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First/Second Semester B . .E. Degl'ce Exantillation, December 2012
Engineering Physics
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks:lOO
Note: 1. Answer any F JVE full que:st/OJIS; choosing llf least two front each part.
2. Answer all objective type questions only in 011-fR slteet puge 5 O;{the answer booMer.
3. An.mer to objective type que:<.'tions 011 slteet'!i other than 01lfR will not be valued.
4. PltyJJical con.'>tanttt' : Plcmck 's constant, h = 6. 63 x 1 ({
ofllght; c-= 3 x mls,
Permittility ofmcuum, r:o = 8.85 x J(f
Electron ltul.V.'!i, m :;:; 9.11 x 1
Eltctron charge, e = 1.6 x lff
Avogadro's m1.mher, N.-1 = 6JJ25 x ltY
Roltzmlllm constant, k '="1.38 x 1 if
l)ART- A
1 a. Choose the correct ans;vers f\)f the fi)\lowing :
i) Wien's distribution law explains black body radiation spectrum only f()r
A) entire spectrum l3) Lo11ger wave length
C) shorter wave length D) orthese
ii) de Broglie wave length of an electron accelerated by a potential of 100 V is
A)O.Ol226nm B)O.l226nm C)1.226tlm D) J2.26nm
iii) Phase velocity ofLhc matter wave is
A)= Y partk. io 13) < Vpanick C)> V D)= 3 VI'"'ticl o
IV) The rnome.ntum of a fiee particle carrying energy E and mass m
A) 2 mF B) .../2mE C) 2.r;;;i D) nlE
(04 Marks)
b. Exp la in Planck's distributi011 law. (04 .!\'larks)
c. Explain phase velocity and group ve-locity. Derive the relation between them. (08 Marks)
d. A neutron has wave lengthofOJ66 nm. Find the fiee energy and velocity of the de Broglie
wave. Mass of neutron is mn = 1.678 >< 1 o-
kg. (04 Mnrks)
Choose the correct answers for the following ;
i) lhe first permitted elgen energy is
A) first level energy B) zero point energy
C) maximum energy D) none uf these
ii) The amplitude of the eigcn ftmction of pai' ticlc trapped in infinite potential well or
width 'a' is given b;:
. "'2
. 17
iii) The produc.t of uncertainty between posltion and momentum is
A);;:: C);;::!!.___
6:r 2n 4n
iv) T!tt" J ii.tUlC'ICJ ll r tl .:: nucku,, oft he
A) 10'
m I3) !0"
m C) 10-
I of4
. {/

(04 Made>)
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2 b. Show tbat the electrons cannot exist in the nucleus of an atom. (05 Marks)
c. Set up the time independent Schrodinger' s wave equation. (O(i Mark.')
d. An electron is bound in one dimensional box of width 0.1 6111n. find the energy valLJes in the
gtound state and firsl two excited states. (05 M.11rks)
3 a. Choose the correct answers ti.1r the following :
i) Specit1c heat of 1 mole of electron gas L!nder constant volume is
A) R B) R C) 3R
. 5 2
ii) Fermi energy 1..1f a metal at 0'1< deptmds on
D) 2R
. 2
A) kinetic energy of electron B) potential energy of electron
C) constant D) number of free elect1'0ns/unit volume
iii) Resistivity of a metal with temperature varies as
A) T
B) T
C) T
D) 'I'
iv) Ideal resistivity docs not depend upon
A) temperature B) lnter atomic spacing
C) impurity D) lattice defect (04 Mllrks)
b. Elucidate the differenct) between classical free. !;)[cctron theory and quantum free electron

