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Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

Let us talk about convergence

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following:

FE Model is not modeled correctly in a physical sense 1) If you use a point load to do a plastic analysis, you will never get the converged solution. Because of the singularity at the node, on which the concentrated force is applied, the stress is infinite. The local singularity can destroy the whole system convergence behavior. The same thing holds for the contact analysis. If you simplify the geometry or use a too coarse mesh (with the consequence that the contact region is just a point contact instead of an area contact) you most likely will end up with some problems in convergence. point load



plastic analysis l ti l i contact analysis t t l i

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g

FE Model is not modeled correctly in a numerical sense 2) A possible rigid body motion is quite often the reason which causes divergence in a contact analysis This could be the result of the following: We always believe that if we analysis. believe, model the gap size as zero from geometry, it should also be zero in the FE model. But due to the mathematical approximation and discretization, it does not have necessarily to be zero anymore. Exactly, this can kill the convergence. If possible, use KEYOPT(5) to close the gap. You can also use KEYOPT(9)=1 to ignore 1% penetration, if it is modeled.

2004 ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
Numerically bad conditioned FE Model
4) ANSYS uses the penalty method as a basis to solve the contact problem and the convergence behavior largely depends on the penalty stiffness itself. A semi-default value semi default for the penalty stiffness is used, which usually works fine for a bulky model, but might not be suitable for a bending dominated problem or a sliding problem. A sign for bad conditioning is that the convergence curve runs parallel to the the convergence norm. Choosing a smaller value f FKN always makes th problem easier t converge. If the analysis i not l for l k the bl i to th l i is t converging, because of the too much penetration, turn off the Lagrange multiplier. The result is usually not as bad as you would believe.

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following:
Numerically bad conditioned FE Model



2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
Load step is too large Error in element formulation or element is turned inside out
5) If it is a large deflection problem, you usually need more substeps. 5 to 10 substeps are good if the rotations are not too large (<180 degrees) If it is a small deflection problem you degrees). problem, should reduce FKN, because FKN*d produces a large force, which can destroy the element.


NLGEO,ON NSUB,10,100,1 S
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
Quads instead of triads Error in element formulation or element is turned inside out
6) If some elements are locally distorted you might get an error in the element formulation or the element is even turned inside out Try to use a coarser mesh in this region to avoid out. those problems. You can also use NCNV,0 to continue the analysis and ignore those local problems if they do not effect the global equilibrium. In general, try to use triangular, tetrahedral or hexahedral elements (linear). Do not use quadratic hexahedral elements.

Error in element formulation

Linear quads
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Mid-side triads
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Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
The parts have no unique minimum potential energy position.
7) If the max. DOF increment is not getting smaller and the force convergence norm keeps almost constant probably some parts in the model are oscillating. Here, introducing a small constant, oscillating Here friction coefficient is usually better than using a weak spring, not knowing exactly where to place it. Friction can be applied to all contact elements (try MU=0.01 or 0.1)



2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following:
Unreasonable defined contact pair
8) Sometimes it is also important to think about possible contact configurations: Which surface or point will be in contact with which surface ??? The way to define the contact or target can influence the convergence behavior as shown below. Target g Contact

Contact Target

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
Unreasonable defined plastic material
11) It is not always a good idea to define the tangential stiffness to be zero using a plastic material law. If the yield stress is reached all over the whole cross section there is no law section, material resistance anymore to carry the load. There will be a plastic hinge and so the solution will never converge. In this case, input the correct tangential stiffness.

Plastic strain

Stress strain curve with tangential slope zero

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following: g g
Unreasonable defined plastic material

Plastic strain Stress strain curve with tangential slope 10000 Contact region Stress distribution
2004 ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following:
Instable solution
13) Some time, the solution could be instable, if the static analysis type is used, e.g if the contact region changes abruptly. In this case, you can use more load steps strategy to get abruptly case rid of the instable solution.

