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Advantagesand Disadvantagesof Using DSP Filteringon Oscilloscope Waveforms

A pplication ote1494 N

Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 Waveform-reconstruction filtering. . . . 3 Magnitude-flattening filtering. . . . . . . . 6 Phase-correctionfiltering . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Noise-reductionfiltering . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bandwidth-enhancement filtering. . . 10 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Support,Services, and Assistance . . . 14

Introduction All of todays high-speed real-time sampling oscilloscope s use various forms of digital signal processing (DSP) on digitized oscilloscope waveforms. Some engineers are conce rned that filtering digitized data with software may alter the true nature of a captured signal. However, the capture d waveform is only a represen tatio n of the actual input signal, and raw digitized data captured by an oscilloscope includes altered/dis torted results

contribu ted by the scopes front-end hardware filtering. In a perfect world, real-time oscilloscope s would have infini tely fast sample rates, perfectly flat frequency responses, linear phase responses, no noise, and infini te bandwid th. But in the real world, oscilloscopes have hardware limi tations that produce errors. DSP filtering ultima tely can correct for hardware-induced errors to improve measurement accuracy and enhance displ ay quality.

There are five different charac teristics of DSP filtering common ly employed in todays highe r-performance real-time scopes:
DSP filtering Waveform reconstruction Magnitude flattening Phase correction Noise reduction Bandwidth enhancement Correctsfor Limitedsample rate Non-flat frequency response Non-linear phase response Instruments noise floor Limitedbandwidth

Each of these filter charac teristics can be implemen ted in a single finite-impulse response (FIR) software filter in real-time sampling oscilloscopes. This application note explores the purposes of these different charac teristics of DSP filters, and discusses the bene fits and possible tradeo ffs associa ted with each one. This application note does not provide information about the actual software i mplemen tation of the various DSP filters.

Waveform-reconstruction filtering

The purpose of waveform reconst ruction filtering is to fill-in the waveform data reco rd bet ween discre te and evenly sampled real-time acquired data points. Filling-in the data points enhances both the measurement accuracy and the viewability of digitized waveforms on fas ter timebase ranges. You can use equivalent-time/repetiti ve sampling to fill in the da ta, but for real-time applications, repetiti ve sampling is not an option. The waveform must be captured in a single-shot acquisition. Software waveform reconst ruction filtering is the only other possibility. The simplest type of waveform reconst ruction uses a linea r-interpolation filter. Although this type of filter will improve measurement resolution, accurac y, and displ ay quality, a more accura te type of interpolation is sin(x)/x reconst ruction filtering, which is a symmetrical filter. Figure 1 shows an example of a 3-GHz sine wave captured and filtered with linear reconst ruction (top/blue trace) and sin(x)/x reconst ruction (bot tom/ yellow trace). With linear reconst ruction, we can clear ly see the discreet ly spaced 50-ps sample points genera ted by this 20-GSa/s oscilloscope. Sin(x)/x filtering will almost always provide a more accura te represen tation of the input signal with a few caveats. First of all, for sin(x)/x reconst ruction filtering to be absolu tely accura te, the digitized input signal must not posses s any frequenc y components beyond the Nyquist frequenc y (fN). The Nyquist frequency is defined

to be 1/2 of the sample frequency (fS). For a scope that can sample at 20 GSa/s, the Nyquist frequency is 10 GHz. To provide maximum bandwid th while guaran teeing that no frequency components beyond 10 GHz are ever sampled, the oscilloscope theoretical ly must have a hardware brickwall filter at 10 GHz or lower.

Unfortuna tely, brickwall filters are not physical ly realizable in hardware . The red trace in Figure 2 represents the charac teristics of a brickwall filter; all frequency components below the Nyquist frequency are perfectly passed, and all frequency components above the Nyquist frequency are perfectly elimina ted.

