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Copyr|ght Gemcom Software Internat|ona| Inc Gemcom

1hls sofLware and documenLaLlon ls proprleLary Lo Cemcom and excepL where expressly provlded
oLherwlse does noL form parL of any conLracL Changes may be made ln producLs or servlces aL
any Llme wlLhouL noLlce
Cemcom publlshes Lhls documenLaLlon for Lhe sole use of Cemcom llcensees WlLhouL wrlLLen per
mlsslon you may noL sell reproduce sLore ln a reLrleval sysLem or LransmlL any parL of Lhe doc
umenLaLlon lor such permlsslon or Lo obLaln exLra coples please conLacL your local Cemcom
offlce or vlslL wwwgemcomsofLwarecom
Whlle every precauLlon has been Laken ln Lhe preparaLlon of Lhls manual we assume no respon
slblllLy for errors or omlsslons nelLher ls any llablllLy assumed for damage resulLlng from Lhe use of
Lhe lnformaLlon conLalned hereln
Cemcom SofLware lnLernaLlonal lnc Cemcom Lhe Cemcom logo comblnaLlons Lhereof and WhlL
Lle Surpac CLMS Mlnex Cemcom lnSlLe and C8C are Lrademarks of Cemcom SofLware lnLer
naLlonal lnc or lLs whollyowned subsldlarles
Cemcom WhlLLle
1able of ConLenLs
Introduct|on Go|d tutor|a|
Va||dat|on of Imported Mode|
Sett|ng |t S|opes for the Cpt|m|sat|on
Mlnlng 1ab
MeLhod uslng range funcLlon alone
MeLhod uslng llne of besL flL wlLhln a range funcLlon
LnLerlng Lhe equaLlons lnLo Lhe Mlnlng Lab
rocesslng 1ab
Selllng Lab
CpLlmlsaLlon Lab
CuLpuL Lab
Cperat|ona| Scenar|o
Sens|t|v|ty ana|ys|s
I|na| p|t and NV ract|ca| ushbacks
CreaLe pushbacks
Introduction - Gold tutorial
Introduct|on Go|d tutor|a|
1hls LuLorlal ls provlded Lo lnLroduce varlous parLs of sofLware Lhrough a worked example lor more
lnformaLlon on any parL of Lhls LuLorlal
l see Lhe relevanL lnformaLlon ln Lhe help flle
l vlewdemonsLraLlon daLaseLs and read noLes ln Lhe descrlpLlon Lab on each node
l conLacL your local Cemcom offlce for module lnformaLlon or Lralnlng opLlons
ln Lhls LuLorlal we wlll work wlLh a valldaLed block model from a general mlne plannlng package such
as Surpac CLMS or oLher 1hls block model has been creaLed ln Lhe formaL mod and also has a cor
respondlng par flle
?ou can flnd Lhese daLa flles ln <your projects folder>tutor|a|sgo|d
l Lhe block model tra|n|ngmod
l Lhe parameLers flle tra|n|ngpar
l Lhe block model valldaLlon reporL tra|n|ngrpttxt
Page 4 of 39
Cpen WhlLLle from Lhe deskLop lcon or Start A|| rograms Gemcom Software Wh|t
t|e ver
lrom Lhe pro[ecL selecLlon dlalog choose Create a new pro[ect
1hls wlll sLarL Lhe ro[ecL Wlzard whlch wlll gulde you Lhrough Lhe lmporL process
LnLer a name for Lhe pro[ecL ln ro[ecL name
All Lhe oLher enLry boxes wlll be fllled ln you do noL need Lo do anyLhlng more lf you
would llke Lo save Lhe pro[ecL ln a dlfferenL folder [usL rename Lhe ro[ecL ulrecLory and
Lhe worklng dlrecLory wlll be auLomaLlcally updaLed
AfLer you have named Lhe pro[ecL cllck Next
nowselecL Wh|tt|e b|ock mode| and speclfy Lhe locaLlon of Lhe mod and par flles
1he mod and par flles can be anywhere on your neLwork
Page 5 of 39
Cllck Lhe browse buLLon on Mode| I||e to |mport and browse Lo Lhe locaLlon of your
mod flle
8y defaulL Lhese flles wlll be lnsLalled ln Lhe pro[ects dlrecLory of your WhlLLle lnsLal
laLlon 1he ro[ecL Wlzard wlll assume Lhe correspondlng par flle ls ln Lhe same dlrecLory
and has Lhe same name as Lhe mod flle
lf requlred cllck Lhe browse buLLon and browse Lo Lhe locaLlon of Lhe par flle