FE model

Instable point

Next solution

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

One reason for convergence difficulties could be the following:
Instable solution


FE model

Load step 1, ends shortly step-1 before the snap through

Load step 2, starts shortly step-2 after the snap through.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

/prep7 et,1,182,2 et,2,169 et 2 169 et,3,171,,1,,1 mp,ex,1,2e5 mp,mu,1,.1 mp,prxy,1,.3 r,1,,,.001,,,-2 r,2,,,.001,,,-2 rect,0,1,0,3 wpof,1,3 wprot,-20 p , rect,-.2,3,0,.2 esize,.2 amesh,1 esize,.1 ames,all ames all lsel,s,,,5 nsll,s,1 type,2 esurf lsel,s,,,2,3 nsll,s,1 type,3 esurf lsel,s,,,2 nsll,s,1 type,2 real,2 real 2 esurf lsel,s,,,5,8,3 nsll,s,1 type,3 esurf /solu nlgeom,on nlgeom on nsub,100,100,1 outres,all,all nsel,s,loc,y,0 d,all,all lsel,s,,,6,,,1 l l 6 1 d,all,ux d,all,uy,-.5 alls solv /COM Load step-2 lsel,s,,,6,,,1 d,all,ux d,all,uy,-1 alls nsub,10,10,1 solv

In order to model the contact region g reasonably, you should define two contact pairs, one for load step-1 and another for load step-2, and use the node detection option(KEYOPT(4)=1, option(KEYOPT(4)=1 as shown below below.

Status-1 Contact-1
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Target-1 Target-2 Contact-2

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Suggestion

Good mesh will generally make problem easier to converge.
The fine mesh and similar are always good the contact simulation:


Contact region

Contact mesh
2004 ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

How can I make the problem converge?

Trust yourself: Im able to make it converge! Im Consider the problem as idealized real world problem:
20%- Mechanics 20% M h i expertise, ti 30%- FEA expertise, 20%- Engineer expertise 20% E i ti 30%- Software expertise

Use the magic KEYOPTIONS

KEYOPT(5)=1: KEYOPT(5) 1 KEYOPT(9)=1: To eliminate the rigid body motion T li i t th i id b d ti To eliminate the geometric noise

KEYOPT(10)=2: To make ANSYS think ( )

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks Table of Contents

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Introduction MPC connection for SOLID-SOLID, SHELL-SHELL , MPC connection for SOLID-SHELL MPC connection SOLID-BEAM and SHELL-BEAM MPC connection between the FE model and loading point

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, What is MPC?

MPC means: Multipoint Constraint PC + ui

C u
j =1 j

= C0

( j i)

1 L 3 L 2

+ UY (1) = Sin( ROTZ (3) ) L L (1) UY ( 2) = Sin( ROTZ ( 3) ) L L (2) (1) + (2) 0 = UY (1) UY ( 2 ) 2 L Sin( ROTZ ( 3) )
MPC For small rotation: 0 = UY (1) UY ( 2 ) 2 L ( ROTZ




ROTZ ( 3) UY
( 2)


CE ,2,0,1,UY ,1,2,UY ,1,3, ROTZ ,2 L

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, What do you need MPC?
To connect the dissimilar mesh:
If the geometries are not topologically connected, you can mesh the geometry independently and connect the FE model via MPC.


Dissimilar mesh Connected via MPC

Stress distribution

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, What do you need MPC?
To connect the different element types: y
If the different element types are used on the connection region, because of the different DOFs, the connectivity is not consistent. The consistence can be achieved in the FE model via MPC.


Solids and Shells Connected via MPC


2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, What do you need MPC?
To apply the remote load: pp y
If the loading point is not connected to the FE model, the connection can be achieved in the FE model via MPC.

Loading point and FE model Connected via MPC

Stress distributions

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, Why the existing contact algorithm is not used?
The results may depend on specified contact stiffness. stiffness
The existing bonded contact algorithm using the penalty method, because of contact stiffness(cause the ill-conditioning) and the penetration, it might influence the accuracy of the result result.

Multiple iterations are required to adjust penetration in order to satisfy equilibrium even for small deformation problems problems.
This will cause the iteration, even for linear problem.

Occasionally spurious natural frequencies can occur in modal analysis. analysis

This is because of the contact stiffness used.

Only translational DOFs are treated. treated

This will cause the accuracy problem, if the distance between the contact and target is not zero. Sh ll/b Shell/beam assembly can not b h dl d bl t be handled.
2004 ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, Why the existing contact algorithm is not used?
It i only suitable for small strain. is l it bl f ll t i
Because the existing CE method always uses the original nodal orientation.

The RBE3 constraint can only support low order elements.

10 nodes tetrahedron element are most commonly used element.

It is not allowed to apply displacement constraints on the master node of RBE3

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, Advantages of new MPC approach
Build MPC equations internally. internally
It is not necessary to define the equations by hand, the user treats the connection as bonded contact, ANSYS will generate automatically the MPC.

Degrees of freedom of the contact surface nodes are eliminated. This will improve solution efficiency. No contact stiffness is required as an input.
The accuracy of the solution is not dependent on try-and-error anymore.

