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KATA PENGANTAR Dengan memanjatkan Puji serta Syukur kehadirat Illahi Rabbi Allah Swt, karena atas rahmat-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan penyusunan diktat panduan untuk guru mata pelajaran Bahasaa Inggris, yang berjudul English Guide book for teacher, khususnya di lingkungan komisariat Sukaraja kabupaten Sukabumi. Adapun maksud dan tujuan penyusunan diktat ini sebagai panduan untuk guru Bahasa Inggris agar memiliki persepsi yang sama tentang bahan ajar, introduction conversation in class, essential English grammar, kind of text and language feature. Pada penyusunan diktat panduan ini penulis banyak mendapatkan bimbingan dan bantuan dari berbagai pihak, lebih khusus penulis menyampaikan banyak terima kasih kepada Obing Hobir, SPd, MMPd, selaku pengawas mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris atas segala bimbingan dan masukannnya selama penulisan ini. Pada kesempatan ini, penulis mengucapkan banyak terima kasih juga kepada : 1. 2. 3. 4. Drs. Ade Fadilah MMPd, selaku Kordinator Pengawas Kabupaten Sukabumi Dr. Hj. Himatul Aliyah, MPd, selaku Kepala Sekolah SMPN 1 Sukaraja Sri Sulastri, SPd, selaku Ketua MGMP Bahasa Inggris Komisariat Sukaraja Seluruh guru SMP Negeri 1 Sukaraja Kabupaten Sukabumi yang telah membantu penulis selama penyusunan diktat.. 5. Guru-guru peserta MGMP Bahasa Inggris komisariat Sukaraja Kabupaten Sukabumi, yang selalu memberikan motivasi 6. Istri tercinta serta anak anak tersayang yang selalu memberikan dorongan, dan doa hingga selesainya diktat ini.

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Diktat ini masih jauh dari sempurna oleh karena itu, saran dan kritik dari semua pihak sangat penulis harapkan demi kesempurnaan penulisan.

Sukabumi, Desember 2012 Penulis,

Tim MGMP Bahasa Inggris Gugus Sukaraja

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iNTRODUCTION Komunikasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Saling bertukar makna dalam teks bahasa Inggris , baik lisan maupun tertulis Sarah: Good morning! How are you? Toto : Hi! Morning. Im fine thanks. And yourself? Sarah: Not bad. Thanks Teks Lisan Percakapan Transaksional: * Percakapan yang dilakukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, misalnya: jual-beli, meminjam sesuatu, job interview, meminta maaf, mengharap kehadiran dsb. * Berbicara seperlunya, topiknya Tertentu Teks Tulis Short functional texts: Label, notices, pengumuman, kartu ucapan dsb. Genres: Descriptive, report, recount dsb. Genre Memiliki: Tujuan komunikasi (communicative purpose) Struktur teks (generic structure) Ciri-ciri kebahasaan (linguistic features)

Apa hubungannya Tujuan komunikatif dicapai dengan cara menyusun teks (struktur teks) sedemikian rupa agar mudah difahami oleh pendengar dan pembacanya. Bahasa dipilih sedemikian rupa agar mudah difahami oleh pendengar dan pembacanya

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Recount Tujuan komunikatif: Melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatandengan tujuan memberitakan atau menghibur. Struktur teks: * Pendahuluan (orientasi), yaitu memberikan informasi tentang apa, siapa, di mana dan kapan; * Laporan (rentetan) peristiwa, kegiatan yang terjadi, yang biasanya disampaikan secara berurut; * Komentar pribadi dan/atau ungkapan penilaian (jika ada Recount Ciri kebahasaan: * nouns dan pronouns sebagai kata ganti orang, hewan atau benda yang terlibat, misalnya David, the monkey, we dsb. * action verbs atau kata kerja tindakan, misalnya go, sleep, run dsb. * past tense, misalnya We went to the zoo; She was happy dsb. * conjunctions dan time connectives yang mengurutkan peristiwa, kejadian atau kegiatan, misalnya and, but, then, after that, dsb. * adverbs dan adverb phrases untuk mengungkap tempat, waktu dan cara, misalnya yesterday, at my house, slowly dsb. * adjectives untuk menerangkan nouns, misalnya beautiful, funny, dsb Narrative Tujuan Komunikatif Teks: Menghibur pendengar atau pembaca dengan pengalaman nyata atau khayal. Ciri naratif adalah adanya unsur konflik (masalah) dan resolusi (penyelesaian masalah). Jumlah masalah atau penyelesaiannya mungkin hanya satu, mungkin juga lebih. Struktur Teks: * Pengenalan latar: tokoh, waktu, dan tempat:
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* Pengembangan konflik; * Penyelesaian konflik; * Koda: perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh atau pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita. Ciri Kebahasaan nouns tertentu sebagai kata ganti orang,dalam cerita, mis: stepsisters, housework, dsb. adjectives yang membentuk noun phrase, mis: long black hair, two red apples, dsb. time connectives dan conjunctions untuk mengurutkan kejadian mis: then, before that,dsb. adverbs dan adverbial phrases untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian atau peristiwa, mis: here, in the mountain, happily ever after,dsb. action verbs dalam past tense; stayed, dsb. saying verbs yang menandai ucapan seperti: said, told, dan thinking verbs yang menandai pikiran, perasaan tokoh mis: thought, felt, dsb.

Descriptive Tujuan Komunikatif : Mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri seseorang, suatu benda atau tempat tertentu. Struktur Teks: * Pengenalan benda, orang atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan. * Deskripsi: menggambarkan ciri-ciri benda tersebut,misalnya berasal dari mana, warnanya, ukurannya, kesukaannya dsb. Deskripsi ini hanya memberikan informasi mengenai benda atau orang tertentu yang sedang dibahas saja, misalnya deskripsi tentang My Dog. Ciri-ciri anjing saya tersebut dapat berbeda dengan anjing yang lain. Dsecriptive Ciri Kebahasaan: nouns tertentu, misalnya teacher, house,my rabbit, dsb. simple present tense.

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detailed noun phrase untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya She a sweet young lady. berbagai macam adjectives, yang bersifat describing, numbering, classifying, mis: two strong legs, two white fangs, dsb. relating verbs untuk memberikan informasi tentang subjek, misalnya, My mum is realy cool, It has very thick fur, dsb.

Descriptive thinking verbs dan feeling verbs untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pribadi penulis tentang subjek, mis: Police believe the suspect is armed, I think it is a clever animal, dsb. action verbs, misalnya Our new puppy bites our shoes, dsb. abverbials untuk memberikan informasi tambahan tentang perilaku tersebut, misalnya fast, at the tree house, dsb. bahasa figurative, seperti simile, metafor, misalnya John is white as chalk, sat tight, dsb Procedure Tujuan Komunikatif Teks: Memberi petunjuk cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah. Struktur Teks: Tujuan kegiatan atau judul Bahan-bahan; Langkah-langkah. Ciri Kebahasaan: Pola kalimat imperative, misalnya, Cut, Dont mix, dsb. Action verbs, misalnya turn, put, dont, mix, dsb. Connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.

adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat, misalnya for five minutes, 2 centimetres from the top, dsb.
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Kind Of Text

1. Caution Kata atau ungkapan yang digunakan untuk memperingatkan atau memberi peringatan pada orang agar menghindari sesuatu atau tidak melakukan sesuatu.

Contoh: Do not accept if the seal is broken


Do not aim the camera directly into the sun or at other intense light resources that could damage your eyesight

2. Greeting Card

Pesan tertulis yang biasanya berisi ucapan selamat, turut bahagia, dan sejenisnya, disampaikan pada momen tertentu seperti lebaran, natal, ulang tahun, pernikahan, dan lainlain.

Contoh: Dear Kania, Congratulation on your success to be the student of the first rank. Yours, Putri

3. Short Message

Teks yang berisi satu atau sejumlah kecil kabar, informasi, atau perintah dari satu orang untuk seseorang yang lain. Umumnya diramu dalam bahasa yang singkat dan padat.
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Contoh: Please call my wife and tell her Im attending the meeting. Tell her Ill be home at 7:30. Our phone no is 022-5403518 Seanu Zaka 4. Invitation

Informasi atau pesan tertulis yang tujuannya mengajak atau mengundang seseorang atau sejumlah kecil orang untuk hadir pada event tertentu.

Contoh: My special day is coming I turn to seven and keep growing Mom and Dad are having a party They say it is for me Your smiling gace we hope to see So come and bring your family, it will be lots of fun The party begins at three and at five its all done Saturday, February 14, 2009 Mahadewis house 12 Tebu Ireng Street, Pasir Jati Housing Complex

5. Announcement

Suatu tulisan untuk mengabarkan kepada khalayak tentang suatu event atau kegiatan (umumnya) yang akan berlangsung atau diselenggarakan.


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To celebrate the 40th school anniversay, each class is supposed to send one volleyball team, one basketball team, and 2 badminton players for the sport competitions. They will be held from May 21 until June 10. For further details, read the information board next to the wall magazine or contact Seanu Ratu, the chief of the committee, at 085323013144 at any time you wish.

6. Advertisement

Memberitahukan sekaligus menawarkan produk dan jasa, atau juga meminta produk dan jasa. Bahasa yang digunakan umumnya singkat padat, namun komunikatif dan informatif. Beberapa kata acapkali disingkat untuk penghematan kolom dan spasi display.



We need educators who meet these qualifications: (S-1) in English Less than 35 years old Good performance

Send Your: a pplication letter, CV, certificate, academic transcript, recent photograph to:

SMART COURSE Jl. Ahmad Yani Bandung Ph. 022 75312

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7. Letter

Pesan atau informasi yang disampaikan oleh satu seorang untuk seseorang. Informasi penting umumnya termaktub dalam body of the letter, yakni bagian antara salam pembuka (Dear ) dan salam penutup (Sincerely yours).