Cllck Next
ConLlnue cllcklng Next wlLhouL enLerlng any values unLll you come Lo Lhe rocesses
Add a process by cllcklng Lhe Add buLLon Lhen edlL Lhe rowLo rename lL Lo MILL Lhls wlll
save us Llme laLer on
Page 6 of 39
?ou can flnlsh aL Lhls screen or Lhe nexL We wlll noL do anyLhlng more unLll we have val
ldaLed Lhe model
Page 7 of 39
1he nexL fewscreens showsummary lnformaLlon for Lhe grade elemenL and allowedlLlng
of elemenL names ?ou do noL have Lo do anyLhlng ln Lhese screens
ConLlnue cllcklng Next unLll Lhe Def|ne L|ement 1ype Codes screen ls dlsplayed
Page 8 of 39
Cllck Next
1hls screen allows edlLlng of Lhe model summary lnformaLlon ?ou do noL have Lo do any
Lhlng ln Lhls screen
Page 9 of 39
Cllck I|n|sh
?ou have nowlmporLed Lhe model lnLo Lhe WhlLLle lnLerface Arange of sLandard analysls has been
creaLed Lo gulde you Lhrough Lhe mlne plannlng process
Page 10 of 39
Validation of Imported Model
Va||dat|on of Imported Mode|
llrsL we wlll rename Lhe block model node so we can ldenLlfy Lhe block model ln Lhls case we wlll
use Lhe model dlmenslons
LnLer x x ln Lhe Descr|pt|on fleld on Lhe Descr|pt|on Lab of Lhe 8|ock Mode|
1here are already noLes fllled ouL speclfylng Lhe locaLlon of Lhe orlglnal mod and par
flles ?ou can add more noLes here lf requlred
Cllck Accept Lo save Lhe changes
Cllck on Lhe D|mens|ons Lab Lo vlsually check Lhe block slze and model orlgln
nowcllck on Lhe keport Lab of Lhe 8|ock Mode| node Lo check our LoLals agalnsL Lhe val
ldaLlon reporL from Lhe CM
Page 11 of 39
Validation of Imported Model
lurLher down Lhe reporL check Lhe Summary by bench by rockLype
llnally use Lhe u vlewer as a vlsual check
Cllck on Lhe block model node ln Lhe pro[ecL Lree
1hen selecL Start 1hreeD V|ewer from Lhe lcon on Lhe Loolbar
Cllck Ck on Lhe Se|ect data to d|sp|ay dlalog box
1|p Cllcklng Lhe block model node ln Lhe pro[ecL Lree wlll brlng Lhe block model lnLo
Lhe u vlewer laLer we wlll vlsuallse dlfferenL Lhlngs by cllcklng on dlfferenL nodes ln Lhe
pro[ecL Lree
ln Lhe u vlsuallser selecL Lhe Show 1opography box and Lhe Show k2 |ane box
8oLaLe Lhe vlewby lefL cllcklng and dragglng Lhe mouse
Zoom Lhe vlewby holdlng down Lhe wheel buLLon of Lhe mouse and movlng Lhe mouse
forward or backward
Cllck Invert Lo glve Lhe u vlewer a whlLe background
Note We have used an lnverLed vlewfor many screen capLures ln Lhls documenL so
LhaL you wlll save lnk lf you prlnL
Page 12 of 39
Validation of Imported Model
?our vlewshould look llke Lhe followlng We wlll explore Lhe u vlewer laLer lor now lL ls
enough Lo vlsually check Lhe model
Cnce Lhls ls done your model ls valldaLed
Cne flnal Lhlng Lo do on Lhe 8|ock Mode| node ls Lo seL Lhe unlLs of Lhe pro[ecL Lo grams
slnce LhaL ls whaL our gold elemenL ls measured ln
Cn Lhe Iormats Lab ln Lhe L|ement data Lable choose gram from Lhe drop down menu
as shown
Cllck Accept Lo save your changes
Page 13 of 39
Setting Pit Slopes for the Optimisation
Sett|ng |t S|opes for the Cpt|m|sat|on
Cllck Lhe New S|ope Set node ln Lhe pro[ecL Lree
ln Lhe daLa pane edlL Lhe descrlpLlon on Lhe Descr|pt|on Lab Lo dlsplay S|ope Case
degrees be|ow |eve|
1hen on Lhe S|ope 1ype Lab ensure kectangu|ar s|ope reg|ons ls selecLed Lo deflne Lhe
1|p 8ockLypes are commonly used Lo speclfy slope angles AlLernaLlvely an aLLrlbuLe
