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The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

10 February 2013

Go Into the Deep:

Full, Conscious, and Active Participation in the Liturgy

In the Gospel this weekend, Jesus invites his disciples, tired after fishing all night without success, to put out into the deep water and let down their nets. This got me thinking about how we too come to Church on the weekend, often tired, or frustrated by things in our life that are not going as they should. Sometimes, the last place we want to go is into the depths! And yet, that is exactly where Christ is calling us: speaking to our hearts, drawing us into friendship and communion, inviting us to bear fruit. Last Saturday morning, our liturgical ministers gathered for a workshop and training session on the call to full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical life of our parish community. We reflected on the importance of the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian life, and on the importance of preparing ourselves spiritually for the ministry in which we serve. Our role as liturgical ministers is to facilitate for the entire congregation an experience of prayer and worship in the context of a strong community. The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which all her power flows. Those who serve publicly in liturgical ministries must be deeply penetrated with the spirit of the liturgy. We must attend to our tasks with competence and reverence, with a deep spirit of prayer. In order for this to happen, the entire people of God shares in this privilege and this task. If liturgy is truly the work of the people (the meaning of the Greek word leiturgia), then all of us have an important role to play. We come to the liturgy neither as spectators waiting to be entertained, nor as isolated individuals looking for a quiet place to perform our devotions. We are not reluctant fulfillers of an externally-imposed duty, but living members of the Church, gathered together to be formed by Gods Word, and to be nourished at the Table of the Eucharist. We bring to the liturgy all that we are our joys and struggles, our concerns about family and work, all the needs of the world around us so that we might be transformed by Christ and sent forth to be His presence in the world. This weekend, as we deepen our understanding of the Eucharistic celebration, let us joyfully embrace in the Mass our deep identity and true vocation as Gods beloved. For indeed, we are the Body of Christ.

Congratulations to George and Paul Wong who were both awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for their charitable works.

Mass Intentions February 10-17, 2013

February 9, 2013 4:00 Our Lady's Saturday

Ash Wednesday Masses

There will be two masses offered on Wednesday, February 13th Ash Wednesday. The usual morning mass will be offered at 8:00 AM, and a second mass will celebrated at 7:00 PM. Ashes will be distributed at both masses.

8:30 11:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 7:00 PM 8:00

8:00 4:00 8:30 11:00

In Loving Memory Dorothy Rice, Mike Kilbertus, The Deceased Members of the Charles J. McDonald Family, Iole Falciani Fantuzzi, Giovina Palucci, Vincenzo Saluzzi, Giuseppe & Vittoria Caucci, Gerry McLaughlin, Arthur McLaughlin February 10, 2013 The 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Joseph Onesi Ida & Family Robert DiGiacomo The Family February 11, 2013 Monday, Our Lady of Lourdes Anna & Lorenzo Forlini Luisa Forlini February 12, 2013 Tuesday, Weekday Deo Gatias Navarrete His Children February 13, 2013 Ash Wednesday Intentions of All Parishioners Intentions of All Parishioners February 14, 2013 Thursday, Sts, Cyril & Methodius Theresa, Julian & Kevin The Rooney Rooney Family February 15, 2013 Friday, Lenten Weekday Stewart Glover Marion Doyle February 16, 2013 Saturday, Lenten Weekday Alexander Cybulski Claudia & George February 17, 2013 The First Sunday of Lent In Loving Memory Alessandro Fiori, Luigi & Rosa Mammone, Joseph Onesi, Cecilia Scartozzi Rosolino Sparapani Maria & Family

The heart of the Gospel message is Jesus the Christ

In this Year of Faith, as part of your Lenten journey, you might like to become reacquainted with this Jesus as he is portrayed in the Synoptic Gospels those of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Eight sessions will be offered on Tuesday nights, February 12 April 2, 7:15 - 9:15 pm, at the CND Mother House, 2330 Sherbrooke St. W. We will use the book INTRODUCTION to the SYNOPTIC GOSPELS by Pheme Perkins from Boston College. Cost: $50 book $20 offering $30. Please contact Sr. Kay Duffin, cnd at 514-762-1844 or

Adult Faith Enrichment

Upcoming events LENTEN RETREAT Practical Simplicity Animated by Deacon Richard Boileau The objective of this retreat is to focus attention on ways of making simplicity a way of dealing with our many challenges in order to achieve inner peace and lasting joy. Join us on Monday, February 25, 2013, from 6 to 9 PM. This Twilight Retreat includes supper at the cost of $10. RSVP before Feb. 21: Elizabeth Koessler, 514-925-4315 or Please refer to and the posters at the Church entrances for additional information. If you have questions please contact Anna at the office.

Your Generosity
Thank you for your on-going support of our parish

Last Sundays collection was $2,711.50

2013 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets The 2013 Lenten Reflection and Prayer Booklets are available for you to purchase at the main entrance of the church. The adult, family and childrens versions are priced at $2.00 each. Please put your payment in the Missalette and Newspaper Payment Box.

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