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Olympix 2013
Varun Dadlani (Head) Tabitha Buchner (Committee Chair) Magaly Ramos (Committee Chair) Mari Sugimoto (Committee Chair) Cristina Calvopia (Committee Chair)

Official Handbook (Spring 2013)

Marie Ritter Tauras Kalasauskas Hauke Zieler Gabriela Guevara Valeria Azorina Anja Djokic Laura Garcia Elisabeth Baumann Juliane Kube

Katie Le Trevor Sloughter Rebecca von Koslowski Gaby Wiederkehr Lebriz Kiziler Alexandra Moroti Maria Kenttamies Anna Lambertz

Arts Olympix 2013 Committee Structure

Head organizer
Individual that is in charge of over-seeing the entire organization of the Arts Olympix, including the management of sub-committees, running meetings, inspiring team, and fostering a healthy organizational environment. Also acts as the main one responsible for the event and its execution. This individual is voted into this position by the committee at the end of every spring semester, and will then be in charge of forming the committee in the following academic year. The Head organizer should have been a committee member the year before.

College Reps
Within the committee, these will be the individuals in charge of mobilizing the students in their respective college to increase spirit, awareness, and participation in the Arts Olympix. Responsibilities will include working together with the College Office, COM, and CMs and advertising events within the college, helping prepare Pep Rallies, and most importantly, to aid in the organization of teams and participation in the event. The college reps will be supervised by the head organizer.

Public Relations Crew

Head by one individual in the organizational committee, this crew is in charge of channeling different forms of art into the advertising campaign for this event. This crew will help build awareness about the event through different advertising means, as well as making sure that all of the rules and regulations are readily available to every participant.

Internal Communications
Head by one individual in the organizational committee, this crew will be in charge of maintaining communication within the university campus. This group will be mainly in charge of organizing resources along with Campus Life and the Colleges to ensure the most effective execution of the event.

External Communications
Head by one individual in the organizational committee, this crew will be in charge of starting communication outside of the campus in the efforts of recruiting the best possible judges for the six events of the Arts Olympix. The main task of the committee is to recruit and accommodate the judges to our events.

Finance Crew
Head by one individual in the organizational committee, this crew will be in charge of applying for funding and managing the funding for the events required resources and material

After-Party Crew
Sub-committee in charge of looking after the party that follows the Arts Olympix. This may or may not be directly linked to the day-event.

Introduction to Official AO Handbook

1. Just like the annual Fall Sports Olympix, the Arts Olympix aims to encapsulate different activities, healthy competition, and team spirit to create an annual community-building event that celebrates some of the many different forms of art that are and can be manifested on campus as an inter college art contest. 2. Like the Sports Olympix, this annual event is booked for the fourth weekend of the semester (to foster the energies from the beginning of the semester for a successful event.) 3. Unlike other arts events and shows such as Dancestoned and Spotlight, this one rounds up various arts into one day filled with different activities, mini-competitions, and a grand finale show. 4. The Arts Olympix Committee will be in charge of planning, organizing, and executing the event. Registration to the event will be handled by the College Reps within the organizing committee. 5. The competitions composing the Arts Olympix will require prior preparation and organization. Below is an outline of the activities. Each will be gone over in detail in this handbook, including a description, rules, and rubric for participants to use. These are subject to change in next years. 6. Everything in this handbook that is marked with a (TBD) is yet to be determined or confirmed. This handbook is subject to change and will serve as a foundation for this project titled: Arts Olympix. The Organizational Committee reserves the right to flexibility for modifications to the preparation, regulations, execution, and logistics of the event. 7. This event shall adhere to all of the protocols and requirements from the Event Planning Handbook by Campus Life. Outline Day-Competitions 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. Dance Battle Canvas Painting Race Battle of the Bands Fashion Show Face-Off Movie Lip-Sync Award Ceremony After-Party 3


Arts Olympix General Rules and Notes

No knowledge of the following rules is not an excuse for breaking them. The four teams eligible to participate in the Arts Olympix 2013 are based on the four residential college system. Participating teams are Team Krupp, Team Mercator, Team C3, and Team Nordmetall.

College Masters, College Office Managers, RAs, and any sole individual that is directly affiliated to the college are allowed participation in the event, including alumni and graduate students.