can be creaLed ln Lhe block model and fllled wlLh lnLegers speclfylng dlfferenL zones based
on any daLa
ln Lhe rof||es Lab we wlll creaLe Lwo newslope proflles ln addlLlon Lo Lhe defaulL slope
Add Lwo newproflles by cllcklng Lhe Add rof||e buLLon and speclfylng Lhe slope angles
l roflle Slope degrees
l roflle Slope degrees
Page 14 of 39
Setting Pit Slopes for the Optimisation
nowwe wanL Lo spllL Lhe model lnLo Lwo slope reglons and asslgn each of our Lwo pro
flles Lo a dlfferenL reglon
llrsL add a second slope reglon uslng Lhe Add buLLon ln Lhe S|ope keg|ons secLlon
1hen spllL Lhe reglons up uslng Lhe Z value of Lhe model Change Lhe values so Lhe fol
lowlng reglons are deflned Lhen asslgn Lhe slope proflle uslng Lhe drop down box ln Lhe
S|ope rof||e column
8eglon Mln x Max x Mln ? Max ? Mln Z Max Z Slope roflle
Cllck Accept Lo save your work
nowwe have enLered all of Lhe relevanL lnformaLlon we need Lo generaLe Lhe slope flle
for use ln Lhe opLlmlsaLlon 1o do Lhls we need Lo run Lhe analysls We wlll use Lhe kun
1o lcon
Cllck Lhe S|ope node lf lL ls noL hlghllghLed and Lhen cllck kun 1o Lo run all Lhe analysls
down Lo Lhe selecLed node slopes
now brlefly check Lhe slope errors by cllcklng Lhe keport Lab of Lhe S|opes node
1|p Slopes are creaLed beLween blocks ln Lhe block model and Lherefore cannoL
exacLly deflne Lhe enLered slope angle however normally Lhe dlfference ls small
Page 15 of 39
Setting Pit Slopes for the Optimisation
We have deflned Lwo dlfferenL reglons for applylng our slopes so we should see Lhe Lwo
proflles llsLed for Lhose reglons ln Lhe Messages Lab
Page 16 of 39
Setting Pit Slopes for the Optimisation
1hese slope errors are accepLable so we wlll proceed
Page 17 of 39
Optimisation Method 1. Using range function alone
M|n|ng 1ab
l 8ename Lhe plLshells node 8ase Case
8efore enLerlng Lhe cosL lnformaLlon we need Lo bulld up Lhe mlnlng cosL model ln
Lhls LuLorlal we have Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
l 8ase mlnlng cosL Lonne
l Mlnlng cosL lncreases c meLre bench below8L
1here are a number of ways Lo represenL Lhls daLa ln Lhls LuLorlal we are golng Lo use Lhe range func
Llon Lo enLer an equaLlon LhaL wlll descrlbe Lhe mlnlng cosL ad[usLmenL facLor
8epresenL mlnlng cosL varylng wlLh depLh uslng Lhe range funcLlon
1hls funcLlon ls a sLandard funcLlon of Lhe form 8lZMCAllevelMCAllevel whlch descrlbes Lhe
mlnlng cosL ad[usLmenL facLor MCAl beLween Lwo levels
1wo ways we wlll explore ln Lhls LuLorlal are descrlbed below
Method Us|ng range funct|on a|one
ln Lxcel bulld up a Lable showlng Lhe 8L cresL 8L Loe lZ block lndex ln Z dlrecLlon of model Mlnlng
CosL and MCAl MCAl Mlnlng CosLMlnlng CosL for mlnlng aL reference block
?our Lable should look llke Lhe followlng example buL conLlnue Lo Lhe boLLom of Lhe model
8L cresL 8L Loe lZ Mlnlng CosL MCAl

WhaL we wanL Lo represenL can be descrlbed as Lhe followlng
At tbe bottom of tbe moJel ose oo McAl of tbeo ot level ose tbeo ot level ose etc
ect etc tbeo ot level ose tbeo ot level ose tbeo ot level ooJ obove ose o voloe of
op to tbe top of tbe moJel
As an equaLlon you can bulld Lhe range funcLlon uslng Lhe formaL
8lZMCAllevelMCAllevel MCAllevel level MCAllevel MCAllevel for example
lL ls easy Lo bulld up Lhls formula ln Lxcel uslng Lhe concaLenaLe funcLlon
Page 18 of 39
Optimisation Method 2. Using line of best fit within a range function
