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What is Chickenpox?
Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the Herpes varicella zoster virus.
It's spread in droplets inhaled into the

respiratory tract. Complications are rare but serious, and can occur in previously healthy children.

Whos affected?
Chickenpox tends to affect children under ten. Most children have had the infection by this age. In older children and adults, chickenpox can be more severe.
Children who are immunosuppressed (for example, on steroids) are particularly vulnerable to complications, as are newborn babies who may catch the infection from their mother in late



A rash that usually begins on the body and face and later often spreads to the scalp and limbs. It may also spread to the mucous membranes especially in the mouth and on the genitals. The rash is often itchy. It begins as small red spots which develop into blisters in a couple of hours. After one or two days, the blisters turn into scabs. New blisters may appear after three to six days. The number of blisters differs greatly from one person to another. The infected person may have fever. These symptoms are mild in young children. Chickenpox lasts 7 to 10 days in children and longer in adults. Adults can feel very ill and take longer to recover. They are also more likely than children to suffer complications.

Who is at risk for complications?

Pregnant women who have not had chickenpox.
People with a weak immune system,

such as those with acute or chronic leukemia or HIV. Patients taking medicine to suppress their immune system, such as longterm oral corticosteroids.

The treatment mostly consists of easing the symptoms. Remember that an infected person will be contagious until new blisters have stopped appearing and until all the blisters have scabs. They should stay at home while they are infectious. Avoid scratching the blisters because of the risk of infection. Cut the nails short or make the patient wear gloves. Pay attention to personal hygiene.

Calamine lotion will help relieve the

itching. Keep the patient in cold surroundings, as heat and sweat may make the itching worse. In attacks of chickenpox where the itching is so serious that the child's sleep is totally disturbed, antihistamine medicines with a heavily sedative effect can be used. Antihistamines are medicines for allergic reactions, motion sickness or insomnia . In serious cases of chickenpox in people with a weak immune system, aciclovir (eg Zovirax tablets/suspension), which works specifically against chickenpox, can be

Complications that may arise

Bacteria may infect the blisters.
Occasionally scars may remain at the site of the blisters.

Pneumonia. In very rare cases, chickenpox can

result in complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, inflammation of the heart (myocarditis) or Reye's syndrome.

Future prognosis
Once a person has had chickenpox, they will have immunity to the disease for the rest of their life. However, the virus may return later in life as shingles.
A person who has active shingles can infect others with chickenpox, but cannot give shingles to someone else.

Chickenpox vaccine can prevent chickenpox.

Who should get the vaccine?

Children who have never had chickenpox should get 2 doses of chickenpox vaccine at these ages: 1st Dose: 12-15 months of age
2nd Dose: 4-6 years of age (may be given earlier, if at least 3 months after

the 1st dose)

Who should get the vaccine?

People 13 years of age and older (who have never had chickenpox or received chickenpox vaccine) should get two doses at least 28 days apart.
Anyone who is not fully vaccinated, and never had chickenpox, should receive one or two doses of chickenpox vaccine. The timing of these doses depends on the persons age.

Who should not get the vaccine?

People who had life-threatening allergic

reaction to a previous dose of chickenpox vaccine or to gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin. People who are moderately or severely ill at the time the shot is scheduled should usually wait until they recover before getting chickenpox vaccine.

Pregnant women should wait to get

chickenpox vaccine until after they have given birth. Women should not get pregnant for 1 month after getting chickenpox vaccine. Some people should check with their doctor about whether they should get chickenpox vaccine, including anyone who: Is being treated with drugs that affect the immune system, such as steroids, for 2 weeks or longer Has any kind of cancer Is getting cancer treatment with radiation or drugs

People who recently had a transfusion or were given other blood products should ask their doctor when they may

get chickenpox vaccine.

Chickenpox vaccine reactions

Mild reactions:
Soreness or swelling where the shot was

given (about 1 out of 5 children and up to 1 out of 3 adolescents and adults) Fever (1 person out of 10, or less) Mild rash, up to a month after vaccination (1 person out of 25). It is possible for these people to infect other members of their household, but this is extremely rare.

Mild reactions: Seizure (jerking or staring) caused by fever (very rare).

Severe reactions: Pneumonia (very rare) severe brain reactions and low blood count. These happen so rarely experts cannot tell whether they are caused by the vaccine or not. If they are, it is extremely rare.

When moderate to severe reactions arise, call your doctor.

Tell your doctor what happened, the date and time it happened, and when the vaccination was given.

Dear Friends,
As you can see in this presentation the Chickenpox vaccine has many complications and contraindications as well as positive points. The decision of needs of vaccination against Chickenpox should be individual in concern of your health status and epidemiological situation. Anyway you should discuss with your family/site doctor. Also note that Chickenpox vaccine is not included in Saipem recommendation list of vaccination

Prepared by:
Mr. Lawrence V. Hilario R.N., M.N. (u.e.)
Saipem Health advisor of QAFCO 5 Medical Department Saipem S.p.A. Doha, Qatar Mob. #. +9745059954

Checked by:
Dr. Mikhail Nestsiarovich
Saipem Medical Coordinator on the Middle East Area

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