Graduate students enrolled at Jacobs University Bremen are also allowed to participate by affiliating themselves with any of the four teams listed above. Participation from all four teams (including graduates) in the form of representation is recommended. o Representation will be decided within the college for each one of the activities with the guidance of the respective College Team Rep.

An individual is limited to participate in a maximum of three competitions to encourage diverse participation. Undergraduate students participants are only allowed to participate (and compete for) the college that he/she is currently residing in, with the exception of participation in the movie competition.

The Arts Olympix Committee encourages everyone to participate regardless of talents and special skills. The Arts Olympix attempts to create opportunities for everyone to participate in a different-themed competitive environment and in a healthy manner.

This handbook will be made available via e-mail and Facebook for everyone to access, download, and print. Every college, with the help of the College Team Reps, reserves the right to organize its representation in the way that best fits for them. Organizational teams for each one of the mini-competitions are encouraged for more effective preparation.

The Arts Olympix Committee suggests that every college have pep rallies and organizational meetings to effectively prepare the activities. The amount of points allotted to each activity is an indicator/recommendation of how much preparation should go into each one of the activities.

On the day of the event, none of the activities will overlap in time to allow for equal attendance and support. A schedule can be found at the end of the handbook. Every college office reserves the right to support their students in any way seen fit by the committee in the preparation of the competition. Participation by the college offices in this effort is completely voluntary.

Every team for every activity shall be registered with their respective College Reps by Sunday, February 17, 2013. These lists will be brought to the organizational committee. These registrations can be made with the College Reps responsible for registration in each college: o Krupp: Gabriela Guevara and Domingo Vivas o Mercator: Marie Ritter and Valeria Azorina o College 3: Alexandra Moroti and Akshun Abhimanyu o Nordmetall: Anja Djokic and Julianne Kube

A member of the Arts Olympix Organizational Committee will collect all of the scores from each activity and will calculate an average of these scores for that activity for a respective team. This number will count towards the final sum of points of the day.

The average of scores of each activity for a single team will be added up (7 activities) to obtain a final score for the day. The highest number will receive the first place recognition.

Anti-sportsmanship and the use of offensive language/behavior will not be tolerated, and anything perceived as offensive to the competitors through artistic manifestation in any of the competitions may lead to disqualification by the committee.

Rubrics will be supplied with the point breakdown prior to the event and will be available for all the competitions to all the students in the hopes of improving transparency, fairness and healthy competition.

Important Dates
February 10 February 17 Feb. 17 - 24 February 22 Feb. 22 March 2 March 2 (Arts Olympix 2013) Arts Olympix Information Session Cheer-Up 9 PM (Organized by the College Reps in each one of the colleges) College Reps report the teams for each activity internally to the committee. College Reps organize optional Pep Rallies or Cheer- Ups Deadline for submission of The Third Eye contest Preparation / PR for Event Arts Olympix 2013 @ 9:30 AM in H3

Battle of the Bands

The Battle of the Bands is a music-based competition that involves the formation of groups by each team and the presentation of a single musical number that will be judged upon to then have points awarded.

Location of Event

Time of Event

1) Peter Schupp / 2) Juan Maria Solare / 3) Andressa Schrder / 4) Dorian Boncoeur

Maximum Points Possible


Rules Every team needs to present a musical number in the form of a band or musical group
to qualify for judging. Every group can have up to 10 members. The members of the group must be residents or affiliates of the respective college. Every group should utilize a minimum of 3 different instruments, excluding the vocal instrument. There are no restrictions on the genre or type of music played. Originality is encouraged (see rubric.) The length of performance should be from 2 to 7 minutes long. It may integrate many different songs into a medley but there will only be one opportunity for stage time. A standard set-up will be in place on stage, including a drum set, an electric guitar, a bass, an acoustic guitar, 1-2 vocal microphones, and a keyboard. o These instruments can be used but are not limited to these. o Tuning of all bands must take place starting at TBD, one hour before the event. This will minimize set-up time during the actual event. Sound checks are to be done at this time and are mandatory for all participating teams. o Any additional instruments, amplifiers, cables, and microphones must be supplied by the students. The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any band that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.

