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Executive nominations (Cabinet and Supreme Court) are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, and therefore nomination hearings must held for all nominees before they can be confirmed by a vote of the Senate. The Senate Committee on the Judiciary (Supreme Court Justices) and the Senate Committee on Cabinet Nominations (Cabinet Members) will conduct these hearings. Each nominee will have 2 minutes to present prepared remarks to their respective committee regarding their qualifications and views on relevant issues and topics. Due to time constraints, all nominees will present their remarks before questioning will begin. After all nominees have presented their remarks, the remaining time (around 30 minutes in each committee) will be allocated for questions from Members of the committee to any of the nominees. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Chair will accept a motion to report each of the nominees favorably to the Senate floor for confirmation votes. Please remember that the Senates duty of advice and consent should not be construed as a tool to block the confirmation of nominees. These hearings are held to gather information on the background and views of nominees. If there is a truly concerning issue with any nominee, Senators have the right to vote against reporting them for confirmation, but they should only exercise that right if the nominee is truly unfit to serve.

The Chair repeats this until all nominees have presented their remarks. Once all nominees have presented, the Chair opens the floor to questions from Members of the committee. CHAIR: The chair will now entertain questions from members of the committee. Please limit your questions to one per recognition. Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair. CHAIR: The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College). Repeat when recognizing each Member MEMBER: Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. The Committee Member asks one question, and addresses the witness as Rep./Sen. (Last Name). Questioning continues until 5 minutes before the scheduled end of the nomination hearing. CHAIR: Time has now expired for questioning. The chair will now entertain motions to report the nominees to Senate, beginning with the first nominee on the calendar. MEMBER: I move that calendar nominee (#) be reported favorably to the Senate for confirmation. It has been moved that calendar nominee (#) be reported favorably to the Senate. All those in favor say AYE. (Listen for responses). All those opposed say NO. (Listen for responses). In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The nominee is reportedly favorably to the Senate for confirmation. These motions should continue until all nominees have been reported favorably. If there is a nominee who does not receive the requisite votes to be reported, the position is left vacant until the President refers a new nominee to the committee at a later time. Once a decision has been reached on all nominees, the Chair should ask for a motion to adjourn. CHAIR: MEMBER: CHAIR: The Chair will now entertain a motion to adjourn the committee. Mr./Mdm. Chair I move that we adjourn. It has been moved that we adjourn. All those in favor say AYE. (Listen for responses). All those opposed say NO. (Listen for responses). In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. This committee is adjourned.


This committee will come to order. We will now proceed to the first order of business on the committee calendar, which is the consideration of Presidential nominations to the (US Supreme Court/Cabinet). The committee calls the first nominee on the calendar. Is the nominee present and prepared to testify?



Present with prepared remarks. The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair. Nominee gives testimony If the witness finishes early: CHAIR: The chair absorbs the balance of time for questioning and the committee thanks the nominee for his/her testimony.

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: The nominees time has expired. The committee thanks the nominee for his/her testimony

The committee calls the next nominee on the calendar. Is the nominee present and prepared to testify?


The committee procedure for bill hearings follows a simple format: scheduled witnesses (Bill Sponsor, Cabinet Member, Witnesses in Favor and Opposition) testify before the committee and allow Members of the committee to question them on the issues surrounding the legislation. Each round of testimony is 2 minutes long, followed by 3 minutes of questioning from Members of the committee. If the Chair determines that the committee calendar allows for extended speaking times (in a case where there are only 2-3 bills on the calendar), the chair may accept a motion from the committee to extend time only for questioning as many minutes as he/she sees fit. If questioning time is extended, it must be extended equally for all scheduled witnesses.

The Committee Member asks one question, and addresses the witness as Rep./Sen. (Last Name). CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of questioning. The committee thanks the bill sponsor for his/her testimony. The committee will now proceed with our next witness. Is the member of the Cabinet present and prepared to testify? CABINET MEMBER: CHAIR: CABINET MEMBER: Present with prepared remarks. The (Cabinet Title) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair. Cabinet Member gives testimony If the witness finishes early: CHAIR: The chair thanks the (Cabinet Title) and absorbs the balance of time for questioning.


This committee will come to order. We will now proceed to the first order of business on the committee calendar, which is testimony on H.R./S. (#). The committee calls the first witness. Is the sponsor of the bill present and prepared to testify?

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of testimony.


Present with prepared remarks. The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair. Bill Sponsor gives testimony If the witness finishes early: CHAIR: The chair thanks the sponsor and absorbs the balance of time for questioning.

The chair will now entertain 3 minutes of questions from members of the committee. Please limit your questions to one per recognition. Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.


The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College) for a question. Repeat when recognizing each member


Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. The Committee Member asks one question, and addresses the witness as (Cabinet Title) (Last Name).

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of testimony. CHAIR:

The chair will now entertain 3 minutes of questions from members of the committee. Please limit your questions to one per recognition. Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.

Time has expired for this round of questioning. The committee thanks the (Cabinet Title) for his/her testimony. The committee will now proceed with our next witness. Is the witness in favor present and prepared to testify?


The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College) for a question. Repeat when recognizing each Member.


Present with prepared remarks. The gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair.


Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair.

Witness in Favor gives testimony If the witness finishes early:


The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College) for a question. Repeat when recognizing each Member


The chair thanks the witness and absorbs the balance of time for questioning.


Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. The Committee Member asks one question, and addresses the witness as Title or Mr./Ms. (Last Name).

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of testimony. CHAIR: The chair will now entertain 3 minutes of questions from Members of the committee. Please limit your questions to one per recognition. Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair. CHAIR: The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College) for a question. Repeat when recognizing each Member MEMBER: Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. The Committee Member asks one question, and addresses the witness as (Title) (Last Name). CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of questioning. The committee thanks the witness for his/her testimony. The committee will now proceed to our next witness. Is the witness in opposition present and prepared to testify? WITNESS (O): CHAIR: WITNESS (O): Present with prepared remarks. The gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair. CHAIR: Witness in Favor gives testimony If the witness finishes early: CHAIR: The chair thanks the witness and absorbs the balance of time for questioning.

Time has expired for this round of questioning. The committee thanks the witness for his/her testimony.