Figure1. Linearvs sin(x)/x reconstruction

0 dB

V (Brickwall response) V (Maximally-flat response) V (Gaussian response)

-3 dB Nyquist frequency(fN) -6 dB -3 dB BW point Sample frequency(fS)

-9 dB 0 Hz 5 GHz 10 G H z 15 G H z 20 G H z 25 G H z


Figure2. Varioushardwarefilter responses

Waveform-reconstruction filtering(continued)

In the past, lower-bandwid th scopes typical ly have had Gaussian-type roll-off charac teristics, as represen ted by the green trace (bot tom) in Figure 2. If you are digitizing very fast signals using this slow roll-off charac teristic, there often will be signi ficant components of the signal above the 3dB bandwid th point. Frequency components beyond the Nyquist frequency (represen ted by the hashed area in this graph) will be aliased. If a digitized signal is grossly aliased where the fundamen tal input frequency is beyond the Nyquist frequenc y, the displ ayed waveform will appear to be untriggered when you are viewing repetiti ve real-time acquisitions, and measurements of digitized points may be in error by orders of magnitude. When the input signals fundamen tal input frequency is below the Nyquist frequenc y, but harmonics of the signal are beyond the Nyquist frequenc y, you may obser ve a waveform on the oscilloscopes displ ay with edges that wobble. For this reason, Agilent Technologies traditional ly has limi ted the bandwid th of lower-bandwid th real-time scopes that have Gaussian roll-off charac teristics to 1/4 the sample rate, which is 1/2 the Nyquist frequency. This signi ficant ly limits the captured energy of signals with ha rmonic-frequency con tent beyond the Nyquist frequency.

For some of the newer higherbandwid th, real-time scopes with bandwid ths from 2 GHz to 6 GHz, the hardware roll-o ff charac teristic begins to app roach a theoretical brickwall filter. In most oscilloscope measurement cases, this is a desirable charac teristic. This type of hardware filter, called a high-o rder maximal ly flat filter, is illustra ted by the blue trace (middle) in Figure 2. With this type of hardware filter, most of the in-band frequencies are passed with minimal attenuation, and most of the out-of-band frequencies are signi ficant ly attenua ted. With a high-o rder maximal ly flat response, the scopes bandwid th can then begin to app roach the Nyquist limit. Agilent recommends that for scopes with a high-o rder maximal ly flat response, the bandwid th of the scope should be limi ted to no more than 0.4 times the sample rate. In other words, for waveform reconst ruction using sin(x)/x filtering to be effective and accura te, the bandwid th of a scope that samples at 20 GSa/s should not exceed 8 GHz. What are the tradeo ffs in employing a sin(x)/x software reconst ruction filter in an oscilloscope? If the input signal is initial ly band-limi ted, or if the hardware of the oscilloscope proper ly limits the sampled frequency components beyond

the Nyquist frequenc y, the tradeo ffs are minimal. But if the input signal has signi ficant high-frequency components beyond the sys tem bandwid th, one artifact of sin(x)/x filtering is the possibility of software-crea ted pre-shoot and over-shoot of the reconst ructed waveform. This effect is essential ly Gibbs phenomena. The software-crea ted over-shoot is often hidden by inherent over-shoot in the actual input signal, as well as over-shoot crea ted by the scopes hardware filtering. Because pre-shoot is usual ly not actual ly present in the signal, oscilloscope users often question the validity of sin(x)/x filtering. But software-induced errors such as pre-shoot can pale in comparison to unco rrec ted hardware-induced errors when you are measuring out-of-band signals. Remembe r, measuring an out-of-band signal simply means that you are attemptin g to capture a signal which has frequency components beyond the speci fied bandwid th capability of the oscilloscope. This means that measured results can include signi ficant components of error due to hardware limi tations. For example, if you attempt to measure an input signal with an edge speed of 20 ps (10% to 90%), a 6-GHz oscilloscope will produce measured edge speeds in the range of 70 ps, which is a

Waveform-reconstruction filtering(continued)