Battle of the Bands - Judging Rubric

Name of college: ______________________________________________ __________________________________
Adherence to Rules (0-5) Poor (0-2)

Mediocre (3-5)

Good (6-8)

Excellent (9-10)
N/A Clear evidence of planning (i.e. choreogr., costumes, stage-props.) Tuning was timely, and band started on time. Readiness and evidence of rehearsal. Unique material and song choice(s.) Band looks original. Changes up the original song or presents an original. Good verbal interaction

Score (out of 10) /5

Lack of planning Little planning and Evidence of some altogether, too much readiness. Lack of planning. Some Planning / performance signs of Preparedness improvisation, bad timing, no material and improvisation. (0-10) knowledge of lyrics, dynamics, tuning Lack of time etc. Not prepared. takes too long. management.


Originality (0-10)

Not very unique Somewhat Lack of originality in and quite plain, original. Degree performance and showing very little of uniqueness is song choice. originality. present. Medium


Interface with Lack of stage with audience. Interface with amounts of Introduction of band and audience is flat. No personality, little Audience verbal interaction interaction and lack verbal and physical song. Physical interaction (0-10) and physical of confidence by the band.

interaction with (i.e.eye contact & waving). interaction. Some audience. Very confident in confidence. performance.


Quality of Performance (0-15) Presentation (0-10)

Lack of stage presence and poor performance of instruments to create music. (0-4)

High confidence and Stage presence is Band plays well, competence. Choice of lacking and uses instruments song was good for group, performance well and shows as well as use of quality is confidence. (10- instruments. Excellent mediocre. (5-9) 12) stage presence and sound. (13-15)


Lack of entertainment Good attitude by the band Not appropriate Positive attitude factor but attitude and appropriate outward presentation. and appropriate is positive and appearance. Band was Attitudes were appearance are appearance is entertaining and showed negative or neutral. presented. somewhat sportsmanship appropriate.




Canvas Painting Race

Focusing on visual arts and painting, this competition is a form of race between teams of representatives in filling a canvas with paint. Five minutes before the event, all teams will receive a general artistic stimulus. These will be used to paint a large canvas in a limited time span while an audience watches the canvases come to life. Each work of art will then be judged. During the time that the canvases are being painted, ambient music will be played and drinks will be served. At the end of the 30 minutes, every team will have up to 5 minutes to explain their painting to the audience and the judges.

Location of Event

Time of Event

1) Jana Kleineberg / 2) Doris Mosbach / 3) Michele Broszio / 4) Elias Lory

Maximum Points Possible


Rules There can be a maximum of 4 representatives (painters) per team for their respective

canvas team. The race will last for 30 minutes (the canvases will be relatively large in size, hence the extended time for this mini competition.) After 30 minutes, all brushes must be off the canvas. If not, the team will be automatically disqualified. The judges will release the artistic stimulus 5 minutes before the clock starts running to allow for improvised brainstorming and communication between canvas team members. At the end of the 30 minutes, every team will have a maximum of 5 minutes to explain their painting to the audience and the judges. There should be absolutely no interaction between the artists and the audience. Artists may interact among each other and the audience among themselves, but not between artists and audience. This will be made clear by the judges. There are no restrictions on the type of painting or content. All teams will be supplied with the same quantity and quality of materials. The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.

Canvas Painting Race - Judging Rubric

Name of college: ______________________________________________ __________________________________
Adherence to Stimulus (0-10) Beginning (0-2) Developing (3-5) Accomplished (6-8) Exemplary (9-10) Score

The stimulus Stimulus was only Team encompassed and provided for the Stimulus was somewhat present integrated stimulus clearly present in work of art was not and relevant to the provided very well into the work. reflected in the work. work. painting.


The use of colors The painting is attractive Painting looks poor and style is The painting is and has great visual Visual Appeal and the colors are in mediocre and has appealing and appeal. Excellent color (0-15) relatively little dissonance. (0-4) style shows skill. combinations and painting visual appeal. (5-9) (10-12) style show high degrees of skill. (13-15)


Teamwork & Effort (0-10) Explanation of Work (0-10)

Lack of teamwork and little effort is evident.

Painting team worked well Mediocre degree together and of effort showed, Team showed communicated throughout little to medium cooperation and the painting process. good effort. amount of Showed high levels of teamwork. effort. Explanation is mediocre and only somewhat relevant. Low levels of creativity. Explanation was Explanation following good and work showed thought, relevant. coherence, and high levels Creativity and of creativity and originality originality. Showed present. relevance to stimulate.


Lack of relevance and originality.