If there is a minute or more of unused time remaining, the Chair has the right to call additional witnesses to testify from those in the audience who have not yet spoken. Additional witnesses should alternate between those in favor and those in opposition, beginning with those in favor. Additional witnesses should be given no less than 30 seconds to testify, with 30 seconds for brief questioning by Members of the committee. If the Chair determines that the committee calendar allows for extended hearings (in a case where there are only 2-3 bills on the calendar), the Chair may call additional witnesses for full 2-minute testimony (no longer) followed by 3 minutes of questioning. Once all witnesses are heard on a bill and time for the hearing has expired, the chair will move on to the next order of business for the committee, or the next bill on the calendar. CHAIR: Time for testimony and questioning on H.R./S. (#) has now expired. The committee thanks all witnesses for their gracious testimony and responses. The Chair should record the names of all witnesses that appeared before the committee during the hearing on the Committee Report, as well as the date of the hearing. The Chair may then proceed to hearing the next bill on the calendar. We will now proceed to the next order of business on the committee calendar, which is testimony on H.R./S. (#).

Please return to the beginning of the hearing script and use the same procedure for each bill on the calendar. Once all bills have been heard, the Chair should ask for a motion to recess until markups. CHAIR: MEMBER: The Chair will now entertain a motion to recess until the committee returns for markups on referred bills. Mr./Mdm. Chair I move that we recess until markup commences at (check agenda time). Without objection, so moved. This committee is in recess until (check agenda time).

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Time has expired for this round of testimony.

The chair will now entertain 3 minutes of questions from Members of the committee. Please limit your questions to one per recognition. CHAIR: Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.


The committee procedure for markup involves considering each bill referred to the committee calendar. Consideration includes opening statements, amendments (of varying types), and the question of reporting the bill to the House or Senate. Important: Committees do not actually amend bills; instead a committee votes on which amendments it will recommend to the House. Opening Statements should be no longer than 1 minute, unless the calendar allows for extending time (in a case where there are only 2-3 bills on the calendar). In this case, the Chair may accept a motion to extend statements to no longer than 3 minutes. During markup, amendments do not require a motion to be considered. All speakers on amendments are given 2 minutes to speak. Amendments can only occur in two degrees: first-degree (an amendment to the original bill this can also in the form of a germane substitute that replaces the current bill with a new one) and second-degree (an amendment to the amendment). In the case of a second-degree amendment brought up during amendment debate already in progress, simply re-start and finish the amendment procedure for the second-degree amendment before returning to the original. After all amendments are heard, the Chair will accept a motion to report the bill favorably to the House or Senate. If the bill fails to be reported, it is killed in committee. If the bill is reported, it is reported with no change, as amended, or with an amendment in the form of a substitute if one of the amendments adopted during markup was such. In the House, the bill is reported to the House Committee on Rules. In the Senate, the committee report is introduced on the floor of the Senate by the Majority Manager (Chair or other Member if Chair was minority) for consideration of the bill by the Senate.

*If the calendar allows for extended speaking time, the Chair may allow for statements longer than 1 minute but no longer than 3 minutes. CHAIR: The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College). Repeat when recognizing each Member MEMBER: Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. The Committee Member gives an opening statement. Once all Members have been given the opportunity for opening statements, the Chair will entertain a motion to read the bill for a second time and begin the amendment process. CHAIR: The Chair will now entertain a motion to waive the rules have the bill considered as read for the second time and open to amendment at any time. Mr./Mdm. Chair, I ask unanimous consent that the rules be waived and that H.R./S. (#) be considered as read for the second time and that the bill be open to amendment at any time. Without objection, so moved. The bill is considered as read for the second time, and amendments are now in order. Members with amendments raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the chair. The Chair will begin the amendment process by recognizing the sponsor of the first amendment submitted on the bill. CHAIR: MEMBER: For what reason does the gentleman/woman seek recognition? Mr./Mdm. Chair, I have an amendment at the desk. The Chair should recognize the sponsors of all amendments submitted to the desk prior to the start of Markup before recognizing any amendments from the floor. CHAIR: CLERK: The Clerk will read the amendment. The text of the amendment is as follows: The amendment should be read by page and line (ex: Page #, Line #, insert/strike/replace) CHAIR: MEMBER: The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Chair The Member presents the amendment. If the Member finishes early




This committee will come to order. We will now proceed to the first order of business on the committee calendar, which is the consideration of H.R./S. (#). The Chair will now entertain motion to waive the rules and have the bill read for the first time by title only.


Mr./Mdm. Chair, I ask unanimous consent that the rules be waived and that H.R./S. (#) be read for the first time by title only. Without objection, so moved. Will the clerk please read the title of the bill. The Member designated as clerk reads the title of the bill.


The Chair will now entertain opening statements by Members of the committee on H.R./S. (#). Please limit your statements to 1 minute*. Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.


I yield back the balance of my time.


The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time.

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired.

Are there any members wishing to speak in opposition of the amendment? Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.

If time expires: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired.


The chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (college). Repeat when recognizing each member

The Chair continues to recognize Members in favor and in opposition until all Members who wish to speak have spoken, ending with the Chair asking for speakers in opposition. At that point, the Chair may entertain a motion for the previous question on the amendment. CHAIR: MEMBER: CHAIR: The Chair will now entertain a motion for the previous question on the amendment. Mr./Mdm. Chair, I move the previous question. The motion on the floor is to move the previous question. All in favor say AYE (Listen for responses). All opposed, say NO. If the motion fails, debate on the amendment continues. If the motion carries, proceed to voting on the amendment. CHAIR: It is in the opinion of the chair that the ayes have it. The previous question has been moved. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman/woman from (college). All in favor please say AYE. (Listen for responses). All opposed, please say NO (Listen for responses). It is in the opinion of the chair that the (ayes/nos) have it. After the vote is taken, if a Member is in doubt, he/she can call for a record vote. MEMBER: CHAIR: Mr./Mdm. Chair, I demand a recorded vote. The gentleman/woman from (college) demands a recorded vote. This requires a one-fifth vote of the committee. All in favor please say AYE. (Vote). All opposed, please say NO. The motion (carries/fails)


Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. I rise to speak in opposition of the amendment The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time.

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired.

Are there any other members wishing to speak in favor of this amendment? Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.


Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. I rise to speak in favor of this amendment. The gentleman/woman from (college) is recognized for 2 minutes. If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time.

If time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired. If the motion carries, proceed to a recorded vote where members are called on one by one to vote on the amendment. The Clerk takes down the vote on the Committee Report. CHAIR: MEMBER: Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Chair. I rise to speak in opposition of this amendment. The amendment (is adopted and recommended/fails). If the amendment passed without a recorded vote, the amendment is simply listed on the Committee Report.

