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Nasal Allergies and Homeopathy

May 3, 2010 Nasal Allergies in Summer Dr. Vikas Sharma Have you been sneezing very often this summer? Do you have itching in the nose , roof of mouth and eyes? Are you getting a watery discharge from your nose? If yes then there are good chances that you have Allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to an allergic condition that occurs in the upper respiratory tract and also in the conjunctiva of the eyes. This is usually a harmless condition but can throw ones life out of gear. Most of the people who suffer from its seasonal form, have recurrent episode in late spring, summers and fall. Homeopathy provides a great hope for all those who suffer from it in treating this kind of allergy from its base and thereby stopping its annual recurrence. People who suffer from allergic rhinitis usually have these following symptoms- 1) Sneezing , which may occur any time and can occur in bouts ; where one may even have 20-30 sneezes in a row . Morning sneezes are very common in those suffer from allergic rhinitis. Such sneezing episodes may occur as early as one wakes up .2) Runny nose sneezing is accompanied by profuse watery discharge from the nose. Along with other symptoms one may also have same king of watery discharge from eyes. 3) Itching in the eyes, nose and the roof of the mouth itching in the nose roof of moth and eyes are very common symptoms in allergic rhinitis. Most patients complain of a crawling sensation in the nose and the roof of the mouth. 4) Some patients may even suffer from breathing difficulty if the attack gets serious. This kind of breathing difficulty is usually noted in spring weather during wheat harvest season. 6) Fever may also be present in some individuals during a severe attack of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis usually occurs in two forms. The kind of allergic rhinitis that one would have it in only a particular weather is called as Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. Late spring, summers and early autumn is the main weather when it occurs. Such kind of allergic rhinitis occurs due to sensitivity to pollens from trees, grasses or weeds, or to airborne mold spores. The second type is the Perennial Allergy and occurs all the year around. In such kind of allergic rhinitis ,the sensitivity is mainly to substances that one encounters daily . Examples of Such substances are cockroaches, dust mites, pollution and animal dander. Homeopathic medicines are one of the best forms of natural treatment for allergic rhinitis. They works both ways By controlling the acute symptoms and also treating the chronicity of allergy; thereby gradually stopping the recurrence of attacks. Homeopathic medicines work by desensitizing the overactive immune system in allergic rhinitis patients. Homeopathic medicines Natrum Mur, Sabadilla , Allium Cepa lead the homeopathic table in treating allergic rhinitis and can treat both the acute as well Chronic nature of the disease. Allium cepa and Aralea Racemosa are very effective in treating allergic rhinitis that occurs in spring . Lately, some

medicines have been introduced in Homeopathy which have been found to very effective in treating allergic rhinitis they are Galphimia Glauca , Histaminum and Luffa Operculata. Histamine is an organic nitrogen compound produced by the body's immune system when a person is exposed to an allergen, meaning a substance causing an allergic reaction. Histaminum hydrochloricum is a kind of histamine used as a homeopathic remedy. It is primarily used to treat various allergies, including those caused by food, insect bites and pollen, and allergy symptoms such as skin irritations, nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. Histaminum hydrochloricum is also sometimes used as a remedy for non-allergic conditions like bronchitis, gastric pain, muscular pain and joint pain. Scientific studies have been done on this homeopathic remedy, but there is no firm evidence supporting its effectiveness. Histaminum hydrochloricum is commonly sold in the form of tablets, pellets, oral sprays and nasal sprays, and homeopathic practitioners often recommend it as a treatment for problems like asthma, eczema, hay fever, runny nose, hives and itchy eyes. It is used both to alleviate immediate allergy symptoms and to reduce future allergic reactions. In homeopathic medicine it is believed that an illness can be cured by the same substance that causes it, and that ingesting minute amounts of that substance gradually strengthens the body's resistance to it. In this way, histaminum hydrochloricum is thought to work by decreasing the amount of histamine released during an allergic response and thereby reducing the effects of that histamine.

Histaminum hydrochloricum is identical to a substance known as histamine dihydrochloride that is known to have several effects on the body, including stimulating gastric secretion, relaxing blood vessels and narrowing the bronchial airways. It is used in mainstream medicine to treat certain forms of cancer as well as other conditions. As a homeopathic remedy, the substance is used in much smaller doses and is also prepared differently than in regular medicine. Homeopathic remedies like Histaminum hydrochloricum are produced by diluting the active ingredient with water until the remedy contains a very small, even infinitesimal, amount of the active substance. This is done because homeopathic medicine teaches that the lower the dose, the more effective the remedy. Homeopathic remedies are also shaken during manufacturing, a process called dynamization that is thought to enhance their potency and healing properties. Histaminum hydrochloricum can be bought in natural food stores, on the Internet and from homeopathic practitioners. Pregnant and nursing women should not take this remedy. If one is suffering from allergies or other medical conditions, it is advisable to consult a physician before using homeopathic remedies.

Histaminum reduces allergic reactions. Homeopathic Histaminum is safe and effective in relieving breathing difficulties and nasal congestion following exposure to allergens. Homeopathy removes blockages, so homeopathic Histaminum reduces histamines that are substances that try to attach to the cells in your body and irritate cells causing allergy type symptoms. Histaminum is therefore like a homeopathic antihistamine. Histaminum is helpful following exposure to allergens, eating offending foods, or insect bites. Histaminum helps with breathing symptoms due to allergies, including bronchial asthma, nasal congestion, hay fever, eczema, hives. Homeopathic Histaminum relieves symptoms following insect stings. Histaminum can be used following sunburns with nausea. Histaminum is useful for skin rashes, redness, swelling, gastric pain, or breathing difficulties from food allergies. Histaminum can be use for contact allergies to lessen itchy rashes and swelling. Use prior and following exposure to outdoors allergens. pellets. General hives and skin problems 1 pellet 3 times a day. First aid treatment use hourly, decrease frequency with improvement. Click here for questions on potency. Histaminum's complete name is Histaminum Hydrochloricum.