Fashion Show Face-Off

The Fashion Show Face-Off is a competition that aims to celebrate creativity through fashion and design. With listed categories, every college will come up with unique outfits to model in a judged fashion show. The criteria will include originality, personality, and quality of outfit.

Location of Event

Time of Event

1) Cornelia Lohmann / 2) Vera von Ahlen / 3) Yasmin Boeck / 4) Stefan Meichau

Maximum Points Possible


Rules There will be 6 categories, from which every college will have to make a couple of

outfits to be modeled (male and female outfits.) The six categories to be modeled are: o The Lady and the Tramp o You Are What You Eat o Anything But Clothes (Recycled) o Mythological Pairs o Young vs. Old o College Spirit Couture The six categories will form part of one college team fashion collection. o They will be presented one after the other in an order that is up to the respective team. o Every team will be allotted up to 16 minutes to present their collection (using the categories listed above) in any way they choose. o A team should include a moderator(s) to present their collection. Every team must provide the music they wish played during the collection in one MP3 track. This should be turned in to the Arts Olympix Committee by March 1st, 2013 at 11:59 PM to: The outfits must be supplied by members of the college. These may be constructed with materials from ones own closet. The Arts Olympix Committee encourages creativity through use of own materials.


A panel of judges will use the criteria and rubrics to judge the modeling of each category by each college using a rubric. Every category should have two models. The categories listed above are open to interpretation by the respective team, using the name of the category as a prompt. The College Spirit Couture category should be an artistic expression and interpretation of the respective colleges spirit and identity. o The best presentation will accrue the highest number of points. o This category is open to original performances and/or choreographies and music should also be supplied. o This category will be judged by the four College Office Managers (TBD). The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.

Fashion Show Face-Off Judging Rubric (1)

Name of college: ______________________________________________

Criteria for each Category

Originality: For complete points the costumes must be outstanding, something that catches everyone's attention. Personality: For complete points the couple or performers must demonstrate that they are into the characters they are representing. Quality: For complete points the costumes must show time and consideration. Costumes that seem to be put together at the last minute, for example, should be awarded fewer points. A maximum of 4 extra points can be awarded (at the judges discretion) on the basis of the entire presentation of the collection (including moderation.) This will be added to the total sum of points accumulated for the six categories.


Fashion Show Face-Off Judging Rubric (2)

Categories The Lady and the Tramp (0-10) Anything but Clothes (Recycled) (0-9) Mythological Pairs (0-10) Young vs. Old (0-10) You Are What You Eat (0-10) (see criteria above.) College Spirit Couture (0-10) Extra Collection Points
(1) (2) (3) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.) (see criteria above.)

Beginning (0-2)

Developing (3-5)

Accomplished (6-8)

Exemplary (9-10)



(see criteria above.)

(see criteria above.)





(see criteria above.) + College spirit and identity are very well encapsulated. (4)


/4 /60


NOTE: Please use and keep in mind the criteria above when judging all categories.


Dance Battle
The Dance Battle takes dancers from each of the colleges for an improvised dance battle. In the form of a fast-moving mini tournament, dancers will compete in front of a panel of judges in quick dance-offs as they move on to semi-finals. A list of about 30 songs will be published for the dancers to listen to beforehand but they wont know which song they will get.

Location of Event

Time of Event

1) Eva Schimmele / 2) Gallo Suarez / 3) Precious Nhlamulo Mtimkhulu / 4) TBD

Maximum Points Possible


Rules Every team must create a team of four people to represent them in the dance battle

tournament. This tournament will encapsulate several genres of music, particularly hip hop, contemporary/ballet, oriental, Bollywood, Latin. o A list of songs will be released 2 nights before the day of the battle. This will allow the team to prepare beforehand, if they wish. Every dance-off of the tournament will involve four, minute-long songs. o The battle will last a total of four minutes; after all four songs are covered. o Both dancer opponents dance to the same song at the same time, and the judges make a consensus on the winner after a short deliberation. o The team is allowed to swap in and swap out team members from the dance arena, but a dancer is only allowed two different sets in one dance battle. o There should only be two dancers at a time in the dance arena (one per team.) Judges will use criteria, and not a rubric to determine the winning team of each round. It is up their undisputable judgment and discretion to decide the winners. Each team will be given two opportunities to battle in the first round. Using the tournament scheme, first, second, third, and fourth place will be determined. First place will be awarded 45 points, second place will be awarded 30 points, third place will be awarded 20 points, and fourth place will be awarded 20 points. The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.


