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^ T H E UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25,1983 ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5


intensified repression in Ukraine
1983 was yet another woeful year for dissidents and religious activists in Ukraine. The mantle of power in the Soviet Union had earlier been passed on to Yuri Andropov, the former K G B chief w h o was the scourge of the dissident movement during the truculent years of the B r e z h n e v e r a . T h e y e a r saw an intensification of repression against h u m a n - r i g h t s a n d r e l i g i o u s acti v i s t s , n e w e x e c u t i o n s of f o r m e r m e m b e r s of t h e O r g a n i z a t i o n of Ukrainian Nationalists and the U krainian insurgent Army and the adoption of new criminal statutes aimed at c u r b i n g dissent. One such statute, instituted on October 1, allowed authorities to impose additional labor-camp terms of up to five years for prisoners w h o were punished for opposing labor camp administrators. The law deal i n g w i t h " p a r a s i t i s m " was a l s o a m e n d e d , m a k i n g it e a s i e r f o r authorities to prosecute both dissi dents w h o cannot find work (usually because they are effectively barred from e m p l o y m e n t ) and religious activists not engaged in it what the law terms "socially useful labor." Some dissidents were released in 1983. Perhaps the most dramatic case involved t w o Pentecostal fami lies - the v a s h c h e n k o s (who are Ukrainian) and the Chmykhalovs who were granted permission to emigrate in J u n e after spending five years in the U.S. Embassy in Mos cow. They had sought refuge there in 1 9 7 8 a f t e r S o v i e t a u t h o r i t i e s c o n t i n u e d to refuse them permission to leave the Soviet Union. in January, lvan Svitlychny was released from exile, in 1972, the w e l l - k n o w n literary critic and poet was sentenced to seven years in a labor camp and five years' internal exile for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." N o w 54, Mr. Svitly chny is partially paralyzed and otherwise disabled as a result of a stroke and brain hemorrhage he suffered in 1981 while imprisoned. Two. other dissidents released in 1983 were v a s y l Barladianu, a 42y e a r - o l d art h i s t o r i a n , a n d Taras Melnychuk, 5 1 . Mr. Barladianu com pleted a three-year term for "slander ing the Soviet s t a t e , " w h i l e Mr. Melnychuk, a veteran of the Ukrai nian national movement, finished a four^year stretch for " h o o l i g a n i s m . " But for most dissidents, the year was marked by persecution, vio lence and repression. in J a n u a r y , d i s s i d e n t s o u r c e s reported the arrest of Zorian Popa diuk, a 29-year-old activist w h o was in the second year of a five-year exile term f o l l o w i n g a seven-year labor-camp sentence, in A u g u s t it was learned that Mr. Popadiuk was sentenced to 15 years' imprison ment for "anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda." in February, reports f r o m Ukraine revealed that Ukrainian economist Zinoviy Antoniuk, 50, was sentenced to one year in a strict-regimen camp for "parasitism." He had been released in 1981 after c o m p l e t i n g a 10year labor-camp a n d exile term for "anti-Soviet agitation and propa ganda." Also arrested was w e l l - k n o w n Ukrainian Catholic C h u r c h activist Yosyp Terelia, who had already spent nearly 14 of his 40 years in various camps, prisons and psychia tric hospitals Mr. Terelia, perhaps best k n o w n in the West for his book. "Notes from a Madhouse," a detail ed report of his life in a Soviet mental institution, was arrested in the early part of t h e y e a r a f t e r a n n o u n c i n g t h e formation of an initiative G r o u p for the Defense of the Rightsof Believers and the C h u r c h . The g r o u p called for official recognition of the Ukrai nian Catholic C h u r c h , which was outlawed in 1946. Earlier in the year, reports reach ing the West revealed the death of Mr. Terelia's brother, Borys, w h o was killed in a shootout with K G B a n d p o l i c e f o r c e s in J u n e 1982. There were also reports that Yosyp Terelia's wife had been harassed prior to her husband's arrest. Another prominent dissident to be re-arrested in 1983 was Olha Heyko, a member of the Ukrainian Helsinki G r o u p and wife of imprisoned Hel sinki monitor Mykola Matusevych. Ms. Heyko, 29, was arrested one m o n t h prior to her scheduled release f r o m a labor camp, where she was c o m p l e t i n g a three-year term for "anti-Soviet slander." Also arrested was Ukrainian hu m a n - r i g h t s a c t i v i s t v a l e r y Mar chenko, a 36-year-old writer-trans lator and former political prisoner. He was taken into custody in Kiev on October 20. He was previously im p r i s o n e d f r o m 1973 to 1981 for"anti Soviet agitation and propaganda." 1983 also marked the intensifica t i o n of t h e r e g i m e ' s c a m p a i g n a g a i n s t f o r m e r m e m b e r s of t h e Organization of Ukrainian Nationa lists and the Ukrainian insurgent Army, in March, the Soviet paper visti z Ukrainy reported that three former O U N members - M. Oho r o d n y c h y k , P. S h p a c h u k a n d v . Stasiv - were sentenced to be shot for being members of, as the paper put it, "bands of Ukrainian bour geoise nationalists." The date of the executions was not disclosed. in addition, it was revealed that f o r m e r UPA member Myroslav Sym c h y c h , w h o was due to complete his second 15-year labor camp term in October 1982, was re-arrested and sentenced in January to an addi tional two and a half years' impri sonment. The 60-year-old nationa list had served terms from 1948 to 1963 and 1968 to 1982. Also on the dissident front, Petro Ruban began serving a three-year exile term after completing a sixyear labor-camp sentence for activi ties w i t h t h e U k r a i n i a n n a t i o n a l movement. The 43-year-old w o o d carver had previously served two terms, the last being from 1965 to 1973. it was a l s o r e p o r t e d t h a t t w o Ukrainian political prisoners, Yuriy Badzio and vasyl Striltsiv. staged one-day hunger strikes in late 1982 to coincide with the 60th anniver sary of the formation of the Soviet Union. Mr. Badzio. a 48-year-old socialist theorist, is currently serving a 12-year labor-camp and exile term w h i c h b e g a n in 1980, w h i l e Mr Striltsiv. a 54-year-old member of the Ukrainian Helsinki G r o u p , was sentenced in 1981 while imprisoned to a six-year labor-camp term. The year also saw incidents of violence against dissidents and their families, as well as reports that at least one dissident's wife had been attacked in the Soviet press. in January, the wife of Ukrainian historian Yaroslav Dashkevych was hospitalized after she was brutally beaten by men while on her way to work in Lviv. it marked the second time that Liudmyla Dashkevych, who is active in Lviv cultural circles, had been assaulted. A similar inci dent occurred in 1979. There was also a report that a y o u n g Ukrainian Catholic nun was beaten to death by a gang of youths in Lviv late in 1982. A c c o r d i n g to sources in Ukraine, Maria Shwed, a 29-year-old member of the outlawed U k r a i n i a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h , was attacked and murdered by members of a K o m s o m o l v i g i l a n t e g r o u p k n o w n as " d r u z h y n n y k y . " in February, Svitliana Kyrychenko. wife of Yuriy Badzio, was the subject of a sardonic article in v e c h i r n y i Kiev, a Soviet paper, w h i c h accused her of " e g o i s m " and getting material support from persons in the West. The lengthy article, headlined "A lady with a m b i t i o n , " charged that Ms. Kyrychenko sought to exploit her husband's imprisonment and the attention it has received in the West for personal gain. T w o other developments that did not bode well for the U k r a i n i a n nation were the stepped-up perse c u t i o n of t h e U k r a i n i a n C a t h o l i c Church and an increase in the go vernment's Russification campaign. T h e regime's efforts against the C h u r c h included the sentencing in late 1982 of t w o Ukrainian Catholic priests, vasyl Kavaciv. 49, and Ro man Esip, 32, both of whom received eight-year labor-camp and exile terms. There were also persistent reports of K G B harassment of Ukrai nian Catholic believers and the sacking of several churches. But despite the repression, which in c l u d e d t h e s u p p r e s s i o n of Mr. Terelia's initiative G r o u p for the Defense of Believers and the Church, several samvydav sources reported a w i d e s p r e a d r e s u r g e n c e in t h e Church's popularity. Samvydav sources also published secret Soviet d o c u m e n t s w h i c h indicated Moscow's plans to expand its Russification policies in Ukraine, particularly in education. The documents included minutes from a June 29 meeting of the Colle g i u m of Education of the Ukrainian SSR, which detailed measures to improve Russian-language studies in Ukraine in accordance with a May 26 resolution of the Central Com mittee of the C o m m u n i s t Party of the Soviet Union and the C o u n c i l of Ministers of the USSR. The resotu t i o n c a l l e d f o r t h e u p g r a d i n g of Russian-language instruction in all union republics. A correspondent resolution was adopted on J u n e 10 by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR and the Coun cil of Ministers. A m o n g the r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s were raising the level of Russianlanguage teaching in schools with U k r a i n i a n or o t h e r l a n g u a g e s of instruction; teaching Russian to non-Russian children in pre-school institutions and preparatory classes; making Russian a " c o m p u l s o r y subject" in curricula for students of non-language departments of peda gogical institutions; and introduc ing an entrance exam in Russian language and literature for persons beginning post-graduate study, as well as a final examination in this subject as a requirement for a candi date's degree. The measures, which will affect virtually all educational institutions in Ukraine, were seen as an attempt to Russify the villages, long con sidered strongholds of Ukrainian c u l t u r e , w h i l e at t h e same t i m e preventing any Ukrainian backlash in t h e c i t i e s , w h e r e t h e R u s s i a n language, t h o u g h dominant, may not be as d o m i n a n t as Soviet officials w o u l d like. Over all, the situation of Ukrai nian dissidents and religious acti vists in 1983 was bleak. T h e nucleus of t h e U k r a i n i a n human-rights movement - the members of the Ukrainian Helsinki G r o u p remain, for the most part, either in labor