Galphimia Glauca for Allergies ( pollen, hay fever, etc )

By: lal_anar

May 20 2011

Galphia & Zicam showed good response to allergic rhinitis.

By: udaya kumar --

Re:Galphimia Glauca for Allergies ( pollen, hay fever, etc )

May 20 2011

To my mind, Galphimia Glauca can be a good remedy for allergic rhinitis in the area of the world where Galphimia are grown or in abundance. That which is cause by Galphimia is removed by the same in higher potencies seems the most plausible answer in the same way as Sabadilla does to hay fever, while it does not cure most cases of hay fever, whereas Allium Cepa, Arsenic, etc. seems universal in their effect. -Re:Galphimia Glauca for Allergies ( pollen, hay fever, etc ) deleted Re:Galphimia Glauca for Allergies ( pollen, hay fever, etc )
By: lal_anar By: shehzad May 22 2011

May 22 2011

Udaya u r right about Ars & Allium Cepa i posted earlier in forum for someone who gets itching above the palate of mouth, burning eyes, disturb sleeping due to allergies. Day 1 i gave that person Kali Mur 6c twice a day and 1 dose of Ars 30-C before bed

Day 2 repeated above Patient did not feel any difference. Day 3 gave Kali Mur 6c & Histaminum 6c 4 pellets each and 1 dose of Arc 30-C before bed Day 4 repeated above. Patient got little relief. Day 5 stopped Kali Mur & Histaminium. But gave 1 dose of Ars 30-C before bed Day 6 gave Allium Cepa 6-C twice a day along with 1 dose of Ars Album 30-C before bed. Itching above palates, burning eyes, disturbance of sleep was all gone. I think its combination of Allium Cepa and Ars. what i learned from this treatment experience that for allergies low power like 6-C is the best. What do u think ?
By: udaya kumar --

Re:Galphimia Glauca for Allergies ( pollen, hay fever, etc )

May 22 2011

Dear Lal Anar, I do agree with your findings and Blata for e.g. gives excellent results at 6C. I do not suggest those potencies because this is a forum and we do not know the patient and striking in the dark. Since lower potencies may according to the sensitivity of the patient have aggravation and those cannot be controlled through a forum, I only work in 30C and 200C unless I am certain there are no suppressed ailments or sensitivities. Mostly 30C works as good or as better than any other potencies and are very safe to administer upto three days or three doses. I have seen single dose 200C potency of Arsenic Album is instant in action in Asthma. with regards. --

Few cases treated by Luffa Operculata :Mr. V., Age 20. Cough in the last two months, cough was rattling. Expectoration difficult, dyspnoea on little exertion. Cough was worse morning. Prostration. Build was tall & slim. Luffa Operculata 0/3 one globule in 4oz of distilled water was given, 10 succussions to be given to the bottle, then one teaspoon dose of medicine to be mixed in cup of water. Stir well and take one teaspoon dose. The rest is to be discarded. The medicine is to be taken this way, three times a day. Within a day the patient felt better and was completely all right within a week. 2nd Case Mr.H. Age 40 years. Complaint of severe headache in small spot, in different location of the head. He feels as if an abscess is forming in the scalp. Repeated attacks of coryza, violent sneezing, worse morning and night. Lethargic, aversion to work. Luffa Operculata 0/3 was repeated in the same way as in the first case. Headache was much better within a week. Next week he had a mild attack of coryza. Bacillinum 0/6, one dose was given as an intercurrent. The

patient became much better and now he looked more cheerful. The treatment was continued for one month at the end of which the patient was free from all symptoms. 3rd Case Mr.K., Age 29 years, was suffering from severe attack of sinusitis, with a blocked nose, agg morning and night. Cough spasmodic, dry with little foamy expectoration. Expectoration amel cough, cough agg morning after breakfast, after dinner and on alternate days. On auscultation chest wheezing sound & whistling sound Respiration difficult. H/O Nasal Polyp, left side operated in 1979. Piles. Patient likes warm drinks, prostration from cough, dullness of mind, absent-minded. Luffa Operculata 6x was taken three times a day. Patient was feeling better within two days. He continued the treatment for a month and was free from all symptoms after that duration.

Bad effects from falls, contusions or mechanical injuries of external parts ( Arn. ). Catarrhal affections of mucous membranes, especially of the eyes and nose. Profuse acrid lachrymation, with profuse, bland coryza (reverse of All. c. ). The eyes water all the time and are agglutinated in the morning; margins of lids red, swollen, burning. Profuse fluent coryza in morning with violent cough and abundant expectoration, < from exposure to warm south wind. When attempting to clear the throat of an offensive mucus in the morning, gagging until he vomits the breakfast just eaten ( Bry. ). Profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hawking, < on rising in morning. Amenorrhoea, with catarrhal symptoms of eyes and nose; profuse acrid lachrymation. Menses: painful, regular, now lasting only one hour; or late, scanty, short, lasting only one day ( Bar. ). Pertussis: excessive lachrymation during cough; cough only in day time ( Fer. , Nat. m. ). Relations. Similar: to, Puls. in affections of the eyes; reverse of All. c. in lachrymation and coryza. Aggravation. In the evening, in bed, indoors, warmth, moisture; after exposure to south wind; when touched ( Hep. ).

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