Dance Battle Mini Tournament Structure

Judging Criteria

Further judging and/or evaluation are up to the judges personal discretion. The judges sole function is to determine the winner of each dance-off by judging each teams performance as a whole.

Content: o Variety of dance positions, movements and combinations. o Difficulty of dance movements. o Uniqueness or originality of dance movements. o Continuity of dance movements. Execution: o Basic pattern, rhythm, and timing between partners and to the selected music. o Proper performance of footwork, hand, head, arm, and body movements through dance variations; to include balance and centering through executed movements. o Alignment, framework, and proper presentation of dance positions; to include smoothness of followthrough from movement into position. Style o Artistic interpretation and choreography projected through dance movement. o Attentiveness, enthusiasm, enjoyment of the dance. o Flair and accent of dance movement, mood.


Dance Battle 2013 List of Potential Battle Songs


Hasta que salga el sol- Don Omar

Hip Hop
Harlem shake Baauer

Mundiya tu bachke rahi

Contemporary / Ballet Comptine d'Un Autre te


Punjabiyan di Shaan Vakhri Mahi ve kal ho na ho Chamak challo Sheila ki jawani Its the time to disco Desi girl

Una Vaina Loca- Fuego Burn it up- Wisin y Yandel ft. Nelly

The motto Drake No hands Waka Flocka Flame Suave (Kiss Me)- So dope New J.Lo ft. Pitbull Boyz Verano Azul- Juan Right thurr Magan Chingy Carita Bonita- Pee Wee Follow The Leader- Jennifer Lopez Work it Missy Elliot 4 minutes Madonna ft. J. Timberlake

Nancy Ajram - Akhsmak Ah / - A thousand Years- Shik * Shak * Shok Christina Perri 54:0 Fix You- Coldplay Amr Diab - Nour El Ain "Habiby" The Story by Brandi Carlile Iris - Goo Goo Dolls Bluebird- Sara Bareilles When you look me in the eyes- The Jonas Brothers Drehz - Heart Cry Beats Antique Egyptic Nancy Ajram - Ah We Noss / - Ihab Tawfik - Allah 3elik ya sidi Rola Saad A'n Eznak Ya Ma'alem Nancy Ajram - Mo'gabah 0

Subha hone na dain Besitos de Colores Money in the bank Swizz Beats Maujan he maujan Como tu no hay Look at me now dos- DJ Buxxi Chris Brown Desi thumka Kajra re Taboo- Don Omar Bailando Por ahi- Pitbull Hasta que salga el sol- Don Omar Una Vaina Loca- Fuego Burn it up- Wisin y Yandel ft. Nelly Suave (Kiss Me)- J.Lo ft. Pitbull

Grenade (Acoustic Ahmed Adaweya - Version)- Bruno Bent El Sultan / Mars - Black and Yellow Everytime Hakim Efred (Fast beat) Britney Spears Mercy Kanye Chasing Arabian West pavements bellydance music Adele Play the guitar Bleeding love B.o.B. Leona Lewis Rich & flexing How to save a life Ludacris The Fray Clique Kanye Part of me West Meghan Tonjes Hot thing - Usher Jar of Hearts Glee Version


Part of the Arts Olympix Finale, the movie takes on many more points towards the final score and involves more participation. The movie will be a themed short-film with a defined universal criteria that will encourage large amounts of creativity action. Every movie will premiere during the finale of the Arts Olympix where it will be judged and evaluated according to a rubric.

Location of Event
Cinema 19:30

Time of Event Judges

1) Thorsten Thiel / 2) Sigrid Jrgens / 3) Boris Riesenberg / 4) Elizabeth Reick

Maximum Points Possible


Rules A minimum of 5 actors/actresses must appear in the movie.

