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War, Sociology of

possible explanation, which is yet to be tested empiri- opposing groups in order to foster positive intergroup
cally, is that a key element in membership of para- attitudes—the contact hypothesis. This has been a
military groups may be the development of a morality well-researched area for many years and now boasts
of loyalty which in turn is related to the development an extensive literature. What this literature indicates is
of a relevant situated social identity. that for contact to be even minimally effective it has to
This is obviously a very difficult to area in which to take place under highly prescribed conditions. How-
get hard evidence. The existing evidence therefore ever, what advocates of the contact hypothesis appear
comes from atypical group members, is largely an- to be reluctant to accept is that while there is evidence
ecdotal, and has mostly been gathered by journalists that bringing groups together promotes interpersonal
rather than social scientists. It could be argued, contact satisfactorily, it does not necessarily promote
however, that scholars could make more use of these intergroup contact.
as primary sources. Probably the only thing we can There is also good evidence that intergroup conflict
claim to have any firm evidence on is that children and can be reduced by manipulating the process of social
young people who join nationalist\separatist guerrilla categorization in order to alter group boundaries. This
movements are not psychopaths and come from no is a strategy that both social scientists and policy
particular social strata of society. Other hypotheses makers should consider more often. The evidence also
including ideas of ‘terrorist personality types’ or suggests it is not possible to bring social categorization
psychodynamic explanations will always be very hard to an end entirely. Rather it is better to concentrate on
to substantiate. altering the content of stereotypes or manipulating
who gets put in which social category by altering
intergroup boundaries.
6. Children and Peace See also: Coping across the Lifespan; Disasters,
One of the problems, it has been suggested, in bringing Coping with; Stress and Coping Theories; Violence
peace to societies that have experienced political and Effects on Children
violence is that the next generation will have either
begun to believe that there is no future, or that they
will be able to think of the future only in negative Bibliography
terms. Cairns E 1996 Children and Political Violence. Blackwell, Oxford,
Given that we know little about the way in which UK
children develop concepts of peace and war it could be Dawes A, Donald D 1994 Childhood and Adersity: Psycho-
argued that it is premature to try to educate children to logical Perspecties from South African Research. David
be peace makers (see Peace Promotion, Psychology of). Philip, Cape Town
Despite this lack of basic knowledge this process has Freud A, Burlingham D T 1943 War and Children. Medical War
Books, New York
already begun in some societies and some people
Garbarino J, Kostelny K, Dubrow N 1991 No Place to be a
apparently believe it is effective. However, there is Child. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
virtually no empirical evidence to substantiate their Leavitt L, Fox N 1993 The Psychological Effects of War and
claim. A major problem would appear to be that too Violence on Children. Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ
much of what passes for peace education focuses on Machel G 1996 Impact of Armed Conflict on Children. United
interpersonal conflict as opposed to intergroup con- Nations Children’s Fund and United Nations Department of
flict. In future, curriculum designers need to produce a Public Information, New York
more effective peace education program and also to Raviv A, Oppenheimer L, Bar-Tal D 1999 How Children
overcome the problem that peace education per se is Understand War and Peace. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco
not always politically acceptable.
It could also be argued that school-based peace E. Cairns
education is always bound to be ineffective because it
targets the wrong people in the wrong setting. For
example, there is speculation, if not evidence, that
children’s ideas about peace and war may be more War, Sociology of
influenced by what they learn from their parents than
from their schools. There is definitely evidence, which The sociology of war is a central topic in both political
is now often forgotten, that learning about such things and historical sociology, since war is one of the most
as peace and war involves emotions primarily and that important policies states can pursue, and the outcomes
providing facts may not alter these emotions. This is of wars have often shaped both the formation and the
obviously an area which is in need of much more dissolution of states. The literature on war is thus
research which develops what is known and makes it concerned with both its causes and its consequences.
amenable for use in applied settings. Studies of the causes of war can be divided into
The alternative to peace education which is most three broad categories. The first type takes the system
often advocated is bringing children together from as a whole as the unit of analysis and focuses on how