c. Det1ne density of states. Derive the expression for density of states. (IO M:Hks)
4 a. Choose the correct answers for the fol lowing:
i) The unit of dipole moment/unit volume is
A) coulomb/metre
C) coulomb/metre
B) coulornb/metrc
D) coulomb
ii) Monoatornic gas atom is placed in a uniform electric field E, then the resulting
induced dlpolemoment is proportional to
A) D) n" C) B
iii) Jn a dielectric, the ol'ientation polarization is exhibited by
Q, ) rlif'IAr.tri\, In nou r;><;>lar dielectric. '
<:) of both D)
iv) Plew ... ;, lllc uf c.leetrioit;;r' hy
t'\) chemical effect R) vai'ying field C) temperature D) pn:;:s:>un;
(114 MarkS)
e. tho of (04
C. r1r.r!vc Tho lLII iul1n1h1l fj<;:lJ ;" f\1111
array. (08
d. What the polarization produced in Na.CI by <in electric field of 500 V/mm If it has
dielectric constant of 5. 7? (04 Marks)
5 a. Choose the correct answers for the following ;
i) The transition of nn atom between two energy levels in which twn photons
arc emitted is called
A) induced B) spontaneous emission
C) stimulated emission D) population inversion
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5 a. ii) The distribut ion of number of atoms in different discrete energy states is governed by
A) fermi-Dirac distribution B) Maxwall-Boltztnann di stribution
C) distribution 0) None of these
iii) Bn:wster's window}s are med in Hc-Nc laser to obtain
A) coherent light I3) monocluomatic light
C) powerful light D) polarized light
iv) The wave length of light from H scnticonduGtor laser is proportional to
.) 1:' B. n . .,. 1 I .. l
Jon .) i'J_',o.)" C)- ) \ - -
' E ' 'E ')"
e (
(04 Marks)
b. LJedllce the expression tor energy density uRing Einstein's coefficients and show that
probability of induced absorption is equal to probability of stimulated emission. (08 Marks)
c. With a neat diagram, explaln the construction and working ofHe-Ne laser. (OS Mark)
6 a. Choose the correct answers tor the following :
i) Below transition temperature superconductors behave like perfect.
/\) diamagnets R) pnramagnl."lt.-; C) ferronw.gnets D) fenimagnets
ii) SQUIDS arc devices that detect very small changes in
A) electric fields B) mugnet lc t!elds
C) gravil.aliomd fi..::ld;; D)
iii) Number of modes transmitted by an optical t1bre is proportional to
A) A. B)').} C) 1/), D)
iv) One of the reasons of attenuation in optic<11 11ber.s is
A) rerraction B) reflection C) absorption D) interference
{04 !\l!uks)
b. Sxplain bl'iefly the BCS theory ofsupercotiduct ivity. (06 Marks)
c. Describe the different types of optical fibres with ray propagation and refi-active index
profile diagrams. (06
d. An optical fiber has attenuation of 1.5 dB/km. What ls the output power if the input power is

10 mW and lhc fibre is 3000 n1 long? (04 Marks)
Choose the correct amwcrs thr the fo !lowing :
i) A plane has interct;mls at a. 3c inn unit cell. The mi:ler induces of the plane are
! . 2
A) (l 3 2) B) (2 6 l) C) (3 6 l) D) (I 2 3)
ii) The number of latt ice points ilt a primitive cell are
A) 1 B) 1/2 C) 2 D) 3/2
iii) The coordination number in the case of simple cubic is
A} 12 B) -6 - C) 2 D) J
iV) 1 he number oi'rmdt:\;Llh.::. p c:.l!; !it ll, the co!! of oodium chloride i:>
A) 5 I3) 2 C) 4 D) None of these
(04 :\'larks)
b. Define: i) packing factor and ii) coordinat io n number. Calculntc tl1e packing factor and
coordination number for SC, 1:3CC and FCC structures. (12 Marks)
c. find the miller indices of a set of parallel planes which make intercepts in the ratio 3a:4b on
x andy axes and, are para!lel to z a, b, c being primitive vectors of the lattice.(04 Mnks)
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8 a. Choose the correct answers for the following :
i) Under s(;aling, self inductanct'. of coil h proportional to
A) L
I3) L
C) L
D) Independent of scaling
ii) Under scali11g c.urrcnt density i:s proportional to
A) L
B) L
C) L-' D) Independent of scaling
iii) According to clectromag11etic laws current is proportional to
C) L D)L-
iv) Nano-materials are thcromodynamically in
A) stable state B) .mtc
C) meta stable stale D) none of these (04 Mmks)
b. Write a note on carbon nano tube and mention thei r applicatioil. (04 Marks)
c. What is acoustic. grating? With a neat diagram, explain the determination of velocity of
ultrasonic waves using acoustic grating. (08 Marks)
d. GiYe the electromagnetic scaling laws for both steady state and lime dependent system.
(04 Mnrks)
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