Contoh: Jl. Tjut Nyak Dien Dalam 36 Cijoho Kuningan January 4, 2008

Dear Zaka, It has been a long time two years since I last visited your town. In this coming holiday I am planning to have a vacation in your hometown. Ill be glad if you can accompany me to go to some interesting places there. Dont forget to take me traditional food courts. Would you please pick me up at the airport as I will fly there so that I can come to your hometown faster. I am looking forward to seeing you again next week. I cant wait to have a good time together.



8. Label

Suatu tulisan singkat (kata/frasa) yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan atau menggambarkan identitas suatu barang.

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9. Descriptive

Teks yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang spesifik: seseorang, suatu benda, suatu tempat, seekor binatang. Teks description meng-highlight satu orang/benda/tempat/ binatang secara khusus. Teks description menyodorkan banyak informasi tentang orang/ benda/tempat/binatang tertentu secara gamblang, [sering] rinci, [acapkali] dapat divisualisasikan. Teks description umumnya memiliki struktur: - identification, pengenalan subjek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan. - description, penginformasian ciri-ciri subjekmisalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

Contoh: My Pet I have a pet. It is a dog and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread. Every morning I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownies does not bark a lot. It treats the other animals in our house gently, and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.

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10. Report

Hasil pengamatan, penelaahan, penelitian, observasi, atau studi tentang benda, binatang, orang, atau tempat. Participant (yang dideskripsikan) pada report cenderung general. Data yang tersaji umumnya berupa simpulan umum akan karakteristik, ciri, dan atau keberadaan dan keadaan participant. Tujuan teks report adalah untuk menggambarkan participant apa adanya. Bila yang dibicarakan suatu benda, teks report lebih menyoroti fungsi dari benda tersebut. Teks report lazimnya menyodorkan suatu generalisasi akan participant yang diulas; generalisasi ini umumnya didapat lewat membandingkan yang satu dengan yang lain yang tergolong participant sejenis.

Teks report umumnya memiliki struktur: - general classification, pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya. - description, penginformasian ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi yang dimiliki subjekmisalnya sifat-sifat psikologis, perilaku, tampilan fisik, fitur-fitur khas, kualitas, dan sejenisnya.

Contoh: Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes. They live in family groups in the thickest parts of the jungles. A gorillas feet, hands, and wrinkled face are bare and black. His fur may be short or long, depending on where he lives. The short-haired gorilla lives in the hot, damp, tropical forests of western Africa, and the long-haired gorilla lives in the cooler air in the high mountains of central Africa. A gorillas arms are so long; they almost touch the ground, even when he is standing up! Some wild mountain gorillas weigh as much as you, your father, and your mother all weigh together. At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground. But the mother and the baby gorillas sleep in big nests of stick and leaves on the ground, or in the lower branches of trees, where they are safer from prowling animals.

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11. Narrative

Jenis teks berupa cerita atau dongeng yang bertujuan menghibur pembaca. Ciri utama teks narrative adalah terdapatnya masalah (atau hal yang dianggap masalah atau pelik) dan langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah tersebutini umumnya berupa solusi atau penyelesaian. Konten teks narrative dapat berupa cerita khayalan atau kisah nyata yang mendapatkan bumbu-bumbu perekayasa. Teks narrative umumnya memiliki struktur: - orientation, pendahuluan atau pembuka berupa pengelanalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat. - complication/crisis, pengembangan konflik atau pemunculan masalah. - resolution, penyelesaian konflik atau langkah yang diambil untuk merespon masalah. - reorientation, penutupungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan cerita sudah berakhir, ini sifatnya opsional. - coda, perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat dipetik dari cerita; sifatnya opsional.

Contoh: There was once a king who was very powerful and rich. But he was unhappy, because he felt ill all the time. No doctors knew how to cure him, nor did any medicine do him good. One day, he called all his wise men to his palace and asked them what to do. There is only one way, said a very old man. If you can find a happy man, take his shirt and wear it, youll be so on cured. So the king sent his men to search for all the happy men. They traveled all over the country, but they could not find one. There was nobody who was completely satisfied. The men were very tired of being long search, and did not know when to go home. Just as they were worrying about that, they saw a workman who was singing merrily while he was at work. Are you happy? they asked the man. Yes, I am happy as a lark, answered the man. Give us your shirt, said the men. Well give you as much money as you need. Alas! cried the man, I havent got a shirt.
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12. Recount

Jenis teks yang kontennya melaporkan peristiwa, kejadian, atau kegiatan yang menimpa seseorang, atau berupa pengalaman seseorang. Tujuan teks recount adalah untuk memberitahukan atau hiburan. Teks recount umumnya memiliki struktur: - orientation, pendahuluan atau pembuka berupa pengelanalan tokoh, waktu, dan tempat. - events, rangkaian kejadian/peristiwa. - reorientation, penutupungkapan-ungkapan yang menunjukkan peristiwa/kejadian/ kegiatan sudah selesai. - komentar pribadi akan peritiwa yang diutarakan, sifatnya opsional.

Contoh: On Sunday, my friend and I went to Lake Kintamani in Bali. The water was clean, the temperature was cool and there were trees surrounding the lake.m On Monday, we visited Tanah Lot. We took pictures of the temple. The scenery was amazing. There was holly water beside the rocky hill and there was a hole occupied by a big snake which was considered sacred by the local people. On Tuesday, we went to Sangeh where many wild monkeys walked freely and climbed the trees. In the afternoon we went home.

13. Procedure

Untuk memberi petunjuk tentang langkah-langkah/metode/cara-cara melakukan sesuatu. Teks procedure umumnya berisi tips atau serangkaian tindakan atau langkah dalam membuatu suatu barang atau melakukan suatu aktifitas Teks procedure umumnya memiliki struktur: - goal, tujuan kegiatan. - materials, bahan-bahan/barang, sifatnya opsional. - steps, serangkaian langkah

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Contoh: Rose Flovered Agar Agar 32 g agar agar strips, cut into short strands and cooked for 1 hour. 1,5 liter water 700 g rock sugar, broken into smaller pieces 5 pandan leaves, tied into a knot 1 tsp rose essence 2 drops pink or red food coloring 1. Put agar agar strips and water into a pan and bring to a gentle boil over a medium low fire till agar agar dissolved. 2. Add rock sugar and pandan leaves and boil for about 5 minutes or until it is dissolved. Discard pandan leaves. Add essence and coloring. Stir to mix well. Pour the mixture into a square tin or agar agar moulds. 3. Leave to cool for 5 to 10 minutes, then put it in the fridge to set for 3 hours. Serve sliced into squares or any shape you fancy.

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BAHAN AJAR KELAS VII Kompetensi Dasar: 1. Membaca Memahami berbagai makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentuk procedure. 2. Menulis Mengungkapkan berbagai makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentuk procedure. Setelah mempelajari ini siswa dapat: 1. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam wacana: makna kata, frasa atau kalimat, gagasan pokok, informasi faktual, informasi rinci. 2. Menggunakan dengan tepat: verb bentuk I, kalimat perintah, kata-kata yang terkait dengan tema, ejaan dan tanda baca. 3. Menggunakan piranti kohesi (discourse markers) untuk menyatakan sequence. 4. Menggunakan berbagai sub keterampilan dalam membaca. 5. Menulis teks procedure. 6. Menggunakan struktur yang berterima dalam teks procedure. Materi

Lots of people like fried noodles. They are very delicious and easy to prepare. Do you know how to prepare them? If so, do you know how to share it with other people? Stay in this program for more information. Procedural Texts show you how to do things, step by step. In these texts you will find instructions or directions on how to cook your favorite dishes, to make a creative toy or handicraft, to operate an equipment, etcetera.

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The following show you the samples of procedural texts. Study this text.

HOW TO MAKE FRIED NOODLES Fried noodles are easy to make. All you need are 350 g of flat egg noodles, 45 ml vegetable oil, 225 g of mushrooms, 200 g of chicken strips, 25 g of chopped garlic, 100 g of bean sprouts and 15 ml of soy sauce. First I cook the noodles in boiling water and drain it. Then I pour the oil into a hot sauce pan and add the strips of chicken. After that I put the mushrooms in. Next I add the garlic and the bean sprouts and fry it for 3 minutes. Then I add the noodles and the soy sauce and stir it. When its cooked, I take it out and put it in a large plate. Finally I decorate my fried noodles with slices of cucumber and tomatoes. (Adapted from Functional English, Tony Rogers, Widya Utama, 2004.) Do you understand the text? Are ready to answer questions about it?

Read this text carefully.

Some people like taking pictures and have lots of photo collections. They usually put the pictures in an album. Sometimes, they also put the pictures in frames. In this way, they can put their pictures on the wall or on their desks for decoration. Do you also have a collection of photographs? Do you want to put your pictures in frames too? Why dont you make your own frames for the photos? It is very simple to make your own photo frame. There are five things you need to make this photo frame. They are a styrofoam, some origami paper, a photograph, a glue stick and some varnish. These materials are easy to get. Maybe they are even found in your surroundings. These are the steps to make a photo fish frame. First, draw a fish on the styrofoam tray. The fish should be a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame. Then, cut the origami paper into small pieces. Next, glue the pieces of origami paper to the tray and to the fish cut-out. This fish cut-out will serve as the frames stand. After that varnish the frame and the fish and let them dry. Then glue the fish to the back of the frame and use it to hold the frame. Finally attach your picture to the back of the frame with sellotape. And your photo fish frame is ready. (Adapted from Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII, Depdiknas, Dikdasmen, DirektoratPendidikan Lanjutan Pertama, 2004.)
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Study this text.

HOW TO MAKE FRIED NOODLES Fried noodles are easy to make. All you need are 350 g of flat egg noodles, 45 ml vegetable oil, 225 g of mushrooms, 200 g of chicken strips, 25 g of chopped garlic, 100 g of bean sprouts and 15 ml of soy sauce. First I cook the noodles in boiling water and drain it. Then I pour the oil into a hot sauce pan and add the strips of chicken. After that I put the mushrooms in. Next I add the garlic and the bean sprouts and fry it for 3 minutes. Then I add the noodles and the soy sauce and stir it. When its cooked, I take it out and put it in a large plate. Finally I decorate my fried noodles with slices of cucumber and tomatoes. Do you understand the text? Are ready to answer questions about it?