War, Sociology of

characteristics of the interstate system affect the the strong using force against the weak. When one
frequency of war. Debates focus on characteristics of state begins to gain a preponderance of power in the
the interstate system that are thought to increase or system, a coalition of weaker states will form to
decrease war, such as global economic cycles, balances maintain their security by blocking the further ex-
of power, and the increasing role of transnational pansion of the powerful state. The coalitions that
organizations such as the United Nations. States are formed against Louis XIV, Napoleon and Hitler seem
the unit of analysis in the second type, which explores to fit this pattern.
the relationships among political, economic, and Hegemonic stability theory (Gilpin 1981) suggests
cultural features of particular states and their pro- exactly the opposite, that unequal power in the system
pensity to initiate wars. Social scientists disagree about produces peace and that parity results in war. When
the effects of political systems (democracy vs. auto- one state has hegemony in the world system, it has
cracy) and economic systems (capitalist, socialist, or both the incentive and the means to maintain order in
other) within states on war. The third type analyses the system. It is not necessary for the most powerful
war as an outcome of choices made by individual and state to fight wars, since their objectives can be
small-group decision making. There is also no con- achieved in less costly ways, and it is not rational for
sensus on which model of individual decision making other states to challenge a hegemon with overwhelm-
is most appropriate for the study of war. Is the ing power. For example, the periods of British and US
decision to go to war based on a rational calculation of hegemony were relatively peaceful and World Wars I
economic costs and benefits, or is it an irrational and II occurred during intervening periods in which
outcome of distortion in decision making in small power was more equally distributed. A related attempt
groups and bureaucracies? to explain great-power war is power transition theory
Theories of the consequences of war tend to focus (Organski 1968). Power transition theory suggests that
either on its role in state formation, or on its causal differential rates of economic growth create situations
impact on internal revolts and revolutions. Historical in which rising states rapidly catch up with the
sociologists have shown that the frequency, duration, hegemonic state in the system, and that this change in
and timing of medieval and early modern warfare were relative power leads to war.
the most important determinants of the size and Debates about power transitions and hegemonic
structure of states (Tilly 1975, 1990, Ertman 1997). stability are of much more than theoretical interest in
However, just as war can make states, it can break the contemporary world. Although the demise of the
them too. For example, Skocpol (1979) argues that USSR has left the USA as an unchallenged military
costly warfare often leads to fiscal crises and state hegemon, its economic superiority is being challenged
breakdown, facilitating revolutions. by the European Union and emerging Asian states
(Japan in the short run, perhaps China in the long
run). If power transition and hegemonic stability
1. Causes of War: The Interstate System theories are correct, this shift of economic power could
lead to great power wars in the near future.
Most studies of war that take the interstate system as Another ongoing debate about systemic causes of
the unit of analysis begin with assumptions from the war concerns the effects of long cycles of economic
‘realist’ paradigm. States are seen as unitary actors, expansion and contraction. Some scholars argue that
and their actions are explained in terms of structural economic contraction will increase war, since the in-
characteristics of the system. The most important creased scarcity of resources will lead to more conflict.
feature of the interstate system is that it is anarchic. Others have suggested the opposite: major wars will
Unlike politics within states, relations between states be more frequent during periods of economic expan-
take place in a Hobbesian ‘state of nature.’ Since an sion because only then will states have the resources
anarchic system is one in which all states constantly necessary to fight. Goldstein’s (1988) research suggests
face actual or potential threats, their main goal is that economic expansion tends to increase the severity
security. Security can only be achieved in such a of great-power wars but that economic cycles have no
system by maintaining power. In realist theories, the effect on the frequency of war.
distribution of power in the interstate system is the One significant change in the last half of the
main determinant of the frequency of war. twentieth century which will require substantial
Although all realist theories agree on the importance revisions in realist systemic theories of war is the
of power distribution in determining war, they development and increasing power of transnational
disagree about which types of power distributions organizations (such as the United Nations), since their
make war more likely. Balance-of-power theories assumption that the interstate system is anarchical
(Morgenthau 1967) suggest that an equal distribution may no longer be valid. If the military power of the
of power in the system facilitates peace and that United Nations continues to grow, it could become
unequal power distributions lead to war. They argue more and more effective at preventing wars and
that parity deters all states from aggression and that suppressing them quickly when they do start. Of
an unequal power distribution will generally result in course, it remains to be seen whether powerful existing