o There must be at least one of each gender in the movie. o There must be at least one university staff member appearing in the movie. The movie must be between 6-8 minutes in length. It will be cut off at the 8th minute. The movie file must be submitted to the Arts Olympix Committee, due at 11:59 PM on Friday, March 1st, 2013. The movie file should be sent electronically to: The movie must revolve around one of the following themes (or a combination.): o Post Apocalypse o Impossible Love The movie must have at least one scene filmed on campus and at least one scene filmed off campus. The movie must have the phrase I got 99 problems but a ____(fill in the blank)___ aint one somewhere in its dialogue. The movie must have at least one dialogue in a language that is not English. The movie must have at least one potato in it. Following the criteria listed above is necessary to obtain full points. Teams will be allowed to submit a trailer that will then be uploaded to Vimeo for an additional 10 bonus points. This trailer must be sent to by Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 at 11:59 PM. In the interest of openness, and fostering creativity, the Arts Olympix team will accept any film submission provided by a college team. However the makers of the film agree 16

that they are aware of legal restrictions, and that if their film does not meet them they shall not be able to take their film public, and if they choose to do so they do it at their own risk. The Arts Olympix team reserves the right to not upload and make public any film that is in violation of legal restrictions. The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.

Movie Judging Rubric

Name of college: ______________________________________________ __________________________________

Adherence to Little to none of the Only some The majority of requirements were requirements were requirements Requirements fulfilled. fulfilled. were fulfilled. (0-20) Storyline / Originality (0-20)
Storyline and Movie lacks a good dialogue show Storyline and levels storyline and creativity. of originality are originality. Poor Characters are mediocre. development. somewhat developed.

Beginning (0-5)

Developing (6-10)

Accomplished (11-15)

Exemplary (16-20)
All requirements were fulfilled. The theme is clearly observed in the movie. Storyline shows a logical and creative flow of ideas and events. Original dialogue, use of characters, and method of compliance with requirements.




Acting is good Acting is taken seriously and there is and students demonstrate Acting / Effort Poor acting and lack Acting and degree effort by the capabilities in their roles. (0-20) of effort to produce of effort are of students to There is an evident a quality movie. mediocre level. produce a good presence in effort to make film. a good short film.


Technical Aspects (0-20)

Lighting, quality, sound, Technical aspects of music, etc all compliment Technical aspects the film are poor and Technical aspects the purposes of the movie. of the film are take away from the The aspects amount to an are mediocre. other aspects of the good. excellent direction and film. production.





The finale of the Arts Olympix and most important presentation will be of a lip sync, which integrates many different arts into one show. It consists of the usage of various song clips and recordings into a performance. Using songs and recorded voices, a storyline is built and performed, where actors and actresses (through costumes, props, and choreography) tell a story by simply moving their lips. It is simply a mini musical that is lip-synched.

Location of Event

Time of Event

1) Thorsten Thiel / 2) Sigrid Jrgens / 3) Boris Riesenberg / 4) Elizabeth Reick

Maximum Points Possible


Rules The lip-sync presentation can be a maximum of 9 minutes long. The performance must include at least one male and at least one female. The Arts Olympix Committee suggests a minimum of 7 performers / people involved

in the organization and preparation of the performance. o There is no limit to the number of participants. The lip sync presentation must have a back-track for the entire presentation. There may be no live music or significant sounds created in the presentation. This backtrack should be sent latest on March 1st, 2013 at 11:59 PM to There must be at least 4 different songs included in the back track. If dialogue is to be used, it must be all pre-recorded into the back track. The lip sync must follow a coherent story line. There must be at least one song in a language that is not English. There must be at least one choreographed group number included in the lip sync. Lights and sound will be standardized across the evening, a lip sync group may not require for special lighting and/or sound enhancements to their performance. On the day of the event, a beamer will be made available to project sceneries and/or certain lightings on the stage. Movie formats are encouraged to be able to include both backtrack and sceneries. It should be sent to on March 1st, 2013 at 11:59 PM. The Arts Olympix Committee reserves the right to disqualify any team that is observed to be behaving in an uncompetitive or inappropriate manner.


Lip-Sync Judging Rubric

Name of college: ______________________________________________ __________________________________
Categories Beginning (0-5) Developing (6-10) Accomplished (11-15) Exemplary (16-20)
The lip-sync adheres to all of the requirements listed in the rules (ie time limits, participation number, etc.) The lip sync integrates all its factors to create an original, creative, and coherent storyline. It should also be a clear storyline.


The lip sync adheres to most The lip sync Adherence to The lip sync does not of the Requirements adhere appropriate adheres to some of the requirements requirements (0-20) to the rules listed. listed in the rules. listed in the rules.


Originality and The storyline is not Storyline clear and there is a (0-20) lack of originality and clarity.