Writing HOW TO COOK RICE Cooking rice is easy especially if you use a rice cooker to do it. First put some rice in a bowl. Then wash it in running water. Next put it in the pan. After that put some water into the pan. Then put the pan into the rice cooker. Finally plug the cord in and switch the button on. Wait for about 30 minutes until the cooking is done. You will notice it from the light. When the light turns to yellow, your rice is ready to serve.

Writing a procedural text is not difficult. Still, you need to know several things to be able to do it as follow: - Giving Instruction - Sequence - Vocabulary

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Writing : Giving Instructions When you give instructions to other people, it means that you tell them to do something. Also, when someone gives you an instruction, it means he wants you to do something for him. Study these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the door. Draw a fish on a Styrofoam tray. Cut the paper into small pieces. Put some rice in a bowl. Plug the cord in and switch the button on.

Pay attention to the underlined words. Are they nouns, adjectives or verbs? Thats right. They are VERBS- in the first form (verb I). All sentences above start with verb I. They are instructions. They tell people to do something. These instructions are called Imperatives. Imperatives are often used to show procedures. Pay attention to these sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. Dont close the window. Dont come late. Dont boil the noodles too long. Dont put too much water into the pan.

All the sentences above start with Dont + Verb I. We use Dont + Verb I if we want to tell others NOT TO DO SOMETHING. The sentences above are also imperative sentences but they are in the negative form. We can make our instructions sound nicer or more polite by adding words like please, can, could, will or would. Compare the sentences on the left with the ones on the right.

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Do you notice the differences? Thats right. The sentences on the right are more polite than the only sentence on the left. The instructions sound even nicer with the word could or would.

Writing : Sequence Read these sentences. They are from the text. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. First put some rice in a bowl. Then wash it in running water. Next put it in the pan. After that put some water in the pan. Finally plug the cord in.

The underlined words are used to show order of actions. They are called discourse markers to show sequence (piranti kohesi untuk menunjukkan urutan). Do you know other words to show sequence? Lets see whether you can identify them.

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Descriptive Kompetensi

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam wacana: gagasan utama, informasi faktual, informasi rinci, makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat Siswa dapat menggunakan dengan tepat: kalimat bentuk simple present tense, descriptive adjectives , huruf ejaan, dan tanda baca. Siswa dapat menggunakan berbagai sub keterampilan dalam membaca. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi langkah retorika teks berbentuk descriptive.

Materi Generic Structure Materi ini menjelaskan tentang teks descriptive , yaitu teks yang mempunyai ciri kebahasaan (grammar) menggunakan kalimat Present Tense dan mempunyai langkah retorika yaitu Identification-Description serta mempunyai fungsi sosial (social function) untuk menggambarkan manusia maupun suatu benda secara mendetail, (to describe parts, qualities and characteristics). Materi ini dilengkapi dengan latihan dan tes yang cukup banyak dan bervariasi sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh kesempatan berlatih yang cukup banyak tentang penggunaan Present Tense and adjectives dalam kaitannya dengan teks descriptive. Key words: descriptive text, identification- description, present tense, adjective Descriptive Text Descriptive is to describe a particular person, place or thing. It means you describe their colors, shapes, sizes, weight, height, width, density, contents, and so on. In writing the text, you use the Simple Present Tense. The structure of the text is:

Identification : identifies phenomenon to be described. Description : describes parts, qualities and characteristics

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Grammar Present Tense Remember the patterns of Present Tense with be : statements, subject pronouns How do you get information? 1. We use the Simple Present to talk about things in general , or something happens all the time or repeatedly, or something is true in general . It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking or not. Subject Robert/He Liana/She Bali / It Robert and Liana/ They A snake/ It The boys/ They I Is/ am/ are is is is are is are am Object/ Complement a student helpful in Indonesia students a wild animal very educated people the only child

Robert, Liana, Bali and a snake are nouns. He, She, It, I and They are subject pronouns for these nouns. Robert and Liana , and the boys are plural subjects. A student=one person, students= more than one person. Nouns, adjectives , and places can come after be.

A snake is a wild animal only child

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The boys are very educated people

I am the
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Grammar Present Tense THE SIMPE PRESENT TENSE : POSITIVE Positive: I We You They He She It Time Signal (ts) = every .................. For the example : I S She S eat + Verb follows + Verb (s/es) breakfast + O/C an English course + O/C every morning + ts every Saturday + ts

+ Verb

+ Object / Complement

+ Verb using - s/ -es

+ Object / Complement

Am, are and is as the three forms of the verb be are in the Simple Present Tense . Contractions between subject pronouns and am, are , and is appear in informal usage. A contraction always contains an apostrophe (), which represents the omitted missing letter. Singular (one) I am You are He/She/It is Formal : I am He is She is It is We are You are They are Conversational : I`m He`s She`s It`s We`re You`re They`re Plural (more than one) We are You are They are

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Grammar Present Tense 2. The verb after she, he, it (3 rd person singular) has a final -s Subject A zebra Giraffes Imelda I Verb has eat speaks sleep Object four legs leaves English Complement Time Signal with her mom everyday every night

A zebra has four legs

Giraffes eat leaves Imelda speaks English with her mom everyday

I sleep every night

PRESENT TENSE USING ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY : ALWAYS, USUALLY, OFTEN, SOMETIMES, SELDOM, RARELY, NEVER Adverbs of frequency come between the subject and the Simple Present verb : Always Usually Often Sometimes Rarely Seldom Never Adverbs of frequency sometimes come either at the beginning or at the end of a sentence. For examples:
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Subject +

+ Verb

Sometimes I get up at 7:00 I sometimes get up at 7:00 I get up at 7:00 sometimes

always 100%

usually 99-90%

often 90-75%

sometimes 75-25%

seldom 25-10%

rarely 10-1%

never 0%

always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely , and never are called adverbs of frequency Examples:

Pesta always comes to class on time. Liana usually comes to class. We often watch TV at night. I sometimes drink juice at dinner. I seldom go to movies. Robert rarely makes a mistake. I never eat fresh peaches.

Grammar Present Tense How do you ask questions? 1. The Simple Present Tense: Yes/ No questions Is/ Are/ Does/ Do Is Are Does Do Subject the animal those animals the giraffe the penguins Verb eat live Object/ Complement rare? tame? leaves? in the South Pole?

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Is the animal rare?

Are those animals tame?

Does the giraffe eat leaves?

Do the penguins live in South Pole?

2. The Simple Present: Asking Questions with what, where Question word What What Where Is/ are/ does/ do is does does Subject a zebra he Pesta Verb like? look like? live?

Grammar Comparison Remember the patterns of Comparison 1. When you describe people, animals or things, you use adjectives. Sometimes there are two or more adjectives. We put the adjectives in this order.

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How big (size) A tall A long

How old (age) young new

What color (color) black white

Noun man chair

A tl l A long You ng New Black White Man Chair

2. When we use adjectives to compare two people, animals or things, we use the following pattern.

We use er for the comparative degree of short adjectives. We use er with one-syllable adjective and some two-syllable adjectives. For examples:

Big-bigger, hot-hotter, clever-cleverer,

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easy-easier, busy-busier, funny-funnier, and lucky-luckier .

We use more in front of adjectives that have two or more syllables, (except adjectives that end in y) . For example: interesting-more interesting, beautiful-more beautiful, difficult-more difficult. 3. We use est to form the superlative degree of the adjectives. In general, we use est for shorter words with some two-syllable adjectives. For example: long-the longest, hot-the hottest, easy-the easiest and hard-the hardest. We use most for the long words with three-syllable adjectives. For example: most carefully, most comfortable There are five irregular comparative and superlative forms: Adjectives/ adverbs good bad little many, much far Comparative Better Worse Less More Superlative best worst least most farthest, furthest

farther, further

Adjective Order of descriptive adjectives Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together: Pesta lives in a nice new house. In the kitchen there was a beautiful large round wooden table Adjectives like new/large/round/wooden are fact adjectives . They gives us objective information about something ( age, size, color, etc ). Adjectives like nice/beautiful are opinion adjectives . They tell us what someone thinks of something. Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives. Examples are as follows:

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Evaluation/Opinio Appearance n Good Size/measure Bad Ugly Big Interesting Small Nice Intelligent Shape




Old Young New Antique

Round Square Triangular


Red Geographical Green Blue French Bright Italian green Japanese Dark blue Material Deep purple Wooden Vegetable Cotton Brass

Chipped Broken Rotten

Reading Comprehension Latihan Read carefully text below. One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the elephant. This animal may be 3 or 4 meters tall. The weight may be 5 or 6 tons. The elephant of flesh is wrapped in a wrinkled suit of rough gray skin. Its legs are like pillars. Its huge ears flap gently back and forth like wings. It may consume up to 200 kg of grass a day. It is fond of banana plants, gingers, and leaves of various plants. Look at the long trunk. When you throw some peanuts, the trunk picks up the peanuts with the fingers` at the tip of the trunk. Then, the huge beast will put it into its mouth and eat it happily. The elephant is also remarkable for its tusks. Tusks are long teeth that continue to grow throughout its life. The number of these animals, however, has decreased a lot. More and more of them are killed for their tusks. Many die because trees in their forest have been cut down. They cannot find food and protection in the forest anymore. If people aren`t able to save them, these animals, sooner or later, may vanish from the earth. Read carefully text below. I have friends. Their names are Ari and Ario. Almost everyone who meets them thinks they are twins , because they look similar and are always together. In fact, they are not twins but only friends. When they go out to work , everyone in his profession knows and respects them.
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They work as a team. Ari is a journalist and Ario is a photographer. They both work for a famous picture magazine. Ari writes the articles and Ario takes a pictures. They do not only cover the domestic events but foreign ones as well . So the magazine often sends them all over the world to cover important events. They have won many awards. Because of their good achievement in their profession, many famous magazines and newspapers offer them good positions, but they refuse. They want to devote themselves entirely to the magazine where they are working now. They are really a solid team.