War, Sociology of

states will choose to cede more power to such right, we may see economically based warfare on an
institutions. unprecedented scale.
Theoretical debates about the systemic causes of The form of government in a country may also
war have not been resolved, in part because the results determine how often it initiates wars. Kant
of empirical research have been inconclusive. Each ([1795]1949) argued that democratic states (with con-
theory can point to specific cases that seem to fit its stitutions and separation of powers) will initiate wars
predictions, but each must also admit to many cases less often than autocratic states. This conclusion
that it cannot explain. Part of the problem is that follows from a simple analysis of who pays the costs of
systemic theories have not incorporated causal factors war and who gets the benefits. Since citizens are
at lower levels of analysis, such as internal economic required to pay for war with high taxes and their lives,
and political characteristics of states. Since the effects they will rarely support war initiation. Rulers of states,
of system-level factors on war are not direct but are on the other hand, have much to gain from war and
always mediated by the internal political economy of can pass on most of the costs to their subjects.
states and the decisions made by individual leaders, Therefore, when decisions about war are made only by
complete theories of the causes of war must include rulers (in autocracies), war will be frequent, and when
these factors as well. citizens have more control of the decision (in democ-
racies), peace will generally be the result.
2. Causes of War: Capitalism and Democracy Empirical research indicates that democratic states
are less likely than nondemocratic states to initiate
One of the longest and most heated debates about the wars, but the relationship is not strong (Kiser et al.
causes of war concerns the effects of capitalism. 1995). Perhaps one reason for the weakness of the
Beginning with Adam Smith ([1776]1976), liberal relationship is that the assumption that citizens will
economists have argued that capitalism promotes oppose war initiation is not always correct. Many
peace. Marxists (Lenin [1917]1939), on the other hand, historical examples indicate that in at least some
suggest that capitalism leads to frequent imperialist conditions citizens will support war even though it is
wars. not in their economic interests to do so, due to
The Smithian liberal argument suggests that since nationalism, religion, ethnicity, or other cultural fac-
capitalism has both increased the benefits of peace (by tors.
increasing productivity and trade) and the costs of war Perhaps the most interesting current debate about
(by producing new and better instruments of de- democracy and war surrounds the proposition that
struction), it is no longer rational for states to wage democratic states never fight each other. There is
war. The long period of relative peace that followed clearly a strong empirical generalization to be explain-
the triumph of capitalism in the nineteenth century ed, since all agree that democratic states rarely fight
and the two world wars that came after the rise of each other—depending on exactly how ‘democracy’
protectionist barriers to free trade are often cited in and ‘war’ are defined, some argue they never do
support of liberal economic theories (but the same (Weart 1998). However, scholars disagree about the
facts can be explained by hegemonic stability theory as causal mechanism responsible for this association.
a consequence of the rise and decline of British Some stress the role of political culture, arguing that
hegemony). the norms of toleration and mutual accommodation
In contrast, Marxists (Lenin [1917]1939) argue that that prevent conflicts within democracies from escalat-
economic problems inherent in advanced capitalist ing to violence have the same effect in limiting violent
economies create incentives for war. First, the high conflicts between democracies. These states consider
productivity of industrial capitalism coupled with a each other part of the same ‘ingroup’ sharing the same
limited home market due to the poverty of the working values, and are thus very unlikely to fight. In contrast,
class result in a chronic problem of ‘underconsump- others suggest that ‘democratic peace’ could be the
tion.’ Capitalists will thus seek imperial expansion to result of rational self-interest. Democratic politicians
control new markets for their goods. Second, capital- may simply fear the negative impact that losing a war
ists will fight imperialist wars to gain access to more might have on their prospects for re-election. Further
raw materials and to find more profitable outlets for research, probably at the level of detailed case studies
their capital. These pressures will lead first to wars that can reveal precise causal mechanisms, will be
between powerful capitalist states and weaker per- necessary to resolve this debate.
ipheral states, and next to wars between great powers
over which of them will get to exploit the periphery. 3. Causes of War: Decision Making
With the increasing globalization of economics, and
the transitions of more states to capitalist economies, Few theories of war focus on the individual level of
the debates about the effects of capitalism, trade, and analysis; their assumptions about individual decision
imperialism on war become increasingly significant. If making are usually implicit or undeveloped. Notable
Adam Smith is right, our future is likely to be more exceptions include rational choice theories (Bueno de
peaceful than our past; but if Marxist theorists are Mesquita 1981, Bueno de Mesquita and Lalman 1992)