Are there any other members wishing to speak in opposition of this amendment? Committee Members raise their placards to be recognized at the discretion of the Chair.

CHAIR: CHAIR: Are there any other amendments? After completion of debate on the first submitted amendment, repeat the process first for all amendments submitted before markup began, and then for any submitted during the markup. The Chair makes this distinction when selecting the next individual to speak. CHAIR: For what reason does the gentleman/woman seek recognition? MEMBER: Once all amendments are heard, the Chair will entertain a motion to report the bill to the House/Senate. CHAIR: Hearing no further amendments, this question is on agreeing to the bill If amendments were adopted in markup: as amended, or with one amendment in the nature of a substitute All those in favor, say AYE. (Listen for responses). All those opposed, say NO. (Listen for responses). In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The bill (as amended) is agreed to, and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. This is not a vote of support for the bill, just agreeing to the version in the markup. The motion to reconsider is just a parliamentary device to allow Members to reconsider if they so choose (rarely done). CHAIR: I move that the bill (as amended) be reportedly favorably to the House/Senate. All those in favor, say AYE (Listen for responses). All those opposed, say NO. (Listen for responses). In the opinion of the chair, the (ayes/nos) have it and the motion is (agreed to/not agreed to). After the vote is taken, if a Member is in doubt, he/she can call for a record vote (follow earlier procedure.) Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Again, this is mainly just a parliamentary device. If the motion fails, the bill is killed. If the motion passes, the bill and committee report are sent to the House Committee on Rules (House) or the committee report is introduced on the floor by the Chair or Majority Manager (Senate). After consideration of a bill has concluded, the Chair may then proceed to consideration of the next bill on the calendar. CHAIR:

We will now proceed to the next order of business on the committee calendar, which is testimony on H.R./S. (#). Please return to the beginning of the hearing script and use the same procedure for each bill on the calendar.

Once all bills have been considered, the Chair should ask for a motion to adjourn. CHAIR: The Chair will now entertain a motion to adjourn the committee. Mr./Mdm. Chair I move that we adjourn. Without objection, so moved. This committee is adjourned.




THE HOUSE IS CALLED TO ORDER A resolution adopted on the first day of session sets the daily hour of meeting. The Speaker of the House opens the session each day by calling the House to order. SPEAKER: The House will come to order. The Chaplain is recognized for todays prayer.

POINTS OF ORDER It is not proper at any time for a Member to refer to the audience or visitors because of Rule XVII, which states that a Member must always address the Chair and only the Chair. It is acceptable to refer to actions taken by the Senate, which are a matter of public record, but it is improper to characterize Senate action or inaction and to make reference to Senators It is inappropriate to address the President directly (Members must always address the Chair), but it is improper to refer to the President in a personally offensive manner.

PRAYER IS OFFERED BY THE CHAPLAIN The position of House Chaplain will be filled on a volunteer basis each day. Members should sign up with the Clerk of the House. HOUSE CHAPLAIN: (Gives Prayer)

SPECIAL RULES FOR BILLS Every piece of legislation, except privileged matters such as the budget resolutions and conference committee reports, need a rule to be adopted before the bill can be called up, debated and amended. A rule, also known as a special rule, is simply a resolution that sets the terms for debate and amendment. A special rule is important because it controls what the House can and cannot do regarding the bill itself. The House Committee on Rules reports special rules to the House. They require adoption by the full House by a simple majority vote in order to go into effect. Special rules are adopted in the form of simple House resolutions and only apply to the consideration of the legislation specified in the special rule. There are 4 types of special rules: Open Rule Permits general debate for a certain period of time (one, two or three hours or more depending on the importance of the legislation and the legislative schedule) and allows any member to offer an amendment that complies with the standing rules of the House under the 5-minute rule. Modified Open Rule Permits general debate for a certain period of time and allows any Member to offer a germane amendment under the 5-minute rule subject only to an overall time limit on the amendment process. Structured/Modified Closed Rule Permits general debate for a certain period of time, but limits the amendments that may be offered to only those designated in the special rule (such as those recommended during markup) or precludes amendments to a particular portion of a bill, even though the rest of the bill may be completely open to amendment. Closed Rule Permits debate for a certain period of time, but allows no amendments to be offered to the bill. BILL CONSIDERATION & AMENDMENTS Following adoption of the special rule on a bill, the House may proceed to consideration of bills and any amendments allowed by the special rule. END OF LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS FOR THE DAY A motion to adjourn closes the business of the day. It is wise to check the agenda and make sure of the time at which the House will adjourn.

APPROVAL OF THE JOURNAL The Speaker announces his or her approval to the House immediately after the Chaplain offers the prayer. The Journal is not the Congressional Record. SPEAKER: Without object, The Journal of the House is approved.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG The Speaker recognizes a Member to lead the Pledge of Allegiance MEMBER: (Leads Pledge)

ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES Members may make Short speeches (300 words or less) before or after legislative business each day. Any Member may seek recognition to make a speech on a subject of his/her choice. Oneminute speeches are often focus on coordinated policy topics, but are not limited to such topics. To give a one-minute speech, a Member should go to the front row of seats on the floor and sit down. The Speaker will recognize Members in turn. When recognized, the member should stand to seek recognition and address the Chair by saying: SPEAKER: MEMBER: SPEAKER: MEMBER: For what reason does the Gentleman/woman from (college) seek recognition? Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to address the House for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. Without objection, so ordered. Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Speaker

The Member may then proceed to the Well to give the speech. The Chair will tell the Member when the one-minute has expired at which time the Member may finish the sentence, but no more.



