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February 9-10, 2013

Sat., Feb. 9 5:00p Weekday +Jerry Davanzo (Ruth Davanzo) Sunday, Feb. 10 8:30a 9:30a 11:00a 11:00a 11:00a 12:00N 6:00p Mass - Church Rel. Ed (Grades K-5th)-PLC Mass - Church CLOW-Church CGS-Atrium 5th Grade Bake Sale-PLC ImPact (6th-8th)-6:00p

Sun., Feb. 10 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30a +Luigi Rotolo (Mafalda Rotolo) 11:00a +Nick Colley (Frank Melaragno) Mon. Feb. 11 Our Lady of Lourdes 8:00a +Marie Sirij (Family) Tues. Feb. 12 Weekday 8:00a +John Iacovetta (Lilda Lombardi) 11:00a +Louis & Maria Do (Msgr. Missimi) Wed., Feb. 13 8:00a 12:00N 7:00p Ash Wednesday +Sandi Colombro (Ione Benedetto) +Doris Relyea (Oddi Family) +Louis Ruscilli (Family)

Monday, Feb. 11 8:00a Mass - Church Tuesday, Feb. 12 8:00a Mass - Church 9:30a Bible Study-PLC 7:00p Parish Council Mtg.-VH Wednesday, Feb. 13-Ash Wednesday 13 8:00a Mass-Church 12:00N Mass 7:00p Mass Thursday, Feb. 14 8:00a Mass - Church 6:30p RCIA-No Class-Practice for Sending Forth & Election-Church 7:30p Choir Rehearsal-VH Friday, Feb. 15 - FISH FRY #1 (4:30-7:00p) (4:30 8:00a Mass - Church $5,543.00 980.00 422.34 $6,945.34 Saturday, Feb. 16 Second Collection - Black & Indian Missions Third Sunday Food Collection 5:00p Mass-Church Sunday, Feb. 17 Second Collection - Black & Indian Missions No Religious Ed - Presidents Day Weekend Third Sunday Food Collection 8:30a Mass - Church 11:00a Mass - Church
FISH FRY DESSERTS NEEDED: If you would like to donate a dessert for the Lenten fish fry dinners please contact Judi Beight at or at 595-2717.

Thurs., Feb. 14 Sts. Cyril & Methodius 8:00a +Corrine Jentgen (Jane Jentgen & Teresa Veremis) Fri., Feb. 15 8:00a Friday after Ash Wednesday +Pete Gatto (Dorothy & Family)

Sat., Feb. 16 Saturday after Ash Wednesday 5:00p +Josephine Joseph (Rob & Krista Joseph) Sun., Feb. 17 First Sunday of Lent 8:30a People of the Parish 11:00a +Dec. Members Schirtzinger & Maloney Families (Family)

Gifts for God

Feb. 2-3 160 Envelopes Recd; 742 issued 20 Loose Checks Loose Cash Total

Thank you to all who support the work of God A REMINDER: The weekend of February 16 and 17 there will be a Black and Indian Missions Collection. The collection helps impoverished communities among the Black, Indian, Eskimo and Aleut peoples in our country. Together, let us truly be missionaries through our sacrifice and the love of Jesus Christ that we share.

For a Catholic perspective, the Catholic Times weekly newspaper features insightful and informative news from around our diocese, our country, and the world. Sign up TODAY for, or continue receiving the Catholic Times for another year, by placing your Catholic Times envelope with a minimum donation of only $17 (parish rate) into the regular Mass collection. Checks should be made payable to (Our Lady of Victory). If you are on electronic donation, you can still receive Catholic Times simply place your donation in an envelope marked Catholic Times and your Name and drop it into the Sunday collection basket during February.


on 3/15 (4:15-6:00p and 6:00-7:30p) and 3/22 (4:15-6:00p) If you would like to bus tables, make coffee or clean up or are looking to complete service hours, please contact Pat Feamster at 614-459-3683, (614-657-2375-cell) or e-mail


e are a group of people bound by our belief in Jesus Christ. Through our baptism, we are called to share in His work. Therefore we pledge ourselves through the ideal of shared ministry to build a community where all are welcomed, loved, needed, and appreciated; to celebrate the gift of life together in word and sacrament; and to promote justice, peace and equality for all people. - Our Lady of Victory Mission Statement

5:00p Saturday, February 16
Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Joyce Gold, Linda Mazzitti, Christine Pirik, Andrea Tose, Mary Waterfield Katie Foley, Jane Marx Josh Keil, Maria Krantz, Julia Krantz

Please remember in your prayers Elvira Bowers, sister of Mary Lou Melaragno, who died recently. May God grant her eternal rest and consolation to her family.


