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Titanium dioxide is a chemical formula, which is known in chemistry by this symbol, TiO2. There are many practical applications for titanium dioxide as it is a photocatalyst which can be used in the oxidation process to improve air quality and remove harmful bacteria and viruses from a room or other area being treated through this process. Titanium dioxide is available as a spray on TiO2 coating which can be applied to a variety of materials and surfaces. What occurs during a photocatalyst oxidation reaction is that bacteria and viruses in the air are attacked at the microscopic level using nanotechnology. The oxidation process attacks vital microbes in these micro-organisms and destroys them leaving the remaining by-products non-harmful, but which are also decomposed through the oxidation process. In other words, the oxidation process will kill and destroy bacteria and viruses and remove them from the air or surfaces on which they have attached and can assist in reducing the transmission of illness and diseases which can be transferred through touch or the air. The spray on TiO2 coating is a clear coat product which can be sprayed directly onto walls, stair railings and other surfaces which people touch. The TiO2 coating dries clear and begins the oxidation process by using the natural humidity in the room along with the rooms own light source. Once sprayed on, the oxidation process continues to work long term to continue to improve air quality and kill bacteria and viruses. The oxidation process also works to eliminate pet dander, odors, gases, VOCs, mold, smoke smells and dust mites from the air. Spray on TiO2 coating can be used in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, offices, doctors offices, retail stores, restaurants, hotels, restrooms and virtually anywhere where there is a high risk for exposure to bacteria and viruses where a large amount of people interact and move in close proximity. Schools can use the spray in locker rooms, class rooms, restrooms, cafeterias and gymnasiums to help reduce unwanted odors while also reducing the risk of spreading illnesses and diseases between faculty and students. Hotels can spray on the TiO2 coating to walls in guest rooms, in elevators, in public restrooms, and other areas where people are sharing rooms with high turnover in order to eliminate disease and illness transmission rates. The use of the titanium dioxide spray should be used in combination with other cleaning and disinfection methods to achieve maximum results. The spray can also be used at home for people that want to reduce mold, dust mites and other particles from the air, where furnace air filters are not always efficient in removing. People, who suffer from asthma, can greatly benefit from titanium dioxide coating in the rooms in their home to reduce air borne contaminants. OxiTitan,, provides people the ability to obtain spray on TiO2 coating in order to treat the rooms in their home, office, automobile or other residential or commercial area. For further information or questions about OxiTitan and its uses, visit the website or call 877-876-8080.
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Other Uses of TiO2 (titanium dioxide)

The element titanium is finding more and more applications in todays society. The use of titanium metal in aerospace, sports and medicine is well known; in fact, over 96% of the worldwide use of titanium is in the oxide form, TiO2 (titanium dioxide), thus creating a high demand. The and this and most important constituent of paint is titanium dioxide, an opaque substance that gives paint its high gloss rich depth of color. TiO2 (titanium dioxide) replaced the dangerous metal lead that was used in paint for purpose. TiO2 (titanium dioxide) has also been used for years in coloring for food and cosmetics, crayons, UV protection in sunscreens and many other products we use every day.

The disinfectant and self-cleaning qualities of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) are being widely employed in Japan and many European countries today for such products as coated ceramic tile for use in homes. This coating is reported to last the life of the tile and is activated by a UV light source and water. Other applications are TiO2 (titanium dioxide) coated self-cleaning roof tiles for homes and buildings, which are also activated by the UV light of the sun. In addition, TiO2 (titanium dioxide) is currently being used to treat the air in fruit, vegetable and cut flower storage areas to prevent spoilage and increases the products shelf life. The photocatalytic properties of TiO2 (titanium dioxide) remove ethylene gas from the air. Ethylene is a naturally occurring gaseous hormone produced by plant tissue that in low concentrations triggers the ripening of fruits and vegetables. Ethylene is also produced from other sources including internal combustion engines, certain fungi, and cigarette smoke. These are just a few of the products being developed today.

Why use TiO2?

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Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) is the most important and widely used white pigment in the coatings industry. DuPont TiO2efficiently scatters visible light, thereby imparting whiteness, brightness and opacity. DuPont TiO2 is used to opacify paint films by diffusely reflecting light. White pigment scatters or bends light strongly and causes this reflection. All visible light will strike the white pigment and be reflected, thus the film will appear opaque, white and bright. DuPont TiO2 maximizes hiding power, improves tint strength, increases durability, and ensures batchto-batch uniformity.

DuPont has the technology you need, ranking first among titanium dioxide manufacturers in production capacity, product quality and technical assistance. Click on the images to access DuPont TiO2's benefits pages:

2 crystal structures exist: anatase and rutile. However, Rutile TiO2 pigments scatter light more efficiently, are more stable and are more durable than anatase pigments.

Photocatalysi s Applications of Titanium Dioxide Ti02

Areas of activity in titanium dioxide photocatalysis.

1 fog proof, and self cleaning glass 2 anti-bacterial, anti-viral, fungicidal 3 anti-soiling, self cleaning 4 deodorizing, air purification 5 water treatment, water purification

Titania Titanium dioxide, also known as titania is the naturally occurring oxide of titanium, chemical formula TiO2. You will find Ti02 in all kinds of paint, printing ink, plastics, paper, synthetic fibers, rubber, condensers, painting colors and crayons, ceramics, electronic components along with food and cosmetics. Photocatalyst Many studies have been published on the use of TiO2 as a photocatalyst for the decomposition of organic compounds. TiO2 is active under UV light Photocatalytic activity (PCA) is the ability of a material to create an electron hole pair as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The resulting free-radicals are very efficient oxidizers of organic matter. Photocatalytic activity in TiO2 has been extensively studied because of its potential use in sterilization, sanitation, and remediation applications. The ability to control PCA is important in many other applications utilizing TiO2 including paint pigments and cosmetics that require low PCA. Antimicrobial Coatings The photocatalytic activity of titania results in thin coatings of the material exhibiting self cleaning and disinfecting properties under exposure to UV radiation. These properties make the material a candidate for applications such as medical devices, food preparation surfaces, air conditioning filters, and sanitaryware surfaces.

Titanium Dioxide can be coated on many building materials. These films exhibit a self cleaning effect due to the strong oxidizing properties.

TiO2 coated tent material

A. Tiles coated photocatyltic, superhydrophilic coating B. ordinary painted wall tiles

TiO2 coated exterior tiles

TiO2 coated glass

Anti-fogging glass. Generally is moist air comes in contact with glass, small droplets of water are formed, and the glass becomes fogged. On titanium dioxide coated glass, the water forms a continuous flat sheet, so that there is no fogging. TiO2 coated tiles in an hospital environment showed the surface bacteria on the wall

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