After the Rules Committee members have agreed on the proposed rule, the Committee reports the rule to the House. The process for considering a rule in the House is as follows, with the Speaker specifying the order of recognition of rules for the House Calendar: CHAIR: For what purpose does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition? The Rules Chair, or Majority Manager (if the Rules Chair was in the minority on the Rule vote), calls up the rule for consideration RULES: CHAIR: CLERK: CHAIR: Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I call up House Resolution (#) and ask for its immediate adoption. The clerk will report the title of the resolution H. Res. (#) to (resolution title) The House will be in order. Members are advised to take their conversations from the floor. The chair now recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College) for 10 minutes. RULES: Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Speaker The Majority Manager presents his/her opening statement no more than 5 minutes. When the statement is complete, he/she should yield the balance of their time to any member of the Rules Committee I yield the balance of my time to any opposition. If a speaker rises in opposition, the Speaker will recognize him/her for the remainder of the time yielded. If no speaker rises, the Speaker will order the previous question CHAIR: Without objection, the previous question is ordered. The question of adopting the rule is now before the House. All in favor say AYE. All opposed say NO. It is the opinion of the chair that the (ayes/nos) have it. The rule (is/is not) adopted. Upon adoption of the rule, the House may proceed to consideration of the legislation. If the rule is defeated, the bill is not prejudiced for future consideration. The Rules Committee can

CHAIR: MAJ. MANAGER: CHAIR: CLERK: CHAIR: For what purpose does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition? Mr./Mdm. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution (#), I call up H.R. (#), the (short title) Act and ask for its immediate consideration. The clerk will report the title of the bill. H.R. (#), a bill to (long title) The House will be in order. Members are advised to take their conversations from the floor. Pursuant to House Resolution (#), the gentleman/woman from (College) and the gentleman/woman from (College) each will control (amount of debate time). The chair now recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College). MAJ. MANAGER: Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all members have 5 legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous materials on H.R. (#) currently under consideration. Without objection, so ordered. Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. The gentleman/woman is recognized The Majority Manager presents his/her opening statement. When the statement is complete, he/she states: MAJ. MANAGER: CHAIR: MIN. MANAGER: CHAIR: I reserve the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves, the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized. Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. The gentleman/woman is recognized The Minority Manager presents his/her opening statement. When the statement is complete, he/she states: MIN. MANAGER: CHAIR: I reserve the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves, the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized.


report another rule providing for consideration of that initial bill.

At this point, the Floor Managers can begin yielding time to Members who asked to speak during debate on the bill. Managers can yield as little as 30 seconds or any other increment of time up to the amount allotted to their side for debate. Managers can also allow Members to decide how much time they use by yielding as much time as he/she may consume or by offering more time if he/she runs out. MAJ. MANAGER: CHAIR: MEMBER: Thank you Mr./Mdm. Speaker. I yield (amount of time) to the gentleman/woman from (College). The gentle man/woman from (College) is recognized for (amount of time specified). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Speaker (gives speech) If Member doesnt use all of time he/she was yielded:

Once all time for general debate has elapsed, the Chair will review the guidelines for amendments in the special rule on the bill. If amendments are NOT allowed, the Chair will go directly to the previous question ordered on the bill by the rule. CHAIR: All time for general debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution (#), the previous question is ordered on the bill. The question is on engrossment and third reading of the bill by title only. All those in favor, say AYE. All those opposed say NO. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. A motion to recommit with or without instructions is now in order. If a member of the minority wishes makes a motion to recommit with or without instructions, the Chair will recognize it and hold a vote. CHAIR: For what reason does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition? I move to recommit H.R. (#) Without instructions (kill the bill) With instructions for the committee to report the bill back to the House forthwith with the following amendment (the Clerk reads the amendment). CHAIR: The question is on the motion to recommit (with/without instructions) H.R. (#). All in favor say AYE. All opposed say NO. In the opinion of the chair the (ayes/nos have it). The motion (carries/fails). If the motion carries without instructions, the bill is killed. If the motion carries with instructions, the bill is reported back to the House for debate on the amendment (follow amendment procedure). If the motion to recommit is not made or fails, the Chair recognizes the Majority Manager for a motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill. MAJ. MANAGER: Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I move that we suspend the rules and pass H.R. (#) The question is, will the House suspend the rules and pass H.R. (#) All those in favor please say AYE. All those opposed please say NO. In the opinion of the chair, the (ayes/nos) have it. MIN. MANAGER Mr./Mdm. Speaker, on that I demand a recorded vote. (5 Members must rise in support)


I yield back the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman yields back. MEMBER:

If the Members time expires: CHAIR: CHAIR: MIN. MANAGER: CHAIR: MEMBER: The gentleman/womans time has expired.

The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves (MAJ. MANAGER), the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized (MIN. MANGER). Thank you Mr./Mdm. Speaker. I yield (amount of time) to the gentleman/woman from (College The gentle man/woman from (College) is recognized for (amount of time specified). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Speaker (gives speech) If Member doesnt use all of time he/she was yielded: MEMBER: CHAIR: I yield back the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman yields back.

If the Members time expires: CHAIR: The gentleman/womans time has expired. CHAIR: This process continues until either time for debate on both sides has expired OR until there are no more speakers on either side. Managers may also yield themselves the final portion of their sides time for a closing statement when recognized by the Chair. MAJ. MANAGER: Thank you Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I am prepared to close, and yield myself the balance of my time.


The gentleman/woman from (college) demands a recorded vote. Are there 5 Members in favor? (Seeing/Not Seeing) 5 votes in support, the motion (carries/fails). If the motion carries, proceed to a recorded vote where members are called on one by one to vote. The Clerk records the final vote.


If amendments are allowed by the rule, the Chair will announce that the bill will be considered as read, the amendment procedure specified in the rule will be in order. Amendments are debated under the 5-minute rule unless otherwise specified, meaning all speakers on all amendments have 5 minutes to speak within the time parameters set by the rule. CHAIR: All time for general debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution #, the bill will be considered as read and amendments are now in order. If there are specific amendments listed in the rule, the Chair will recognize the amendment sponsors in order. If there are no amendments specified, the Chair will recognize a Member from the floor. CHAIR: MEMBER: CHAIR: For what reason does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition? Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I have an amendment on the desk. The Clerk will designate the amendment. The Clerk will designate the amendment with an overall House number (H.AMDT.#) that begins with the first amendment brought up for consideration on the first bill and continues all the way through the last amendment on the last bill, as well as a bill-specific amendment number (A00#) that designates the order of amendments considered on the bill itself. CLERK: The text of the amendment is as follows: The amendment should be read by page and line (ex: Page #, Line #, insert/strike/replace) CHAIR: The gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized for 5 minutes. The Member presents the amendment. If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time.


By a vote of (#) in favor and (#) in opposition, the bill (passes/fails.) Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.

Consideration of the bill is complete. If the bill passes, the Clerk engrosses the bill by recording the final vote and sending the bill jacket with all amendments to the Secretary of the Senate.

ON VOTING PRESENT Clause 1 of Rule III dictates that each Representative must be present in the Hall of the House during its sessions "unless excused or necessarily prevented" and "shall vote on each question put, unless he or she has a direct personal or pecuniary interest in the event of such question." It has been ruled that only the Member can decide whether such a conflict exists and not even the Speaker will question his or her judgment, nor can any other Member challenge his or her vote on such grounds. The Member should let his/her conscience be his/her guide. If the Member believes he/she has such a conflict, he/she can vote "present" on the record vote.