Sent to the gulag were (fromleft)? Myroslav Symchych, valeriy M a r c h e n k o , Otha H e y k o , Zorian Popa'cHuk,'YtTsyp T e r e l i a and Zinoviy AfffinTUR.v'



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it was a year during which solemn commemorations of the 50th anni versary of the Great Famine of 193233 overshadowed all else in the Marathon Madrid Conference Ukrainian community as Ukrainians on the local, state or provincial, After nearly three, often frustrat accepted the Spanish compromise. national and international levels ing years of deliberations, the Ma Mr. Reagan called it the "best agree concentrated their energies on or drid Conference to review imple ment attainable" because it ad ganizing various events in order to mentation of the 1975 Helsinki Ac- vanced "efforts of the West to hold ensure that the world would become cords came to a close on September out a beacon of hope for those in aware of this unknown holocaust. 9. Burdened throughout by a sharp East who seek a more free, just and Dozens of local committees were deterioration of East-West relations secure life." formed from San Francisco to De - the result of the Soviet invasion of Although the final document left troit to Albany, NY., in order to Afghanistan, the imposition of mar out many of the Western amend commemorate the tragic anniver tial law in Poland and continued ments, such as those dealing with sary; scores of feature articles and Soviet human-rights abuses - the the right to strike, the banning of news stories appeared in the press meeting did serve to focus inter- radio jamming and the freedom of throughout the United States and national attention on Soviet viola journalists to move about, it did Canada, as well as in England, tions of the accords. support workers' rights to join free France and Australia; hundreds of Even the formal closing week of trade unions as well as the rights of events - demonstrations, rallies, the marathon meeting was marred religious and ethnic minorities. memorial services, food drives, by yet another Soviet atrocity - the The formal close of the meeting lectures, seminars - were held; shooting down of a Korean com did not take place until September many special publications, ranging mercial jetliner with the loss of 269 because Malta stubbornly insisted from leaflets to books, appeared to lives. on a special meeting on Mediterra memorialize the 50th anniversary; The road to a concluding docu nean security. and countless public officials on all The final three days of the meet levels of government recalled the ment was a difficult one. When the meeting resumed on February 8 ing, September 7-9, were devoted to famine's 7 million victims in adfollowing a Christmas recess, there closing speeches delivered in all but dresses, resolutions and proclama was little hope that either side was a few cases by the foreign ministers tions. willing to alter positions that would of the 35 signatory states. Because Details of the myriad obser of the Korean airliner incident, the vances and press coverage could fill break the long-standing deadlock. The NATO countries, led by the long-awaited meeting between Se volumes. What follows is a brief runUnited States, introduced a number cretary of State George Shultz and down of the major events. of amendments to the draft con- Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei in the United States, anniversary eluding document which took into Gromyko dealt mainly with U.S. commemorations got rolling with account the Polish situation, the objections to Soviet behavior. the formation on January 29 of a continued occupation of AfghanisThe concluding document itself national famine committee called tan and the Warsaw Pact countries' has been criticized by human-rights ! the National Committee to Comme dismal human-rights record. The groups as too vague and general. morate Genocide victims in Ukraine Eastern bloc rejected most of the The External Representation of the 1932-33, whose motto became "Let amendments, while offering mini Ukrainian Helsinki Group said that us remember and make others mal concessions on the others. the final document "does not gua aware." The committee included in March, the neutral and non- rantee the protection of the Helsinki representatives of over 50 Ukrai aligned countries proposed a corn- monitors,'.' private citizens who nian organizations and local com promise draft which omitted im formed unofficial groups in several munities and was headed by Dr. portant Western demands, particu Soviet republics to monitor Soviet larly in the area of human rights. The compliance with the original ac Soviets accepted the proposal on cords. Most of the members are May 6, but U.S. Ambassador Max either imprisoned or in exile. Kampelman, speaking for the NATO The document did make provi alliance, said the Western delega sionsfor six specializedor"experts'" tions would hold out for a "solid and meetings on a variety of subjects, meaningful" final document.' including sessions on human rights Finally, on June 17 Spain pro- (Ottawa, 1985), human contacts (Bern, 1986) and disarmament posed a compromise which cut most remaining issues down the (Stockholm, 1984). These meetings, middle but which met the key U.S. hopefully, will provide a framework demand for an experts meeting on for future consideration of a range "human contacts." The Soviets of East-West issues. accepted the compromise on July 1. On the whole, the results of the On July 15. the Reagan admi Madrid meeting were mixed. The concluding document did commit nistration announced that it had signatory states to follow-up meet ings on such issues as human rights. At the same time, it failed to pro duce any credible sign that the SovieJ Union intends to regard its new commitments as an obligation to cease or diminish the pattern of internal repression and brutality which characterized Soviet behavior throughout the entire meeting. But, for the moment, the so-called Helsinki process, though somewhat frayed, remains intact, if anything, it allows the West to continue to focus the i n t e r n a t i o n a l s p o t l i g h t on egregious Soviet violations of hu man rights. Although that spotlight has yet to force the Soviets to appre ciably alter their behavior, its glare has served to illuminate Soviet reality and counterbalance the SovietUnion's propagandistic claim that it belongs among the civilized coun tries of the world. camps J r exile Many were re-arrest ed while still serving their terms. Religious activists, particularly U krainian Baptists and Pentecostals, faced intense persecution, as did members of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Sadly, 1984 promises more of the same.