250 percent error. Although preshoot and over-shoot produced by software filtering m ay be intuiti vely disturbing, these phenomena are minor sou rces of error compared to hardwareinduced over-shoot and edgespeed errors, which are often overloo ked. To reduce software-induced pre-shoot, oscilloscope designers could employ sin(x)/x reconst ruction filtering without phase correction to the acquired out-of-band waveform. (See page 7 for more information on phase-co rrection filtering.) Although the resul tant filtered waveform that exhibits lots of over-shoo t with minima l pre-shoot may feel more comfortable, accuracy of amplitude and edge-speed measurements will be degraded. Proper DSP filtering with linear phase correction will produce the most accura te measurements on fast rising and falling edges. The best app roach is to try to ignore the pre-shoot artifact and take this unintuiti ve wiggle at the beginning of fast-edge pulses as a sign that the real-time oscilloscope is employing a DSP filter that most accura tely represents the overall charac teristics of the out-of-band input signal. You also can take the pre-shoot artifact as a sign that you are pushing the real-time oscilloscope beyond its intended

bandwid th measurement capabilities. You may want to consider using a higher-bandwid th sampling oscilloscope, such as Agilents 86100C, for your measurement application. If repetiti ve sampling is not a possibilit y, then you may need to just accept the real-time measurement results as the best that is possible with todays real-time sampling and filtering technology. As previous ly mentioned, sin(x)/x DSP filtering will signi ficant ly improve measurement resolution and accuracy to well beyond the real-time sample interval (1/sa mple-ra te). With Agilents 20-GSa/s 54855A oscilloscope, del ta-time measurement accuracy can be improved to less than 1 ps with the use of sin(x)/x filtering on single-shot acquisitions. In some cases there are also throughput tradeo ffs when you use sin(x)/x filtering. In other words, the filter causes your scope displ ay to upda te more slowly. However, the enhanced accuracy advan tages of using sin(x)/x filtering typical ly far outweigh all disadvan tages. All major real-time scope vendors today allow you to decide if you want to use sin(x)/x filtering. This mode of operation is a default selection in Agilent oscilloscopes, but you can override this selection if you choose.

Magnitude-flattening filtering

The purpose of magnitudeflattening filtering is to correct for a non- flat frequency response of the hardware charac teristics of the oscilloscope. Ideal ly, oscilloscopes would have a perfectly flat hardware response all the way out to the natural bandwid th roll-o ff charac teristics of the oscilloscope, as shown by the traces in Figure 2. This means that if you measure a sine wave with cons tant amplitude, but vary the frequenc y, you would always measure the same amplitude until reaching the upper roll-off frequencies. Unfortuna tely, as you app roach the bandwid th limit of a scope, flatness-of-response tends to de grade. Often, there can be a combination of hardware-induced attenuation and peaking at particular frequencies. In fact, oscilloscope design engineers will often intentional ly induce peaking in the scopes hardware response near the bandwid th limit in order to compensa te for minor frequenc y-dependent at tenuation and to push the scopes frequency response to a higher bandwid th.

The red trace (top) in Figure 3 shows the typical hardware/analog frequency response of Agilents 54855A real-time 6-GHz oscilloscope. As you can see, the hardware response of this scope meets the 3 dB hardware bandwidth cri teria of 6 GHz, but the response also shows about +1 dB of peaking at app roxima tely 3.5 GHz, and near ly +2 dB of peaking at app roxima tely 5.5 GHz. Oscilloscope manufacturers today do not specify the flatness of their scopes frequency response. The only point in the frequency domain scope makers specify is the 3 dB bandwid th point. Even if a scope had +6 dB of peaking, which would transla te into 60 percent amplitude error at a particular in-band frequenc y, as long as the 3 dB point is higher than the speci fied bandwid th, the scope is considered to be within speci fication. But just as attenuation at higher frequencies can degrade the accuracy of measurements, so can amplification/peaking degrade measurement accuracy.

The blue trace (bot tom) in Figure 3 shows the corrected magnitude frequency response of the 54855A using magnitude- flat tening filtering. With this DSP/so ftware filter, the corrected frequency response of the oscilloscope typical ly does not deviate more than 0.5 dB until the response natural ly rolls off near the specified 6 GHz bandwid th. This particular charac teristic of the scopes FIR filter is not userselec table it always runs when you are sampling at the scopes maximum sample rate to correct for always-present hardware filtering errors. The combination of the software and hardware filter produces more accura te data than data produced by the hardware filter alone.