If time expires: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired.

At this point, the chair will recognize a speaker in opposition of the amendment. CHAIR: For what reason does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition?


Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I rise in opposition of the amendment. The gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized for 5 minutes. Thank you Mr./Mdm. Speaker. (Gives Speech) If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time. CHAIR: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired. After one speaker has spoken in opposition, the chair will recognize any speaker wishing to speak for or against the amendment for as much time as the special rule allows. To speak, these speakers must offer a pro forma amendment as a device to get time without proposing an amendment by moving to strike the requisite number of words. Once they are finished speaking their pro forma amendment is considered to be withdrawn.


The gentleman/woman from (college) demands a recorded vote. (Seeing/Not Seeing) 5 votes in support, the motion (carries/fails) If the motion carries, proceed to a recorded vote where members are called on one by one to vote on the amendment. The Clerk takes down the vote.

If time expires: The amendment (is adopted/fails). Follow the amendment procedure for as many amendments allowed by the rule. Once all amendments have been heard, revert back to the top Page 3 of the Bill Consideration procedure, with one edit: CHAIR: All time for debate on amendments has expired. Continue using procedure on Page 3 of Bill Consideration.


For what reason does the gentleman/woman from (College) seek recognition? Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I move to strike the requisite number of words. The gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized for 5 minutes. If the Member finishes early MEMBER: I yield back the balance of my time.

If time expires: CHAIR: Thank you, your time has expired.

Once debate time on an amendment has expired (if the rule specifies) or if there are no more speakers wishing to speak, the Chair will put the question on the amendment before the House: CHAIR: All time for debate on this amendment as expired. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman/woman from (College.) All those in favor say AYE. (Listen for responses). All those opposed say NO. (Listen for responses). It is in the opinion of the chair that the (ayes/nos) have it. After the vote is taken, if a Member is in doubt, he/she can call for a record vote. MEMBER: Mr./Mdm. Chair, I demand a recorded vote. (5 delegates must rise in support for the recorded vote to be taken)


In order for a bill to be presented to the President for signature, it must pass both the House and Senate in the exact same form. Sometimes differences between the two bodies are resolved by amendment. The House will agree to the bill as passed by the Senate with an amendment and the Senate will subsequently concur with that amendment. Another device used for reaching agreement between the two Houses is often, but not always, a conference committee. A bill may be sent to conference by unanimous consent. If objection is heard, the bill may be sent to conference by motion. Clause 1 of Rule XXII provides that a motion to request or agree to a conference with the Senate is in order if the Majority Manager of the committee with jurisdiction over the legislation makes the motion. If the committee has not authorized such a motion, a special rule may be required to go to conference. Therefore, it is in the prevailing sides interest to conclude committee mark-ups with a motion to authorize the Chairman in advance to take all steps necessary to proceed to conference when that stage of the process eventually is reached. Conferees are named by the Speaker and usually include Members of the committee of jurisdiction and the sponsor(s) of the legislation. When an agreement is reached in conference, it comes back to the House in the form of a Conference Report, which the House must consider and approve. The rules also require that a majority of the House conferees sign the conference report. After that time, it becomes privileged and can be called up at any time. Debate on a conference report takes up to one hour, the time divided between the Majority Manager and the Minority Manager, unless the Majority and Minority Manager both support the conference report. In that case, one-third of the debate time will be given to an opponent of the conference report who makes such a demand. Before adoption of the conference report, a motion may be in order to recommit the conference report to the conference committee, either with instructions or without instructions, although no separate debate time is allowed on either motion. Such a motion is only in order if the Senate has not yet acted on the conference, and the instructions in the motion to recommit are not binding because the House cannot bind Senate conferees. A Member qualifies to offer the motion if he or she opposes the conference repot. If the House is first to act and the motion to recommit is adopted, the conference must meet again and a new conference report must be filed prior to consideration of the measure again Following debate on the conference report and in the absence of a motion to recommit or upon the defeat of such a motion, a vote then occurs on adoption of the conference report. A conference report may not be amended on the Floor.





THE SENATE IS CALLED TO ORDER A resolution adopted on the first day of session sets the daily hour of meeting. The President Pro Tempore traditionally opens the session each day by calling the Senate to order, followed by the opening prayer (During the Organizational Session, the Vice President will preside): PRO TEMPORE: The Senate will come to order. The Chaplain is recognized for todays prayer.

The Chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College). Thank you, Mr. President, I am pleased to report that the Committee on (The Judiciary / Cabinet Nominations) has favorably reported the nominations of (#) nominees for positions on the (Cabinet/Supreme Court). I request unanimous consent that the nominations of (read each name and their calendar number designation) be put up for confirmation. Without objection, so ordered. The question is on the confirmation of the nominees reported by the gentleman/woman from (College). All in favor say AYE. All opposed say NO. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. The nominations are confirmed by unanimous consent.



PRAYER IS OFFERED BY THE CHAPLAIN The position of Senate Chaplain will be filled on a volunteer basis each day. Senators should sign up with the Secretary of the Senate. SENATE CHAPLAIN: (Gives Prayer)

The process is repeated for the remaining committee chair (either Judiciary or Cabinet Nominations). Following the nominations, the Senate will also approve various administrative resolutions presented by Senators selected by the Pro Tempore. The Senate will adjourn before lunch and committees in the afternoon, and will reconvene on Friday morning. On Friday evening, the Senate will recess to avoid the Morning Hour on Saturday and continue with unfinished business from Friday until adjourning sine die that evening.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The President Pro Tempore (or the VP in the Org. Session) leads the Pledge of Allegiance. PRO TEMPORE: Leads Pledge of Allegiance.

ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE (ORG. SESSION ONLY) During the First Session, the VP will administer the oath of office to all Senators. Please follow the instructions of the VP as the oath is administered. LEADER SPEECHES (THURSDAY ORG SESSION): PRO TEMPORE At the beginning of the day, leaders are recognized for speeches concerning the days agenda. During the Org. Session, the VP will recognize the Pro Tempore for his/her opening address. VICE PRESIDENT: The Chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (college). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. President. (Gives speech). Mr. President, I yield the floor.