Great Famine memorial


Peter G. Stercho of Philadelphia. The conference at which the com mittee was formed was called on the initiative of Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Mstyslav who had organized a preparatory committee to mark the famine anniversary five years earlier. The national famine committee organized two major events to mark the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine during 1983. The first, a memorial service at the Ukrainian Orthodox Center of St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle, was held on St. Thomas Sunday or "Providna Ne dilia" (Seeing Off Sunday), a day traditionally set aside by Ukrainians to honor the dead. Some 13,000 persons participated in the day's events which began with an archpastoral divine liturgy inside St. Andrew's Memorial Church and continued with an outdoor ecu menical requiem service on the church's steps offered by Ukrainian Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant hierarchs and clergy. A memorial concert at the Home of Ukrainian Culture capped the commemora tion. The national famine committee's second major event, held in Wash ington on October 2, attracted 18,000 Ukrainians from all over the United States and Canada. They came to attend a rally at the front of the Washington Monument, a march through the nation's capital, a de monstration near the Soviet Em bassy and a memorial concert at the Kennedy Center in order to mourn the 7 million famine victims and to renew their pledge to never allow the world to forget the holocaust inflicted upon the Ukrainian nation by the Soviet regime. The rally

Max Kampelman, U.S. ambassador to marathon Madrid Conference.

Scene of the memorial service in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine held on May 15 at trie Ukrainian Orthodox Center.

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participants were addressed by various government officials, reli gious and ethnic leaders, and Ukrai nian community leaders. The October 2 events were the culmination of a series of events held in the capital during the Great Famine Memorial Week beginning September 25. Other events were: candlelight vigils near the Soviet Embassy, exhibits about the far .ine and the destruction of Ukrainian churches by the Soviet government, a scholarly symposium at the Ameri can Enterprise institute, a press conference 'eatunng eyewitnesses and scholars, a special order in the House of Representatives, a recep tion on Capitol Hill, statements in the U.S. Senate, special liturgies and a ceremony before the Taras Shevchenko monument that stands in Washington. On November 17, the bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States gathered at their national meeting issued a condemnation of the 1933 forced famine, in a state ment endorsed without opposition by some bishops, the National Catholic Conference of Bishops said that the Stalin-perpetrated famine was motivated "by the desire of the Soviet Union to destroy the national identity of the Ukrainian people." The statement was sub mitted by Bishop Basil H. Losten of the Stamford Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy, who had earlier sent letters and information packets about the famine to members of the bishops' conference. Meanwhile, in Canada, the first international symposium on the Great Famine in Ukraine was held in Canada at the University of Quebec at Montreal on March 25-26 with 14 top scholars from Canada, the United States and France participat ing. Seventeen papers weredeliver ed at the symposium which was sponsored by the inter-University Centre for European Studies, which encompasses the University of Que bec, the University of Montreal, McGill University and Concordia University and the Canadian insti tute of Ukrainian Studies based in Edmonton. The Ontario Council of the Ukrai nian Canadian Committee marked the famine anniversary with a fiveday, 230-mile bike-a-thon from To ronto to Ottawa. Thirty-seven Ukrai nian students pedaled the distance in order to draw public attention to the Great Famine of 50 years ago and to raise.funds for refugees from Afghanistan and Kampuchea. Along the way the students, clad in highly visible blue and yellow T-shirts emblazoned with the wprds "in Memory of the Millions" and "Arti ficial Famine in Ukraine 1933," distributed leaflets outlining the purpose of their trek. The bike-athon concluded with a demonstra tion organized .by the Canadian Ukrainian Students' Union (SUSK) near the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa. The bikers raised over 13,000 and presented this sum to the lnterna

The commemorative card issued in Edmonton for the unveiling of a monument to famine victims features the memorial's circular design. tional Red Cross during a luncheon at the Fourth World Congress of Free Ukrainians. Edmonton's Ukrainian commu nity decided to observe the Great Famine anniversary by erecting a monument to its victims. A design called "The Broken Life Cycle" by artist Ludmilla Temertli, whose mother had survived the famine, was selected; dedication ceremonies took place on October 23. The monument stands on city land in front of Edmonton City Hall. Canadians also led the way in preparing documentaries about the Great Famine of 1932-33 RadioQuebec Tv, Quebec's educational television network, presented a documentary titled "10 Million vic tims: Ukraine 1933 - The Unknown Holocaust" on its "Planete" series. Researcher-consultant Taras Hu kalo, director Claude Caron and "Planete" executive producer Karel Ludvik were each given awards for their outstanding work on !he halfhour film by the Ukrainian Cana dian Committee. , CBC-Tv"s award-winning series "The Fifth Estate" presented a 20minute probe into thp events sur round;rg the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33 on its April 27 broadcast. The producer of the segment was Oleh Rumak. The Ukrainian Famine Research Committee in Toronto was in the process of preparing a one-hour documentary film on the famine. The committee engaged Slavko Nowytski as Droducer-director, Yuriy Lunovy as associate director and editor, and Marco Carynnyk as chief researcher. The project was initiated by Mr. Carynnyk, and the committee operates under the auspices of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee. At the end of the year, there was more good news from Canada, as the Toronto Board of Education announced that it was preparing a teaching unit on the Ukrainian famine. Directed at students in grades 11 to 13, the unit will be prepared by Dr. Orest Subtelny of York Univer sity. An international commemoration of the Great Famine anniversary was held in conjunction with.the Fourth World Congress o' Free Ukrainians in Toronto f mammoth ecumenical service ana : ' ware nelc at Maple Leaf Gardens on December 1 with some 10,000 persons - Toronto area residents and WCRJ delegates from around the wono - r atten dance The requierr ervce was offered by some 20 ' erar^hs and clergy of the -'holic, Orthodox and Protestant C hurches. The keynote address was deliver ed by Brian Mulroney, leader of the Progressive Conservative opposi tion in the Canadian Panament, who scored the Soviets for sating the famine that killed 7 mil' on men, women and children in Ukraine The Soviet Embassy responded to Mr. Mu'roney's speech by filing an offi cial protest with Canada's Depart ment of External Affairs and calling Mr Mulroney's statement that 7to8 million had died in a man nade famine a "hundred percent lie "



K'Iv s v s x

News in Ukrainian
19f 3 was a year of expansion and activity for both the Ukrainian Ca tholic and Ukrainian Orthodox Churches. Pope John Paul ll on December 20 announced the formation of a new eparchy for Ukrainian Catholics in the United States, with its seat in Parma, Ohio, it will be headed by

Bishop Robert Moskal. An extraordinary sobor of the Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church of Canada took place on November 26-27 during which the membership of the sobor increased to five. Two priests were elevated to bishops, Bishop Wasyl was elevated to archbishop and a bishops' cathedral was

Partial view of the crowd gathered near the Washington Monument on October 2 at the Great Famine memorial rally.