F small deformation problem, it represents true linear contact For ll d f i bl i li behavior. No iteration is needed in solving system equations. For large deformation problems, the MPC equations are updated during each iteration.

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 1. Introduction, Advantages of new MPC approach
N t only translational but rotational degrees of freedom can also be Not l t l ti l b t t ti ld ff d l b constrained.
It will improve the solution accuracy, and makes the connection between solidshell, shell-shell, solid beam shell shell shell solid-beam and shell beam more reasonable shell-beam reasonable.

The generation of internal MPC is also very easy thanks to contact pair definition. i d fi i i
For the users, it is nothing new, if you know how to define the contact.

It is not like MSC/Nastran (RBE3 type) Shape functions are taken into account automatically; no weight factor p y; g is needed. not only forces but also displacements can be applied.

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 2. MPC connection for SOLID-SOLID, SHELL-SHELL

Model-1: mesh is pretty similar SMAX=1.71

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Model-2: mesh is quite q different SMAX=1.71

Model-2: consistent mesh SMAX=1.71

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 2. MPC connection for SOLID-SOLID, SHELL-SHELL

If you have the geometry penetration: 1) Set the PINBALL to catch the contact 2) Use KEYOPT(9)=1 to ignore the ) ( ) g pentration
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Model-2: Penetration and KEYOPT(9)=1 SMAX=1.71

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 2. MPC connection for SOLID-SOLID, SHELL-SHELL


If you have the geometry gap: 1) Set the PINBALL to catch the contact 2) Use KEYOPT(9)=1 to ignore the pentration
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

Model-2: Gap and KEYOPT(9)=1 SMAX=1.73

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 2. MPC connection for SOLID-SOLID, SHELL-SHELL
MPC connection for SHELL-SHELL(Edge-to-Edge) ( g g )

Contact175 Target170

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 2. MPC connection for SOLID--SHELL
Summary: For most applications, default KEYOPT(5)=0 or 3 can be used. Many test cases show the best solution with KEYOPT(5)=2 KEYOPT(5)=2.
New Virtual shell elements SHELL18 1 MPC equations (translation DOF only) Virtual shell - solid surface Shell thickness MPC equations (translation + Rotation DOF) shell edge - virtual g shell FTOLN Influence distance MPC equations shell edge solid surface FTOLN Influence distance di t New Virtual shell elements

New Contact elements CONTA175

1st Approach: solid-solid constraint
2004 ANSYS, Inc.


pp 2nd Approach: shell-shell constraint


3rd Approach: pp shell-solid constraint

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 3. MPC connection SOLID-BEAM and SHELL-BEAM
Procedure: P d
1) 2) Treat the solid surface and/or shell edge as contact surface, treat the beam node as target pilot node. No additional target is needed. Set th S t the contact element keyoptions: t t l tk ti KEYOPT(2)=2 this will activate the MPC method KEYOPT(12)=5 or 6 Set the bonded contact key KEYOPT(4)=1 Force-distributed surface KEYOPT(4)=2 Rigid constraint surface Run the analysis


2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 3. MPC connection SOLID-BEAM and SHELL-BEAM
/prep7 et,1,45 et,2,188 et,3,173,,2 !KEYOPT(2)=2 Keyopt,3,4,1 !KEYOPT(4)=1 keyopt,3,12,5 !KEYOPT(12)=5 et,4,170 mp,ex,1,2e5 mp,prxy,1,0.3 SECTYPE, 1,BEAM, CTUBE SECOFFSET, CENT SECDATA,10,11 pcir,10,11,0,90 pcir,10,11,90,180 pcir,10,11,180,270 pcir,10,11,270,360 numm,kp lesi,4,,,2 esiz,,8 i 8 et,10,42 esha,2 type,10 ames,all ll esiz,,20 type,1
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

vext,all,,,,,150 acle,all k,100,0,0,150 k,101,0,0,300 k,102,1,1,150 l,100,101 lsel,s,,,33 LATT,1,,2,,102,,1 lmes,33 real,10 type,4 tshap,pilo !Pilot node on beam e,2017 !Pilot node on beam nsel,s,loc,z,150 nsel,u,,,2017 esel,s,type,,1 type,3 Esurf !Contact on solid /solu nsel,s,loc,z,0 d,all,all nsel,s,loc,z,300 , , , , f,2018,fx,1000 alls


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 3. MPC connection SOLID-BEAM and SHELL-BEAM

