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On the spirit of science and faith sifting

Father Dan Bdulescu

"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." In these days1 sand the following we witness a veritable sieve of our faithfulness to which we are subjected by the so-called CERN the worlds largest particle physics laboratory. The astrophysic scientists say as their father that they want to be like the Most High scratching the mysteries of universe creation. But that one only thought to be equal with God and fell from heaven like lightning and from lit angel became a dark devil. With the globalized technology of satellite television and the Internet, this event was widely publicized, and accompanied the comments of various TV newsrooms. The Orthodox reactions were present, but those coming in more informal ways of blogs and net sites that tend to be true media "catacombs"... Entering the blog of father Savatie Bastovoi and seeking comments on the article Goodbye, the end of the world is here! We found the following comment: "It's like I feel certain trend in the answers to this post, or maybe I'm wrong: Orthodoxy has no contradiction with modern science, nor do we despise nor reject it. Science claims to possess absolute truth are the only that we dispute, as everything human is subject to permanent revisions and improvements. The conflict between religion and science has existed in the West, and was often supported rather by a part of the scientific community, who thought the two just incompatible because science claim above. So, the science is not bad - but good, for using skills embedded in man by God but only the ideological color printed by some, in a way, moreover, highly unscientific".

The article was written in 2008.

2 That who wrote this is a faithful and well-meaning guy, but he issued an opinion prevalent here today among us, who had at one point to be discussed in depth. If we examine the spirits and their work, we see that between the modern science as it is defined starting temporal and spatial from the Renaissance in the West, which continued with the contemporary science (Euro-Atlantic, Soviet and Japanese based) and the Orthodoxy it's not only a conflict but also one of life and death! Spirits radically and diametrically opposed! Brethren, no longer deceived by these curtains irenic reconciliations of Aquarius type of II Vatican Council! Since 19th century and culminating in the 20th, "science" gave the heaviest blows Christian faith, it was the weapon no. 1 of Masonic and Marxist atheism! We are not in the West but in the East and we suffered on our skin this terrible bomb more than at Hiroshima (just created by that science which "is not bad - but good!" - God, how naive...), because it attacked souls, not just the bodies. From the banks of Eastern Orthodox schools we were taught to believe with the scientific arguments that God does not exist, space and matter are infinite, man is descended from monkeys and is only an evolved animal, everything turns and evolves, the soul is not immortal, the earth is a poor planet that rotates around the sun, and the newest, big bang, black holes, expanding universe, alien life and other devilish lies. The science has fought with all its strength to take the place of religion and scientists to become the new priests of the mysteries of man and the universe, with their "dogmas": scientific theories and hypotheses, which must be believed, even axiomatic, on their word and authority! All this began in the "renaissance" of paganism with Copernicus, Bruno, Galileo, Kepler, Newton and other cabbalist scientists and astrologers more or less hidden, which developed their theories in a virtual world, a universe with astrophysical and chemical human and deceitful laws! These are among others heliocentrism, gravity, chemistry, biology and evolutionary geology and today the new astrophysics, based on errors of Einstein, Sagan, Hawking and others misled and deceived by the devil. How can we Orthodox say that these concepts do not contradict revelation, and even find compatibility between the big bang of the devilish delusion and, lets say, the cosmology of St. Maximus the Confessor? If we do not wake up and return to the true science, that of the Bible and the Fathers, we shall easily fall prey to these satanic "experiments", even thinking that "people know what they are doing" or "those theories could have something true". And "experiment" is in Greek pirasmon and was translated into Romanian... "temptation"! The Lord indulges from time to time these temptations to test, clarify and strengthen us, but He taught us also to pray not to be led into them for our infirmities. And why do we believe those scientists? For that they invented all sorts of devices and operating systems? Do you think that this confirms the correctness of their theories? St. Basil the Great said that we do not need to combat them, but suffices war between them because the last scientist to come up with new ideas will overthrow their predecessors, a.s.o. Almost in this way, the crime bosses kill themselves, as they did in America of the twenties. Do not be confused by this comparison, because these scientists so are criminals of God's laws they violated, striving to create their own laws and their own "new" world with the "new man". But take note that God will leave their work free only for a while. Now "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still." Let us pray to the Lord to protect us in these latter times, in which the temptation whirl will overpower us! We will be sifted in many ways, the mesh is dense and the latter days have started (It's later than

3 you think as said Father Seraphim Rose!) But we know that He said also, "be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."!...

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