War, Sociology of

and arguments about organizational and small group cally argues that states not facing the threat of war
decision making (Allison 1971). would be satisfied with existing administrative arrange-
Bueno de Mesquita begins by assuming that the ments, whereas those competing militarily would be
decision to initiate war is made by a single dominant forced to adopt the more efficient bureaucratic form.
ruler who is a rational expected-utility maximizer. In contrast to this, Levi (1988) views war as a
Rulers calculate the costs and benefits of initiating consistent impediment to bureaucratization. She
war, and the probability of victory, so wars will be argues that war raises the discount rates of rulers,
initiated only when rulers expect a net gain from them. causing them to pursue policies that provide immediate
These assumptions generate several counterintuitive gains even if they are costly in the long term. Thus,
propositions. For example, common sense might rulers facing war would be unlikely to pay the high
suggest that states would fight their enemies and not start-up costs of bureaucratization, but would instead
their allies, but Bueno de Mesquita (1981) argues that do things like selling offices which would make
war will be more common between allies than between bureaucracy much more difficult to implement.
enemies. Wars between allies are caused by actual or Ertman (1997) suggests a related argument in which
anticipated policy changes that threaten the existing the timing of war is important. When states experi-
relationship. The interventions of the USA in Latin enced early sustained warfare (prior to about 1450)
America and of the USSR in Eastern Europe since they developed patrimonial administrations (due to
World War II illustrate the process. Other counter- lack of trained personnel and the dominance of
intuitive propositions suggest that under some con- ‘cultural models’ derived from feudal and Catholic
ditions a state may rationally choose to attack the institutions). These institutions were very difficult to
stronger of two allied states instead of the weaker, and bureaucratize due to the power of entrenched officials
under some conditions it is rational for a state with no to block reform. Ertman argues that states that were
allies to initiate war against a stronger state with able to avoid frequent war until later were able to
allies. develop more bureaucratic administrations.
Other analyses of the decision to initiate war focus Finally, wars that result in severe losses may
on how the social features of the decision-making facilitate bureaucratic reforms. One of the main
process lead to deviations from rational choice. barriers to bureaucratization is the entrenched officials
Allison (1971) argues that standard operating proce- in the state administration who have both the incent-
dures and repertoires within states tend to limit the ives and the power to block reform (Ertman 1997).
flexibility of decisions and make it difficult to respond These officials will not be dislodged by most wars, but
adequately to novel situations. Others focus on the their power will be broken by a severe loss at war,
small groups within states (such as executives and their especially one that results in foreign occupation.
cabinet advisers) that actually make decisions about
war. The cohesiveness of these small groups often
leads to a striving for unanimity that prevents a full 5. Consequences of War: Reolt and Reolution
debate about options and produces a premature
consensus. In spite of these promising studies, work on Since the classic work of Simmel ([1908]1955, pp. 98–9)
the deviations from rational choice is just beginning, and Coser (1956, pp. 19, 95), the conventional wisdom
and we are still far short of the general microlevel has been that wars decrease the probability of revolts
theoretical model of the decision to initiate war. by increasing the internal cohesion of societies (the
‘ingroup–outgroup’ or ‘conflict–cohesion’ hypothesis).
However, the results of empirical tests of the re-
4. Consequences of War: State Formation and lationship between revolt and war have been mixed, at
Bureaucratization best.
In contrast to the ‘conflict–cohesion’ hypothesis,
How and to what extent does war affect the formation historical sociologists focusing on the early modern
and the structure of states? Tilly (1975, 1990) argues period (Tilly 1975, p. 74) argue that fighting wars
that ‘war made states’ in the early modern era. Warfare increased the likelihood of revolts. Tilly argues that
(along with the repayment of debts from past wars) since subjects had few institutionalized mechanisms
cost far more than any other state policies in early available to stop rulers from initiating wars contrary
modern Europe. Moreover, the timing and the nature to their interests, the only option they had to try to
of war shaped the structures of these developing states. limit war was revolt. In addition, Tilly (1975, p. 74)
One of the most interesting ongoing debates con- notes that since participating in wars weakens rulers, it
cerns whether war facilitates or hinders bureaucratiza- increases the likelihood of a revolt.
tion. Weber ([1922]1978) argued that states involved in Theda Skocpol (1979) has made the most com-
military competition with other states (e.g., Western pelling argument that war is a primary cause of major
Europe) would be more likely to bureaucratize than ‘social revolutions.’ Her argument about the origins of
those that were more isolated (e.g., China, Japan). the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions stresses
Although he does not use this terminology, he basi- the importance of factors that weaken the state,