Terry Rodeman, Nancy Tarini, Steve Tarini, Jim McCauley

8:30a Sunday, February 17

Extraordinary Ministers: Lectors: Servers: Ushers: George Blubaugh, Mary Blubaugh, Ann Cahalan, Marsha Dieker Tom Silcott, Tom Tarpy William Mason, Jack Mason Anthony DiSante, John Frary, Elaine Broderick, Bryan Corson Tom Farynowski, Jean Bogen, Christine Pirik, Bob & Lu Mone

Upcoming Youth Ministry Events


when: next Sunday, February 17th time: 3:45pm (registration) until 10:00pm (note, time adjusted) where: OLV Parish Life Center cost: $10, dinner & snacks are provided
A group of young adult Catholics that travel the country will be coming to our Church to hang out with our teens, play games and excite them about their faith. Your teen is welcomed to bring friends Please contact Holly Jo to sign your teen up today. If youre willing to assist with the night please let her know. The youth group is collecting the following items to assemble COMPASSION PACKS for the homeless and military overseas:
Bottled water, juice pouches, tuna packs, granola/breakfast bars, fruit cups, pudding snacks, raisin packs, cheese its, cheese/crackers, fruit snacks, tissues, hand wipes or sanitizer, combs, toothbrushes, small toothpastes, hotel soaps/shampoos/conditioners, new socks/gloves hand/feet warmers, chapstick, $5 fast food gift cards, pads of paper/pens, washcloths and other single serving non-perishable items. Please place items in the boxes located by all the Church entrances throughout Lent, starting next weekend.

Eucharistic Ministers To the Homebound:

11:00a Sunday, February 17

Extraordinary Ministers: Marcia Bohley, Ann Gabriel, Rosemary Myers, Isabelle Tonneman, Gisela Vitt, Brenda Young Jim Shannon, Dottie Spires Charlotte LeBoeuf, Phillip LeBoeuf, Marie Pece Fred Lombardi, Mark McPherson, Tony Polletta, Richard Broderick Rob Luikart, Josie Quinn

Lectors: Servers:

Ushers: Collection Counters:

PRAYER REQUESTS: Dorothy Lang, Eloise Miller, Elizabeth Rusnak, Irene Clay, Patricia Baumann, Patricia Sheehan, Eric Ray, Reid Hudson, Jada Brady, William Reed Orban, Jake Koch, Sr. Sharen Baldy, SCN, Casey Browning, Eloise McAllister, Eric Falasca, Betsy Holland, Isabella Karst, Margaret Richards, Mary Yvonne Rhoads, Jim Young, Jennifer Kosmas, Elizabeth Kessler. Please remember in your prayers others who are not on this list. (Please notify the parish office of any changes.)


February 9-10, 2013

Bishop Campbell is calling the faithful to end homelessness. Day to End Homelessness is the faith communitys response to the sharp rise in homelessness and its ravaging effects on our neighbors in central Ohio. In the last two years, thousands of area congregants answered the faith communitys call to end homelessness. Money raised will benefit programs of Community Shelter Board to help people find secure housing and rebuild their lives.

LECTIO DIVINA As a bulletin insert during Lent you will find literature on Lectio Divina (Holy Reading) - an explanation of the readings for daily Mass. Lectio Divina is part of the Benedictine spirituality which includes reading, prayer, meditation and contemplation. OPERATION RICE BOWL Supplies at entrances to PLC ASH WEDNESDAY FOOD COLLECTION COLLECTION Lenten booklets will be available at the entrance to the Church ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE BE REMINDED OF THE MINIMUM EXPECTATIONS THE CHURCH HAS FOR US DURING THIS HOLY SEASON OF LENT: FASTING: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, all Catholics, FASTING: ages 18-59, one full meatless meal is permitted along with two meals of lesser quantity the same day. ABSTINENCE: Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent, all ABSTINENCE: Catholics, ages 14 and older, abstain from meat and meat products.
Works of Charity and Almsgiving are also recommended.

People are turning to shelters in record numbers. Community Shelter Board and partner agencies served 27% more children and 16% more adults in 2012, compared to 2011. More than 2,100 children were homeless last year. 56% of families entering emergency shelter have never before experienced homelessness. On too many nights, adults have nowhere to go turned away from shelters that are filled to capacity. A critical source of federal funding ended this year just when needs have reached an all-time high. Community Shelter Board was forced to close successful programs putting already vulnerable residents at greater risk.