Channel1, 100 mV/div, magnitude 5 4 3 Response (dB) 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0.1 1 Frequency(G Hz) 10

Figure3. M agnitude-flattening filter response



High-speed digital signals are composed of multiple frequency components including the fundamen tal and harmonics. Ideally, the fundamen tal and harmonics of a digital signal should all be in-phase and have no delay between the various frequency components, as shown in Figure 4. Unfortuna tely, the oscilloscopes hardware adds unwan ted phase shi ft to the highe r-order components of high-speed signals that can only be elimina ted by either signi ficant ly increasing the inst ruments bandwid th, or by correcting with phase-co rrection DSP filtering. Figure 5 shows an example where the 5th harmonic (green trace) is delayed from both the fundamen tal and 3rd harmonic. The result will be a oscilloscopes displ ay. Without phase correction, this dis tortion usual ly mani fests as excessi ve over-shoot in the digitized waveform, along with reduced edge speeds. High-speed digi tal designers often overlook the over-shoot component of dis tortion, thinking that the measured over-shoot is actual ly present on the input signal. But it may not be, and may actual ly be an artifact of the inadequacy of the hardware to keep-up at all input frequencies.

1.0 0.5 VH 5 VH 3 VH 1 -0.5 -1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.0

time, nsec

Figure4. In-phase harmonics

1.0 0.5 VH 5 VH 3 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Delayed

time, nsec

Figure5. 5th harmonic delayed


The red trace in Figure 6 shows the typical frequenc y-dependent phase error induced by the 54855A hardware at higher input frequencies. The blue trace in this graph shows the correc ted phase response using phase-co rrection DSP/so ftware filtering. As you can see, this software filter corrects for all phase errors to well beyond the bandwid th speci fication of the inst rument. Figure 7 shows a simulation of a digitized fast-edge signal, with and without phase-co rrection, for a 6-GHz hardware sys tem based on a high-o rder maximal ly flat response. The one artifact that you will note in the phase-co rrec ted waveform (le ft/red trace) is the presence of minimal pre-shoot and over-shoot on the waveform. Again, nei ther the pre-shoot nor the over-shoot are actual ly present in the simula ted input signal, which had an infinitely fast rise time, but are artifacts of the linea r-phase sys tem response and signal con tent beyond the 3 dB frequency. But dont overlook the excessive over-shoot on the non-phase corrected waveform (right/blue trace). With phase-co rrection, the overall perturbation errors on both the top and base of this waveform have been improved. Most important ly though, timing measurements such as the rise times and fall times are much more accura te when phase correction is applied on either in-band or out-of-band signals. Again, phase-co rrection filtering is not user-selec table in Agilents 54855A oscilloscope; it is always running to co rrect for added hardware phase errors.

200 150 100 Phase (degrees) 50 0 -50 -100

Channel1, 100 mV/div, phase response

DSP corrected phase response

Hardwarephase response r

-150 -200 0.1 1 Frequency(GHz) 10

Figure6. Correctand uncorrectedphase response

V (max-flat, uncorrected), tr =82 ps (0.49/BW) V (max-flat, corrected ), tr =71 ps (0.43/BW) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -700 -500 -300 -100 time, psec 100 300 500 600

Figure7. Pulse response with and without phase correction


As you would expect, noise-reduction filtering reduces the effect of the oscilloscopes noise floor. Oscilloscopes are broadband inst ruments and the higher the bandwid th the higher the noise floor will be. This hardware-induced error component is unavoidable in broadband inst ruments. With Agilents 54855A oscilloscope, you can selecti vely use noise-reduction filtering to improve measurement accurac y, but there is a big tradeo ff. When the scopes FIR filter includes noise-reduction filtering charac teristics, the bandwid th of the inst rument is reduced. Figure 8 shows an example of capturing a 1-GHz sine wave using the 6-GHz bandwid th 54855A oscilloscope without the use of noise-reduction filtering. Using the infini te-persis tence displ ay mode, after 1000 accumula ted acquisitions we see a band of noise on this captured sine wave that is induced by the oscilloscopes hardware noise

