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Page duBois the female body is : lacking in value, deficient, estranged metonymically, as a mere part for the whole

and perfected being, who is male. The female body is in pieces defined by lack. Jane Blocker , What the body cost, (Mineapollis, London: University of Minesotta Press,2004)p121 to be Woman means not only to wait passively for another, to utter other absence, but to wait and be waited for, to have her own absence uttered.p 79 Jane Blocker , What the body cost, (Mineapollis, London: University of Minesotta Press,2004)p 79

We are thinking of using paint, creating with this a sort of body art that in Lichts word provides a return to the expression of basic human concerns, emotional experiences, psychological phenomena and personal communication p69 Jane Blocker , What the body cost, (Mineapollis, London: University of Minesotta Press,2004)p 69

Of Man and Woman; Barthes : Woman is sedentary. Man hunts, journeys; woman is faithful ( she waits), man is fickle ( he sails away he cruises). It is woman who gives shape to absence, elaborates its fiction. Jane Blocker , What the body cost, (Mineapollis, London: University of Minesotta Press,2004)p 64

Kleins Performance Anthropometries of the blue period: They rolled in the pigment and painted my monochromes with their bodies. They became living brushes. I had rejected the brush long before At my direction the flesh itself applied the colour to the surface, and with perfect exactness In this way I stayed clean. P 65 Jane Blocker , What the body cost, (Mineapollis, London: University of Minesotta Press,2004)p 65

Other games to try from devising theatre: Alison Odey, Devising theatre a practical and theoretical handbook Pair work : In turn say to your partner I love you very much with one part of the face for instance with the eyebrows. Say I dislike you intensely with the nose. Communicate boredom with the mouth to a partner. Indicate excitement with the eyes. The observing partner comments afterwards as to whether the message was conveyed using only one part of the face. Lying down opposite each other place feet together so that both are able to cycle in unison. Experiment with cycling very slowly or fast. Whilst cycling, establish a nursery rhyme to say together. Then cycle very slowly and say the rhyme fast. Mirror stage source Wikipedia

The mirror stage is a concept in the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan. Philosopher Raymond [1] Tallis describes the mirror stage as "the cornerstone of Lacans oeuvre." Lacan's mirror stage is based on his belief that infants recognize themselves in a mirror (literal) or other symbolic contraption which induces apperception (the turning of oneself into an object that can be viewed by the child from outside of himself) from the age of about six months. Later research showed that, although children are fascinated with images of themselves and others in mirrors from about that age, they do not begin to recognize that the images in the mirror are reflections of their own bodies until the age of about 15 to 18 months. Initially, Lacan proposed that the mirror stage was part of an infant's development from 6 to 18 [2] months, as outlined in his first and only official contribution to larger psychoanalytic theory at the Fourteenth International Psychoanalytical Congress at Marienbad in 1936. By the early 1950s, Lacan's concept of the mirror stage had evolved: he no longer considered the mirror stage as a moment in the life of the infant, but as representing a permanent structure of subjectivity, or as the paradigm of "Imaginary order". This evolution in Lacan's thinking becomes clear in his later essay titled "The Subversion of the Subject and the Dialectic of Desire."

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