lor more examples uslng Lhe 8ange funcLlon see Lhe Lxpresslon 8uLLon help Loplc ln Lhe WhlLLle
Method Us|ng ||ne of best f|t w|th|n a range funct|on
CreaLe Lable as above ln Lxcel
CreaLe llne of besL flL wlLh llnear parL of Lable below8L
PlghllghL lZ and MCAl columns below8L lnserL scaLLergraph
8lghL cllck on ploLLed llne choose showllne equaLlon on graph
ln oLher words Lhe llne should read MCAl lZ and your graph should look llke Lhe
one below
We can Lhen use Lhe range funcLlon and nesL Lhe llne of besL flL wlLhln Lhe range funcLlon
WhaL we wanL Lo represenL can be descrlbed as Lhe followlng
up to tbe kl level ose tbe epootloo McAl l2 fot level ooJ tbeteoftet
ose o voloe of op to tbe top of tbe moJel
As an equaLlon we can express Lhls asR(IZ,-0.0333*IZ+1.9667,29,1)
Lnter|ng the equat|ons |nto the M|n|ng tab
Cn Lhe M|n|ng Lab enLer for Lhe keference M|n|ng Cost and change Lhe radlo buLLon
Lo Ca|cu|ate Lhen press Lhe function button aL Lhe rlghL hand slde of Lhe enLry box Lhls
wlll expose Lhe expresslon bullder
1he expresslon bullder can be used Lo bulld expresslons uslng a range of sLandard func
Llons varlable and speclal funcLlon
Page 19 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
1ype or copy Lhe preferred expresslon for example R(IZ,-
0.0333*IZ+1.97,29,1) lnLo Lhe expresslon bullder dlalog Lhen cllck Lhe Check
Lxpress|on buLLon
lf Lhere are no errors cllck Ck ln Lhe expresslon bullder Lo compleLe Lhe M|n|ng Lab
?our formula should nowbe shown ln Lhe 8|ock m|n|ng cost ad[ustment factors secLlon
of Lhe M|n|ng Lab
Page 20 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
lf Lhe 8ockLype mlnlng CAls are noL seL Lo Lhen seL Lhem each Lo
Accept Lhe changes on Lhe M|n|ng Lab
When you cllck Accept Lhe uaLa SynchronlzaLlon form ls shown
Cllck es
1hls dlalog box conflrms LhaL you would llke Lo copy Lhe mlnlng lnformaLlon down Lhe
pro[ecL Lree Lo Lhe economlc analysls node 8ecause we wanL Lo analyse our plLshells
uslng Lhe same crlLerla as was used Lo creaLe Lhem we wlll always answer ?es Lo Lhls
dlalog ln Lhls LuLorlal
rocess|ng 1ab
Cllck on Lhe rocess|ng Lab and enLer Lhe lnformaLlon as shown below
1he rocesslng aLhs have used Lhe rockLypes ln Lhe model flle and have been auLo
maLlcally fllled ouL and asslgned Lo Lhe process MILL LhaL we speclfled ln Lhe lmporL wlz
use Lhe Up and Down buLLons Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe screen Lo order Lhe rocesslng aLhs ln
loglcal order
Page 21 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
lf you see a blank Lable you wlll have Lo manually creaLe processlng paLhs asslgnlng each
rockLype Lo Lhe avallable process MlLL by cllcklng Lhe Add buLLon on Lhe rlghL hand slde
and enLerlng Lhe lnformaLlon ln LhaL dlalog box
Cllck Accept on Lhe processlng Lab Lo save
Se|||ng tab
Cn Lhe Se|||ng Lab enLer Lhe r|ce Lo be obLalned for Lhe gold ln Lhls case oz or
?ou can enLer elLher value [usL make sure LhaL
1he unlLs are correcL for Lhe enLered prlce and
?ou have seL Lhe elemenL unlLs as grams on Lhe Iormats Lab of Lhe 8|ock Mode| node
1hls selllng prlce does noL lnclude royalLles lf royalLles are payable reduce Lhe selllng
prlce or add a selllng cosL
Note Selllng prlces are scaled by Lhe revenue facLor Selllng cosLs are noL
Page 22 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Cpt|m|sat|on tab
Cllck Defau|t on Lhe Cpt|m|zat|on Lab