LEADER SPEECHES (FRIDAY): COMMITTEE CHAIRS Following the Call to Order, Prayer, and Pledge of Allegiance on Friday morning, the Committee Chairmen will be recognized at the beginning of the day for speeches concerning the days agenda. Those who wish to speak should seek recognition from the President Pro Tempore by approaching the well. When they are finished, they should yield the floor. The President Pro Tempore can then recognize another Senator. PRO TEMPORE: The Chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (college). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. President. (Gives speech). Mr. President, I yield the floor.



MORNING HOUR (THURSDAY ORG SESSION): EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Each time the Senate convenes after an adjournment, a new legislative day begins. On each new legislative day, Senate rules provide for a "Morning Hour" during which routine "morning business" can occur. In the Morning Hour of the First Session of Assembly, following the Pro Tempore, the Chairmen of the Senate Committees on Judiciary and Cabinet Nominations will present the committee reports of the Presidents nominees for Supreme Court and Cabinet positions for a confirmation vote.

MORNING HOUR (FRIDAY): COMMITTEE REPORTS In the Morning Hour for Friday, following the Committee Chair speeches, the Committee Chairs will use the hour to report bills from their committees.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING FLOOR ACTIVITIES To minimize conflicts with floor activities, a committee may not meet, without unanimous consent, on any day until the Senate has been session for 30 minutes, or during the last 30 minutes of the Senate session.

UNANIMOUS CONSENT & AGREEMENTS The Senate conducts much of its business by unanimous consent. The Senate's small size, few rules, and informality encouraged the rise of this practice. A single objection of "I object" by any Senator blocks a unanimous consent request. There are two general types of unanimous consent Simple Unanimous Consent Requests: Deal with noncontroversial matters, such as senators asking unanimous consent to dispense with the reading of amendments. Complex Unanimous Consent Agreements: Establish specific procedure for considering bills and amendments. The Majority Managers and Committee Chairs broker these agreements. Two fundamental objectives of these accords are to limit debate and to structure the amendment process.



To set parameters on debate and amendments on a specific measure, Majority Floor Managers seek unanimous consent agreements that limit the exercise of these rights during consideration of a specified bill. If any senator objects, the Senate cannot impose such an agreement, but once it is accepted, the Senate cannot change it unless another unanimous consent agreement is passed. Unanimous consent agreements limiting the time for debate place the time provided under the control of the Majority and Minority Floor Mangers. Other Senators then may speak only if a Manager yields them part of the time he or she controls. Unanimous consent agreements also may require that amendments to a measure be germane, or may prohibit all amendments to a measure except those it specifically identifies from the reporting committee. Responsibility for negotiating Unanimous Consent agreements falls on Majority Floor Manager of the reporting committee (the Chair or another Senator if the Chair was in the minority). It is the responsibility of the Manager to ensure that unanimous consent will be achieved for the agreement.

UNLIMITED SPEAKING TIME & AMENDMENTS All senators have two freedoms that, so far as is known, no other legislators worldwide possess: Unlimited Debate Unlimited ability to offer amendments, relevant or not, to legislation under consideration.

If no senator holds the floor, any senator seeking recognition has a right to be recognized. The Pro Tempore shall recognize the Senator who shall first address him/her, and then that Senator may speak for as long as he or she wishes - but only twice a day on the same question until he/she yields the floor. Once recognized, a senator can move to call up any measure or offer any amendment or motion. No debatable question can come to a vote if senators still wish to speak, unless otherwise specified by a unanimous consent agreement. Senators who oppose a pending bill or other matter may speak against it at indefinite length, or delay action by offering numerous amendments and motions.

SAMPLE UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREEMENT Ordered, That at a time to be determined by the Majority Leader with concurrence of the committee chairmen, the Senate proceed to immediate consideration of S. (#), a bill to (insert title); provided that Examples

FILIBUSTERS Senators protect their rights by objecting to unanimous consent requests to waive rules. A filibuster involves using such tactics to convince the Senate to alter or withdraw a bill from consideration. The only procedure Senate rules provide for overcoming filibusters is cloture, which cannot be voted until after it is proposed in a Cloture Petition signed by 8 Senators and presented to the Pro Tempore. Cloture requires the support of three-fifths of all senators. If the Senate invokes cloture on a bill, amendment, or other matter, its further consideration is limited to 10 minutes.

the only amendments in order be the following, the text of which is at the desk: (list amendments only (#) amendments will be considered no amendments will be considered during debate

BILL CONSIDERATION & AMENDMENTS The Senate President Pro Tempore has responsible for scheduling with the Majority Managers of bills reported out of committee. The Pro Tempore may carry out this responsibility by recognizing a specific Majority Manager in the order in which committee reported their bills. That Manager then moves that the Senate proceed to consider a reported bill. During debate, the Majority Manager receives preferential recognition, meaning that if at any point the floor has been yielded, the Majority Manager receives recognition before other Senators. This motion to proceed may be offered in a non-debatable form, but for legislative business it usually is debatable. Whenever possible, therefore, the Majority instead calls up bills using complex unanimous consent agreements. If senators object to unanimous consent to take up a measure, they are implicitly threatening to filibuster a motion to consider it.

Ordered further, That there be (#) hour(s) for debate equally divided (or divided differently in another fashion) on each of the amendments (if there are any) and (#) hour(s) of general debate on the bill; further, following the disposition of amendments and the use of yielding back time, the bill as amended, be read a third time and the Senate proceed to a vote on passage without any intervening action or debate; further, that no points of order be waived by virtue of this agreement.


Following a committee's vote to order a measure reported favorably, it is the duty of the committee's chairman to report the measure promptly to the Senate. The Constitution requires a majority of senators to be present for the Senate to conduct business. If a senator suggests the absence of a quorum, and a majority of senators do not respond to their names, the Senate can only adjourn, recess, or attempt to secure the attendance of additional senators. 5 votes of those present can order the yeas and nays also known as a roll call vote or a recorded vote. Ordering the yeas and nays means that the vote will be by roll call and recorded by the Secretary. Otherwise, votes are taken by voice vote. The Senate usually begins consideration of most measures WITHOUT first having reached a time agreement. This allows consideration to proceed while the Floor Managers try to arrange unanimous consent agreements to limit debate. The Senate Pro Tempore grants recognition, when the floor is yielded and the Manager is the first to address the Pro Tempore, to Majority Managers based on when bills were reported for committees to the Senate floor: PRO TEMPORE: SECRETARY: PRO TEMPORE:

Opposing Senators can hold the floor or oppose additional motions to proceed to consideration as long as they wish. If, however, the motion carries, or no Senator objects to the initial request for unanimous consent to proceed, the bill is called up for consideration. The Secretary will report the title of the bill. S. (#), a bill to (long title) The Chair recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College).