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designated in vancouver. Earlier in the year, Patriarch Josyf Slipyj opened the Synod of Ukrai nian Catholic Bishops in Rome. The synod opened on January 30 and ran t h r o u g h February 12. During this time the Rev. Michael Hrynchy shyn was consecrated bishop for U k r a i n i a n C a t h o l i c s in France, a post vacated by Bishop v o l o d y m y r Malanchuk because of poor health. The patriarch's 91 st birthday and the 20th anniversary of his release from the Soviet U n i o n were also marked d u r i n g the synod. On March 25, the Feast of the A n n u n c i a t i o n of the Blessed v i r g i n , the Rev. Slavomir Miklovs was con s e c r a t e d b i s h o p of t h e K r i z e v c i Eparchy for Ukrainian Catholics in Yugoslavia. He succeeded Bishop Joachim Segedi w h o had held the post after the death of Bishop Ga briel Bukatko. Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk of Canada was selected as an ex officio member to represent Ukrai nian Catholics at the international S y n o d of Bishops held in October in Rome, it was during this synod that Archbishop-Coadjutor Myroslav Lubachivsky delivered an address to the b i s h o p s a b o u t t h e U k r a i n i a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h of S i l e n c e . He spoke about the annihilation of the Ukrainian Catholic Church by the Soviet regime and noted that this Church lives on "amid unbelievable difficulties and hardships." During his address he also cited the case of Yosyf Terelia, a layman who heads the Committee for the Defense of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine. Earlier in the year, on July 7, Pope J o h n Paul ll met with a g r o u p of Ukrainian Catholic University summer students, during w h i c h the pontiff, speaking in Ukrainian, pro mised t h e g r o u p t o d o a l l h e c o u l d t o help Mr. Terelia and assured them that the Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian Catholic C h u r c h are al ways in his prayers. This year was also a year of anni versary celebrations and comme morations. The Ukrainian Catholic faithful on November 12-13 marked the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Metropolitan See of the Ukrai nian Catholic Church in the United States. On September 11, the Ukrai nian Catholic Seminary on the grounds of St. Basil's College, cele brated its 50th anniversary d u r i n g the annual Connecticut Day Festi val. Both jubilee events were attend ed by the Ukrainian Catholic htgr' rarchs of the United States. Probably the most impressive number of clergy and nuns from all over the U n i t e d States and Canada gathered in Chi cago d u r i n g a three-day "U krainian Youth for Christ" Conven tion held on November 11-13. The c o n v e n t i o n , i n i t i a t e d by the Rev. Marian Butrynsky under the patronage of Bishop innocent Lotocky, was planned by y o u t h , for y o u t h . The convention was organized to mark the 50th anniversary of the " Y o u t h for Christ" march held in Lviv in 1933 under the auspices of Metro politan Andrey Sheptytsky, and it a t t r a c t e d o v e r 400 y o u t h s , b o t h Catholics and Orthodox. During the weekend convention, participants attended workshops on such themes as r e l i g i o u s p e r s e c u t i o n in t h e Soviet U n i o n , Christian moral ethics and religious themes in contempo rary films. They also took part in the 50th anniversary manifestation to mark the first such gathering and, along with the Chicago-area community, in a solemn rally and prayer service h e l d at H o l y N a m e C a t h e d r a l t o c o m m e m o r a t e the Great Famine in Ukraine. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago attended the service, along with Ukrainian Catholic Bishops Lotocky, Basil Losten, lsi d o r e Borecky and Miklovs and numerous other representatives of all denominations. The leaders of the Ukrainian Or thodox and Ukrainian Catholic Churches took part in famineobser vances t h r o u g h o u t the year. Metro politan Mstyslav of the Ukrainian Orthodox C h u r c h , w h o marked his 85th birthday this year, hosted the South B o u n d Brook commemora t i d n s at St. A n d r e w ' s M e m o r i a l C h u r c h , the seat of the Ukrainian O r t h o d o x C h u r c h in t h e U n i t e d States, o n May 15. He also traveled

Hierarchs at Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago during famine commemora tions. to Washington on October 2 to take appealed to the WCC members to part in the national famine comme raise "their voices in protest against morations attended by over 18,000 the crass and inhumane persecution Ukrainians. of all religions in Ukraine, particu larly the Ukrainian Catholic and the During the week prior to the na Churches, tional commemorations of the fa- U k r a i n i a n O r t h o d o x mine, a Ukrainian Catholic priest w h i c h have been outlawed in con travention to all written committ from Chicago, the Rev. Peter Ga ladza along w i t h Lutheran Pastor ments of the USSR, including the J o h n Shep and the Rev. Taras Lon Soviet Constitution, w h i c h assures chyna. a Ukrainian Catholic priest all citizens their inalienable rights to from Washington, staged a five-day practice the religion of their choice." fast and prayer vigil for the 7 million During the Fourth World Con victims of the famine in Ukraine. gress of Free Ukrainians just recent T o w a r d the end of the week, the Rev. ly c o n c l u d e d in Toronto, represen Galadza and Pastor Shep were ar tatives of Ukrainian Churches issued rested at the Soviet Embassy gate after a statement in regard t o celebra performing a memorial service there. tions of the millennium of Christia They were charged with disorderly nity in Ukraine. They decided to conduct and fined S10. They did, hold jubilee molebens on the interhowever, manage to slip a Bible national, national and local levels at under the embassy gate. midnight (Kiev time) on August 13, U.S. Ukrainian Catholic bishops issued an appeal to their faithful to c o m m e m o r a t e the 50th anniversary of the holocaust in Ukraine. All of them later joined the national famine committee as part of its honorary presidium. Many Ukrainian parishes throughout the United States and Canada took part in famine commemora tj^ns this year, holding memorial prayer services and panakhydas, as well as organizing f o o d drives and buses to travel to the commemora tions in Washington. The World Congress of Free U krainians sent a lengthy memoran d u m t o t h e W o r l d C o u n c i l of Churches, w h i c h held a three-week c o n g r e s s in v a n c o u v e r in m i d summer. The WCFU document 1988; to hold an ecumenical Ukrai nian c o m m e m o r a t i o n of the millen nium d u r i n g the Fifth W C F U ; and to jointly prepare a Ukrainian edition of the Gospels, Epistles and daily prayers. This was also the year that the Ukrainian Catholic C h u r c h accept ed the painting "Baptism of Rus' Ukraine" by the late Petro Andrusiw as the official millennium painting. An illustrated Bible for^children, published in Yugoslavia, became available in the United States, and "A Byzantine Rite Liturgical Year," published by the Basilian Fathers, was translated into English. All in'-all. the year was full of activity. The Ukrainian, religious were visible in the c o m m u n i t y as shepherds tending their faithful flock.

Newly consecrated Bishop Michael Hrynchyshyn (right) celebrates liturgy in Rome.

