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ALUNO(A): ___________________________________________________________


Leia algumas manchetes da verso online do Jornal norte-americano The New York Times de 16 de
maio de 2010 e responda as questes abaixo.

A) Geithner Tries to Calm Nerves Over Europes Uncertain Fate

By JACK EWING and BRIAN KNOWLTON 40 minutes ago

Political leaders and central bankers on both sides of the Atlantic are struggling to persuade investors that Europe
will pull through its sovereign debt crisis.

1. Em que seo do jornal voc encontraria esse texto?

a. ( ) Cincias
b. ( ) Esportes
c. ( ) Economia
2. Qual o assunto principal do texto?
a. ( ) Esforos dos lderes polticos para controlar a violncia na Europa.
b. ( ) Esforos dos lderes polticos para convencer investidores a aplicar dinheiro na Europa.
c. ( ) Esforos dos lderes polticos para controlar a poluio na Europa.
3. Localize no texto trs palavras com afixos (prefixos ou sufixos), indicando a raiz e o afixo e o
sentido da palavra:
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________

B) Preparing for Altitude From the Ground Up

The 32 teams participating in the World Cup will be faced with tactical decisions about altitude as well as soccer.

1. Em que seo do jornal voc encontraria esse texto?

a. ( ) Cincias
b. ( ) Esportes
c. ( ) Economia
2. Qual o assunto principal do texto?
a. ( ) Preocupao em relao altitude a ser enfrentada na Copa.
b. ( ) Preocupao em relao escalao das equipes que disputaro a Copa.
c. ( ) Preocupao em relao segurana das equipes que disputaro a Copa.
3. Localize no texto trs palavras com afixos (prefixos ou sufixos), indicando a raiz e o afixo e o
sentido da palavra:
a. _______________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________________

C)Foreign Companies Chafe at Chinas Restrictions


Western executives are showing growing disenchantment over the past year and a sense that doing business in
China, never easy, is growing harder.

1. Em que seo do jornal voc encontraria esse texto?

a. ( ) Cincias
b. ( ) Poltica
c. ( ) Economia
2. Qual o assunto principal do texto?
a. ( ) Desencantamento dos executivos ocidentais com o respeito a estrangeiros na China.
b. ( ) Desencantamento dos executivos ocidentais com o turismo na China.
c. ( ) Desencantamento dos executivos ocidentais com os negcios na China.
3. Localize no texto trs palavras com afixos (prefixos ou sufixos), indicando a raiz e o afixo e o
sentido da palavra:
a. _______________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________________

Guess how much oil is spilling into the Gulf of Mexico

17:55 14 May 2010

Physics & Math


Wendy Zukerman, reporter

There's a new game in town: guess how many barrels of oil are gushing from BP's ruptured
wellinto the Gulf of Mexico every day.
Using video showing the movement of oil spewing from the well, mechanical
engineer Steven Wereley of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, estimates that the
well is losing 70,000 barrels of oil a day. That's equivalent to an Exxon Valdez disaster every
four days, and more than 10 times the 5000 barrels a day estimated by BP.
"We are not recognising these numbers at all," a spokesperson for BP told New Scientist.
The oil company maintains there is no reliable way to measure the oil spill by analysing oil
moving out of the pipe. Really?
"Scientists say there are many proven techniques for doing just that," reports National Public
Radio in the US, who asked marine fluid researchers to scour the newly released video.
Wereley used particle image velocimetry to estimate the amount of spewing from the pipe.
This technique uses a computer program that tracks and calculates how fast particles move,
and is accurate to plus or minus 20 per cent, reports NPR. "Given that uncertainty, the
amount of material spewing from the pipe could range from 56,000 barrels to 84,000 barrels
a day."

UK newspaper The Guardian reported that an email is being passed around that challenges
scientists to use the video and calculate the volume of oil leaking out.
Eugene Chiang, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley, received such an
email, and decided to have a go using high school mathematics.
The Guardian reports, "Chiang studied the angle of the flow of oil and gas from the leaking
pipe, and made calculations about buoyancy and gravitational acceleration." He estimated
the oil was moving at 100 centimetres per second, and multiplied this by the proposed area
of the pipe. His final figure: 20,000 to 100,000 barrels a day.
Chiang told The Guardian, "The calculation is uncertain, but I am confident enough to say
that this is one of the big ones. It is not 5000 barrels a day."
In a press conference earlier this week Doug Suttles, BP chief operating officer, maintained
the 5000-barrel-a-day figure was their best estimate - despite BP admitting to Congress a
week earlier the figure might be as high as 60,000 barrels a day.
Suttles said BP's official estimate is based on the visual observation of oil flowing from the
barrel, and "how much oil is on top of the sea". "But," he said, "It's very, very difficult to know
for certain."

Qual o assunto do texto?


Encontre dez palavras cognatas, transcreva-as e escreva seu significado

no texto.

Quais so as palavras-chave do texto? Escreva seu significado.


Encontre cinco grupos nominais no texto, identificando os ncleos e os

5. Localize no texto cinco palavras com afixos (prefixos ou sufixos), indicando a raiz, o
afixo e o sentido da palavra:
a. ___________________________________________________________________
c. ___________________________________________________________________

d. ___________________________________________________________________
e. ___________________________________________________________________

Quem Steven Wereley? Quais so suas estimativas? Como ele chegou

a esses nmeros?

O que o porta-voz da BP afirmou?


O que o jornal britnico The Guardian publicou?


Quem Eugene Chiang? Quais so suas estimativas? Como ele chegou

a esses nmeros?

Quem Doug Suttles? O que ele afirmou?


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