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February 08, 2013

Social Justice Grade Six Novel Study Activity 1 - thinking about our big questions Here are some big questions for us to think about during this unit: 1. What is fair? 2. What is social justice? 3. What are some social justice issues -in our community? -in our country? -in the world? 4. Why should we care about social justice? 5. What can we do about social justice? 6. What does learning about social issues teach us about ourselves?

February 08, 2013

Inside the Circle Grade Six Novel Study

Activity 2 - Novel Choices Please rank your choices 1, 2, and 3 All are based on true stories or real situations. Write a paragraph to persuade me why you should read your first choice, and why you selected your second choice. Be sure it is detailed and well edited. Include your name and the date. YOU MAY LOOK AT THE FRONT AND BACK COVER. 1) A Long Walk to Water -set in Sudan, Africa -issues: clean water for all, war, refugees, poverty, education 2) Breadwinner -set in Afghanistan -issues: clean water for all, war, refugees, poverty, education, rights of girls and women

3) Shannen and the Dream for a School -set in Attawapiskat, Ontario -issues: aboriginal rights, poverty

February 08, 2013

Social Justice Grade Six Novel Study

Once novel selections have been finalized: As you read, think about which of the following common themes in literature are explored in your novel. Which theme does the main character learn most about? -pride
-childhood -courage -death --faith family -freedom -friendship -greed -growing up -hate -hope -identity -independence -jealousy -justice -love -loyalty -nature -patience -patriotism -prejudice -race relations -self-improvement -self-reliance -success -survival -trust -truth -unhappiness -violence -war

February 08, 2013

Inside the Circle Grade Six Novel Study

Once novel selections have been finalized: Refer to the following types of conflict found in real life and in stories as you read your novel. What types of conflict are found in your novel? 1. character vs character -a struggle between two characters 2. character vs self -a struggle between a character and his or her own emotions, thoughts, or physical abilities 3. character vs nature -a struggle against weather, environment, time, geography 4. character vs machine -a struggle against a machine or tool 5. character vs society -a struggle against injustice, oppression, unfairness 6. character vs unknown -a struggle against an unknown force 7. character vs beast -a struggle against a real or imaginary creature

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