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Activity on Capitol Hill
1983 was marked by an unusual flurry of activity on Capitol Hill in the area of Ukrainian affairs, most notably the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine and human rights. Much of the activity was the result of an intensification of lobbying efforts by Ukrainian community groups, most notably Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine and representa tives of the National Committee to Commemorate Genocide victims in Ukraine, and by the presence in Washington of an increased number of young professionals in govern ment. On November 17, the House un animously passed House Concur rent Resolution 11-1, which asked President Ronald Reagan to issue a proclamation concerning the Great Famine and which criticized Soviet involvement in the famine. The resolution, which was sponsored by Reps. Gerald Solomon (R-N.Y.) and Hamilton Fish Jr. (R-N.Y.), had 84 co-sponsors. The measure was sub mitted to the House by Rep. Cle ment Zablocki (D-Wisc), Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, who died of an apparent heart attack 16 days later. Two days earlier, on November 15, the Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 70, which asked the president to set aside May 28, 1984. for commemorations of the Great Famine; The measure, which was approved by a voice vote, passed the Senate Foreign Relations Com mittee on November 8. it was spon sored by Sens Ernest Hollings (D S.C.) and Peter Domenici (R-N.M.) and had 60 co-sponsors. in other legislative action, Rep. James Florio (D-N.J.) introduced a bill calling for the formation of a special commission to study the Great Famine. The measure, which was initially introduced as H.R. 3993 on September 27, was reintroduced on November 16 with a total of 62 co-sponsors, it called for the esta blishment of a 21-member commis sion composed of members of the House, Senate, various government departments, as well as Ukrainian c o m m u n i t y and h u m a n - r i g h t s groups. in addition, the House on Novem ber 18 approved a resolution, House Concurrent Resolution 100, which called on the president to express the government's opposition to the Soviet use of forced labor. The measure, which was spon sored by Rep. Christopher Smith (R N.J.) and had over 150 co-sponsors, expressed the "sense of the Con gress" that Soviet forced labor practices were "morally reprehen sible." Earlier, on November 9, a joint hearing on forced labor sponsored by the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Human Rights and international Organizations and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, concluded with most witnesses, among them representatives of several govern ment agencies, expressing support for the tfmith resolution. Meanwhile, the Senate Agricul ture Committee held a November 15 hearing on Soviet agriculture which focused on the artificial famine in Ukraine. Assisting in the prepara tion of the hearings were members of the newly formed UkrainianAme rican Caucus, made up of young professionals and government workers in Washington. The hear ings, chaired by Committee Chairman Jesse Helms (R-N.C), heard testimony from the Rev. Wolodymyr Bazylewsky, a famine survivor, and from Dr. Katherine Kochno, also an eyewitness. Also testifying were Dr. James Mace of the Harvard Ukrai nian Research institute, and Dr. Robert Conquest, well-known So vietologist and the author of an upcoming book about the famine. in addition, the CSCE and the House Foreign Affairs Subcommit tee on Human Rights and lnterna tional Organizations held a joint hearing on September 20 examining psychiatric abuse in the Soviet Union. On November 9, Sen. Charles Percy-(R-lll.) convened a field hear ing of the Foreign Relations Com mittee, which he chairs, to examine the state of human rights in Eastern Europe and the Soyiet Union. Testi fying was an 11-member panel of ethnic and religious leaders that included Dr. Myron B. Kuropas, UNA supreme vice president. After the hearing, Sen. Percy announced the formation of an Advisory Council on Religious Rights in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Among the council members is Dr. Kuropas. in other congressional action, 100 congressmen signed a joint letter to Soviet leader Yuri Andropov urging him to release 78-year-old Helsinki monitor Oksana Meshko, who is currently in exile. The initiator of the letter was Rep. Smith. in addition, 42 members of the House signed an August 4 letter urging President Reagan to open a U.S. consulate in Kiev, capital of Ukraine. The letter was initiated by Reps. Don Ritter (R-Pa.), Brian Donnelly (D-Mass.) and Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.). The letter was also signed by Sen. Donald Riegte (D Mich.). Another letter, initiated by Reps. Smith and Bernard DwyeY (6-N.J), urged the president to set aside a day honoring the Ukrainian Helsmki Group. The letter was signed by 68 congressmen and five senators. Other activities on the Hill in cluded the cdmmemoration of the 65th anniversary of Ukrainian ln dependence Day, which included a special order in Congress intro duced by Rep. Samuel Stratton (D N.Y.) and Rep. Ritter. There wasalso a special reception. This year also marked a resur gence of sorts for Captive Nations Week, which of late had been mark ed by perfunctory presidential pro clamations and diminishing official and media interest. The week - July 18-25 - was kicked off by two major addresses, one by vice President George Bush, who spoke at a CN Week banquet, and one by U.N. Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, who addressed a Capitol Hill luncheon. The following day, July 19. Presi dent Reagan addressed some 100 persons, including many ethnic leaders, at a White House ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of Captive Nations Week.

World Congress of Free Ukrainians

The quinquennial World Con gress of Free Ukrainians took place in Toronto on November 30 through December 3 with some 600 delegates representing Ukrainian com munities in North and South Ame rica, Europe and Australia in atten dance. The Fourth WCFU got mixed reviews at best, however. Those who foresaw the impending doom of the organization - a la 13th UCCA Congress emerged from the con gress satisfied that at least the congress did not break up and the existence of the world body was probably guaranteed for another five years. For those who came to the con gress hoping to discuss at least some of the concrete problems that face the Ukrainian nation in the Reps. James Florio (above), Christo diaspora, the congress was a dis pher Smith (below, left) and Don appointment since, thanks to "poli Ritter (below, right) promoted Ukrai tical" conflicts among squabbling nian issues. nationalist organizations and the continuing rift in the Ukrainian American community, there was no time left over to discuss the real issues. The good news was that by ac cepting the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council intotheWCFU as a national central representation of the U.S. Ukrainian community that is, on the same level of mem bership as that held by the Ukrai nian Congress Committee of Ame rica - the WCFU delegates saw to it that all segments of the.disunited U.S. Ukrainian community would be ! represented within the world body. Furthermore, many community ob servers believe that by having both the UACC and the UCCA within the world congress the first step toward the eventual reunification of the Ukrainian American community has already been taken.

Peter Savaryn, new president of WCFU. The best news was that the newly elected president of the World Con gress of Free Ukrainians, Peter Savaryn of Edmonton, a lawyer, longtime community activist and chancellor of the University of Al berta, is not a political animal as far as Ukrainian party politics arecon cerned. His election has already been hailed by many sectors of the Ukrainian community, and the De cember issue of Lys Mykyta, the Ukrainian-language humor maga zine depicted Mr. Savaryn in a manger (messianic hopes?). Whether Mr. Savaryn turns out to be the savior that the WCFU needs to revitalize its activity remains to be seen. But, at least he has five years to put the WCFU machinery into 1 gear - not two and a half like his two predecessors who shared the pre vious five-year term because of a compromise deal between two poli tical factions.




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The UCCA-UACC dichotomy
was) grew daily. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Ameri can Coordinating Council held its first national conference on October 1 in Washington, on the eve of the Great Famine memorial observances. A total of 122 delegates, represent ing 30 national organizations, at tended. The national conference unanimously approved the creation of the U A C C . approved the acts of incorporation and by-laws already filed the state ot Delaware; and reelected the U ^ C C executive board with J o h n o . F'is as chairman. Mr. Flis said at the conference that the UACC's first objective w o u l d be tc unite all Ukrainian Democratic or ganizations that do not approve of the one-party hegemony that now exists within the UCCA. The newly re-elected executive of the U A C C held its first meeting on October 19 in New York and de cided that a m o n g its first assign ments was to plan the 20th anniver sary celebrations of the unveiling of the Taras Shevchenko Monument in Washington. The anniversary is in May 1984. Both the U A C C and the UCCA w e r e r e p r e s e n t e d at t h e F o u r t h W C F U in T o r o n t o on November 30 t h r o u g h December 3. The U C C A tried at first to block the UACC's membership in the w o r l d body, but then, seeing that the numbers were simply not in their favor, retracted its opposition. As a result, the U A C C w a s g r a n t e d m e m b e r s h i p in t h e W C F U and, what's more, was rec o g n i z e d as t h e s e c o n d c e n t r a l representation of U.S. Ukrainians. Thus, the U C C A and U A C C are now equal members of the WCFU w i t h the same number of representatives on all WCFU bodies. Many hope that the fact that the t w o organizations are now on an equal f o o t i n g will spur moves to ward the eventual reunification of the U.S. Ukrainian community. The cautious words of the U A C C chairman perhaps reflect reality best: " D o not expect this (unity) will happen tomorrow. But we will begin talking tomorrow." Members of the Babi Yar Park committee stand before the entrance to the memorial park. misunderstandings. separate the t w o peoples - Ukrai When the Babi Yar Foundation nians and Jews - and remarked o n first proposed the park project in the fact that Jews played a part in 1971, no mention was made of the the Ukrainian republic d u r i n g the 70,000 Ukrainians killed at the ra war for independence. He empha vine or other non-Jews. Moreover, a sized that c o o p e r a t i o n between proposed inscription actually impli Ukrainian and Jewish dissidents in cated Ukrainians in the killings, in the USSR is reflected in the common 1980, the Ukrainian Babyn Yar Com memorial to t w o peoples fighting a mittee, headed by lvan Stebelsky, c o m m o n enemy. which had been pushing for recog The display of Ukrainian-Jewish nition of Ukrainians murdered at the cooperation in the actualization of ravine, joined the foundation in a the memorial park is encouraging, c o m m o n effort after f o u n d a t i o n b u t n o t t o t h e S o v i e t s . W h e n it officials agreed to commemorate became clear that Ukrainians and non-Jewish victims. Jews were willing and able to work The gateway to the park is formed together on the project, Soviet newsby a pair of huge granite monoliths. papers began writing slanderous An inscription honors the memory articles accusing Mr. Stebelsky of of t h e v i c t i m s , it a l s o has b r i e f collaborating with the Nazis d u r i n g inscriptions in Hebrew and Ukrai World War l l . Mr. Stebelsky said the nian. charges were ridiculous, and that they did not hamper his committee's The keynote speaker at the dedi cation was former Ukrainian dissi efforts, in fact, he said Soviet redent and Red A r m y general Petro action proved that the Kremlin fears G r i g o r e n k o , w h o r e v i e w e d s o m e the prospect of wide-scale Ukrai h i s t o r i c a l e v e n t s t h a t s e r v e d t o nian-Jewish cooperation 1983 was the year that the Com mittee for Law and Order in the U C C A was reorganized as the U krainian American Coordinating Council. The U A C C was established at the May 14 meeting of the Committee 'or Law and Order in the UCCA, and its creation reflected the sad fact 'hat an attempts at negotiations with the current leadership of the Ukrai nian Congress Committee of Ame ica had been unsuccessful and that i t Committee for Law and Order in :he U C C A had merely d e e d e d to get on with the business o ' c o m m u n i t y activity However, the new organization noted, the door to negotiations was still ajar, provided that the UCCA a c c e p t e d t h e p r e c o n d i t i o n s pre viously delineated by the Commit (ee for Law and Order. These prerequisites, presented by 'he Committee for Law and Order at a meeting with UCCA representa tives on January 10, included t w o key provisions: that representatives of Ukrainian Churches be invited to participate in the negotiations; and that both sides examine the U C C A By-laws and create a by-laws com mittee for this purpose. They were rejected by the U C C A representa tives, however. The C o m m i t t e e for Law and Order also noted that the U C C A had refused to accept it as an equal partner in any negotiations toward commu nity unity and a return to the pre 13th Congress status. Once the Ukrainian American C o o r d i n a t i n g C o u n c i l w a s esta blished, the new organization ap pealed to the World Congress of Free Ukrainians for recognition as the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h o s e U.S. Ukrainian c o m m u n i t y organizations that h a d w a l k e d o u t of the 13th Congress and had since declared 'hat the U A C C - not the UCCA was its representative. As the Fourth World Congress of Free Ukrainians approached, the number of organi zations making official declarations that the U C C A was no longer their representative (and the the U A C C