Grammar Present Tense

To see th patterns about Grammar Present Tense Grammar Comparison Read carefully text below. Tiger orchid is the largest orchid in the world. It is from Sumatra , Malaysia , and Polynesia . We can find it on the crowns of trees. They grow high above the ground. We often find the near streams. The young stems are upright . The mature stems bend in graceful curves. When the plants are flowering, it is a magnificent sight. Some of the collective flower of a plant reaches 3 meters. The collective flower of a plant can have 100 individual flowers. One flower can be 15 cm in diameter. The sprays are upright, w e can see the flowers clearly. The color of the flower is yellowish or greenish yellow. They have various marking. It is dull orange- brown to maroon-purple. Orchid farmers do not cultivate it much. It must have full sun. We do not need soil to plant it. We need brick fragments and charcoal mixed with decaying leaves.

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Kompetensi Setelah mempelajari ini : 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan teks fungsional 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dari functional texts. 3. Siswa dapat menggunakan dengan tepat: verbs bentuk pertama, imperatives, content words terkait dengan teman 4. Siswa dapat menulis undangan dan memo sederhana. Materi Reading Invitation

Sarah is going to celebrate her 13th birthday. She wants to have a small party at home. She also wants to invite some friends and relatives. Now, she is writing invitation cards for them. This is one of her cards. Beautiful, isn`t it? Invitation cards are examples of functional texts . Other examples are announcements, shopping lists, memos, and etcetera. In this program, you will read and write functional texts, but only in the form of invitation cards and memo . Reading - Invitation Read the following and answer the questions. Give short answers. Type your answers in the blank spaces.

Writing Invitations Study these invitations. What information can you find in both invitations?

occasion ,
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date , time , and place .

When we write an invitation, we need to state clearly what the occasion is, for example my sister`s birthday (invitation 1) or a surprise birthday party (invitation 2). We must state the date and time of the occcasion, too. Finally we must`t forget to mention the place. Remember, the words or the sentences that we use may be different, but the purpose must be clear, to invite someone . How do we express an invitation in words? Let`s find out.

Writing Invitations-Imperative Study these sentences. They are from the sample invitations.

Come to my home on Wednesday 11 Share your happiness at my sister`s birthday. Please arrive on time.

These sentences start with the first form of the verb or (V1). They are imperative sentences . We use imperatives to telll other people to do something. Study these memos. Study these sentences. They are from the sample memos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I`ll be out all afternoon. I`ll be home late today. Please do the dishes when you get home. Wash the vegetables and cut them up. Please feed the fish and lobsters. Don`t forget to water the plants. Can you tidy the living-room?

We often use these types of sentences in writing memos. Sentences 1 and 2 are simple future tense , sentences 26 are imperatives , and sentence 7 uses Can to tell other people to do something. Writing Memo Simple Future Tense Study these sentences. a. I am going to leave at nine tomorrow morning. = I `m going to leave at nine tomorrow morning. a. I will leave at nine tomorrow morning.

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= I `ll leave at nine tomorrow morning. c. She is going to be at the meeting tonight. = She` s going to be at the meeting tonight. d. She will be at the meeting tonight. = She `ll be at the meeting tonight. We use be going to and will to express future time. After be going to and will , we use the first form of the verbs ( V1 ). We can shorten be going to and will by using an apostrophe (`). Study the following forms. FORMS WITH WILL



I You They We He She It I You They We He She It

will work tomorrow

(I`ll) (You`ll) (They`ll) (We`ll) (He`ll) (She`ll) (It`ll)

will not work today won`t




I you they we he she it I you they we

work tomorrow ?


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he she it I you they we he she it



FORMS WITH BE GOING TO He I am going to work She It He I am not going to play She It Am I going to work? Is We You They We You They


is going to work

are going to work


is not going to play he she it he she it he she it

are not going to pla we you they we you they we you they


going to work? Are

going to w

Yes, SHORT ANSWER Yes, I am. No, I`m not No,







Forms of will Complete each sentence with will or won`t and the suitable verb from the list. fell stay study rain visit ride call be

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REPORT Setelah mempelajari modul ini : 1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks report 2. Siswa dapat mengidentifkasi langkah-langkah retorika teks report 3. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan menggunakan dengan tepat to be, dan the simple present tense.

Materi Generic Structure Grammar Salah satu ciri ciri kebahasaan (generic structure) yang dibahas dalam teks report di sini adalah dengan menggunakan :

to be simple present tense

1. To be A sentence with be as the main verb has five basic patterns: a. b. c. d. e. be + a noun be + an adjective be + a prepositional phrase be+ progressive verb be + passive verb

Contoh penggunaan to be :

The Andes is an example of a block-fault mountain The examples of volcanoes are the mountains in Hawaii These mountains are still beneficial Volcanic rock is used in the manufacture Almost all mountains are formed in chains or ranges.

2. Simple Present The Simple Present Tense is used to express that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future.It is used for general statements of fact. Example:
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Every continent has mountain chains. The power of forming comes from the depth in the earth. It snows in Alaska Diana washes her hair everyday. They have beautiful garden

SimulasiMatch the picture of the place with the words in the box provided by clicking and dragging the words Latihan Generic Structure

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REPORT PART 2 Kompetensi 1. Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam teks report 2. Menggunakan dengan tepat noun as a thing dan noun as a person 3. Menggunakan dengan tepat the patterns of the expressing something using too and enough 4. Mengidentifkasi langkah-langkah retorika teks report Generic Structure Pendahuluan

Dalam materi ini anda akan mempelajari salah satu jenis teks (genre), teks report yang mempunyai langkah retorika yaitu General Classification Description dan mempunyai fungsi sosial ( social function ) untuk menjelaskan sesuatu apa adanya, yang menyangkut kejadian alam, karya manusia, dan fenomena sosial di sekitar kita. Teks ini mempunyai ciri kebahasaan khusus (lexico grammar), di antaranya penggunaan nouns (noun as a thing dan noun as a person) dan the patterns of expression using too and enough. Berbagai jenis latihan reading comprehension, grammar dan vocabulary yang diberikan secara intensif dan bervariatif akan lebih mempermudah anda memahami teks. Generic Structure Teks report adalah salah satu jenis teks (genre) dalam bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan sesuatu apa adanya. Teks ini mempunyai langkah-langkah retorika (generic structure) yang terdiri dari : General Classification dan Description. a. General Classification: Klasifikasi umum tentang apa yang dijelaskan (tells what the phenomenon under discussion is) b. Description: menjelaskan fenomena-fenomena yang sedang dijelaskan dalam bentuk bagian-bagian, kualitas, kebiasaan dan tingkah laku (tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of parts, qualities, habits or behavior). Fungsi sosial teks report (social function of report text) adalah untuk menjelaskan sesuatu apa adanya

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Grammar Salah satu ciri kebahasaan (lexico grammar) yang dibahas dalam teks report ini adalah

Noun as a thing and noun as a person The pattern using the expression of too and enough

1. Noun as a thing and noun as a person a. Noun as a thing : adalah kata yang berfungsi sebagai benda yang dibentuk dari kata kerja (verb)

Contoh: Verb Act Dance Paint Direct Illustrate Achieve b. Noun as a person : adalah kata yang berfungsi sebagai orang yang dibentuk dari kata kerja maupun kata benda Noun An action A dancing A painting A direction An illustration An achievement

Contoh : Verb Act Dance Paint Direct Illustrate An art A poem Shopping Noun An actor A dancer A painter A director An illustrator An artist An poet A Shopper

2. Contoh penggunaan dalam kalimat : 1. Titi Kamal is an actress, she always acts very attractively on stage. 2. The foreign dancer performed a very spectacular dancing last night. 3. My job is as a writer. I usually write articles for newspapers and magazines.
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4. Tiara wants to be a photographer, so she practices taking photographs every time. 5. Mr. Rudi is an English teacher. He teaches in a junior high school. 6. She didnt illustrate it clearly but I can give you a very clear illustration. 7. That choreographer created a fantastic choreography.

3. The patterns using expressing of too and enough 4. Subject + be + too + adjective 5. Subject + be + adjective + enough 6.

Penggunaan too menunjukkan makna negatif dalam pikiran si pembicara atau sesuatu yang tidak bisa dilakukan. (In the speaker`s mind, the use of too implies a negative meaning or it is impossible to do something) too diletakkan sebelum kata sifat sedangkan enough diletakkan sesudah kata sifat

Contoh :

That box is too heavy to lift. That ring is too expensive to buy. The test is too difficult to do. I am strong enough to lift this box. Jack is old enough to vote. That show is interesting enough to see.

Vocabulary Kosa-kata yang berhubungan dengan seni (Vocabulary related to arts) Reading

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Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened to almost in all countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in the early 1950s. It is believed that the term rock and roll was first used y a disk jockey, Alan Freed. In 1955, records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, was heard across the US. After he appeared on nationwide television, Elvis Presleys singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll was all over the world. Then came to Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound, and its lyrics. The 1970s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became a very big business, earning more money annually than any other form of entertainment 0including the film industry Source: Lets Talk Grade IX, Pakar Raya. Bandung

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Kompetensi Dasar Membaca: Dengan mempelajari materi ini, siswa dapat merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek secara sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. Menulis: Di akhir kegiatan pembelajaran ini siswa akan dapat mengungkapkan makna gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat. Materi Pokok Announcement Pendahuluan Jika kita perhatikan, di tempat-tempat umum seperti sekolah, rumah sakit, bank, dsb, ada label yang maknanya dapat berupa petunjuk atau perintah, atau bahkan pengumuman. Dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, label , notice (himbauan) dan pengumuman itu masuk ke dalam kategori teks fungsional pendek. Nah, Anda akan kami bawa dalam paket yang singkat tetapi juga membawa anda ke kompetensi pemahaman membaca dan memproduksi sebuah teks. Ada kompetensi pendukung yang perlu dikuasai pengguna materi pembelajaran di samping materi pokok mengenai teks fungsional pendek itu sendiri. Kompetensi kebahasaan, kompetensi pembentuk wacana, adalah contoh dua kompetensi yang juga diperlukan untuk menguasai teks yang sedang dibahas. Maka, pada penyajian materi ini juga terdapat sub materi mengenai tata bahasa, dan fungsi komunikatif teks. Materi Latihan dan Tes disediakan untuk mengetahui dan mengukur sejauh mana pemahaman anda dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Materi akan berisi label, notice atau pengumuman yang biasa ditemui di sekitar kita. Sekolah, pasar, bank, mushola sebagai tempat kita temukan pengumuman dan himbauan itu akan diambil sebagai contoh nyata keberadaannya. Selamat Belajar!