Solid solution

Solid-Beam via MPC

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks 3. MPC connection SOLID-BEAM and SHELL-BEAM
/prep7 et,1,181 et,2,188 et,3,175,,2,,2 !KEYOPT(2)=2 Keyopt,3,4,2 !KEYOPT(2)=2 keyopt,3,12,5 !KEYOPT(12) 5 !KEYOPT(12)=5 et,4,170 mp,ex,1,2e5 mp,prxy,1,0.3 r,2,1 SECTYPE, 2, BEAM, CTUBE SECOFFSET, CENT SECDATA,10,11 pcir,0,10.5,0,90 pcir,0,10.5,90,180 pcir,0,10.5,180,270 pcir,0,10.5,270,360 numm,kp lsel,s,,,1,10,3 lesi,all,,,8 esha,2 es ,, 0 esiz,,20 k,50 k,51,0,0,150 l,50,51
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

adra,1,4,7,10,,,6 real,2 real 2 ames,5,8 k,100,0,0,150 k,101,0,0,300 k,102,1,1,150 k 102 1 1 150 l,100,101 lsel,s,,,18 LATT,1,,2,,102,,2 lmes,18 lmes 18 real,10 type,4 tshap,pilo e,673 nsel,s,loc,z,150 nsel,u,,,673 esel,s,type,,1 type,3 esurf /solu nsel,s,loc,z,0 d,all,all nsel,s,loc,z,300 f,674,fx,1000 alls


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point Procedure: P d
1) 2) Treat the FE surface and/or edge as contact surface, treat the loading node as target pilot node. No additional target is needed. Set th S t the contact element keyoptions: t t l tk ti KEYOPT(2)=2 this will activate the MPC method KEYOPT(12)=5 or 6 Set the bonded contact key KEYOPT(4)=1 Force-distributed surface KEYOPT(4)=2 Rigid constraint surface Run the analysis


2004 ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point
/prep7 et,1,42 et,2,169 et,3,171,,2,,11 keyopt,3,12,5 mp,ex,1,2e5 p,e , , e5 mp,prxy,1,.3 rect,0,10,0,2 esiz,1 ames,1 , n,100,5,5 lsel,s,,,2 nsll,s,1 type,3 yp , real,3 esurf alls type,2 yp , tshape,pilot e,100 nsel,s,loc,x,0 d,all,all , , alls f,100,fy,-100
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

!KEYOPT(2)=2 !KEYOPT(12)=5


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point

KEYOPT(4)=1 KEYOPT(4) 1 Force-distributed surface

KEYOPT(4)=2 Rigid constraint surface

2004 ANSYS, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point

/prep7 et,1,42 , , et,2,169 et,3,171,,2,,1 keyopt,3,12,5 mp,ex,1,2e5 p, , , mp,prxy,1,.3 rect,-10,10,-5,5 pcir,3 asba,1,2 , , smrt,4 ames,all
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

n,1000,0,0 lsel,s,,,5,8 , ,,, , nsll,s,1 type,3 real,3 esurf alls type,2 tshape,pilot e,1000 ,

KEYOPT(4)=2 Rigid constraint surface

/solu nsel,s,loc,x,-10 d,all,all ll alls f,1000,mz,-.7e6 nlgeo,on solv

KEYOPT(4)=1 Force-distributed surface

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point
Bending moment Shear force Torsion moment

/prep7 et,1,45 et,2,170 et,3,173,,2,,1 keyopt,3,12,5 mp,ex,1,2e5 12 mp,prxy,1,.3

2004 ANSYS, Inc.

cylin,10,20,0,100,0,90 *rep,4,,,,,90,90 numm,kp esiz,3 vmes,all n,10000,0,0,100 10000 0 0 100 asel,s,,,2,20,6 nsla,s,1

type,3 real,3 esurf alls type,2 h il tshape,pilot e,10000

/solu nsel,s,loc,z d,all,all alls f,10000,mx,4.766e3 alls ll solv

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

Ansys Contact usages: tips and tricks

4. MPC connection between the FE model and loading point
Bending moment g Shear force Torsion moment

/prep7 et,1,63 et,2,170 et 2 170 et,3,175,,2,,1 r,1,1 keyopt,3,12,5 mp,ex,1,2e5 mp ex 1 2e5 mp,prxy,1,.3
2004 ANSYS, Inc.

cylin,10,20,0,100 esiz,3 ames,3,4 n,10000,0,0,100 lsel,s,,,9,12 nsll,s,1

type,3 real,3 esurf alls type,2 tshape,pilot e,10000

/solu nsel,s,loc,z d,all,all alls f,10000,mx,4.766 e3 alls solv

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary

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