We wlll produce approxlmaLely nesLed plLshells aL varylng prlces dependlng on Lhe
revenue facLors speclfled here 1he revenue facLors scale Lhe enLered selllng prlce Lo
produce dlfferenL plLs LhaL are opLlmal for dlfferenL prlces
Cllck Accept
8un Lhe opLlmlsaLlon uslng Lhe kun 1o command from Lhe Loolbar lcons
Cutput tab
8efore analyslng Lhe resulLs we need Lo check Lhe MCAls were applled correcLly
Page 23 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
1hen we wlll examlne Lhe ouLpuL plLshells vlsually Cllck on Lhe |tshe||s node and sLarL Lhe D
1o vlsually valldaLe Lhe MCAls do Lhe followlng
Snap Lo vlewk2
Show Data MCAI
Show k2 |ane
Cllck Info Lab
Cllck Show Lo floaL Lhe lnformaLlon wlndow poslLlon lL ln Lhe Lop rlghL of Lhe vlewer
Page 24 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
As you hover over Lhe blocks ln Lhe vlsuallser Lhe lnformaLlon wlll be shown ln Lhe lnfor
maLlon wlndow
Check Lhe MCAls have been applled correcLly
Lxamlne Lhe plLshells vlsually by uslng Lhe check box Show |t and scrolllng up and down
uslng Lhe splnner dlrecLly Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe plL number or uslng Lhe up and down arrows
on your keyboard
?ou mlghL also llke Lo vlewLhe gold grades ln an x? plane whllsL vlewlng Lhe plLshells
Change Lhe opLlons as shown and use Lhe lefL mouse buLLon Lo orblL Lhe vlew
1|p LefL cllck Lo orblL rlghL cllck Lo pan hold mouse wheel buLLon down and move Lhe
mouse forward or backward Lo zoom
Note 1he edge of Lhe plL ls rlghL Lo Lhe edge of Lhe model ln Lhls LuLorlal we wlll
accepL Lhls ln reallLy you musL elLher exLend Lhe model ln Lhe CM or use Lhe reblocklng
funcLlonallLy ln WhlLLle Lo do Lhe exLenslon lor more lnformaLlon see Lhe WhlLLle help
on 8eblocklng or conLacL your local Cemcom offlce for Lralnlng opLlons
Cllck Lhe red x ln Lhe Lop rlghL Lo exlL ouL of Lhe vlewer
Co Lo Lhe Cutput Lab of Lhe |tshe||s node and vlewLhe range of plLs creaLed
Page 25 of 39
Optimisation Entering the equations into the Mining tab
We nowneed Lo deLermlne Lhe flnal plL and creaLe some pushbacks for Lhe deposlL buL before golng
Lo LhaL sLage we wlll qulckly examlne Lhe senslLlvlLles of Lhe deposlL
Page 26 of 39
Operational Scenario Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Cperat|ona| Scenar|o
1he nexL sLep ls Lo enLer flnanclal lnformaLlon lnLo Lhe New Cperat|ona| Scenar|o node
Co Lo Lhe Cperat|ona| Scenar|o node
noLlce LhaL Lhe M|n|ng rocess|ng and Se|||ng Labs are ldenLlcal Lo Lhose on Lhe |t
She||s node
Cn Lhe 1|me Costs Lab enLer Lhe followlng
l CaplLal cosL for pro[ecL mllllon
l ulscounL raLe
Cn Lhe L|m|ts Lab enLer Lhe mlnlng llmlL as Lpa Lhe mllllng llmlL as
Lpa and change Lhe elemenL llmlL unlLs Lo Lhe pro[ecL unlLs of grams
We musL do Lhls even Lhough we are noL uslng Lhls llmlL ln Lhls scenarlo We also need Lo
seL Lhe LhroughpuL facLors Lo 1he zeros are caused from Lhe par flle whlch has been
exporLed from a CM package
Page 27 of 39
Operational Scenario Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Accept Lhe changes on Lhe Cperat|ona| Scenar|o node
?ou should see a |t by |t graph already ln Lhe pro[ecL Lree under Lhe Cperat|ona| Sce
nar|o node
lf you donL see Lhe |t by |t graph rlghLcllck and Adda lL by lL graph
Page 28 of 39
Sensitivity analysis Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Sens|t|v|ty ana|ys|s