floor. At this setting, the inst rument-induced noise measured app roxima tely 2.8 mV RMS. The upper/ yellow trace shows the input signal scaled to near full-scale at 100 mV/div. The lower/ green trace shows a 10X waveform expansion of this waveform near its peak. Figure 9 shows the same 1-GHz sine wave, but now captured using 2-GHz bandwid th noise-reduction filtering. After 1000 accumula ted acquisitions, we see a much cleaner waveform due to a near ly 2:1 reduction in the systems noise floor. Again, the upper/ yellow trace shows the input signal scaled at 100 mV/div and the lower/green trace shows an expansion of the waveform near its peak allowing us to see more clearly the effects of the scopes reduced noise floor using noise-reduction filtering. When testing lower-bandwid th signals, or signals with relati vely

slow edge speeds, engaging noise-reduction filtering will often enhance accuracy of both amplitude and timing measurements. One exa mple involves measuring jitter. One of the largest, but often overloo ked, components of error in jitter measurements is jitter/timing-e rror contribu ted by vertical noise. There is a direct relationship bet ween vertical noise and timing error as a function of the slew rate of the signal. Although it may be coun ter-intuiti ve, reducing the bandwid th of your measurement sys tem may actual ly improve the accuracy of jitter measurements when you are measuring in-band signals. Turning on noise-reduction filtering will automatical ly reduce inst rument-induced jitter due to an excessive inst rument noise floor. Because of the obvious trade-o ffs (bandwid th versus noise), use of noise-reduction filtering is user-selec table in Agilents 54855A oscilloscope.

Figure8. Default6-GH zbandwidthmode with 2.8 mV RMS scope noise floor

Figure9. 2-G H znoise-reductionmode with 1.6 m V RMS scope noise floor

Bandwidth-enhancement filtering

Bandwid th-enhancement filtering, sometimes referred to as bandwid th boosting, is probab ly the least intuiti ve type of DSP filtering. It is employed today in some high-bandwid th real-time oscilloscopes. How can you enhance the bandwid th of a sys tem once the hardware has attenua ted the signal? The simple answer is, pump it back up with software. Once you break a digitized signal down into its various sine wave frequency components, you can use software to selecti vely amplify the various frequency components that are attenua ted based on software filtering charac teristics that are a mi rror image (up to the boos ted 3 dB point) of the hardware roll-off charac teristic of the scope, as shown in Figure 10. The red trace (bot tom) in this graph shows a typical hardware frequency response. The green

trace (top) represents the bandwid th-enhancement filter, and the blue trace (middle) represents the improved bandwid th response of the sys tem, which you can see has been boos ted to a higher frequency. In addition to increasing the bandwid th, this particular filter also genera tes a sharper roll-o ff charac teristic for the oscilloscope to help reduce high-frequency noise and to help eliminate aliasing when testing out-of-band input signals. Again, there is one big tradeo ff. As we mentioned, an oscilloscope is a broadband inst rument, and the noise floor of the inst rument can signi ficant ly degrade measurement results. With bandwid th-enhancement filtering, the noise floor of the inst rument also is selecti vely amplified. So, there is a signal- to-noise

tradeo ff when you use these bandwid th-enhancing charac teristics of the scopes FIR DSP filter. Although bandwid th enhancement filtering may be a fairly new capability in some of todays highe r-bandwid th real-time oscilloscopes, this is not a new technique in the test-and-measurement indust ry. Agilent has been using bandwid th-enhancement techniques for years in net work ana lyzers and spect rum analyzers. In fact, Agilent first used this technique in an oscilloscope to simula te fas ter edge speeds when performing TDR measurements with a 20-GHz sampling oscilloscope. This technique is known as normalization in todays sampling oscilloscopes with TDR measurement capability.

Response vs frequency Filter 0 dB -3 dB Response Standardbandwidth Increased bandwidth


Figure10. Bandwidth-enhancement filtering


Bandwidth-enhancement filtering(continued)

Figure 11 shows an example of measuring an out-of-band signal using a 6-GHz oscilloscope. The input signal has an app roxima te risetime of 50 ps (based on a 10% to 90% measurement cri teria). But since the basic hardware of the oscilloscope has a risetime speci fication of 70 ps, we measure a risetime of just 74 ps. With the use of 7-GHz bandwid th-enhancement filtering, we can now make a more accura te measurement on this signal of app roxima tely 66 ps, as shown in Figure 12. However, you can see that the baseline noise on both the top and base of this waveform has

increased. In the standa rd 6-GHz bandwid th mode, the noise floor of the scope measures approxima tely 3 mV RMS at the 100 mV/div setting. The noise floor increases to app roxima tely 6 mV RMS when using 7-GHz bandwid th-enhancement filtering. Ano ther bene fit of DSP filtering with bandwid th-enhancement on Agilents 54855A oscilloscopes is high-i mpedance active probing measurements can be performed up to 7-GHz sys tem bandwid th. No longer is the differential acti ve probe the weakest link in the oscilloscope measurement chain.