The OSl's questionable

1983 saw a t t e m p t s by s e v e r a l U k r a i n i a n c o m m u n i t y groups to persuade Congress to launch a review of the methods employed by the Justice Department's Office of Special i n v e s t i g a t i o n s in its pro c e e d i n g s a g a i n s t East E u r o p e a n emigres suspected of collaborating with German occupying forces d u r i n g World War l l . in a J u n e 3 letter to all senators and congressmen, the New Jerseybased Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine asked for a " t h o r o u g h review" of the OSl's continued use of Soviet-supplied evidence in denaturalization proceedings against East European emigres. A similar l e t t e r w a s w r i t t e n by A m e r i c a n s Against Defamation of Ukrainians, inc. Responding to the requests, Reps. Bernard Dwyer (D-N.J.), Joseph Adaaobo (D-N.Y.), James Florio (D N.J.) and Sen. Emest Hollings (D S.C.) in J u n e a s k e d t h e O S l to comment on charges that it was using KGB-supplied evicte in its investing iions. A similar request was made in October by Rep. Don Rrtter ( R - P e . in a ,ietter to R e p . P e t e r R o o i n o . c h a i r m a r or the H o u s e Judiciary Committee


Still poles apart: John Flis (at left), head of the UACC, and lgnatius Billinsky (at right), acting president of the UCCA, at the WCFU congress



200,000 views. ;krainians ana others massacref : Babyn r"ar in 1941, was the culmination of a three-year joint effort t "Denver's Jewish and U k r a i n i a n ,J n m u n i l i e s , a c o l l a bo"atiyv, EiMt' overcame some early

T h e long-awaited! dedication of a memorial park in Denver dedicated to the victims murdered by t r ^ l a z i s at Babyn Yar near Kiev took place on O c t o b l e u ? . The 27-acre park, set aside U f a memorial to the some

in a November 4 response to Rep. Florio, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Mark Richard defended the OSl's procedures, saying that they were " i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h s o u n d American prosecutorial practices p r o v i d i n g f u l l p r o t e c t i o n to t h e accused." in a more positive development, OSl methodology was rejected by a federal district court judge in New Jersey on September 28 when he ruled that the U.S government and the Soviet U n i o n had "collaborated" in efforts to prosecute a Lithuanian emigre accused ot Darticipation in Nazi war crimes. U.S. District Court v j d g e Dickin son Debevoise, in clearing 67-year oid Juozas Kungys. said the charges against the defendant were based on " u n r e l i a b l e " 'estimony f r o m witnesses w h o were " p r e p a r e d " by the K G B . in his ^04-page written opinion, he ruled that the proce dures used in the case, including the methods used to gather evidence and t e s t i m o n y , raise " s e r i o u s d o u b t s " about the credibility of the information. it s h o u l d be noted, however, that J u d g e Debevoise did not rule that Soviet evidence was inadmissible

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per se. He merely stated that under the totality of the circumstances in the case, he could not admit it in the Kungys case. groups and the OSl is as wide as ever. The OSl, now directed by Neal Sher, who replaced Allan Ryan, continues to insist that its methods fully protect the rights of the ac in a disturbing development, John cused. Emigre groups continue to Demjanjuk, who was stripped of his argue that another method must be citizenship in 1981, now faces found to bring collaborators to possible extradition to lsrael to justice given the unreliability of stand trial, it marked the first time Soviet evidence, the insidious rela lsrael had sought the extradition of a tionship between the KGB and the defendant denaturalized by the Soviet judicial system and proven United States. Soviet attempts to discredit antiAs it stands, the gulf between East Communist emigre groups in the European and Baltic community West. The Supreme Assembly meeting did not pass without incident, how ever, as Supreme Advisor Askold Lozynskyj resigned, citing diffe rences with the Supreme Executive Committee and especially Supreme President John O. Flis. The diffe rences were in the realm of the UNA's position vis a vis the Ukrai nian Congress Committee of Ame rica. The Supreme Assembly acted quickly and replaced Mr. Lozynskyj with Roman Tatarskyj, chairman of the Detroit UNA District Committee and secretary of UNA Branch 94. The Supreme Assembly also ap proved further steps toward a merger of the UNA and UFA. UNA Supreme Advisor Walter Kwas, the former manager of Soyu zivka, was honored for 28 years of service to the UNA resort at a testi monial banquet held, of course, at Soyuzivka during the Supreme As sembly meeting. Among those gathered to honor Mr. Kwas were UNA'ers, Soyuzivka guests and employees, and local politicians who had come to salute one of their own, since Mr. Kwas is an Ulster County legislator (incidentally, he was re-elected legislator in the 1983 elections). Soyuzivka marked anothe; nile stone this year as Chef And riy esiw celebrated 25 years of slaving over a hot stove - all to please thou. 3nds of Soyuzivka guests throug! the years. The UNA awarded a re1 ord 150,700 in student scholarship:; for the 1983-84 academic year U 178 students across the United Slates and Canada. The awards bruvg to S340,000 the total of scholarship aid distributed since the formal institu tion of the UNA'S scholarship program in 1964. The details about the scholarship awards were featured in a special issue of The Ukrainian Weekly dated December 3.