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We sometimes read those sentences on the whiteboard in the classroom, right?! We call it a text . It is a short one but still it conveys meaning. People generally name it an announcement. We put or we find it on a board to let everybody knows the information in certain places. see it on the wall magazine at school. Thus. it tells all of the students and all community in the school to gather on the Independence Day. We find it in the classroom. The writer or Ms.Mirda wants the listed students to submit their letters.

If we review the meaning of ANNOUNCEMENT from a dictionary, the information is either for the present time or the future time.

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The Simple Present Tense We use this tense to state facts. Simple sentence has at least: Subject + Predicate a. Subject + Predicating Verbs Predicating Verbs are non action verbs ( for example : want, hate, believe, like, etc) Affirmative Sentence(+): I You We They like like like like cookies. cookies. cookies. cookies. Sinta Adi The cat likes cookies. likes cookies. likes cookies.

Notice that for the third singular subject, we add s/es on the predicating verbs. Now we move to the section to make the negative and questions. We use do and does (auxiliary). Negative Sentence (-): I You We They do not do not do not do not like like like like cakes. a fortune teller. horror films. junk food. Sinta does not likes gossip tabloids. Adi does not likes chocolate. The cat does not likes vegetable.

Interrogative Sentence(?): Do Do Do Do I you we they look like hate believe remember an artist? me? her story? you? Does Does Does Sinta want Adi love the cat need a glass of water ? Mc. Ds? help?

b. Subject + Be (Linking Verbs) Be + I am Anto is Lia is This is Noun a doctor. a singer. a nurse. a cat. Be+ I am He is She is The tie is Adjective happy. rich. beautiful. black. Be + I am Iwan is Ita is This is Prepositional Phrase at work. in a hurry. in her room. Tuesday.
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We are students. They are doctors.

We are tired. The boys are smart.

We are in the class. The boys are out of the bus.

c. Subject + Finite Verbs A finite verb is a lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as the full verb in the predicate Affirmative Sentence (+): I work in a bank. in a bank. in a bank. in a bank. She works in a bank. in a bank.

They work You work We work

He works It (The system) works.

Negative Sentences (-) : I They You We do not do not do not do not eat come play meet meat. from China. badminton. everyday. She does not live with her parents. He does not smoke cigarettes. It does not work.

Imperative Although you find the word please in the expression, and you consider it as a request , the main idea is a command ("Have a drink", "Wash the dishes", and "Try the cookies"). So you know now that the word please makes a command into a request. In this case, actually the guests are asked to drink. This is what we call an imperative sentence: the sentence expresses a command. In real situation, of course we listen to command or we read commands. It doesn`t matter whether it is spoken or written . We often find such label in many places. Traffic signs are the real examples that have the same patterns. Here they are: Do you understand the labels? How if you dont? Do they matter to you or not? Allright, now how about taking a review of the second label. Look at second sign or label, what will happen if a driver turns right and do exactly something he must not do? Actually labels that instruct someone to do or not to do something can be easily understood with pictures addition, right?! We also have pictures to understand the labels of instruction (imperative)

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Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi tujuan teks fungsional. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi makna dari teks fungsional. Siswa dapat menggunakan dengan tepat : verb bentuk pertama, imperative, dan content words terkait dengan tema. Siswa dapat menulis instruction dan shopping list

Materi Reading : Fungsional Text Functional Text Apakah yang dimaksud dengan functional text? Functional Text adalah teks khusus yang berisi perintah, pengarahan, sesuatu yang harus dilakukan atau tidak boleh dilakukan yang dapat berupa pesan singkat (short message), daftar belanja (shopping list), peringatan (notice), pengumuman (announcement), dan lain-lain yang mengandung makna dan digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari. Perhatikan contoh berikut! Example 1: Short Message

Read the short message above! Pay attention to the questions below and click the box to see the answer! 1. To whom is the message for ?

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2. What does he have to do after eating ? 3. Where does he have to put the key ? 4. What subject does he attend ?

Example 2: Notice

Notice is a short passage, symbol or text to inform or instruct people to do or not to do anything. This notice means dont smoke. It means people must not smoke in that place. We usually see this notice in public places such as in a bus, in a lobby, or in air conditioned rooms. Other examples of notice are Dont Park, Dont Stop, etc.

Example 3 : Shopping List Another example of a functional text is a shopping list. Read the shopping list below! Day : Monday Date : July 22, 2007 4 loaves of bread 3 kilos of beans 1 kilo of apples 2 kilos of sugar 1 kilo of carrots 1 kilo of oranges 1 can of soft drink Now, see the answer of the questions below by clicking the box on the left column! 1. The text is a kind of ....

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2. The purpose of text is to remind the customer of what to. 3. How many kinds of vegetables are there in the text ? 4. Is there a soft drink in the shopping list ?

Example 4 : Announcement Read the following announcement, Our school basketball matches will begin on Saturday, January 1. The events will run from 8.00 10.00 for the next four weeks. The final tournament will be held on February 7. For more information, contact Rizka ( 021 12345678 ) 1. The text is a kind of 2. How long will the events run ? 3. What month will the final round be held on ? 4. When will their school basketball matches begin ? 5. Who can we contact for more information ?

Example 5: Instruction Read the text .Prepare a pan and some eggs

Put some water in the pan Put some eggs in the pan Turn on the stove Put the pan on it Wait until the water is boiled Wait for 4 minutes The boiled eggs are ready

1. How many household appliances do we need ? 2. The text is a kind of 3. Turn on the stove . What is the antonym in the sentence of turn on ? 4. Where do you put the pan ?

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Writing : Imperatives How do you ask people to do something? We ask people to do something using imperatives. Imperatives usually start with a verb. The word please can be put before or after the instruction to show politeness. If you dont want people to do something, start with dont. For examples,

Open the door, please! Close your book! Could you line up here ?

Dont pick up the flower! Pay attention to the other examples of imperatives below! Dont Could you open open Open come come Come the door the door the door here! here here! please! please? please!

Please Dont


Now study the following commands!

Dont show your work to the others! ( to give the command to other friends/people) Collect the answer sheet ( to give the command to students/ other friends) Dont leave the room without permission!(to give the command to students/other friends) Write your test number! ( to give the command to students/ testees) Distribute the answer sheet! ( to give the command to students/ testees) Read the test rules! ( to give the command to students/ testees)

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RECOUNT EXCURSION Kompetensi STANDARD OF COMPETENCY : Communicating in oral and written texts, using proper language fluently and accurately in the interactional discourse and/ or monologue, especially in the passages of recount. BASIC COMPETENCY : Expressing the nuance of meaning, using the correct rhetorical steps in the written texts of recount , and using simple written languages. WRITING Achievement Indicator : Writing texts of recount using correct rhetorical steps and acceptable text structure. Materi Generic Structure

Unforgettable Experience In 2003 we, the first grade students, made a five-day living in Kalirejo, a transmigration area in South Lampung. We were 212 students all together. We left Jakarta for Lampung at midnight and our trip was about six hours. Arriving there, we were warm welcomed. After a little talking, we were taken to our respective hosts. Every host accommodated four to five students. The transmigrants lead a very simple life. Most of their houses are made of wood or bamboo and only some are made of bricks. Living there, all of us helped the transmigrants plow and fertilize the soil, harvest cassava, rice, corn or other crops, or washed and fed the cattle. At home, most girls produced cassava crisps, cassava cake and fried corn. Though dirty, we were very happy to help them since the works were new and even strange for us. It is unusual for them to stay till night. They go to bed at about 8 p.m. Because of us, they were willing to chat until we asked them to sleep or they trained us to play gamelan music.

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One morning, our courageous friend climbed up a ten meter coconut tree to pick coconuts. Unfortunately, just reaching about five meter, he trembled. He couldnt continue his climbing. We we all laughed at him. But the situation changed. Looking down, his face grew pale and said nothing. We were afraid of him falling down. Then we encouraged him to climb down inch by inch. He followed our advice. It took ten minutes for him to reach the ground. Stepping on the ground, he said, I wont do such a fool again. Commented the host, Youre really a citizen, boy. The last day of living, we gather together with the hosts in front of the sub-district office to say goodbye. Shaking hands, both the students and the hosts couldnt bear to cry. We felt as if we had been a real big family.

Languages Features EXPLANATION

We use Past Simple Tense to talk about : o Finished states and actions in the past.

i.e. : - I saw my best friend in the street yesterday. - My parents met him in 1970.

Repeated actions in the past

i.e. : - I took the same bus to go to school everyday. - She always went swimming on Monday.

The pattern :

Positive : S + V2 Negative : S + did + not + V1 Interrogative : Did + S + V1 ?

Adverb of Time :

Yesterday Last month Two days ago

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In November 1997, etc.

Sentence connectors is a connection between a sentence with other sentence

1. Finally : 2. At first 3. When : 4. However : 5. Thus :

It can be used to suggest that one has been waiting for a long time for something. It can be used to introduce the situation which happens before other situations. It can be used to introduce the longer background situation, which started before the shorter event, and perhaps went on after it. It can be used to mean in what ever way, no matter how. it can be used as a logical consequence.

Writing a Recount

Write a recount based on the following pictures below. Use your own words to create your recount.