Note ?ou need Lo have Lhe Advanced Analysls module Lo compleLe senslLlvlLy analysls lf you do
noL have Lhls module you cannoL perform auLomaLlc senslLlvlLy analysls
We wlll examlne Lhe senslLlvlLles of Lhe deposlL uslng Lhe revenue facLor plLshell lL Lo glve a
broad undersLandlng of senslLlvlLles LaLer we can examlne senslLlvlLles of speclflc schedules once we
have creaLed Lhem
Add a Sp|der Graph node under Lhe CperaLlonal Scenarlo uslng Lhe rlghL cllck Add
menu and enLer Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
ln Lhe Va|ues to vary secLlon of Lhe Def|n|t|on Lab cllck Lhe Add buLLon and browse Lhe
daLa selecLor for Lhe followlng lnformaLlon
Lxamlne Lhe Mlnlng rocesslng and CuLpuL Crouplngs from Lhe Lop lefL hand panel of
Lhe uaLa S selecLor Lhen choose Lhe secondary grouplng from Lhe rlghL for example Lo
selecL Lhe mlnlng capaclLy you would selecL
ln Lhe Va|ues to d|sp|ay |n output secLlon cllck AddLd|t and browse Lo Lhe ulscounLed
open plL value nv Cllck Ck Lwlce
Page 29 of 39
Sensitivity analysis Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Cllck Accept
kun Lhe Sp|der Graph node and examlne Lhe graph
Page 30 of 39
Sensitivity analysis Entering the equations into the Mining tab
?ou can see LhaL for Lhls pro[ecL Lhe 8l plL ls mosL senslLlve Lo Lhe followlng
rlce of gold
Mlnlng recovery
MeLallurglcal recovery for l8LSP maLerlal
Page 31 of 39
Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
I|na| p|t and NV ract|ca| ushbacks
SLeps we wlll followLo deLermlne Lhe flnal plL and Lhe seL of nv racLlcal ushbacks are
8un plL by plL graph Lo deLermlne llkely pushbacks
8un plL by plL graph agaln Lo deLermlne flnal plL
8un nv racLlcal ushbacks Lo deLermlne mlneable pushbacks
Co Lo Lhe |t by |t Graph node under Lhe New Cperat|ona| Scenar|o node
kun Lhe plL by plL graph
?ou donL need Lo change anyLhlng 1hls graph wlll run an nv analysls for each plLshell
uslng benchmark schedules worsL case and besL case
1|p 8esL and WorsL Case are benchmark schedules and are noL deslgned Lo be used as
reallsLlc mlne schedules 8esL case schedule ls onlon skln Lype schedullng where each
successlve plLshell ls mlned ouL before movlng Lo Lhe nexL WorsL case schedullng ls
slmply sLarLlng aL Lhe Lop bench of each plLshell and mlnlng down 1hese Lwo benchmark
schedules wlll glve an upper and lower bound Lo Lhe nv for each plLshell
Analyse Lhe graph of Lhe plL by plL graph ouLpuL
?ou can see Lhe upper and lower nv expecLaLlons and Lhe dlfferenL plLshells LhaL Lhey
occur aL lrom Lhls graph we wlll choose a number of llkely pushbacks 1hls wlll enable us
Lo ploL a speclfled schedule and base a flnal plL declslon on some more reallsLlc push
1o geL a more accuraLe nv we wlll choose a seL of pushbacks Lo work wlLh 1he flrsL wlll
come from Lhe flrsL secLlon of Lhe graph plLs Lhen a pushback from Lhe nexL secLlon
Lhen a pushback from Lhe nexL Lonnage [ump
Page 32 of 39
Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
lor Lhls LuLorlal we wlll use Lhe mlddle of each secLlon Lhen use Lhese push
backs Lo deLermlne a llkely flnal plL
Copy Lhe |t by |t Graph node uslng C18LC C18Lv make sure Lhe navlgaLlon Lree ls
hlghllghLed ln blue or use Lhe Loolbar lcons or use Lhe rlghLcllck copy node pasLe
Cn Lhe Schedu|e Lab enLer Lhe manual pushback deflnlLlons as belowand use a flxed
lead of as an approxlmaLlon Lo Lhe flnal mlnlng schedule