The lip sync showcases a somewhat understandable story lines and lower degrees of originality.

The lip sync showcases a coherent storyline.


Use of Few or no props and Some props are used in the Costumes and costumes are used in the performance. performance Props (0-20) Music and Choreography (0-20) Judges Discretion (0-20)

The use of costumes and Many costumes props is effectively and props are employed to compliment used in the the lip-sync, storyline, and performance. music. Excellent choice of, variety, and order of music. The lip sync employed a very good choreography.


The music choice is somewhat good The music choice Lack of and mediocre is good and choreography and even. relevant. Good appropriate music. Choreography is choreography is missing or present present. in low quality. This space is reserved for to the judges discretion for bonus points deemed worthy.


This space is This space is reserved for to This space is reserved for reserved for to the the judges to the judges discretion judges discretion discretion for for bonus points deemed for bonus points bonus points worthy. deemed worthy. deemed worthy.





The Third Eye Photography Contest

In the form of a contest, this event celebrates the photographer as an individual, not affiliated to a college.

Location of Event

Deadline for Submissions

February 22, 2013

Liking Cut-Off Date Judges

Likes on Facebook

March 1st, 2013, 23:59

A very cool and creative one. ;o)

Rules Each participant can submit only one image file. Basic editing is allowed:

o Contrasts, Saturation, Hue, Sharpness, and Cropping is allowed. The photos will be submitted to the Arts Olympix Committee by the specified deadline at The photos will be uploaded in an anonymous way on the Arts Olympix 2013 fan page. The theme of the contest is Tell Me a Story the photo should be able to tell a story on its own. The photo should not be shared/promoted on Facebook. If a contestant promoted or shares his/her picture on Facebook, he/she will be disqualified from the contest. Someone else may not promote the picture either through any means. The photo should be accompanied by a title (not a caption!) This contest is open to any member of the Jacobs community. Authors of submissions will be revealed when the contest is over. The winner will be determined by the number of likes on the Arts Olympix Facebook page. He/She will be recognized at the awards ceremony at the end of the day.


Day Schedule: March 2nd, 2013

9:30 AM
Breakfast @ H3.

10:00 AM
Dance Battle (10:00 11:00 ) See event description above for detailed breakdown.

11:30 AM
Canvas Painting Race (11:30 12:30) 11:30 11:35: o Judges sit down, introduce themselves and the stimulus phrase. 11:35 12:05: o Painting from the teams, people watch and enjoy beverages and snacks. 12:05 12:30: o Explanation by the painters, and closing of event.

12:30 PM

1:00 PM
Battle of the Bands Sound Check and Tuning (13:00 14:00 ) 13:00 13:15: o Krupp College tunes and practices. 13:15 13:30: o Nordmetall College tunes and practices. 13:30 13:45: o College III tunes and practices. 13:45 14:00: o Mercator College tunes and practices.

2:00 PM
Battle of the Bands (14:00 15:30 ) 14:00 14:10: o Bands set up, people settle in, judges take their place. 14:15 -14:25 o First gig: Krupp College, 3 minutes set-up and tuning. 14:30 14:40 21

o Second gig: College Nordmetall, 3 minutes set-up and tuning. 14:45 14:55 o Third gig: College III, 3 minutes set-up and tuning. 15:00 15:10 o Fourth gig: Mercator College, 3 minutes set-up and tuning. 15:10 15:15 o Moderator ends event and invites everyone to the finale in the cinema at 19:30.

---------------------------------------Intermission Cheer-Up!--------------------------------------------

3:45 PM
Fashion Show Face-Off (15:45 17:40) 15:45 16:00: o Judges sit down. Light/sound check. Hosts introduce the event, the judges, and the categories. 16:00 16:20 o Mercator College presents collection. 16:25 16:45: o Krupp College presents collection. 16:50 17:10 o College Nordmetall presents collection 17:15 17:35: o College 3 presents collection. 17:35 17:40 o Closing statements, invitation to Finale.

17:40 19:30


Evening Competitions
19:30 20:30
Movies + Intermission 1. College Nordmetall 2. College 3 3. Mercator College 4. Krupp College

20:30 20:45

20:45 21:45
Lip-Syncs 1. College 3 2. Mercator College 3. Krupp College 4. College Nordmetall

21:45 22:00
Awards Ceremony


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