7 9 8 0 census


This was the year that the Ukrai nian community in the United States learned more about itself thanks to newly released tabulations of the 1980 census. Census results show ed that there are 730,056 Ukrainians in the United States - not 2 million as some sources claim - and that they constitute a mere .39 percent of the total U.S. population. Further analysis of these new statistics was provided by demo grapher Oleh Wolowyna of the Uni versity of Wisconsin at Madison. in response to the census ques tion concerning ancestry, 47.8 per cent of the total number of Ukrai nians listed Ukrainian and at least one other ancestry group, while 52.2 percent listed Ukrainian only as their ancestry. These figures reflect the high number of mixed marriages among Ukrainians. The Ukrainian community also learned that its members are highly concentrated in certain regions of the United States, with almost half of them living in the Middle Atlantic region that encompasses New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and another 20 percent in the East North Central region that includes Ohio, lndiana, lllinois. Michigan and Wis consin. The statistics also showed that language retention is closely corre lated with residence in areas with large Ukrainian communities. Thus, the percentage of Ukrainians speak ing Ukrainian is higher in states like New York than in. say, Arizona. The figures clearly demonstrate that

Census of Population
moving away from large communi ties increases the chances of lan guage loss. Because the 1980 census asked questions about ancestry and lan guage spoken at home other than English, our demographer was able to learn that out of the three-quarters of a million Ukrainians in the United States, 17 percent, or about 123,000, speak Ukrainian. However, among those Ukrainians who listed Ukrai nian only as their ancestry, close to one-third speak Ukrainian. Analysis of the statistics on lan guage retention showed that among East European ethnic groups U krainians have the highest level of language retention and, thus, are the least assimilated in this group. Therefore, though assimilation among Ukrainians is high in abso lute terms, in relation to other East Europeans Ukrainians fare quite well. As Mr. Wolowyna suggests, care ful analyses of the 1980 census statistics would go a long way in aiding the Ukrainian community in planning activities for schools, youth organizations, churches and other organizations.

A Ukrainian

boy from


it was quite a y^ar for a 3-year-old Ukrainian boy frum Poland. Rostyk Cylupa, whose leftjjmnd was crippled as a result of aivaccident, needed surgery if he was ever to regain use of the hand - such surgery was not possible inJ?oJahd, however. The Ukrainian National Women's League qf America took up Rostyk's case and4contacted doctor in the United States tqdetermine thefeasi bility of susivan operation and conducted a fund-raising campaign in order to bring Rostyk and a parent to the United States. Through the efforts of the UNWLA, the United States Catholic Confe rence and the American Red Cross, Rostyk and his father, Emil, arrived in New York on July 15. Arrange ments had already been made for surgery at St. Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J., with Dr. Lubomyr Kuzmak serving as the boy's primary physician and Dr. J.J. Keyser of the Peer Group for Plastic Surgery as the main surgeon. All medical services were rendered free of charge and Rostyk underwent complicated reconstructive surgery on September 1.

j j j

The Ukrainian


Being a post-convention year, 1983 was a relatively quiet year for the Ukrainian National Association. The annual Supreme Assembiv and district committee chairmen's meet ings were held at Soyuzivka during June; the yearly grants of scholarships to deserving Ukrainian stu dents in the United States and Cana da were announced: and merger talks with tne Ukrainian Fraternal Association continued. The hot issue 'his year was the UNA'S position in regard to commu nity disunity in the United States. The UNA Supreme Executive Com mittee, at its regular meeting on April 6, unanimously decided to support actions aimed at realizing "the formation of a representative community organization" that would function in the tradition of the pre 13th Congress UCCA. Pointing to the absenceof willingness to com promise and of good will on the part

While Rostyk was in the hospital he became the darling of the press j and was interviewed by both The ! New York Times and the Daily News. of the "Ukrainian Liberation Front On September 3 he was released representatives in the UCCA," the UNA executive noted that "the con tinuation of this state of affairs is and achievers only an unnecessary waste of time Notables that is injurious to our community" Ukrainians left their mark in a it was a vear of mhestones. in and charged its representatives within the Committee for Law and variety of fields during 1983 They FeDruary he marked the 20th anni Order in the UCCA with working made valuable contrioutions in such versarv of nis appointment to Cana toward the formation of a represen areas as politics, education, science- da's Senate, in June he celebrated tative Ukrainian community orgam medicine, military se'vice, sports his 70th birfnday. A retired pro tessor, he aiso marked the 50th and mjsic. zation in the United States. in politics Stephen Terlecky, a anniversary of service in academics. The annual meeting of the Su preme Assembly approved tnis po member of the Conservative Party, The senator was also made a Knight sition of the Supreme Executive won a seat in the British Parliament. of St Gregory by Pope John Paul ll, Committee by adopting a resolution On June 9, he Decame the first one of the highest honors that can that stated: "We approve all efforts Ukrainian to win a seat in the House be conferred on a iayman by the pope. to date of the UNA Supreme Exe of Commons. in the acaoemic world, Prof. Frank in Canada, Laurence Decorewas cutive Committee and charge it with r continuing these efforts until the eiected mayor of Edmonton A U Sysyn j f he Harvard Ukrainian krainian lawyer and businessman, Researcr institute, was promoted successful re-establishment of a representative institution that would he defeated incumbent Cec Purves from assistant to associate professor of history, clearing the way for him satisfy the goals and wishes of the uy a landslide on October 17. For Canadian senator and UNA to succeed Prof. Omeljar, Pritsak as Ukrainian community in the United Supreme vice President Paul Yuzyk, the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Professor States."


Rostyk Cylupa: doing fine after sur gery. from the hospital and went to the home of Anna Korenec to recupe rate. The operation made Rostyk's left hand functional, but further surgery will be required for the boy to have a normal left hand. Meanwhile, Rostyk began a program of physical therapy and went sightsee ing in t^ew York City