Our congregation will join the 2013 campaign held in January & February with a collection taken after Ash Wednesday Masses at 8:00a, 12:00N & 7:00p. Monies collected will be distributed between the Day to End Homelessness campaign and J.O.I.N.

Why Do Catholics Give Things Up for Lent?

by Fr. Larry Rice, CSP

Ask nearly anyone who grew up Catholic what theyre doing for Lent, and theyll probably tell you what theyre giving up. The notion of giving up some pleasure for the 40 days of Lent is very much in keeping with the penitential character of the season. Of course, the primary pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. All of these are intended to turn our hearts back to God, to purify us, and prepare us for the celebration of Christs resurrection at Easter. One of the things that the whole Church gives up for Lent is the acclamation Alleluia before the proclamation of the Gospel. When it comes to giving things up for Lent, people often get into trouble by taking on too much, or by working from the wrong motivation. To take on too much is to set oneself up for failure. Several years ago, I decided to give up both meat and chocolate for Lent. Instead of turning my heart back to God, this only served to make me irritable, as

every bacon cheeseburger or peanut butter cup I encountered began to take on demonic proportions. The following year, I decided that perhaps the spiritual discipline of Lent was what I needed to help me lose 10 pounds by Easter. This was obviously the wrong motivation, because it made my Lenten practice all about me. This discipline is supposed to get us out of ourselves, and back to God. Needless to say, by Easter I still had those 10 pounds, and felt like a failure besides. The gift of humility comes from all sorts of interesting places. So this year, Im trying a different tack. For Lent, Im giving up. complaining. Im also trying to give up a grudge that Ive been quietly carrying around since Christmas. Ive also given up elevators, as an occasional reminder of my tendency to take the easy path. Time will tell, but I think I might make it all the way to Easter this year.



In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. While Ash Wednesday is not a Holy Day of Obligation, all Roman Catholics are encouraged to attend Mass on this day in order to mark the beginning of the Lenten season.

Grow closer to Jesus this Lent with the many opportunities that are being offered! THE DISTRIBUTION OF ASHES WEDNESDAY, FEB 13, 2013 Attend a Holy Mass at 8:00am, Noon, & 7:00pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS All Lenten Mondays at 7:00pm in the church DVD SERIES - BIBLICAL WALK THROUGH THE MASS & SOUP SUPPERS Wednesday Nights 6:30-8:00pm (Parish Life Center) All are invited to attend our delicious Soup Suppers on Wednesdays during Lent which will be followed by our DVD Series in learning more about the Mass. In this 5 week series you will discover the riches of the Mass. You will come to know and understand the Mass like never before. You will discover the Biblical meanings behind why we say what we say and do during the Liturgy. The words and gestures of the Mass will be seen in a new light, leading you to a fuller, more fruitful worship experience.
#1 Wednesday, February 20 #2 Wednesday, February 27 #3 Wednesday, March 6 #4 Wednesday, March 13 #5 Wednesday, March 20 #6 Wednesday, March 27Catholicism Series The Last Things

LENTEN SMALL GROUPS The Year of Faith Bible Study Guide for Catholics, by Fr. Mitch Pacwa.S.J.
Session 1: Belief in Jesus Christ Session 2: Assent to the Creed Session 3: Conversion Session 4: The Witness of Charity Session 5: Celebrating Faith Session 6: Faith and the New Evangelization

We are encouraging parishioners to form their own small groups of 4-8 participants. If you dont have a specific group, contact Mrs. Schechter, DRE to be put in a group. The Year of Faith Booklets are available (donations of $5.00 are appreciated). Questions? Contact Mrs. Schechter, DRE at 486-7678 or

LENTEN FISH FRY DINNERS Bring your family and friends to our famous Fish Fry Dinners on Fridays during Lent. FRIDAYS: Feb. 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, & 22

The Holy Week (March 24-30) schedule will follow.


February 9-10, 2013

THIRD SUNDAY OF THE MONTH FOOD DRIVE Our Lady of Victory Parish supports food banks located in Columbus and McArthur, Ohio by collecting non-perishable food items every Third Sunday of the Month. Please participate by bringing in nonperishable food donations and placing them in the baskets provided next Weekend - February 16-17 2013. Thank you for your support!