Figure11. Risetime measurement without bandwidth-enhancement

Figure 12. Risetime measurementwith 7-G H z bandwidth-enhancement



Many engineers today tend to trust hardware filtering, but are skeptical of DSP filtering because it is based on software. As we illustra ted in this application note, DSP filtering on oscilloscope waveforms is employed for the purpose of correcting hardware filtering errors. Ins tead of thinking of software filtering as a form of data manipulation, it is more app ropria te to think of it as da ta un-manipulation. Software has been used for years to co rrect for hardware errors in oscilloscopes, including gain/o ffset calibration and de-skewing delay bet ween channels. It makes sense to use software also to co rrect for more complex frequenc y-dependent sou rces of hardware errors using DSP filtering. Some of the filter charac teristics discussed in this application note have minima l or no disadvan tages, such as magnitude- flattening and phase-co rrection filtering. For these reasons, these particular filter charac teristics are not user-selec table but run as a default operation when the

Agilent 54855A oscilloscope is sampling at the maximum speci fied sample rate (20 GSa/s). Because we believe that sin(x)/x waveform-reconst ruction filtering also improves measurement accuracy and displ ay quality, the charac teristics of this particular filter runs as a default operating mode of the oscilloscope, but you can easily disabled it. The tradeo ffs using sin(x)/x filtering are primari ly associa ted with throughput, not accuracy. Other charac teristics of the scopes FIR DSP filter, including noise-reduction and bandwid thenhancement filtering have very definite tradeo ffs in terms of bandwid th and noise. For this reason, nei ther of these filter charac teristics run as a default mode of operation of the oscilloscope; you must turn them on to use them. As long as you are aware of the tradeo ffs inherent in some filtering types, it makes sense to use DSP filtering to improve the accuracy and resolution of todays real-time oscilloscopes.

Related Literature
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PublicationType Data sheet Publication 5988-7976EN/ENUS

ApplicationNote 1420


For copies of this literature, con tact your Agilent represen tati ve or visit our product Web site at:

ApplicationNote 1461 ApplicationNote 1304-5 Data sheet

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DSP digital signal processing Brickwallfilter a theoretical but unrealizable filter that perfect ly passes all frequency components of the signal below a particular cut-o ff frequenc y, and rejects all frequency components of the signal above the cut-off frequency Equivalent-time sampling digitizing an input signal repetiti vely using multiple acquisition cycles Finite-impulseresponse (FIR)filter a software filter whose output is a weigh ted sum of the input da ta Gaussianfilter a filter that exhibits relati vely slow roll-off charac teristics Gibbsphenomena symmetrical filter-induced pre-shoot and over-shoot due to truncation of Fourier series beyond a given frequency High-ordermaximallyflat filter a filter that app roaches the sharp roll-off charac teristics of a brickwall filter In-band frequency components of signals that are less than the specified bandwid th frequency Infinitepersistence a displ ay mode in oscilloscopes that accumula tes multiple acquisitions on the scopes displ ay to show worst-case deviations Jitter any time deviation (error) from the ideal ins tance in time when a signal edge/transition should occur Nyquist frequency(fN) which is the frequency that is equal to 1/2 the sampling frequency (fS) Out-of-band frequency components of signals that are grea ter than the specified bandwid th frequency Real-timesampling digitizing an input signal from a single-shot acquisition using a high rate of sampling Sin(x)/x filtering charac teristics of software filtering that reconst ructs a sampled waveform to provide higher data resolution that will more accura tely represent the original un-sa mpled input signal when Nyquists rules are obser ved


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