Cllck Lhe Add buLLon on Lhe rlghL hand slde of Lhe Speclfled Case ushback ueflnlLlons
and enLer Lhe Lhree pushbacks separaLed by commas or spaces
Accept Lhe changes and run Lo Lhe lL by lL Craph
nowwe can examlne Lhe plL by plL graph paylng aLLenLlon Lo Lhe green llne Lhe spec
lfled case whlch ls Lhe schedule we have deflned pushbacks wlLh a flxed lead of
benches beLween pushbacks
lrom Lhls graph we can see LhaL plLshells wlll all dellver a slmllar nv wlLh our
Lhree pushbacks
Agaln we wlll selecL Lhe mlddle shell plL shell as our flnal plL
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Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
Create pushbacks
Note ?ou need Lo have Lhe nv racLlcal ushbacks module Lo perform Lhls sLep lf you do noL
have Lhls module please conLlnue uslng plLshells and
We nowwanL Lo ensure LhaL we have a pracLlcal buL hlgh value seL of pushbacks selecLed for our
glven flnal plL plL 1o do Lhls we wlll use Lhe nv racLlcal ushbacks module Lo generaLe plL
shells LhaL saLlsfy mlnlng wldLh consLralnLs buL also LargeL maxlmum nv for Lhe glven plLshell
8ename Lhe New Schedu|e Graph node Lo nv racLlcal ushbacks
LnLer Lhe followlng lnformaLlon on Lhe Schedu|e and M|n|ng W|dth Labs of Lhe NV rac
t|ca| ushbacks node
llnal plL Schedullng AlgorlLhm llxed Lead ushback ueflnlLlon AuLo number
ushbacks pushbacks flnal plL
Mlnlng WldLh m Cverrlde defaulL LemplaLe Lo allow x block LemplaLe wlLh a Lol
erance of
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Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
now run Lhe NV ract|ca| ushbacks node uslng Lhe kun 1o lcon and examlne Lhe
Note lL mlghL Lake several mlnuLes for Lhe sysLem Lo flnlsh processlng Lhe pushbacks
1he Cutput Lab wlll showLhe schedule ouLpuL lnformaLlon for each perlod 1he Graph
Lab wlll showLhe same lnformaLlon graphlcally
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Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
llnally Lhe Summary Lab wlll dlsplay Lhe key lndlcaLors for Lhe schedule lncludlng
expecLed nv and lnLernal 8aLe of 8eLurn
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Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
now we can use Lhe u vlewer Lo examlne Lhe shape of our pushbacks
Cllck on Lhe NV ract|ca| ushbacks node and Lhen cllck Lhe D V|ewer lcon
Choose Lo vlsuallse Lhe plLshells by cllcklng Lhe kLS buLLon
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Final pit and NPVPractical Pushbacks Entering the equations into the Mining tab
ushbacks and are very small and mlghL be comblned aL deslgn Llme leavlng Lhree pracLlcal push
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Congratulations Entering the equations into the Mining tab
?ou have nowcompleLed Lhe lnLroducLory LuLorlal 1hls lnformaLlon ls noL deslgned Lo replace an
lnLroducLory Lralnlng course glven by a quallfled Cemcom consulLanL buL lL ls provlded Lo dem
onsLraLe some of Lhe baslc feaLures of Lhe sofLware 1here are many more advanced analysls sched
ullng and speclallsed modules avallable Lo develop a robusL mlne plan for your operaLlon as well as
speclallsed Lechnlques LhaL wlll enable you Lo work efflclenLly and effecLlvely
lor more lnformaLlon conLacL your local Cemcom offlce Lo dlscuss producL modules or Lralnlng
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