A recount tells the reader what happened. They retell a past event. e.g. a visit to a farm two months ago It begins by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this
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event took place and when it happened. This is called the orientation. The sequence of events is then described in some sort of order, e.g. time There may be a re-orientation at the end which summarizes the event.

Writing recounts :

When writing recounts you should : Focus on individual person i. e. use the word I or we Use words which indicate when (e.g. after breakfast) and where the events took place. (e.g. at school) Write the past tense e.g. had, visited, went.

Use action words e.g. helped, climbed. This was a very long day but I enjoyed it .

Language features Name the underlined words based on the terms of language features, By writing the letter in front of the following words into the box given below the text. A. SPECIFIC PARTICIPANT B. ACTION VERB C. LINKING VERB D. ADVERB OF TIME E. SAYING VERB F. PAST TENSE G. SEQUENCE CONNECTOR H. ADVERB OF PLACE Today (1) was a very good day for me. I had been looking for a new job for quite a while. I (2) listed my name at a few employment agencies and was given information about several positions, but I wasnt (3) interested in any of these jobs. Last week (4) I filled out an application form (5) for a new company in town and arranged (6) for a personal interview. Several men were (7) interviewed for this job, and I didnt know if I

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would get it. This morning (8) someone from the company called up (9) and asked to see me at two o clock (10). When (11) I came into his office (12), he told me that I was hired. Ill begin working on Monday. I know Ill like this job. Ill be paid very well and my work will be extremely interesting.

Read the following passage and identify the language features. Determine the SPECIFIC PARTICIPANT, ACTION VERB, LINKING VERB, PAST TENSE, SEQUENCE CONNECTOR, ADVERB OF TIME, ADVERB OF PLACE, SAYING VERB, I was (1) feeling so happy, I decided to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day, and I went right home to tell my wife the good news. But before (2) I could say anything to her, she told (3) me what a bad day she was having. None of the lights in the house (4) were working. She had telephoned many electricians, but they all said (5) they were too busy. Finally (6) one agreed to come and she had been waiting him almost all day. When (7) I was able to get her to stop talking about her troubles and listen to me. I told her about the new job and we made plans to go out for dinner and then go to the movies and perhaps go somewhere else after that. We made up our minds to forget about the electrician and decided to celebrate until down. Then (8) we wouldnt need any lights, anyway.

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RECOUNT BOTANIC GARDEN Kompetensi Dasar: 1. Membaca Memahami berbagai makna dan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentuk recount. 2. Menulis Mengungkapkan berbagai makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar dalam teks tertulis berbentuk recount. Setelah mempelajari siswa 1. Mengidentifikasikan makna gagasan dalam wacana: makna kata frasa atau kalimat, gagasan utama, references, informasi faktual, gagasan pendukung, informasi rinci. 2. Menggunakan dengan tepat: kata kerja bentuk II, simple past tense, kata-kata terkait dengan tema, ejaan dan tanda baca. 3. Menggunakan piranti kohesi kata ganti waktu. 4. Menggunakan berbagai keterampilan dalam membaca recount. 5. Mengidentifikasikan langkah-langkah retorika dalam wacana recount. 6. Menulis teks recount sederhana. 7. Menciptakan struktur yang berterima dalam teks recount.

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This is a picture of the Botanic Garden located in Cibodas. Its beautiful, isnt it? Do you want to know more about it? Well, go on to the next pages and have fun! In life, we experience various events. Some of them are happy events and sometimes we also experience sad events. Many times we like to share our past events to others, we are actually giving them a recount. If you keep a diary and write your memorable events in the diary, you are also making recounts. History books and biographies also we recounts because they tell us about past events. Lets take a look at these recounts and see whether you can understand them. - Reading - Text I - Reading - Text II reading I A TOUR TO THE BOTANIC GARDEN On Thursday 24 April, Year Seven students went to the Botanic Gardens. Around 7 oclock, we went out of the school and got into the bus. After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Center. We went to have a look around. First, we went to the Orchid Farm and Mrs.Rita, the tour guide, read us some of the information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the Botanic Gardens and had morning tea. Next we took some pictures and then we went back to the Education center to have lunch. After that we went for a walk to the lake. A lady introduced herself and took us around, and then she explained what we were going to do. Next she took us in to the green house. It was the most interesting. Soon after we had finished, we went back outside. Then we got into the bus and returned to school. (Adapted from Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VII, Depdiknas, Dirjen Dikdas, Dirjen PLP, 2004, halaman 133)

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LATIHAN I Could you answer all the questions? Now, look at questions numbers 1-3 again. You can find the answers at the beginning of the text. This part is orientation. In the orientation we can find who the characters are and where and when the events took place. The items in number 4 are Nidas activities during the trip. They are put in the order they happened. This part is called events or series of events. The last part of the story is called reorientation. LATIHAN II Identify parts of the text. Type orientation, event, or reorientation in the space provided

WRITING A RECOUNT TEXT Zahra`s Letter Jl. Darmo No.62 Surabaya June 17, 2006 Dear Intan, On Friday I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at Nias and Hasans house at Cemara lawang Probolinggo. On Saturday Nia and I went to Gunung Batok. There, we rode on horseback and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. It was a little scary but it was also fun. Then we went to get a closer look at the mountain. It was wonderful. Next we took pictures of the amazing sceneries there. On Sunday we went to Wonokromo Zoo. At the zoo, we watched some cockatoos having a shower. After that we went around the place to see other animals. When we got a little tired, we took a rest and ate lunch in the park. In the afternoon, we went home. In the evening, I went back to Surabaya. My father picked me up. I really enjoyed my weekend in Probolinggo. Love,

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Zahra (Adapted from Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII, page 131, Depdiknas, Dirjen Dikdas, Dirjen PLP, 2004) In her letter, Zahra tells Intan about her weekend in Probolinggo. What about you? Do you talk about your holiday to other people too? Do you do it in English? If not, lets find out how you can write about your holiday or other past experiences in English, or click below: - Past Events - Time Sequence - Writing Letters

Writing : Past Events 1. VERB II These Verbs are taken from Zahra`s letter Pay attention to the form. 1. Went 2. Stayed 3. Rode 4. Enjoyed 5. Was 6. Took 7. Watched 8. Got 9. Ate 10. Picked up

Are the verbs in the present or past tense? Thats right. They are in the past form (Verb II) because they talk about past activities 2. SIMPLE PAST TENSE When we talked about past activities, we use the past form of the verbs to talk about our actions. Notice the following sentences. 1. I met Mr.Umair at the airport yesterday. 2. Last month, we went to Cibodas for a study tour. 3. I usually play tennis on Sundays, but last Sunday I played badminton. 4. The classroom was very dirty, so the students cleaned it up before they started to study. For negative sentences and questions we use did. Pay attention to these examples Negatives:
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1. I didnt eat breakfast this morning. 2. I got 100 for English but I did not get a good score for physics. 3. Yuki wrote a letter to Farah but she didnt send her an e-mail. 4. My parents worked on Sunday but they did not work on Monday. Questions: 1.Did you meet Farah at yesterdays party? Yes, I did. 2. Did Sarah come with her brother? No, she didnt. 3. Did you and your friends have a good holiday? Yes, we did. 4. Did Imam win the match? Yes, he did. LATIHAN Are you ready for some practice? Good. Let`s start. Writing : Time Conjunctions Can you find the words that show time conjunction in Zahra`s letter? What are they? In a recount text, we should tell events in the order they happened. We can do it by using adverbs of time such as the following. - On Friday - In the afternoon - On Saturday - On Sunday evening - On Sunday - Last Monday We can also use time conjunctions as follow: - First - Then - Next - When - Afterwards - After that - While - Finally Writing : Writing Letters Lets look at Zahras letter again. If we analyze the letter, we will find that it actually consists of 6 parts They are as follows: Nadia writes a letter to her pen pal, Helen. Find out what she writes. Type a letter in the box!

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Kompetensi Dasar: Mengungkapkan berbagai makna dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan retorika yang benar dalam teks tertulis terutama yang berbentuk deskriptif. Setelah mempelajari ini, siswa dapat: 1. Menulis teks deskriptif. 2. Menggunakan dengan tepat: noun dan pronoun, adjective, kalimat pernyataan, possessive verb, kata yang terkait dengan tema, ejaan dan tanda baca. 3. Memilih topik yang tepat dan bahasa yang sesuai dengan audience. 4. Menggunakan piranti kohesi: kata penunjuk orang/benda dan kata ganti kepunyaan. 5. Meningkatkan penguasaan unsur-unsur bahasa. 6. Menggunakan kamus Materi My pet, Bombi Do you like animals? Do you keep a pet at home? What pet do you have? Is it a cat, a rabbit, or a fish? Do you sometimes talk about your pet to other people in your surroundings? Why dont you try to describe your pet in writing? In this way, you can tell more people about it. You can put your pet description on the wall magazine at school or share it with a relative living far away from you. You can also write about your pet to a pen pal. Now, go on to the next page for more information on how to describe a pet My Bombi Bombi is my playful pet. It is a cat. The cat is always playful. It likes playing with anything. It sometimes plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. It is very clever, but sometimes it is very naughty. My Bombi is not very big. It is medium. It has soft fur. Its fur is grey and white. Bombi has a long tail. Its eyes are round. It looks cute. It is always near me. Notice the paragraph about Bombi again. It is a descriptive paragraph. It describes the writers pet, Bombi. The sentences at the beginning of the paragraph are printed in bold. This part is identification. We start a description with identification. In identification, we identify the phenomenon (aspect or thing) that we will describe. Following identification is description. In description, we describe parts, characteristics, and etcetera. Both in identification and description, we need to use certain patterns and words. The
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following are some elements you need to know to be able to describe a pet. Pronoun Study this table. Subject I like Sarah We like Sarah. You like Sarah. They like Sarah. He likes Sarah. She likes Sarah It likes Sarah. Object Sarah likes me Sarah likes us Sarah likes you Sarah likes them Sarah likes him Sarah likes her. Sarah likes it. me us you them him her it

I we you they he She It

Study the following table.

it - its she - her he - his you - your they - their we - our I my

I like my pet We like our pet. You like your pet. They like their pet He likes his pet She likes her pet. Yogyakarta (It) is famous for its gudeg

We use my/your/their, etc. before a noun.

