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EzE kE gLob^L iqgLix EzE kE gLob^L iqgLix

8iqk uv Tu sAviqz uv tIm and munE, not tU mencen pAp3r and trEz. w3rd prosesiq (rEdiq) w%d gO muc fast3r. kidz at skUl k%d enjOE rEdiq sins ^L Tu Let3rz mac wun soUnd. Ov3r tIm, nyU simboLz k%d bE intrOdUst. wE mIt evin dU awA wi8 kapitoL Let3rz, az TA dU in kOrE^, japan, and menE Est3rn aLf^bets, wE k%d yUz und3rskOr (_) tU emf^sIz a Let3r Or w3rd. mI nAm is _tom and I kum frum _tOLEdO. I _rELE_ LIk sok3r.

Standard Spellt English Think of the savings of time and money, not to mention paper and trees. Word processing (reading) would go much faster. Kids at school kud enjoy reading since all the letters match one sound. Over time, new symbols could be introduced. We might even do away with capital letters as they do in Korea, Japan, and many eastern alphabets. On the other hand, we could use underscore (_) to emphasize a letter or word. My name is Tom and I come from Toledo. I really like soccer.
There are many benefits. Spelling would be easy just remember the one letter for the one sound. The big challenge is whether or not to bridge back to original spellings. One has to show more than 170 spellings to give the sound set of English. The heights of the letters could be streamlined, giving a more compact appearance. Letters with ascenders (b,d,f,h,k,t) and descenders (g,j,p,q,y) could be modified.

Te3r ^r menE benefits. SpeLiq w%d be EzE just rEmemb3r the wun Let3r fOr Tu wun soUnd. Tu big caLenj iz weT3r Or not tU brij bak to OrijinaL speLiqs. Wun has tU xO mOr Tan 170 speLiqz to giv Tu soUnd set of iqgLix.

Tu hIts uv Tu Let3rz k%d bE strEmLInd, giviq a mOr kompakt apErans. Let3rz wi8 asend3rz (b,d,f,h,k,t) and dEsend3rz (g,j,p,q,y) k%d bE modifId. Tu hIts uv Tu Let3rz k%d bE strEmLInd, giviq a mOr kompakt apErans. Let3rz wi8 asend3rz (b,d,f,h,k,t) and dEsend3rz (g,j,p,q,y) k%d bE modifId. Tu hIts uv Tu Let3rz k%d bE strEmLInd, giviq a mOr kompakt apErans. Let3rz wi8 asend3rz (b,d,f,h,k,t) and dEsend3rz (g,j,p,q,y) k%d bE modifId.

if Tu p3rpus uv an alfubet iz tU reprEzent Tu soUndz uv a Laqgwij az kLOsLE az posibL, Ten attemts must bE mAd tU speL w3rdz akOrdiq tU Te3r soUndz in an onest wA.. if a w3rd iz spOken difrentLE sumwe3r eLs, Ten a w3rd k%d hav 2 speLiqz.

If the purpose of an alphabet is to represent the sounds of a language as closely as possible, then attempts must be made to spell words according to their sounds in an honest way. If a word is spoken differently somewhere else, then a word could have two spellings.

NOTE: The uh (Korean ) sound here is shown using the number 3 (backwards e, representing schwa). Alternatively, it could be : as in in muT:r, hunt:r, op:rAt:r; invest:r.

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