Floor consideration of a measure begins with opening statements by the Majority and Minority Floor Managers, and often by other senators. The managers are the Chair (Majority Manager) and the designated Ranking Member (Minority Manager) of the reporting committee, unless the chair is in the minority, in which case he/she serves as the Minority Manager and the Member as Majority. Debate on the consideration of the bill continues as long as Senators wish to speak (or wish to continue debate to avoid going to a vote). The Senate Pro Tempore must recognize the first Senator to address him/her after another Senator has yielded the floor. This process continues until: A Senator offers an amendment The Majority Manager secures a Unanimous Consent Agreement A Senator asks for unanimous consent to move the previous question and vote on the bill


Mr./Mdm. President, I ask unanimous consent to call up S. (#), the (Short Title) Act and ask for its immediate consideration. Without objection, so ordered. If a Senator objects, he/she must simply state I object on the Floor when unanimous consent is asked. PRO TEMPORE: Seeing objection, unanimous consent is not given.


The last option is unlikely to pass without objection from those in the minority, which is why securing a Unanimous Consent Agreement is so important to completing consideration of a bill. If an amendment is offered and the motion carries, please go to amendment procedure. Most likely, the Majority Manager will call up a Unanimous Consent Agreement, and the parameters of the debate through to a final vote on passage will be outlined by the Agreement. MAJ. MANAGER: Mr./Mdm. President, I ask unanimous consent for the adoption of the time agreement reached on consideration of S. (#). Without objection, so ordered. As long as there are no objections, the agreement goes into effect. If there is an objection, debate continues and the agreement must be re-negotiated with those in opposition. Unanimous consent agreements limiting the time for debate place the time provided under the control of the Majority and Minority Floor Mangers. Other Senators may speak only if a Manager yields them part of the time he or she controls. PRO TEMPORE: Pursuant to the time agreement, the gentleman/woman from (College) (MAJ. MANAGER) and the gentleman/woman from (College) (MIN. MANAGER) each will control (amount of debate time).

The Majority Manager can then move to call up the measure through a debatable motion. MAJ. MANAGER: Mr./Mdm. President, I move to call up S. (#), the (Short Title) Act and ask for its immediate consideration. The question before the Senate is on the consideration of S. (#). The question is debatable are there any Senators wishing to speak in opposition?



Since the motion to proceed to consideration of a bill is debatable, Senators can choose to filibuster or hold the floor and prevent consideration. Cases like these demonstrate the need for negotiating Complex Unanimous Consent Agreements.


The chair now recognizes the gentleman/woman from (College). Mr./Mdm. President, I yield myself such time as I may consume.


Thank you Mr./Mdm. President. I yield (amount of time) to the gentleman/woman from (College). The gentle man/woman from (College) is recognized for (amount of time specified). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. Speaker (gives speech) If the Senator doesnt use all of time he/she was yielded:

The gentleman/woman is recognized. The Majority Manager presents his/her opening statement. When the statement is complete, he/she states: SENATOR:


I reserve the balance of my time. SENATOR: The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves, the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized. Mr./Mdm. President, I yield myself such time as I may consume. The gentleman/woman is recognized The Minority Manager presents his/her opening statement. When the statement is complete, he/she states: PRO TEMP: I yield back the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman yields back.

If the Senators time expires: PRO TEMP: The gentleman/womans time has expired.

This process continues until either time for debate on both sides has expired OR until there are no more speakers on either side. Managers may also yield themselves the final portion of their sides time for a closing statement when recognized by the Pro Tempore. MAJ. MANAGER: Thank you Mr./Mdm. President, I am prepared to close, and yield myself the balance of my time. The Managers give their closings. PRO TEMPORE: All time for general debate has expired.


I reserve the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves, the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized. At this point, the Floor Managers can begin yielding time to Senators who asked to speak during debate on the bill. Managers can yield as little as 30 seconds or any other increment of time up to the amount allotted to their side for debate. Managers can also allow Senators to decide how much time they use by yielding as much time as he/she may consume or by offering more time if he/she run outs.

Once all time for general debate has elapsed, the Pro Tempore will review the guidelines for amendments in the unanimous consent agreement. If the Unanimous Consent Agreement allows for consideration of amendments, please go to the Senate Amendment Procedure page, and return to this point once amendments have been heard. If amendments are NOT allowed, the Pro Tempore recognizes the Majority Manager. MAJ. MANAGER: Mr./Mdm. President, pursuant to time agreement on S. (#), I ask unanimous consent that the previous question be ordered on the bill, that the bill by read for a third time by title only and proceed to final passage. Without objection, so ordered. The only way a Senator can object to procedures outlined in Unanimous Consent Agreement adopted by the Senate is by objecting and introducing a new Unanimous Consent Agreement. This situation is rare, as any new agreement will raise objections from the Senators considering the passage of the bill. MAJ. MANAGER: PRO TEMPORE: Mr./Mdm. President, I move that S. (#) do now pass. The question is, will the Senate pass S. (#). All those in favor please say AYE. All those opposed please say NO. In the opinion of the chair, the (ayes/nos) have it.


Thank you Mr./Mdm. President. I yield (amount of time) to the gentleman/woman from (College). The gentle man/woman from (College) is recognized for (amount of time specified). Thank you, Mr./Mdm. President (gives speech) If Senator doesnt use all of time he/she was yielded: SENATOR: PRO TEMP: I yield back the balance of my time. The gentleman/woman yields back.


If the Senators time expires: PRO TEMP: PRO TEMPORE: The gentleman/womans time has expired.

The gentleman/woman from (College) reserves (MAJ. MANAGER), the gentleman/woman from (College) is recognized (MIN. MANGER).


Mr./Mdm. President, on that I demand a recorded vote. (5 Members must rise in support) PRO TEMP: The gentleman/woman from (college) demands a recorded vote. Are there 5 Senators in favor? (Seeing/Not Seeing) 5 votes in support, the motion (carries/fails). If the motion carries, proceed to a recorded vote where members are called on one by one to vote. The Secretary records the final vote.