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of History. in the fields of science and medi cine, a few Ukrainian Americans were honored for their breakthrough work. Michael Onufryk, a retired Kodak engineer from Rochester, N.Y., invented a device that uses the imageshifting power of a glass prism to help people w h o have only periphe ral vision. Mr. Onufryk, who is not a physician, tests people and submits the information to doctors, w h o then make final c h e c k s . His device is patented and although it is only an engineering model," he hopes to make it available to eye clinics. Dr. Andrew Lewicky, a Chicago jphthalmologist, developed a Chamber Maintainer System (CMS) and an a c c o m p a n y i n g surgical tech nique that makes cataract extrac nons and intraocular lens-insertion surgery safer and easier. Eugene Jarosewich, chief che nist of the Department of Mineral Sciences at the Smithsonian lnsti ute, had quite a distinctive honor bestowed upon him this year. He had a mineral named after h i m : jarosewichite, w h i c h is a basic man ganese arsenate of the chlorophoe nicite group, f o u n d in Franklin, N.J. in the military Col. Nicholas Kraw ciw was nominated for p r o m o t i o n to the rank of brigadier general in the United States A r m y , becoming the highest-ranking .Ukrainian Ameri can officer in the armed forces. in sports, Dan Nahirny, a 16-yearold tennis star, captured first place in the U.S. Tennis Association 18s National indoor t o u r n a m e n t , while Gerald Pylypchuk finished seventh in the men's archery world cham pionships. T h e b i g g e s t s u r p r i s e c a m e to Ukrainian audiences when they learned that Men without Hats, a rock g r o u p from Montreal, whose songs have recently soared to the top of the rock charts, are threefourths Ukrainian. Three members of the four-man g r o u p are the Doroschuk brothers, lvan, Stefan and Colin. responsibilities by y o u n g Bociur kiw, represented The Weekly at a 50th anniversary celebration spon sored by the UNA District Commit tee in C h i c a g o , where it seemed she spent as m u c h time as at her desk. For Editor Roma Hadzewycz, w h o last year had s o m e t h i n g of an iden tity crisis, nature provided a res o u n d i n g and dramatic reaffirma tion of gender, but more on that in about four months, give or take a few weeks. in a more serious vein, the bulk of our labors focused on the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine in Ukraine, in March, we put together a special issue on this tragic event. Over 20,000 additional copies were o r d e r e d by o u r r e a d e r s , a n d t h e edition went to four printings. We also edited an 88-page booklet on the famine that will soon be mailed to subscribers, in addition, we put out our annual scholarship issue as well as a 50th anniversary issue. But, if our exhaustive coverage of the October 2 famine commemora t i o n s in W a s h i n g t o n a n d of t h e W C F U caused a stir, it was nothing like the sensation caused by our uncoverage of sultry actress Kelly Danyluk (September 25) and muscleman J o h n Hnatyschak (October 30.) The picture of the statuesque and scantity-clad Ms. Danyluk certainly raised eyebrows and prompted one r e a d e r t o r e q u e s t a c o p y of t h e photo, while Mr. Hnatyschak's bulg ing biceps and washboard stomach moved one reader to write that her elderly aunt felt so rejuvenated by the picture that she threw away her medicine. Clearly, the combination of cheesecake and beefcake sells papers. This year's Weekly also showcased some new features, including a c o l u m n providing 1930s Svoboda accounts of the famine and a page devoted to current media reports, on famine-related subjects. The "Dissi dent profile" feature became "Dissi d e n t s k e t c h " t o s p o t l i g h t lesserk n o w n dissidents about w h o m there is little information. The UNA page was reorganized as "The Ukrainian N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n f o r u m . " We also included a " F r o m our pages" c o l u m n to mark our 50th anniver sary. Of course The Weekly retained most of its regular features such as Helen Smindak's "Panorama," lhor Stelmach's "Pro hockey update" and Roman Sawycky's "Sounds and views." Dr. Roman Solchanyk also c o n t i n u e d to provide first-rate reports on Soviet reality. Also noteworthy this year were articles contributed by Dr. James Mace, w h o wrote o n the famine; Marco Carynnyk, who provided interviews with Malcolm Muggeridge and Prof. Robert Sullivant as well as an article o n T h e New York Times and the famine; Dr. Robert C o n quest and Dana Dalrymple, who also wrote on the famine; Dr. Frank Sysyn on the Orthodox C h u r c h ; Dr. Jaroslaw Padoch on the 110th anni versary of the Shevchenko Scienti fic Society; Nestor Olesnycky on the Kungys case and denaturalization; Andriy Eilyk, who contributed a c o l u m n on effective media relations; Christine D e m k o w y c h on the Kozaks and the liberation of vienna; lvan Hvat o n t h e U k r a i n i a n C a t h o l i c C h u r c h in U k r a i n e ; Dr. B o h d a n Cymbalisty on c o m m u n i t y matters; Lydia Demjanjuk on the Office of Special investigations and its tactics; the Rev. T h o m a s Sayuk on commu n i t y d i v i s i v e n e s s ; a n d Dr. M y r o n Kuropas, w h o wrote about the famine, the Ukrainian c o m m u n i t y in America, the history of Svoboda and The Weekly and the efforts of Ukrai nian Americans to help displaced persons after W o r l d War 11. T o these and others who have contributed to helping us make The Weekly informative and interesting, a heartfelt thanks. As another year comes to a close and we reiterate our c o m m i i m e n t to provide the c o m m u n i t y w i t h a win dow on itself, we also ask our readers to r e c o m m i t themselves to The W e e k l y . We d o n ' t m e a n o n l y in terms of subscriptions, although we certainly appreciate them. We need o t h e r t y p e s of f e e d b a c k : l e t t e r s , comments, articles, photos. The three of us need your input to help us become even better. O n that note, w e wish one and all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year

Deaths in the community

in 1983, a number of Ukrainians w h o h a d left t h e i r m a r k s o n t h e Ukrainian c o m m u n i t y passed away. A m o n g them were the f o l l o w i n g . " William B. Choly, 64, Ukrainian Catholic C h u r c h activist whose service to the C h u r c h was cornmended by the pope w h o bestowed upon him the title of Knight of St. Gregory - January 20. " Michael Patrick (Pat) Bilon, 35, the 2-foot-10-inch actor w h o played the title character in the box office smash movie "E.T."; a former radio show host - January 27. " Catherine Yasinchuk, 86, w h o was wrongly c o m m i t t e d to a psy c h i a t r i c i n s t i t u t i o n f o r 48 y e a r s b e c a u s e n o o n e u n d e r s t o o d her " b a b b l i n g " - she spoke only Ukrai nian - February 14. " Walter Steck, 59, attorney, first vice p r e s i d e n t of t h e U k r a i n i a n Fraternal Association and director of the v e r k h o v y n a Youth Festival - ' March 2 1 . " Dr. Constantine Andrusyshen. 77, scholar and editor who headed the Slavic Studies Department at the University of Saskatchewan, edited the Canadian Farmer newspaper, and translated the poetry of Taras Shevchenko into English; recipient of the Shevchenko Medal - May 13. " Dr. lsydore Hlynka, 74, internationally k n o w n research chemist who hea"fled the Taras Shevchenko Foundation and served on the exe cutive committee of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee; publicist w h o wrote under the p s e u d o n y m lvan Harmata; recipient of the Canadian C e n t e n n i a l M e d a l a n d t h e Shev chenko Medal - May 18. " Konstantyn Szonk-Rusych, 68, enamel artist and editor of several books on Ukrainian arts and crafts - July 3. " The very Rev. Dr. Samuel Saw chuk, 88, founder of the Ukrainian O r t h o d o x Seminary and St. Andrew's College; first Ukrainian O r t h o d o x chaplain to Canada's armed forces; one of founders of the Ukrainian Canadian Committee, its vicepresi dent and president; publisher and editor of v i s n y k and publisher of The Ukrainian v o i c e - October 28.


at The Weekly
the UNA, was pictured alongside Ronald Reagan in a photo published in the April issue of M A D magazine. The caption should have read su preme president meets supreme president-to-be. 1983 was a l s o t h e s u m m e r of Mykhailo Bociurkiw, the peripatetic Canadian summer intern w h o literally traversed the Northeast in search of a storv. T r o u b l e was, he used somebody eises car. in more ways than one we got lot of m i i e a g e o u : o? Bociurkiw. When he wasn't ; making enemies, ne filed an im cressive r-jmber of good stories. As far as the staff itself was ron^ cerned. Associate Editor George B. Z a r y c k y was i n c o n s o l a b l e after hitting his 30th birthday in June. He bounced back briefly after we let him cover this year's Miss Soyu . ziyka pageant. Assistant EditorMarta Kbtomayets, refieved of her coffee

1983 was a productive if some what strenuous year at The Weekly. We turned a sprightly 50 this year, but there was little time for fanfare, what with the famine anniversary, special issues, the WCFU and the tike. There were some important milestones Awiida Arzola, our invaluable ; y p e s e t t e r ',nd m o r a l e b o o s er, n a r k e d K" t h i r d a n n i v e r s a r y of "hankiess toil. The only Puerto Rican men er of UNA B r a n c h 25, she continued to be an "-:cis,perfsable asset to our staff, it was also the yeai that our paste-up person. Hilary Zarycky, let: find himself in Rome. There was : talk !^ai he w o u l d return a bishop, but las; we heard he was searching for himself in the seedier underbelly of tne Eternal City. We rny^t also noie that John Fl,is, supreme pre'sid'erit'bf our'publisher.

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