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CITY ORDlNANCI: NO.7 Series of 2013
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AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING BANKS. PAwNsHOPS. MONEY EXCHANGE SHOPs/CENTERS. CONVENIENCE STORES. GASOLINE STATIONS. MONEY TRANSFER CENTERS, BILLS PAYMENT OR "BAYAD" CENTERS AND SUPERMARKETS IN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN. METRO MANILA TO INSTAlL, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN APPROPRIATE VIDEO SURVEllLANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEMS INSIDE AND IN THE IMMEDlATE VICINITY OF TIIEIR AREAS OF OPERAllON AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS TIlEREOF. Spoosored by: CoUDcilon Rolando M. Bernardo, Anae10 E. Aacaoili. Andoni Mipel L. CarbaUo. Leonardo G Celles, JmnahA. Ejercito. William C. Go. Marie O'neal S. Mendoza. Vmcent Rainier M. Pacheco. Richard F. Peralta, Edgardo V. Soriano, FerdinandA. Velasco, Jose:Warren P. Villa. Allen Christopher M. Silvana and Channiane Charlene B. Gonzales WHEREAS, Section 458. (a) lub-paragraph (1) of the Local Government Code of 1991ltate that the Sangaunianl Panhmgsod, as the legislattve body of the city, .hall enact ordinances. approve resolutions and appropriate fund. for the lenCl'al welfare of the city and its inhabitanu pursuant to Section 16 of this Code and in the proper exercise of the corporate powen of the city provided for under Section 22 of this Code, and shall


"(ii) Maintain peace and order by enacting measures to prevent and suppress lawlessness, disorders, riot, violence, rebellion or sedition and impose penalties for the violation of said ordinances." WHEREAS, incidents of robberies and burglaries have recently been huggins the headline Dews and has even resulted to the 108s of innocent lives. WHEREAS, crimes of this nature could be somehow prevented and deterred when appropriate surveillance and monitoring cameras are installed inside and outside the premises or in the immediate vicinity of financial institutions and business establishments, making it easy for the police to monitor on-going events to deter and prevent the commission of crimes, and as an aid (or investigaton to know how the crime wu committed and help identify, capture and prosecute the crime. WHEREAS, the City government of San Juan is resolute in maintaining the high confidence of the business lector in the City and will exhaust all means to prevent heinous crimes from happening within its jurisdiction.

NOW TIIEREFORE, be it ordained as it is ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod of San Juan, Metro Manila, in a session duly assembled that: SECTION I.AU baob, pawnshops, money or foreign currency exchange and transfer ceaters, bills payment or "bayad" centers, convenience stores, Ba30line aatioos, and supennar:ket.s, herein after referred to as "business establishments in the City of San Juan., Metro Manila" are hereby required to install, operate and maintain appropriate video surveillance and monitoring systems inside and within and in the immediate vicinity of, their areas of operation; SECTION 2. Deflnition 0/1_""18
a.) BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS. in this Ordinance shan refer to banks (and their branches andATM stations) pawnshops, money 01 foreign currency exchange centers, convenience stores, gasoline stations, money transfer centers, bills payment or "bayad" centers and supermarkets.

b.) VIDEO SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING SYSTEMS refer not only to video cameras for electronic motion picture acquisition, utilizing video images, audio and data. initially developed by the television industry but now common in computers and telecommunications; but includes the necessary transmission on a real-rime basis (live broadcast of events immediate observation) to local and remote video mmitorina statiom and saeem; sending of alarms in cue of progr3IIIDICd .Iertl and violations of security rules, and its recording for further processing and/or archiving for at least thirty (30) days The video cameras may be fixed or installed on ceilings, walls, sides of buildings, posts and other structures and connected to local (within the establishment) television monitors or remote (far from the establishment) from where activities, occurrences and people within and immediately outside the premises can be visually monitored. As such, these cameras must have the capability to "pan, tilt and zoom" as operated by monitoring personnel. SECTION 3. The daily video recordings must be stored and preserved for a minimum period of at least thirty (30) days for review purposes and reference UNLESS its preservation is required by a court order, by the police, or the City Mayor SECTION 4. The business establishments referred to in this Ordinance must give the duly authorized local and/or police authorities access to the recordings or video tapes/ footages. Only the City Mayor, Sangguniang Panlungsod, via approved resolution or Chief of Police shall designate in writing wbo are authorize to use or view the footages taken in the video recording . SECTION 5. It shall be unlawful for any penon to allow the unauthorized and/or unofficial use or viewing of any lived or archived video recording and the unauthorized disclosure or identification of the identity of any person/s seen in the video. SECTION 6. AU covered businell eltabHsbmenta are mandated to provide for modern surveillance systeml. that ii, to shif] from analog to digital video capabilities, black and white tooolor md provide night vision. and with proaiammable alert systems (iflbe emblishment does not have these modern c apabilitiel yet) within one (I) year from the effectivity of this Ordinance. This is to ensure that the prevention and invesrigative capabilities bued OD the video recording' are advanced and ready for City-wide inteIYaled surveillance and monitoring Yltems. SECTION 1. Within six (6) months from the effectivity of this Ordinance, all covered business establishments may also complete wireless video interconnections with central