Amendments are in order at all times in the Senate, although it is very rare that a motion to consider an amendment will pass outside of a unanimous consent agreement. The same procedure is used for both, with the exception that the time agreement may place strict restrictions on which amendments can be considered and for how long. The Pro Tempore will only recognize the sponsors of those amendments specified in the time agreement if the time agreement places such restrictions. The first amendments to be considered are those recommended by the reporting committee. If the committee has proposed many amendments, the manager often obtains unanimous consent that these amendments be adopted, but that all provisions of the measure as amended remain open to further amendment. MAJ. MANAGER: PRO TEMPORE: Mr./Mdm. Speaker, I have an amendment on the desk. The Secretary will designate the amendment. The Secretary will designate the amendment with an overall Senate number (S.AMDT.#) that begins with the first amendment brought up for consideration on the first bill and continues all the way through the last amendment on the last bill, and also designate the amendment as SA-#. SECRETARY: The text of the amendment is as follows: The amendment should be read by page and line (ex: Page #, Line #, insert/strike/replace) If under a time agreement, the Pro Tempore recognizes the Majority Manager and Minority Manager for specific amounts of time. If under a time limitation, senators may make no motions or points of order, or propose other amendments, until all the time for debating the amendment has been used or yielded back. If not, the Pro Tempore simply recognizes the Senator proposing the amendment and debate continues with unlimited time and recognition of the first Senator asking for recognition. PRO TEMPORE: Pursuant to the time agreement, the gentleman/woman from (College) (MAJ. MANAGER) and the gentleman/woman from (College) (MIN. MANAGER) each will control (amount of debate time). Please refer to the time agreement procedure found in the Senate Bill Consideration script. Once debate time on an amendment has expired per the time limitations of the agreement, or if there are no more Senators wishing to speak, the Pro Tempore will put the question on the amendment before the Senate:


By a vote of (#) in favor and (#) in opposition, the bill (passes/fails.) Without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.

Consideration of the bill is complete. If the bill passes, the Secretary engrosses the bill by recording the final vote and sending the bill jacket with all amendments to the Clerk of the House.


All time for debate on this amendment as expired. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman/woman from (College.) All those in favor say AYE. (Listen for responses). All those opposed say NO. (Listen for responses). It is in the opinion of the chair that the (ayes/nos) have it. After the vote is taken, if a Member is in doubt, he/she can call for a record vote. MIN. MANAGER: PRO TEMP: Mr./Mdm. President, I demand a recorded vote. (5 Members must rise in support) The gentleman/woman from (college) demands a recorded vote. Are there 5 Senators in favor? (Seeing/Not Seeing) 5 votes in support, the motion (carries/fails). If the motion carries, proceed to a recorded vote where members are called on one by one to vote. The Secretary records the final vote.


A bill cannot become a law of the land until it has been approved in identical form by both houses of Congress. Once the Senate amends and agrees to a bill that the House already has passedor the House amends and passes a Senate billthe two houses may begin to resolve their legislative differences through an exchange of amendments or by way of a conference committee. Differences between versions of most noncontroversial bills and some major bills that must be passed quickly are reconciled through the exchange of amendments between the houses. The two chambers may send measures back and forth, amending each others amendments until they agree to identical language on all provisions of the legislation. Each chamber has only two opportunities to amend the amendments of the other body because both chambers prohibit third-degree amendments. The Senate normally takes action on an amendment of the House only when there is an expectation that the amendment may be disposed of readily, typically by unanimous consent. In the absence of such an expectation, the Senate will generally proceed to conference in order to negotiate a resolution to any serious disagreements with the House rather than resolve them on the floor. If the Senate does not accept the Houses position (or the House does not agree to the Senates position), one of the chambers may propose creation of a conference committee to negotiate and resolve the matters in disagreement between the two chambers. The Senate gets to conference with the House by adopting this standard motion: SENATOR: "Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to move that the Senate insist on its amendments (or disagree to the House amendments), request a conference with the House on the disagreeing votes thereon, and that the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees."


The amendment is (adopted/fails).

Follow the amendment procedure for as many amendments allowed by the time agreement, or for as many as are successfully moved by Senators from the floor. Once all amendments have been heard, revert back to the top Page 3 of the Bill Consideration procedure, with one edit: PRO TEMPORE: All time for debate on amendments has expired. Continue using procedure on Page 3 of Bill Consideration.

The Pro Tempore formally appoints the Senates conferees, while the Speaker names the House conferees. Conferees are traditionally drawn from the committee of jurisdiction, but conferees representing other Senate interests may also be appointed. There are no formal rules that outline how conference meetings are to be organized. The conference leaders from each chamber resolve the choice of who will chair the conference. The decision on when and where to meet and for how long are a few prerogatives of the chair, who consults on these matters with his or her counterpart from the other body. Once the two chambers go to conference, the conferees resolve disagreements through a conference report, signed by a majority of Senate conferees and House conferees. Both chambers must agree to the conference report before it is cleared for presidential consideration. In the Senate, conference reports are usually brought up by unanimous consent at a time agreed to by the Pro Tempore. Conference reports are privileged, and a non-debatable motion can be made to take up the conference report. Approval of the conference report itself is subject to extended debate, but conference reports are not open to amendment. Almost all of the most important measures are sent to conference, but these are only a minority of the bills that the two houses pass each



After the Senate and House resolve any disagreements concerning a bill or joint resolution, all the original papers are transmitted to the Clerk/Secretary of the originating chamber for enrollment. The Clerk/Secretary has the measure printed on parchment, and signed by the Speaker of the House and by either the Vice President or the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The enrolled bill then goes to the President for his approval or veto.


Pursuant to Article 1, section 7 of the Constitution, every bill passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States. For the Assembly, if the President approves and signs the measure within 10 hours, it becomes law. The 10-hour period begins on midnight of the day the president receives the measure. For example, if the president were to receive an enrolled measure on Friday, January 18, the first hour of the 10hour period would be 12:00AM 1:00 AM on Saturday, January 19. Within these 10 hours, the President will call a meeting of the Cabinet to deliberate and discuss the pending legislation. Members of the Cabinet will make their formal recommendations, and the President will adjourn the meeting. If the president objects to a measure, he may veto it by returning it to its chamber of origin together with a statement of his objections, again within the same 10-hour period. Unless both chambers subsequently vote by a 2/3 majority to override the veto, the measure does not become law. If the president does not act on a measureapproving or vetoing itwithin 10 hours, the fate of the measure depends on whether Congress is in session. If Congress is in session, the bill becomes law without the president's approval. If Congress is not in session, the measure does not become law. Presidential inaction when Congress is not in session is known as a Pocket Veto. Congress has interpreted the use of the pocket veto to be limited to the final, sine die adjournment of the originating chamber.

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