March for Life Pilgrimage Reflections

Two weeks ago, on Thursday, January 24th, my oldest daughter Maria, and I embarked on our first pilgrimage to The March For Life in Washington D.C. The experience was life changing for both of us. Holly Jo, our Youth Minister, having been several times, was very encouraging, and helpful. We joined several other Youth Ministers along with their Youth Groups including: Megan Thompson, St. Matthew; Adam Boyden, Immaculate Conception, Aaron Richards, St. Agatha, Teresa Kurth, St. Andrew, and Brendan ORourke, St. Simon and Jude, and of course, Our Lady of Victory, Holly Jo Monnier. We were also blessed to have Rev. Michael Hinterscheid, Associate Pastor from St. Paul, and three Seminarians, Shane, Mike and Andy traveled with us. The entire pilgrimage was beautiful. Holly and the other Youth Ministers had an agenda fully rooted in Christ, which included Mass, Adoration, and Praise and Worship, the Mass, Rally, and March for Life, a morning at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and even a Christian Rock Concert featuring Matt Maher!! It was so incredible to take part in this movement of our Youth, determined , excited and on fire for their faith. I have never experienced anything like this! Having the ability to not only see, but be part of such a movement and, to see the broader Church, the many Orders, Friars, Church groups with large banners from all over the world, coming together peacefully to stand up for Life. In closing, thank you, Holly, for traveling with us to D.C. This experience compares to no other. Maria and I reflect on the experience often. It has changed us, forever. With Respect For Life, Gina Krantz ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overall, the March For Life was an amazing experience. During this pilgrimage with the St. Andrew, St. Agatha, St. Matthew, Immaculate Conception, and St. Simon and Jude youth groups, I was able to meet other high schoolers with strong faith foundations and we were then able to share in this powerful experience together. On Friday, January 25, we had the amazing opportunity to peacefully rally in Washington, D.C. for the innocent unborn. This was such an awesome experience for me because I was able to fully understand the horrors of abortion and the great need to respect all forms of life in our nation. The full experience was truly indescribable and I highly encourage all to join this powerful rally in the future, especially the teens and young adults in our parish. We are the future of the church and together we can make a difference! Let us keep the innocent unborn and victims of abortion in our prayers. May God bless you all!! Maria Krantz

WESTERN IRISH FOOTBALL is a multi-parish youth football organization consisting of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of Victory, St. Cecilia, St. Christopher, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Margaret of Cortona, St. Mary-German Village and St. Mary Magdalene as well as students from St. Joseph Montessori and the schools of the preceding parishes. The Western Irish program is currently recruiting coaches for the 4th through 8th grade levels for the 2013 season. If you are interested in interviewing for a coaching position with the Western Irish program, please complete the online coaching interest form found at HYPERLINK " " http:// Applications will be accepted through the end of February 2013. Interviews will be held during the month of March and April 2013. RACHEL MUHA TO PRESENT AT JOSEPHINUM: The Pontifical College Josephinums 2012-13 Priests, Poets, and Philosophers series continues Friday, February 22, as Rachel Muha presents Do not be overcome with evil; overcome evil with good. Romans 12:12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Jessing Center on the Josephinum campus. The presentation is free of charge and open to the public; reservations not required. For more information, please contact Dr. Caitlin Gilson, Philosophy Department Chair, at FATHER EDMUND HUSSEY will speak in the St. Agatha Parish Hall on the Sundays of February from 9:30-10:45a on the following topics and then will give you an opportunity to make further comments or ask questions: February 3: Feminist Theology in the Church; February 10: The Vatican and the Nuns; February 17: The Popes Butler and the Vatileaks; February 24: New Reform Movements in the Church. DAY OF RENEWAL: On February 14th at St. Elizabeths Church (located at 6077 Sharon Woods Blvd); we will be gathering for a day of Renewal. This years theme is Profession of Faith. We will begin with Registration at 9:00a, Confessions and Praise and Worship at 9:30a, Mass will be held at 10:15a followed by a talk by our guest speaker Deacon Jerry Butts; followed by a potluck luncheon. Come and enjoy a free day of spiritual pampering. For more information, please contact the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at 614-237-7080. IRISH FEST AT THE JOSEPHINUM! Join the Josephinum community for its 8th annual Irish Fest on Saturday, March 2 from 511p. Mass will be celebrated at 4:30p in the seminarys St. Turibius Chapel. Beverages and food will be available for purchase. A 50/50 raffle, door prize drawings, face painting and a balloon artist will provide fun and entertainment for adults and children alike. 100% of the proceeds assist seminarians with medical bills, books and office supplies, computers, and travel home for family emergencies. Tickets may be purchased at the door and are $20 for adults and $5 for youth age 11-16. Children under 11 are free. Pre-sale tickets ($15 adults; $5 youth age 11-16) may be purchased until 4 p.m. on Friday, March 1. Call 614-885-5585 to purchase tickets by phone via credit card, or visit the reception desk in the main lobby of the Josephinum weekdays between 8:30a and 4:30p Parking is free.

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