom he had one child, Harry L. Mr. Fleming, ill 1882, began making tile by the steam-drying proce~BJ the firm having mnnufnctured 800,000 during that year, nnd has slucuIncrensed its fncilltles for the work. Mr. Fleming is n radical Republlcan. and gave his first Presidential vote fOI' Gen. Grnnt .. ZEBULON FOSTER, one of the pioneers of Wnrren,oount.y, WIIS horn in Pike County, Ohio. August 19,1B08, Rod Is n son of Richard and Rachel (Browulng) Foster, both natives of Maryland; the former died in Pike County, Ohio, in 1831, the latter in snme county InlA56. Mr. Foster received whnt education he has In tho subscription achools of Ohio. lIe worked for his father unll he was tweuty-flve, when he WIIS married to MisA Caroline Ostrander on February 14, 1838, (laughter or Dr. Edward and Margaret Ostrander, To this union were born twelve chlldren-c-Erlwurd, Rachel, Ellza W . Mllry, William nnd Harriet: the others died in infancy. After mnrringe, Mr. Foster come to Wl\rr~n COllnty. where he built a cabln 16xtB feet, and entered 400 acres, which J1C subsequently lInproved. :Mrs. Foster died June 3, lfl71. On AUfllst 3t-l,1877, ~lr. Foster Wf18mnrncd to Mrs, Juliet RURAelJ.. dnugbter of Andrew anc Ann Flemlng. Mr. nnd MrR. Foster are members of the Metltor!IRl Episcopal Church. Mr. Fosler iR a stanch Repuhllonn, nnd has been Townshlp Trustee for fi ve vnars. SAMUEL :r.I. FRAME, ex-County Commissioner, W811 born in Preble COUAty, Ohio, September 27, 1817, and Is a son of Samuel nnd Elizabeth ~Marlln) Frame, the former a native of Virginia, who died In Preble Ooitnty, OhIO, In 1847 i the latter a native of North Ourollns, who died In this county In 1831. . In 1880. the parents of Samuel M. Frame removed from Ohio to this township, where they entered and afterwnrd purchased ei~ht,y acres. After his mother's death. hi~ Iather and he went to Ohio, where they remnined until 18a9. On October 11. 181\8, he was mnrrled to Miss Vltrtuh Ammerman. daughter of John and Rachel Ammermnn. Tltl!! union was blessed with nine chiltll'cn-ElizIl J., Cella. Rachel C . Mury M .. Henrr 0., Minerva A., Elizabeth C., Samuel M. and Jolin L. (deceased). In '1B(l9, Mr. F rame returned to this county and purchased land, on whlcll he lived until 1882. when he moved to West Lebanon. ll'lr. Frame cast his tlrst Presldentlal vote for Gen. Harrtson. In 11:l40, hut is now /I stanoh Republican. lIe hnA server! as Township Trustee. and M County Oommlssloner from 1868 to 18SI, nine Iron lJridges. a court bouse and asylum for the poor having been built during his term. Mr. Frame is also an Odd Fellow, and he and wIte are members of the Soul Sleepers' Uhurch, , THOMAS GOODWiNE (deceased) was born In Kentucky August 10, 1810, and waR a son of James and Elizabeth (Snyder) Goodwine. The parents of Thomas came to Indiana (then tile Northweat Territory) when he was five Yl'IIr8 old, locatIng first In Jackson, then in Bartholomew, and came to this county in 1828. Mr. Goodwine was a soldier or the Black Hawk Wllr. 'I'homss began the work for himself when twenty-one years of age, his father hnvlnA' given him 240 acres, On

married to



LoiR 1311('k Ir'~. T ~,.;:'j James. Frauk. V;I.;;,~l Fremont: of Ihe.: ".J acres fW1I1 his fa ti:! I acres, oul v niuvt Iarm to ,:a.-11 o['~',,' cattle CVI'J'\' vr-ar ..Bince 18i-( lip h: Is n libcrul and I' had tlrn'" ~(lns Wiliinm ,,1111 Frn' and Mrs. Goodw FREMONT '", this count v, is tl 22, 1857. When. one bnlf mile fn Ji;~,:: when Iris rath'~ ':'r class Ilnd remnin], ~',:' SU(\ now h(' desi /L': In 1878. M.T. Go of one yr';lr. dui '~ .







August tn, 18i8. ~~/ Dr.' A. U. IIm\ A'(. .. mnn. Mrs. Goo .'i' ..

HEV. COL~;:" the 8tllt<' Ne' '~'i.. Hall. both nnti :~'. Ohio, in 1830, t.1I I:: In Butler Uount ;.,.:'.: achool, nnd aftl' good orlucuttun. " Beptcmhf'''. 1828 ;; Horner. To Ihi':;',,_ ceased. Mr~. Jl :~'.~'
ber 14, If~:li\, j :,,': In to whir-h nnion (':" phlne, Hiram]) .;: A. are (II'ICURCI!. ,'<: Vernon Clrcult: :.:: Circuit.. Aftl'r ,:.' where he hns re ; the M. K Ohurr October 21, 18!U . 4,000 tlmr-s, and '.. He ie a Hr:pnhli -: ALEX IIA '. ,:' February 10. 18 ,., are living ill Ir .-' parents moved ,.,'


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