moaitoriq ay.temI that may be atablishecl by the city loverDJDt)nt and ita baraqays local police ud fire clittricts ..

for the

SBC'l10N I. The Twenty One bumPY' of SID Juan City. Metro Manila are allO t.lked to Uliat IDcllUpport the local aovenu:nent in enfOn:iDg the ptovisiona of thil Ordinance.
especially to mOllitor and en.sare the .trict compliance by the establishment. concerned. The COUDCils may aDo eaaaF the servica ofnoa-lOvmunClll olJanizatioullld tile private leCtor or tie-up with other baraDp.,. in the C01IIMof implementiD. the provisjOG' ol thil Onfinance.


SECTION 9. P."alty claus - Any violation of thi. Ordinance .han be imposed with the (01lowin8 fiDes ud penalties. 9a. Pint otJe~ - FIVE rnOUSAND PESOS (PS.OOO.OO) nd security a remedial .CII1inar for the establishment oWner or manl. Second offense - FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P'.OOO.OO ) plus a one-month suipension of the business permit ~d license to operate. Third offense - FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (pS,OOO.OO and Revocation of ) BUliness Permit and License for the current year. If any erring busine establishment refuses to pay the imposed fines within fifteen caJeDdardays from receipt of the violation notice or citatioo ticket. permit and liCCDH to operate .h.1I be IUtpeDded until the penalty is settled. 9b. Any penon who will violate the provision of Sections 3, 4 and S shall pay a fine of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,OOO.OO) six or month. impri.onment. or both. at the discretion of the Court. SECTION 10.Crlmblal Ll8blllty olOfllcen ofParblenlafps, Corpondo .Auodatlo or l.rtdkal J:.Utf - In cue any violatioD of this Ordinance is committed by a partnership. corporation. assOCi.tiOD or any juridical eatity. the partner, president, director. manager. trustee. administrator. or officer who consents 10 or mowinaly tolerates IUch violation shall be held liable. SECTION 11.The San Juan Police. the Task Force Disiplina, the Public Order and Safety Office (POSO) and the Business Permit and Licensml Office (BPLO) are hereby tasked to implement this Ordinance. These units and offices must coordinate with the office of the City mayor to implement the provision of Section 8. SECTION 12. Copies ofthi. Ordinance shall be distributed to all concerned busmets establishments as defined in Section 2a, all harangay councils. all concerned law enforcers and the trial courts in the City of San Juan. SECTION 13. SeparablUty CI se -If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid or unconstitutional. the other proviJioDS not aft'ected thereby shall remain valid and subsistin8. SECTION 14. All existin, City Ordinances. orders and Resolutions that are inconsistent with the provision. of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION IS. J:tJectlvity Cla e: This Ordinance shall take effect ODehundred eighty (180) days after in publication in three newspapers of national circulation.

PIlER M. SILVANO uncilor

CHARMIAN~ ~ENE City Councilor




WILI.iAM C. GO City Councilor


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V. SORIANO t-at- Arms Councilor

JAN~~CITO Minonty Floor Leader City Councilor

0 M BERNARDO Alst. M jority Floor Leader City Councilor


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City Council



ER9.0r 80


Malaya - February 25,2013

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