Warfare in History

making it more vulnerable to overthrow. The main Tilly C (ed.) 1975 The Formation of National States in Western
factor that tends to weaken states is war, especially in Europe. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ
the context of strong peasant communities and an Tilly C 1990 Coercion, Capital, and European States, 990–1990.
Blackwell, Oxford
alienated dominant class. This work has been the
Weart S 1998 Neer at War: Why Democracies Will Not Fight
primary inspiration for the development of a ‘state- One Another. Yale Universtiy Press, New Haven, CT
centered’ approach to historical sociology. Weber M [1922] 1978 Economy and Society. University of
California Press, Berkeley, CA

6. Conclusion E. Kiser
This short summary has only been able to scratch the Copyright # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.
surface of the voluminous literature on war. Future All rights reserved.
research should attempt to link the several topics
discussed here, by bringing together the micro and
macro causes of war, and by tying the causes more Warfare in History
closely to the consequences of war. The increasing
development of technologies of mass destruction and This article divides the history of warfare into five
the rise of transnational political units will also periods: the classical era (including the wars of Greece
challenge existing theoretical frameworks. Like most and Rome); the Middle Ages (roughly from AD 500 to
of sociology, the sociology of war is still in its infancy. the Turkish conquest of Byzantium in 1453); the age of
gunpowder (from 1453 to the American and French
See also: Conflict and War, Archaeology of; Conflict: Revolutions beginning in 1776); the ‘long nineteenth
Anthropological Aspects; Conflict Sociology; Geo- century’ (from 1776 to 1918); and finally the con-
politics; Military Geography; Military History; Na- temporary period (covering World War II and the
tional Security Studies and War Potential of Nations; Cold War). Each of these periods will be defined by
Peace; Peacemaking in History; War: Anthropolo- changes in three dimensions. First and most obviously,
each period is associated with a general group of
gical Aspects; War: Causes and Patterns
military technologies. Second, each period also in-
volves a shift in the nature of military organization.
Finally, this periodization demonstrates changes in
Bibliography the reasons why people have gone to war.
Allison G 1971 Essence of Decision. Little Brown, Boston
Bueno de Mesquita B 1981 The War Trap. Yale University Press,
New Haven, CT 1. The Classical Period
Bueno de Mesquita B, Lalman D 1992 War and Reason. Yale
University Press, New Haven, CT
Coser L 1956 The Functions of Social Conflict. Free Press, 1.1 Technology
Ertman T 1997 Birth of the Leiathan. Cambridge University The Classical period deserves consideration on its own
Press, Cambridge, UK merits and in the context of an historical debate over
Gilpin R 1981 War and Change in World Politics. Cambridge the influence of Greco-Roman warfare on later Euro-
University Press, Cambridge, UK pean patterns. In the field of technology, some
Goldstein J 1988 Long Cycles. Yale University Press, New historians argue that the Greeks and Romans began a
Haven, CT pattern of using superior technology to compensate
Kant I [1795] 1949 Eternal peace. In: Friedrich C (ed.) The for having to fight wars against numerically superior
Philosophy of Kant. Modern Library, New York, pp. 430–76
enemies. The Persian Wars of the fifth century BC
Kiser E, Drass K, Brustein W 1995 Ruler autonomy and war in
early modern Western Europe. International Studies Quarterly demonstrated the need for Greek city-states to combat
39: 109–38 the much larger armies of Persian kings Darius and
Lenin V I [1917] 1939 Imperialism. International Publishers, Xerxes. Needing to slow the Persians, Spartan general
New York Leonidas threw his much smaller force into a moun-
Levi M 1988 Of Rule and Reenue. University of California tain pass near Thermopylae in 480 BC knowing that it
Press, Berkeley, CA would be destroyed to a man. Aware that his army
Morgenthau H 1967 Politics Among Nations. Alfred A. Knopf, would not return, Leonidas took with him only those
New York men who had children to succeed them, an important
Organski J 1968 World Politics. Alfred A. Knopf, New York
consideration because the army and the citizenry were
Simmel G [1908] 1955 Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations.
Free Press, New York closely linked.
Skocpol T 1979 States and Social Reolutions. Cambridge To avoid future Thermoplyaes, the Greeks devel-
University Press, Cambridge, UK oped both offensive and defensive technologies. Even-
Smith A [1776] 1976 The Wealth of Nations. University of tually, the typical Greek soldier wore nearly seventy
Chicago Press, Chicago pounds of armor and carried spears and swords that


International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences ISBN: 0-08-043076-7

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