Verbs showing posession To show possession, we can use the verbs such as own, possess, have or has. This time, we will discuss the use of have / has. We can use have or has to show possession. Study the following.

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In Ramadhan's opinion, what's the resort like? A. Silly B. Nice C. Sunny D. Horrible

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 1:

Soal : 2 Frans : Who won the ... performance in thet contest? Sherly : The Bali's tradisional dance team. A. good B. well

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C. best D. better

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 2:

Soal : 3

The suitable word for 18.3 is .. A. egg B. salt C. cooking oil D. water

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 3:

Soal : 4

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What can the visitors do in Keong Mas Theatre? A. Show an Imax screen of Indonesian Panoramas? B. Enjoy the beautiful of Indonesian Panoramas through the Imax screen. C. Watch special drama with effects. D. Open the building of the Indonesian Panoramas

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 4:

Soal : 5 Arrange the following sentences into a good paragraph! 1. To protect the orangutan, the Government has built special areas where they can live safely. 2. One of the wild animal is the orangutans. 3. Today there is a danger that the orangutans will extinct because the forest is disappearing. 4. The orangutans are found in the forests. A. 1 3 4 2 B. 3 1 2 4 C. 2 4 3 1 D. 2 1 4 3

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 5:

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Soal : 6

What is the topic of the text ? A. The School Regulation B. The School Camping C. The English Competition D. The School test

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 6:

Soal : 7

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What is the main idea of paragraph three? A. Marias life is very good now B. Maria struggled to live in United States C. Marias carrier improves because of her English D. Marias background in Peru

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 7: Menentukan ide utama paragraph 3. Kata kunci Maya studied hard. She learned English and she got a job as a secretary.

Soal : 8

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What is Altima 2.5 S ? A. The cars type B. The cars brand C. The Nissan Sentra D. The cars offer code

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 8: Menentukan informasi tertentu : Altim 2.5 S : jenis/type mobil.

Soal : 9

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A. Fed B. Be fed C. Feed D. Feeding

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 9: Menentukan kata yang tepat. Telah jelas jawaban B

Soal : 10 Rearrange the words to make a good sentence.

A. 5 6 3 2 8 4 7 1. B. 5 6 3 2 8 7 1 4. C. 8 7 1 4 - 5 6 3 2. D. 8 7 1 4 - 5 6 3 2.

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)

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Penyelesaian soal 10: Pilihan jawaban yang benar untuk menyusun kata acak menjadi sebuah kalimat yang padu adalah pilihan jawaban B, 5 6 3 2 8 7 1 4 (Apply every evening on cleansed face and neck).

Soal : 11

What is the text about? A. Ufas holiday with her family. B. Taking ski lessons and going skiing. C. Ufas invitation to Amelia to have holiday together. D. Having perfect snow, yet not too cold weather.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 11: Teks merupakan post card yang menceritakan liburan sang pengirim (Ufa). Pilihan jawaban yang benar adalah A, Ufas holiday with her family.

Soal : 12

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Which statement is NOT CORRECT according to the text? A. The class lasts in two times forty-five minutes. B. The class is held in the evening. C. Students train both individually and in groups. D. During class, students are expected to lift different weights.

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 12: Pilihan jawaban yang tidak sesuai dengan teks adalah B (The class is held in the evening) karena dalam teks tertulis 3:00 4.30. Jadi jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Soal : 13

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What is the correct word to complete the invitation? A. on B. in C. by D. at

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 13: Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk teks ini adalah C, by, karena makna yang dimaksud adalah sebelum tanggal 25 May.

Soal : 14

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A. usual B. seldom C. unusual D. frequent

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 14: Menentukan kata yang tepat. Kata kunci the most, artinya tsunami (frequent) kerap terjadi dan hampir semua penyebabnya adalah..

Soal : 15

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How much is the first portion of the batter that we pour? A. 1/2 B. 1/3 C. 1/4 D. 1

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 15: Menentukan informasi tertentu, ada di langkah ke-tiga.Telah jelas.

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Soal : 16

What does the underlined word in the text mean ? A. diberikan B. dihadiahkan C. diwakili D. disajikan

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 16:

Soal : 17 I dont know the meaning of a difficult word. I...a dictionary to help me. A. need

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B. like C. have D. lend

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 17:

Soal : 18

A. make us fit B. make us popular C. make us wise D. increase our weight

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 18:

Soal : 19 Mr.Bambang : Are you interested in reading international magazine? Mr.Budi : Yes I am interested in it. Mr.Bambang : Do you read "TIME" or "NEWSWEEK"

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: ..............

A. Not olly "Time" but also "Newsweek" I read B. I read not only "Time" but also read "Newweek" C. I no only read "Time" but also read "Newweek" D. Not only read Time' but also Iread "Newsweek"

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 19:

Soal : 20 Choose the best answer! Farmers usually start to cultivate their field in the wet season. Before cultivating, they prepare their tools like hoes, sickles, rakes and ...................... They also prepare their cows or buffaloes. The cows or buffaloes are very important for ferments to pull the plough to cultivate the rice field. It is a traditional way. A. plough B. tractor C. spade D. rake

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 20:

Soal : 21

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Should anyone unable to attend the meeting, find Mr. Elder for permission and further details about the agenda. What does the sentence mean? A. There is no way that a member can stay away from the meeting. B. The meeting will be cancelled by Mr. Elder if there is an absent member. C. Mr. Elder will decide whether a member is allowed to absent. D. The meeting has no agenda because Mr. Elder is permitted to go.

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 21: Makna yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah Mr. Elder will decide whether a member is allowed to absent (Mr. Elder akan memutuskan apakah angggota dijinkan untuk tidak hadir dalam rapat).

Soal : 22

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Which statement is not right? A. After they had lunch they went for a walk B. After they drank tea, they had lunch C. Mrs.Rita was with them in the orchid farm D. They went back to the green house to have tea

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 22: Menentukan informasi rinci, A, B dan C, benar. D salah, they didnt go back to the green house

Soal : 23

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What kind of community are Brielles residences? A. caring B. emotional C. passion D. selfish

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 23: Menentukan informasi tersirat. Para penghuni Belles Residence sebagai bagian dari ingkungan sekolah dan komite sangat peduli dengan kemajuan sekolah. Jawaban A.

Soal : 24 Joko : Evander Holiffield is a great boxer.

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Indro : Larry Homes is... Joke : You are right. Both of them are great boxers. A. so B. too C. either D. as well

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 24: Joko: Evander Holiffield adalah petinju hebat Indro: Larry Homes juga Joko: kamu benar. Keduanya adalah petinju hebat Elliptic construction adalah susunan dimana kata-kata yang sama dapat dihilangkan atau di ganti dengan auxiliary-nya Untuk menggabungkan 2 kalimat positive Formula: and S + aux + too and So + aux + S Yang dimaksud dengan auxiliary adalah kata kerja bantu yang dapat diikuti not, misalnya: am, is, are, was, were, do, does, did, have, has, will, can, must, shall Contoh: Evander Holiffield is a great boxer Larry Homes is a great boxer Evander Holiffield is a great boxer and Larry Homes is too Evander Holiffield is a great boxer and so is Larry Homes

Soal : 25

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What is Milkivit with MV-4? A. Soft drinks enriched with vitamins. B. Liquid containing alcohol for drinking C. The milk chocolate drink for instant health. D. Water from a spring in the ground containing mineral salts

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 25: Apa yang dimaksud Milkivit dengan MV-4? Soft drinks enriched with vitamins. =Minuman tanpa alkohol memperkaya dengan vitamins. Liquid containing alcohol for drinking =Cairan yang berisi alkohol untuk mabuk The milk chocolate drink for instant health=Cokelat-Susu minum untuk kesehatan siap saji Water from a spring in the ground containing mineral salts =Air dari mata air di mengandung garam mineral Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks diatas adalah The milk chocolate drink for instant health=Cokelat-Susu minum untuk kesehatan siap saji

Soal : 26 "It can cut the rice and separate the rice kernels..." (paragraph 2) The word "It" in the sentances above refers to..

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A. airplane B. combine C. Tractors D. seed drill

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 26:

Soal : 27 Tree is the largest of all plants. Yhe tallest tree grow over 61 meters in height. Many trees also live longer than other plants. Some trees live for thousands of years. They are the oldest living things that man knows. People think that trees are different from other plants. Most of other plants grow only for a short time and then die. People think of trees as a permanent part of the lanscape. Trees continue to grow as long as they live. They grow new lives and flowers. Leaves of a tree make food. The food keeps the tree alive and help it grow. The flowers grow into fruits; the fruits contains seeds for making new trees. Trees are different from other plants like herbs and shrubs. Most trees grow at least 4.6 to 6.1 meters, but herbs and shrub are much shorter then trees. Trees have one woody stem, which is called a trunk. Herbs have soft and juicy stems. shrubs are like trees, they have woody stem, but most shrubs have more than one stem, and none of the stems of the shrubs grows so thick or tall as a tree trunk. There are thousands of kinds of trees. But most trees belong to one of two main groups. They are broadleaf trees and needle leaf trees. These two types of trees grow in many parts of the world. Most other

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types of trees, such as palms and tree ferns, grow mainly in warm region. Adapted from : The World Book encyclopedia

A. shortly die B. grow only for a short time C. can't grow in certain areas D. long lasting

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 27:

Soal : 28

"... They have much to offer us". (paragraph 2)The word "they" refers to... A. forests

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B. millions C. hectares D. years

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 28:

Soal : 29 Choose the bes words to complete the passage. The coach of the Indonesia basketball team calls time-out and instructs his players to change their strategy. He tells Jody to keep the ball as long as possible. Jody is good at dribbling the ball. His skill in controlling the ball is ......... but he is not quite good at shooting. Togar is better at shooting and he is also the fastest player in the team. His only weakness is that he very thin and not very strong. A. preventive B. imperfect C. doubtful D. excellent

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 29:

Soal : 30

A. newspaper B. magazine C. dictionary

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D. encyclopedia

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 30:

Soal : 31

What is the main idea of paragraph 3? A. There were many kinds of dinosaurs. B. Some dinosaurs could fly in the sky. C. Many dinosaurs were small in form. D. Dinosaurs ate leaves and meat.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 31: Jawaban yang tepat mengenai pikiran utama paragraf 3 adalah A, There were many kinds of dinosaurs.

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Soal : 32

What is the text about? A. A popular basketball team in Australia. B. Two teams playing basketball. C. Substituting basketball players. D. Description of a sport called basket ball.

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 32: Telah jelas.

Soal : 33

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Its a fabulous office, much bigger than the old one. The word fabulous means extremely..... A. big B. strategic C. pleasing D. enjoying

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 33: Makna kata yang tepat dan benar untuk jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut adalah C (pleasing/menyenangkan).

Soal : 34

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What is the purpose of the text? A. To list the ingredients of making jelly B. To show the instructions of making jelly C. To describe the six steps of jelly making D. To inform the places to get the ingredients

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 34: Teks ini merupakan teks prosedur yang bertujuan memberikan petunjuk (instruksi) tentang cara melakukan sesuatu dalam hal ini membuat jelly.

Soal : 35

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What is the text about? A. The Johnsons greeting card B. The wedding anniversary C. The wedding reception D. The marriage invitation

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 35: Menentukan gambaran umum . Kata kunci Ema is united in marriage to Mr. Jack.

Soal : 36

Where does the writer go to camp ?

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A. Cibubur Campsite B. Cibubur Village C. Cibubur River D. Mount Cibubur

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 36:

Soal : 37 Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences !

A. 1-2-7-5-3-6-4 B. 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 C. 6-2-3-7-5-4-1 D. 3-6-7-2-3-4-1

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 37:

Soal : 38 After a two week ceasefire, the battle broke again. Ceasefire, means a period of time .... A. to stop fighting B. to begin fighting C. to start attacking D. to stop debating

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)

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Penyelesaian soal 38:

Soal : 39

This unique concept provides spacious, 'self-contained'... The word 'self-contained' in the sentence abouve means having no...facilities. A. usually B. perfect C. shared D. specific

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 39:

Soal : 40 Bima : Can I play the piano at the show? Father : ... I'll be very proud of you. A. That's very kind of you. B. Don't mention it.

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C. Thanks a lot. D. Why not

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 40:

Soal : 41 My weekend was a disaster. It was actually my older brothers twentieth birthday. To celebrate it, he wanted to eat out at a seafood restaurant not far from our house. So my parents, my brother, my sister, and I went there in the evening, we really enjoyed the food and my brother was very happy, especially with the gifts. But something terrible happened when we got home. All of us threw up. My brother and my sister had a stomachache. So, we immediately went to the hospital nearby. It turned out that we had food poisoning. Oh, what an awful day! What is the purpose of the text? A. To invite you to birthday party. B. To describe the writers favourite restaurant. C. To share her weekend experience. D. To entertain readers with the writers story.

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 41: Telah jelas, penulis ingin berbagi tentang pengalamannya.

Soal : 42 Choose the best answer!

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A. Because B. Since C. As soon as D. While

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 42: Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C (As soon as) karena merupakan kata yang paling sesuai menurut teks.

Soal : 43

Choose the most suitable words to complete the text. A. is B. am C. are D. will be

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Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 43: Menentukan kat-kata yang tepat. Be/Simple Present. Kata kunci .....small garden. Jelas jawaban A

Soal : 44

Which statement is not true based on the letter above? A. Raymound, Andreass husband has passed away. B. Sylvia did a great help to Andrea and the kids C. Time cannot heal the wounds of Andreas mourn D. Sylvia cooked and gave a lot of food as she understood that Andrea could not do housework as normal life Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 44: Menentukan informasi rinci , A, B, dan C benar.Kalimat kunci pada paragraf 2 baris 1 Its going o taka sometime artinya Andrean will be OK!.

Soal : 45

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Beginners and experts can enjoy the toys. It means its to play it. A. hard B. easy C. terrific D. complicated

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 45: Menentukan informasi tersirat ,... Beginners and experts can enjoy the toysartinya mudah dimainkan.Jawaban B. Telah jelas.

Soal : 46 Nasha always makes a list before she buys everything she needs. To buy the things she needs, Nasha has to go to..........

A. butcher B. drugstore C. stationary D. greengrocer

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)

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Penyelesaian soal 46:

Soal : 47 The farmers make the rice grow well. A. fertilizer B. reforestation C. soil erosion D. floods

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 47:

Soal : 48 Fitri : I want to make an omelette. Please give me.... salt Tuti : All right. here it is. A. a number of B. a little C. many D. a few

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 48:

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Soal : 49

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what is the sacrifice of perents to their children? A. They look after their children carefully if they are ill. B. They don't pay for their school fees. C. they hate their children D. They give a lot of money without giving education

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 49:

Soal : 50

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from the text above we know that the cheaspest and the simplest sport is... A. hunting B. swimming C. cycling D. walking

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 50:

Soal : 51

What is the suitable word to complete the text? A. time B. address C. place D. home

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 51:

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Pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah C (place) karena merupakan kata yang paling sesuai menurut teks.

Soal : 52

What do you think about the ones who rents air Bali? A. they must be very rich B. they are ordinary people C. they are from the low class D. they dont want private journey

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 52: Menentukan informasi tersirat. Penyewaan hanya untuk pribadi/perorangan, jadi orang yang mampu saja.

Soal : 53

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What does the text tell you? A. Holiday Bonus Cash from Nissan B. Car leasing brochure C. Altima 2.5 S Nissan Car advertisement D. Instant saving from a finance

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 53: Menentukan gambaran umum tentang iklan Mobil

Soal : 54

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What kind of person was the shark feeder? A. clever and careful B. cheerful and smart C. brave and skilled D. kind and energetic

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 54: Menentukan informasi tersirat. Kata kunci shark is a beast.

Soal : 55

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Varnish both .. The underline word means .... A. paint with a hard clear and shiny transparent liquid B. let the pieces dry C. throw away as they are trash D. give any coloured paint to make it more attractive

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 55: Menentukan makna kata, varnish :clear, shiny, and transparant paint.

Soal : 56

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World renowned artist Jason Monet will hold a retrospective art exhibit. What does the underlined word mean? A. famous and respected B. patient and clever C. foreign and old D. unknown and genius

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 56: Cukup jelas

Soal : 57 Choose the best answer according to the text

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A. bread B. toast C. cake D. soup

Jawaban yang benar adalah C ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 57:

Soal : 58 1. If you use plain paper, use the paint to make a drawing on it 2. wrap the bottle with a piece of coloured paper 3. Wash the plastic bottle. Make sure it is clean when you use it. 4. Now your pencil box is ready to use. 5. Cut the bottle into two halves Which is the best arrangement of procedure of making a Pencil Box ? A. 2-5-4-3-1 B. 4-3-2-5-1 C. 3-2-1-5-4 D. 3-5-2-1-4

Jawaban yang benar adalah D ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 58:

Soal : 59

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A. subscribe B. provide C. buy D. read

Jawaban yang benar adalah A ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 59:

Soal : 60

Andi is irawan and Miras... A. brother B. cousin

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C. uncle D. nephew

Jawaban yang benar adalah B ===> Jawaban anda adalah (tidak menjawab) (SALAH)
Penyelesaian soal 60:

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Daftar Pustaka:

1. Kistono. 2004.The Bridge English Competence. Jakarta: Penerbit Yudhistira 2. Molinsky, Steven J.2000. Side by Side. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. 3. Mukarto dkk, 2002, English on Sky, Jakarta 4. Mukarto dkk. 2007.English on Sky.Jakarta:Penerbit Erlangga 5 .Marcella Frank, Modern English). 6. Otong Setiawan Djuharie, 2010, 1700 Bank Soal Bimbingan PNetantapan Bahasa Inggris, Bandung 7 Rogers, Tony. 2008.Functional English. Jakarta: Penerbit Pustaka Widya Utama. 8. Soegeng HS, 2007, Effective English 1A for Grade VII of Junior High School, Solo 9. Tony RogersM 2004 Functional English, , Widya Utama, ) 10. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas VII, Depdiknas,Dirjen Dikdas, Dirjen PLP, 2004, 11. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII, Depdiknas, Dikdasmen, DirektoratPendidika Lanjutan Pertama, 2004

Peni Larasati, 2009, Bahas Tuntas 1001 Soal Bahasa Inggris, , Jakarta

13 Steven Brown, Journeys Reading 2, 1997 Prentice Hall Asia ELT, 14. Let`s Talk Grade IX, Pakar Raya 2007

15. Paket Pembelajaran BERMUTU

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A. DATA MGMP 1. Nama MGMP 2. Nama Sekolah Inti 3. NSS 4. Nama Kepala Sekolah 5. Alamat Sekolah Nomor Telepon Hp. Ketua MGMP Nomor Fax E mail Desa Kecamatan Kabupaten Propinsi : MGMP BAHASA INGGRIS GUGUS SUKARAJA : SMP NEGERI 2 SUKARAJA : : : Jln. Goalpara Km. 5 Sukaraja : (0266) 211753 : 085794406090 : : : Limbangan : Sukaraja : Sukabumi : Jawa Barat

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Publikasi Karya Ilmiah pengembangan Karir PTK Dikdas Melalui MGMP Kabupaten Sukabumi

Kegiatan Pelatihan PTK Karir MGMP Bahasa Inggris Gugus Sukaraja English guide book/Material /Kind of text Page 113


Pembukaan Kegiatan Pelatihan PTK Karir MGMP Bahasa Inggris Gugus Sukaraja

Publikasi Karya Ilmiah MGMP Bahasa Inggris Guggus Sukaraja English guide book/Material /Kind of text Page 114

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